Page 1: Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right · • Removing virtualization removes complexity. Out-of-the-box, Exchange is a reasonably

Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right wayTony RedmondThe owner of Tony Redmond & Associates, an Irish consulting company focused onMicrosoft technologies.

Page 2: Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right · • Removing virtualization removes complexity. Out-of-the-box, Exchange is a reasonably


Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

Customers have attempted to virtualize Microsoft Exchange Server since the earliest hypervisors appeared. At first, Microsoft resisted these attempts and would not provide support if problems appeared. The attitude was that any problem must be replicated on a “real” server before support was possible.

The situation changed with Exchange 2007. Customer demand, the growing maturity of virtualization technology and the appearance of Microsoft’s own hypervisor (Hyper-V) created a new imperative for Exchange to support virtualization. Since then, Microsoft has steadily improved the ability of Exchange to use different virtualization technologies and Exchange has become an application that is commonly run on Microsoft Hyper-V, VMware vSphere and the other hypervisors approved by Microsoft.

Virtualization creates its own particular technical demands that system administrators have to take into account as they plan its use with applications. Some applications, like Exchange, have relatively strict guidelines about the virtualization technologies that can be used and those that cannot. Sometimes this is because a technology is unproven with Exchange; sometimes it is because the way that the technology operates conflicts with the way that Exchange behaves. This document lays out the most important issues that system administrators should know about as they approach the deployment of Exchange 2013 on a virtualized platform.

Given the rapid cadence of updates with Microsoft’s release for Exchange 2013, the ongoing development of hypervisors, new capabilities in Windows and other improvements in hardware and software, the advice outlined here is prone to revision over time. It is correct as of April 2014 and covers Exchange 2013 SP1, Windows 2012 and Windows 2012 R2, and the virtualization technology available at this time.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

The case for virtualizing ExchangeAdvocates of virtualization usually advance their case on the basis that virtualization allows greater utilization of available hardware. The idea is that one or more large virtual hosts are capable of providing the necessary resources to support the required number of Exchange servers. Tuning the virtual host allows precisely the right level of resources to be dedicated to each Exchange server, whether it is a dedicated mailbox server, a multi-role server, or a CAS or transport server. The advantages claimed include:

• Virtual servers make more efficient use of available hardware and therefore reduce the overall cost of the solution. It is possible that a well-configured and managed virtual host is capable of supporting a number of virtual Exchange servers and that the overall solution will make better use of the total hardware resources than if Exchange is deployed on a set of physical computers. This is particularly true in deployments where Exchange serves only a couple of hundred mailboxes and the load only takes a portion of the total resources available in a physical server. Another example of virtualization adding value is the deployment of several virtual Exchange servers (ideally on multiple host machines) instead of one large physical server to support thousands of mailboxes. In this case, the virtual Exchange servers can be arranged in a Database Availability Group (DAG) to take advantage of the application’s native high availability features, whereas the single large physical server is not protected by a DAG and therefore represents a single potential point of failure.

Efficient use of resources must be examined in the context of designs created for specific circumstances. It is possible to dedicate far too many resources to handle a particular workload and consequently the virtual servers will not be particularly efficient; likewise, it is possible to dedicate too few resources in an attempt to maximize utilization.

• Virtual servers are more flexible and easier to deploy. Well-managed virtual environments are configured to allow new Exchange servers to be spun up very quickly indeed―far faster than it takes to procure new physical hardware and then install Windows, Exchange and whatever other software is required for the production environment. This capability allows a solution to be more flexible than a physical equivalent―a factor that might be important when migrating from one Exchange version to another or if extra capacity is required in situations like corporate mergers.

• Virtual servers are easier to restore. If a virtual server fails, it can be easier to create a new virtual server and then restore it using the Exchange Setup /RecoverServer option than it would be to fix the myriad hardware problems that can afflict a physical server.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

• Virtual Exchange servers allow small companies to deploy technologies such as DAGs without having to invest in multiple physical servers. This is correct, as it is possible to run many virtual Exchange 2013 servers arranged in a DAG on a single physical server. However, as explained above, the concept of not wanting all of one’s eggs to be in a single basket holds true here too as a failure of the single physical server necessarily renders the complete DAG inoperative.

None of these advantages can be gained without careful planning and preparation of the virtual environment that will support Exchange. A badly configured and managed virtual environment will be even more fraught with problems than its physical counterpart. It is therefore critical to emphasize that it requires substantial effort to support virtualized Exchange. In the IT world, nothing good comes free of charge.

The case against virtualizing ExchangeSome experienced Exchange administrators will always prefer to run Exchange on physical computers on the basis that these servers deliver a more predictable level of performance. This position is often taken for mailbox servers but can be extended to CAS and transport servers too. The arguments usually advanced against virtualizing Exchange include:

• Servers are easier to configure and support. It cannot be denied that it is simpler to load Exchange on a physical computer, if only because no work is necessary to prepare the virtual host machines to support Exchange. It is also true that it is easier to support running Exchange on physical computers because the hypervisor layer does not have to be considered when debugging problems occur during deployment or ongoing operations.

• Removing virtualization removes complexity. Out-of-the-box, Exchange is a reasonably complex server application that depends on Windows and a number of other components (like PowerShell). Keeping the deployment of Exchange as simple as possible has many virtues in terms of supportability and cost. Adding a hypervisor layer to the mix increases the complexity of the overall solution and makes it harder to deploy and manage servers. The fact that Microsoft does not use virtualized servers in its Exchange Online service within Office 365 is often cited to support the claim.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

• Virtualization is expensive. The cost of hypervisor licenses is an obvious additional expense that is incurred on top of Windows and Exchange server licenses. Removing the hypervisor reduces cost as does removing the time necessary for administrators to configure the virtual hosts to support Exchange. A further cost is incurred in the resources required to operate the extra layer of the hypervisor and the processing that is performed to keep virtual servers running. This layer typically imposes a CPU penalty in the order of 10% on the host computer. The Microsoft Exchange Role Requirements calculator helps you to understand the impact of virtualization by factoring in this overhead when it calculates the number of Exchange 2013 servers required to handle a particular workload.

All of these issues can be mitigated in different ways. Experience and knowledge of the virtualized platform eases the workload in configuration and support. The same is true in terms of complexity. People who are unaccustomed to working with virtual servers will find the effort required to deploy Exchange on this platform much harder than those who are used to virtualization.

Cost is often the hardest problem to mitigate because the direct and easily measurable cost of software licenses can only be offset by efficiencies in hardware utilization and ease of server deployment and management, both of which are more difficult to measure in terms of direct savings. It is also true that Exchange 2013 requires more CPU and memory resources than previous versions and that the preferred approach to scaling Exchange is to scale-out rather than scale-up. When these factors are put together with the need to ensure resilience by separating components so that no one failure can compromise a large number of servers, the result is often a number of virtual Exchange servers distributed across multiple physical hosts, which in turn increases the overall cost for both hardware and software.

What is true is that any decision to use virtualization for any application should be well-founded and based on real data. Deciding to virtualize on a whim is seldom a good idea. Deciding to virtualize Exchange because your company has substantial knowledge in virtualization technology and has made a strategic decision to virtualize applications whenever possible is quite a different matter. Make sure that you understand the risks involved and the advantage that you want to gain before you embark on your virtualization project.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

The attitude of the Exchange development group towards virtualizationThe Microsoft Exchange development group supports virtualized Exchange because they believe that running Exchange on a virtual platform makes perfect sense for a certain subset of their 300 million-plus mailbox installed base. This message has been given at many conferences, most recently by Jeff Mealiffe during the “Exchange Server 2013: Virtualization Best Practices” session at the Microsoft Exchange Conference in April 2014.

Support for virtualized Exchange does not mean that Microsoft endorses virtualization for every customer. Instead, they say that any decision to use virtualization should result in a definable benefit for the customer. In other words, if you decide to deploy Exchange on a virtual platform, make sure that you get something measurable out of that decision.

Microsoft’s preferred architecture for Exchange 2013

On April 21, 2014, Microsoft published a blog post describing The Preferred Architecture for Exchange 2013 and stated that the architecture avoids virtualization. The relevant text is:

“In the preferred architecture, all servers are physical, multi-role servers. Physical hardware is deployed rather than virtualized hardware for two reasons:

1. The servers are scaled to utilize eighty percent of resources during the worst-failure mode.

2. Virtualization adds an additional layer of management and complexity, which introduces additional recovery modes that do not add value, as Exchange provides equivalent functionality out of the box.”

Proponents of virtualization might be disappointed by this statement as it appears to cast a cold eye over virtual servers. However, the statement should be considered in the light of the logic driving its content.

• Microsoft is heavily influenced by their experience of running Exchange 2013 at massive scale in Office 365. This deployment does not use virtualization because of the undoubted complexity that the additional layer would bring to the management of 100,000+ servers.

• Support is easier and cheaper for Microsoft when customers follow very simple principles for the deployment of any software. Support is harder when hypervisors are involved because it requires additional experience and expertise on the part of support personnel.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

Any preferred architecture from a vendor can only be expressed as a set of guiding principles that should be taken into account when laying out the precise details for the deployment of that vendor’s product in specific circumstances. Those circumstances include business requirements, existing operational and technology environment, and the skills and expertise of the architects and IT staff. In other words, you have to put the principles into context and adjust as necessary for a particular situation.

For example, The Preferred Architecture states: “To achieve a highly available and site resilient architecture, you must have two or more datacenters that are well-connected.” This statement is accurate, but it is also unreasonable for companies who do not have the resources to run two data centers (a fact acknowledged by Microsoft), and it does not work where (for different reasons) a company has decided to concentrate IT into a single data center. In these scenarios you should ignore site resilience and instead work out how to leverage the IT assets of the company to achieve the highest availability that is possible for Exchange 2013 within the known constraints.

Using the same logic of interpreting architectural principles in context, it is possible that virtualization is the best platform for Exchange within a company because the physical and people assets are in place to make virtualization a good choice.

Basic recommendations for Exchange 2013 deploymentThe general advice for deploying Exchange 2013 servers applies whether you use physical or virtual servers and include:

• Use multi-role servers whenever possible to ensure that you make maximum use of available resources and to increase the overall resilience of the design.

• Configure servers in DAGs to achieve high availability. Each DAG is a Windows Failover cluster, but Exchange takes care of all of the configuration and management of the underlying cluster.

• All of the members of a DAG must run the same version of the Windows operating system. All DAG members should run the same version of Exchange, except for the time when a cumulative update is being applied across the DAG. Remember to put DAG members into maintenance mode before you apply a cumulative update.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

• Ensure that every database is replicated so that at least three copies exist within a DAG. This level of redundancy ensures that the loss of one or two servers will not remove service from users. For this reason, scale-out by distributing mailboxes across multiple servers (that can support the multiple database copies) rather than scale-up with large servers that support thousands of users. Remember, a database can never be replicated on the same server. Exchange high availability depends on the ability to maintain replicated databases distributed across multiple servers.

• Ensure that Exchange servers are configured with the appropriate level of CPU, storage and memory to support the predicted workload. Use the Microsoft Exchange Role Requirements calculator to come up with basic configurations and then adjust to reflect the details of your specific environment.

• Follow best practice for the management and monitoring of Exchange 2013. Remember that Managed Availability is active on all Exchange 2013 servers to provide an element of automatic management. However, Managed Availability does not monitor Windows or the hypervisor.

• Never attempt to compensate or replace a feature built into Exchange with what appears to be an overlapping hypervisor feature. Hypervisors are not created specifically to support Exchange. Instead, they are designed to support general-purpose computing and should be used in that fashion.

• Exchange servers typically support third-party software products that are integrated with Exchange to provide additional functionality to end users. These products have to be validated against the selected hypervisor.

Best practice evolves over time as experience with software develops and improvements emerge in hardware and software. Microsoft updates Exchange 2013 on a quarterly basis and this update cadence has to be factored into your deployment plans.

Familiarity with a hypervisor and Windows is not sufficient knowledge to deploy Exchange 2013. You need to understand all aspects of the equation before you begin and you need to be able to manage the resulting infrastructure.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

Understanding Exchange product support for virtualization technologiesThe Exchange product group has gradually improved its support for hypervisors and virtualized servers over the years. This support comes about through comprehensive testing performed using different versions of Exchange against different hypervisors over the years. The testing is done to ensure that different combinations work, that data integrity is maintained through different circumstances and that it is possible to support solutions during customer deployment. The experience gained through this activity results in a clear set of recommendations that you should take seriously as you plan your deployment of Exchange virtual servers.

Unsurprisingly, Exchange supports all versions of Hyper-V. Third-party hypervisors such as vSphere are supported if they are validated through the Microsoft Server Virtualization Validation (SVVP) program. The usual advice is to use the latest version of a hypervisor as the platform for virtualized Exchange. All Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2010 server roles are supported for virtualization although you are advised to run multi-role servers to achieve the best blend of availability and resource utilization.

The remainder of this section focuses on different aspects of virtualization technology and its application to Exchange 2013.


It is important to note that all versions of Exchange only support block-mode storage. The NFS solutions that are often used in virtualized environments are unsupported by Exchange, largely because of performance and reliability issues that have been encountered in the past. The performance issues are largely resolved but reliability (data integrity) remains a concern. Microsoft does not test NFS solutions with Exchange and therefore cannot guarantee that any of these solutions can provide the necessary storage qualities required by Exchange. See this blog post for more information about the three basic areas of concern that the Exchange product group has with NFS.

A great deal of technical debate has flowed around this topic and some NFS vendors offer support to their customers if they elect to use NFS with Exchange. Advocates of NFS argue that the storage works with Exchange and can be presented to Exchange in an appropriate, reliable and robust manner, and they point to successful implementations to back up their case. However, the problem is that although it is possible to create a working solution based on a certain version of a hypervisor running specific drivers connected to a particular set of NFS storage, a general guarantee cannot be extended that every NFS solution will work in exactly the same way.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

Microsoft’s stance remains that they do not support NFS with Exchange, whether the NFS storage is presented to physical Exchange servers or virtual Exchange servers. Other shared storage alternatives such as iSCSI, SMB 3.0 or Fibre Channel exist and are capable of delivering reliable storage to Exchange. It is therefore Microsoft’s absolutely clear recommendation that any storage presented to Exchange must be block-mode.

Differencing or delta disks are also unsupported with Exchange. One difference between Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 is that the newer version supports SMB 3.0 for VHD files. Microsoft recommends the use of the JetStress utility to validate that the storage provided to virtual Exchange servers is capable of handling the predicted load generated by mailboxes and other activities.

Each version of Exchange has different storage characteristics as Microsoft continues to drive down physical I/O demands in favor of using more cached in-memory data. At the same time, new features demand more resources. Collectively, these facts make it imperative that sufficient hardware resources are dedicated to ensure the success of a virtualized Exchange project and that those resources are validated through testing.

In general, any storage provided to Exchange should be optimized for low I/O latency and its ability to be used by the Exchange high availability features. Given that Exchange 2013 is able to use many different kinds of storage from enterprise-class to JBOD disks, providing the right kind of block-mode storage should not be an issue.

Host-based clustering

Host-based clustering is supported by Exchange. This is a method to bring machines back online after a hardware failure occurs on one host in a cluster. Such an outage results in the transfer of the virtual machines running on that host to another node in the cluster. However, host-based clustering does not deliver true high availability for Exchange as the host has no knowledge of the way that various Exchange features combine to contribute to high availability for its databases and transport system. On the other hand, if you run singular Exchange servers that are not part of a DAG, host-based clustering is an effective manner to restore these servers to good health fast.

Although it handles hardware failures, host-based clustering does not resolve other situations that are catered to by Exchange, such as the single page patching facility used to resolve corrupt pages in replicated databases or the automatic switchover of databases to another DAG member if Managed Availability determines that a protocol has failed on a server. While realizing its limitations, it is a good idea to use host-based clustering in combination with Exchange high availability to achieve maximum protection against potential failure.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way


Exchange 2013 supports migration technology with some limitations. For example, you can use Hyper-V’s Live Migration or VMware’s vMotion functions to move virtual Exchange servers between hosts but you cannot use Hyper-V’s Quick Migration facility. The essential thing is that a virtual machine running Exchange must remain online during the migration.

Performing a point-in-time save-to-disk and move is unsupported. The reason is simple: to maintain the best possible performance, Exchange manipulates a lot of data in memory. If the Exchange server is a member of a DAG, that memory includes a view of the current state of the underlying Windows Failover Cluster.

Save-to-disk and move might bring an Exchange server back online in a state where the in-memory data causes inconsistency for the moved Exchange server or for another server within the organization. For example, when you bring a DAG member back online, that server might believe that it is a fully functioning member of the Windows Failover Cluster and therefore will attempt to function as such. But during the time that the migration was happening, the other members of the DAG might have discovered that the server had gone offline and will therefore have adjusted cluster membership by removing the offline server. The result is a synchronization clash where one server has a certain view of the cluster that is not shared by the other members. Restoring the DAG and cluster to full operational health will require manual administrator intervention.

Keeping the virtual machine (and thus Exchange) online during migrations avoids the issue as it avoids the need for other Exchange servers to take action (such as activating database copies on other servers within a DAG or initiating the replay of in-transit messages from Safety Net) because the other Exchange servers register the fact that the server has failed.

The biggest issue that you are likely to face with migration is ensuring that DAG member nodes continue to communicate during the move. Failure to achieve this will cause the cluster heartbeat to timeout and the node being moved will be evicted from the Windows Failover cluster that underpins the DAG. When a migration happens, a point-in-time copy of the virtual machine’s memory is taken from the source to the target host. At the same time, pages that are being changed are tracked and these pages are also copied to the target as the migration progresses. Eventually no more pages are being changed and the “brownout period” occurs, during which the virtual machine is unavailable because it is being transferred from the source host to the target.

1. Note: You can also use the Quick Create option which is great when you only want to deploy a stand-alone VM. The moment you need networking between the different VMs in Azure, it is preferable to work with the From Gallery option

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

If the brownout period is less than the cluster heartbeat timeout (typically five seconds), the Exchange server can continue working from the point that the brownout started and normal operations will continue. But if the brownout lasts longer than the cluster timeout, Windows Failover clustering will consider that the node has gone offline and will evict the node from the cluster. In turn, this will cause the Active Manager process running within the DAG to initiate a server failover for the now-evicted node and will activate its databases on other DAG members. In effect, the migration failed because service was not maintained and normal operations did not continue when the virtual machine moved to the new host. The now-moved server will eventually come back online and rejoin the cluster, but a separate, manual administrative intervention will be necessary to reactivate the database copies on the server to rebalance workload across the DAG.

Two steps can be used to mitigate the problem. The first is to ensure that sufficient network bandwidth is available to transfer virtual machines without running the risk that the brownout period exceeds the cluster heartbeat timeout. The exact amount of bandwidth required depends on the size of the virtual machine, the workload that it is under at the time and the version of the hypervisor that is used, so some testing will be necessary to establish exactly how quickly virtual machines can be moved. The second step is to adjust the cluster heartbeat timeout to reflect the expected brownout period. Adjusting the cluster heartbeat timeout is not usually recommended but it can be an effective solution to the problem. If you do decide to adjust the timeout, the highest value recommended by the Exchange development group is ten seconds.

See for more information about how to tune the heartbeat interval for Windows Failover clusters.

Conflict with hypervisor disaster recovery features

Exchange 2013 is designed to be a highly available application that can continue to provide an excellent service to clients even when common outage scenarios such as disk or server failures affect databases. Together with many other features, including Managed Availability, the Database Availability Group and replicated databases are the fundamental building blocks used by Exchange to provide high availability.

It is important to note that many hypervisor functions that are considered to be high availability features are in fact technology designed to be used for disaster recovery (DR). It’s true that these features can contribute to the delivery of a highly available service, but this is not the intent. DR features like Hyper-V replica are intended to keep servers online following hardware outages rather than allowing them to function at the application level when transactional context and preservation are required to deliver robust, highly available services.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

Whether deployed on physical or virtual servers, Exchange depends on its own high availability features to ensure that service is maintained to end users. This approach allows Exchange to function in the same predictable manner on both physical and virtual servers. DR features enabled by a hypervisor, such as Hyper-V replica, are not supported with Exchange. These features are best used by applications that, unlike Exchange, do not have high availability designed into the core of the product. When you virtualize Exchange, you should continue to use its native high availability features and deploy Exchange multi-role servers configured in a DAG to achieve the desired goal.


When running Exchange 2013 on virtual machines, you must configure static memory for those machines. Exchange does not support dynamic memory, ballooning, memory overcommit, or memory reclamation for any production server. Any third-party products that manipulate memory on a virtual platform should be avoided when Exchange is deployed. The reason is simple: Exchange servers cache a lot of data in-memory to improve performance. If memory is arbitrarily removed from a virtual Exchange server, it can have unpredictable consequences for different Exchange components up to and including severe performance degradation where clients will experience obvious multi-second responses to common server requests such as opening a new message. In most cases, performance will slow by forcing Exchange to use expensive I/O to fetch information from storage rather than being able to manipulate pages held in its cache.

Another factor to take into consideration is that Exchange 2013 includes a workload management system that is designed to ensure that no Exchange component is allowed to stress a server by taking too many resources and that important work is processed before less important activities. Workload management does this by monitoring the activities running on an Exchange server to ensure that available resources are consumed efficiently. It is obvious that workload management can only succeed if the server is stable and resources do not appear and disappear without warning. If resources are suddenly removed, the decisions made by workload management are unlikely to be as good as they should be and overall system performance will suffer because important protocol components (such as those that handle interactive client requests) will not receive the resources they need.

Dynamically resizing memory can offer some advantages on lab systems if you are attempting to determine an optimum configuration for Exchange and in these circumstances, when real user data is not at risk, it is acceptable to use dynamic memory.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way


Hypervisor snapshots are not supported as a way to restore an Exchange server back to a point in time. This is a perfectly acceptable technique to use with test Exchange servers but should never be done in production for much the same reason as virtual Exchange servers must be kept online during migrations.

Consider the situation that would occur if you took a hypervisor snapshot of an Exchange 2013 multi-role server that is part of a DAG and then attempted to restore that snapshot at a later date. At the point when the snapshot is taken, Exchange is probably manipulating a great deal of data in memory, including some that has not yet been committed to databases and some that is being replicated to other DAG members through block-mode transfer. It might also be using classic file copy to transfer transaction logs to other DAG members. All of this happens under the control of the Microsoft Exchange Replication service, which understands what data needs to be replicated to different target servers and what is the current state of replication.

When you restore the snapshot, you bring an Exchange server back into the DAG as it was at the time when the snapshot was taken. This could be hours or even days away from current time. The hypervisor has no information about what processing Exchange was doing across the DAG when it took the snapshot. Likewise, the hypervisor has no knowledge of what steps are necessary to bring the server back into the DAG in a predictable and known manner. And when the Exchange server “wakes up,” the Exchange Replication service has no idea of what has happened between the time when the snapshot was taken and the current state of replication across the other members of the DAG. No code is included in Exchange to fix a DAG member by advancing it to the current time in a controlled and consistent manner.

The result is that the restored snapshot will probably put the DAG into a state where replication is in an inconsistent state for one or more databases. It is even possible that some database corruption will occur, especially if some single page patching had been performed to fix corrupt database pages when the server was “offline.” It is even possible that the server will work smoothly after the snapshot is restored, but it is impossible to guarantee that normal service will resume after a restore, and Microsoft will not support you if problems occur.

Snapshots do have value in lab environments because they allow you to return a server to a well-known situation, for instance before you applied a new cumulative update to the server. Given the workloads that lab systems are generally exposed to, you run less risk of encountering the problematic conditions referred to above than you do with production servers in full flow. Even so, if you elect to use snapshots in lab environments, you might have to take snapshots of all members of a DAG so that you can roll-back to a consistent point if necessary. Even introducing an aged snapshot to a test DAG is unlikely to go well because Exchange 2013 is not built to handle time travel.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

An exception often proves the rule. In this instance, taking a snapshot or a Hyper-V shadow copy, which is subsequently used for backup purposes, is the exception where it is acceptable to use these techniques against a production Exchange 2013 server. The snapshot or copy is used as an intermediate step in the process of creating a valid Exchange backup set that can be used to recover data in the future. Instructing the hypervisor to take the snapshot of the running server is only part of the overall process that is necessary to preserve the integrity of Exchange and must be done using the Windows Volume ShadowCopy Services APIs provided by Microsoft to first quiesce the server, inform Exchange that a backup is being taken, and then ensure that the backup is complete so that Exchange can truncate its transaction log stream.

Processor oversubscription

It is not recommended that you oversubscribe processors when allocating them to virtual Exchange servers. Exchange is an application that will use whatever resources are made available to it and this is especially true of Exchange 2013. If you assign processors to a virtual machine (vCPU), Exchange will expect to be able to use those processors, and if the host cannot make the processors available because the physical CPU capacity does not exist or the CPUs are in use by other applications, the performance of Exchange will suffer. The effects of oversubscription (CPU starvation) will be seen in areas such as growth of message queues, a slowing in content indexing (leading to inaccurate searches) and growth in RPC latency that results in lack of responsiveness to client requests.

Best practice is to only assign processors that can be absolutely guaranteed to virtual Exchange servers (a one-to-one ratio between vCPU and physical processors). In other words, do not oversubscribe.


Microsoft does not recommend that hyperthreading is enabled on physical servers that run Exchange 2013. This is because they do not want the logical processors that are exposed by hyperthreading to be visible to the server as this changes the way that the .Net framework calculates its memory allocation. Exchange makes heavy use of the .Net framework and it’s important that this is based on accurate memory calculations.

The guidance is slightly different for virtual servers. In this case it is acceptable to enable hyperthreading as long as servers are sized based on the available physical processor cores rather than virtual CPUs. For example, a server equipped with four physical CPUs, each of which supports four processors, has 16 physical processors available to it. Allocate these physical processors to virtual servers instead of the logical processors enabled by hyperthreading. In other words, if you have four virtual Exchange servers, allocate each server four processors.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

In general, it is best to size the hardware requirements for Exchange as if the application were to be deployed on physical computers and then make whatever adjustments are required to accommodate the virtual platform, including reserving the necessary resources so that they are dedicated to Exchange and cannot be seized by other applications.

See for more information about hardware requirements for virtualized Exchange.

NUMANUMA is non-uniform memory access, a design used in multiprocessing computer systems to increase processor speed without imposing a penalty on the processor bus. The “non-uniform” part of the name arises from the fact that some memory is closer to a processor than is other memory, so a uniform access time is not experienced. Hypervisors use NUMA to make more efficient use of memory across guest machines. For example, Hyper-V provides a feature called “virtual NUMA” that groups virtual processors and the memory assigned to guest machines into virtual NUMA nodes, and guest machines “see” a topology that is based on the physical topology of the host system. When a virtual machine is created, Hyper-V creates a configuration based on the physical topology, taking into account the number of logical processors and the amount of memory per NUMA node.

Unlike SQL, Exchange knows nothing about NUMA and will not experience any scalability benefits from running on servers that have NUMA enabled. However, Exchange will take advantage of the operating system optimizations for NUMA. This is consistent with the recommendation to assign static CPU and memory resources to virtual machines that run Exchange 2013 so that Exchange can then manage the allocated resources across its different components.

Operational considerationsOnce deployed, a virtualized Exchange environment must be maintained. Here are some recommendations to help keep your virtual Exchange 2013 servers in good health.

Deployment of virtual Exchange servers across hosts

In general it is better to scale-out Exchange by creating many virtual servers than it is to scale-up and have everything located in a small number of very large servers. This approach allows you to take maximum advantage of Exchange high availability by distributing mailboxes across databases managed in a DAG where each database has at least three copies. Along the same lines,

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

you should distribute the virtual Exchange servers across multiple physical hosts so that a failure of a single host will impact as few Exchange servers as possible. Even if the hardware can accommodate the load, it does not make sense to run 10 or 12 virtual Exchange servers on one large host as a failure can result in total loss of service to all clients.

Ideally, it should be possible for the Exchange servers that remain online following the failure of a host to restore full service through the activation of database copies on the remaining servers. Achieving this goal calls for careful planning of mailbox and database placement and attention to detail for other dependencies, such as witness servers, Active Directory domain controllers, load balancers, and so on. It also requires ongoing monitoring to ensure that databases are not being activated in an unplanned manner due to automated failovers invoked by Managed Availability, server maintenance or other operational reasons.

Although Exchange is designed to be a highly available application and incorporates a large number of features to realize this goal, its successful operation requires all layers of the solution to function properly from the base hardware upward. Hypervisors are not magic and do not automatically attribute high availability to virtualized applications. The same is true of the high availability features built into Exchange 2013. The combination of the high availability features can complement each other but neither will be effective unless high availability is designed into a deployment. This means that:

• Exchange 2013 high availability features are used as the prime protection for Exchange data

• Hypervisor high availability features such as migration are used to fill in gaps that might exist

• Attention is given to other elements of the solution such as Active Directory, load balancers and witness servers

• The resulting configuration is tested to ensure that it provides sufficient resilience against common failure conditions such as the loss of a host machine, storage controller, network links and so on.

It is also true that those running the environment need to be able to cope with failure because it is certain that some failures will occur over time. It makes sense to prepare for failure by implementing adequate redundancy in both hardware and software and multiple paths to essential infrastructure.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way


Microsoft issues a new cumulative update for Exchange 2013 quarterly, and the latest available update must be installed before Microsoft will support a system. Therefore, you must be prepared to deploy cumulative updates on a regular basis. At the same time, you must be prepared to apply regular updates to Windows, the hypervisor, hardware drivers, and other applications and third-party products that are used alongside Exchange 2013.

Updating an Exchange 2013 server is not difficult and the application of the latest cumulative update brings the server completely up to date with the latest features and bug fixes. However, the history of Exchange 2013 cumulative updates is spotted with small, but irritating, errors that have caused grief to customers. For this reason it is essential that a new cumulative update is carefully tested in an environment that accurately mimics the production environment before it is introduced into production.


It is possible to take a host-based backup that backs up a complete server, including Exchange. In order to produce a backup that can be successfully used to restore a viable Exchange server, it is necessary that the backup utility is aware of Exchange and interacts with the product to capture the server configuration together with databases at the time the backup is taken. The most important thing is that the backup utility uses Windows Volume ShadowCopy Services (VSS) to interact properly with the Information Store and that log truncation occurs properly. Note that the log truncation process differs for standalone Exchange 2013 mailbox servers and those that are members of a DAG. It is therefore critical that the backup software uses the proper VSS API calls to prepare Exchange for backup and then informs Exchange after a successful backup is achieved. It is also important that backed up databases are in a clean state so that they can be used immediately if they need to be restored.

The only real way to know whether backups are successful is their ability to be used as the recovery source for data. For this reason it is important to test that backups taken from virtual Exchange 2013 servers can be quickly and reliably restored. Make sure that this test is done regularly so that operations staff is familiar with the steps necessary to restore a server from backup and to validate that the restored databases contain what is expected and do not need to be put into a clean state before they are used. Particular care should be taken when recovering databases that belong to a DAG.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

SummaryThe decision to virtualize Exchange 2013 should never be made in a vacuum. It is a complex decision that requires many factors to be weighed and assessed in the context of the IT environment into which Exchange is to be deployed, the business need to be satisfied and the long-term technical strategy of the company. Microsoft has made Exchange 2013 an excellent candidate for virtualization, providing that the caveats explained in this paper are respected. The question, therefore, is whether physical or virtual Exchange 2013 systems best serve the needs of your company. And only you can answer that question.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

About the authorTony Redmond is the owner of Tony Redmond & Associates, an Irish consulting company focused on Microsoft technologies. With experience at Vice-President level at HP and Compaq plus recognition as a Microsoft MVP, Tony is considered by many around the world an expert in Microsoft Collaboration Technology. Tony has authored 13 books, filed a patent and more. He is a senior contributing editor to where he writes the “Exchange Unwashed” blog.

About Veeam SoftwareVeeam® enables the Always-On Business™ by providing solutions that deliver Availability for the Modern Data Center™, which provides recovery time and point objectives (RTPO™) of less than 15 minutes for all applications and data. Veeam recognizes the challenges in keeping a business up and running at all times and addresses them with solutions that provide high-speed recovery, data loss avoidance, verified protection, leveraged data and complete visibility. Veeam Backup & Replication™ leverages technologies that enable the modern data center, including VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, NetApp storage, and HP 3PAR StoreServ and StoreVirtual Storage, to help organizations meet RTPO, save time, mitigate risks, and dramatically reduce capital and operational costs. Veeam Availability Suite™ provides all of the benefits and features of Veeam Backup & Replication along with advanced monitoring, reporting and capacity planning for the backup infrastructure. Veeam Management Pack™ for System Center is the most comprehensive, intuitive and intelligent extension for app-to-metal management of Hyper-V and vSphere infrastructures, and includes monitoring and reporting for Veeam Backup & Replication. The Veeam Cloud Provider (VCP) program offers flexible monthly and perpetual licensing to meet the needs of hosting, managed service and cloud service providers. The VCP program currently includes more than 5,000 service provider partners worldwide.

Founded in 2006, Veeam currently has 25,000 ProPartners and more than 111,500 customers worldwide. Veeam’s global headquarters are located in Baar, Switzerland, and the company has offices throughout the world.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013 – the right way

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