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• Annus, I, m.•Year

• perennial

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• Auctoritas, auctoritatis, f.

•Authority, power

• authority

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• Hostis, hostis, m.(ium in gen.)

• Enemy

• hostility

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• Ius, iuris, n.

•Law, right

• Judicial, jurist

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• Lex, legis, f.

• Law

• legal

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• Modus, I, m.

• Type, kind

• Mode, modus operandi

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• Opus, operis, n.

• Task, job

• opera

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• Princeps, principis, m.

• leader, chief

• Prince, principal(ple)

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• Clarus, a, um

• Clear, bright, famous

• clarity

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• Gravis, grave

•Serious, severe, deep

• gravity

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• Amitto, ere, amisi, amissus

• Lose, send away

• amiss

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• Audio, ire, ivi, itus

• Hear, listen to

• auditory

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• Cognosco, ere, cognovi, cognitus

• Know, understand

• cognitive

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• Invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus

• Find, come upon

• invention

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• Mando, are, avi, atus

• Entrust, give to

• mandate

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• Mitto, ere, misi, missus

•Send , let go

• admission

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• Peto, petere, petivi, petitus

• Seek, ask, beg

• petition

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• Pono, ere, posui, popsitus

• Put, place

• Deposit, exponent

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• Scio, scire, scivi, scitus

• Know

• omniscient

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• Sto, stare, steti, status

• Stand

• Status quo, static

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• Ubi


• ubiquitous

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• A, ab`

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