
A VISIT TO HAÏTI. . . . .Y/Y.. ¦ ?

SOMK HAY. IAN TBA1YB.t-»n»»ni.d»iire M 11»» N- t. Trii.oi»*.

Minis «ir tka»i.u

lice k« of tn»»»'l are often unsatisfactory air]aelihh e when they treat of 'he charact»*r of .1

eignjeople. Personal prejudice« and rapid.n*f)ir;f*. and BBJI I Mt_B8tM "f BBflieodljdi'bts, i nwaverinily MMMted and bfleeaofl,lo uoVi- th» m. ti a maj.iii'y of «-a»"'«, the rahol moi«, hah-trir a. d itahnkia Ihn« of theld.rpnt; ihle ami t-haraeter »ti-. Th»r«' .- m> MI

where great«? >.r more numerous difficulties¦trad ihe MB.Mata "i the fioMBctmtiou« traviwl.efh.-r ',». coi -»ilt if» history or i's aBV i! »¦¦»¦.

whellier I.»- talk «:tl »be wln'c«, »he black«» 01

mix- I bloods, than Ifcientea f.i thwart him at »¦

«t«p and in paary tlepaittneal "' lav*taigal1oa ir

P.tpuldit of the very name ot Brhicfc,eaamnie, there i« only the ananfletri and i

ihaci'.wy particle «if truth.II« in«-, if, m h'tter» of more rec.-n* date. I I

cootiadicN'd. in minor flot«lie, the BMRthmB "i

earlie-r «¦oiiiiiiuii'.'atioii«. i* musí !*¦ attributed, l

I», * o-.flitrtiog oral testimony reeeived. and ebVi the prejadice »it tkmdtt (whicfa i« BSnctieuphoniously culled the hostility ol race») thatis'.» It. taa«e ii | .,- btaha and MB mixed bloodBaytL It th« :.. are oeens'oiial rep«-titioiis, it n

be tle'iile'l l»i the fact that III» l-lt.-rs Were

aritt» n in tie- syateBBnBe order in which th-y hbe« n pabiiahed h I HI i BIM BE.. \\ heh I reached Co'iltiM «, I «listnvercil, III

«.eiinp:.::oiisly than I bad « 'ii i' before, the ei

«MM «d B il« «-p.tooted jealousy or prejudice IftvAth»- Iwti shailes ot native», and thai it would 1»

ju-t to the couniry. and danrngJBg tomy own r»'

lation as a tru\e.» i, tooecept the tt*stimony of elltan «it citizens without tii- BBOte ear.iul and |loi.i» d ¡ir-esiiiratioii. Instead, therefore, of con

uiii»; my letters, I commenced my notes of tutand »»tote out daily, with gnat care, the fartslanced la eonvemtiooB, ami th«'se I tubmitted ¦

nraneatlj to «Lib-rent persons t«»r eon-»-».Bon. I hithus enterad, <ui many pointe, the mnlti at bm

loi,(¿and valuable e\peri«'!iee«. I ib«.red t«)pr»'»»-llliL«- truth| and »cry lea penoaethera wr.- qualitto t» ll it all. Some were too Iricndly.mer»' at

rifts; other-t«.tipr»-¡uiiiced.tu»'re paiTotSOt l'reiwriti-is; punie wen iueiiinpi'terit from their w;

of Inoighl and powirnof uhnnatimii othenflrtheirHtuited and unftronble ranewof r*_perieiand position. If what I relate.when] baveentjmy letter». nsneya u bin.whether friendlyoulriei.dl». impression ol the people, 1 may p"-ur« trel the biet, bul must unless my inabih'y«eatete or prêtent the truth withgrnatfirfiBihlofin naire impaitial «pint. Nothing ciiuhl be «-as

than to prow Huyti a success, or to demonslr;thai it is a gnat and OVeTWheiniillg failure; buha»«- too ween ¦ etnrtaapt for the prafrnioti <>

n.ere advócate to p* runt »it«- to »vril«. a parti«pleu on cither side.

V\ iili this anderetanfliag, and with the hope t!whntcvi t « -Hors I may make, my friend« in Hamay not«- ami inform meet, in order that I niaynisei|U*iitly, when revisuiir, corree; them. I shall pie«-e«l vvi»h Mr) letter», as »»ritten mit frniii my not

at the Cap!'..I. niicl Ja> niel, and nth»'r plann M t

aaast.kly subject i».Ilaytian traits. Many of th» m

hi«»«' already not« ii al considerable length.mi«then will Aad a hnrried re-cord herel'Aiiti«11j-m BJ.« »I. ritini:. I'Rinr. <

n »ci:." i>v\ thi«. and you will my the tru'li," said

Bngheh ii'is-.i.'iiiiy." then is no inch thing «s p

triotisiu in H.ivti."" '1 he soldi.-i-m," «aid a native, " have mi ,sp>

di eoips. («e'lraid must create that, in orderbate an army to be proud of."

Ihi« was in the South. At Cap«' Haytie-ii thprolesMonal pride exists to BOUM client ; for I In ar

the people speak V»lth J-ritie of otle refiillieilt, whiclit I remember rightly, was called '. the Fight.In vi-ntli."Ask Ihe black» what Hod is, or the Holy Qhof

or Christ, or the uugcl«, and they »»ill foil yon, wilgrant »iinpiiciiy. " 'is sect! toute» Mann" they ai

all white toiks" Nay, tl is notion is emlialined Inative art. In theCathedral al I'orl-au-l'rimthcr«' i« a sfakgnfatr painting! God, from the ehndi« btaaing a black aad a mulatto, whn both «idn-sseil in rei:!iiienta!s.their hnndsclasped tocetluin hypin iitn ai iratenùtjr. I nj^geated i<» a HaytiaILal ihcir le« t should h:.\. been plante.I en tliecoiTiol a white, und then the peiatillg would hatb«cn n« well historical a- emblematical. " No, said, " thai »vouid iia»e Iteen out of place."" And i» not that «tut of pine«' '" I asked, " thi

flBUi»- id Colt '"

" It's con,mon t noneh i»i all Caiholic countries,he kind. " 1 liiin't sec Buything blasphemous in it,

" Nor unpatriotic .'""Mo, ol emu se not: why '" he demand««!." l.ook al it.the head of a wiutc man, a inod

af the Cuucusian type: if 1 were a black. I wui«ot ben«'»«' that One »va» a white, Ihe ÍB*v»u» any other color than whit«'."He hitinhed."lllunc. «' < »t «liable, " he «aid: "that« alia;

linn i loveib.""The arahangrl Gabriel a white man, with h

taint tin body and hi- «»Mud upraised Bg«ÍttBÍ tildevil, who it» n black man.1 ».iw a rude nativpaiiiin » ol ktiul ut l_ñs;ini-e, I n-joinc«" Now, how do voll «-»er eiBOOt ti« be ri*«peet»'d bothers, unie«» »on first make fttkt vow «bn«XÍMrolor respected m »our own eye«He said Bathing.A I«»» du»«ntt«r, I called at the «tudio a youn

«Matear Bittet,Ile exhibited s*».t;i1 porlraif« of »h«> varioii

lli-ytian ruler«, and one or two fancy or BDegitfMIpians, Bttmng whichwn a tolerably fair paiutinaf Charity. She stood the pretretrom of thr.-little « hiltln n. One «>f thi'iu was a lieejvss. "

thoinvht." be «iiicl.m» aBnaion had L».-a. ri mad»- I«ti ¦ «lUestloli ol pride Of race." I fhnio.'lf IClllli'.» enfolds all, 1 »Aoiil.l put h.Te beside lltT ¡r«ir« atyntntive ot my tnra pcpic."

It »»as tie uni] instance 1 < ver a itnc«-.-d of prid»«d ii.c-*- In Haiti.

Hvtti the barbaric «'lenient.tin« Mieters in tinAlti.-nii religion.acknowledge in thcr ivligioui*««aed the innata rapervorit1 «>t the CnncRaian raen.

" Bern lui" «." ni a a »vis« nuBenma, "when]have been provoked l»\ ibe Haitians in mi BetTvien,I have i .rsi d tl.t'iii. ami told BMM fo 1 1 diepiwdthem, thml eouiiliy, and their llunt¡us."«fhaWaaga h the Spirit, 1 beaem), to arhan

idolatrous riles are paid.'lli«y wot.Id answe:.'' \h' yon lu.-i» «ay that.

[with impaaity].for yon an a white man. andy«»ur \\ anga ;s strangei tta .. «nrs.M

Thcj bei..'».., he fold m.-, that the wln-.-s h ,\«. a

ajecrat worahka etnnewhat sinuui In themyaterin«i the \ aiitlot'v Onh r.

I his beld. hct»»e,er, has v.o i-'XccX on theil con¬

duct: bu' m »tar and m Had.- th.'» hold that 1'tov,-deuce alwiiv» la».»is Ih»- heaviest SattBÜnnt and th»-J.-I.cest head. rioCini»." they say, ». is \N au»:a."

1 «aiiy ::'ilic.l tkat the Nub,an type of «talanwas cvce.ii'içiy rai.- i Haiti, moompart«d withit» u'.i»er-a,'ty in oar iMguthern states. \ »poke ofthe mrenmstanre i" an intelligi at theC.p.lal. lilal l-ktilfhe had lattn-.-d the tac', andli"W 8 .ii'iM.i t-,l tor it,"Hi* ai;a "i « .:...',,: to." he said. He lum¬

ia f. a mulatto" had ( 'as ¦:» an hntnisn.and i ranBrnnTTiT an».

Not i!.!ic, ¦ -it ofmar myari«, and to¬

tal!» dertiid of A(He .. .all the nnt aboutan heb <,» eoimentral «i in nsy ..« «1.1 rH aenld aotnrewhai my pmnun'iit uami '. in «»r hi« .»r*»i:r

k.urtip«-:,ii »», ,- ,,| j;,,.,. ,,,,' tu »i. »Mia th.- pngnn«t HajBtiaa ahilixatkin, ,ind fra-.klv »pr.-»-- |pn»i.t.- tanta thai ti, >rharact«>ol Übeconotrv,it* momtitate air, m-.d i)¡, uvundai.-« oflimrstlM n««very »«liriivt, bad probably brtvuI deal taatm todo with it than the avancement of . s-.-tv or thegrand iii'ita!.*..« of Oeeoraanenta and«____._, T ,,:"',. " l '. a tr*u' "f cvi'-zatltei,Y\i!h.n the last twenty ».«rsthe Afrieotj type huaBSM r.ii'.dh atakjfiaiing, It ¡» ...t ,H.,,ul.r.f flntfrvn km njhn p.nk thiir a.,,,. t. -»,/, ,/..,gn/wi/.,..."

If« attributed ;l" ». aV ;vv*. "I tb* }»..r»'..'tv th«

fa«" that the) weee «saebiac* ai I - .' aa ..

HF»-.evhu-'i i« ftftl tni.* of an> eBBM af dftU lift»ol any pia«»* ¡n H».u. VVhrtt 1 more feaTaefftall'I. rr«-«, l-i him («ir, however, w..« hi« t-l*-«ina doetana, lhattbi |sopi«-"i Uayti topeyH »<.p.««loart )¦'¦ -.* ,-. «oui Ruj Afrkran or .¦

blieb n.« - in the aorld.Her» « the f »da« h.,-,.>. of n,

Bgbt«*aed .-*. d arriBHrUfartB) pat ri .. aa», !'.'.' Ifa* v.- that lmm BOSMI i« v.-ry BrktaM ttoagkl «'i.

little. I k-i'.w. - data to trn-i-ia:.* it .¡y,, a .*

" rae« <>ii.' !:-(.«-I.litv MB pat"!, "a- '"¦«* '!.,_. talku«.' with a I

t an n -r ..- I Bl th* < 'apt*, ul th t-

.I.*..,- «.'. «'t Ihf I«.o -I I'. i. .: -k- i v

th« '. .v« ..,; >'. ,....;.. .-.e:,'.Tarife I..- uid, in a eVfiatil tone* ..'!'-. «

r< i, '. * «.? .-v.-, the I !io|,-r,i M« beter bet*» twlf to .nte- Hoy'..

I Ilk»* »pui.h. and tin« a «.. sneaky, thai its ibji,<-s of «-.iiiipiineiiti may be pardoned; tot ItoI..W I«*v«r Im* ant m. tJttm it Oblitera htoibaant. Probably ti,»* nuTi-'.a -t i?nag»af-dVaikkees in tin* Iniwels of tftfl bud wouMIHM ' Rtti on the I'.t-i-tit-it.on of Halt: tl y.

(TrV-l-ru Mtab»«, when in bow«-!- of Irtotki k

j usually bai «m the « oii*tiIu!:oii of mm:. I!-* < r

it h>* lhieb I s«>.

.Hatred of the rr«-r«'h '.* a riroiniii.-it tra ¡tofHaytiio pe-'pl« in.d. j'ii!''!'ii¡«ly iiiii'iaii'-d. ¦t...- brth f., a iiitio'ial unity and pa'ii«t':«u:hitherto, egeept Vii|;i;i lv in KlUK ( 'hn«toprir '- Ir.*L'urdt«l M a tx.ssil.le r»-«-iit. A war with I'maaaalde nor«* to <...!....*,it (he union of the< la*-t s arul to aro.i-«* I «pint ol' patriot aai put tfieni, RfBÍM, in a peeitioo fitti.-'iie., to oeeapy, thai any other COIM* iv,«vent. No iiioderii powt r e«,:ld OOftMJftwr Hilad tin- re.-ult of a war with Prance woald i«lief In in the pre.¦¦!.' épi«*!*!!» Nati'iiial Debtwas fntred on «"he p»*ople, in ft» day« af fte ifl«II* Ili'Vel, hi the pel hilili'l« Ireliell (, iV'T'i .1

and should be répudiât. *«l in just it-»* to the Hairj nationality. Bal it arould ret{aire a great arai

«-.miiiet »ii.'L ¡i war: and (.erli.irl blBBOtyHtar aal hiarw, »raved biawclf e.jual to a tailgigantic. Whtrther I«»* i« or oat, Boetreogeihi!.

i VMM...White r.-iilei.'t» »ay thai th«* organ <»f run

is pioii-iio'titly «lev.*;,,pail m the Hnytrtn »kull.tak»'. u lone time to diamver or believe how plouiidly cuBBÍftfJ some ot them are. bbmI a bar»t on-ill; "tl.«' Iiior-t s!i|p:«¡-i«Mikln¿ t.-ll'iW youin the afreet will oobm latoyouand appear-toi '1 that you WOttld never iinat;:,!'* !)«. intrudedor <'.ui«l ibcal vous, aad yet to w.ii have a «le¬la:«! »< !.. i: «¦ behind bis »an all the time, ami !"ii

OB» but lie will «ne«*e«'d ill bvolili«-» yv/'l."Ihe fen«ral teitiruOD« wa« that the mulatt«

are itiore i:nunirii» than the black«. :urd really nn

llii'tllL'IIIHit and «uhlle.*' I heir «-»lui.'ru.'," Mid a I'.uro|a*,;n .«ildo f.. Il

" make« Tin-Hi Ike best ni «¿neiiiia -iii,i.*r-.''I'fll.ll I.M.SS,

Ilayti has h. u aplii' call.d th« « îrly-n.adIran««* ol fte West: and with r.»p.ot t«i maiin.

the definition il a» ju-t RlH If »itty. l*o|it.*n.petvadea every rlaas ol aoeiet) in naytii it i«|iroii,ineiit in the caluis of fte taontea us in t

parloi. nf tin- ei'ic». K«it«*r a r» -1:111 -'or., t«. pi«.lui-,- an Orange or :. bun.-ii of li« bananas, andtoe do not first tálate the mtutàtmé, abe will r»*gayou a« il«*ti«*i«*nt liii." «ul manmr««. Su. alfO, wbyon h ave; if \nii do a* the) do in H.tyti. y<ii,u-t bid Ii«t fsnod day. lire, eh!.«« boyi ritheir 4'oinrades MtMtitmr. Country folks tn'v

n 1.1 without a eoiiiteoi,« «aln.utioii. It is rudea-k any one I question in fte «tr.-.-f. or on tlroad, until yotl touch yoor hat, and say " Bof Jfft.Mot'Miur." I.a.lies ki-« vvlien tiny meet; and«on,el lines do the nan.with men' 1 never Mlmilled in my «iwn person to this unseemly Fren«taskMBi but my (.luipinioii, Mr. M., wa« on«

ki««*«-«i l«y a roiiuli-iaee«! (1, neral until his cheeks,believe, i»lt lik<* i poreapines htkadirnartrr'" li. n it

" said an .Mahama aUv^heUer I hearof, when in Ilayti, "I tunal take PBiW wtoa I r... tara to the State», or I'll find myself lifting m"hat t«< «'very ie ito on ajj plarit.iti.iti !" Tlitribut«* wai a ieaeiTed one, for we are barbariaiin tin- reipeai a« euopared with the llaytians.

Till VIVMIItilllMSS.White re»i«l«'n!s ntnl native« of intellii!''U'*e a

ape*.1 p.ttv tl.etl.rrri/ »M-tty theft .i« a ei.iai lei,»tic ol the lower orders, I have already n

erred t«i it. V «t rnftmeriftl at«- very rare, and theiare in; iii«taiiefs tin record of tru-t iietiayed,A m« rehant al («onaives iuf«inn«'d in«* that to ha

reqaentl) -rren bo.itni.ii t^,UU0aad flW,!JUO-Uaytian money. t«» cany t<> ftf Cftftf or Capitalami y-t he I,mi never bar] a < Hut, be add«',leave ii lew dollar» lito-e. or any little thilii; RftOBJand Ito) v. ¡11 take it. 'I hey do not seem to retar

pettythéfl a-rriiiiinal. I have ffbfB «¡iveu uien-

ftft) man 1 chanced to meet in the street.larubundle« to cany to the Cane, and they wnuhl pu!on their head and take it liiii«* BBMly, neither «tea

m«.' il theun-elve« nor inolc«ted by any one.

"And tiny would rather die aVfteadiag it." »aian Aniei'icun to whoin I cad ftf not«*, "than allotft] \ OJBf to tftkf a «'«'lit.'

"TftfJ ai«' very honorable when tr.i<t«*d." roilinioii a imssioiian ; "tin y like to be cutitided in

and in'.'T vi late ci iti'l'ii«'«'.''" In Ir.ivi luir.." «BidB» old whit» resident. " vv lu¬

yen t-tay lit a house over night, you may uivc an

oi« nil you have m tore for yon, till you i.'u-.«* net

Baorningt »ad Ito) will keep it bonectlj and »e.-iin-l

-,|.i|i o\.r.'.niul aVliver it upon .bum' «1. V"Deed have no fear."

v--\-in\iii>n.. i'<>ii»«i\;\ ..

Some win!«'« «I"«'lar« «I that »eerel ii-mi* linatbi. by ptBBOft chietly.are i.t urn oiiiiiion; others.and o.ii.r raneeatl.that tto) are v-ry rare. Thrc.-ii!ts ot :.!1 BTJ ,'opi'r,. - !,'d me to a«lopt the bite«.pinion. The BiiMHinarM» report only one :ii<f:ni«*

iu twelve year-; with fte exeeptioa of ft piftMlinirdcr, b) m.-ii whose exeeaftwi 1 have ¡iln-ail.aWerrihed. It U not aia*4nnBMMi to hear efperaoohein«- poisoned: but tin- > th" reeull rather ol Ml

pentitm>» than of otirae, Tto raperstitioa of tinevil 1 le.all manner id belief« in all maiin«*r ..

Miiivroiii« iufliieiKVs.ui.iv¦ 'Imftll] (iri'vail. a* 1 «liai»fterwaid show, Bmmbbj the people ..i ilayti. >i

univei'Mi! are t.¦«.-«. BMjdieV»! a In- -, that -«Idotnperson dies but Mine out" ». i»ge»l« a pieternatu aoatwe ti r hi- deee»«*. foivign« ra, until the) di-« ovi-r this tact, t"i m vv. opinion« of the Dativ«ftan Um y «u Mire.

Ilii-iii vi ITT.Kvciy on«* agreed thai tin* IIiytiaM are h htam

ti* 1*1« |i.p':«-i «\«'ii the n.o«t pri'jinlu't'd pro-alavi jWftil, n -«tit'iit-. N«, one ever 'i;--- ««i h ma r miioiti i.«-icci: tin; foiiniry pentth*, Mf/tseially, d--bgbtiftf '.> a»«>t fftrh oiii'r, aad Mpntyia* fteiin. i¡ hbors' m «'«'*.

Kl>i'i:« i lu" vvomiin.A miMMM .. ry '« vv:!.- stated «'la- v-ry ILiII-r'n--

fnc:. t..r whii'h the HaytUt» chiuai't- aaUMtld lieen!« Ell« tl every where.

.. I bate fon«* ftiaagh the «tr,-et- of l'ort-au-rrin«*«',"'sin- sard, "at al) hours of the Biftftt, andlo vt | i.i.if was iii«.iite«l. 1 could nut »a« a« IBUckti r ai y Anrrícii eitj of saMibtrsiae. N« aiiatai."¦be continued, "white or black, will ever be .*

suited by the iitiie- at a:iv hour of the nii.Lt, uii-

«. -» ahj i. .kc- ;!... Irsl advance».''IM M I N« I «.! IVII'1 Id V! i-M 01 V,,ii: vi ft

1 have Ral, ,:-l. -.;'¦« n ¦-¦ ited inatai res of r u-

n «ti'Iii-ii i. inlitienre ol **«¦ rnuinue's yj Al! thewhit itivM 1 rooveraedB th, <¦«¦ i'.1 thai « re |i had bee» '.» tlEm i arhtu -m."

lt.- the i« -; .. "i,y oi a biímmj .ary in»-,l,-ii: .¦')!.- li.i ¡an-ar>- a -..."il |M..p',.'.iverj

I tin,* ..,. p'i .wi1 ling tu fte '. rightly, bal«sad!., i« I.X.I.V.-niul. and by | MkVtJV« r'.meri;«il. Hi. v i,-e ;» .«..ine raailj pm'eraed; bat it i*

m j wible i.mtinae m »governiaei t leag. .. l>ur«

j ii c th,* I., -t Iwehe y« ton, th.-1 b»mv«w oae tbej hftv»«lul'.lnl. IftC illiaili., th« y have OOTU ¡1 ttigk pla«*»'*.ba»debaeedthe» greatly, .v,,u. »..wa¬tt dark ituuul Bajftft. At LÍBMM 1 iuiik»! de»iit:ir.*dol Ilayti. It«ftaaafffflIf us a» il ('itlr-nl was

m.«,ii un ft] Qtmi, a» ftaaaei wa» t.» *aa p «Jbbbj i<iii. !.v« rani¦». l"r th'« |m.;>le. . I here mm b.-nniTict cliiuicc t'.r !!.-«. v.MM in fte r«,-- fftaa»¡j.. [.'.." h. Bftid : I ftfl .'her Inn. ¦. | .-

t ....!.. t ii Ifti year».aawa» BtaVtCftftftstl w» .-. ...iLri',. d b. a r» «:J. : '

lw»i.!y y tar». ftBai b) IPVefaJ olio r }..-r».«.it vin i un.

I h.utda «lory ol IwMlfBxenjB, wtaak is aM «.( ttof, a ." .¦' '«.««¦- re'iitetl «'I h iu v> h.«'b lu h -:.«.( Iv hil

ehernerer «ir d'isp «»it.. n. A»B BmBttntaatrnlth«- y pie, n Beonetofle ra-. letter with it.»-va a »»ry "hl "."L'r» I P¦.--.».i-pri'V",i i d. n» any bh «. w¡',». ¡m Im

al !.¦ t». '.»rtrk procured a pr«- -t.-ti"'

¦. _. t !..... bh ;i m b Getnmo merehaal_.. ... arl "i «la., i»., day, -he matei

;, ,,.. ai,d . '. ... »t went empty away from.... aa '" bañan «j. «t free

leieiw-"'. if ... He fcD sink, and arm nsb,,i,.. id H ¦: re, also, I lifodc,.

. their < '.'1

w.i- dne : .. v. i- ih to n- ¦. Instigateder person ol European birth, the creditor,

legal praecn I '

li at«- t.ol si | iblic ;:.-t tnia here. Prias en niute fred t,«m-i.e.. or be fl

i . .i bj Ihe r ir..-i.d-, «>r. la ling to ¦!.. . tr

i r,.- n.'..¦»! .. te ¦«¦ ;¦'.' r .¦ " -'¦ i ¦hi,i »er.One d y the pnM In - al ay hie I

n » i Men" Gnod tlfli. food VA lid; |

¡I'-VAered. SI» e: !e!«'.|. »»'it MM t«'i'l that hat ffriend wa» in jail ami why.

!-he lnmi'diat-'iv went ap to the pahweofEmprrar aad wa.». I beta« thepssrb, Reiher: and. .ittra-l.-d bj h.r d-rre,. I h»rt<) COMe HI'. >!..' vva- t«0 l«cblet»i a»c

the -'air». I!>- nnl «- >wb soMien tc carry b«rRbe wee ctmdncted into the Baa_nee-«hamft

a;id i laced in a cluiir...Ale yiio the Emperor !" she aafend, "I»

." -tsah witfa the '.¦ peror."" i.... oid ini.itii-,' sahl S-mli'i pi«- 'what B« 8 watt"I can..- : n a-t. j ;-.i< .." «be «aid, for a n

Dnjnstly ¡mprisoardli.«- Enpenn -v.i ennani, Be «»iieet»d

bear a plea against bis .»¦.'. n haj istice bat told Ito go ti "nt »¦ '.v ..i.ll h-ar her.

"--ir»-," «I..- fa an i UM « 'ale BB) y..uand you.I um i««'.!-- with old ags a ni 'tu. h agi r w-rk. Bad am almo»! blind. I I iiv "f-i fl'-r« d with I ¦...-¦. «I .-re wa

petit blanc (little white aho tare am alms .»,

«ay« He did at ki m me. «d ¦«¦¦¦<¦ >'

»?nr, bat be never .I me awn] » thou

gitt. II» Ml liehj I '.»".». -liib-i» »I -"

Lunger :t« wh.-ti tl,«- i» ' a tick. Wki. y lin ., '.'¦ a - h. '.. ».... hb. .1 ..¡'i ..

bad, and aben he wn well again be «reala M»t pbifl debt Another white nui kin in ja; w he n< aid i aj i he and mmrj bat be is, ami «ai.i.of pa». He h ittSkgry asm, andfoil« Pray, flirt«, give him liburtj Bgaini ètejnstila the fin ¡I petit hi';e."

rjfae told ms name and the aaaae of Ua credit«V be Emperor an dceplj u,"V»ii

"Ni vi r liai, old ino'.i.» r'" !.. ,, ¡fl, "ji.-tie» thiI»- done loll.»- p.-;.t bl.iii.'"

.!.¦ ». f' a ",! t',r the 1 Bipm '¦ and toh-- th.- story of ih- good iiMmsrnin. Bhewn Roved,and broaghl bei be« and erne _

C-l-ithtS.\.'h< ii «In- went from the' -i- had în.'imy

h.r. rket n ¦¦ did .¦' brim «-b "''.

ih I.i; |.»Tor --i.r the Proenrateur fJ^mnrami niflend bim t« k «ne a Brannte ol retase.

lb. Germaa v.:.« r. ;...».d, bat eirireeeed hi« a

pr»-»:» -i-io! s that be would Benin in- imsrtaned...N' n at" mid the officer, "wluie Senlt ...

live« wui -hall ti» .»-r be impiteoned tgmin.-,- REDPaTI


,..',.-. I. !!.

Mi «n ». trteona, Md it. I '¦'¦ 1 '<. I»W.i inr | »cei'e an looking forward w ¡th gîta atudsl

to see w hut C"liL'i>»» Will tl" for M M it» «ASt M MUMll must ,1" s'i':i.ïl,'i;.'-«'i'h. r u'.v» tt-.parate Tenlorinl oiiMiii/ntmii <>r ¦ new .Indi.-ml District Winii-t bavebsws; and the tears of New-MssJro are i

n,,-' t..i»la- 'in'he i. nt that they areevei worn ia Baninstalle«-» r lut n no law« at nil. ( liir only (Mart lurethe I''. Court, wham aown is tahed n ¦ b, siat wh" e haada in can asea «o i» dn < whn « -¡vil t

criminal. Ii b in.m own over one bundnd dollanithe Ti-rrttorv be ¡s ptrrfoctly «sfo, a« there ia m ,«¦ t

collect i». If a man romndta ¦aider M na oohcon mine.) for trial.the Lord kmrars whom Ws haïa jail hen, kin trae; ihm is, a thing bnih af «Mattelw "i .1 logs, and chained together, shoot lea !.¦¦' leaand six te. t »v a!« in d in tin- |« B I bava s»*-ti BO MStb.-.n right ama charged with Btardu M bm BmAbout on.»' in tt»o month- the BkTWMMfa, «/«-Itittif de»).«rate. . »a. « ami w e li I v. ., !¦ ,t. h tri in n I», .."!.»'

:.... wl. would re lb« ¦. lloa». !" e» Is ncoi .unity reed] to kill or Meal m coaeeaisnee. F«iail 'l,i tbeie i« ti" remedy, our (fovernmeM Btahhaj n

provision either In fplHrd <>r iced th. m: tnd no8Hbfiil »los n».' Reel wfairon ol aMJniiiiaingageardshis S n BJ I"'.. .¦ 10 bl » p tai MteflSnbte rn-' .«Is !.. jaitl.«»-oí ñire !..«»¦ ieivaira... and dig theirwaj Ml'Ii 'is it has been for yean, atei that h «rill ba until wI a», -cine preteetioo fr.un OUT d neial I loverttun-ti!and the id« a adeaaced by rout et»»Tesru>adete " Oila,ihm the i«"i" do not wmui a Territorial flimrnimnii« im. rit lai», ami pnpofltenttfli 1 ban in my pmri-s'i.ti a doeament, »igned by -. me thirty Amencaii.-ilct-.. "I Terrilitry, otTerin« "Mr. Gila tbsi,ii. lirill stun of .«»1.1,1.11 and f.. pay his .'XpaBBBfl herandliat'k, if be will And twi respoTMiblfl cil entl «¦ Ici m. .t y wbo »»ill it-.«!« i-»- I - statement! r» laiivto the Ten lorv.

il.. !. t" rrscpsfl i' :* 1« . ¦' hi,.u*ima« -. . »,..«' If hswi|r,.,' c -ig ti ii twelve reipecl . Ar lou

I.,. V» .....

t .¦: i, tl.» untV »y 'i.V. . »

I by tb* Over», nn Dwati. »tin. ..'"¦'. .-j .' » m the lerritary." Si.-ne'¦y K. H ..i I.J.Ttll ..ii, i. - n» ..

t-aliiiii » li r:i. »¦ - Oral '.'¦ Hit:) .N'. ».| «. !¦ i juin» il- Liy .! «'¦ a'

i .- tker», a» i«-»p«ii« -u»-.i_:»nuoiy.

THE Hi \RT <>F I'll I / 1/7.?

forre.pcnel»il» »; The N V Tn» ?

Cult II »Mi. N. ... Oet ."'. I*'»'.».It may aot be uninteresting to the maaj reader

<f ThbTkibi st:, liie pe,.p|. » pap.-., to ini tbathe \i> public ans ef Centrai New-York an a infiipnpnnng i-r the Bjenronrhing ciitct. In littkCoriiaiid the v ...el.-'it. :.. t.. t:i_ k.iidleil. and 1 In»»oik oforganizathm gore bravely on.

'I ;.' - _.,» ¡i,, time« Bit' » miñona of the torarout ami oserthiun ol the - 'a» «-.In» ni; I'»"'i"cra. yllallot-stiicii.ç in y»mr c.t«. ami Harp-is Ferry,will prere in putent to snstnia th. ir fitilmg fortune.,Tbe decree is wrBhrn.

\v«i ii. |;i '.i i ¡i.,», tour city h lahm lag v ¡ttI na, and laboring most enfâ^tnnUv. The influennwhich he i»-:r.e- up->i. a commui ty it ting. H«lay« opeo tbe o,ue«tiou« al imue i». tn'eefl the Fr.Lsborand v re-Labor par .-, aitk nehefonr«ansnnfl powi rthat every bean r ansí be mar seedof tbe Boundm in! 1. roodusioos, whether thosecon» ici m- are suffer»«! tn r^trrttrel onte

ot. Ii;» ;¦. tninst the Ki ensiun ofBlaverj !" tfee Territtirie« ;;!¦»¦ oonrlnaive. iargnancntai m »»»'il a« th»- expwitta »»' lim snhser.»n ia y e! the lvm. erntic party t.» the innve l'«»w. r.

are »-atore. »I v. ;h un reuiueiM-e al eh lenponen, aad with atmwerto a bit ronldbeadded. Mr. U .¦ »he« tinues bis labors anlday of '. * .' that h .- .'. :.- n,r m be»»ill do :. -.

l ' »wort i" i Hand will sei d Lrt'-'fii,'.n i c::-"! daj. i,_

K » « i -...-._ \ db»MS '.»

' |eetlal <e .. I t. i i.«ihe folios -,

¦. 'I. Bf !'N

» of rity iron!¦" ' I t Matwhsl f.»r-¦»»tenet of I ,. ,i, ,, j |,' .' thiefJuel rheela*¦.-'.( t.'


». J. »V. Albright. Ü 'I¦¦.'¦'

1 *-- . t ...j« - .

.; ' '. " r t. « |. 1I the Judge had fi

d before he hall Ia fanai.«,! ,ro»» i t k . ,1 ..hit letok the | ,...¦:.MMneloa« ¦ . .:.-,,'. t. , ,<,.. ,. ... ,-'. a '¦¦ . ,, wüh a «

h'|tll .... v,

" ..

. :.-.'..-, .- ¡¦.»i: beiti used - ll i

o .. .

.'. tew; Ibal« rmmjti t*> !». _

.. thehnastaf o perwrn oi s arril -. bahn* corpa,fia«-» «abet» t» . I..-.-. -, .<

and lb» math« »

a lilu ditrej led.


-Vi-. g - ciel I.if-"

il ihafhiniBt BB» baa's I brD .'

....,.-- H v m ,-.'..-

I .. >' t et« . -etc- .t in tv-


*, ;....-. . mm Ottawa, HK»-

Basrtff « ..) . .-. i -

t be a . H a i- m

.. Miasoari robat.» k I i.


II. v«a» - a i, bat,» _ t. " .1

... -i ¦ oda feaata -. an ».

7 1/ |tborily, thatbis Bey .! «ni Prii of Mhy the l'olomul S". r» irv, ;«' I «.'h-r d.-'".' i.-ii.-l

| . ¦-.-.-¦.> '1 \ f v» ,t rtbfli . fini i .' i .< run»; of thfl

, i li- _. ».....

.Mr. 1 il li- .'¦'

n.j the inn real-, I . K

.--..-... ' I¦ ¦¦ '' y-» - ,


-... ,--. 7» « ..-.-.. . - irg

|.«rry tt d a _»» :' ..*»t»H .-. » . -'.eh.lL

.....-.. .*

\V e otrst s -' « I. , .¦


p, witbtbeii » Usai|_| W a r * :. I

I trfcsa sur ttaoau Sssus <

lowitii- .'¦» « T wtmttmm..

»»...: ,..- ...--- . ': J t

. « .. »'I


a. .o. ,.- :

Í .'¦¦..!¦.I I V»



1 ... - par. Om| rol « s bit*-I w<

nip for t'asv. sisal

a 11 I.m .

». ted."

JT i r Pott ot jett i the fol«lowing [ utiicnti b:

>. Whaa Mi B».,.»»., -..»¦. a <>,_..

,.Mr. Wi -¦ .«¦ .

.» ». ! v ¦.'.

.¦.'!. . -,

red that tk |'-.,..-. y of th*;'». ¦» V t M »11110.

* mti -'- Mad i.-.» . 11

- ! »i»i-».

Tr.t I I m, h.,*»t«r. MJ.I . ]>*". I - I . -.'.».» i


|| I'll« r -¦»..!'¦

k... , ", 1 .\'

I . ' .- .. Mr. Kt»r»tt ii

.While Tom C««rwiB wn adir, «ting s Isrge ¦ at*

im.- at Springfield, Ohi >, not brog tiare, and wa- «oar«

fog Lato the higj n -i n of poHikal eliyquence, a

b'a.K, iiii-i'll' --i/, d. nd BWM 'Jnokhnj ball terrier.. "im:, d ih«- phnform, and, tahJng I is phtn h ride th-'

speaker, » th.- BBBBSBBSwd .-'V*rrii*ns with ¡i

», v. !.«¦ lontii'.'Utnce iiiniu iiie'in«!...!» wagol ¡Srattdul;. Hi» debut was greeted »»;,h r»..,»- at btnghter,

and l'on Corwin paused ia the middle o! b Beatones.

Turning inward the ratradiag animal, ho wnted hiti iad coiiit«-»u-iy. mvmg: »'coate, ana a' ntfane, if plane« 'Ii" terrfer retirad a W a- pans, and

gbaosd «pii/./it ally at the s|« ak»r. wh» n Corvv.n ad.reared t<> the esta efths stand, and mal m Ute sople,ht a «sir soahatenrial tensi MIflohsBsn ks iatsadst.. loan the other dogs and join tbe republic an party I"i - pal] al k fail an i» a ¡t. d m Bb a leaapsM of Inttgh-

' ter Bad sppktaae, fas dte stenslof which hisdogshiptrotted ote "f the hall with bis tau al M an le»Ml- .

.Among the Letters band hi "Old Ilrowii«" poo»I aeflsion eras one from Clterln Bbirof CoBinseille, inComa», in relation tn nrertaia BoMimt. Mr. Blair faa »V'.rkniHii "f th«- " Collitiaville Ax Company,' em¬

pli.» Dg 'i '. aa 'i andi r him. and lahiag what eoatmct»I.» pknses. Boose time in IflSd or 1857, " Old Broeraream lo CitBinsviQe,and coutructed for a thousandi -,. |abe and in Kansas, Phre bandead «ran bn«I-I..' for him M thi« time, and tin othsrgrs bnndmdw.... !. rit n ll bands » f the eoatraetor. LaM June.- o it, »v» n ai-. :ii ..,:..!. taappearaan in>iii'e. and '¦ s ted Mr. Blah t« tnfak up tin» n-

,er "i the pik« -. Blair n-k« I hin to »» bat us.- h<intended to p*' tant, now that the «»nnnutlfatnrh.aareswenorerl To this onssrion Bron»agaveaaeveshr« rnpiy« The fnlshing of i Mmemi.» a Mr. ll .f "f l':'i"!i»!Ü... It arasIbaad, however,t1 at n wii'.hi be impendMe to furnish mice -han fonrI ondrrd and Rfty of lb« t. nob« i ia.i lbs tvontrnet-

nahinf . Bflnd and HtjiaaO, win-n thenwn -!!¦.. Blnii mrt w¡;h them tht letteithMhabeen publiai i-

.The I«, i. '. i W. M.I. y. mrmbi r of iho IV- «-

bytery « J M. usaippi, -hoi and kOlodsDr.V\ - .VI' :. 1- .i'-t. Dr. W faon

a ..¦.: ; plan, aad hada with ami

,om -"ti grown and a daughter mar-

ii i. il i. b.. -i ¦ thing i c.» .':i«iv..t.«. to Biteek , who fa the «antherof ris

i n. IL- »»»"'. h.r u letter of eight pagos, pro-agón elopem ni and marriage, andmi it by ;-

. who baaded il to Mo ley - nother.bite - .,- .1 'r. W.1-..

VI -. !¦ y w; .'. aad m (tutted bythe

-«;'¦ naaad of thtI . .

- ruingf ;!,» ( .¦" -.¦ .- ft

I c w ill I« air hw n .v numndn ofi. DW .¦..-.;.... I to ur-

..-. . , .. e to this

Mr. »i fa. !.. Cook, one of -¦ M en per«I I I ..

¦ «¦ ¦ ,..., ,:,, ,,.

i I anal tarn¦ . lot1 but a .-i.i.'h d ... ban 1 stely

I -.g *'-. (iHik was It many years in

y .; th» .MaiMi. i .. and s j'ii. m Ttfagiaplii ,led their I -.. u..

li. »..:.. .--.-,-

i. ra.

Tl. h : i.. ..- ( '. Jones, tehon A:) - !

f Tennessee. In

1st -, i. .. - \v ... on r

K rDei : nssbta < i

i 's"! Mr. I'Hi w.,- el rjsen a

I , . \» - -. ¡- - : . i ! h - '¦

i. .1 i- .1 ... w .-. te ¦. C Bvbod; «is y- ar- with « mat

theflian«he ..¦«¦¦*..I.

.Tbe I '..."¦ -;.: /'"-¦. P1t I -.¡i ri. b

1> ... '.!;nn. ap¡aar. i :u that' «. tan, n e.-' h.ti ban

I a I.''' ¦¦.«'. He Wa*

- md i whs AU ta»¦- .il '» i-iitv» !-. tunal in the

. riua I "- .' ¦.:¦.'. to eouie

- ..i.-..i b i thai be weald !>*. than bomb« rnts of l tori ar» t. be

r». M '.¦ --.¦-., cham-' '- '¦ : ...' -' '-¦ :i

* -i.... ".'¦-. l


(.»....a»« e» ef T "le S Y I*,u«*e.

Oa kaftft, Komi bt ftmw, Oti W'-

1 lift»* ftto Wntt, aie. .- . *.*.* '.'. *¦ *

.. -ab) :.-.(¦ v ft tto fa», ...r M " ">'_* "'

'. -t .'f lb« '.rsr-ile* VV R

,'t D».' I.Tl-i a-' *: 1 !'. : !d'l I-»-.h-'-v\ - 1 .

i tnatat w.'1'-

,....,.., .-., n .. kW* Bad. .: -: l

\" «r . . . ¦.

...-¦¦,» .---... C'.-rn

' l*at of A*-. [an, fia* -. Rad tata» I :!«' a"

i r ..t !

i lt.ra f fine I BftBMr : ...» .' I - 1 «taw

-, . .-,. .,.-, - ,v-

.. -.

i urrril '¦ fc* * Jaa« which an * .«-11 v.n r.K* I . .* auayedtl.«- Irait t-r- . e tto Mven drouthv. .¦¦'. ..;. BBBM p..r'«:-**.-¦

11, -, t i. .-. a ¦. « . -. v« eh '.'"»-

». *r - *w :... iad *'* t mm a saeead ¦' ito~, *, - *,,, .v-, .-*. ¦*. Hunni, I have

a r¡«i,. d nth.' open air in >*vp-t« t. I . r.

'I! .. D '- " IBM t ..«!' «'"'.«-!['ti. Indian A w« «riMia -ait "ir ft la i

v.. ., r t( ,v A* i.l,*. is very itimiiion. a "in

Bi v\ vat ly t ( Iktnati», and i«igini< from tl ai > a er mmh

1. r., line a.l-i r.« m ifbt be made from ¦< I«rere I tWgBl »TO How. r«.

The Waster« an longer ltoa ear», aad Ito fterBMBMrlerUK .'.- .'«'Id. be' -« .'It'll', » iV

i. its Mvere as at ft» bast, forai Ito a --«n« i

of wird. I ' -. -' «ii'- '¦<<. "i. and a . le ir

.-...t,. to their Winew, aad th« dry,I ktr, « «¦ here rentier ibi« clima'.- .a«-.

It -. .1 vv n | ,i!iii,i',ary ., n.;il,i;:,'-. It «w.-iiir I

«jri ¡ally trood for nerv-"- ¡-.-.-| kt Bad th"-tn «bl« ¦! will t.« ,

km»wntoreawonat»»I t gooden. t*in< Mawnthre,. .. ire Birth«ford da I... .¦. rmtain«, named from »he

.\r« aawi I» which »upr-h ii with water beaip. iiri-e of a great city. Il iakuntedon VVm-nel'uc i.l I ¦-¦ n v rabie commun»« it a wi«h the«r*- --.. ii. 'lie. i», i«pert pro-irteaadpurl teootfl rid..«liver dividing it, 1 vv«Kc y««;._ ¦.'h idBev, and tto pockataof umbI oi ta .. irtv -. ¦'. i- a

¦.. t n rtieaM M tto bouw« of th - atom M. iv ] | irt« nance now il toa a popnl ition of «vat

eitibl inowand, churelies if ttrtoct kinds, actool«h« u es, tome tn-e «:.«re«. ind one «?». «.-. J|y tin«* block,containing a toll which is said lo ha 'he h.n«I-.«ine-t.a t!.«' VA e-*.. «t,. 1 rupable of a.-. ..ii.-.n,..1 «titn.* aaarl)ihr** thousand people. The Hall to« ¦ cn'-r d-'ine,. -'.ii.'l gliM, art ia ven pJeaahnr, From*hr t' | «,;' th'* buildiUR all iri.'"ll!p.,l':ih¡.' VI. VV 1« to '.«*bad i the cily, like, prairie, river, ami woimmv Tb»i .n element here i German, and a» inielliirent

i of i roj I»-. «-' »dient lo hi* i-ndingtl e .'t rtui --'i-v- rMrbrs to ibem aadtheir children, The people loot health) and hippy,ind tbeie ia an ippcaranc« irt mforl md thrift inouttltem and their dwellioi Baoetow) hoam,bal reit, w,'I-itr-i*i-- .1 hnildiutr«, with fards, inwi kh atuad ito foroa ire« foend 'lier.' and ulivanedbv th am aad skratolb. ... ;t!«r- h.ivi -levvi ftMt» an I I leaped for I'le leaving 'h. in 'intnoh-si«'«!. and «dump« ofo.ik- and biekork s in the cultivated ti, ! Is ar«* pleamnito look upon, and their «abade mm» delight the cattlein Bataa . r.Tto beauty o( «this i-onntry is indearritohle, tto

wl..!. having the app« «ranee ofa well cared tor park.\ ridge ol Inn«-'"tie r-iu« firUM Qn*fl llavtoMn

end of Labe Michigan, uumeroa» (treemi nm, and va»t-i'iari'itie» of UttMMtinw dab« Had) foln*.- can in* tiikt n ir,.m ito i|'n.i lies and furnhstod totl «. cily at tv.«, «*eut« a - ¡ti.i'e f.i.-i. t'r.ucl ,« ¡ilniti-«lat.t and .i<*c*«il,|e. and tto «my Ml riou-.vinir the

planks from th«* read, ht) qbj on navel, and will intin .¦ I av.- tit.e -id,-walk- :in«l faod i«>ade. 4)n this

ridgl are Knie line fariiis, and tto SSjpee! of Ito couu-

tt v rt'inr I- nit of DutchCM ( ouniy. ni tb» hir-h teaks, views oi th«' city, prairie and

lake an' to be h.i'l. and .11 the I« ¡li ait everytaxBM is

m «I Btiact that the iyi teeha in vaia for ito horiaoBaTto most tonntiful pl»M and the inest improved i«

Owaaao, tto htaaa of tto bata Joba H. Italy, Thetarín C',n»i-ts of I.'JIM! a-Te», iiifludiiiif prairie land,a "« «I aii'l paatara it Is wall wanwvd aad fera*ad,aaadivided intuito and 50 aera Iota, There ¦« upon it a

i« ii.n.i >l,.>ii« In -i,.-, irieeli bous,', n loWM carden, an

itt Irnrd ul thrift) frail trees, .ample :iiv«.iiiiii.i«bttiollsfor hörnt», i «>w s, mid «hep, I la* «lait y bull ot stun.',a 1 ..nil' v vv.'h MlWOH Of Water runnitik,' through, farmh« Bee«, ne toase, un«! every apntutenani-e toloogingi«, a ha* «'..nntiy tent.Bvery ti«!«l has water La it. an«l R «nek run« errati«

Call« thl.ili.ll the wiiole. Two line lake», well»tocied »vith li-h. ar«- m ur the LuaaitoB, and tr-,m one

<«t tit--,*. wh'iM- is ever rippl. «I, the piara t»kie,i- nui.,-, <»wa.- o. ,«r the glittering water, is nearlyr« and, anil Us sides, with lb* ITlTBtaBft M OftaftBM.are per] eadkalar.The crash feVrwing t>-im thai Labi taaaM» the lawn,

«.v. r w lu« h ire tbrowB baadiMM bridge» b ult of th«-sli I from the iri-I.e. tin* w ide-irriiv. ¡.-1 Walks,| ntches of Ibiwer«, tine ,.|«1 tree«, liovver-^ardenthrough vvhieh the -tie,un toa hollowed abadiatoa hieb pipe« tove been i brunt, ¡ml on! of which let!t t W:i!t -(int. and bach of wh:«'h ale ««Ilk- an«l hickWftMi, »ad u hedtre of wild |.luui trees make a pretty| ictiire. Tht-r«* i« a «.ilinnes- aii«| ranoM in the whole,who h :- Very -outliiiL' atnl evert where ihe eyestarn.l) e) re-l Upon beautiful «cenes, ;.u«l With every breathe« uIBMBMS new life.A Dew religious movement ftejg t*OMMMMMMl at Komi

dn laUC, and M well entule«! to lie «ailed the llrott-i( hureb, for It la Without «reed, ami it« emOftrmM» MOlive to man iin-l our d'l'ie« to hiin. All are invited to«. tu* to wor-hip. ami the lar.'.'-t iilllgngllloil in the

arty pravM tto «yntaathy with Ito opinion« of theii.iei« r, who was eiliuate-l a I'r» sbv r«*rian. but 'vh«,se11.11«asiag libéral views have led him oit ft the paleof tto ana, ha! whoM baiaanhavata irupulr«-« to tin- MBrefetafieB.

Like The«i«!ore I'urker. tobaatto (iowrrto 1',1'iimaii'lthe whale at'eiiti.iii «if hi«'i- and, when hoc n-«--. vin ai.- «uriv tin.i he hi- lliaalfd. and, al-ibongb M may have Lalhod nearly an hour, it »et.iu« torl e li«'e«:i r i-ut I few irimnies.An impromptu Pestiv il mi held Rl Aa*ory Hall for

th« il:«ie:i«e ol the Siibhatb-chiitil |i',r.i-y. and if 'lieliberalitj ol tto eoagrr«a-4tioa be the leal of the pas*lor's pot rxtaritj , Ine wm raba aal iutad. Bach bean« ofjir«ivi-,i,n glthirad at tWO ft»J - notar eoold only havebeen colleetad oui Wut, where btosaHt) i.« bora m it«trna boMO, and at <>f tto hei*itng» with ihe ¡.nul.

I Wa- ., tiii:i«!|.*il by Ito -iiddeli uppeur nice hereoftwo Imliaa women who were attiaêtad b) tto «I* rirato 1 iar music. I «batted w¡th aad found -he was

a (bwcrndanl of the Stoekbridg» tribe fraM ICnaaa>ehntett« Itol her irrindparents BaJgramMl from thenceto OaeMBt, Sew«York, aad t' t^httara in Ufta to«; ¦. Bi) ins wind immI thai fta tafta«*Wfttt un-

¦ laMed .linon.- ib» «-n¡«*l VV Lnneta»ni«*and Cnippawaiwho reverenced them tor ibeir superior intelligrac«.t'.r. -,.\.« »to, VVe vv« re Lr.iii-.'hl a» like whir«: folk«.Ah.' coatinned -he. «n ¦ toaa if aMftaaa», wfta whit*.'1...1. . «ii*>-.i-r- ¦ nd ito ahi't*'« itirii kill ItoaoML «¡..i- -," Th«* dignity of thia vt-«-m.iii w-nil-1 b.tveVTitie'' ¡t Dadhaa with a tVelah pe«li»Tee. n. it.

Iv.iv*. laXOia ITBBI * IS ml --i"*»'..There are rhreeIndinri ItWialalniT« ti"w hi session xvtmt of this State.The ( hetnkee ( «ni,, il i- in .«ereioii tat lablaqaah, C.N..-i.vtv raihwfrom this place. Tto annual ntseaite»«,I l!el lot wo« «er,! in .,;, lbs BTM VI.,ml.iv in tins

Mi. .L.i n I;. - a tto principal Chief, wbteh..«..- be has told for th« -. ihat) >.-..?.. bv. BomI vv i it-i liane baanagM than oiiy ¦¦-.i.ri'executive

th» I -..'. Mtute*.Tb| «I,«.taw I.e_-.- all re - I. r: * Boggy De-

i, ¦. .. l - '.,...) t!'«; overliadi I route. Gov. Walker -.*n| o bisa.uRnoalber...i./at.i.ii of the I.«*, ture, We bave r« . .-i

. .v - .,-« in the -<-.¦» « .- line* 11 e<tnn«i..« .ci a ,i ot of tto Is .. <. ». Wilker r-

fend Mr. 1.. lei,* -. ..i- lim. Gov. W. i« an excel«lern man, honor ie Lti aven ,.d Mana a irjxad(¦ vemor. V\«- boj e i;..v. 1.. - w

« L'k -..vv I., irielalur n .' I' -'.-' _.; « V. I art VV..-Í .'... \\,

t .'-.

Hele :.rr till«!* ll.di.itl 1..- _'l-i..I ,i r, - it, -...u a!'¦.i «Il Í .a. iw0|iket.l.. « ¦-

: ito I i. «,.-.orgitnized with . .¦ :.-.*-.'ativ.*,v .t.«.; nrjien».each miti n run ol into

.-. '.v, :, .¦; :...!. j, hlBBfBW» Of t e

BUT» H.ilu »...

[ft n «¦. it! Tin:-.. Bsh.

Nr. a i « |olb a .i» fta «Mi-i .--« »...* dav ? af w«*t*kW-e'ti/cti. I . ItUrkbnm. . ¡.. »old «tl BmfrOM

to« t't Path u .¦: Booee < i «aty, bv the name ,,f ¿ i»,I kner, who we» en MoBaaj \'..~- «bipyad lat lh«»t»uni«r i BaTaihridge, to go South. T .- i .nul ri«!)<e, itwili le rtm.'tnlM i.-d. -imk on fta eveaiuB of that dàva atoft -l.-ti ».. ¦- i.ltiw thectv, and vv.- have beard'itwl...«.rni t'.st m fta eonltosoB ahieh .*i.e.i.-d ia ...u«B-pi» BM < t" the femaUftf the MIMM itiiyiir th.'ir faaftftCand are m-w «.a tawat way t«.- ( anada.

I lte».iia.»*i Lt > Jrer. j*..«.


geventy-eigbt pmeata a r*d for tb« ntaj. ¦.

¡ « .¦ '. ».

S ' 't 'ill »

'¦ II« : '¦ .¦ tdaptatioti VV «

¦. nd v" . II», ia '.¦

Wllh ' y theit!, and Whtti

Hll 01 ' 0, Ü-'ill'-'--r ¡.-k teg,i «nanead » ...- »j.*»;


'. | r» , n»»«I.

nBMBBBri ¡«»W' pit pesrre and bbim h hat In tta

n nnv ».!;.»>.. .¦ Law ¡al ; s- ,t. rn- ¡,11n«.: Basra! -i» v... », .... !¡.¡,: m nag am»

t, ». n. in« ata '«- . itl at»I » | "'.' :i< ».'.-<..! dy. I» «n

.¦."-'i>. . t. w. i n- w'-i, :.,liy v !. C"ic-

II ... n-*nt predan aa «mnMSM mmm M pasta

'....'. - I .. c

i. * ti.i«. wi ».;«. the man i«-» al a ringle amthi tower nl iimiiy horses, und a- the h ,,;"

null power is only »_-¦*.. ». « i bv .it\ci. .v.- »....,;;,..

ll never, raj idly a« y de« -,a far IB

pis v. ti. ¦-

l>i ah IrBiaee* of Kew-1 .,»» t ly r*ve.

n.« ; in »ti ¡.m engb m mj -

" | efata u .. n -' "t> ng ¡.n : eeml.:Lit- » »«i-oí! cams ..lid adi'i-tin^ -« r. «-, .t ,

revolvingni.d «lidiag r.»»-slu«r. «shManlallj .»--.--

»li-d. i.r.Id «»nib In . Mies« With »he iiM'Hlisiie«. '¦. '.for working puppta valvre m n« im Miginoa, nbetmi»

ly a* und lor lb« rtttiy>*e* ->(.«.« in«. I < .* iu tl.*n . limn «n noMtrwel or nsii .. <»i ».i

Ofl call:-. II tin ll .¦ pin «>».. ot .a.«I'l Uli; MS In'it er .

adjust tbe pon: al »» en ihe »'«-11111 1» t«» ha taeaTi 11 :.. t on of the ttroke, whether ii be donea i ne li eel :.'.". 's ill «.;.». :. .,i ..r III r. - -

-. r.l » "I Bad -In.»»I .

¦Lnies liüiiliili.s of It.'-l"!: pafi m» an I ,|

Try ( 1 ck ii»r Ptram-I oiling, win« L eonaiste ia n 1 on«n Bgatingfa cock and attaching faoifaebj ml fa join;, thai y ra -m- 01 lowm.eie to in.liiatc the kighi of «the amter, ihre «nt ag»i.»i rj an .-i thne otdh ary «i>«k».Owing to the .¡.¡li. ally ol ¡ratting good -.t

rcatoili.l'ic pi ice, sinokti« ut rapidly adoptiog lidpopalai sin« tl:« p|« the ncreased «bitiund forwlinh1. kthaaloted tevantivi nnta h» this dheetioa. lion erdrasry pipe,the thian all pam Ihseagh the un-

ronsunwd t* sriag the »tern, flrpoaitingi-tutc by the condensation of a portion of the of«

fctiMveml. which gwMlydettrinnin bh* anma »4

all m» -k» 1« an a w..i. ill M tl Ma vor ,,f apipen »t ...ii ui'ti. Wt md .- fromtl ». folfonhtg « litmi .»I Wat, M. Hi-yatu «f \\ Bahtajaton, I». C., for a " bsaehing Ihhe," thai be aü get th«,removal ol thtadiffruhy; M any rat«», il rightly coa»

-.1... ted, bfa »i«.»¦ ». a M tt otmpifak thi ml. li. mysi" I da.In B lebalsf tta -, lips Whit fa oiil.nil- th«»

supply of tobeccowhbiait, and 1» fa in-led nilha:! d t"ih »»«-r. m tbeii e |ahralsata, ihm tari 1 at)

the toban o ;.i the bornins poini. or beaibre, m foal nit i- co!isiim«-«l. siil'staiuiallv 111 ih» manner and lor th»«par* ose set forth."

lain ill!»' la» 'lei been H labor mi-, ind'1«! i"U4

pursuit, but improved :i.rl. nl'mal iiiiiclit'icry willeventually do the drudgerj. Tbongh il ta bentofli eboon m .essary, in i/ndea l In« plow, to follow il oil

foot, it i» n» sasy t.» renesiva «»1 a nieta by wh.« b ahaplow n m may do this a bile ridiag, a- íi tras 'tt ¡uv*ntthe neperaad Bsewer. Deaist BUnflef MenaenBfcIII., ha« invente«! a plow "I. which ihe dti»i| n,j\ ride,and in addition i» ««usable device« f>>r 1nntin.talll«raiding it, the furrows n.a» In- turned from the saino

side of the Ian.I, wliil.' 'lie plow is movi'ii* iu .-itherdirection.Tboegh metallic ».als for leiten« mu«f rie».e««aiiljr

tie men sspeuaive than tiie adhesivi m i.-iIh.'» ,

ordinarily used, a «h« up, simple, easily ap|tb» »I ».

may be useful l»r «| «.. ml pur,)«*»«'». C. A. M» K»".tof Kithinoutl, Va., p it.-ni« r, ». Metallic Baal foe Let*(its, Ac. w i i« li 1 olisist» of two dl-k» ot Ihm »beet,ti «tul. s«, constructed thai whin on« i» plaee«! insideUM onvelnjie and the- othe-r outride tb»' tl» I, .t, .mlpic-red lit ml» foBjettk t. 1I1 iredgi ire »<» interlockedas to s« cine tie seulini/.

Person« iisiiiir movable »he w ind"»v blind»are aware

of the liability of:'. » eonaortbms beesarfag dhMimaged or broken. .1 .1 n (J. Il.iltt 1 iii.-ik'tior f<-hiiQ-relf and «\»a 1.. Can ei . of Washington, I). ('., foran Improve ment in t! .. B«»d« of Window Wind-, «ay«:"I , hum the peciihar constnut ion of thill ne'alii''

libe». Iba I»»" edj/es ¦.<. lontlilli/ the eai.« or rili»'»,8 e »-, in ri vibiuutioti wilh win- «tuple« «>r rliii/«. r«teemoi t wood riete tor mo»able blind», nbstaatiaDy «a». t forth."Though coal and m»in are usually considered 'le»

tuest practicable material« for illuminâtini* gas, it is¡i-.ihle ihht, with iiii|.r"Vet| nppHiiitu«, ¡n ,-oiti»- lo¬

calities peaf tnity bcinl.litlta'/eollsly 'l-a'l. «I. liuirowsj

Hyde of Newark, N. J., assignor to Phebe Iluminanof sume placel, tor an Improvement in lb« M*-»h»»I "I"

MakingAbb Item Peat:"Cliiiins. Iir»t. Ptporiag «m h peat y inatt«r «i

thoraagb osskcation by artidcial bent, aim.nyhlgi' .») the re tort w ithnnl p« rniittin«,' it to abwarb moistvureIn m the air. S rend, Orunufatinx or jMiwderiti«; «uclipeaty matter, ilistillint,' ami eiM,liiu/ it in rloosd I'MBBB,BBdeseribsd. Third, Kinployinj' i be In,if evolved iucooling the caihoin/eil mut. rial t" aid ia d»- inltegthe | BBJty nuttier, as dc-cribed.

A inn».» m»-elin«; is s.»in »<) be li» 1*1 nl Molifgo'. I »',Ala., to iriv«- e.\nri"-i"ii lo public »¦ iitimeiil in r« bat on

to |ha Harjirs Keri-y ti:i»redy. hVmtswmsry i», we

believe, the IrM city al the South thai lia« deemed«ui h a step necessary or expedient.JgeBBBSOB '1 in in »»it»..We barn from I falta B.

Tki St. Lmmit ReprnMiemu that k Convention toBSfMa I'n,» i.-loiin; OoV« rim mmt In'-t at Apollo Hall, m l>»n-v«-r lit», u,i. li', ami iii'.niii'z«*! by eUcting Mr« I«W. Stiele n» Trc«..'.-in, .lohn C. Moor, an OSflM '*.Ti t« a a« >» ratariss, Meesra. II» «ir» Alta M taKan. II oi Oeltfaa City, and lliekon k».e, c» ,,, I», a*V.-r, n« Vlc-l''.-!'!. ,!-. and Cap!. >>. W Wink, r Sr-i'eiint-ai-.\rmr. Altara lotiir diecusaion relnl .. lotbsI er] r »t y»of forming ¡i IVovirional f«ovenini«-nl lbs( »n vet tit n reeoleed BreM teto GommiMm of ttaWhole " Oa the (hnte afta Orannfa A»f. mii M11 it. d a I '¦ i »itm n.n similar in he pnnoktt m tl.n*"-.,.'. I'.'i and «rated down by tha partpfo)M Mm 1*smm**tut:, nal Cl liv.-it;. n b.-l.l m'A nun»» U»t. Hi» «»'-'aim*

Ail tunan rastateid by lb* Conn »iik.ii. Mr. >i..b-,late cati'li«1;;!.' for Cimirreus, wn» nomins»«sil n.r tlov»

|en..r: Mr. Hi-- "f «."hi'ii taty, for Bscntary ofState. Mr. Ceeh at Aanrin, ta snaaanr, and othertficer» of minor ImpOl lain-«'. Making a coiiip'. te -» t of

(¡ove-l f.ll'i-tif cft'ciil».a r. -"iii'i, n w.s off red and paaasd indaning tha

fate eleetitm, and intern lieg tin delegate eltw-t t*t Coa«gran m restais point» n alivt to tha wwlforicttantry; after which, the Coavemioa Mafoain*»/,»¦.

1 he »V"t«r who '.rit. - thfa it:t, liiiatio:, BBStlMf -»«-:

"'Ihe ( o!.v«-titi«ii tras «hiiüeit. ri/. «I liii.c _(...iit as-. -1 '¦' -. ritt, han ooj'aad nsanrmnia dthoi: ml ». .:..« j ¡y t...» th. i...-jt,',n»ilnlitv of th. ii - latfae.II ,.t was t<» .,\'e a :.'.v. i.i»i. m aad laWS 'ttd tnUrtmto a reeple who fa aadameew, witboteflap1 »'I, ¦'' - whatever. Whut n,- BtoveroetU anyr'Mtlt It. tenait . yet to be «.'.tl. {.¡. I i,, v. rilVttli- only lo ex.»t until t ¦. n -- -ban \ .¦.< to tu a T< r*"*

toral oikrhr.i/niioii, when, by ;be Ocva'a .itertsb-li«led by tl e Convention, it e-rav». | be late cl »

» i n i« -.i t.- r.» t ot _r> -- h,,r tn.t. ¡,» ».t. bon dsridaeVho tar i » beardfn m, V, lliug I. a»'.- V\ ilHama, ..t .Inn*",

II t\ ( o. - I. | :»-,-.»le.- I.MB rote«, («re**»M "t:- »> *.».!!" !" -.'',:» W'lllli-,| ciei

l < I. rioii» .1:., k Bei . Ka -a» noHiri. ty, I lay-i'e.'H rompit lotis haiitl in the mailer; mid al amdoubt that exist« as to Willini*'« beiui/ elected i« * of the laMmafa »ot.-, ¿m nmsnmm

[threeBBBSaharjenaaats, ¡.t tb«» «rhah <.' e/hfahthn»1 nre not o»» rM vean.N

»» -

TOP KlHTMlal 4KI ki III» BlMMBBM «â*J|J» hn. N. Ii., papen ti"t c ihe em ¦»¦:»»¦¦. »

GU '., »uy» it ix-.'tir.-d .bout balf-pitst gefllssk 88 BteBieeniagef thetesli. 'iTi«- nnuliliiiir ti"»»«* ft* «.'.',«.distiiHt, andihe hoi,». »eh.a.K »». Ji tin vibrteion. ''¦.'fhock continued aboutotu-minnte. 7*» Frx aaansmI. aary (i«rit.»ni< telt the «hock. Stuie ihoatfht tb» "«»'J»*Irveeuibled that of h « on tin; olb»r» tbouühlit like the astee af nsay wúgoii* «>r "f m\tr<-ui BRamWi luve not heard th.«» an» iims^f wa« uvu«.


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