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May 2019 Angelus Page 1 Vol. 53 No. 09 - May 1, 2019

In case of a pastoral emergency after office hours,

please call 314-961-2393 x 212

Jenny Hulen’s extension

Jenny will get a notice on her cell phone.

May 2019 Issue

Page Rector’s Remarks 1-2

New Online Giving 2

Adult Formation 3

May Special Events 4

St. John’s Peace Meal 4

WOE Spring Social 4

Anatomy of a Rummage Sale 5

Rummage Sale 5

Preschool Carnival 6


Food Center Report 6

Vacation Bible School 7

Youth News 8

Clergy & Staff 8

Birthdays & Anniversaries 9

Prayers of the Parish 10

About the Parish Family 11

Monthly Collection Drive 11

Women’s Book Club 11

Weekly Lectionary 12

Vol. 53, No 09

May 1, 2019 Angelus


From the Rector Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Alleluia! Christ is risen! What a beautiful, meaningful, and joyful Holy Week and Easter we have just shared. Thank you to all our musicians, lectors, altar guild members, pray-ers who stayed up Thursday night, staff members, and everyone who gave so generously of your time and energy to lead us in these worship experiences.

I left church on Easter Sunday both exhausted and exhilarated. The exhaustion was no mystery. But I found myself considering why I felt so full and happy. Maybe that’s obvious, too. Because Easter, right? Excellent music, beautiful sanctuary, flowers, people, family – all that is lovely about a holiday. I noticed, though, that my exhilaration was about something else. I realized on my way home that I was saying to myself, “That is why we gather”. Our time together wasn’t about a particular project or group at church. It wasn’t raising money for the mission trip. It wasn’t even dinner. All those things are beautiful and good. But they pale by comparison to simply being together and celebrating that God is God and we are God’s beloved people. “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.” (1 John 3:1a) What an unspeakable gift!

There’s change, and then there’s change…

Many of you may be familiar with the organizational work done by Ron Heifetz around change. Heifetz’ work classifies change into two broad categories – technical and adaptive. Technical changes are very clear. There are experts who have the technical skills to fix things. The path to do so is clear, and it is obvious to everyone when that change has happened and is successful. Technical change is often something that can happen in a relatively short period of time. An example of a technical change, problem, or fix is open heart surgery. It is very clear what the problem is. We call in a surgeon who has all the specialized tools and experience to bypass the blocked artery. He or she does so, and the heart works well again. I used to marvel at the open-hear t patients I worked with. Even with all the pain they were feeling from the surgery, many of them told me they felt better right away. The heart was fixed.

Adaptive change, on the other hand, is murkier. The causes of an issue are multifaceted, hidden, or unknown. There aren’t experts to call in, and the way through isn’t clear. As a result, all the resources of a group (or church) need to think and talk about it in different ways and from a number of perspectives. The path involves lots of experiments and some of them fail. But we learn and apply what we learn to our next run at it. This work takes a longer time. It requires deeper focus and more flexibility. An example of an adaptive change, problem or fix would be that same person exploring their lifestyle. What foods do they eat? Are they physically active? What’s their genetic make-up? What people are encouragers and helpers to them? Adaptive change recognizes that there are entire systems at work to help this person be healthy – or not.

Continued on page 2

May is Hunger Awareness Month

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May 2019 Angelus Vol. 53, No. 09 – May 1, 2019 Page 2

Continued from page 1

Heifetz says knowing what kind of an issue you have on your hands is key to finding the right and lasting solution. An adaptive change applied to a technical problem is disastrous. Our patient above would not have survived had the Emergency Department crew been dietitians and encouragers. A technical change applied to an adaptive situation is useful – often necessary – in the short run. But the real issue goes unaddressed. In fact one sign that you have an adaptive problem on your hands is that you keep applying technical solutions and nothing changes.

Most of the change in our lives as Christians is adaptive. Jesus didn’t come into the world, live, die and rise again so that we would behave well. He did all those things so that our lives could be transformed. Similarly, most of the change in the Church is adaptive – and I speak both broadly about the Church in twenty-first-century North America and specifically about Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Webster Groves. For example, we want to welcome newcomers to Emmanuel. That sounds like a technical fix, right? So we wear our nametags. We print a full-service bulletin. We have great gift bags and delicious bread. All really good and necessary stuff in my book. And yet our new memberships have stayed relatively steady over time. None of these technical changes have ushered in a season of increasingly more new folks. What if we look at this issue adaptively? We would need to ask harder questions with murkier answers. What are we welcoming our neighbors to? Why do we want new people to join us? Are we enough even if they don’t come? What will be different when they do come and how do we feel about that? Vandersall Collective Report

As you may remember, The Vandersall Collective facilitated our staff and vestry retreat in February. Last week they presented their report to the staff, vestry, and me. I wish I could say they delivered a list of technical fixes we could implement in our common life. I wish I could say we could check off those boxes and wrap up our sense of call and vision for the future in the three months. They did not. Instead, they have recommended some adaptive work. Your staff, and I are processing the report, prayerfully considering it, and will have more word for you soon. I notice, that Vandersall is recommending we take a much more courageous route. One that I suspect will involve some anxiety and frustration, as many adaptive changes do. One that I suspect will also bring us incredible joy and life.

This is not a quick or simple path, my friends. But I know we are up to it. I know this, first of all, because this is God’s church – not yours or mine. And God loves and keeps it. I know this, additionally, because after almost a year as your Rector I know and see you. You are brave, beloved, fully-gifted-and-equipped-for-ministry children of God. Are we perfect? No. Are we, by the grace of God, enough? I know in my bones we are.

I have told you before that Emmanuel is on the threshold of something beautiful. So let’s all grab hands and step into that murky, adaptive, glorious, frightening and faithful something together. Faithfully,

We are migrating to a new online giving vendor this week. That means the link at the bottom of our home page will go away. It will be replaced by a new link (see below). This change will allow online giving to be integrated into our database, making things easier for us and better for you! Both icons are on our website, please use the NEW one. We will take down the old one May 2nd! Just like now, you will need to set up an account, you can do that by clicking on the image online at In the meantime, our Assistant Treasurer, Theresa Grumke, can answer any questions you may have. Email her at [email protected] or call her at 314.961.2393 x210. Theresa is in the office Monday through Thursday 9 a. m.—2 p.m..

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May 2019 Angelus Page 3 Vol. 53 No. 09 - May 1, 2019


MISSION TRIPS Christian Education will resume on May 5 with We Stories.

Change begins when We Stories challenges “White

Families” to re-think race and their role in our segregated

region. Change takes hold when new habits become normal

and are passed down to the next generation. Change gains

traction when these families use their new awareness and skills to take action, generating new support

for change-making efforts.

Community members from Deaconess Anne House will be here May 12. Deaconess Anne

House (DAH) is a member of the Episcopal Service Corp, a national network of intentional

communities in the Episcopal Church. Individual programs are unique, but all are marked

by serving others in solidarity, promoting justice in community, deepening spiritual

awareness and vocational discernment, and living simply in intentional Christian community. They

will update on their work in the community this past year.

May 19 will be the last Adult Forum for the program year. The children of FaithQuest will

present what they learned this year. Also on May 19, during the 9:00 a.m. service we will have Sr.

Recognition and Commissioning of Missioners.

Sr. Recognition is where those graduating from high school will provide a shor t goodbye to us

and tell us of their plans as they leave youth group and high school.

Commissioning of missioners is a time of prayer and sending for all adults and youth who will

head out on mission trips this summer:

Adults will head to Rosebud Reservation in Mission, SD. June 1-8. They will work and suppor t

ministries important to the local Native American community. Adults go as servants; not to impose

our ideas of what ‘they’ should be doing to help themselves but ready to support and work alongside

them in whatever way are making a difference in their community. This work include White Buffalo

Calf Society, the first domestic violence shelter for Native American women in the country. Native

American women are more than twice as likely to experience sexual assault and domestic violence as

women in the general population, and domestic violence continues to be epidemic on the reservation.

Senior High Youth will head to Chicago Jun 2-9 for their “urban” mission trip to work at The

Boulevard Homeless Shelter is a place for those recovering from illness or injury.

Junior High Youth will head to Poplar Bluff, Missouri June 13-16 for their “rural” mission trip.

They will be working and helping Church of the Holy Cross in Poplar Bluff, and St. Paul’s Sikeston.

These small communities are exited to welcome our youth!

Peace Meal We need volunteers to help with the Peace Meal at St. John’s Tower Grove on Saturday, May 11 from 2-6 p.m. There are generally two shifts: 2-4 and 4-6. We need 4-6 volunteers at any one time. We work alongside members of St. John’s who plan the meal. The 2-4 shift will prep the food, set tables and make ready for guests. The guests from the neighborhood arrive at 4:30 p.m. The 4-6 shift refills the line and helps clean up. This volunteer meal happens every week, and is invaluable to the Tower Grove

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FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2019

Are you new or newer? Would you like to meet more women and engage in conversation to get to know them? Join us at the home of Charlotte Martin, 9374 Caddyshack Circle, St. Louis, MO 63127 (at 270 & Gravois-off Rott Rd.). Beginning times of 5:30 p.m. The pool will be open and we can sit outside and enjoy each other’s company! We’ll see you soon!


The backbone to any rummage sale is having great items offered for sale! Things that really sell are vintage clothing, handbags, jewelry and tablecloths; furniture, kids toys, golf clubs, collectibles and books. Whatever you donate will either be sold or donated after the sale. There’s no asking for it back!

Second is a cadre of organized volunteers to sort by category, price to sell, assist customers, take money, clean up after the sale, support the youth in their work and generally work together for a cause! To sign up to help, please visit:

Third is people to buy what is being sold. Duh! We will have an ad in the Webster Kirkwood Times and there are flyers around town. Take a flyer to the local antique mall or store you like! If you know people who like garage sales….this is for them! It’s better then a garage sale…..because it’s a whole village sale!

Don’t forget to sign up for Vacation Bible School by Sunday May 26!

May 29-31 (9-noon each day) See flyer on page 7 for details.

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Upcoming Times to know about regarding Worship and Christian Education

Sunday, April 7 services will be at 8:00 a.m. & 9:00 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. We will have coffee and treats after the 9:00 a.m. service. We will say an official farewell to Warren Crews for being interim assistant since November 2018 and we will introduce you officially to the new Associate Rector, The Rev. Whitney Rice. There will be NO Adult Forum that day, and NO FaithQuest. There WILL be Rite 13 and J2A.

EASTER VIGIL, Sunday, Apr il 20 service time will be 8:00 p.m. EASTER Sunday, Apr il 21 service times will be 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. There will be NO 5:30 p.m. service.

Sunday, April 28 Bishop Wayne Smith will be here for baptisms, confirmations and receptions. Services will be at 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. There will be NO 10:30 a.m. service, NO Christian Education. We will have a reception for those baptized and confirmed. There will be NO Adult Forum and NO FaithQuest. There WILL be Rite 13 and J2A.

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Annual Emmanuel Preschool Carnival Saturday, May 4 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Pony rides, bouncy houses, games and a real fire truck!

Tickets for sale for all rides and food. Please note that Bompart will be closed off in front of the church during the carnival. This fun event is Open to the Public!

Food Center Report For the month of May the food center is asking for contributions of cereal

to maintain our shelf stock. Please consider a donation to assist those of our community in need.

Just drop them in the food basket as you enter the front doors in the nar-thex Sunday morning or place them in the food basket outside the Food Center on the pew under the parish bulletin board.

Thanks to the following individuals for their generous gifts to the Food Center in April. Dorothea Bean Brett & Phyllis Newcomb Jenna Foley Jamie Shannon Heather Freeman John & Alice Snodgrass Peter & Jenny Hulen Chris Wagnon Marilyn Keller JoAnne Warren Bill & Donna Martens Webster University

Thanks also to the many anonymous donors!

MAY IS HUNGER AWARENESS MONTH! The Episcopal Diocese has formed a Hunger Task Force to help deal with the needs of individuals and families throughout the state of Missouri. We are so grateful that the Emmanuel community continues to provide both mone-tary and food donations. Despite that, hunger and food insecurity persist in our area and your help is needed. Please consider sending a 100% tax deductible donation to: “Emmanuel Food Center” and note “Task Force Hungry” in thememo line. Thank you.

Senior High Youth will be heading to Chicago June 2-9

for their urban mission trip working at The Boulevard,

homeless shelter for those recovering from injury or illness.

Before they leave they will sponsor a car wash to raise

more funds! Please support their car wash during all

morning services on Sunday, May 5. Or simply donate to

them! Visit our website ( to


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Jenny Hulen, Rector (ext. 212) Whitney Rice, Associate Rector (ext. 211)

Warren E. Crews, Priest Affiliate Paul A. Metzler, Priest Affiliate Trent Patterson, Choir Director

Chuck Peery, Organist Lauren Honz, Children’s Choir Director

Kevin Williams, Christian Youth Formation (ext 213) Katie Gregston, Children & Family Ministry (ext 214)

Theresa Grumke, Finance Assistant Dominique Shields, Parish Admin (x209)

Phillip Poke, Sexton Mimi Shipp, Director of Communications (ext 218) Rachael Ludwig, Preschool Director (ext 123)

Jamie Shannon, Parish Admin (ext. 249)


Janet Dobbs, Senior Warden Kim Tappana, Junior Warden

Gary Tappana, Treasurer Brian Stephenson, Secretary

Mark Jordan, Finance Committee Jane Emerson, Suzie Florent & Marilyn Keller,

Altar Guild Jane Emerson & Mimi Shipp, Archivists

Peg Cooper, Caring Ministries David Pluhar, Facilities Management

Scot Copeland, Matt Schunke Men of Emmanuel

Mary Jane Kuhn, Missions committee Laura Buffington/Scot Copeland, Parish Life

Evelyn Archer, Laura Buffington, Women of Emmanuel

Staff Email Addresses

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] (Theresa) [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] (Jamie) [email protected] (Dominique)

[email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

Church number is 314-961-2393

In the case of a pastoral emergency after office hours, please call 314-961-2393 x212

If no answer, leave a message, include date and time. A member of the clergy will return your call


Youth News and Events

Jr. High Rite 13 Sunday, May 12 during the 9:00 a.m. service. This is a recognition of those youth bridging to adulthood.

Commissioning of Missioners Sunday, May 19 dur ing 9 a.m. service.

General Rummage Sale information: Parents: Watch for the email from Kevin for link to SignUpGenius to sign up to work! Friday, May 10 is set up day: people will be dropping off donations, tables need to be set up, items need to be priced. A pizza dinner will served about 6:00 pm. Saturday, May 11 is sale day: we' ll need volunteers for set up, sales, and clean up. A light breakfast will be provided.

Sr. High

Car Wash during all MORNING services Sunday, May 5.

Sr. Recognition Sunday, May 19 dur ing 9 a.m. service.

Commissioning of Missioners Sunday, May 19 dur ing 9 a.m. service.

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May 2019 Angelus Page 9 Vol. 53 No. 09 - May 1, 2019

May 2

David Loyet

May 2

Tim Chesney

Chuck Peery

Bea Ragan

May 3

Grace Yarbrough

May 4

Janet Brown

Lilly Grow

May 6

Will Brennan

Miles Buck

May 7

Sarah Ammon

May 9

Larry Martin

Kate Peck

Will Peck

May 10

Josie Kopff

Denny Maginn

May 11

Felix Tate

May 12

Jonathan Hunt

Linda Schuchmann

May 13

Eric Dunn

Billy Lawless

Katie Nelson

Margo Smith

Jared Stevens

May 14

Aaron Gray

Sofia Mancini

May 16

George Blistain

Owen Corliss

Clio Langdon

Tom Smith

May 17

Bill Martens

May 18

Eileen Love

Betsy Mackey

May 20

Mark Ludwig

May 22

Rosie Wallis

May 23

Kathy Lorino

Theron Perkowski

May 24

Cate Fear

May 25

Emily Martin

Pat Wiltse

May 26

Isaac Royer

May 27

Evan Todd

May 28

Casey Florent

Kevin MacBryde

May 29

Elliot Grow

May 31

Chris Clark

Clark Hotaling

Hannah Luckes

Nancy McClary

Adalyn Wilson



May 4

Janet Brown & Paul Reuter |

Susie & Bob Feldmann

May 6

Laura & Tom Buffington

Caroline & Creston Ragan

May 13

Tiffany & Rick Warriner

May 15

Christi & Denny Maginn

May 17

Jenny & Peter Hulen

May 19

Debby & Larry Martin

May 21

Kara & Mark Labedz

Maggie & Doug Rieber

May 23 Janet & George Csolak Kathy & Don Lorino Nancy & Chuck McClary May 24 Kristen & David Morton May 25 Mary Lou & Mike McGuire May 30

Mary Ann &

Jim Lemonds

Mart & John


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PLEASE keep the office updated on the progress of those you have placed on this list so our list remains timely.

ARMED FORCES Parishioners: Aaron Faust, Adam Erickson

Brian Maginn, Christi & Denny Maginn's son Stephen Carson, Nan Rimbach's nephew Ron Asher, Sara Loyet's nephew



Torri Tripoli, Volker & Sandi Coleman’s granddaughter

Fred Bechtold, friend of Tom Jones

Brielle Clark, Tricia Copeland’s niece David Cannon, Debbie Mason’s nephew Susan Blystone, Hilary Perkins’ friend John Thomson, friend of Kuhn’s Lynn Milander, Rene Howard’s mother Alice, friend of Betsy Mackey Ed Porter, Lissa Johnson’s uncle Aaron Crowell, friend of Angie MacBryde Sue Snyder, Nancy McClary’s friend


Parishioners: Paul Reuter, Maggie Rieber, Bill Wright

Ernest Poke, Phillip Poke’s brother Joey Huber, Margaret & George Blistain’s grandson Ben Schneider, MacBryde's grandson Tom Yager, Jim & Mary Ann Groetsch’s friends


Parishioners: Jim Groetsch, Gail Bailey, Nan Rimbach


Parishioners: Bill Mulcahy

Greg Gebhart, Doris Ferguson’s son-in-law Molly Tinnin, Paul Reuter/Janet Brown’s daughter Cece Wall, Carol Evans’ daughter Sally Johnson, Sandy & Phil Baker’s niece Beverly Lutman, Lisanne Schraer’s aunt Casey Sherwin, Jay & Brenda Ritzen’s friend Rose Belford, Chris Ruhland’s mother-in-law Troy Stewart, JoAnne Warren’s niece’s husband Angela Huber, Margaret and George Blistain’s daughter Nancy Thomas, Laura McCord’s cousin Mary Boeger, Sue Smith’s sister Robert Hallahan, Kerry Thacker’s father Jennifer, friend of Mary Ann Lemonds Mark Korn, Barb Buck’s cousin Joe and Gail Gibson, Shari Kelts’ sister & brother-in-law Jim Price, friend of Lissa Johnson & Mark McReynolds Mike, friend of Jane Emerson


Billie McReynolds, cousin of Ann McReynolds, Jane Emerson & Mark McReynolds David Ripes, friend of Pam Belloli Val Lewis, friend of Tricia Copeland Tina Smith Reckamp, friend of Tricia Copeland Cathy Ammons, Allison Williams' friend Dickie Priest, Betsy Mackey's friend Carole Smith, friend of Nancy McClary Heather McFadden, Margaret DeYoung's friend Jim Spangler, John Mitchell's brother-in-law Patricia McGregor, Stella Spalt’s cousin Sue Fritchley, Tom & Sandi Fischer’s friend Kate Bell, Nancy McClary’s friend Keira Stout, child of Grace Clark’s co-worker


Parishioners: Mary Ann Groetsch, Betty Walker, Jack Love, Delena Moredock, Mary Roberts, Jeff Morrison, Audrey Claxton and Dorothy Haddock Dan Parker, Scott Parker’s dad Craig Tudor, Debby Martin’s cousin Dan Parker, Scott Parker’s father Demetria Brown, Phillip Poke’s step-daughter Cindy & David Cannon, Debbie Mason’s sister/brother-in-law Ann Sullivan, friend of Barb Buck Bob Roderick, friend of Anne Munroe David Orris, friend of Nancy McClary Linda Park, Laura McCord’s cousin Elise, friend of Shari Kelts’ Chad Warren, JoAnne Warren’s son Alan Kelts, Shari Kelts’ brother Carol McPherson, Food Center client Elaine Carlisle, Allison Williams’ aunt Andrew Sartorious, Emily Burst’s brother Barb Flasch, friend of Mary Ann Lemonds Jackie Mullarkey, friend of Mary Ann Lemonds Tim Flasch, friend of Mary Ann Lemonds Bill Kincaid, friend of the Buck Family Pat W., friend of Allison and Kevin Williams Douglas Moody, friend of the Kuhn family Amy Soll, Shari Kelts’ daughter Charlotte Roberts, Tina Kennedy’s mother The Ricker Family, friends of Lyn Anthoney Bob & Pat Klein, friends of Jim & Mary Ann Groetsch Dorothy Koeff, Lisanne Schraer’s mother Jake and Angela, friends of Shari Kelts Liza Henderson, Barbara Ballard’s daughter Amy Tyler, friend of Shari Kelts Becky Miller, Mary Jane Kuhn’s Goddaughter Marguerite Arreano, Michael Martines’ aunt Keith Stumpf, JoAnne Warren’s friend Julie Drefke, friend of Diana Knapp Ieshia Charging Hawk, friend of adult mission trip group Sue Kohler, Sue & Lou Clauss' friend Maggie & Jemma Moccasin, friends of Adult Mission Trip Greg Goodman, Barb Russell’s friend

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Our sympathies to Mary Ann Aubin, and the family of Laura McCord. Laura died April 19 and was buried here Monday, April 29. May she rest in peace. Congratulations to those baptized at The Great Vigil of Easter, Joel David Rotramel and Piper Margaret Rotramel. Additionally, welcome to Joel, Mackenzie and baby Piper, all are recent transplants to St. Louis. Congratulations to those who were baptized, confirmed, and received by Bishop George Wayne Smith on Sunday, April 28: Nathan Mulchek-son of Erin and Andy, and little brother of Patrick

James Poplstein-son of Courtney and Ryan, and little brother of Charlie

Carissa Castro-daughter of Jomo and Gena, and sister of Alina

Josh Copeland-son of Tricia and Scot, and brother of Ethan and Moira

Alison Dunn-daughter of Jen and Eric Dunn, and granddaughter of Donna and Bill Martens

Lainey Hogg-daughter of Christie and John Hogg

Josie Kopff-daughter of Katie and Adam Kopff, and granddaughter of Ann McReynolds

John Sterbenz-son of Rocky Sterbenz and Dana and Jerry Schull

Sophie Wilson-daughter of Molly and Matthew, and big sister of Adalyn and Lachlan

Lisa Liss-spouse of John, mother of Adeline and Gabriel

Susan Weaver-spouse of Ryan and mother of Elizabeth, Annabelle and Olivia


Monthly Collection Drive

During May we will collect items for several groups at Rosebud Reservation. Our Adult Missioners leave Saturday, June 1 for Mission, South Dakota, and they will take the items with them.

White Buffalo Calf Woman Society Shelter. The White Buffalo Calf Woman Society provides services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. They need:

shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, and diapers

for their inventory for emergency requests. Please purchase the diapers in the PLASTIC versus cardboard containers. They weigh less and are easier to transport!

Harvest Winds needs 1/4 yard or more of COTTON fabric. Harvest Winds is a unique local ministry designed to provide job opportunities and work experience in one of the most economically depressed areas of the country. Using the traditional Lakota “Star Quilt” Pattern, women sew and sell these quilts on line. Please no scraps or donated clothing!

Emmanuel Women’s Book Club Will meet Monday May 20th, which is a week earlier than usual because of Memorial Day. At our May meeting we will be discussing We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter. That is the last book we have on our schedule, so we will also be selecting our next books to read at the May meeting.

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Emmanuel Episcopal Church 9 South Bompart Avenue Webster Groves, MO 63119 Address Service Requested


Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PAID St. Louis, Missouri Permit No. 8 ______________________

Sunday Propers

Third Sunday of Easter—May 5

Acts 9:1-6, (7-20)

Psalm 30

Revelation 5:11-14

John 21:1-19

Fifth Sunday of Easter—May 19

Acts 11:1-18

Psalm 148

Revelation 21:1-6

John 13:31-35

Fourth Sunday of Easter — May 12

Acts 9:36-43

Psalm 23

Revelation 7:9-17

John 10:22-30

Sixth Sunday of Easter-May 26

Acts 16:9-15

Psalm 67

Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5

John 14:23-29

The next newsletter deadline is May 15, 2019, for the issue to be published on June 5, 2019. All articles and

information should be submitted to the Parish Office ( [email protected]) by email, if possible. Thank You.

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