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 VIYELLATEX  group                            10th  April  2014                      


Passion for Sustainability

Corporate  Carbon  Footprint                              Report  2013    

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5   RESULTS 5  

5.1   Viyellatex  Spinning  Ltd  (VSL) 5  5.1.1   Total  Carbon  Footprint 5  5.1.2   Output-­‐related  Carbon  Footprint 6  5.1.3   Energy  Costs 7  

5.2   Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Ltd  (ISML) 7  5.2.1   Total  Carbon  Footprint 7  5.2.2   Output-­‐related  Carbon  Footprint 8  5.2.3   Energy  Consumption  and  Costs 9  

5.3   Viyellatex  Limited 9  5.3.1   Total  Carbon  Footprint 9  5.3.2   Output-­‐related  Carbon  Footprint 11  5.3.3   Energy  Consumption  and  Costs 12  

5.4   Overall  Carbon  Footprint  of  Viyellatex  Group 13  

6   SAVING  MEASURES  2013 13  

7   EMISSIONS  SCOPE  3 15    


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1 Introduction  

The   effect   of   global   warming   causes   significant   disturbances   of   the   global   climate   such   as   floods,  droughts,  cyclones,   rising  sea-­‐level,   scarcity  of  water  and  crop   losses.  The   Intergovernmental  Panel  on   Climate   Change   (IPCC)   has   revealed   the   scientific   significance   and   proven   evidence   that   the  increasing  level  of  carbon  emissions  by  human  activity  is  the  major  driver  of  climate  change.  The  IPCC  is  the  nominated  United  Nations’  body  for  research  on  this  issue.    

Consuming  fossil  fuels  such  as  oil,  coal  and  natural  gas  has  dramatically  risen  in  the  past  century  with  releasing   carbon   emissions   (CO2)   into   the   atmosphere.   The   global   consumption   of   energy   is  continually  rising.  Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  reduce  CO2-­‐emissions  globally  in  order  to  avoid  major  threats  to  ecosystems  and  human  health.    

Consumers   increasingly   ask   retailers   and   brands,   what   they   do   to   reduce   CO2-­‐emissions.   Several  initiatives   address   carbon   emissions   of   companies   and   products,   e.g   the   Carbon   Performance  Improvement   Initiative   (CPI2)   a   global   initiative   to   improve   energy   efficiency   in   textile   and   shoe  production.    

Textile  producers  have  started   to   take  an  active   role  as  well  by  providing   transparency  about   their  carbon  emissions  and  by  implementing  improvement  measures  systematically.  Their  benefits  from  a  pro-­‐active   carbon   management   have   become   a   benchmark   for   producers   and   retailers   as   well  towards  a  sustainable  textile  industry.    


2 Objectives  of  the  project  

Systain  Consulting  has  been  assigned  to  evaluate  the  carbon  emissions  of  different  units  of  Viyellatex  Group  in  Bangladesh.  This  includes  the  following  6  units:    

1. Viyellatex  Spinning  Ltd  (VSL)  

2. Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Co.  Ltd  (ISML)  

3. Viyellatex  Ltd  -­‐  Knit  Garments  Unit  

4. Viyellatex  Ltd  -­‐  Knitting  Unit  

5. Viyellatex  Ltd  -­‐  Dyeing  Unit  

6. Viyellatex  Ltd  -­‐  Washing  Unit  

Objective   of   this   project   is   to   provide   transparency   about   greenhouse   gas   emissions   according   to  international  accounting  methodology  towards  clients,  stakeholders  and  other  textile  producers.    


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3 Scope,  Data  and  Methodology  

The   Carbon   Footprint   indicated   in   this   report   has   been   evaluated   according   to   GHG-­‐Protocol   –   A  Corporate  Accounting  and  Reporting  Standard  (revised  version).  The  Greenhouse  Gas  (GHG)-­‐Protocol  is  the  global  standard  for  accounting  and  quantifying  company  related  carbon  emissions.  It  has  been  developed  by   the  World  Resources   Institute   (WRI)   and   the  World  Business  Council   for   Sustainable  Development  (WBCSD).  The  GHG-­‐Protocol  is  based  on  ISO  14,040/44  norms.  

The   report   covers   all   Scope   1   and   Scope   2   emissions   of   Viyellatex   and   its   units   according   to   the  categorization   of   the   GHG-­‐Protocol.   Scope   1   includes   all   direct   emissions   at   the   premises   of   the  company  (boiler,  generator  etc.).  Scope  2  emissions  include  consumed  electricity  by  grid  suppliers.      

According   to   the   GHG-­‐Protocol   requirements,   results   indicate   all   greenhouse   gas   emissions  which  means  carbon  emissions  (CO2)  as  well  as  further  greenhouse  gases  such  as  methane.  For  that  reason,  the  carbon  footprint  is  provided  in  kilogram/metric  tons  CO2  equivalents  (CO2e).  

The  data  and  results  cover  the  period  of  12  months  from  January  2013  to  December  2013.  Data  for  January  2014  have  been  considered  in  indication  of  monthly  emission  data.    

4 Data  Collection  and  Quality  of  Data  

Viyellatex  incorporates  three  separate  system  boundaries:  

1. Viyellatex  Spinning  Ltd  (VSL)  

2. Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Co.  Ltd  (ISML)  

3. Viyellatex  Ltd  with  4  units:  Garments  Unit,  Knitting  Unit,  Dyeing  Unit  and  Washing  Unit  

Systain   has   provided   a   questionnaire   for   each   unit.   The   data   were   specified   on   a   monthly   basis,  regarding  the  different  energy  sources  and  their  quantities.  Data  have  been  given  for  a  period  of  13  months   from  January  2013   to   January  2014.  The  management  clarified  any  question   that  emerged  during  the  data  collection.    

The  data  have  been  reviewed  in  order  to  assure  data  quality.  The  quality  of  the  data  is  very  good;  all  data  is  consistent  and  plausible.  There  have  not  been  any  data  gaps  or  incomplete  information.    


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5 Results  

5.1 Viyellatex  Spinning  Ltd  (VSL)    


5.1.1 Total  Carbon  Footprint  

The   total   carbon   footprint   of   VSL   in   2013   has   been   24,214   tons   CO2e   (from   January   2013   to  December  2013).  

The   total   amount   in   2013   is   equivalent   to   the   yearly   per   capita   emissions   of   64,125   citizens   in  Bangladesh   (0.4   tons   per   year),   according   to   per   capita   emissions   data   provided   by   the   United  Nations  (UN  Millennium  Development  Goals  Indicators).    

The  emissions  result   from  three  sources:  natural  gas  and  diesel,  both  used  for  producing  electricity  on-­‐site   as   well   as   electricity   from   the   grid.   Natural   gas   makes   up   more   than   99%   (23,974   tons).  Respectively,  less  than  1%  of  the  total  CO2e-­‐emissions  are  caused  by  diesel  (189  tons)  and  electricity  from  the  grid  (51  tons).  Due  to  the  characteristics  of  the  spinning  processes,  there  is  no  process-­‐heat  required.    



Share  of  CO2e-­‐emissions  VSL  in  2013  

The   chart  below   indicates   the  emissions   and   the  production  on  a  monthly  basis.   Compared   to   the  produced   yarns   it   shows   a   peak   in   May,   August   and   October   2013.   In   these   months,   electricity  generation  through  natural  gas  generators  was  supported  by  diesel  backup  generator  and  electricity  from  grid.  


Natural  gas    23,974  Tons  99,01%  

Diesel    189  Tons    0,78%  

Electricity  from  grid    54  Tons  0,21%  

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 Monthly  CO2e-­‐emissions  and  production  r  ate  VSL  from  January  2013  to  January  2014  

In  the  period  of  13  months  from  January  2013  to  January  2014,  emissions  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  26,197   tons  CO2e.  The  consumption  of  natural  gas  caused  25,954   tons  CO2e   (99.1%),  Diesel  189  tons  CO2e  (0.7%)  and  electricity  from  the  grid  54  tons  CO2e  (0.2%).  

5.1.2 Output-­‐related  Carbon  Footprint  

In  2013  (Jan  13  to  Dec  13),  the  carbon  footprint  has  been  2.467  kg  CO2e.  Compared  to  2009,  with  output  related  emissions  of  3.139  kg  CO2e  per  kg  yarn,  VSL  has  reduced  its  footprint  by  21.4%.  This  means  an  annual  reduction  of  almost  6%.  

  2009   2013   Total  Percentage  change  in  %  

Annual  percentage  change  %  

Emissions  per  kg  Yarn  at  VSL  (in  kg  CO2e)  

3.139   2.467   -­‐21.4%   -­‐5,8%  

 Comparison  of  output-­‐related  CO2e  emissions  

Compared   with   other   spinning   units,   VSL   performs   among   the   top   level.   This   demonstrates   the  advanced   level   of   VSL   among   its   peers   and   the   striving   of   the   management   for   continuous  improvement  of  the  efficiency.  



















Jan  13   Feb  13   Mar  13   Apr  13   May  13   Jun  13   Jul  13   Aug  13   Sep  13   Oct  13   Nov  13   Dec  13   Jan  14  

Produced  Yarns  (in  tons)  Ca



s  (in  to

ns  CO


CO2   Produced  Yarn  

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5.1.3 Energy  Costs  

Carbon   emissions   result   from   the   use   of   fossil   fuels   which   is   also   a   cost   factor.   Reducing   CO2e-­‐emissions  means  reducing  energy  costs  as  well.    

VSL  paid   an   amount  of   47,195,706   Tk.   for   energy   consumption   in   2013.   The  energy   costs   per   kg  yarn  accumulate  to  5.24  Tk.  Despite  rising  energy  prices,  VSL  has  reduced  energy  costs  per  kg  yarn  by  7.7  %  in  2013  compared  to  2009.  

In  the  period  of  13  months  from  January  2013  to  January  2014,  VSL  paid  an  amount  of  51,057,429  Tk.  for  energy  consumption.  The  energy  costs  per  kg  yarn  in  this  period  accumulate  to  5.20  Tk.    



5.2 Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Ltd  (ISML)    


5.2.1 Total  Carbon  Footprint  

Total  carbon  footprint  of  Viyellatex  Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Ltd  (ISML)  in  2013  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  2,667  tons  CO2e.  

The   total   amount   is   equivalent   to   the   yearly   per   capita   emissions   of   7,062   citizens   in   Bangladesh  (0.38  tons  per  year).    

Most  of  the  emissions  result  from  natural  gas.  Generating  electricity  by  natural  gas  generators  make  up  almost  two  thirds  of  total  emissions  (1,725  tons).  35%  of  total  emissions  are  linked  to  the  natural  gas-­‐fired  boiler  whereas  diesel  generator  and  electricity  from  grid  supply  have  only  minor  impact.    


Share  of  CO2e-­‐emissions  ISML  in  2013  

Natural  Gas  (Generator)  1,725  tons  64.7%  

Natural  Gas  (Boiler)  767  tons  28.7%  

Electricity  (from  grid)  

101  tons  3.8%  

Diesel  (Backup  Generator)  74  tons  2.8%  

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The  chart  below  reveals  the  monthly  amount  of  the  emissions  related  to  the  production  output.  


Monthly  CO2e-­‐emissions  and  production  rate  ISML  from  January  2013  to  January  2014  

In  the  period  of  13  months  from  January  2013  to  January  2014,  emissions  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  2,872  tons  CO2e.  The  consumption  of  natural  gas  for  generators  caused  1,853  tons  CO2e  (64.5%),  natural  gas  for  boilers  834  tons  (29.0%),  electricity  from  grid  111  tons  CO2e  (3.9%)  and  diesel  74  tons  CO2e  (2.6%).  

5.2.2 Output-­‐related  Carbon  Footprint  

In  2013  (Jan  13  to  Dec  13),  the  output  carbon  footprint  at  Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Ltd  (ISML)  has  been  0.322  kg  CO2e  per  piece.  Compared  to  2009  with  a  footprint  of  0.411    kg  CO2e  per  piece,  a  reduction  by  21.5%  has  been  achieved.  This  means  an  annual  reduction  by  almost  6%  per  year.  

  2009   2013   Total  Percentage  change  in  %  

Annual  percentage  change  %  

Emissions  per  piece  at  ISML  (in  kg  CO2e)  

0.411   0.322   -­‐21.6%   -­‐5,9%  

 Comparison  of  output-­‐related  CO2e  emissions  

Compared  with  other  garment  units,  ISML  has  a  good  carbon  footprint  per  piece.  It  should  be  noted  that  ISML  produces  high  quality  products  which  includes  additional  processes.  Moreover,  production  steps  are  carried  out   in-­‐house.  Both  aspects   require  additional  energy  compared   to  other  garment  manufacturers  of  woven  shirts.  Even  though,  ISML  has  achieved  a  good  performance  result.  This  fact  demonstrates   the  efficient  processing  and  adoption  of  energy  efficiency  measures  at   ISML   such  as  heat  recovery,  advanced  lighting,  zoning  of  lights,  use  of  daylight,  servo-­‐motors  for  sewing  machines,  advanced  control  of  compressor  and  steam  pressure  etc.    














Jan  13   Feb  13   Mar  13   Apr  13   May  13   Jun  13   Jul  13   Aug  13   Sep  13   Oct  13   Nov  13   Dec  13   Jan  14  

Produced  Pieces  



s  (in  to

ns  CO


CO2   Produced  Pieces  

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5.2.3 Energy  Consumption  and  Costs  

The  energy  costs  for  Interfab  Shirt  Manufacturing  Ltd  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  8,770,369  Tk.  in  2013.  That  means  a  quantity  of  energy  costs  per  piece  of  1.16  Tk.  Compared  to  2009  the  energy  costs  per  piece  raised  by  141.1%.    

The   natural   gas   for   the   generator   is   the   largest   cost   factor   with   39%   of   total   costs.   The   diagram  reveals  that  electricity  from  grid  supply  and  diesel  are  highly  costly:  despite  their  small  amount  of  use  they  both  have  a  notable  cost-­‐amount.    



Share  of  energy  costs  ISML  in  2013  

In  the  period  of  13  months  from  January  2013  to  January  2014,  ISML  paid  an  amount  of  9,320,555  Tk.  for  energy  consumption.  The  energy  costs  per  piece  in  this  period  accumulate  to  1.13  Tk.  


5.3 Viyellatex  Limited    


5.3.1 Total  Carbon  Footprint  

From  January  2013  to  December  2013,  total  carbon  footprint  of  Viyellatex  Limited  (garments  unit,  knitting  unit,  dyeing  unit  and  washing  unit)  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  15,197  tons  CO2e.    

Natural  Gas  (Generator)  3.4  Mio  Tk.  


Natural  Gas  (Boiler)  2.1  Mio  Tk.  


Diesel  (Backup  Generator)  1.9  Mio  Tk.  


Electricity  (from  grid)  1.3  Mio  Tk.  


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The   total   amount   is   equivalent   to   the   yearly  per   capita   emissions  of   40,246   citizens   in  Bangladesh  (0.38   tons   per   year)   according   to   per   capita   emissions   data   provided   by   the   United   Nations   (UN  Millennium  Development  Goals  Indicators).  


CO2e-­‐emissions  unit-­‐wise  in  2013  

About   80%   of   the   total   CO2e-­‐emissions   in   2013   result   from   dyeing   unit.   15%   are   linked   to   the  garment  unit  while  knitting  and  washing  have  only  minor  impact.    

Boilers  made  up  7,469  tons  and  natural  gas  generators  7,364  tons  of  total  CO2e-­‐emissions.  


CO2e-­‐emissions  source-­‐wise  in  2013  

Dyeing  12.116  tons  


Garments  2.169  tons  14,3%  

Kni`ng  564  tons  3,7%  

Washing  348  tons  2,3%  

Natural Gas (Boiler)

7,469 tons 49.1%

Natural Gas (Generator) 7,364 tons


Electricity (from grid)

330 tons 2.2%

Diesel (Backup Generator)

34 tons 0.2%

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The  diagram  below  illustrates  the  CO2e-­‐emissions  on  monthly  basis.  Peaks  in  May  and  July,  in  fall  and  in  January  2014  result  from  peak  production  at  dyeing  unit.    


Monthly  CO2e-­‐emissions  from  January  2013  to  January  2014  

In   the  period  of  13  months   from  January  2013  to   January  2014,   the  carbon  footprint  of   the  4  VTL-­‐units  has  accumulated  to  a  total  of  16,936  tons  CO2e.   In  this  period  the  boiler  made  up  8,564  tons  and  the  natural  gas  generator  7,983  tons  of  the  total  CO2e-­‐emissions.  


5.3.2 Output-­‐related  Carbon  Footprint  

Viyellatex  was  able  reduce  the  emissions  per  output  notably.  In  2013  three  of  the  4  units  reduced  emissions  by  more  than  50%  compared  to  2009.  The  fourth  unit  had  a  reduction  of  29%,  which  still  is  quite  a  considerable  reduction  performance.  


Emissions  per  produced  per  output  at  Viyellatex  units  [in  kg  CO2e]   Total  Percentage  

change  in  %  

Annual  percentage  change  %  2009   2013  

Garments  Unit   0.266   0.128   -­‐52.0%   -­‐16.8%  

Knitting  Unit   0.322   0.111   -­‐65.6%   -­‐23.4%  

Dyeing  Unit   2.376   1.696   -­‐28.6%   -­‐8.1%  

Washing  Unit   1.776   0.230   -­‐87.0%   -­‐40.0%  












Jan  13   Feb  13   Mar  13   Apr  13   May  13   Jun  13   Jul  13   Aug  13   Sep  13   Oct  13   Nov  13   Dec  13   Jan  14  



s  (in  to

ns  CO


Natural  Gas  (Boiler)   Natural  Gas  (Generator)   Electricity  (from  grid)   Diesel  (Backup  Generator)  

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Comparison  of  output-­‐related  CO2e  emissions  

Comparing   the   output-­‐related   results,   Viyellatex   demonstrates   again   its   strong   position   as   in   the  previous   report.   VTL   improved   again   its   top-­‐performance.   All   units   rank   at   the   leading   level  compared  to  other  textile  manufacturers.  Especially  the  carbon  footprint  of  dyeing  and  garment  unit  is  remarkably  low.  Natural  gas  consumption  for  boilers  has  significantly  dropped  due  to  adoption  of  heat  recovery.    

In   general   the   annual   saving   rate   is   quite   remarkable.   Usually   manufacturers   achieve   savings   of  output  related  emissions  by  5%  in  a  year.  This  reflects  the  professional  management  approach  and  the  continuous  improvement  process  at  Viyellatex.    


5.3.3 Energy  Consumption  and  Costs  

Regarding  energy  costs  from  January  to  December  2013,  the  natural  gas  consumption  for  the  boiler  (43%)  and  the  generator  (42%)  have  the  largest  portion.  Costs  for  electricity  consumption  from  grid  supply   are   12%  and   from  diesel   use   3%.   The   share  of   costs   for   electricity   from  grid   and   for   diesel  shows   the   high   price   level   compared   to   the   costs   for   natural   gas.   Compared   to   2009   the   share   of  energy  costs  for  natural  gas  has  fallen  from  67%  to  43%  of  total  energy  costs  which  demonstrates  the  rising  price  level  for  diesel  and  electricity  supply.    



Share  of  energy  costs  in  2013  

In   the  period  of  13  months   from   January  2013   to   January  2014,   the   total  energy   costs  of   the   four  units  of  Viyellatex  Limited  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  41.5  Mio  Tk.  


Natural  Gas  (Boiler)  16.1  Mio  Tk.  

43%  Natural  Gas  (Generator)  15.8  Mio  Tk.  


Electricity  (from  grid)  

4.4  Mio  Tk.  12%  

Diesel  (Backup  Generator)  1.0  Mio  Tk.  


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VIYELLATEX  –  Corporate  Carbon  Footprint  2013    

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5.4 Overall  Carbon  Footprint  of  Viyellatex  Group  

From   January   2013   to   December   2013,   the   total   carbon   footprint   for   ISML,   VSL,   and   VTL   of  Viyellatex  Group  is  accumulated  to  42,078  tons  CO2e  (according  to  the  scope  defined  in  chapter  2).  

The  total  amount   is  equivalent  to  the  yearly  per  capita  emissions  of  111,435  citizens   in  Bangladesh  (0.38  tons  per  year).  

Viyellatex   Spinning   Ltd   causes  more   than  half   of   total   CO2e-­‐emissions.   Slightly  more   than   36%  are  related   to   Viyellatex   Textile   Ltd.   Interfab   Shirt  Manufacturing   Ltd  makes   up   6%   of   the   total   CO2e-­‐emissions.    


Viyellatex  consolidated  companies  share  of  the  absolute  carbon  footprint  in  2013  (in  tons  CO2e)  

In  the  period  of  13  months  from  January  2013  to  January  2014,  emissions  accumulated  to  an  amount  of  46,005  tons  CO2e.  


6 Saving  Measures  2013  

Viyellatex   is   highly   committed   for   sustainable   textile   production.   The  management   has   put  major  focus  on  improving  energy  efficiency  and  reducing  carbon  emissions.  Viyellatex  was  one  of  the  first  textile  producers   to  publish  a  carbon   footprint   report  at  all.  Awareness   raising,   strict  maintenance,  application   of   advanced   technologies,   purchase   of   energy   efficient   equipment,   research   and  investments  to  reduce  energy  use  are  well  established  at  Viyellatex.    




VSL  24,214  tons    


Yiyellatex  Ltd.  15.197  tons  


ISML  2.667  tons  


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VIYELLATEX  –  Corporate  Carbon  Footprint  2013    

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Also  in  2013  several  measures  have  been  taken:    

Energy  Saving  Measures  in  2012  /  2013  at  Viyellatex  

ISML   Replacement  of  all  conventional  lights  by  efficient  one  (T5  and  LED).  

Replacement   of   all   conventional   motors   of   sewing   machines   by   servo-­‐motors  which  require  only  half  of  electricity  use.    

VTL   Installation   of   heat   recovery   for   condensate   from   steam.   The   waste   heat   of  condensate  is  used  to  pre-­‐heat  feed  water  for  boiler.  

Adaption  of  heat  recovery  from  generators  to  make  use  of  the  waste  heat.    

Replacement   of   conventional   fluorescent   tubes   by   efficient   ones   throughout   all  floors.  

Use  of  evaporative  cooling  instead  of  conventional  AC.  

Systematic  replacement  of  conventional  motors  by  motors  with  electronic  control  (servo-­‐unit)   to  minimize  part   load   running  and  provide  exact   supply  of   electricity  according  to  actual  need  of  motor’s  operation.    

VSL   Also   VSL   has   been   part   of   the   program   to   replace   conventional   lights   by   more  efficient  ones.    

Use  of  evaporative  cooling  instead  of  conventional  AC.  

Adoption  of  heat  recovery  for  absorption  chillers  from  waste  heat  from  generators.      


Significant  savings  of  4.5  million  m3  natural  gas  have  been  achieved  by  these  measures.  All  measures  have  been  implemented  successfully.  Viyellatex  has  taken  a  systematic  approach  to  roll-­‐out  energy-­‐efficient  technologies   in  all  areas  and  processes.  Viyellatex  reports,  that  there  were  no  problems  in  implementing  these  issues.  It  just  takes  management  commitment  and  willingness  to  move  forward  -­‐  which  has  been  proven  an  important  success-­‐factor  for  Viyellatex  to  achieve  a  front  runner  position  in  sustainable  business  at  all.    








Heat  recovery  for  condensate  steam  at  VTL  

Co-­‐generation  boiler  at  VTL   Servo-­‐motor  at  ISML  


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After   focus   on   advanced   heat   recovery,   lighting,   cooling   and   motors   for   sewing   machines   it   is  recommended  to  continue  with  reducing  energy  use  and  carbon  emissions  in  the  following  areas:  

Recommendations  for  further  reductions  of  carbon  footprint  

Motors   Systematic  evaluation  of  motors  that  are  operated  with  variable  speed  or  torque,  such   as   water   pumps,   dyeing   machines,   washing   machines,   combustion   fans   of  boiler  etc.    

Installation   of   Variable   Speed   Drive   (VSD;   inverter)   for   those   motors   that   are  operated  under   considerable   changes   in   speed  or   torque  with   a.   A  VSD  provides  optimum  of  electricity  supply  according  to  actual  need  of  motor.  It  saves  about  20-­‐60%  per  motor.    

Compressed  Air  

Ensuring   frequent   leakage   control   and   immediate   fixing   of   any   leak.   Minimizing  leakage  rate  to  optimum  of  only  10%.  Using   low  loss  equipment,  e.g.  tubes  made  from  PU  /  PUR,  coupling  from  copper,  corrosion  resistance  pipework.  Minimize  use  of  flexible  hoses.  

Optimizing   pressure   level   by   checking   whether   pressure   can   be   reduced   to  minimum  level  (1  bar  reduction  saves  6%  of  energy  use  of  compressor).  

Process  Heat   Installation   of   a  water   reclamation   for  washing   /   dyeing  machines  which   re-­‐uses  waste   water   from   last   rinse   for   the   next   rinse.   First   rinse   of   a   wash   does   not  necessarily  need  clean  water.  

Adoption  of  airflow  dyeing  machines  


7 Emissions  Scope  3  

Carbon  Accounting  within  this  project  includes  direct  emissions  (Scope  1)  and  indirect  emissions  from  purchased  energy,  esp.  electricity  (Scope  2)  resulting  from  business  of  Viyellatex.    

In   general,   there   are   significant   quantities   of   indirect   emissions   outside   of   any   company   that   are  related   to   its   business,   but   not   covered   under   Scope   1   and   2.   According   to   the   Greenhouse   Gas  Protocol  so-­‐called  Scope  3  emissions  include  all  upstream  and  downstream  activities  of  a  company.  Upstream  activities  cover  such  as  purchased  services  and  goods,  raw  materials,  packaging  materials,  external   transports,   business   travel   etc.   Whereas   downstream   activities   include,   for   example,  processing,   use   and   end-­‐of-­‐life   treatment   of   sold   products   (GHG   Protocol   Corporate   Value   Chain  (Scope3)  Accounting  and  Reporting  Standard).  

Due  to  their  high  impact,  Scope  3  emissions  have  become  a  major  issue  in  carbon  footprinting  in  the  past   years.   A   few   front-­‐running   textile   brands,   e.g.   PUMA   have   already   evaluated   their   Scope   3  emissions,  to  learn  about  their  impact  in  the  supply  chain.  According  to  PUMA’s  Environmental  Profit  and  Loss  Account  for  year  2010  only  15%  of  the  total  emissions  throughout  the  value  chain  are  PUMA  Scope  1  and  2  emissions.  Respectively,  85%  of   total  emissions  are  caused  by  upstream  activities  of  direct  and  indirect  suppliers  of  PUMA  (PUMA’s  Scope  3  emissions).  

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VIYELLATEX  –  Corporate  Carbon  Footprint  2013    

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Within  this  project  Scope  3  upstream  emissions  have  been  estimated  for  Viyellatex.  Calculation  has  been  carried  out  on  basis  of  financial  data  provided  by  Viyellatex  for  calendar  year  2013  and  average  values   in   textile  and  apparel   industry   in  Asia   (industrial   input-­‐output  data).  The  estell  methodology  from  Systain  uses  a   full  and  detailed  multi-­‐regional  environmental   input  output  database  based  on  EXIOBASE  data  (Multi-­‐regional  Environmentally  Extended  Supply  and  Use  /  Input  Output  database  -­‐  MR  EE  SUT/IOT).  As  far  as  public  data  are  available,  Viyellatex  is  the  first  textile  producer  worldwide  that   calculates   Scope  3  upstream  emissions  of   its  own  business.   This  emphasizes   the  pioneer   role,  Viyellatex   has   taken   in   environmental   protection   in   textile   industry.   The   result   is   presented   in   the  following  figure.  



Viyellatex’  Scope  3  upstream  emissions  account  for  about  48,000  tons  CO2e.  Comparing  Scope  1,  2,  and  3,  estimated  upstream  emissions  (Scope  3)  are  slightly  higher  than  direct  emissions  (Scope  1  and  2).   Nevertheless,   direct   emissions   play   a   much   bigger   role   for   Viyellatex   than   for   brands   such   as  PUMA.  This  can  be  explained  by  the  fact  that  producing  textiles   is  much  more  energy   intense  than  business  of  a  brand  company.  Viyellatex  is  thus  part  of  the  energy  intense  supply  chain  of  brands.  


Hamburg,  Berlin  &  Dhaka,  April  2014  

Norbert  Jungmichel,  Mahbub  Khan,  Christoph  Niebuhr,  Kordula  Wick  


48,000 tons 42,078 tons

Scope 3 Scope 1 & 2

Carbon emissions by Scopes

Top Related