Page 1: Virtual child part 1

Centennial College

Early Childhood Education Program

The Healthy Development of the Whole child

(ECEP – 103)

Section: 002

The Virtual Child (Infant and Toddler)

Submitted To: Chris Cadieux

Submitted by: Farhana Yeasmin

Student ID: 300648850

Date of Submission: Nov.07, 2011

Page 2: Virtual child part 1

The Infant Years (0-4 Months)

How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?




(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples

from your reports)

(Cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)

(cite your references)


My baby Aman

was born by C-

section and she is

typically a healthy

baby. She is

meeting her



After 8 hours of

labor, Aman got

distress. The

doctor did a C-

cection. After ten

minutes Aman was

born. Her Apgar

score was 7-8.

(virtual child

reports, 0 months)

Aman is able to

focus her eyes on

you. She spends a

lot of time studying

your face and the

faces of anyone

When a fetus is in distress, a doctor might want to remove it from

the mother’s uterus surgically by performing a Caesarean section.

(Children A chronological approach, P. 98)

A score of 7 or more indicates a baby in good physical condition.

(Children A chronological approach, p.100)

By 3 or 4 month age, babies have the perceptual skills that allow

them to begin to distinguish individual faces. (Children A

chronological approach, p.142)

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who comes close

to her. (virtual

child reports, at 3


Social /


I felt a hormonal

connection with

Aman. She is

developing her


skills. She cries

when she is

hungry. She

smiles when she

feels happy.

After only a week

with Aman. You

can already feel a


connection when

Aman cries, you

begin lactate.

(virtual child

report, 0 months)

Aman smiles at

familiar people and

toys. (my virtual

child report, 3


Crying is actually the newborn’s first attempt to communicate with

others. When a baby cries, it tells its parents that its hungry tired,

angry, or hurt. (Children A chronological approach, P. 101)


She is showing typical age

appropriate activities. She

is getting more interested

about her surroundings.

At the three month

of age, Aman is

showing more

intense interest in

An infant might smile when she hears the family dog collar because

she knows the dog is coming to play with her. (Children A

chronological approach, P. 162)

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her surroundings.

She laughs at

surprising funny

things (such as a

little dog), and is

developing lots of

cute little habits.

(virtual child

reports, 3 months)

The Infant Years (5-8 Months)

How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?




(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples

from your reports)

(cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)

(cite your references)


Aman’s motor skills are

typical for her age.

She is crawling, sitting up,

and standing up, but not

walking yet. ( virtual child

report, 8 months)

Locomotion chart (Children A chronological approach, P. 127)

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Social /


It seems Aman is acting as

a typical baby when she

gets a separation from me

or her dad.

Aman is sometimes a little

reluctant to part from you

at daycare and starts

crying. She usually gets

over it quickly after you

leave. (virtual child report,

8 months)

Baby’s first day in daycare. -


Aman demonstrates by

her attitude that she loves

to play search for object

which is a very typical for

8 months old baby. For

the object permanent

Aman is able to find a

hidden object… she really

likes this hiding game and

shows by her interest that

she wants it repeated.

However if you hide the

At 8 months, infants search for objects, but their understanding of

object permanence remains in complete. (Children A chronological

approach, P. 155)

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test, she strongly searches

in the old place for object

like all other babies.

object in the same place

repeatedly, and then

change the hiding place,

Aman has a strong

tendency to look in the old

hiding place, and get

confused about where the

object is, or forget about it.

(This curious error was first

discovered by Piaget).

(virtual child report, 8


The Infant Years (9-12 Months)

How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

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(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your


(cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)

(cite your references)


Aman’s physical growth is

typically normal

Her pediatrician’s report said Aman is

physically healthy. The doctor

recommends a greater variety of baby

food. (virtual child 9 months pediatrician’s


As children cannot get all of their

nutritional needs met after six months of

age from breast milk alone, solid foods

should be introduced. (Children A

chronological approach, P. 115)

Social /


Her social emotional expression is


Aman is typically interested in

She likes me or my partner’s attachment,

but become very careful when meet new

people. “Aman has an obvious attachment

to you over other people, but seems to

have fun playing with your partner. She

was cautious at first with the nurse and

doctor, a normal reaction to strangers at

this age,”(9 months old pediatrician’s


Attachment between infant and mother

usually occurs by 8 or 9months of age, but

the can take different forms. (Children A

chronological approach, P. 187 )

Children in secure attachment

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other children. I think she is

growing up in a secure

attachment relationship.

When we visit in a local park Aman and

other children are interested in each

other. (virtual child report, 12 months)

relationships have higher-quality

friendships and fewer conflicts in their

friendships than children with insecure

attachment relationships. (Children A

chronological approach, P. 190 )


Aman typically becomes more

confident and perfect in hiding

objects game.

Aman is showing that she is quite

intellectual according to her age.

When I am hiding the object in front of her

and switching places she searches in both

places. “When you switch it to the second

hiding place, she no longer has the

problem you saw earlier of searching at

the more common of the two hiding

places.”(virtual child report )

She began to understand a few words and

point to something she wanted. She

clearly understand couple of dozen of

words. “In face, Aman just recently

pronounced her first clear word and

pointed at the object in question.” (virtual

child report)

At about 12 months, rather than accepting

that the object has just disappeared,

infants know it is still in existence

somewhere. (Children A chronological

approach, P. 155)

When the ability to produce sound is

coupled with the 1-year-olds advanced

ability to perceive speech sounds, the

stage is set for the infant’s first true

words. Soon after their first birthday, most

infants begin to talk. (Children A

chronological approach, P. 170)

Page 9: Virtual child part 1

The Toddler Years (2 Years old)

How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development?

Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains.




(Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from the report

(cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)

(cite your references)


Aman is typically experimenting

with the things in her surrounding

environments like a scientist.

She pushes her bath toys under water at

various depths and delightedly watches

how high they pop back above the surface.

(virtual child report, 15 months)

In piaget’s view, children formulate a

grand, comprehensive theory that

attempts to explain an enormous variety

of phenomena – including reasoning about

objects, people, and morals – within a

common framework. More recent views

maintain the idea of children as theorists

but propose that children, like scientists,

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develop specialized theories about much

narrower areas. (Children A chronological

approach, P. 156)

Social /


Aman is showing some complex

emotion in her behavior, and I

think this is very normal for a

baby in her age.

Past few months she smiles when asked to

be in photographs, looking guilty when she

breaks something and embarrassment

when she has a potty accident. (virtual

child report, 2 years)

Complex emotions depend on the child’s

reflexive understanding of the self, which

typically occurs between 15 to 18 months

children feel guilty or embarrassed, for

example, when they have done something

they shouldn’t have done. (Children A

chronological approach, P. 182 - 183)


I think Aman is meetings her

milestones of self-concept which

is really very typical for an 18-

month-old baby.

She acts shy when looking in the mirror,

uses the word “me” a lot, and wants to do

things herself. (virtual child report, 18


We don’t need to rely solely on the mirror

task to know that self-awareness emerges

between 18 an 24 months. During this

period, toddlers look more at photographs

of themselves than at photos of other

children. Like Meagan in the vignette, they

also refer to themselves by name or with a

personal pronoun, such as “I” “me”.

Page 11: Virtual child part 1

She tries to copy action or word

normally like other babies. Aman is able to imitate actions or words

that she has seen or heard days before.

This greatly expands her ability to learn

new things. (virtual child report)

(Children A chronological approach, P.


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Hand washing:

Proper hand washing is essential to

keeping infants healthy as their immune system is low. “Hand washing is the most important health practice that parents /

educators and children must implement to reduce the spread of infection.”(Pimento, page 129) This is seen when my baby had

many colds and ear infections within the first year. Although it is common for infants to catch colds and infections, I need to use

proper hand washing.

Now add your next point…

Introducing new food:

Breast milk or infant formula is the first food of a baby, but after six month these food is not enough for infant’s health. For the

proper nutrition of infants’ body, it is very essential to feed nutritious semi solid food. “Remember that young infants’ primary

nutrition comes from the breast milk or formula until they are eating a variety food and in enough quantity to ensure they are

getting the essential nutrients, usually around nine months of age.”(Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 225) When

my baby was nine months old her pediatritician recommended a greater variety of baby food and ground up vegetables for proper

growth and nutrition. In that time it is very important for baby to introduce each group of food every day. I will introduce new foods

to my child.

The Infant Years (Birth to 12 Months Old)

Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the

infant years. How will you address these issues?

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Different types of disease like as polio, rubella, measles etc. can be prevented by Immunizations. It is very important for every child

to get immunized. This is a vital moment for infants because immunization starts at infant age. Especially this time infants gets

cautious about new people like doctor/nurse, and they cries a lot. “Some parents have decided not to immunize their children for

religious, moral, or other reasons." (Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 128) This is going to be a big health problem

for child. I will complete vaccination doze properly for my baby.

Diapering routines:

Maintain the diapering routine properly is an important issue for infant’s healthcare. Children with diaper need an extra monitoring

because this can be the cause of several health problem or contamination. “Posting a diapering routine by the changing area acts as

a reminder for educators and parents. However, regular monitoring of the educator’s diapering technique helps ensure that the

routine is properly implemented all the time.” (Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 135) Even though my baby is at

home, I will maintain the routine properly to prevent the spread of germs.

Cleaning and Sanitizing:

Cleaning and sanitizing is very important for preventing of spreading infections. Leak of the cleaning and sanitizing can cause a lot of

health problem for infants. “The rationale for the cleaning and sanitizing routines in programs is to have staff focus on objects and

surfaces that pose the greatest risk to children and staff.” (Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 139) Infants put toys

in their mouth and they try to touch everything so it is really important to clean and sanitize their toys and surfaces every day. I will

clean and sanitize my baby’s toys and the surface every day.

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Food safety practices:

This is an important issue for infant’s

health. Leak of food and safety

practices can be cause of foodborne

illnesses. “Foodborne illnesses are

usually caused by bacteria or by toxins produced by bacteria. Some types of foodborne illnesses are very serious (e.g., Clostridium

botulinum, or botulism, which is rare but can be deadly), whereas others (e.g., clostridium perfringens) produce symptoms such as

mild abdominal pain, diarrhea, and nausea and usually last a day or less.” (Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 274)

So we need to very cautious for food safety practices.

Risk of falling:

By the age of 1-2 year children start to stand using support and walking. This is very risky time for them. In this time usually they use

furniture to pull themselves while they are standing. So it is really important to make a safe environment for them. I will remove all

vulnerable furniture and hanging materials like table cloths, and remove all the staff they can bump on. [How to Make Your Home Safe and

Fun For Baby's First Steps - ]

Germ and infection:

In this age children play lots of sensory motor activities like water and sand play, and they become to the attachment of other

children. They can easily get affected by different types of germs, for example, diarrhea, flu, pinkeye etc. “Although the water table

The Toddler Years (1-2 years)

Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the

toddler years. How will you address these issues?

Page 15: Virtual child part 1

is an important medium for learning, a pool of water can be easily contaminated and spread germs among the children using it.”

(Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 141) I will change the water of water table and sanitize it every day. I will also

keep separate the children from others who have infectious dieses while play in the water or sand table.

Hand washing:

Hand washing is also a important thing for 1-2 year old children’s health and safety. In this age they touch everything and try to put

those things in their mouth. Hand washing is the effective way to protect the most of the germs. “Just as it is important for us to

wash our hands, it is equally important for all children to wash their hands. Effective hand washing is one of the health habits we

need to develop for a life time.” (Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 132) I will maintain hand washing rule properly

for me and my children as well.

Choking hazards:

In 1-2 years children try to feed themselves. In this time they try to pick anything they see on the floor and put in their mouth. So it

does really need to be careful about the things with they are eating of playing. The toys which are very small and can pass through

the hole of toilet paper rolls can be the cause of choking. The size of food pieces is also a great cause of choking for children. “The

risk of choking is high whenever children are given foods that are not developmentally appropriate. All children must be supervised

when they are eating.” (Healthy Foundations in early childhood settings – P 274) I will keep those small sized toy away from her and

serve food that are appropriately chopped, and also supervise her well while she is eating.

Risk of Drowning:

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This is the age when children love to toddle around. Sometimes they skip mom or caregivers eyes and play alone with bucket full of

water or water pool, and can drown in to the water.

Caregivers need to have a high quality CPR training so she /he can save the life. To protect this type of accident I will use supervision,

remove all hazards (bucket full water), and put fence on the pool to protect child from entrance, and I will also complete my CPR

training. [ baby drowning - ]

The preschool/school Years

Think ahead to what might happen to your virtual child in the preschool and school-age years, why do you think these

Page 17: Virtual child part 1

might happen? Predict their development in the physical domain, social/emotional domain and the cognitive language

domain. Explain why you think this might happen and link to your book and other resources.




(Your original


Prove It (give examples

from your reports)

(Cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book)

(cite your references)


My virtual child will

develop her gross

motor skills.

She is doing well at

working with pencil. I

think she will develop

her fine motor skills

in that age.

According to her2 year’s

old virtual child report,

“her gross motor skills

were typical for her age.

The specialist

recommended more

outdoor activities and

games of all types.” She is

going to develop her gross

motor skills in by those


“She is above average in

copying shapes with a

pencil.” (virtual child


“In addition, preschooler children become

much more proficient at coordination the

motions of their arms and legs.” (Children A

chronological approach, P. 218)

“Preschool children become much more

dexterous, able to make many precise and

delicate movements with their hands and

fingers.” (Children A chronological approach, P.


Page 18: Virtual child part 1

Social /


Aman will develop

her group work

activities with other

children in the

preschool / school


“Aman was generally not

very aggressive, but at the

one point became

somewhat aggressive over

a favorite toy, and had to

be reminded by the group

leader to share.”(virtual

child report)

[Mariah will not put up with this! -

Mc&feature=related ]



Aman’s language

development is

typical to her age. It is

going to be increase

in preschool/school


“Aman’s scores on

measures of language

comprehension and

production were in the

average range” (virtual

child report)

“By the time children enter the preschool

years, an extraordinary amount of cognitive

development has taken place.” (Children A

chronological approach, P. 237)

Page 19: Virtual child part 1

Aman’s problem

solving skills is

typically average her

age. Now she can

solve more than two

steps and grouping

objects together in

categories. She will

building up more

problem solving

ability in

preschool/school age.

The specialist

recommended that help

Aman “talk through” the

step in solving problem.

(virtual child report)

[Language for Learning: Preschoolers- uncaptioned



Page 20: Virtual child part 1


Barbara Pimento & Deborah Kernested, Healthy Foundations in Early childhood Settings (Fourth Edition): Nelson Education,


Robert V. Kail & Theresa Zolner, Children A Chronological Approach (Third Canadian Edition): Pearson Canada, Toronto,


Ages and Stages: A brief Overview Birth to 12 years National Network for child care

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