Page 1: VoD international -  The new road - Holcim Awards 2010-2011

The new road

holcim Awards for sustainable construction


Alice braggion, Anna brambilla, Alessandro Carabini, marta michieliThe New Road: Generator Flows

Linda Comerlati, Chiara D’Agostin, Gary Di Silvio, pietro LucianiPorto Marghera-Busan 2050

Lucia Speri, Gloria pezzuttoVenice - Porto Marghera: A system of fondaci for the East

Page 2: VoD international -  The new road - Holcim Awards 2010-2011

Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDF

The New Road: Generator Flows[ Project title ]

HA11_XXCIV[ Office ID ]

General project data

Project group 2Landscape, urban design andinfrastructure

Competition region EuropeCity VeniceCountry ItalyStatus of planning ConceptFormal permissionContruction start Not ApplicableClientIntervention New construction

and conversionProject background Research project

Latitude 45°28'10.61"NLongitude 12°13'42.48"Em ASL 3

Competition noLast modified Mar 30, 2011

Main author and contact details

Name Alice Braggion, f, 1987Profession StudentPositionOrganizationAddress via Biancolino 35Zip | City 35020 | Due CarrareState | Country Padova | ItalyTel | Fax 0039 3404130002 |Email [email protected]

Study program: Master, Study direction: Sustainable Architecture,Supervisor: Prof.Giuseppe Longhi, University: IUAV University of Venice

Braggion A, Brambilla A,Carabini A, Michieli M

Further author(s)Further authors: 1. Alessandro Carabini, Student, 1986, m, via Dolce Colle 36, 61011, GabicceMare, Pesaro-Urbino, Italy, 0039 3463226173, [email protected]; 2. Marta Michieli, Student,1984, f, via Enrico Mattei 57, 35020, Sant'Angelo di Piove, Padova, Italy, 0039 3403215301,[email protected]; 3. Anna Brambilla, Student, 1987, f, Piazza Italia 6, 26839, Zelo BuonPersico, Lodi, Italy, 0039 3464110871, [email protected]

Distribution of prize moneyMain Author: 25%, Further author 1: 25%, Further author 2: 25%, Further author 3: 25%

Project details

GFA sq mGV cu mContruction costs USDSite area 2840000 sq mFootprint area sq mFloor Area Ratio mSite Occupancy Ratio m

Further relevant key figuresUser capacity:10.000;free TLC network:20 Mb;Local and Sustainable materials:80%;Sustainablewater:100%;Sustainable transport:100%; Waste:0%;Carbon:0%.

Used materialsNanotech and biotech building materials; digital surfaces and power systems(e.g.piezoelectricfloors); adhocratic model in space use management; backcasting as designing method; OnePlanet ActionPlan.

Project descriptionThis project finds its ideal roots on one hand in Lisbon Agenda, and on the other hand in the so-called New Silk Road (TRACECA_Transport CorridorEurope-Caucasus-Asia and TAE_Trans-Asia-Europe programmes).The mission of Lisbon Agenda is to fulfill European target of creating socially just and technologically advanced urban environments; the New SilkRoad, which will link East and West by railroad, sea and digital means, is the backbone of the Euro-Asian relations of the next future. To keep a keyrole in the new continental system the European cities must radically change approach and get engaged in the tumultuous growth of Orientalway of designing, instead of standing out against it.The described trends can be regarded as huge opportunities for the revival of Venice, a city that can have an active role in the new Euro-Asiandimension as hub city for the upcoming flows of cultures, goods and people. Our location is Portomarghera ex-industrial area, and specifically viaFratelli Bandiera, a 4 km road connecting Venice-Mestre railway station to the lagoon. Our New Road, symbolically connecting the northeast ofMediterranean Sea with the New Silk Road.New Road is meant as gathering place of the renewed Oriental technological, artistic and cultural creativity on the model of Venetian andOriental Fondaci, multifunctional structures able to meet the needs of the most different guest communities. Only if open to integration andchange can the declining European urban contexts be renewed.In our scenario of year 2050 we outlined the road as an innovative production model, a bare 2D street turned into a 4D infrastructure. Flows ofresources and services run all along the road, permeable and dense at the same time, creating catalytic elements (the knot-buildings) on differentlevels and with different interactions. To know, to learn, to trade, to research: the buildings are physical and digital platforms describing avariable, user-oriented morphology, and act as a filter between the natural environment and the existent urban fabric.Climate change is one of the key factors we have taken into account when designing, because of the deep impact on morphology, sea level rise,biodiversity and temperature increase. The strategic target of year 2050 is reached through a responsible way of designing that enhances naturalresources, increases local biocapacity and biodiversity and uses 100% renewable energies.Our ultimate purpose is to bring forward a settlement and gathering model able to reassert human resources while respecting biocapacity, andsuitable to combine the ever-growing digital side of the city with natural resources. This makes the New Road the result of a sustainable, holistic,cooperative and creative designing process.

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Page 3: VoD international -  The new road - Holcim Awards 2010-2011

Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFThe New Road: Generator Flows

HA11_XXCIV[ Office ID ]

Measuring up to the target issues for sustainable construction

Innovation and transferability - Progress

The New Road is intended as a creative place of hospitality not only for the oriental community. It appears that it's only with the welcoming andopening up to comparison that we will be able to renew the declining urban contexts, for an European reality more cohesive between East andWest. Into it, the space 2.0 and the ongoing definition of the city in real time make possible the use of high efficiency services:the immaterialinfrastructures lead the interactivity to social organization and to a load level reduction on the environment. The incorporation of the elementsthat generate sustainability in architectural components makes our idea applicable in different contexts, in a simple way and within the reach ofall. Physical plants,traditionally exogenous elements to building,are fully integrated in the facades,roofs,road surfaces and in every element of theproject;everything plays a multifunctional role generating services and socializing,without consuming energy but producing it.

[ Self assessment ]

Ethical standards and social equity - People

The New Road, through the knot-buildings, gives users as well the chance to act in a collaborative way (for society and environment benefit) asthe opportunity to express their own ideas for developing the urban context. The main challenge is to meet the needs of 10 billion people in 2050,acting in harmony with natural resources. In this globalized dimension we propose to welcome different cultures and stakeholder. Students,researchers, local and global citizens have here the opportunity to make their contribution to development: more concentration of meetingsmeans more sharing and production of ideas, and also more efficiency for the entire system.-Keywords: tolerance and cooperation-U-services: health,transport,entertainment,culture,government,community-Education: points of quick learning and cultural forum-Fair trade,ethical purchasing groups-Social Network: digital platforms,communication,information and economy-Multiculturalism-Import: technology;Export: socializing capability

[ Self assessment ]

Environmental quality and resource efficiency - Planet

Regarding the site morphological variation due to climate change,we restore a nonstop biotic environment that flows from the lagoon to theurban area.The metabolic formulation of the project aims at limiting the collection of raw materials,limit and dispose wastes,eliminate CO2emissions,merging technosphere with biosphere.-Ecological footprint<1-100%renewable sources-Food self-sufficiency-Animals and plants species preservation-Integrated water cycle management-Sustainable transport-0 emissions

[ Self assessment ]

Economic performance and compatibility - Prosperity

The New Road has a great value-added because it provides high quality interactive services and contributes to produce energy thanks to theinstallation of PV systems. Not only it contributes to raise the scientific knowledge rate and positively improves the exchanges of knowledgebetween Europe (mostly the Mediterranean northeast part of it) and the East, but it also brings forward the international conventions and EUobjectives about goods and energy consumption and technological innovation.

[ Self assessment ]

Contextual and aesthetic impact - Proficiency

It has positive impact on the surrounding environment because its layout is integrated into the new paths made by the urban requalification ofthe existing built.It proposes itself as a transferable model thanks to the technologies that it incorporates,its compatibility with the bioticproduction,its interactivity.It also proposes itself as reference model of cross enrichment between Europe and East,showing that economical andterritorial growth is compatible with high environmental quality.

[ Self assessment ]

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFThe New Road: Generator Flows

HA11_XXCIV[ Office ID ]

Project visualization

Design strategies: generator flows

Sustainable elements of design

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFThe New Road: Generator Flows

HA11_XXCIV[ Office ID ]

The New Silk Road The New Road:a global platform

Adhocratic model for space use To_Know and To_Learn knots

To_Research and To_Trade knots Backcasting and reached aims

One Living Planet standards One Living Planet standards

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porto marghera-busan 2050[ Project title ]

HA11_VGQUH[ Office ID ]

General project data

Project group 2Landscape, urban design andinfrastructure

Competition region EuropeCity veniceCountry ItalyStatus of planning ConceptFormal permissionContruction start Not ApplicableClientIntervention New construction

and conversionProject background Research project

Latitude 45°28'12"NLongitude 12°13'55"Em ASL 2

Competition noLast modified Mar 30, 2011

Main author and contact details

Name ms linda comerlati, f, 1986Profession StudentPositionOrganizationAddress via sesia 11Zip | City 37136 | veronaState | Country | ItalyTel | Fax +393495931042 |Email [email protected]

Study program: Master, Study direction: architecture,Supervisor: prof. Giuseppe Longhi, University: IUAV Venice

gary, linda, pietro, chiara (leftto right)

Further author(s)Further authors: 1. ms chiara d'agostin, Student, 1985, f, via l. de paulis 7, 33033, codroipo, Italy,+393475487567, [email protected]; 2. mr gary di silvio, Student, 1986, m, via avogadro 1/4cordenons, pordenone, Italy, +393287269988, [email protected]; 3. mr pietro luciani,Student, 1985, m, san marco 5499, venezia, Italy, +393470346757, [email protected]

Distribution of prize moneyMain Author: 100%, Further author 1: 0%, Further author 2: 0%, Further author 3: 0%

Project details

GFA sq mGV cu mContruction costs USDSite area 2820000 sq mFootprint area sq mFloor Area Ratio mSite Occupancy Ratio m

Further relevant key figures

Used materialsWe use recyclable and recycled materials (e.g. steel from disused factories) choosing them byother few simple criteria: lowest embodied energy and certifications (standards for materials'origin).

Project descriptionPorto Marghera (hereafter P.M.), the big industrial hub of Venice, is going to switch off quickly: soon after WW2, besides mechanical andmetalwork fabrication, a new huge petrochemical industry took place, sadly known for the transformation of CVM, extremely canceroussubstance, into PVC. In 1971 P.M. reached his maximum expansion (31.000 workers. See img.3). Since then there has been a slow and inexorabledecline: increasing portions of this vast piece of the city overlooking the Venetian lagoon are occupied by industrial archeology. The project title -Porto Marghera - Busan 2050- provides two insights. 1. P.M. seen as the european end of the new Silk Road (img.3), no longer or not only a traderoute, but also a cultural way of privileged relationship with the eastern world, a place of hospitality, research and knowledge sharing, attractingdifferent kind of people, furnace of ideas and creativity. 2. The project moves our attention away from today to a far tomorrow, but for whichthere are forecasts concerning weather, climate, demography, mobility and rising sea; there are scenarios, goals, international conventions,protocols and very efficient tools for sustainable design (img.1-3). Our idea for P.M. 2050 is simple: replace the industry with the production ofbiodiversity, biotic soil, water, food, services mainly related to natural resources. Create a barrier along the lagoon, to replicate the extraordinarybiodiversity of both the wetlands and the dune systems and, simultaneously, protect by rising water. Give to this piece of the city a enormouscapacity to absorb, store and recycle water: floods occur every year due to the overbuilding of the total soil and the growing intensity of rainfall.How do we reach this design for 2050? The main problems are severe soil pollution and costs of traditional environmental reclamation. Wetherefore thought of a massive and extensive use of constructed wetlands (phytodepuration on site), which will allow us in future to hold largeamounts of water. But how to create an area of 282 hectares of wetlands and lead the transformation? We use a metabolic process that beginswith a reading of existences, a careful analysis of trends, the involvement of stakeholders who, through public discussions, forums andsmartphone apps (img. 2-5), contribute to define the image 2050. We organize the territory in bands for the phytodepuaration; containmentmargins of pollutants are new sites of production of useful energy to the transformation process itself and footpaths leading to the lagoon: thenervous system of the project. Following is the gradual replacement of surfaces (img.1). The transformation ends with the creation of thecoastline and the installation of a particular production (eg orchard, img.4) behind it.

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFporto marghera-busan 2050

HA11_VGQUH[ Office ID ]

Measuring up to the target issues for sustainable construction

Innovation and transferability - Progress

In dealing with a project that moves your gaze at 2050 is necessary to rely on studies of those who have tried to speculate that 2050, by analyzingthe main factors threatening the future of our planet. The key role of designers is to respond to the request for mitigation of risk factors andadaptation to change.The main effort concerns the process: imagine the transformation of entire cities from the smallest shred, by substitution, in a non-traumaticway, but rather from the input of who lives there. To illustrate this approach, we made a video that, with the technique of backcasting, explainsthe metabolic process which, by its very nature, is irrespective of scale; we've included a few frames at the top of each image.

[ Self assessment ]

Ethical standards and social equity - People

We think that the first step of the project is the creation of a website for the discussion on the idea of Porto Marghera 2050 (img.5), to providedata to anyone, in order to discuss and to frame common objectives. These data are scenarios, trends, international protocols, tools. It isimportant to illustrate the potential for transformation and the enormous benefits, also in terms of public health, which can be obtained.Through the website and the apps users can simulate ideas and share them.

[ Self assessment ]

Environmental quality and resource efficiency - Planet

We imagine the natural resources not only as an existing data to be protected, but also and above all as goods, capable of producing services andcreate wealth. Thus the exponential increase in the level of biotic and biodiversity is for us essential. But equally important is how we designchange: to damage new sites by moving the contaminated soil is a nonsense: incidental costs are too high.We prefer a slow but efficient process of phytodepuration on site, with fewer risks to health and a favorable environmental impact.At the same time we distribute an extensive network of energy production from renewable sources, especially solar thermal and photovoltaic inthe margins between the strips. This is one of the first steps: having the same processing energies coming from renewable sources, to obtain anefficient and zero carbon transformation.

[ Self assessment ]

Economic performance and compatibility - Prosperity

One of the main advantages of phytodepuration on-site is the lowering of incidental costs associated with the transport of contaminatedmaterial in landfills or treatment plants.The border margins of the strips remain as a skeleton, spreading the initial cost over the long term.The transformation process, once started, should be self-sustaining: land more and more productive, fewer edges to be built, excess energy soldto the grid. Flexible metabolic process can adapt quickly to change.

[ Self assessment ]

Contextual and aesthetic impact - Proficiency

Changing the face to an entire piece of the city makes it difficult to speak of contestual and aesthetic impact: in our project energetic andenvironment issues determine the shape.Buildings can fly over strips (eg housing) or correspond to the strips rising as transformations of them. This is the case of large public buildings,from the exhibition center in the north side to the marina in the south.

[ Self assessment ]

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFporto marghera-busan 2050

HA11_VGQUH[ Office ID ]

Project visualization

metabolic process to 2050

design your city in real time

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HA11_VGQUH[ Office ID ]

design input design output

collaborative space marghera & mobility

marghera & buildings marghera people & connections

marghera energy & bioticity back to 2011

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Venice - Porto Marghera: A system of fondaci for the East.[ Project title ]

HA11_GNLIP[ Office ID ]

General project data

Project group 2Landscape, urban design andinfrastructure

Competition region EuropeCity Porto Marghera,

VeniceCountry ItalyStatus of planning ConceptFormal permission Approval/license not

requiredContruction start Jan '15Client IuavIntervention New constructionProject background Research project

Latitude 45° 26' NLongitude 12° 15' Em ASL 2

Competition noLast modified Mar 21, 2011

Main author and contact details

Name Ms Lucia Speri, f, 1986Profession StudentPositionOrganizationAddress Via Scuderlando 410Zip | City 37135 | VeronaState | Country Italia | ItalyTel | Fax 0039 348 9343864 |Email [email protected]

Study program: Bachelors (Final Year), Study direction: Sustainable Architecture,Supervisor: Giuseppe Longhi, University: IUAV Venezia

Lucia e Gloria Team

Further author(s)Further authors: 1. Ms Gloria Pezzutto, Student, 1986, f, Via Calbassa 12, 31046, Oderzo, TV,Italia, Italy, 0039 393 7649129, [email protected]

Distribution of prize moneyMain Author: 50%, Further author 1: 50%

Project details

GFA sq mGV cu mContruction costs USDSite area 1680000 sq mFootprint area sq mFloor Area Ratio mSite Occupancy Ratio m

Further relevant key figuresSystem for 10,000 inhabitants, and 60,000 commuters

Used materialsNew Silk Road, more relationships with eastern, more social cohesion, more biodiversity andmore technology, respect of international convention, scenario to 2050, responsible use toresources.

Project descriptionThis proposal is born inside an international workshop, with the support of Erasmus Intensive Program, about the New Silk Road, connectingRotterdam and Venice with the Eastern countries. The worksop topic was the design of a system of Fondaci, multifunctional spaces localized inthe ex industrial platforms of Marghera Port, ables to attract culture and eastern experiences in order to trigger a new development cycle in theEuropean urban system. Our project, for the development of a Fondaco for Japan and SEA, was developed inside these experience. The Fondacoconcept is back as an extra national unit, able to promote the dialogue between different cultures. The nations involved in our design are Japanand SEA with the goals to develop: more relationships with eastern, more social cohesion, more biodiversity and more technology. This project isbased on a 2050 scenario considering a new morphology due to climate change, in particular an increase of the average sea level between 9 and88 cm. In the Fondaco of Japan and SEA we propose three technopoles: for biotechnology, nanotechnology and telecommunication. In thistechnopoles italian and japan people can start a dialog and involve all over the word to develop new content for research and teaching. Theproject assume the principles of the New Urbanism, for what concern the space organization. The new technopolitan urban space is walkable anddivided in a system of circular morphologies with a radius of 250 m (walkeables in 10-15 minutes). The fondaco building is on the centre of thecircle and all public activities are concentrated here. Around this fondaco building there are some pavilion (for exhibition and meeting), somepublic services (like hospital and sport facilities) and residences for people working here. The project assume the metabolic principles for whatconcern the resources treatment: we propose to use Personal and Light Rapid Transit for public transport net, pneumatic waste collection system,photovoltaic energy and basins to contain water. The urban plan design was also verified in terms of impact on natural resources throughComputation Flux Dynamics and Solar Analysis. The fondaco representative building is composed by two element: a central trunk which containsand distributes all the flows (the vertical connection systems for water, energy, waste collection) and some box, which have specific functions(spaces for reflection, space to produce, space for exchange). The connection between the trunk and the boxes follow the basic concept of theUSB system: to be connected to increase capacity on demand. Ideally, therefore, this box-building can be inserted, moved or disconnectedaccording to the needs dynamic.

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFVenice - Porto Marghera: A system of fondaci for the East.

HA11_GNLIP[ Office ID ]

Measuring up to the target issues for sustainable construction

Innovation and transferability - Progress

The project complies with the main international conventions and is committed to protecting the environment while minimizing the footprint. Itstill offers good standard of comfort due to intensive use of immaterial resources (creativity, wifi): this allows the development of thedematerialization. This project provide space for people interested in biotech, nanotech and tlc. These technologies can invent new ways toimprove the quality of people's lives and lessen the withdrawal of resources.

[ Self assessment ]

Ethical standards and social equity - People

This system takes part of the New Silk Road, linking the platforms of all over the world. Thanks to this network will increase the exchange of ideasand possibilities for comparison, increasing the creativity. We proposed four different experiences of green where there are group activities, andthe Loop increase the opportunities for meeting people. A lot of service become ubiquitous accessible to everyone with wifi. Technology assetsexceed the distance and bring down all boundaries and limits.

[ Self assessment ]

Environmental quality and resource efficiency - Planet

The solar analysis shows that all buildings receive solar radiaton, especially in winter. The CDF analysis instead ensures that there are noanomalous behavior in the system of wind and obstacles to the natural flows such as natural pollination, and there are no heat islands. Theaverage ecological footprint is 2.5 ha / person. With the use of solar energy and electric public transport the emissions are reduced. The pneumaticwaste collection ensures complete recycling of materials.

[ Self assessment ]

Economic performance and compatibility - Prosperity

The project allows to reconnect venice with world trade network, attracting local and international capital. Our project will advance the goalsthrough respect for international conventions and European directives on consumption. It will be an example of a project manager, able tointegrate advances in technology, business development and compliance resources.

[ Self assessment ]

Contextual and aesthetic impact - Proficiency

The project responds to the principles of New Urbanism. The landmark building is developed in height, minimize attack on the ground and allowsan infinite number of aesthetic combinations. It responds to the need for flexibility of space during the time. Large terraces allow food productionand increasing the biodiversity of the region. The residential units consist of 15 apartments of different sizes to meet different needs.

[ Self assessment ]

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFVenice - Porto Marghera: A system of fondaci for the East.

HA11_GNLIP[ Office ID ]

Project visualization

Masterplan and its potentiality: body, instrument and territoty. Ecological footprint. U-life.

Biopolo Section. The towers are connected to each Fondaco by the Global Loop. The whole system is elevated and canreduce soil waterproofing by increasing biodiversity.

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Holcim Awards 2010/11 | Submission PDFVenice - Porto Marghera: A system of fondaci for the East.

HA11_GNLIP[ Office ID ]

Fondaco's system Scenario. Climate change.

Aims of project. Three poles. Definition of project node.

Biotecnology technopole. Computational Fluid Dynamic.

Fondaco tower. Productivity.

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