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Virtual Massage Empowerment™

Virtual Massage™ energy system contains 3 levels and attunements. A person must already be attuned to the master level of Reiki or Seichim in order to qualify to receive any Virtual Massage attunements or levels. Virtual Massage level 1 acquaints your body with the energy techniques that allow it to receive touch in a physically beneficial way from eternal beings and angels in the spiritual realms who are not in physical bodies. Virtual Massage can be received by any area of the body you direct with your mind. Level 2 of Virtual Massage teach you how to facilitate long distance virtual massage for other people in real time. Level 3 teaches you how to co-create virtual massage sessions for other people in a manner that makes it available for a person to “call in” at their convenience to receive a complete session. Virtual Massage™ channeled and manual written by: Mariah Windsong Couture ~June 27th, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

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Physical massage therapy is a person pressing onto a customer’s skin and muscle with special technique to relax tension in their body. Massage is one of the better techniques that help people have a more relaxed mind and body. There are many different kinds of massage techniques. There are many areas of the body that are massaged for various reasons. All massage increases blood circulation to that area which brings more nutrients to the organs and muscles in that region of the body. This helps relaxation and healing to happen faster than it would without massage. Some massages are brought to you by the therapist using a hot stone or other massage tool to press onto your skin. Now you don’t have to wait to receive a massage of any kind! You can ask your Virtual Massage Team to provide a massage session for you today! Because you have already been working with Divine energies for awhile now, your body has become more familiar with accepting energies from beyond this time space reality. Virtual Massage is under the authority of your higher self and soul. This means that any experience that you, at the higher levels want for you can occur. This type of energy system requires a higher level of discernment because it increases an ability: The ability to feel and perceive touch from those who are not in bodies. I speak of this to say that you need to clarify with your body and energy fields what type of energy it is to allow through and to reject energies that are not in alignment with Eternal love, light and life. Let us say, for example, months after you have accepted this attunement, and at a time when you are not thinking about Virtual Massage, you are ready to rest for your night’s sleep. You feel a touch that feels good and so you don’t resist it. If you have not set forth instructions to your body what energy signature it is to accept, your body may accept energies that could fool you. You show good faith to accept the energies of this system into your body because I have proven over the years that I only co-create energy systems with Eternal Sacred Source energies. But the abilities and skills I assist to open within you can be receptive to beings with bad intentions if you don’t set forth instructions to your body about how to judge what to allow in.

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You and your body have gained discernment about what kinds of energies are right for you and which ones aren’t. Hopefully that discernment has served you well over the years. You do have many helping healing guardians in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source who protect and guide you along your way. It is usual that when a person gains understanding, that they must also take responsibility for their increased knowledge and level of awareness. This means that some energy experiences that are less than delightful could happen if you do consciously clarify what type of energies are allowed to be received by you. Not every being in the ethereal realms are of eternal love light and life energies. Some are mainly good, but can have agendas for getting close to you. It is very simple to set your protection strongly and securely in place. Then you will know that at all times of the day and night you will only interface, interact with beings and energies of eternal life, love and light. This Virtual Massage energy system is safe to use. It is for times when you are not activating an energy system that you could be approached by an energy being that you really do not want to receive anything from. Each time a new ability that awakens, it is wise to clarify your boundaries. You may want to fortify your body’s natural protective aura with additional instructions about what “good” and “safe” energies feel like. Say, audibly or in your mind: “I instruct my body and my self to only

accept energies that are in alignment with Eternal Love, Light and Love.

Anything that is not of eternal, organic love, light and life does not affect

or touch me.”

Virtual Massage brings you its benefits by the ethereal energy touch of the hands of Eternal Beings of Light and Angel. People who have passed on from Earth life that have experience in massage and are in full alignment with of eternal love, light and life energy may also arrive to provide your Virtual Massage. Ancestors may also arrive to assist. Virtual Massage is a special energy system that has taken years to arrive.

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An attunement or empowerment is a dose of energy frequencies that ‘match’ the energy of this Virtual Massage™ energy system. Sometimes an attunement will set the foundation for a skill or ability to open up in its own time, when your higher self and soul feel that you are ready. Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will recognize that energy and easily access the energy stream from Eternal Sacred Source that IS the energy stream of this particular energy system. Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often called a chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal Light. It is released to you when you ‘call it in’, like a prayer to receive it. Please invite the attunement your teacher sent you of Virtual Massage™, Level 1 to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind: “I ask to fully receive my Virtual Massage level 1 attunement as sent out

by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!”

Think of a ball of light and energy above your head that opens up and streams down into the top of your head all warm and comfortable.

The energy may feel like it makes you glow!

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Your attunement will easily arrive to you because Eternal Source is not limited by space or time. Virtual Massage™ energy flows to your body and energy fields, providing you with a meet and greet to the Virtual Massage Team. The outpouring of energies that arrive to you prepare your body and energy fields to recognize and receive benefit from the activities of the ethereal massage specialists, ancestors and angels who will be “doing” your virtual massage. It is good to relax in a seated or reclined position while you receive your attunement. This level 1 attunement to Virtual Massage brings you the right to call upon the Virtual Massage Team to provide a Virtual Massage Session for you. Please call upon them to provide this for you when you have time to relax and enjoy it. If you choose to lie down horizontally you will receive the most benefit. Seated or reclined can also work well for many types of Virtual Massage Sessions. If you are wanting your back to be worked on, it is preferable to be as horizontal as possible for the duration of your session. Talk to your Virtual Massage Team as you would health professions at a holistic health spa. Please tell them at the beginning of your session how much time you have allocated to receive your session. This will in large part determine what areas they work on for you in this particular session. It is respectful so that they can do their superb work and you can fully benefit. 10 minutes would be the very least amount of time to set aside. 20-30 minutes is a more reasonable length of time to set aside. 30-60 minutes allows for a more thorough session where they can work on deeper body concerns for you and your body. Virtual Massage Therapists are skilled in providing various kinds of massage in alignment with many massage modalities. I do not wish to limit them and so instead of directing you to request a certain type of massage I suggest that you focus on two categories when activating a session:

1) The complaint you want eased. 2) The area(s) of your body you want massaged.

Level 1 Virtual Massage Sessions are for personal receipt only. It is for you to request a session for yourself and to relax and receive it.

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When you call upon your Virtual Massage Team to provide a Virtual Massage Session for you begin by telling them the ache you want eased. For example: headache ease, stress ease, backache ease, muscle ache ease or tension ease. The word “ease” is a keyword of Virtual Massage energy system. By keyword I mean that it is a word that has been empowered as a code to release a Virtual Massage Session unto you. After you call upon your Virtual Massage Team to begin your session, you are an activate co-creator of this session also. You will need to learn how to relax and notice that your thoughts will direct the session. You only need to think briefly of a head ache or other ache that you want eased, and then simply relax and receive. If, in a few minutes you want to direct their attention to another ache that you want eased, move your thoughts briefly to another ache. Then return to relaxed receiving. The area that they choose to massage may not necessarily be the same area that you asked to be eased. Pain radiates out from the source of the discomfort and as such where you need the massage is not always the same place as where it hurts. The leads us to you next manner of directing your Virtual Massage Team, that of putting your attention on the area of your body you would like massaged. When you put your attention on an area of your body with intention for that area to be massaged, it is the same as pointing to it. They will then work on the area you moved your conscious attention to. Please keep your thoughts well ordered in regards to the directions for your team. If you bounce your thoughts around to every area of your body without allowing time for them to massage you, it will be a counterproductive session. They will be trying to follow your direction yet not allowed the time to work properly in any one area. You can also simply ask for a Virtual Massage and let your team choose where they will work with you and for how much time. This is a very relaxing way to receive a session and you can even allow yourself sleep!

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Please call in your 2nd level attunement for Virtual Massage™, to release

fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind: “I ask to fully receive my Virtual Massage level 2 attunement as sent out

by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!”

As it was for level 1 the energy will flow, streaming down to you or up your feet depending on how your body needs to receive this attunement. In a few minutes the attunement energies will stop flowing unless your team feels that you need more work done for your right at this very moment. Virtual Massage level 2 provides a stronger level of connection with the Virtual Massage Team. When you asked the team to massage you, and with your thoughts directed them to various areas of your body, you forged good communication. In your Reiki studies you have learned how to send energy at a distance. You've honed your skill of setting forth your intention in a way that causes energy to go where you consciously direct it to. Doing a long distance real time Virtual Massage Session for a client,

friend or loved one is now possible for you to facilitate. It is the Virtual

Massage Team who will actually administer the ethereal massage touch.

You have a vital role as the director of any long distance real time session.

This is because you are the one here, in physicality. That gives you the special right, here on planet Earth, to affect things in this reality. There is much that helping healing ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source would want to do for us. Until someone here, in physicality on planet Earth requests their help, they can only do what is in their specific role to do. This is why prayer is so important and effective. As you learned in your Reiki studies, Reiki is as a two way communication with Source. You immediately receive as a result of your request as the energy streams into your body and reality. So too, you learned that at your request, you can “send” energy to others after it has arrived unto you.

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I hope that as you become more skilled in your Reiki practice and grew along your spiritual path that you have learned how to send Reiki directly to a person omitting the step that previously required you to channel the Reiki. While it is definitely nice to be able to channel Reiki and other Divine Healing Modalities, there are times when it is not wise to do so. No matter how wonderful the energy is, if you are just channeling and not spending the time to relax and receive fully for yourself as well, you are taxing your body. Many practitioners disagree with me on this topic. Yes, Reiki does give you benefit when you channel it for other. If you were only channeling basic Reiki at a rate that is comfortable for your body, yes, you will be replenished while you are sending it to a person. It is as a Reiki practitioner grows, and begins to send energy frequencies to others that are specific for that person, that problems for the practitioners own body can start. I’ve seen this time and time again! Many a Reiki practitioner is determined to channel all the session energies designed by Source for the client, through their own body before they send them onward to the person they are meant for, that their own body has to endure many changes in frequency, amplitude and voltage. Yes, we are resilient and it is good to learn how to do these things. I tell you here that consistently asking our body to pass energy frequencies designed for others, through it, takes a toll that doesn’t have to be taken. If you are sending long distance there are many ways that you can start the flow of energy, yes through your own body, and then hand it off to the energy team of the recipient. Your job from there forward becomes one of noticing what changes are needed in the energy flow that is being sent directly from Eternal Sacred Source, to the person, and to keep your intention strong so that the flow continues. Some energies need your attention upon them and for you to hold the intent of the session purpose for the person who is receiving them. Other energies will continue once you have started them, onward to completion. (Meaning: whatever is needed by that person at this time will flow without your continued attention.)

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I postulate that if your skills have increased to the point where you are not just channeling the basic energy of an energy system, but modulating it specifically for the person; so too have your skills increased to where you can direct the energy with a thought. Therefore it is wise to consider if the energy mix that is arriving from Source intended for another person really needs to be routed through your body first! There are times when it may be appropriate, but many times when it is not. I’ve helped many practitioners whose body was responding to energy they were channeling for others, and it was not the right frequencies for them. That was the cause of some auto immune and allergy problems in several practitioners who continued to be a pipeline for others’ sessions instead of being the point in physicality that requests the session. Directing the energy of an “in person healing session” with just a thought when the client is paying you to feel heat come out of your hands does pose an interesting conundrum. In that situation, I’ve found a few things that work quite well with most clients. You’ve asked the questions, gained the flow of Reiki and then, in response to the client’s requests, are receiving energies that are specific to help them. There are two easy ways to make the session great for your body while providing the client with an optimal session:

1) When you feel a frequency arrive that is not the basic frequency of an energy system, send it mentally, directly to the client.

2) Or, ask a member of the client’s energy team to relay or release the

energy out to your client, perfectly. In this scenario, it is likely that the client will think that another practitioner is helping you with the session, because they may feel hands upon them,

delivering the energy. In the above example, you would still be sending energy through your hands, however you’d be sending the energy system’s energy as baseline basic through your body and then it would adjust in any way necessary for the person after it has exited your hands. Any special mix of energy designed by Source for the client goes to them instead of through you first.

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The importance of learning how to send energy with your mind and choosing to do so can not be over emphasized. Many people know how to but somehow feel that it will be more accurate if it goes through them first. I’m not sure why people have that idea. I’m an empathy and truly do have to “feel” the energy to know it if is right. But now I’ve increased my faith and so when I feel the energy shift to a frequency that is specific for that person I consciously ask it to go directly to the person. At first it felt strange because it was not easy to “double check” to see if it was right for the person. I could only continue my intention of sending to the person exactly what Spirit/Eternal Sacred Source was providing. Taking a dose of humility in realizing that I didn’t create that mix of energy anyway it was Spirit all along and there is no reason for me to feel all of what is for another person. Now that you have received your 2nd attunement to Virtual Massage, your abilities have been increased. Your ability to use your conscious intent to ask the Virtual Massage Team to do a massage on another person is “online”. They will respond positively to your request. Here too it is important to realize that you will not be “doing” the massage on the other person. You are not reaching over there with your ethereal hands and providing someone with a massage. I’m not saying that you can’t. You and I may be able to do that, especially if you have worked with your ethereal hands often. However, this energy system has been designed to be delivered by those in the spiritual realms who are already skilled in providing massage. Additionally they have the connection with the higher self, soul and body of the person who will be receiving the session. Therefore they are better equipped to deliver the session perfectly than you are. Please understand that your role is very, very important. Without you, here in physicality to ask for the session to be delivered, what the Virtual Massage Team can do is quite limited. You can ask the team to provide ease for the person’s various aches or you can direct your attention to certain areas of their body that you feel would be nice to have massaged. They will work with the body intelligence of the person to provide a perfect session.

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The incredible synergy that can be achieved with the Virtual Massage Team working with the person’s body consciousness, their higher self and soul is incredible! All aspects of the person’s being and their body work together with the Virtual Massage Team to provide all of the information necessary for the massage to be applied the areas it is most needed at this time. Your continued intent (positive thought going out for the session to continue and be perfect for the person) is necessary throughout the session. A “real time” session means that the person is ready, where ever they are in this world, to receive your session right now. They are reclined and will remain stationary throughout the session, unless they need to rise briefly to attend to body needs such as going to the bathroom or drinking water. Facilitating a “real time” Virtual Massage Session:

Schedule the session with your client, friend or loved one. Ask questions to learn about any body aches or stress that the person want alleviated. Learn if there are any areas of their body that they do not want to receive massage. When you schedule the session, send out the thought intent to the Virtual Massage Team about who will be receiving the session, where they are and when it will be administered. This is respectful for they are beings and it is wise to consciously tell them when their help will be required. They are in service to Source and humanity and are not getting paid to provide this help. When the appointed time arrives, relax and sit or recline, calling upon the Virtual Massage Team to go to (name of person and location). Your job is to hold the sacred space and mentally provide the Virtual Massage Team with all the pertinent information. You will tell them, sending the thought out with your mind and or verbally, what the body ache concerns of the recipient is. You will tell them the length of time the person has scheduled with you for a session. This also means that the person will be in a stationary position ready to receive the session during that time frame. You will tell the Virtual Massage Team if there are any “off limit” areas of the person’s body that they do not want massage. Some people don’t want to feel even ethereal touch around their neck.

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As the session proceeds you may or may not have a sense of what is happening for the receiver. It isn’t necessary that you know what is happening. This is part of the trust. It is a good idea to move your attention from one area of the person’s body to another, with the intention that the Virtual Massage Team move their massage action to include that new area. For example you may wish to start by thinking about the person’s shoulders and then move your attention to their mid back, then lower back, then legs. You can simply run healing energies for yourself during this time ~ if you are skilled in multi tasking in such the way that you can hold the intent for the recipient of the Virtual Massage and set other energies to release to you. Still other facilitators of Virtual Massage will schedule and accept a Virtual Massage on themselves while they are also facilitating and holding space for the client, friend or loved one. I am told that is it easy to do this because you are working with the same energies and team. Yes, there are multiple Virtual Massage Teams. Simply schedule a session for yourself while you are scheduling a session for the other person. In this way you are requesting two teams to be present, one for yourself and one for the other person. Be sure to tell your own team what your body ache or what stress or tension or wish to be relieved. As you gain skill in consciously thinking about various areas of another person’s body that you want massaged, and hear the feedback from them about how great this massage felt, you may want to expand your abilities. We’ve spoken thus far about asking the Virtual Massage Team to provide the Virtual Massage Sessions. This has been true for level 1, when you received a session and level 2 as you’ve facilitated sessions for other people. If you are already skilled in using your ethereal hands to administer healing energies to people, in person and long distance, you can explore doing Virtual Massage for others with your ethereal hands. If you have never thought about your ethereal hands, you may wish to purchase my Ethereal Hands Awakening™ or Hand Care™ energy system. This Virtual Massage energy system provides the ability to receive and facilitate Virtual Massage. If you want to do a Virtual Massage yourself, it is wise to awaken your ethereal hands as they administer the Virtual Massage session to others.

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If you choose to explore providing Virtual Massage with your own ethereal hands it is wise to do so only for friends and family as a gift. Clients and others who are paying for your time expect the more complete and accurate Virtual Massage that is administered by the Virtual Massage Team. The only exception to this is if you are already a licensed massage therapist who will be using your knowledge in a new way, long distance Virtual Massage. Those of you who explore Virtual Massage by way of your own ethereal hands must adhere to high standards. Simply spoken: stay away from people’s genital region and other sexual areas of their body. People who are sensitive to subtle energies will feel aroused if you go touching those areas ethereally and it is inappropriate unless you are that person’s spouse or in a sexual relationship with the person in real life. Virtual Massage level 3 is brought to you in another attunement. This one gives you the ability to provide “call in” (at their convenience) sessions for people. This means that the person will be able to “call in” their Virtual Massage Session at a time that is convenient for them. This is at time different than when you are sending the session. Please invite the attunement your teacher sent you of Virtual Massage™, Level 3 to release fully unto you. Simply say, out loud or in your mind: “I ask to fully receive my Virtual Massage level 3 attunement as sent out

by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source, NOW!”

Usually the attunement energies will run about 3-10 minutes. Virtual Massage level 3 provides you an easy way to schedule, prepare and provide Virtual Massage Sessions with the Virtual Massage Team for your friends, loved ones and clients. The sessions are prepared in a condensed fashion that “opens up” and are delivered perfectly to them whenever they call the session in to receive it. You are not providing an attunement for the person, but a complete session that they call upon to receive when they are ready to recline and relax. “Call in at your convenience” style sessions are becoming more widely used by many Reiki and healing practitioners as a great way to deliver sessions.

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Co-creating a “call in at your convenience” Virtual Massage Session:

Follow many of the same instructions as I gave earlier in this manual for the real time long distance sessions. Learn of the person’s aches or stress areas. Determine the length of session you are co-creating when you talk with the recipient of the session, prior to co-creation with the Virtual Massage Team. Set your sacred space. Call in the Virtual Massage Team and co-create a Virtual Massage Session with them for (name of person and location). I use the word co-create here instead of facilitate because you are co-creating something that will exist and be called upon, rather than facilitate the session in real time. While you are doing this co-creating, you may notice that the length of time you need to hold your intent upon the session is greatly reduced. You may be able to co-create a complete 45 minute session in just 10 or 15 minutes of your time. Speak or mentally send the list of requests that you have learned the person has to the Virtual Massage Team. Enter into the energy of the Virtual Massage energy system and consciously think of any of the person’s body areas that aches need to be reduced or special massage needs to be given. Pause between the areas as you hold the person’s highest joyful good in mind and heart. Then, you may feel a slowing of the energy and it will stop. Consciously ask that the Virtual Massage Session for (name of person and location) be completed, sealed and sent to (name of person and location) to be released perfected unto them when (name of person and location) calls upon their Virtual Massage Session. Yes, I meant to have the person’s name and location spoken 3 times as you finish the co-creation of this session. This is how you complete and send the session. The person’s Virtual Massage Team will respond when the person calls upon the session you’ve co-created and actually do their massage then. Therefore you’ve helped create a condensed session that opens fully when the person calls upon it with faith to receive it.

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These are great sessions to advertise if you already provide energy sessions

as part of your healing practice for clients.

If you are a Reiki or Seichim Master Teacher, you can confidently send a Virtual Massage™ attunement. Advise your student on the best way to receive the attunement you have sent out. Virtual Massage™ manual must be included fully intact with no changes when its attunement is provided. Please ask your energy team, your helping healing guardians in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source, to bring you a Sphere of Light. It doesn’t matter if you can see it or not. It doesn’t matter if you can perceive it or not. Trust that the Sphere of Light is there and ready to hold a dose of the energy frequency of Virtual Massage ™ for each level that you will be sending an attunement for today. Activate and pray, asking for all of your helping healing ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source to send a Virtual Massage™ attunement for (name of student) into the Sphere of Eternal Light. Ask that it be sealed and carried to (name of student). Ask that it be securely protected by that person’s guardians in the Light of Eternal Sacred Source until the person ‘calls in’ their Virtual Massage™ attunement. Intend that their attunements release perfectly to them at that time. And so it is complete! Now notify your student that their empowerment is ready to be ‘called in’ and tell them to relax and spend a few minutes receiving their meet and greet to their Virtual Massage Team! Virtual Massage™ is an original energy system channeled by Rev. Mariah Windsong Couture, RGMT and is unlike any other or any system that may arrive in the future by anyone. June 27th, 2011 ~All Rights Reserved

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Attention Resellers: From June 27th through July 5th, 2011 Mariah Windsong and Rosemary Noel have exclusive rights to sell, or gift Virtual Massage™ energy system’s attunements and manual. If you are going to sell Virtual Massage™ attunements, you must charge a minimum of $37.00 USD each or the equivalent in your currency and do so after July 5th, 2011. Always provide this manual with any Curtains of Aurora™ attunement, fully intact, with no changes Virtual Massage™ is to be either sold by accepting at least the minimum $37.00 of monies in currency, included in a package that you are selling for at least that amount, included in buy one get one free or freely gifted, as your inner guidance directs, but never traded for another energy system of any kind. Curtains of Aurora™ is not of the same value as another energy system and because of that I declare no equal exchanges for other systems. By accepting these attunements, you agree that Virtual Massage™ may NEVER be traded for another system. You agree that if you pass an attunement of Virtual Massage™ it will either be sold by accepting at least $37 of monies in currency or you’ll gift it if you feel so guided. Uncertified self attunements of this Virtual Massage energy system may be used for personal self healing, but do not certify you as a Master or teacher of this system. Uncertified self attunements do not provide you with a certificate, lineage or confirmation. If you copy text or any portion of this manual please display my name prominently as author. Please contact Mariah at [email protected] for permission to translate this manual. If you translate you agree to send author a copy and manual must portray the meanings of the energy descriptions accurately.

Disclaimer: For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Couture states that this Virtual Massage™

attunement/empowerments is/are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form of natural

energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or initiation

now, in the past, or to come in the future. This empowerment/attunement is not meant to replace any

professional medical or legal advice. Mariah Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering medical service or

diagnosis of any kind.

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Mariah Windsong Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information and takes no responsibility

for recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of information. By receiving the

empowerment/attunement in this manual you are agreeing to indemnify Mariah Couture from and against any

and all claims of libel, defamation, and violation of rights of privacy or publicity and infringement of

intellectual property or loss or damage allegedly caused. Mariah Windsong Couture is not responsible for

claims made by others in advertising this empowerment. You further agree to indemnify Mariah Windsong

Couture from all liabilities and expenses including lawyer’s fees arising from such claims based on this

manual. This manual may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. Mariah Windsong Couture does not

warrant the accuracy or completeness of the materials or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or

other information displayed or linked in this manual. By purchasing this manual or receiving this

empowerment or attunement, you acknowledge that any reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or

energy streams or information shall be at your sole risk. Mariah Windsong Couture reserves the right, by her

discretion to correct any error or omission or change this manual as she sees fit, by revising the manual. It is

your duty to check and see if updates and revisions to the manual have been made.

June 27th, 2011 Some content falls under the “fair use” permission to copy.

All photos I own lifetime license to use commercially.

Other Original Divine Energy Systems

Founded by Mariah Windsong

always available first at Cosmic Goddess Empowerments

Please browse and purchase my systems from Rosemary at: 4th Eye Activation

Acupressure Therapy Ajna Lense

Alabaster Caverns Empowerment Amplified Tachyon Mirror Body Deflector

Angelic Elemental Templates Angelic Elim

Angelic Erelim Angelic Ishim

Angelic Ophanim Angelic Sealtiel Empowerment

Ascension Vibration Astral Body Radiance

Augustus Empowerment Azure Shakti (for connection with your soul)

Bandicoot Berry Plant Empowerment w/ Leea Indica Cancer Inhibitor Barberry Plant Empowerment

Bio Life Bio Life Kundalini

Bio Life Sphere and Bio Life Elixir Blood Care

Body Care ~ for the spaces between your cells! Bone Care

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Calla Lily Deva Care Series containing to date:

Cedar Smudge (Ethereal) Chiropractic Care

Clairsentient Awakening Clairsentient Awakening

Connective Tissue Service Copper Elemental Spirit Empowerment

Craniosacral Care Crystal Being Therapy

Da’at Void of Potential Awakening Digestive Care

Diltiazem Essence Disappointment Flush

Divine Provision Reiki 1-3 Dream Scenario Clearance

Drop-in Care (coming soon) Earth Soul Anointing

Efficient Memory Empowerment Elohim of Emanation Empowerment

Epsilon Aurigae Empowerment (a star) Epsilon Ident Chamber

Eternal Trikaya Eternally Exalted Sexuality 2011

Excess Fat Care Feline Love

Flicker Empowerment Flow Care (for the Lymphatic System)

Flow Care of the Lymphatic Care Systems Fluorite Cluster Empowerment

Foot Care Force Factor Five Fear Flush

Four Fold Circle Security Fractal Reiki Levels 1-3

Full Presence 2011 Ganesha Anointing Goddess Fortuna

Hand Care Heart Care with Valve and Vessel Care

Heart Root Chakra Synergy Histamine Blocker Field

Holograph Brain Root Flush Hydrostatic Pressure Adjustment Image Impact Intensity Reducer

Infection Inhibitor Field Injustice Flush

Inner Body Protector Inner Truth Reiki

Intelligence Awakening Inter-Demensional Medical Team

Joint Care Kidneys and Bladder Care

Kundalini Omega Minus Function Activations Levels 1-5 Labradorite Sphere (headache relief)

Lattice Bridge 2010 (for long distance energy work safely) LaVa Reiki

Lavandula Officinalis Attunement Leyline Bio Life Symmetry

Life Light Light Concentration Increase Rays

Liquid Love Liver Care

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Loyalty Empowerment Lung Care

Media Influence Flush Mental Care

Mountain Laurel Deva Empowerment 2010 Moxibustion Therapy

Nadi Care Nerve Care

Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite Opulent Living Empowerment

Orchid Empowerment Pancreas Care (coming soon)

Parental Pattern Flush Pearlized Silver Seichim levels 1-3

Pelvic Basket Shakti Set Pregnancy Care

Prolific Sales Activation Proper Perspective Empowerment

Purchase Attraction Rays Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)

Radium Chakra Protector Replenishing Shakti

Rainwater Tea Essence Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay

Resentment Flush River Sleep

Root Chakra Re-Alignment Sandals Empowerment

Sephiroth Care Sexual Imprint Flush Shaman Care Session

Skin Care Slate Shakti (for your lower self)

Snow Spirits Empowerment Soul Care Levels 1-5

Sovereignty Empowerment Sphagnum Moss Gifts

Spirulina Spectrum Ray Strategic Skills Empowerment 1-2

Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System Subconscious Healing Shakti

Synapse Care Synergy Within Empowerment

Telepathy Gene Awakening Thymus Heart Activation

Toning Vibration Tooth Care

Tornado Tension Tamer Tourmaline Spectrum Ray

Trager Team Trauma Care

Triple Warmer Meridian Care Virus Inhibitor Field

Vocal Cord Care Wing Care

Womb Care Worry Flush

Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3 Yellow Dock Plant Empowerment

YodHehVodHeh - 15 Permutations of the YHVH Mantra Yungang Grottoes Empowerment Ze’Or Continuum Empowerment

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