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Chapter 23 Definition

Charles Lindbergh Popular hero who flew from New York to Paris Plane named, The Spirit of St. Louis

Samuel Insull Financial entrepreneur, started off as a hero then

turned villain Insull’s Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago

Rapid Transit Company

“Uncle Warren” Presidential election of 1920, beat democrat James

M. Cox Genial, loyal, and mediocre (put World War I in the


Albert Fall Secretary of the Interior, charged with taking

$300,000 in bribes First cabinet officer to serve a prison sentence

Calvin Coolidge Vice-president to Warren G. Harding (became

president after Harding died) Contrasted Harding’s personality of being outgoing Supported business and limited governement

Sheppard-Towner Act Sheppard-Towner Federal Maternity and Infancy Act First federally funded health-care legislation, lower

high rates of infant mortality by funding medical clinics, prenatal educational programs, and visiting nurse projects

McNary-Haugen Bills System of federal price supports for agricultural

products Wheat, corn, cotton, rice, and tobacco

Welfare Capitalism System of labor relations that stressed management’s

responsibility for employees’ wellbeing

Atkins v. Children’s Hospital (1923)

Voided a minimum wage for women workers in the District of Columbia

Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922

High tariffs to exclude foreign-made goods

Charles G. Dawes Chicago banker who negotiated the plan for the

Dawes Plan

Kellogg-Briand Pact Between American Secretary of State Frank Kellogg

and French foreign minister Aristide Briand Support a broader pact condemning militarism 15 nations supported the pact in Paris in 1928; 48 ltr Installment plan that allowed people to purchase cars,

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“Buy Now, Pay Later” radios, refrigerators, and sewing machines Pay through monthly payments


The “It” Girl Clara Bow- Hollywood’s favorite flapper Movie “It” became a huge hit Introduced the flapper girl lifestyle

The “Talkies” Movies that had sound in them Though they were expensive they became very

popular and movies soon became only “talkies”

Louis Armstrong Louis “Satchmo” Armstrong Famous jazz trumpeter

Amos ‘n’ Andy Popular radio show, premiered on the NBC network

in 1928 Had two white actors playing stereotypical black


National Origins Act of 1924

Sparked from an influx of immigrants Cut immigration quotas to 2 percent of each


Birth of a Nation Popular film glorifying the Reconstruction-era Ku

Klux Klan A group of southerners gathered on Stone Mountain

outside Atlanta to revive the racist organization

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

Formed during the Red Scare to protect free speech rights and challenged the constitutionality of the law

John T. Scopes High school biology teacher, who taught the principle

of evolution to his class Faced a jail sentence, defended by Clarence Darrow William Jennings Bryan spoke for the prosecution

The “Noble Experiment”

Involved the power of the state to enforce social values

However speakeasies sprang up and illegal alcohol making also came about

21st Amendment On December 5, 1933 the 21st Amendment canceled

the 18th Amendment (Prohibition)

Langston Hughes Poet, leading exponent of the Harlem Renaissance Drew on the artistic forms of blues and jazz, in The

Weary Blues, collection of poems Considered most original black poet and most

representative African American writer of the time Born in Jamaica, urged blacks to return to Africa

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Marcus Garvey Argued that people of black descent would never be treated justly by white countries

Alfred E. Smith Governor of New York, nominated by the

Democratic Party for the election of 1828 Reflected the ideas of the urban working classes and

of European Catholic immigrants

“Black Tuesday” More than 28 million shares traded hands In this day stock values plummeted

Hawley-Smoot Tariff Raised rates, European governments retaliated by

imposing their own trade restrictions

The Revenue Act of 1932

Increased taxes to balance the budgets and lower interest rates, choked both consumption and investment

Pump Priming Infusing funds into the major corporate enterprises Designed to increase production, creating new jobs

and spark consumer spending

Hoovervilles Shanty towns where people live in packing crates

“Bonus Army” Ragtag group of about 15,000 unemployed World

War I veterns, hitch hiked to Washington to demand immediate payment of their bonuses

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