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THE DAILY NEWS ~~. r. &~~

Vol. 62. No. 1'

France-Unc:mfirmed reports ,clrculatlng ln Europe said that the ts have fired a rocl;et wit)! a rnan inside to an altitude of 186 miles. report ~aid the rocket pas,;.cnger made a ~afc r~tum .~o earth: dra11 in~; of n manned earth satellite, from a book enbtled Jqume~ The Cosmos'' hy i:\1. Vaseliev, pub lishcd in Moscow ln 1955, is unusu~ll,Y

in view 'of the reports. The numbered parts of the artists nrc (1) jet motor; (2) parachute for breaking descent .on return

earth; (;]) cxlcm!ablc wings for planing in earth's atmosphere; ( ~) "'""""" · scnlcu cabin for the astronaut, made of transparent orgamc

with mctu\ blinds t~ save the occupant from being burnt by the Greater space of satellite is tak_tn UP. by fuel tanks (5) and oxidizer

for the ~t'fllg\ne for use in event it •become& necess.ary to increuse fly· ~peed.-(f!'; Photo).

ST.-JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 19SB {Prict 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons.~

High-Level Talks Now Pointless, Says Dulles

Macmillan And Nehru .1 Release . Result

· ~!~~~~s , ~,~~!.:,~,~~.~, ,., .. ~~~~!,., i Secret Briefing NE\'i DELHI \Reuters!-Brit·[ t~ir informal talks before and Maami!lan said at the airpon: By LEWIS GULICK

Ish Prime Minister Macmillan nfler dinner at Nehru's home. that he loo~(d forwnrd to seeing/. talked with Indian Leader Jaw· I Two topics are reported to hove Pre.1ident najcndra Prasad ar.d .· WASHINGTON (AP) _ State Secretary· oharla\ Nehru Wednesd"Y on ti.omlmled the opening discus·[ other lending figures of India nncl, chances or £ust-West ''disengage· i stons: • having "talks on preserl'ing pence/ Dulle~ told congressmen Wednesday there is ment" nnd ~ununit talks. 1. Disarmament and the pros- throughout the ll'orld." ·

Macmillan and his wife were I peel> of "disengagement" in Eu-1 He addrd: ''Yot:r prime minis· I no point now in holding summit talks with the garlanded with marigolds wit en I rope and the Middle East by tet Is reco~nize<l throughout the Russians. ' they stepped out of their turbo· I Co:nn~:tnist aml Western powers. world as one of the gre<Jt pcr>on·! prop Britannia airliner ant! chi\· 1 2 Tile possibility of a summit allt!es and it is therefore ah1·ays 1 Both Democratic and Repvblican mem· nren>e pcl~ls o1w tl:em.1 meeting to relax East-West ten· a rewarding and s.Limnl_aling f'X·j bers of the' House of Re..,r2sentatives foreign The In d 1 a 11 prtme minister swn. penence to talk wtth hm1.H 1· .

. ~reeled ~.lac~llll8n with a firm The two slntesmen also were, He said he would he ahlc to i affairs committee seemed to .asree wit;, Dulles iwnd;h~ke. expected to touch o~ the problem t' see a little of Inrlia'5 great ef· I

For the first time since India of Indonesia and Its anti-Dutch forts in dcr.loL'r"tic or~ani:iltiun after a three-hour secret briefing. became lnrlcncnrtcnt within the I c:lmpalgn for possession of West i nr.d \he imag'nath·c effort ll'ith I Committee members gave reporters a Commonwealth 10 years ago, the· Xcw Guinea. . w~ich it Is tackling its great ceo·[ Union Jock fluttered in the ,~y.l But there was no hint ...:. as nomic proh1ems. 1 partial fill-in on the .testimony. India ls ~!acml\lnn's first sin!' on j pr."viously suggested-that ?·L•c· . ":>!y rra•.-cr is th"t the rl'la·1 It apn:lr•'n:h' was a b;1rn:onintl.s ·--;-·-c.~~··-.-- -a tour that 1111! luke him to sl~ I mtllan migl:t meet Indor.cs1nn twnshlp b~twern !nd1a and Brit·· ntc~tin~. Dull·cs will a~pe:~r be-: ch•r h11;1sc\f. sat~, Du\lc:s "seemec Commonwe~Jth countries. J PrE;Iucnt Sukurno, who Is m I~· ain ":1!\ grow clos,'r as thr ye<Jrs f<nc· the 5:·~:11 ,. foreign rplations p\,·r:ty t~lerc.,trd in h1; requ~?l. TWO ~I AT~ TOPICS din on a henllh trip, Sukarno 1s, go b), he added. , con~miltec loda·•. , De~ lies 1s reporter! :1t odds \\Jlh

Thr o't . c~iticizcd ;ecrr·tar~·[;:rn owr what the. U:S. posi·

RrrrLAR }T FT T.C' rrc faced lillie lwstilc qurslio .. n!n~ tJon shOlt!d be on negoltatmg mtt: . .l.l...l • VI .J..l.i:J: • frQm either party dnring hi' ap- tlw llusstans.. , : . I pcarancc, thosP who attended ses· lleprescntalt\'e Barratt O'Hara

U •t s!on saicl. Bul !J·,. was asked ;:;bout IDcnl. 1\l.l s<Jt.~ there was one

P t C h P. D f I trouble simmering within lite lle· matter Dulles .. II as most force· a I erences 'publican family. 1 ful on-;-the f.u'J\il;o of fu~ure con·

I. Hcprc.1entatil'c Jam. c.s Fulton' 1-cr.salt~ns ,;I'Jth the nusstans at n

1 llep.Pa. i saicl he made n firm I htgh lei e!. . ·

I WELLI:-IGTOX, i\.Z. meulersl 1 tween m)'self. Dr. Fuchs and the for him to make up his mind,'': that llaro~d E. Stnssen, I 0 ll~ra satd Dulles npparentl.v

. -A ~toriTl of words abated \l'ed-1 committees concerned In running Jlil!ary added. "and if he decided: President Eisenhower's disarma·l feels It would be useless Io hold

j nesday ns hoth sections of tlt"1

the trans · Antarctic expedition," to come on, we'd as;ist wiU1 all; men! adl'iser, "either fi;h or cut I a htgh.Jc,el ,conferenc,c the , combined Commomwa!th Antarc· he mhlcd. our resources, That Is ~till the bail and >ton running a campai~n I ~usstans unlc" the)' s.1011. tndtca­tlc expedition patched up differ· I Hillary said he believes comli· way things stnnd os far as I am for go1-ernor out of the While lions of fol\o-.llnf: words w1th per·

ccs 1

lions on the Depot 700 side of the 1 concerned." ; House." [forma nee. . . cnSi~ ·Edmund Hillary, leader of 'I south polar plateau "may be very The ;o.;ew Zcab)lder said plans

1• Fulton said it is unfair to 'other. 1 Tienrcsenlall:·c . .T. L., ~t!chQr

the l'<ew Zea1anct team, promised. unplersant". by the time Fuchs to get more fuel lo Dcnot 700 for, candid:1tcs in the race for Penn·' De~l. Ga:1• satrl Durles l' JS

to "assist with nl\ our re~ources'' 1 ~ets there. the British snow tractors are "un·, s·;JvnniJ's governorship for ..Sias· n:at tf;e l·m!ed St 2 tcs. wont sa:•

In hid by the British te~m l~d hy 1. ''Elnt I told I Dr. Fuchs\ !twas der way now." · [5cn to be "issuing po\iticol press !lath· tt wont agree t~ talks, but Dr. \'!don Fuchs to complete the· -·· --- ------·- rc-!eoses from his p\atfor111 in the Ill the ltght 0~ Hll>sliln hrokcn

1 r ~t v rland crossing of the An· I p • F • h \White Honse." promtses there ts no nor,nt to fur·

llro llo e : reservmg IS ' . thcr ton·IC\'el conversations unttl

ta~ftn~·l'Y promlscll to get mor0 ; . I CJ,AD!S DULLES INTEREST a speci:ic agenda is ngr~c:J o.n-fttcl.-w,ihc,,:;upply cache nt Depot The Pcnr:>ylranla congressm~n.

1 the .tontc of German· tmlftcallon,

1 700. and Fuchs radioed he would 1 not a candtrlate for the governor· f_o~r ~~n~s~ta~llC-c._-'---

uppreclate '\he move but didn't In Sea w t I -wont risk~ taken. a er . s

EBrlv this week. Hillnrv. whose ' evere tn1k i~ to a~slst Fuchs, 'told the 1 ·

Cla inl:• British team.thev should not at· I . OTTAWA CCPl- Pacific coast trials on Cj)mmercial vessels also' le[':lp 0 comnlee the 2,100-mile 1 hsh?rrr.en can spend more time showed the seawater system al·l

----------------- snow • vehicle trek with the: ftshtng if .the~ store. their catch lowed the shtps to operate . c.t 1 H t t M • t • Storm·

h ll ' R . t . . dangerotiS Antarctic winter DP· a hoard ship In refngerntec sen greater dlstunces from cunncnes. 1 s arl tmes an Ce 01.. s es z:·un a· l on' . preaching. Fuch~ replied he was i water Instead oflce, the fisheries I and other processing plants. I ' · O · . · . guing ahend with the origlnnl! experts were told Wednesday.. The report said round sockeye 1

plans-if necessary, without the· The sea water keeps the ftsh and chum salmon were m exeeld I

Split T, R help of the conqueror of Mount in perfect condition and doesn't lentcondition after being stored! HALIFAX ICPl-:\ high • pow- tapered off before the situation be·

'he arty Everest . crush them as ice will, a report aboard ship a week. The:; were; ered gale with rain· ant! snow came serious. . . · Hillnr~'s stand drew support presented to the an nun! meeting still good after another 13 days 1 messed up communication and Dam"ge to fishing gear re·

here nnd Icy comment In Britain.[' of the fisheries research board ln storage in r~frigeruted sea 1 power lines In southwestern Nova mained to he counted. Some lob­. Fuchs wet:ks' behind sc!wdule sa:d. water at the s!atitn. H"libut was Scotia Wednesday, bringing rec· ster lrilps were reported smashed

,r.,·::(r'' _ A mur·f istcrs who quit with Thorneycroft, them as n golden opporttmtty to In his ~dvance from Sh&cklelon TLe \'nncouver technological sold from eight to 15 da,·s after I orrl tirles and some destruction. by hea1·y seas. At Freeport, N.S., ct. disto:·n:' ·.' wn~ hc.ard in cJid \\'cdncsday the resignation's force \h. e government into an [ hase on the South Amerlc~n side i ~a lion of the board reported that catching "in fines condition." In Korthe:n New B.runswick.lhc

1 ont~e Bay of. Fcndy, the. gale

. · · '·l' ::~rty \1 e<'ncs· [ ll'cre not n revolt ngnlnst the go\· early general election. of the contlnent, renorted his posl·l storm earned up to a foot of sonaohed a"1ish1hg b<Jat a • WI ::J:ttion of Peter: ernmenl. . Labor leaders alr~ady h~ve an· lion at 26() miles 'from the Pole u K PI n n. g F - snow. It left. clo~gc-d highl'.ays I wharf. w~ecking .the boat.

. ' oj rlnncelior of. ~he I Birch sold he dtd not believe nounced their declswn to ~Btl for - 3() m!les' progress throygh a . In 0 r and h~ge dnfts that. turn~ to. CAPITALs PO\\~R OFF ' •

1 th?)' wou\cl cause a split In the a debnte on the reslgno\JOns as "wind rnlslng· much drift" smce' • • . slush from the follomng ram. . Pbrts, of Fredcnclon, the. New

l'o~<ve~r:·h,·s cl~.lmcd 1 narty or speed 3 general election. soon .as ~arllnment reassembles Tuesday. I . Yarmouth: N.S. was h~rd1st h1t Brunswtck capital. were w1t~out ' .· r··~rcc,:<tion ~.lon·l He told 0 Conservative audience on the ground that a split g~~ern? I Hillary, now at Scott ba;e on T d c f by the·hour wt~ds ,.that power for several hours wncn

SJ~lt. :.1, •. 1'3rl,l' rn:l!\s. in \.l'al.cs he has no Intention of ment ls not ftt to rule thc_coJnlr~, the onposlte side of the contmen\.. ra e on erence reached 70 Ill gusts. The~. Wiped tree branches fell across the .~hm '"id :.h rc,ignalior, lpt :in~ the Conservative party. But the problem. the~· face Is said he is ready lo return to De·1 · ou: the town's c~mmumcal!ons wires. to: bn h n,,r• 1· rel·o!t. 1 His sp~cch followed statements that they ca~ot side 1\lth Thor-1 pot iOO-some 700 miles inland ~ and powe~ f?r a .lime. RiJ?f~. of At Halifax the tide rose 18

'ltlo:· '. Jt• ,;. ". ifr\~" llir;t: bl' 5. cl·crnl .go·;ernmcnt ministers neycroft ogamst the go-. ernmcn,·1 and a SOO-mile trip from tile Pole LO:\'DON . meutersl-Common-[ The finnnce ministers soicl the I several blllldmgs m the exhtb1t10n inches above normal. and this was · to ,., ;: ::o::r."\1' sur.rcrt Tursday asserting that the res!g- because his economy demands -to Increase fuel supplies. wcnlth offtctals and experts mU confcrct•ce should be held nl a 1 grounds wcr;e torn l)ff. pushed up several more feet l!e •o· ... '.' o·.l'nt unless he: nat'o.:ls had 1 eft Consen·ative would hove meant cuts In the BO·I The New Zealanders .hod been meet here next month to prepare "conrenlen.t place anrl time" in nadia stat10n CJLS was knocked around wharves whEre the swell o:or•:: ,1 ~~tt• and rca1· 'unllv unimpaired. cia! welfare services. scheduled to link up with Fuchs for a full-scale trade and eco· 1956. off the air '~hen a ~arn roof slam· and undertow met. A few wharves

!!elan"'"•': .,: the resign;~. Therr has been no accurate It was to avmd such cuts that at Depot 700 before Christmas. nomic co~fere~ce, 1 n formed They then ngreed that the ue· mcd lnt? tis mat~ transm1tte~ 1 were flooded. . count of the number of Cooscrva· the go\ernmenl opposed a fmnl But Hillary unexpectedly made 0 sources satd \liedr,esday. tailed preparatory work for the tower .. 1he statton s emergenc: Dunng the height of .the gale

, til'e members who will criticize paring of £50,000.000 .~~ go1 ern: dash to the Pole from the ctrpot The sources expect the ~onfer· conferonce, including the drawing tra~sn\1ltcr w3s also flattened. the ~mghlcr Canadian Vidor, on: L<1 ~c·m,n:dd nn nssur. 'th~ government when the House ment expenditure on 11h1ch Thor and was flown back to Scott uase ence, at the level of fina11ce min· up of its agenda and other pro· r arthe~ up the coast at Bndge. of .etght Canadla,n.~at.lonai Steam ~~<I 11

1 •• "·'''· crnmcnt \rill 1 of Commons reronl'enes Jan. 21. neycroft was inslstmg. 1 Monday. lsters or other go\'Crnmcnt rep· ccdural mollersn should be en- I water, ::-;,S., ~ tree. was. blown sh1ps vcs,sels s,nkcbound hcr?-

l<tc b:,:,. 0


; 1 1 ,1 . ':;o:.IE nACKERS 1 . rcsenlotil•es. to be held later this (fusted to a committee of offic· across power lmes: dtsruptmg ser· dr~gged an.chor and was be!ng 1, T'.. o .ns n, a v l A '[' In a radw-te1ephone interview year possibly In fhc fall 1 1 vice. As heavy ram belled down, dnren agmnst the Dartmouth •. otrnL•I'CIOft But some are known to have r ' l nlg I z I d p A . . as . k h . ;,",1 \,,.

0 .'f hi bac';cd ThorneJ·crofl's contention ' · · · · · W th the New ca an ress S· But the dates and place of the · sewer.s overflowed and thrcaten~d shore when two tugs too er m

i \1·, :·.: , • h 0 1s

1 . ~ 1 11 soclation, H!Uary said he was talks have not yet been fixed, the The sources said that some street flooding. However, the ram tow.

~oulcJ · .'"11 ". t etr co· that cxn.end tu~c tn t .e com ng · TAIPEI, Formosa - Reuters "deeply shocked" when he sources added. ~ ' I questions concerning the pro·:· -----·---tbn to n;:;,I,~Jck Thorney- 1 n~nclal ",car must not exceed cur· -)laj.Gen. Claire Chennault, .learned his advlcelo Fuchs 'had The Commom~·ealth finance jected economic confere~ce mi~htl L' 0 f K h • ''

., 1. go1ernment,rent expenses, . 67, founder of the Flying been battered around In the:mln!s!ers at thetr me<etlng at,come up for dtscusswn w1th ' ' 100 as m1r " 1 1 c I r present; The go1·ernment restgnatlons Tigers, wlll return to the Vnlt·. press." 1 I Mont Trcmblan~. 'iue., last Sep-~Prime Minister )!acmillan during

Dir(h. , ill' 0

. hm e neatcd a ~!lemma for the ed States today for medica! I 'As far as I was concerned, lt j' !ember and October decided to his current five-week Common· , f the mm·, Labor part)· II luch at first saw treatment. . • I was purely n private matter be· convene such a conference.. wealth tour. , •

For Diamond King WiUiamson Dies ~~·~!~"~~~~~~·b'.,~~~~~~.: ~· epare ·beral metics were placed under house arrest 4 1~ had long been close associate$.

NAIROBI, Kenya CCP) - Dla- he became seriously Ill and It was mented recently. on sale In a non· years ago, was freed Wednesdny Abdullah was held Under Kash· Ra I' ly prime minister of Kashmir and Prime Minister Nehru. The two

mond king John Thorburn Wll· some time before he was fit "If the shares of Ule William· profit store. -and again bec .. me one of In· mir's Preventive Detention Act, BARDLD . , Hamson, fabulous figure of wealth enough to be flown back to his son DiU1llond <:om pan y were P H

1 e preEse

1n1tedb ththe 'lQhueen, . as dia's biggest political question which allows confinement without

P :>!ORR ISO~ ·That would take two operations. and mystery, died at. his Tangs- mine. His condition becU1lle quoted in any of the world's mar· r nce?s . za e , WI a prtce· marks. trial of persons suspected of C!l· nss Stoll Writer So the\' plan to cover both sides ny!ka home early Wednesday. He worse lwo weeks ago. kets In their pre~ent form, they less pmk d~mond on he~ mar· The government of Kashmir re· dangcring security.

ICPJ-:The Grits bear of the 'blue bunllng with red rna· was 52. · THREE TRIPS HOME would command the biggest pre- riage m 1!!4 •. and ~ast No1~mber leased the towering r.loslem The. popular political leader, a soectol grudge. It's terial. Unconfirmed reports said the A visit to Montreal last year mlum ever known on any share." made a similar gtft lo Prmcess leader who got into trouble by who is s.ix-feet-six, was confined

of several miles of 1 Since lhe Coliseum, home of Ot· shy, aloof Canadian geologist died wns only the third return to Can· GEOLOGY BY ACCJDE:O..'T Margaret. . . I questioning whether Kashmir I to his house~n the mountaln ham· . tawa's annual fair~. horse· shows of Ulroat cancer. adafor the native of Montford, It was almost by accident that 'The Canadian lh etl a s1mplc should become a purl of India, let of Kud ln the southern part

~~t~g to be pretty and giant bingo games, Is a fairly Dr. Wllllamson was burled near Que., who left there In 1934 to Williamson .became a geologist. life at hts mine, guarded by na·J V.'hcn he became prime minis· of the slate, w ~l'.n," a Liberal large structure, the covering may his jungle-skirted home ln Tanga. write his great success story. He started in law but switched tlve sentries, behind. a high wire ter in 1948 Indian and Pakistani Two of his close assodates­a or man, remarked be expensive. · nylka, tleslde the diamond mine Sir Ernest OppenhelJllel';- South alter a holiday In Labrador, then fence that barred htm from .the forces were fighUJg for the Mohammed Akbar and All Shah ~ he lUrl'eyl!G the But that Is jll3t one aSPPct of \llat made him the world's richest African diamond magnate, d!ea went to South Afrlca in the early many curious who tried to pene· Himalayan border stale. India -also were released.

011 Conservatives' leg- drel!lllni up !he Collseuin for what bachelor. Nov. 25 at 'n. 1930s wlth !1, Quebec geologlcnl tflte his solitude. . won control of most of the state fromr~~ of blue bunting has been billed as . the biggest A' brilliant iraduate of McGill The WiUlamson and Oppen- survey. . WROTE TO CHILDREN . hut Pakistan still claims it. and

e steel rafters of Liberal show Jrl history, a three- University, Wllllamson dlscov- helmer .. Interests reached agree- Williamson enjoyed music and The only letters he sa1d he he U'\ is still superYLsing a Where tile Liberals day affalr expected to attract erect and developed the world's ment In recent years but the two literature, , took an: occasional liked and never tired of answer- truce.· - ·

new leader next some 5,000 ciuto()f-towners, includ· richest pr!vate!yo()wned diamond dlamond titans were once at log- drink and had his own flying !ng were those from .school chll· ~the col

1 lni 1,500 voting delegates and mine. But he spent much of his gerheads. · . club. He avoided publicity and dren of all nationalities who wrote NEVER SUPPORTED CL~IM

: the U~ 0 the Conserv· more tlum 900alternates. time In solitude, · Tile Canadian, son of n lumber p8rtlcularly disliked talking to to ask hlm about"Mwadulm ' Abdullah never supported Pak· and als eo for red. BALLOTI'ING THURSDAY The unassuming scientist jound operator, began his adventure 17. newspaper men. He recelvltd Two sisters and two brothers istan's claim. but he ~aid In 1953 unr YardJ; of blue bunt· The convention opens T\,tesday diamonds . worth $100;000,000' be. years ago In \lle arid heart of many letters containing proposals are believed to survive the gcol· that Moslem Kushmlr could sen·e

Weather. Colder, with snow flurries. :

High 29. '

'TEMPERATURES ~veiled and· pinned but It wpn't be until 'I;hursday neath'the clay of the East African Eqoatorlal Africa. He found a dla- of marria.:e. oglst. Percy Williamson, formerly as a bridge between Hindu India , qlt~n,.,D.,e~ember, 1~, night that baUottlng .for the. new plateau: · mond on scrub, land where for He devoted himself to his 500- of· L. a chute .. Qu. e., whose presen.t und Moslem Pn~lstan .. This wns T t 2 lB · · ., h ld th ! I f ! . oron o .. .. .. . . ) ~hlch chOMJ ~ hn eGr l~ader will be conduced. Top con- Since. 1955 he had flown to centuries tribesmen ,grazed their acre property at Mwadui. Malarln residence Is unknovm, is the lnterpdreted asH a P1roposa or d n·l Montrc'al ....... 17 .JB ·)

1s let~d 0 • teoderdQi the post being vacaied Europe Sid North America for cattle. ' · 1 nnd mosqultck> were el!mlnilted.' brother.' · .: dep~n ?nee. e as~ sugge.1te a Moncton ........ 32 ~~ flgureerit would, be byt Louall! Stf.alrLauren are .former medical ~ea!Jmnt and ln June . From that· single find, William· Asian and native war. kers were The sisters are Tilley 'l'rdJlliom- 1 plebtscile - 1 sdomethm~ India luis Halifax ......... 38 60 ·.

to. Pull th bl , ex ern a! s minister Lester last year 1ra\'elled to London to son. developed hi; mining prop· housed In Cllrrifortable concrete son of St. SaUI-eur; Que.; an Mrs., never accep e · · . Sydney ......... 37 52 llld rtr>lace\ ue bunt. B. F.?ar110n and former health consult a ~allit. ' . erly. . houses with tiled roofs. Commodl· Alex R. Mlllarn now living In Lon· .The confinen;~nt uf.thc illo,:;Ieml •· ....

with red. mlnlste~ Paul' Martin. On his retlfrn 6lx months ago, A London financial writer com· ties ranging from coconuts to cos· don,. En~:Iand. , leader-caUed the LtO_n of K.ash· I

.. "' '·

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' (

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' ~'

" I )

~ :

'I' I






:I: '

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i I ':

J I . ~ I l )

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' 2'

~eople .In. The. News. ~~····~··········~····' SPANIARD'S BAY, Jan. 7:_ Mr. Harold Gosse celebrated

Mr. Gerald Brown waa her.e his birthday on Saturday· last from Grand Falls to spen~ with ~ gala .Party, Among_ the cirUtm11 'with his fiancee, Mba score of cuests who were pres· r:m.atne Shepplro. Miss Shep. ent were Mr. and Mrs. Arch paro who spent New Year at Woo~s and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gnnd"'Falls returned' on Mon· Collis from St. John's. da:r. 1

. · • --1

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thorne · The ·following teachers anent and their children from St.

lbtir Chrlstmu vacations nere 'J John's visited Mr. and Mrs. with their parents. Miss Allee Cecil Gom during the holldays. Jewer £rom Hodie's ·Cove, Mr. I John C, Chipman from St. Phil· I Mr. and Mrs. Sol Vokcy spent lip's, Mr. William Noseworthy four days between Christmas fNm Leading Tickles, Thomas '\ ond New Year:s In St. John's Finn' from Upper !Bland Cove with thm married daughters,

Birthdays SPANIARD'S BAY, Jan, 7-

Marllyrt Pike was eight on New Year's Day,

Ethel Seymour, Florence Jewer and Mrs. Don Vokey celc· brated their birthdays on Frl· day JanuaJY 3. Gary Hoag had 1

a birthday on Monday, January 6. Belated good wishes to )Ou


Bay News I

Gift For Employer

SPANIAI\D'S BAy ~lr. and Mrs. Viclor. were plea~antly s close of the year when Pike, mill forc!, John Hutchings, CJr man, called at their ; prcsl.'!lled them 11i:h a behalf of the men by the firm of 11. \\'. and Sons. ~!r. <ln•l llrt pard thanked the men lor very kind wi>he;' and I· gift, a 1cry line rccor{ Refreshments "ct•~ 5(

Mr. and. Mrs. Shcrrord

I 'oci~l hour pasocd ;.n quickly ..

1, and Clillord Smith from Champ. . Mr. !;)avid Strickland who ' ney'a Wea\.

spent his Christmas vacation , Mlues Theresa Flynn •. Yvonne here with his parents, Mr. and

Goue and Vema Sheppard, all Jllrs, Ebenezer Strickland, rc· nurses In training, were here I turned to Vocational School on

· all. ,.

Wedding . ! I . I l. ' . I

. I I, I.


I; I

• I


I, . '

I i:





'I . ' '· 'I

I ·I

:, I ',,

I.',.. :, :, II :I ,I


'I lt I! It ' ,.

Daphne No1eworthy will have a birthday on Saturday, January 11th. Greetings come front ~lorn, Dad and the family.

tl 1pend part of the Yuletide . ~ionday, seuon with their parents, ~· -- lid George ~lurrln's birthday is on

· ~ Here )o spend the ho B)'S Sunday, January 12, and Phyllis · The following have now rc- ·. wlth Mr. and Mrs. r..obert Sc;· Tilford's is on the same da,·.

turned to Memorial University. i mour Mr. and Mrs, Jack Best wishes come from their hlivlng been home for Christmas: ·Mercer and Miss Stella Os· families. Misses Betty Pike, MarlnJ Bl1·1 bourne. I hop, Daphne Joner, J~anelte -- Lynn Yetman will be five on and Brld.jet Flynn. Mr. Fred f Mr. and Mrs. Hector Earle Tuesday, January 14, Happy Gom hu returned to Dalhousie 1 or.d ~llss Sonia Earle from Por· blrtbdya is wished for her by Mr. J. Fret~ Gosse to Queen's I tugal Cov~ spent a day here Mom, Dad, brther Jeffre" Nan· and Mr. Robert Dawe to Me· with relatives last week. ny and Pappy, and Uncle NIGeL moria!.

Mr. Arthur Chant from Ellis· ~Irs. Laura Hiscoe!< , of 35 Miss Fredrlca Pittman from ton was here to spend a holl· Smith Avenue St. John's, will

l'icw PcrlicRn, Miss Patricio day with Mr. nnu ~lrs. Kenneth celebrate her birthday on Tucs· Greenslade from Maquels, Miss Ssunders. Mr. Wllllarn Saund· day, January 14. Best wishes Marina Holwell from Herring ers rcturn~d, to Elliston with. come from her grandchildren, ~cit and Mrs. Rita Harris CobiJ him and Will opcnd the wmtcr !Celth, Dianne, Jeanette and from· Harbour Grace have re· I there. Glen)'S Vokey, turned to their teaching posi·j ---------tlons here. Visiting Mr. and Mrs, Arthur ~lr. Cecp Gosse lost a hub recently were Miss cap from his !50 Chev between Florence Rees of St. John's and Harbour Grace and Coley's Point, Miss Allee Luffman of Harbour Will the finder phone 1279.

~-Visiting Rev, Canon T. E. ~der and ~Irs. Loder here on !'rlday were Rev, G. Fowlow, R.D.. and Mrs. Fowlow of Heart's Content.

Grace, Thanks,

Mr. Seward Noseworthy who ~!rs, Ron Noseworthy is pres· spent the holidays here with his ently a patient at the Grace Hos·

. The C. Hatchers of Kelllgrews mother returned to Gander on pita!. "ho spent part of the Yuletide. Sunday, · --nason with their folks at Bar· I -- , Visiting ~lr, and ~Irs. Graham aMed, visited some of their ~Irs.' Mark Sheppard spent the I Seymour recently were ~!r. ant! friends here too. Chrl!tmas holidays with Mr. ~Irs. Webber and :.!iss Webber I'·

• and Mrs. James Miller at Top· from Manuels. . Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Black· i sail. ·

1110re o£ St. John's spent Christ· Here to visit relatil'es, includ· ing yours truly during the holl· days were Mr.' and !\Irs. Sam Vokey as were also Const. A., Mrs. Vokey and their three boys .

mas here with their daughter Visiting Mr. and Mrs, Ed· and son·ln·law, Mr. ·and Mrs. ward Peddle here last week DoMld Vokey, were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ride·

Mr. Eric P)'e left on Monday of Jut week, · \'Ia Halifax, for France. Eric Is a student at the . V.oeatlonal School, St. John's,

out and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ped. dle 'of Fox trap.

, A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Young and Jeffrey Mrs. Absalom Sheppard Jr., on

spent a short holiday here with I December 26, and a daughter Mrs. Young's parents, ~fr, and was born to Mr. and Mrs, Wil· Mrs. Mark Gosse last week, Mrs. liam Strickland on Janllary 3, C. A. Sheppard and her two both at ·the Grace Hospital.

' /

SPANIARD'S BAY -At the "While Gift Scn·icc" held in the Spaniard's Bay United Church on Sunday, December 19. three Christma3 anlht:ms ',\·ere rendered bv the Choir from Centr;ll United Church, Bay Roberts, under the direction of the organis·,, l\'liss Doris Baclcock. Soloist Was I\Irs. Hayward Snow.



Anniversaries SPA:-\IARD'S Bt\ y

~lr. and Mrs. Lincoln· brated their twcnti·· Jnnil'ersary on l'ir11 nr.d Mr. and ~!r'. CE(~, will be monied t htt1·, •· on Sunday, Janu:1r1 ·., Mrs. John E. Go<,~ eight years marric·: :,· her 29 and Mr. '~ Noseworthy mice:. 1\ew Ycu's Lc. lations.

i SP.~NIAnrrs ~ :y , The SpJnlard, "·'.· the Crrnadian l.r~:•"ol rJfflc before 1 .,,,· C.'!USC it WJS ~() ;vfj)L)2;

I the townsfol~ :md ''; to lhc lcgion1ir"' lhr•

I e~rried ovrr in111 h

I ~cason. Thr hrar.rh bs been the he·· rc:·ir

'' /.l!:S MARY S.\fiTH 11!01\(ICr >C\I'IdillL~.: ."I ANI:\RD S BAY, Jan, 7- 1·1em 31 n uncl:un•"•• .r!

\\ h1lc mo't of Uo 11ere cnJO)mg I br:mch 1, anx11n1- '" P'' c lllls\mas Day, the Smrth fam. lurkel or ~ ~!:ll:. 11 1,;

ily were putting in anxious mo·l cntitl~d to rccc:·.e . ments as their mol her was un-, unclaimed numht''' ,:c: dcrgomg surgery llt the General [I' umber 101, 11c:::; . , ~ospltal.' Two days J_at~.r she was


scri31 10~. ticko ~~.·): 1.cll enough to talk 1.1th mem· ticket 36; scm! l•tS., be~s of her family, bttt on the I serial 100, lickct o: fullowrng day, SJturday, De· I ticKet 16; serial 11G. t:r!c ccrnbcr 23, her frail body could r.•Jl 1•:itiL't:1nd the s\rllin which

I di.'.e;~;e had wrollght, >O in I be :

I early hours of the morning her: ;oul returner! lo Go•l who 63\'C i 1l. )fr,. Smith was 14. , SPA);IA!liJ'S ll.\ Y .

Mr. Arthur Porter had her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Peddle of Whltbourne to vililt with her for a couple of day1

, ~at week.

sons were the ~uests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Eugene Gosse.

. \\'e knc11· i1cr fu.'; many yca;,s 1 The foiloll'in~ en,::'' .. end to us olle '•\as .\unt ~lary . :announced dunn; 1 :.· In past ::car; she \\'35 a frequent holidays: Conq;,'Jlt l'lsitor to our home and. truly, Gosse to Miss Elic::b::l

Mr. and Mrs. David Barrett SPANIARD'S BAY-On the Sunday Lefore Christmas III~. lcTark Gosse pre· '·peaceful hours were once en- ol Harbour Grace from Bell Island spent a couple joyed". As a mother >he wa> Jcwer to Miss Je: ::

; . \

Mr. • Bert Hutchings ~pent of days here last week visiting sen ted a clerical robe for use of t.he ministers setTing the Spaniard's Bay trnder "nd loving: Js " friend Corner Brook; and .::r. Mr. and MM. Harry BIJhop Of Christmas llere with his brot· with Mr. Barrett's parent;. They United Chl.lrch. Here the minister, Re \'. S. R Purchase, B.A., B.D., is seen she was sincere <Jnd helpfui.Jl\oscworthy to ~Ji,, ·: 1

Gander with their two daugh· her and sister·ln·law, Mr. and had their children with them. accepting the gift from Mr. Gosse., Afcer the new robe was dedicated· Rev. Her words were. words of kind· gerty of Leading 1::::e~. tera Betty and Gall, who were Mrs. John Hutchings. · r.ess. \ here for the Christmas vacation Mr. Lewis R. Gosse has been Purchase put it on and c:onlinued the Fen-ice. ~lourning their sed loss are 'M l 'l returned to Gander on Sunday The family of the late Mrs. appointed a representative for . , three sons,• James. Mariah :md I 011trea ~\) evening, While mos tof their Mar)' Smith are deep!)' grateful the Arthur Johnson Insurance M1ss Mary French of Cole) s I A L k At Ch • t 1 .. Joseph one step·son, Jesse, two I time was spent with their daugh· for all the help they receil'ed Agencies for Spaniard's Bay, I Point wa.s a \JSitor at the home 00 Y.. ' riS mas 'rbughler'. Annie t~!rs. George R d . ter and JOD·ln·law, Mr. and Mrs. from friends durlni their recent Bishop's Col'e, Upper Island of Mr. and ~lrs. Selby HutC.lln6S I I Crane) :.nd 'Irs. Violet Chip· I ea y lJ1 ·David Mercer of Coley's Point, bereavement. A very special Cove and Ti)ton. Automobile on New Year's Day. ~lr. :md \lr'.l 1 SP.\\L\llD'~ B:\ Y . .1:1:1. 7_ : 1 lll.:JU 011 rlori<mJs mnrnino lm:tn, twenty·filr· gr;~ndchildren ~!0\TR~,\I ..

1 r -1r.•

they found time to call on thank you to Rev. Canon T. E. insurance, w eunder~tand, Is a George LcDrew ,''lilted , lhe1r Toda:• Spt~niard's p, 11 y luu~s 2 lhr·rc I'. liS -np service in 11;~ a1:d. cr:::h~ . ~rct~t·grandcl.lildJ:cn .. real zoo-J ''· ddcrll:·' ·friends in Spaniard's Bay. Loder, specialty, folks here on the .arne da.' ·lillie drear". Down h:11 ,, come 1 l'nitcd l'lnr:Th on l'hrisliii:I', four ''•ltr>. ~!Is. John ~no.\ of: mctropoli.s-shou1d ,,.

~.:.:.__.:.:.__:_ ___ _.:._________________ ·--------- -------.- I the Chri.st1:1a.s lr1'es :~nd t'1r Day but on thr ~unrlay prccccd.! l'otllllry Hn:lll, B::y Roher\,, \h·s.: mo,t_ unusual and ::t•J:1


did you ever in all your life see anything to eq~al PURE BARBADOS FANCY MOLASSES?

.•. •I

GIVES whatever you cook a fascinat­ing flavor! It makes the kiddies want

more- and Y.OU,, second helpings!


You'll really be amazed at how ·quickly your baked foods disappear when you use Pure Barba'dos Fancy Molasses. You glorify beans and pancakes with mola!>SeS ••. make chewy, mouth­watering candies and even a super glaze for ham! Barbados Mola~ makea mightNood eating, too, spread on l>read. It's good for you •.• It's a big source of vitamins! So, buy Your molassesJ but be 8\ltest • • • buy purest B.Aru3ADOS-FANCY, MOLASSES! · -

[··BARBADOS' FANe¥ ·.MOLASSES COMPANY. liMITED ~ . ' ' ' ' ... ' ' ' .

town, B~:;~rbados, B. W~ J.


: decoraiJons lhJt h:11 e been up in~ o \l'hilc (;if[ scn·ice 1i·as! Ilachcl :\l~lllS uf Bell bbnd., ful in 1!1e world, <•I'' I for thr ''lwt•!le l<rll li;11s of' heir! · .\!rs. John Sc.nnour ol H"hop·s: bil's. recently - app,.-· l'hrislmt~{', The childrcr; ha1·r·. .1.1' l' F. ·\ ·\ 1 ,11 ., .. . 1 : Fc!ls, )[r, .James ncul of Cr:111d tor. .sl gone bac'· to >clwol "nd in " 1 .. 1 ,., 1 . D ·:, '· nnr ore ~.'" '"'· · I.· 10 zto, now un11.r Je ....... 1c t "'' nl.nualf·II· 1 1 1·· tl ,. 'I· ·r1 ·

' . . '· I jltll ;.c e (II] ~ . •Jeep ll'n s av J - ,, . I f <;· I· . '\ I ' , ' l d 1 d C()ll r.l·' ll( tl·r,- conditions l•ill, 1 II I 1 I" . . amco ,,oc· o ,,rill'.\. -till ~11011. IS SCle uc \d ,. , '. ·' · · · · anc " cn1 er c tl'lnc sen·1cc at . · · be back to rormal. The up·J 11 .. lO . T; L 0 -\ 1 R B p I ScolltJ. 1 pletcd 111 !he sun11,·, ~ « n'·".lll·bcd·-II·rl·l\' pcr1'or! 1',. ,11 n 1· •·. 1'11.nl1. · .lc ·1 .. · ;:nc ; ·.·1 ·· lunntll '~·'"held on ~!on·' II will .,.;t ... :, ., a '· ' '. •;e (I (('II' :1,1('JCC on .sew \c'tii'S I ., h' . But the Yulclic'e is a glo 1•• 0 ... d ; 1,, d .1 .. · · d:. 0. December 30. In t 1e L1urc. 1fcnccs or enclosu1·, ..

1·0115 l'tJlC. 'lltl rlnsptlc '<Jm" 11 "' L.ln. •1' ·:.In c.l 3 51etllceR at :or the Hol.1· Rrdccmcr, ~.o:IJCre I be scnJrJtcd and; '

' n '" J ' Je ·nJ\C( l llii'C 1 ',\Jere C\',' • .· . ' I d I . ' . .I .. - . I . ' nrguments to the con!nrv.: c; n p h, . , the IHIII,d lor l 1c cac I\ a, tcau 111ild an c m a ' 1 .. · " · ure a.e, B.\., B.D.,· 1 ,. Re1· L'ano11 T E Loder 1lrcrcltes ... ,,11 lin l" · .,,,, Christ is st:ll ir, l'hrislmJs in·., .. ·I d . . · . I 1o .' · . · ·. • ' • • '' · ''' ··"

. . . ; rc. a ICfl fmc SC1n10n. · Bunal was rn I he family plot· ln lh1s wav 1hc Iii• · ,.,, c our rs!;n,d home. , lhe C.E.A.A, held :ts social on1 where her husband John lura! · 1 ild~rne" 11:'i b:

On Clmslm2.', bel's fn;,rn the the CI'Cnin~ of St. Stcpchn's, 'Thmws Smith 11·;s laid to rest The 'zoo wil·l· cecil''· bclfre" of the Ang]Jctln Lhurch I th L t) ·\ ,. , , \'- '· · 1 t •· ' ' '

) , . e · .. · on "c'' ""r s mg 1 ' fifteen l''ars a·~o of the 262-Jcrc :\r:r. peeled nul_ t:1c. old LmuliJI: 1 and the Homan C.1lholic congrc· -' c •. . a pleasant, l!em·il.• " .

I carols an.d d nntlmghl the large I "at !On on I he c1·en1n"s o£ De· "On I he rcsurrcctwn mormn~ · tl ll n ·1·1 c' d·r· f'jj rJ .· ] · I" b ' ' • e In IC SOU ICr n.. ,,

1 e 1 1cc ;1Js 1 e \I ill comrnum-: cember 27 and 30. All the graves thcrr dead rc· Artifical pond.s !ln.! , cants. El'crgrecns and red her· i store; d t tl

3 1·. •h 1•: rics, illur.~inated Christmas trees i There was the usual round of Father, sister, child, and mot· si~ed ;~ke~~e,' ' and splendid flo rill arrange· I partres, some p!,,nncd and ~orne her, . LO:'IiG EXPERIE\l f: menls with which the church


. tc1ot pl<lnned, and 1l 11'<JS e

1v1dent :l!ect once more.'' Mr Isles


eLl c!X was decortltetl 3clcled son,clhing. l 1at most people were 11\'lng , , 1 ,· ·1. 'ch,.l-drt ... ' ' . . ' I " OJhrea s ' whrch 1s felt r;.thcr than de·

1 tJ merry l1me of 1:. The many crl)' was director , :

scnbcd. In I he mornmg_ at 11 ·outdoor drcort1t10n., .some of l N · 0 } •d M · MQJichestcr, the ,,,.,11:, the other folk Jn<Jde thm COffi·, them excellent and PI'IZC\I'OI'thy, l ew rc ll av IlriU:liu. lie was \lc•lll li mumon. Both servcccs were !ullv; added nT1huch colour to .~he loca.! ~R. } G d • " business. lwvin[: · cr.orlll. • scene, ere 11crc no Jannlcs , father as director n; 11.,

The lovely nllar in St. Anne's' this sea;on and It oeems .that IVa ar enia old J!anchcslcr z,,, f Roman Catholic Ch~rch, was f1ll·1 thiS cust~.m Js dy~ng out, Ylc:d· \'ICTOfliA •CPl _ Fragrance that zoo, with i:s I ·•··1

mglv decornlcu wrth f!OIIcrs mg, lie 1.ould say, to the pl~us· f (] I'd t . l tl 1 f 11 for "t years hcfcn v·hiie a replica of the Nativitv i ures nf tcle••ision. I or d 1e. ore 11 tl 0 m:a 1 ~ 0 1 ~ Cana-da · s~cne symbolizccl the first~· Christm:s is ~ happy lime in ~ar,,cma11 's 1

1e1 31Gmb 0 cxpcr He s~vs confitlcnrl,.

I b d tl 1- ,ro er • rs. om 1 so~. . .. 1 Christmas. ~lass W<Js cc e rate te outpor '· ~!r.s. Gibson came here from I new Montreal zoo 1'" ---------· Cormvall Ennlnnd recently wilh cquab. It will he tile

' " ' · · ll t' 1 rf

j •. . , ~ .. )

,\t .t. l•' :r ..

"I have to go, kids! I owe It to my parents 10 show up tor dinner!" .

.~ . .

her author husband, small son Si· 1mposmg co cc 101 .. ,, mon and 101J orchid plants. She from n.1at1y parts ol ·~·. ~al's she thinks she. is on the A umquc lunclsc?.l 11 n, brink of deYC!oping a scent in the group animals a .. flower considered by many to be contment of on~nl., llw world's most beautiful. paths and balconlc>

She planst o cros3 her own hy. vantage poinl5 for brid Cvmbidium orchids with well as boats on ll:r I some exolicallv scented minia- During cold lures of the same species im- nights, animals \\ Jil ported from the Orient. buildings lar~ely

1\'ilh care • and uuia ehhhh glass to permit With care and luck s~.c will outside.

gro1v normal • size Cymbidium It will have two . orcbids with the perfume of the one o[ tbem b1g en ' Oriental miniatures. cars.

Anolherfraturc of the miniii- ----1 turcs is their growth in gracc-1 fully • arched sprays, Through :hybridizing. Mrs. Gibson hopes to introduce this trait in plants o[ the larger \'ariely which now grow on rigid stalks.

"Cymbidiums last much longer than Cattleya orchids, which arc

, more common in Canada," said I M1s. Gibson. "AI( cut flowers

I they'll stay fresh for two weeks . and blooms of potted Cymbidiums 1

; lMt for two months, : ' "It takes eight years to grow an orchid from seed, but under perfect conditions I f e e l it shouldn't take as long. My hus. band ond I are tryin.: to shorten the· period of growth. 1

"By next Christmas we should , ha'.'e a good crop for Victoria i women. But it will be se>eral years before we'll be able to give them the perfumed kind."



ud~ ealtl

night ~~ Vlt of the Hoi Employees Internatiol

779). gathe to hear tl

,mnJll«:o whlcl

members Wj

Internal Canadia·

Strong; Local Tobin; Me

Frank Kear

ive Febn 4()) hours sh; 's work. The

the forty-four forty ( 4()) will be

Weat ds Uns Skatiu

coru made

. with! 0Uice, ar

not bt the or




L .. ersanes

II ;"('('('1\"C

1 JHnn be r~ 1111 l ickct . !Jc·ket 130; ,cri;i] 108,

l. : ickcl 5: s >rriol 115, ticktl

\':ln~ cng~·~C'

·d during the Cor.stablc

'li-- Elizabeth .our Grace: ~!r. I ~~h..;:' J ('rl.J\

:' r ·. "k: ;1 'Hi \lr. 1 i11· 111 .\!iss Violet l.tcdJng Tickles,

trcal Zoo Iv in 1960

1u~unl nnd m~t 1 he world. says Tcntly · Jppoinlcd


• ·•' II' ill occupy :·.:2-J\'rc An :1~11. hra\'ily w "•::\itern part of

1 t'onrl' and sl ;,rca, 11 ith two


EXPER!E:-iCE ,\los. nl;o director J! ; Clriidrcn': Z<>J, I' director ol the -c.:r. the second II" ,., as IJorn i

'· h~mng S\ICC ., director of th~ e~nchrster Zoo. If o. with its J,;tlO . 1 cars before


, doodler'• ·e and &et this VI 1 I It:

EEKLY, oa pit, 1ere I


tudv Children's ealth Plan

11 l!c(irath. the Min· ratlflcation to the Branches of !. H~;!th. ha~ over the 1 the Newfoundland Division of o! dar! been In ~on· the Canadian Medical Associa· tbr~~th the Committee of tion and· submitted by the Min·

d Division of bter for the approve! of Gov· di•n )!edlcal Associa· ernment; and a definite an· regard to the details. nouncement is expected shortly,

1 • n of s\.!ge 2 of probably on the return of the

b•idrtn's Health Plan. Minister from Ottawa where he C '

11 1nr isagcs the pay· is proceedlni within a few days !t~· Go,ernment of all for a discussion· with the Fed· b.anJ 1urgical fees • for era! authorities on the Federal

1 tc>pltai. Con versa· Health Grants for the coming r~ '1 p-oe ceded most sat· year. The discussion! we!'fl

111, anti general agre'e- greatly assisted by the lnclu·

·011 '·. ached on the sion in the Medical Committee b,ll t<l~ re of Dr. A. D. Kelly, G&neral Sec· ~~~luis of the pla~. An rctary, and. Mr. Fremo, Aulst­

ha; been drafted ant Secretary of the Canadian rill now be offered for Medical Association.

Agreement Nfld. Hotel

~ilht at VIctoria Hall I take·home pay. o[ the Hotel and Res· 3. Effective February 1, 19~8, Emplo:• ces and Bar·: all monthly rates of pay shall be lnternJiional Union I converted to hourly rates by

· ;;91. gathered at Vic· dividing the monthly rate of p,1:1 ;o hm the report of pay by 174. . · ~c which negotiated 4. Ellective January 1, 19~8, ~orkin: agreement with a new classification, Utility Man,

·and Hotel. Com· will be added to the wage 11:ale. r.err.bers were: A. R. The rate of pay shall be ~00.00 . lnterr:Jtional Vice· 1 per month, and shall not be In·

canodian District, I creased by the $6.7~ speclfled in · Lora! President, 1 paragraph 1 above. This new \lessrs Stella i classification will be added . to Frank i\can and Carl 'Seniority Group No. 2, Engm.

· 1 eer's Department. · 1 ~. Effective January 1, 19~8.

a;:r1men1 is as follows: !. rates of pay for Walters and January 1, 1958, I Waitresses on special functions

· rates of pay for em·( shall each , be increased by C<Jierccl bo· this agree· twenty·five (25c.) cents. (AI·

ttJll be mcreased by the ticle II, rule (f)). c: &\.75 per month. 6. This Memorandum o! Agree·

Elitclire February 1, 19~. ment is in full settlement of all ll'li hours shall constitute requests served on the Com·

work. The reduction. pany on November 22, 19~7. by the fcrty·four (44) hours; the Union signatory hereto; and

{ony 140) hour work 1 shall be effective Januan- 1, ~~11 be accomplished 119~8, and shall remain In effect loss in any individual's for a period of two years.

The .~aily News Tl:tURSDAY, JANYARY 9, 1 ?:8 " ..

:Adjudicator Praise~ St.. John's ·PiayerS1

~-· By CASSIE BROWN. 1 den. played by Peter Gardnlri

''A goad effort says Adjud!· ·could have been more sofistlca[, :calor Richard West." The St. I ed but played well. Polly, play· John's Players presentation on ed by Elizabeth Guy is nice look· Gaydon was well received last: ing, nice personality but was too night in spite of the wind stnrm 1 calm in her scene with Gadeft. that howled around the school: ln spite of the wind storm tlie

. andthreatened to drown them I actors held on bravely and wOrt 'out. Gaydon written by Mitnon ·the day, a good effort 'indei·1

I and Robert :>lc!aughlin and di· was the adjudicator's final conJ reeled by Allan Vannan is a ment. ' psychological drama with 'mo· NEWSY BRIEFS mcnls of sophisticated comedy ~Irs. Rose O'Brien, Mrs. BGi' movement was natural and hy Brockie and Mrs. A!ic· smooth said Mr. West. Pace was, ).!a her are attending the Region good and light in~ was good, all 'a! Drama Festival for the Buch the actors moved smoothly.! an's Drama Group. Mr. ap,d Emily pi<~yed by Eileen Ham·! 'Irs. Patnicz are rcprcscntihs mond was charming, decorative the Avian Players from Gander.

I and pretty as a picture. Agnes ~lr. Patniez is the brother ol played by ~lary llollct was Hillary Vernon well know~ ac·

I charming, played and moved tress of the London Playep:. lV!R. GEORGE KANE, after 29 years with the Newfoundland Margarine Company, retired at the end 1 easily. Grace. played by Flo; John ~Iuggeridge, the young ac· of 1957, having reached his 65th birthday on December 28th Mr. Kane was born at Pilley's Island, Paterson was smooth and charm· I tor who played "Craig" in

. ing, Ned, played hy Denys Fer· •·craig's Wife" is the son ,tf and served overseas with the Royal Navy from 1916 to 1918. He joined the staff of the Newfound- , ry acted nicely throughout and )!alcolm ~!uggeridge, former land Butter Company in 19281 and has been serving with that Company until his retirement on ~"\'C a good performance. Ga·: editor of Punch -'iagazine. :: December 31st. Mr. Kane was presented with a cheque by the Management of the !';ewfoundlaml - ·---- --- ·- ----- ·-·------· ,. Marearine Company on Wednesday afternoon by the Managing Director, Mr. George G. Crosbie. A N. D CObfPAJVY Picture shows, left to right:-Mr. John C. Crosbie, Director; Mr. Kane, and Mr. G. G. Cro5bie pre- • • • ~ :• _ .. ...__

c·~:;i:t;•ny ~WI:~; ; \ Local . Fish- Prices ,, Lo?ging Camps L b I D I I The following prices were re·, ccn:s B I · d

I• era e egates t ccived by fishermen during the Isle :lllx \!ol'l>-i'nd steak. e1ng mprove , 1 past week at the freezmg plants: market and 'crod, 1 wo ;,nd a 1 half .cent': h<~ildock large, three I St. John's-Cod steak, market and a kif , , 1.. . [' h

Premier Smallwood made the day the names. of two addi· and scrod, two cents a pound; :· een 5: r<JoC 1s. Dttring the fall of 1955, lol· 1 chased 7 ol these buildings''~!

following statement from his tiona! si-tes of NewfoundlarG·Ih dd k 1 th t i I bream) !urge and. 'm.tll. t\\O I " · a oc ·, argc, ree cen s;. d , . . lowing a study of the o1·~rall a cost of over ~56,000. The office last night: representz.tives to the forth· haddock, scrod. round, one and 1 :.~ 1 a quarl.ct c~:tts; h<~l~but rlccommor13tion problem beJun complete change·over to this

"I am able to announce to· coming leadership Convention Jlhrec·quarler cents; roselish · t~· etn cf 11115• sc~ .ups ... ·lrc 11ed, in 1953, it was decided that as 1trpe of bunkhouse will take 11n·

Rev. J. G. Jovce In Carolina

of the Liberal Party. These arc !bream) two cents; halibut,'. I:.'·~r;t 1ccn.':f' "ourHcr, a result of improved road com· other 5 to 6 years and will tost the representatives from the,fifteen cents: flounder anct·~;rc)soc anc cJli,h, three mumcations on the Division;,a further $500,000. ·· ~~·oB~~~ne·rBaulrRgeidoinagnsdorStD. ;Jsotrhlnc~ss I gt rcys~let. three cents; catfish, cenb. A. N.D. could give the loggtrs •

P l [l • 1 • more comfortable camps. The' Present c'mp con-tructt'on

I East, and are as follows: Burin· II wo cen s. or aux asqucs-l.oc slea~. " '

market nncl .1crod. llrcr JtHl a· decision was made to purchase standard; for kitchens and bunk· Burgeo: Donald Hollett, Burin; Trepassey-Cod steak. mar· half cents: harlrloek. lat·ge, five~ 4 panel type bunkhouses of the houses, which will remain ·in

I Philip Stoodley, Grand Bank; kct and scrod. two and a half cents; halibut. twcnldir·e cents. 1. latest dcsrgn, These bunk· force until A. N.D. i; able 'to

- 1 Frederick Beauchamp: Port sux cents; haddock. scrod, over 13", , · • houses are built of waterproof make the complete change.o\'~r The Rev. Dr. J. G. Jovce, the I Basques; P. J. Canmng, Mem· two cents; rosefish (bream I two' ! plywood both msicte and out· mentioned above, call for 1~e 3

founder of radio st~tion.VOWR,; ber io\Placentia West;. ~ric S. and a quarter cents; ha!illllt, ',ide and there is 4" of rock ther·tighl building board out· the f1rst radio stat10n in New·· Jones, '!ember for Burrn, Bon. 1 fifteen ccn1s: flounder, ~rey· Pet',~Oila} wool msuiation in the floors, side and a suitJbie painted foundland, is now serving as John T., ~!ember' sole and catfi~h. three cents. •J walls and roof. They provide building board inside. ll is wor· interim pastor at the First for Burgeo·LaPolle. 1 . , . . . , , , . . .. , . . . , th~ woodsmen with comfortable 1 thy of note that it will cost .nP· Presbyterian Church In Gren· "St. John's East: Hubert Kel· Bunn-Cod stcok, market and., . ~!a;tu liun, }IJ,phetsun antl lrl'lng quarters hanng msula·l proximately $1.000,000 to make vllle, Pitt County, North Caro· 1)', J. P. Steinhaeur, Edward J. scrod, two and a half cent~.: ]lm hro:lrc: l:in. sons of 1!1s tion qualities equal to the most: the complete chan1:e·over of !ina. Learning, St. John's; Capt Mat· haddock, scrod rouod over 13 , Jllonour 1hc Lreutcnant Gover· modern house. :cookhouses and bunkhouses to,

thew Whelan, Member for Har· two cents; roscfish (brcam).two nor and ~!Is. Campbell ~lac· To date the Company has pur·i the panel type building. ·.:

G d J Dr, Joyce served in the Un· d t t h 1 b t 1 1 ft 1 T ct ran ury ' bour. Muin; Li~ut.-Col. Joseph an a quar er ccn s; a I u' p lerson, (' Jere on ues ay ·----· -· ... __________ ,~· .. !ted Church at Verdun, Que· P. O'Driscoll, Member for Bell fifteen cents; scallops, shelled. by T.C.A. for Lennoxville, Que·· ,. 1 · ..

Sworn In . ~1 c, ·for] manyh yeharss aftJerh ~e Island; Hon. P. J. Lewis, Q.C., thirty·eight cet~ts; flounder, \Jcc, lo resume their st•Jdies at I I~ Ish Exports I f'Janadi'an LeO'._}· on fft Wes ey C urc • t. 0 n s, ~{ember for Harbour Main." grcysole and catfish. three Bishop's College School. I · \' u and went to North Carolina af-

in T;:st~r~a.~d ~~~~in~uat s~o~~ !~r ht::JI:~d ~~~~ ~~spt~~~~~ ''I w ~1·---D--- k- ~ ~ ··- Are Nor_mal !Entertained By ~:~r~!~s~, f~l~ie~e~~~~~:~r M~: put. . as n run ~.· fe~~sA]ia··Esttn·li:h~t~rt~h~t~St,ltllC;!Iaa~llaadgle~.d~ II Top Talent . ·.·.·.

1• mild weather lor Marly Justice H. Winter and Mr. Jus- • . ·' " ~ "

s. Some lro!t ha~ been' tice Sir Brian Dunfield, Jn the City Saves w T II c ·.weight of codfish for export to I -- , , ced but not en pugh to

1 Supreme Court. t s"lt codfish markets for 1957 is The members of 1hc Canadt,an

;<:~nds safe for skating or I 36 men. were summoned to act On s 0 man· e s 0 ur I approximately the same as the~ L~gion Club w;re highly erit.e.r: rm~rng brooks to freeze on the jury, Out of the 36 sum· now 11956 production. He said that • tamed last ntoht II hen Barr:

'mon! issued only 28 were serv· • · · . 'last rear's landings. totalled! Hope and hts group put on .. a 1ntw ha< fallen in and

1 ed. Two of the 28 were sick, and Cleanng c t A woman, who was arrestee The woman. got angry and ·


, court that he was try111g to "RO 000 000 lb d · th fig r 1 special show for the members. \t.t ctt)' for more than 1 na men "'ere in the Supr•me I OS S for being drunk on the street satd, '' Laughtn• are they, It's steady the other, but the srr· f' ' 195~ . . st ~t htl e 1 u e


t:1eir wives and girl frienrl>. unies.l a shower of "" n < on Tuesd<ty evening prote;ted no laughin' matter, all they arc I geant said tint neither of them 0~ 1 ~ ts JUSd '~g b ow~r't With Barrv as master of

1 earlv this week 1 Court for choosini the panel of .1

The mild weather so far thb loudly that she was not drunk, is a bunch of boy scouts and· was in a condition to try and · r. caws sat t at a out a E ·ceremonies the group gave C<ver dill;;.eacd. as fast asJt 23 jurors. se.a!<ln has resulted in consider· when asked to plead,. and said all they needs is a horse:• steady somebocjy dsc. ; I he 19"7 productiOn has been I one hour of top notch enter-

0! collntcd, Mr. Robert Charles was •worn able savings to the Municipal: to the young policeman who A second constable, who was A 1 . f . 1 marketed and that shtpmcnts i tainmllnt as members and their nin fell ncarlv all In as foreman by Mr. Clarence Council who have not had to 1 was getting into the witness box giving evidence was asked by . 11 ern~ 0~ ce .0 tire t;;~ ern o}l'e gmng ahead at the normal· [l'icnds were entertained bv

· ay and lhe t~mper· Stirling, cerk of the Court, and call out their snow·clearing! to give his evidence, "~t's no Magistrate O'Xeil to speak up.! satd Ill ~~Ide nee tnat two young 1l pa~e. ., .. 1 manv solo and j:!roup efforts. · tbich h'overed around 42 :\!ems. Ronald Abbott, Graham equipment. 1 use getting in that box and say "Yes boy, speak up, for · - · ·1 men 'Hnt ot t~e door of tltc The rr.arkel. he said, Is 1 Hlghlighting the night were

made the da)' more like Crossman, Theodore Ke_ndell, Mr Ron ~!artin Cltv En·' I was drunk, I was not drunk," I sake, so's I'll be able to answer tal\ernd to go frr .. b~.t as the: 1 reasonably staple." I the Farrell Sisters who gave J P Wlu d "'11 ' ' - h d ·· th . ld swwc srgns o hann~ had too mly ~ovember th<\11 ames arsons, re " cox, gtneer said that the total spent s e screame · ~a, e '>'oman sa · h d . k 1 - several popular numbers aion" A th S Cr k R i ld ' . h li 'd . . Magi·trr..t O'N ·n wh h~d' muc to nn s re would not let G F" 1 ~ o! winter. r ur ' DC er, eg na by the city for !now cleanng T e po ceman SBI m evJ· ' . e et ' 0 ' them. in She walked from the ; rass Ire I \1 ith the local "Elvis Presley",

For Sailor

51 11Ch being conducted aux Basques for Ken·

s~eet. 33, who left the \\'illiam Carson on New · Day to l'isit his home in

Jeans, Edward Barnes, Law· Jut year was $22~ 000 This in· dence th&t the woman was on 1 been paltent with the woman, 1 ·d ' Paul Rum<ev Oid·limer Biddv B L W k ' · r, s d ! told her to'be quiet and k < oor an seconds after heard • · . · . · ..

renee arnes, awrence a e- eluded expenditures on equip· New uvwer treet an stooped 1 . • . as · the glass break but looking at' J J , O'Toole along wrth cowgtd ham. Robert Hamlyn, Bernard ment repair. maintenance, ren· down to pick up a large stone I ~r her tf she had :n) \\ ll· the two accused she s;lid that n anuarv I Daphne Hiscock held the audt· Adey, Leslie Youni, Gordon tall, overtime, sand and ult. to throw at the.pol!ee when she nie~scs }do call 5orh l'.antedd hlo these men were not the two . j ; ence in attenhon. Ash, William J. Gladney, Pat- fell over and could not get up g 1e e1 t encc. e sa1 s e 1 ld 11 . Ftremen were called out on 1

M M ti i t d t th t d 11 d did 't s 1c wou not n ow to go rnto 1 Th 1· a r · 0 u s entertainrrs rick J, Bruce, Melvin AJh, James r. ar n pone ou a an was craw ng aroun on n · th 1 . \t h . . Tucsclav afternoon to put out a c 1 · Foley, Michael J. Walsh, Har- savlnlls thus far this year doea the street. "I wlsi') I had a rock The .\laglstrate conrictccl her. th c alern. 'f t IS pOlnt tn ora" fire which started ncar I were accompanied on the piano old Janes, Francis PeUey and not necessartly mean that there I now to throw at ya" she 1 of the charge and fined her i . e ~ascd no urhthcr evidence Ji::l1~p f~ild Colleg~ 'i hy Miss Kay Purcell 11hiie

will be I reduction in costs for. shouted during the evid~nce. $25 or 1 month. . 'I lias car ' a,ndd t c tlwol a.ccused, ···\n unusual thino. fot· Jantl· Barry Hope had along his usual John Fra1cr were chosen for "I • , d k b b II etc rcmttnt c unlr t 11s morn· i • " · . h .1 e sonnel the jury. the 1eason's opHations. Heavy wasn t run , ut no odr,

1. . . : ing ,111d were allowed to go on. ory, when usu:l1ly the grass is I otc e, ra P r ·

aux B;squcs and has not I harbour and In. the nearby 111n srnrr. countryside is bemg conducted

of the w•ters of the by the R.C.M.P. .

snowfalls later in the season takes my word ar?und here, . A~olhcr 10n:an, ~~0 15 often I bail of S150 c:tch. ·wet and frozen or COI'Cfcd with The memiJers of the Legion could wel'l abttorb any monies she said, but ~·ou d tak~, the ~n t ~ eo~rtd.\\asd c t~ged ~\lt~ snow, the fire spread rapidly· and their Iadv friends arc look· saved becau!e of the mild word of them little 5 - • • · . S~~n wa~n con~:~fet Yan~~nfi~~ci; A ,'·oung rmrriecl Illan of St. owing to the dryness of the in~ forward to a return of the weather durin£ the first part of At this, laughter was heard $25 or 1 month Johns was clrilrged with rape grass, but the firemen got It show at the club. the Winter season, In the courtroom. · on Jr·nuary 8th and was rc· under control before any dam·

Activities At City Hall Don Hennebury and Kathleen mand~d on bail of ~2000 ~rith caused lo property 1 Calico is named for tht city

Mullins, who were arrested and tllo sureties of SIOOO each. 1 of Calcutta, India. charged with breaking and entering :'eehan's grocery, New Gower Street on D~ember 15th h&d their trial continued in


I' .II![ regular wceklv busi·

lllttling ol the St. ·John's c~Jocil was held vester­

ln the City ·cham·

. the court on Tuesday morning. I !Ubdlvisions ahould be required Tnffic Commission, and that a I GARBAGE PROBLDlS Evidence given by the CID to place concrete street mark- committee of the Couocil would Is there any law against peo· told that it was possible to see er~. which will serve u per- also ~bit the area. ple putting their garbage on the door to the grocery shop manent mukers for lot layout Councillors Ni€htlngale, Car· the street in the night, long from a window in the home of control. nell and Tucker were appoint· before collection .time in the ex-<:onstable Walter Lee, who

The Council agreed to this ed by the Mayor to go with the morning? was ftsked by Coun· reported tbe break in to the suJgestlon, and asked the City City Engineer a.nd ask traffic cillor Hig€ins. I pollee. Clerk to have the City Solicitor policeman Mr. Lawlor to accom· 'There Is need of a city ord· The. accused said that they prepare this 'ruling. pany them to see at first hand nance law to protect the peo- were not satisfied with the evi· SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES what the conditions are. ple against themselves, he said, dence .and asked for a further


SHIRTS $1.25 Three of the five candidates POLES IN DRIVEWAYS and added if laws requiring remand to call a witneSs: I

who sat for the examinatlona A letter .from Mrs. Helena people to use certain types of One witness was called, and R. F. Martin held by the Board of Plumbing Skanes of 62 Grenfell Avenu~ I containers were made, the gar· she told of being with the two

150 ONLY REGULAR $1.65. Mostly white fleecy cotton some with collar others crew­neck styles.

utidlng!, and permits Council. unable to bring her car into would not be tolerated. The case was postponed to

~~~the Council that In examiners on November 12th uked that the Council have 1 bage collection would be. more accused on a Saturday evening b, ~: 9 units were ap- pamd their grade for a Mat· the pole which is blocking her efficient, and the mess now and early Sunday morning, bul

> ~ne Council for the fter Plumbers certificate, the driveway removed. Because of left. on street! by broken paper said also that "it was around b . Ou!tng r.o-operatlve City Engineer reported to th~ the pole, she reported, she Is bags and cardboard. containers Christmas time or sometime."

10 th as the plans 1ulr SMALL PORT .ABLE LIGHTING her driveway. There are more people in cal! the witness. th e Council complied ' UNIT The Council will · call the the' city without proper con· ' it: 1~iulation~. The Council approved of buy. attention of the Light & Power tainers than there are with Two men were ch;;rgcrl in the eu;rmnt, th~ letter !aid, Ina for the Enaineerlna De· Company to this pole. City En· them, the Engineer said and Magi;trpte's court on Wedncs· ~~· ng construcllon de vi- partment 'I 1m all portable Baht· ilneer Martin told the. Council he Is working on a report on day morning with tiamaglng the

,e made to the side Jng unit, necenuy for efficient that the pole• were on the the whole !ituatlon which he window in the door of the · 1, ofr Without notifylni work In the city. 1ldewalk 'tefore the houses will present to Council. Riviera Tavern. They pleaded

11 tee, and four of the RO.AD JUNCTION were built or the driveways not guilty and after some cvi· ..r1~ Mt built in' accord· A letter from the Adams made. PL~NS dence was taken asked for a

the oria!nal J~atlon Service Station referred to the LIGHT FOR FOREST The following plans were ap· postponement until today at btt junction of Pennywe11 Road and AVENUE proved: 10.30 ~.m. to bring a witness. ll hu cau1ed some Prince of Wales Street, at A letter from Gibbs and Mer· · George T. Martin,' 14 St. • one· of the men was also I!~ the Central Mort· which junction a small ueen cer, eaJled the attention of the Michael'• Avenue, basement charged with being drunk in a

n11 Corporation and plot wu fenced in, with a nar- Council to the poor UehUng on apartment. public place. '''1'0'nd,•thnt of Municipal row driveway on either side. Forest Avenue. Request! to John T. LeGrow, Craigmiller Sgt. Simmons of the New·

to ey now requerl Confu1lon In traffic often oe- have the lieht. put in a better Avenue, addltlon to !tore. foundland Constabulary said in In thaplrprove the res!- cur• in the are1, the letter re· position have been made 1ev· Samuel Adams, Roche Street, evidence that he was near the

'llte Ee Present loca. ported, and asked if the Colin· era) Urnes and the letter asked basement apartment. vicinity of the tavem when the· niJbne~, suuested ell would have this 1ectlon cor- that somethipi be done. • D. French, 77 Waterfo~rl glass was broken, could

futtb 1 ou!d be ;rant. rected. The Council decided to ask Bridge Road, tempoarry car not say !or sure which of· the to dfm sunested that The Council decided that •• the Newfoundland t]iht & ramp. accused dido· the damage, as

.• ,.."."··~cultie• having other complaints had been 1ent Power CompaJy why and if Chester Dawe Ltd,. Circular both men were in the doorway bo in reloeatlon In from time to time the mat- somethlnt clf!'t be done ri11ht Road, 'bungalow. together. . /

lllldutu, In future ter would be teferred to the away, F;stimated value-$10,050.00. One of the accused told the





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11 1 . • t" n--tt--ta-- tve ... Ah, Here It IS.~." . 'I

' . ' ···THE DAILy· I ·NEWS In The News .. ·.

. Newfoundland'• Only Morning: Poptr.

t , I Tbt .DAlLY NEWS II a mo.mlnl paper ·

established In 1£194, and pilbuJhed at tht News Bullnlng, 35~~~~ ~uckworth Street. st. John's, Newfoundland, by ,Robinson &

Company, Limited.


NOTES !ND COMMEN~ alnce been u.~ured that J!ow

r I

0 0

MEMBERS OF THE. CANADrAN PRESS The Canadian Preslis excl.u.sively ent!tlell

to the use for republication· of all new• · despatches in this paper credited to It or to the Associated Press' ·or Reufeu and also the. local news publls?ed therein.

Two lntereatinl and unuaual rlnr's have sent ships to th~ e1·ent.J have oceumd In the Ice for more than a century. realm of labour tP add to the The atatistics refer ' to the compleltltles of life and to Introduction of steam. Long m1stify the avera1e person · before 'that time umn~ ves whose concept of or1anlted sels were outfitted at l'it labour is that of a 1rpup con· John's liy Bllwrinis amonr

• ~· ~ I ! ;


0 0 cerned solely with procurlni other companies. economic justice for. it! mem· • • • bert. Precise record! were M 1

ft,ULY IUB8CIJPTION 1\ATEe • ' . . .

. '

All Preu service and feature article~ In this paper are copyrliht and .their reproduction ~ prohibited.

The mo•t re.cent I!' the pro­t~st ot the Burin Workers t)nioh aaainst the condit!i(n In the liJ'eement for the reopen· inK of ihe Grand Bank fish plant to usure 40 per cent of the employment to. the neleh· bourlne town of Fortune. A union exlst~d,, we had thought, to pyotect the-r}lh!J of workers and not to dejirlye any pmon

kept until the age of ateam but It 1~ kn6\rn that sealln1 •Ot'

·back to the first yean after discovery. Th~ ,Basaoes, Jolno

J l .•... f'n•da ............................ : .. $12.00 per annum . ~ I l

r- .. / , , Uetted KinJdom and all

Memb~r· Audit Bureau Of

.. circulation.:

out early In the sprinl to th• western . banks, were accm tomed to take seals at th•

·mouth of the Gulf and mtn enga~~:ed In the industry on t.h~

I • .. , : . ·rorelJn -countsles .... $14.00 p_er annum )

' 7 I

:,~ .. : ·Authorhed u lecond clan mall Post Offlm · : ~ ~partmut, Ottawa. ' ' ;:.'l' , I

l . ' 0

,,t I T:fiURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1958 . ! 1 ,, .,,:- •

; l :.~.\~eace Has Its Problems ,_. ;:·

·I · ·· Mr. Macmillan, to an approving 1 · 1 ~." chorus fr6m other important dem?c­

racles has proposed a non-aggresswn : '. I,

· pact V:.ith Russia and would be willing I. 1 .,: ~in the event of suitable preparations · :I , in advance to join in a summit confer-



I, . '


. ;. ence on disarmament. At the same · . ,, time,. a Rockefeller-sponsored report

"on American d~fence talks about the , ..

1 need of spending three billion dollars

,,~ a year to catch .up with the Russians ,,.. in rocket weapons. And while Mr. ~ \: ,, Bufganin implores the west to put a

stop to mutual recriminations in press and radio, the leading Russian organs

lF, I continue to pour out vulgar invective ;·, · a~d abuse against the so-called "im­~. 4 perialistl' powers. It is all ''ery con­,·:,· fusin~.

. ,.. ln.-essence, of course, the situation

cause he felt the intention to increase government spending w<luld undo the work he has done. So far, however the pound has not suffered. But there is httle doubt that the government has. Nor is the new Chancellor re­garded as a strong man at the moment.

The greatest strength of the Mac· millan ministry is the obvious weak­ness of its opponents. While Labour support in by-elections has been in­creasing, Labour ·policies have not been either positi\'e or clear. The opposition has, however, been helped by the split in the Conservative ranks. Mr. Thornevcroft mav emerge as a courageous 'stateman ~ho risked his career for his principles. He may be the only one to gain a clear profit from his withdrawal from the government.

of the ri11ht to 'woriL · . . ~ ' The other event Ia ol longer

standing. It Is the all-out effort· launched last year by a main· land International union to put the four local Jojlglni unions out of bu!iness. It haa been brought dramatically to public notice by the decision o! th~ A.N.D. Company to makf it.! own posl \ion cl~ar. In so dolni the company hu upset tht cherished Illusion of the ~vcr· a11e citizen that wood at t.lle mill site in Newfoundland l8 about 'the lowest cost pulp· wood in Canada. It cites also comparative statistics to sup· port Its contention that woods labour in :'iewfoundland is the hl~hest paid In eutern Can· ada,

• • • What perp!eu' th~ avera.~e

p~rson is the motive lor this descent of the International Woodworker~ of America on the local unions. It Is a situ· atlon thnt may make sense In the J.W.A. It mJv even make ~ense to those lo~~ers who have been permaded b;: th~ The Race Is On

• ~iren voices nf the J.W.A.'s or· President Eisenhower has asked gan!zeN to chan-~e their Rlleg.

FM'O sh!lre In the e8rlv ~urs of 'the 18th century, The busl

. neu was late In ltll develo]>­ment because winter aettle· ment was ~o larJZelv confined to th~ southern nalon of the east coast. The greatest re eorcled catch In the era of sell. ~~ f~r 'Is we know. was in lMO

when more than630,000 seals I were taken

, ... Thl~ vep•'s dr8ml festival

is now ~·ell under wav ln r.orner B•o0":. It remind8 us that this Is the fi•st •ear since about lPM that St. John's h~s not had a ~~ason of orof~,. sional theatrf. It was pleas~nt while It last~d and certain!' no ~rouo of nlaygoer.~ !ouoht r~riier to build UP ! fol!owin;: that wnulrl underwrite the silC·

""'' of r.e~lie Yeo's London Touri'sts LI'ke To Th~•t•~ Comnan~. But th~rc werf too maMY competinlt rll'· • • k tractions ~rd the suoportm See Ancient Lm s nf tiJe Lnndnn players were

.:nn•.»JtJt-.. . .-•• ...-,..-..-.:¥.»:n:-.:•:.:•:.-..:unt)

Farmer · Farther Behind In Raising And Se1linu t

By DOCGLAS U\RSE~ NEA Staff Coorrespnndcnt

fndilMol~ tn h'!l'• h'-1 a~ m~M'\' VICTORIA ICPI - If Victoria sc~1nns as thcv did. 'I'ho.•e whn wants to Increase her lucrative ~?d !o•m~cl the habit of re)!u· tourist trade ~he must ret'ain her Jar atlenctance felt that the antl~uilies and perserNe against Jo;s or tiJe orofessional th~ modernistic trends, says a •:•:•••:•.:•:•••:¥.»--.:•:.-•:t•••:u.-.:-.:.:n' .. U'HHtt H atrP '"<wld 1,... ... ,., " c:rn. ... ll cran spokesman here. in thfir Ji1·e~ durir-< tre winter Sam Lanrn chairman of the WASHit\GTON1 i'\EA l-The !lll1C'l•,,l:l round. But you hardlv h~<'r Ch3mber of Commerce tourtst ·,·s about to become obsolete as f<lr a., food eryoMe 'l'!entinn it 1r.v mo•e ~roupn said that a 5,000 • mtle It wa~. howel'cr, pleasant whilf tour of tlte western Cnited St~tes the United States.


may be reduced to simpler propor­tions. We can only guess that the Russians don't want· a war that will bring about universal destruction in which c·ase they must d~sire peace.

lance. But If doesn't seem to Congress for $1,250 million to help t~e make sense to tho~e who han

it lasted. convincer14111im that r.s. touriSts That's about the on!:,· conciuc;ion tn (i!·,,\•: 1

• • • don't wam modermzatton. . , '1\'P 1''·" r·•• tr, ?oorl ~~d "Americans nre wary of morl· a new report of the l.'.S. Department ot ·"~

• 1 • 'l'fhe west unquestionably wants peace. • ': ::,;J3ut. at the moment it can only pre-

United Stales catch up with Russia some knowledge ol the econ· in the field of rocket science and to omv of the logging and news· stron~. '1\'f like to steep it our· ernization - they come here in \\·hich attempts to explain why farmet.' <'·'·e

"" "··' · .• """'"I ~.o""' .... search of antiquity. a steadil.\· smaller share of the mane~· ll'hich ' I

1 1 .,:;.:serve peace by spending billions more · 11 ~ ''on armament. So the question seems : . I , , ,to resolve itself into the single pro-

print businm in Newfound· strengthen tl'le air defences of the land. Still Jess cloes it seem nation. sensible that within the r3nks

Congress is in the mood to give of orgnnlzed labour this kind

find it difficult to get the "Therefore we must preserve stren~th '''e J:kc. Has titer~ our historic buildings at all costs. wi\·es snend for food. bee~ anv chal'u~ in the au11ity H we don't we shall become just Th~ tin can which hou~ed the ve;;et:' .. l':e

of internecine warfare can ~r cha•Art~r of the ten w~ hai'P nnother 1\orth AmericDn citv and l f 1 · . "

o.· .. position that disarmament on a . ; • '· · measurable basis and real peace can ! ~ t , . ·.E ,.be procured if the covering agree-

1 ~Y: · mentS' includes absolute guarantees 1: , ., 1of good faith.

him more than he has requested. American pride and confidence have been hurt by the clear gains achieved by Russia in the conquest of space and anything that will help to catch up will be freely granted. The race is

O·.tr tour.'st appeal will be lost." had for dinner last 111g 1!. or exam!; e. \·en· been gettin~ since confeder 1 If Tl at ion or Is it that tPa balls He said Craigdarroch Castle. a cost more than the \·egetab e ilse . 1e come. occur.

• • • don't lend themsell·es to a rambling, old-world pal~ce built ablv goes for any canned fruit .\·ou ate. Arri

b , 0 h bv coal magnate Robert Dur.s- l 1 ~oort st"n'l~ •ell'. r •re · . . t cost of ad\·ertising and packaging t 1e cercc.; · ~·~ )not th• •!:ill v:e or.c~ po~· muir Is a case m nom . semd'. Thi~ Is one of the "It' has the makings ofa first- ~·ou had for breakfast undoubtedly cost mt::h rr;n·- nll's'des we h~ve been class tourist attraction · · · yet than the cereal itoelf.

: 1

'--"·' At' the moment, the Russians re-;; fuse the one unalterable western de­

:i :' .mand. That i~ that there must be


It wa~ noted h~re the other dav that while statistics lndi· cated that 1Bowr!ngs· a~nt out their first sealer in 18M. there Is evidence of earlier participation by this firm in the !ealini! indu~try. We have

"r""'";. • 1••olv Ol'er the nrly we use It as an office building." I t' h I The castle, with tr. J of its ma· This kind of screwbal situa ton e ;';

mornin& c~ppa. teri~ls brought around from Eng- for the fact that farmers toda:-· are get:in; onl.t bnd bv sailing ship. was tal:en cents out of ever,· dollar the housewife - -~I , d . . · unfettere inspection of a disarma-

But it B a rac.e In which the will­ingness to spend a great deal of money is only part of the road to \'ictory.

- over b)· the city for taxes some " time ago and now i~ used as food. It represents a steady ciecline fcc:,

What Others Are Say•lng scrool board offices. cents they were getting out . !! ment undertaking. They could take Proof that U.S. tourists cran I hist.ory instearl of progrm. _he dollar just after World War I . -·-this stand for on~ of two reasons. The

·I i: first is that they resent the implied ·

1 I accusation that they cannot be trust· There are many reasons for

said. "is that they are paymg The housewife's impul;;e is to bla ,t t:.e - - - - - - - - hard ca~h to look at r~construc· proces:oors and grocer\· ch<~ins for stealing 'hE .I

:I I


ed. The other is that they would try to avoid keeping the agreement and thus be a greater threat than they are now. Perhaps the truth might be

1 · wormed out of Mr. Khrushchev at a

Russia's lead. The communists have VOTE ON DEATH th~ killer in it1 midst. Yet tecl hi~torical building~ in their PENALTY mar.v eivillzed countries hav~ own countrv. ers' profits during thi,; pe!·iocl. But the USD.\

(Vlncouver sun) !bollshed the death penolty. "For inst~nce there is a fabri· re\·eals that this isn't he whole answer either The tim~ has eome for a The~· nave found their own cated Scottish castle in De_alh The fact L;, GSDA economists find. "in

f I C d ' p r •n•wel"ii, \'alle\' that is packing in lounsts ret vote n ana as ar 1~- • • · d 5 ~·eat· pert'od 19;1-lfl. "· profits to food nt ment on total abolition. ol But th~ de~th penal!•: is also bv the thousar.ds. Ar. acra· u vu t

capital punishment. a confession of morbid era\'· menlo is doing big business with averaged below the preceding five-year

1 ~- ·•· swnmit conference but we see little :I : 1 at the moment to be gained from Mr. 11 · ; Macmillan's proposal for a non-

no problems about harnessing all their resources for a particular job. If that means regimentation, if it means a reduction. of the general living standard, these are small things in the Soviet system.

The word in Ottawa is that·· in~~ for revenge. There is a 8 rebuilt settlers' fort." This has been true since 195::i, too. fue death penalty-at !eul slcknnJ In society, not only Funher. the report mldS, '·return~ I'll

• for murder-i~ on the way· in the killer. We don't be· . In America, however, the same out. ~!any MPs rejoice over Jlev~ Canadians as • whole T S} r holders' equity in food industries genctC:

the re<:ent commutation to are that sick in 1958 own to }0,\ relati\·el,\' modest in COJ11l)3l'ison with 0111er i concentration is almost impossible to 1 ' life [mprl~onment of the death One of the graves agru- W Ch tries." ! 1 ; · aggression pact save its propaganda

\: 1• value.


:, : :l ' II : :1 i I . . • I ; 'I ! I

; 'I . I ' ; 't 0 't

0 ,,

' .. . I

achieve. Inter-service ri\'alries can ~entences on two B.C. mur- ments against the death pel- intry arm be overcome. But democracies cannot derera. ally 1l its finaltty. No cnance . If !'OU can point lo an~' culprits in the

1 · It would certainly be foolish to ' refuse to meet with the Russians but

it would ~ senseless to meet with them unless the west has good pro­posals to make that would not impail'

· f · 1 · · h h The new Crl!vernment is re· is left for the working5 of TlMAGA~!I. Ont. ICPI - This ing spread between retail <111d farm p:·tc·es orgamze or a smg e proJect \'JJt t e · · h B ported to be behind all this. repentence,. for recla1m:nR town 70 miles north of Xort ay would be taxes, wages of workers in the fl)(•;, same ease that the communists can. Mr. Dlefenbaker and sev.eral a lost life and rebuilding it. is noted as a summer resort. but ·

Yet Russia can be caught and out- ol its Mlnl~ters are uld to be And bein11 final. the scaffold It's ioing to ~hov off ils wintry cessing industries and the cost of equipment. .J' t d b b tt d' f abollt1'onlsts. And w are a eliminate-s forever the pass;. charm in a winter carniva' Jan. In the past 10 .'·ears the houri,\· uls ance y a e er co-or mation o

large number of backbtnchers bilitv that a man condemned 10·12. food-marketing workers rose about 50 p·::

t ·. their cause • with the uncommitted '· nations if the Soviet Union turned ; ' tnlem down. And preparations· on ~ ~

American effort and Congress seems · of the crime of murder may The carnival. a project thought now in the mood to approve anything in r:~o.~~~~~~vernment 0·ught be disco1·ered to be 'inr.ocent up b~· the townsfolk. mcludcs At the same time the labor costs per u:J:t ·~ th t '11 b · b t th d · d d to l.av• the moral couraJe and later released. snowshoe races, dog-team races, duct increased by 30 per cent. This rnran;

a WI rmg a ou e es1re en . •1 " bll b 1 It Is .argued that the. chances ice-fishing contests. and the cor· . to bring in Its own I • o · 1 t labor-saving machiner." and managment

• both sides for a summit conference \; would involve seeking a solutJon to

the problem ·of disarmament that ~ would work through some modifica-1~ tlon of the present inspection propos­' ; als. It is hardly to be accep~d that ~' · there is no solution. It may take years I• to reach it but it would be a good t . thing if this year could. see some pro· .

gress made on the road to peace, how­ever long and tortuous the way. ·

British Cabinet Change

Only Postponed Mr. Diefenbaker has announced

that the latest increase in railway freight rates will be postponed until the government has had time to re­ceive and consider the opposing sub­missions. There is only a modicum of comf~rt in this fact. The railways need the money. If they don't get it in higher freight charges, they will

. look for it in the form of a subsidy.

The dramatic resignation of Peter Government action must be con-Thorrleycroft. a,c;. Chanc.ellor . of. the ~idered ln the light of what may best Exchequer can hardly have added to be done· to keep the railways in the the prestig~ 9f the Conservative Gov- black without imposing new burdens ernment in Great Britain. . upon the. fringe provinces .. Equa~iz.a-

. · tion:must.come intot~e· picture. It is 1t hal!_ not_ c~used Mr,. Macmillan fiigniflcant that 'neither· Ontario nor

to postp6ne. his Cm:nmonwealth _tour. Quebec ever protests. against higher And.~1e. ~as passed It o_Hby ~aymg It . freight rates. They lose nothing. ·In was J\-H>f il,l1ttle. lo~<:J.I p~o.blem that has fact, thev benefit at the expt:!nse of the b · l• d BL t noth1n" can alter .. · · · · · · · · een so \ e · 1 . ~. other prO\:inces whose products are the ~act-that Tho~ne:,.croft waR one nf. made less competitive with each rise

l the few ·.strong ·.men · 111 a weak in transportatio osts · · . . n. c , mmtslry.

• · His anti~inflation. polit:ies have The direction of corpmerce · in ·~· been stern. They included the raising Canada Is unnatural. It tends to con-

: of the· bank rate tcr an almost unpre- c~n~rate everr, adva}ltage ~t the centre • cedente'ct'level. Arid they have been and·the only way to overcome it is to

Uuccessful. The pound· has not been compel the central provinces to bear a so )1igh in the world markets for a maJOr share of ~ach new increase in ong time. freight costs through imposing the

Thorneycroft left the cabinet be- · ·chief burden on the natiof\al budget. 0 • -

t of an innocent man going to onatlon of a carntl'a eam. , !shin~ capital punish men · ''I 't will be treated to such got more \'fOrk out of eacl1 ma" n. Or If auch a move would . the gallows are remote. There ~1 ors d r . roast veni · • •plit t.lJ& Cablnet-u rumour have been Instance~. however, nort ~rn e 1cams as · But this saving tended to be offset b " ~ · 1 i t son beaver bnd moose. aays It might-It should per- 111 recent years, 0 nnoce!1 "\\'e hope the carnival will be tenance, depreciation and interest cost:< mit the widest debate and the men condemned to. death. a start to making Timagami 11 from the new processing machinery. Ar1cl i fr~st vote on 1 private mem· Some have been luck) enough winter yacation area. something btr's bill. .There are enoueh to escape execution, others which Is badly needed in North- ing taxes reduced riet profits for an a1 private . memhel'! who would noih10 !uc~.. . th 1 ern ontario," says hotel man- 46 selected food processing companies to 1 .

be wl!ling, Including the Con eres 1 lla)s · e poas · ager Gerald Coleman. of 2.2 per cent of sales in 1956, for example servatives John Taylor· ot Bur· blllty, as we have special Features include a mocassin · Winch, cause to know at this sacred dance, moonlight sleigh rides. The taxes paid by food marketing an:·

Prime Minister Dleknbaker ~~alon of t!Je year, Of execu· curllni matche~ and visits to an cessing corporations took about 20 per cent Is a man of moral couraie. He tin& •n innocent man. Indian wig\\'llm encampment. f'ts b f W ld W II T d t e· b an experienced criminal pro J e ore or 'ar · 0 ay ax '

la\\-ver and 1 humane m•n. If more than half of total profits. would be lr.!tructlve for the c 0 The housewife has demanded an Canadian peopl~ to hear his Sketches' Largest anoe . n amount of food processing. which has accountei arll\tmenll ,on thl! 2J'Ut moral que~tlon. Even If he didn't SJ M most of the increased spread between far!ll

'brin& Jn the bill him•~!! he lOW at useum retail prices. She wants frozen strawberriei. 0 by

could auppot It in debate. KITCHENER, Ont. (CPI-The stant cake flour and readv-made sa!<tcl,. He could tell us, a~ have BEN IIURROt:GH!! world's largest birch-bark canoe, h · b h I e

. many thoughtful men, that tht an exact copy of the canots de things cost her more t. an if she oug t 'I death penalty II a barbarity maitre tl!ed b)' early Canadian foods and prepared them herself. unworthy of a rlvllluli SOC· "TO THOSE AFFLICTED" fur traders, passed tests last fall The relative amount spent on proces5Itl~ . ie~:. That the example of the When people 'ace tormented on Golden Lake and will be di~- f 1 h 61 · ·e Sl<ite taking life is bad, that . . . by chronle aches and played In the National Museum or examp e, as gone up per cent S!lll

lt· lowers the value of Ufe in palnJ ... they urry on their of Canada in Ottawa. And the spread between farm and retail 1

the eyes of many, lea~i to 1houldera ... a welibt that Matthew Bernard, once chief fruits and vegetables is now the greatest 0·

·!!!pect not Ollly or life abow, their llalns ... theirs oGf Jthd e ALir;_o .. nquiRn Indlamano~ ~~: with the farmer only getting 30 cents on but for law. is a toll•ome journey o ~n .... e es~rv~, T~ arrument asalnst abo!· rough each 1tep of the· ~Y son Michael ~upervl!ed the build· 'dollar spent by the housewife on these iten'5

ltlon used by the former Lib. . for it !a di!llcult to smile lnl ol the canoe. spread on prices of grains going into bakerY ·era! Government Ia that the . when heart1 know but They travelled more than 1.· _ d . h d h' h t death penalty mmt be kept dl~may . . ·. they mu~t have 000 mile! by jeep and on foot to · ucts JS. now t e secon tg es · u a det~rrent to other~. This faith In e;rcat supply . . ~ather ht~h . quality birch bark. Milk dealers and manufacturers of some Is u old u punlshmenr. Bul- prroyer is their 1uidin1 ll11ht The • P II t cedar ribs were prcxlucts have done several things to hold 11 Clinton Duffy, the former , God takes, but then He 1teamed and pr!!!sed t01ether · . t · Warden of San Quentin, uld ~Ito gives . . . the wretched and the bark 10aked in hot water the farm-retail spread. The less frequen In Vancouver the other day, Inward mleht . . . He iJvu to make It soft and pliable. Like of milk to homes is one of the most ···-''""" murderen havt in their them power 'to ptrce!vt . . . the or!e;lnal cendoesTh, nob na~ls or these innovations Some have reduced de mlnd1 any thoucht of punish· the finer thlnil of life . . . metal were use · e ar was ·

· rrient whtn they kll!: . Or If this helPI to temper sadnm stltch_ed to the gunwales with three days a week. . they tbtnlr ·of It ,It fall• to . . . . that •I ways come• wltl1 rawhtde. 1 h Costs of assembling milk usually ha\·e bet'· •lop them. •!rife ... health is Indeed~ . The cana. b u feet e g j duced where tank trucks have replaced 11

u~e of capital "punishment pnceless thine .... we ail tnclte~ Ion,, 72 mches lltde an . . . !" is ~ confession of society'~ liJ'le with this .. yet UJos,e 33 inches deep at the .centre .. il m1lk 111 cans. Many plants now have con failure; ol ltJ inability of find· afflicted often find the can carry 14 paddlers tn addhon freezers which save money over older

. inl any un~ way to d~al with treasures other~ mJS!. to a bow and stern man. •


Uve tl




For Reservat'

R. s,

Repr1 'Phone ~ HARVEY

IW January Jtnuary Janqary P'ebruar tor llnr ·tor rau



. ' le. \'er~· Ti1e same u <Jte. ,\nd

' c cereRls

:1 helps ~ e tting only ·':ifc spends

:;c frcm the I~C

,, bl<bl the :e~tling the ·.he USDA

.L ...'I1S

' ' generally th other

'. ;':.;;

1 :"-:11 prices • 1:1 the food : equipment. , >\t:·ly earning

npanies to a 'or example. wketing and 11 per cent of -:1 a~· t a :xes take

n processing e r cent since 1nd retail prices he greatest ol 30 cents on m these items. ,., into bakerY .~

Jrcrs of some ;ngs to hold ;s frequent

ffiQSt • .. _,,~rAW





Stock Market Reports Banlt ld:ont lilt Ho"' Sm th 2.t~l Bnquo C Nal 37 Rud !oy Mn H Boll 40\i Imp 01 ~0\a C Ctmont ~ lr.t Pap 17 ~MUI C !'at i7 Ru~ lilY Mlo 43 lltll 4011 Imp Oil ~o Bruil 6 Int !i!clc 711> C Ctment 23'~ 1nt P&p 17 C Ctmenl pr' l7 Mau•Har '1 1,~ C 6tumohlp 31 McColl ll C Bni. Com •1 Noraitda ~i dn Brew l6~ Prlctt 37 Cdn 'Brtw pr ':!SL'J 1\oya\ !arflc ~7 1. ~ Cdo Ctlan 1411 Sl L Corp 13'< CPR :13\'l Sha..,.ln ~~ .• Cock&hUtl I Stttl •e•, s.taJnma 15\1 Un Stttl ll 1·'1 o Bride• 23\<, Walker · li~ 1,t ()om Tar 10\'a C~!'OADIAN Foundation 17 CoM. P1p

NEW TOllE CLOIJliG !TOCU '81 Tbt Culd.tu. Pun

8tlh Stu\ 31\4 Ktnnttott . .,rJ Wlfntr 2:1 Monty W C and 0 ~2 1 ·~ NY Ctnt Con• Ed.llon .f.!l.f. Radio CorP El Auto El 17 Std Oil NJ Gtn Elo< 6l\-l Utd Alrtrall Goodyear U Vna!1tum Gt !<or Ry 32\1 Weotn1n Int T and T l:01• ·

rLo>l\C. •TOCII.I jO\antVK ~14 WI uo UO -101 IPr l!or<l 1000 1 l l +I

n,a~lu Prua Glaclfr ' 100 W W 115 +3 Prtmium 32.5 l,_, )l~ W -:1'0 (lf'(k. t:HIItni.-Jia. I OltJ\ t:un 31M 10 JO 10 Prt~ton 100 47 440 47S +1~

~ ~r, 1 ~ tJn\I!'U mttlr:.t-d t. 1 Goldcr~&t 100 I I I Ptont~ &00 W .UO W + 30 ·:"('·' ~~~ _r,,.c!~\ldtnd. •r-J:x. Grab Bou1 1Cll)(l I I I wtl U~ 73. 87 73 -{ 10 ~- .. ,urr.~o 11 u. 1 • Grandroy ... 10M l4 l4 ~• -1 Pro.a Air !.00 .-:1 to ..:! -S

,.-1' liol OroyiU 3-1000 14 1\ 11 -1 Quo Ase<>l IWI II 1\1 Ll +I

1 , Hllh Low fltu Cb'lt _r.ulch ~000 tJ.-t t 91.1 + l,-1 Qut Chlb 7200 l9 31 39 ~~ ',11 ,r... · , <iult Lud 4000 1 a a Qut Cop ltOO 31 31 31 + 1

.,.,,-"1 ~ ~ ~ I GunnH . . '2'73(1 114~ 14 HH + \<1 Que Lib ,,\00 7 @\l · 7 + 11 · ,.., ;;:. -:-;~ !7~ , Gunnar 'At.t 11«1 &lO 810 IU + 10 Qu lJlh eJ(l I(() ~·~ 'g~ -10 ·,; 1 Jl· ,,I 11 -14 (;"illlm 7000 l ~ ! + 11 Q )Iota! 10011 7! 71 ~~ ~) q ~.\ ~ .. , · ~ i Hud Rotk 1000 10 10 10 Quemcmt 815 77.5 no '77.~ 11 ('1'1 '11·~ 1" 14'~ · ~'

1au.dw,.y 1lJ~ 1' t2 .52 +4 Radlort UOO 4..1 «1 •o +2

• 11 .1 f.h."' :'.1~ .\il ~7 Huth 3!\.l(l(') I 7 I + 1.1 Ra,rTo<'k ~9(() H f.4 1-4 -.5 • I! " 12 LHt\'1 !(II) I ! ! +!1 1\eU]Ilf 1100 :t.l 1\ ~ .;.!

.~.) :til .-.o • 1 Ro\1\n(tr ~ 111'420h. 111.-4 + a.; Jtocht 4C((I ll lOV, 13 -r3 ·.~ .'><1 ,\2 - 1 ·Hoyle ~ 72-S 3.J!, m m J\ocJ.wln 2~00 4-4 35 t1 .,.. P

".I'll ).' 1~ 1: - 1 j Hud Rl)' &:11 t43 . 421., 41~ -t·, 1

Rowan Cont 1!-00 7~1 ti 71.) ..1..}1,,

c"' o>o I ~~, • 1 > HuCh·Pim 5000' ll 21. 2\ -1 81. )1\chul 1000 12 ll II +I ~:cl'l 2~ 2~ ~' -1 I tnd t.akt ICIOO n, ih 74 - 1.-i San.d Rn' uoo H 14 14 -1 , • .,1 il 1 ~~ . tnt Nlektl \030 172 71'• 71"o - 'J Shmltt :t.llO Ul 4(1(1 4(1(1 -lll

11';1 ~ ~\ Zl , lnt Ran ZliOO ll II ll -1 Sll Millar Ill 30 10 lO -1 '>).! 11 II D 1 i ll'lh \Co~ 6000 ll !I 6l -10 She<>t 1.\0 ~ 1.5 U +I

._...,\\ ,_ 7 R 1- h . Iron BIY 300 18.! 176 17@ .q, St.dcona ~ 1t 1! 11 - t-i ·!..,\ .,'1)\ 1~ 19<'1 -1 1 Jacoba• ~ II iiJ t2 Stanltilh 117!0 11.5 17~ 1ll +I w ,,, 6'1 6'' Jayt Expl liOO <! U 41 -1 Stnllh ...U :ll)60 Ill 10! m • I! 1:o> cl l2 21 •4 Junotto 1000 101'. 1011 101\ St&nrck ~ m IM 19< +3

,,,~ ,; :1. l7 Jelllcoo Jl)!(ll) I 1111 1111 - ~"• Starratl :5500 6 ! ~ c'(V H D'• H "1 Jolltl 3Wl I~ ll ·~ +I S\top R 1.31.1 ll:t.l ilO tll +l

1u ... ~ :•) 1 ~ 19 - \~ Jowl)' 13n 4.3 43 _ 43 . .,. 3 , &turJton 1000 10 10 10 .,.. t ..• IP ~.\ '-.5 M -7 Ktrr Add U 115~~ 1~~ 15~'!1 .._ i1 SU~ Cont HOOO · ' 5 - ~~

.,..r.\ JH 1!0 1:1~ -16 Kur Llilf' 19100 171 1~ lU ..~ol) SU1llvan &00 1~·. 1!.3 l!J -1 "i'-11 tP-: )1'-:t ltl1- \Jjt..ubrador lP~ tt'T t~il 17 ·1-\ IYl\IAI"'IIt Ho-~11-.: 115 115 · -4

/·~• Ill l ~ 103 -1 t.;~kt CJ:1 lU:.O 110 10$ 110 ""'5 'hn~tm llOO l:J 12 12 - 1-t ,.,\ 1.~ 3~ ,~ -fl LDulault ~5SO ·48 ~il 49 + 3\l Taurc.,(l 1.300 47 .f.e 47 + 1

o'.l 11 l< !I -3 t.ah Llnl 3JOO 7 7 1 Ttck·R :!900 14:1 1« W -3 · ~; ~ Si l. OIU 5-00 18 1S 11 T•m&t 100 121.. ltcl '120

. '

1 Wall Street Prices Close Irregular

NEW YORK !AP)-The. stock market o•used agaln W~esday for profit·taking as prlcet ended irregular.

The Associated Press average ol· 6+l stocks dipped 30 cenh to $159.50 with the industrials down $1.20. the rails down 30 ct!!lll and the utilities up ~0 cen~. '

Of \,149 issues traded gains out. numbered losses by 552 t& !70. Highs fo~ 1957·58 totalled 1~ an~ lows S. "Volume totalled 2,230.000 share~ compared with 2,220,000 Tuesday.

·1 North 'American Aviation was the most active stock, up II, at


32'-> on 66.700 shares. Second · was Genera\ Dynam!Cll. off ¥; at W< on 45.600 shares. Third ,wa.< ·

I Raythr.on, up '' at 23 on 31.400 sh~re~. . C ·

~·, 4 4 -1 1 t. Short 1000 400 39 :19(1 -~ Thom L · 4700 t; u i4 +1 ~:.' 4i.\ ~7~ IJ,amaque 15 ~ ll5 13~' 1 Tombm 1000 2: ll 2'2 + 1

Light Trading On Montreal New York exchange, Walker- I ,. I

I Amon~ Canadian issues orr 'the .



r.oooerham gained 1. Aluminium )·. 1.• 1 l:l.l !>:1.1 l.tltcb ' 300 101 ln:l 1~ + Tow II 1100 7\1 71> 71\ ~ I . J.exlndln l7l<l !11. 4Yo <lil - 1\ lllt-Sha" 6000 It !O 3l M k

,, ~~ M 'l 'l.v yc ~ 1~1 16! 11! -! ll,,,b,~IOI 1m l7l ~ !d. I "l I ar et 21 11, :iil .. I r.omtu ,3000 ' e ! U Ejttlla l000 I ~\--1 Ml - t"l . t. I' • 10 -I 11.oracto 1300 12 ll •1 + 1 Upp Can 1100 61 II II -3 j .,, ,.., ZOl -I l.orodo ~i• :!100 31'> 34 l -1 VontUrtl 103< 1;1\i 111'> lH\ ~ ,., MONTREAL rCP'-The olont- I

Ltd .. r.rnnbv MiniM and Hudson •, .1, ~ Bal' ~lining each lost 1,, Dlst;t. '·'11, : lcr:-=-Sea~ratn~ and 1\tcfrt.~·rr For· 1

• I •; :

:1 1 ~'' 1~ _ 1 , ~;~;~~~· ~ ~ 2~ ~ -l ~~~•m • :' 1011 1~h 1J'' :; rea\ and Canadl~n Stock Ex·

•.• ,q "" l ,,.,L..oo 1000 101 100 l - 1 Walt• Am lOO 6Jo 6\0 no · 1o change! Wednesday moved for· .,, \O " II•d•'" Wt Jlil \71 llil Worn or 2000 t • t +I w~rd in light trading.

:"''~ -.~ _,4\ ~t~ -J '\1anu.Jit tJ ~500 12 ll 12 W Malar 1~ ~ ~ ~ - ll ., ., ,.,, .11 j ~,,,.,,. llll H 3'l ' 1 ' ' Wllt"r 1::100 21'.\ 1111 1<1 -: Pipelines I e d the ·advance.

" ,q ,, ·, l !llarlUmt awl ll II ~ Vir Ran ' 300 In m 111 -l 'l t I ' ed 'nt .,_. , 9 10 I "''h"'' 2P#1 11 1• H ·-1 . 1 Yala Lud ~ 11 14 11 Trans-" oun an 1mprov a p01

.,., ;~ • 10 " Mclnl''" lO nn 70 70 ' 1''


n 11m 1\lln ao 1.1 1(1 'l to 6\ and ~aln5 to J'i werr shown ~-.·~\) . II I ' ,~ \2 1l 1, - 11 ,. ......... -- \1 Jll ..... I d I ''" " 1\ • I'' llenlor ·~ 7l "I +I , .• nmao o~• ... • ' by Tranl·Canada at 251i an n· • .._,1 i.<i ~~ lVI . 1 · ~err1ll 900 n 't'l en~

.: " ~: . 1 j "''' t'ran 1100 \O t'> 1 Bololo 17,, :1.1<1 llO :uo 'll terprol'incla\ at 40 1.'1. I!.... p;;" 1~7 -:" Mlt1rlm 7M 72 7% 7'1 Gupt Cop \00 allh Ul 1,-, 191"J -

1·-= !I 1l t k 'I'·· I'•' ~~ ll I , ~IIIII~•" m~ lOll 1(10'1 ,_, + 1l YukOII con 1()00 ll 15 ll -~ 1> see eneou~ s o c . s were ;.;:: :; 11 11 • -1 1 ~In corr 36-\ 1111 "l ttl OILS stronger. Dominion Glass gained

,, u u -' ~In r.nd \: \\ \\ \\ Am Lodue ~ ~l ;: ~ + 1 21< at &3. B.C. Forest advanced •: •: •; -l I ~~~fnd ~ ~ ~l ~ +' ~:u~~r 5~ W>O uo m 11.1 -lil I'< to 10~'~ In a mixed newsprint

,, l' I MOl' til 1110 70 10 70 BanJI ~ It\ 11.1 \! ,I '4 "'' "''- '' Mult\·11 lO ~~ « ~• _, ~ hor 100 ll 11 1! group. m ~~ , l 1 ssma cr llOO i!b 2! · m> B!~I•Y sA lltll uo m &~l +lO Ba~e metal~ were mixed. Ban-

~·~ :H -1 sot Expl ~ !? 1: 1: :l'' !!111


r ..)! 11!1 I!.l7 U:7l ~l que CeMdlenne Natlonale added 4:1 4!' +1 Nealon "';)'.•• .J 1 tPJV"U

i~I6G5, HA'iE YOU NOTICeD \-\IS NIBS LA. TEL.'/;{'--' HE:'6 <;;\.lOOTING ROMAN CANDlES Olli OF


I cupinc each \osl 1.< and Intern$· tiona! :.:icl;e\ droooed ~i

Shawinigan was· amon~ Cana· d;an ~ainer> on the American ~X· change. risin~ '<. and Far~o Oil rosr. 1 ' on sales of 3.500 shar~s. .Juoiter Oils droooed '' nn sales of 6.3(1(1 whilr Bra,ilian Traction. Canadian \larconi snd ~curry· R8inbow Oil werr unchang~.

What stocks did:

.\rli'Rncrs Declines Unchanged

! Total hsuc~

Wr~. Ta•~. 552 ,19 :r;n !18 2!1 ~49

\ HS 114~ l~'' ,. _, • " .. t.a'o \ZOO l7 n 27 - llralll oo 11 , 11 n ··I apoint at 37. 112 l'' -~, · :;,,. .11"' .~ 1

1 17 ~ !i Brito It• I:'?:'! 1;11 1!'1 1!0

1 -;-~ Western oils were .1\rong. Ga\ns ~4 ~' 1 Sf'"' Rl~ .;rvo• Caban•• ,;10,•• " ..._, " " 1

.,.,, " I) "'. '2. 1 N•'·'· r>tlhl ~ ~~ « 4l -I c11, 11 , uoo Ill. ll 13 'l. of )• \\·ere shown by Home Oi .,,,, w, "'• · ·,


N Dl<~•n ;,. 101 l>ll 2011 " Col Ed 100 am. ll'< 1 ~'• • '• • 1., at 16'~ and the B stock at !I ,, 'r ~ For\Unf nOCi> I! 12 ll +l cOil Ldl 111M 100 190 I~ ·' I• . . ' I d • ,1 "'

1 ~ .... Juon lM 7 7 7 .cs 011 ,.1, 421111 no 10 11 .'! · 15'•· Bailey Selburne .~ ga ne 7o

! . \ I !I:F:W YOnK ICP'--The Cana· dion dollar was 3·32 higher at a

,, ,-; :z; " Ktlor< ~ 177 1._7,, 1J, .• :{,, cs P•t• 13!0 «o " ~1 -) I cenl~ at R.85.

H I<') ;"'"'und •~· "' '' Cdn All OU 7ll 4ll ~Ill ~M .!O \ h' h 1 , ,.. 111" 1000 37 !! ll -~ c ~r Ernp 1100 ,, ;n ., Mine$ were genera ly Ig er.

" ,, " -' " wnd• .,!,~ ~~~' 1\~, 1~,, + 1 cC\IItft" 1010o1 m 1~ nn The exchnnge~·· closing ~vera~e :'-..., 1 j 1 ~ 11. : 1 ~ ~,ylama '"'~' ~ 1 c Chttftn 1~ 11.' 1(1.1. 11 r. .u .H' t'\ ·-'~~~ ~, 11 "'-'~ ~"1.\ •. ~ : ~t .. ·nor tl'lOO ~ 1 -l 5''.1 1'-1 - c Dec• ,..., ~~ t.l:'! ,, 111. _qhow bank~ un .19 al ""·.,n, u 1 •

'1 premium of I', in terms of U.S. 1 funds Wednesday: a v·cek ago

··.v, , " ~~ 1 s ~'" 1" ;~, 11i'' 10:'' a:'·' ,;,~> C<ln fl•" :111~ !90 110 ~'-' 1' \tics up .8 at 132.0, industrial! up 1 ~ J. • 1-:, Sick nlm -~·~ r. Jl:l G& M 47fl 4:"..~ 4';'1"1 - 4~ b' d • \

. .,. 1-,, •.·· 1• 11 ,•.n• IM t:'\.J 133 1'-' _._. · · __. -' .11.1'1 '·' •1 ·~ ' .2 11t 229.~. com 1ne tiP ,, ~' I ~ew Year·.~ Day. Tile pound st~rl· in;: was 1-1~ hi~her at $2.~1 3·32.

'N ~~· 17'~ ·' •· IO*'J'l 14 t 1~ _._~ C 'AlJh fo .......,., " ••.• ,: ,, ;o -;or .. lr11'' •· ... 'c Romu!O 2"25 190 1M 19<1 -l 197.0, papers up 3.52 at 1.041.41, .. .,1 l , , '-'r>rll"rtl ~~~~ S3~'' 7~- ~14 ~ 2

14 ~ C F:utky iJ5 IIPJ ll't \1~• 1• 6

.,,, ,.. .., 11 >orl<'d J!l<)l 7 • c Rsky .. 1, ~M ·'~ 11 , III -l gold! up .93 at 64.5 . ~~~ ;~ '~ ,.. , (~;;~'-~'t ,: .1i~ ~ 1~; I ~.!!os~:;t ~: {~ {~ ;: -A """'' "" 41'1 '-'1 ~orl'lu 11')(1(1 ,. 17 111

J 1 can•o 'ou 40 !3\ 1~0 D -'

;w ' 'i nJnk JI'(IM ~7 M I -l Ce,t Dtl 'Z7t2 71~ U.~ 71~ -~~ w 111', tP, ~~~.- '• ~f'ri!Jll' 1~9'72 345 \3 :\3(1 1." , Cent l:xJ"tl ~Otl 210 :tn 111'1 --HI

.• .,.. ,. o 1n -1 :"\or.-n .. \ '""'' 1-.'\7.~ 131 tr1 ;t~ 1 l~ Charter O!l ~ 191 1~~ 19"7 _,_ 11 :r-•· 1 ~ 12 IJ ~I !\onh Can 4(Jo.1 lY.t U\'1 ..-H Conro · Zfj)tl ~; 51.-11 .~'' -11; Ju' ~'.' '""' ,tilt •. • :\'Or\'~Ht 1000 H 14 U c Alltnbtt 11)(1 711 71,1 71'11 - ~'l :v. !-'~'· 1 ~, ,o, . 1 'Sudul lY'O 1~ 1.5 lS c Druon lr(\3 27 %7 %7 ... 1 w 1, I' to I !<orvatl• 1oon 11 1~ 11 r. we•t l'oto 1.111 llil m !!~ -:!

"O:' " 70 . ';udttl llM 1l I. ~ >I Crtl Oil 11\0 100 <CIO ~0 c I ~r-.·(', ·'' ,~ '~ . 1 ! O'Hrltn 19'00 5~ 51 lf.l.Ja ..;...t~i: crtt wts 110 p 118 21~ -2 ~~"' " :! l! . l fookp'omRm ;m ~~,' J;, lllo3'c' -lo ~~v··,~•l .~ 1tll u; m, ~-7" \,'N, tr,l JOL,, 101~ "'"l lJ\.1 " .........,, ., . ----r

• 1 .~ \.'1 r•, n Ortn1da 1!>00 1~-, l~l'l l~ -1 !:~cthlor :!000 4.211 t2 42\i r h 1~1 • D2 tM - 7 , Orm•b~

1 17~ 1~' 13 13 Far co JYIO !\50 .~45 ~~ -5 ;c. !.1 !.1 -l Pee Exp w •I Gtn Pot A m m m 19<11 cJO 1! 11 ' a -1 'Pardtt ~ :1 :; !l +4 Or Pllln1 W 11! 18 1& J. l..

~~~ ~~~ ~li"l .,. 2~ Paltr 3.:: 31 HIJhwood ~ 15 2!1 1.5 ..~o'1 lc' llO \ll : PmonC &10 1: lc.l 1~ -l Roma Oil ~ ln! ll!'o m; 1!\1 • \\

, ~,, I''-\) Pick row !00 Ill 11.1 +I Homo Qil II HZ! II! 1!\\ llli + li I) lO Ill ~ : 1'10ne.. m ill J2.1 11! +:.I 1!11 OU G !37 11!11 I! .. 1!11- 1o

r.; tlO !lO -l Plactr Run\btr 10700 II 1.5 1.5 Jump Pnd 3Wl ll ll ~

Llv~rpool St. John't Boston Hallin Rt, lob1'1 to to Hfs& to to · to

S\. ·John's B.ollon · Halifax St. John'1 Liverpool ,, dland" Jan. 8 Jan. H Jari. 18 Jan. 21 Scotia" Jan. \0 Jan. 18 Jan. 2\ Jail. 29 Jan. ~1

" Feb. l Feb. 8 Feb. 14 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 14 Fe h. 22 Feb. 28 ·Mar. ~ Mar. 7 \lar. 7 \l•r 1~ Mar. 21 · Mar. 25 Mar. 27 ~ar. 21 ~tar 2~ Apr. \ .Apr. Q Apr. 11

"W~lDlaJlo" Apr. 11 Apr. \9 Apr. 2~ ·Apr. zg May l

?.<.~>~GES ARRANGED BY: Ji.O.A.C.. K.L.M.. PAN


Ul regarding your travel problems.


to ST. J OHN'.S. Oik!tl IUVICI

flO"' '~ . OIIICT llaVICI

4l!ll HALIFAX~ M.S. ~klNT JOHN,· N.J.

S.S. Nova port S.S. Novapart U. Nova port

Dec. 24 Jan. 7 Jan. 21

'"i/0/ Soi/i~ Jlttrtlhtf

• For L~ii\ht

Rmmtions Contact

R. SEllARS Special

RepresentoliV'I %one 548'3 or 2151 HARVEY & CO. l TO ..

Agenh ·

s.s. Novaport Die. 12 . S.S. Novaport Dec. 27 5.5. Novaport Jan. 10 S.S. Novaport J•n· 24

Thrt~lh bin vi• C.P.l, (VI• Jol•l Jeh", N.t.l

••4 C.N.l. (VII Hellla•, Nfl

Complt11 lnsurtnce Cevm1e

• Pentlltlf Accmn~04111!1tll Av1llllllt- ,

Nfld-Canada Steamships Ltd. F~tiGHT SAILINGS



a lfu; January ord Due St. John's January ~th ~anuary \ lth . Due St. John' a January 13th /nuary 20th ... Due St. John's. January 22nd anuary 28th ... Due St. John'a January 30th


~~uary 7th . , ....... Due St. John'a January 9th lan~a.ry 1~th .............. Due St. John' I January 17th Ptb ary 24th .......... : .... Due St. John's January 2mb F ruary lat . . ....... Due St. John's February 3rd

F~; llnmedl&te clearance per direct ulllnga. ntu, apaee, and other lnfornuUon apply:

N & CO., LTD., Gtnera/ A~nts, Dial 2151 · COLE Special ~tprestntativt, St. John's,

Dial 2207 ·. or to .



. I

!Jb Ptta 11100 110 10 1H Jupltor m !2! 2lil ~~ "1 Ll Polo 17!00 ll 11 11 M"a.tiJold 1000 10\~ tCl.i. H~ - 1-. lltdal ll*-1 :ll! :lll 21! -1! Mtr Polo 61! llOii tll t'll • 70 !ollde<in 1100 l! ll l8 -I Mill Cllv 1000 111 i n 1l

I Nat P•t• lll<l l>ll l9l 11.1 -7 N a Dam 1100 1u m 11o1 , 1 N'C\Itrnb 17110 120 111 119 •I N S\l]>lrlor 200 Ill l!< 111 - t S .' Ou upl ~600 1:'\8 121. 131 · ~ I Northcal 14~ 1l\~ 1~~) 1Jt'r -21.:

!'ICO\h IOO!t!lll~ltl-1 1nkrhld 1;(1(1 ·'-' H :\1'1_ -~ otalla 1000 m 127 - m -l Pac Ptlt 1117 Sli'W, 1~~~ 1fl: • ..;... ' ' Pan w .. t 1100 2~ ll ll Permo -pr ~900 ~ 1~ ll~ -• Petrol IIllO !6 Ill • Ill -! PbUUps \PM all '0 I 'ProvoGt ~2-S ZH ~~2 2'70 -1 7 1\lchwll 1100 117 110 !I! -! Roclr P•l• 37100 :tlil ~~'' l91.> +4 ltoralH• pr dO t141.\ 14'.4 2~._ ... !llapphlrt -4.00 IC 14 U !kum· · 1100 lOO 111 111 Stt:'lr: rru 1110 m 4l<l ~M • l! SoUr\J 100 11 II • 11 -1 , So<llll ' u _, II'> l! 1111 + l\1 59<>0ner ~ n 10 :11 ·-I Stan•nll ll(IO) 15 10 ~ + 10 Tox CJI !0 lJ\.1 37\\ )7>,; -lli TriJll can 3600 ao 11 71 TrllU ~ 100 !all 1!(1 11/1 • 7 Tr'ErnrU IIOO·.IJ 2 I 0 1 Triad Oil 1&0 100 41 ~ "I

. uo 0\lJ ~no ~ 110 :1.3 -1 I Vttl<an IOOO ~ !l !J + l 1'11)1\t 6000 ll ll 13

I w4111ae nn 10 19 1' • \; w :\layl10 «00 110 17l 1&0 .10 w Dt<alt• noo 1M m lM -a w Dtc "" llOO ~ ~ ~ c '" W '!'ilCO 4!7~ 15 .H~ 1~ tl c..~


~0!\\ !'iS Comm Jmp Royal . Tor·!XIm

· Alumlnl I Aulo Nfld 1.-: Br...-


D • MaJllU D Stul Inland Ncr St>r Pl>lnl !'i .... Simp10n1 !llltdrnan Walnwrlt W&Iken

MOS'IJIF.AL CLOIJliG ATllCJOe •r '"' caaat1a111 run 13

~bt~ 1M> ,... ..... AobOo\oo !l>'o GT L•k" . f71,\


Modem t h • o ri ea of 'epace eelmce hold tktt plen et. other then earth may tupport lntelllcent life. They rtt11 predict from k n ow 11 ~cientUic

. data what theee "lnndeu from apace" will I o o k like. The ·factual poetlbil· ltitt· of eon .ta c t With "men" from other world•

·are rttHlrted thla wHk In THE STAR WEEKLY 'by Willy Ley, one of the CO\lntry'a foremoat. a\1· thorltltt on apace acienct. STAR WEI!:KLY l1 on Mle nerylrhere! '


tliAGN0515= yfl I

STEAMSHIP pool Feb. 14, due st. John'' Ia~ sApt1·: 9, ~u~ St. oJh~~YA1:J ~~~~~~~~~ - Airicu\.

" 'Feb. 20. Leaving lor .Halifax 11. at mg a gam same a Egg!:Who\esale dealers prices ON DRY DOCK and Boston Feb. 22, due Hall· Liverpool. to countrv stations wooden cases

The s.S. Baccalleu, the M.V. MO\TEMENTS fax Feb. 24 and Boston Feb. Newfoundland lea1ing Liver· extra·large 31i'~·39: large 37l8: Glider and the !>I.V. Burin. ' • 127. Leaving Bo;ton Feb. 28 pool Apr. 11, due St. John's 33; medium31i·:l6''>; smell 35; B These three will remain on dry SEWFOU:SDLAND CANAD., &nd ~alifax Mar. .5~ due St. Apr. 17. Leaving for Halif&x 33; C 23. Receipts; 109. dock tor about another three STEAMSHIPS . Johns Mar. 7. Sailing agam and Boston Apr. 19, due Halifax Butt~r: Current receipts 62; weeks.

1 . l'f I !a me day for Liverpool. Apr. 21 and Boston Apr. 24. fresh-grade creamery prints Job

AT DOCK Btlle Isle II eavmg Ha 1 ax 1 Newfoundland leaving Liver· Leaving Boston Apr. 25 and price 63'1 • .;.;; fresh wholesale Jan. 8th. Due SL John'• Jan. 1· '! 7 d st J h • ~9 d St J h ' ·The British 1te&mer Navar . . I poo " ar. , ue . . o n s Halifax Apr. ~ • ue · o n s 62'<. .

Jennie In charge of Cap!, c. R. lOtBh.dfSaidhnigl a1gai'ni JanH. 1

11fth. Mar. 17 and Boston Mar. 20. May 1. Sailing again same day 1 Cheese: F.O.B. factory, Ontario

Laing which arrlveil·ln port one . e or ea\ n~. a 1 ax Leaving Bolton Mar. 21 and for Liverpool. I white 32, colored 331.!; dellvered

k ith b ll t bl Ja.1. 11, due St. John 1 Jan. 13.1 Halif<>x Mar 25 due' St. oJhn'! I Montreal Quebec white 321' col wee ago w 0 er rou e sailing Jan 15 1 " · ·. ' · 1. ored 3~'. 1• ·• '"holesa\e 0 n t

2a' r. I o. ha~ now been repaired and with 11 I!. II.! . H I'! ~lar. 2 •. Sat\mg agam same day U.S. Do· }Jar c " ' Be e s e uvmg a 1 ax f L' . 1 · · 1 ed 5 h 1 -' the cargo of copper concen· , 1 or 1\erpoo · whJte)3"" co or 3 ; w o es"'e

ill 11 l · 1 f hn. 16th •. due St. John I Jan. 1 Nova Scotia" Ieavins Liver· Quebec white 331]. colored ~31, Irate! w sa n • coupe o 18th. sa1tmg •gam Jan. 20th. 0 • dr.yl •or Antwerp Germany d 1 . \'! I pool ~tar .• 1. due St. Johns ~!Ol\TREAL tCPt - The U.S.' Poi•IMI: N.B. 7~5 1.55- I 65; Als~ at the dock are the s.S. Bed lor 11 e~Vl;g. ,J Ha 1 :; I Mar. 27. Leaving for Halifax dollar Wednesday closed at a dis·' N.B. 10.< .25·.!1: N.B. 50~ 1.0~·

Sprtnadale tua Fundv Plnce I J~n: 20• due St. 0 n ~ a.n. ~ · lind Bo~ton ~fa.r. 29. due Halifax count of I '• per cent in terms of 1.10; P.E.l. i5s 1.55·1.75; P.E.J. " · • · ·' ' ~a1ltn" Jan 24 1 'f 31 d B t A 3 C · d' f d d · P d ' 3 Eastern Explorer and the whal·

1 CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. n ar.. an os on pr. : ana tan un s. own 3·32. o•Jn • 105 .2 .

er Solca . . · 1

. llf I Leavmg Bo~ton Apr. 4 ~nrl Halt· ~terling S2.ii 15-16. down 1,, I .2R.

. · . 1 • Non port eavmg Ha ax , -r~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~-~-=·~·-=-~~===~-AT A. E. HICKMAN CO., LTD.' Jan. 10, due St. John'' Jan. 10, I The M.V. Pay Off and the 1 sai\in-' J&n. 14.

M.V. Sybil. Scott are moored up •Novaport leaving St. John.· for the w1nt~r. N B J 21 H l'f J 24 1

,\T HMC DOCKYARD · ·• an. ' a 1 ax an. · ·I - due St. oJhn'a Jan. 27, suhng \

The M.V. Seabeacon, Marinus, Jan. 28. Nebalia, Invel.tigator ll, · ~1at· •Novaport leaving st. John, hew II, Baltenia, and Parr. ,, B F b • H llf F h 7 ". ., e . ~. a ax e . ,

AT STEERS dLTD. due St. John'a Feb. 10, aailini (Welt En )· · Feb. ll. .

The Norma and Glady& of I •Novaport leaving- St. John which Capt. Charles Keron i! .N.B., Feb. 18, Halilax Feb. 21: the master from northern ports due st. John's Feb, 24, sailing has finish~d«lni all the Feb. 2~. cargo of fish and is now moored •Novaport leaving St. John, up ,tor the winter at the above N.B., Mar. \, HalifiiX Mar. 7,1 ) wharf. . due St. oJhn's Mar. 10, sailing 1 ··

.H T. BALLETS LTD. Mar. ll. The ~atlonal .conventl~n of •Nov~port leavini st. John, I

which Capt. Bndgeman \! the N.B., Mar. 18, Halifax Mar. 21, owner and master Is moored due St. John's Mar. 24, aailiog up for the ,eason. M 25

AT CROSBIE ud ~0. ~~ov;port leaving st.' John, The Colin II, whaler F~nback, N B April 1~t leaving Halifax

11nd the whaler Olaf Olsen &re Aprl\ 4th. Due St. John's moored up for the wmter. A 'I ?th s '!ina 1oain April

AT C.,N.mA PACKERS 8tr · at • • · The lf.V. Zahm will M In ; Refrigeration.

eharge of a new Capt. In the FURNESS RED CROSS person of Capt Edmund and 1s LINE now tailing freight for· Bunn. F t Hamilton leaving Saint

The M.V. Evelvn Evam, and or , H Ill J th M v R th ·I b 1 ·hi h John N.B. J .. n. 11, a ax an.

e . . u . sa e "' c 14 arriving St. John's-Jan. 16, came from Lewtsporte are both 1 '.1 ~ Jan JB for Halifax and moored up for the season. Nea\ ny. k ·

G T S ew or . REA EA TER:S OIL Fort Avalon ieavini New

The M. and S. Johnwn ~~ York Jan. 13, Saint John, N.B., which Capt. Joseph Rogers IS Jan. 1 ~. Hallfu Jan. 18, due the master is moored up for St J hn's ·Jan. 20 sailing Jan. the season. · 0 k' c

AT BOWRING IIROS 22 for New Yor via orner ·• Brook.

The S.S. Terra Nova b moor- Fort Hamilton leavlni New ed up at the north 11de. prem· Yor': Jan 24, Saint John N.B_. Lies ~nd has been sold. Jan. 27, Halifax Jan. 30, arriv-

.\f AYRE & SO]'{S, LTD. In St John's Feb. 1 sailing The Earl Keith, Jennie Eliz. Fe'b • for Hallhx ~nd New

abeth, Marjorie lnkpen, Robert y k J. Knlckle, Carol Stroni and o;o~t Avalon Jeavini New the G.S. Cutler moored up York Feb. ~. Saint John, N.B. lor the winter. , Feb. 7 Halifax Feb. 11, arrlv­AT A.B. MURRAl & CO., L~. ing St John's Feb. 13. ~ailing:

The M.V. Blue Peter II m Feb 1~ for New York via Cor·j eharge of Ca'pt. Dyke will h&Ve ner Brook. . a reflttal and rep~lr1 and may FURNESS WARREN LINE ! later 10 on dry dock at thi~ 1 Newfoundland due St John's i port. . • . :Jan. 7. Le,\'lni for Halifax and I

The Blue Prtnce of whtch Bolton Jan. s, due Halifax Jan. C~pt. Parson• is the ma!ter 10 and Boston Jan. 13. Leavlni , will ~ventually load a ca~go Boston Jan. 14 a.nd Halifax 1 of boxed fish on .the south Side Jan. 18, due st. John's Jan. I and will sail With that C£ll'io 20. Salllnr for Liverpool Jan. for GlouQtster. 21.

' Nov11 S<:otla leavini Liver-

chl'cago G ' pool· Jan. 10, due st. John's rams Jan. 16, leaving for Hallfax and CHICAGO (APl-Little or no Boeton Jan. 18, due Hall!ax

immediate export demand 1\ong Jan. 20 and Boston Jan. 23 ·1 with probable rtronier competl· leavlni Boston Jan. 24, Halifax Uon from Canada in the world 29, due, St. John'! J&n 31. Sail· wheat market earrled futures ing aaaln same day for· Liver· prlcea sharply JQwer O{\ the board pool. · ' of trade We!fesday. All other Newfoundland Ieavlni Llyer ifalns -.!5o deClined. pool Feb. 1, due St. John'• Feb.

Wl'leat closed l·HI cent! lower, 7. Leaving 'for Hal!lax and March $2.20%·l.t: corn ;i . 11 Boston Feb. 6, due Halifax lower, March $1.15: oats 'Ia lower Feb. 10 and Boston Feb. 13. to '< higher, March sm: rye !1< Luying Boston Feb. 14 and lo 11!1. \ower, M~rch tl.Z9\4: soy- Hall! ax Feb. 18, due St. John's bean~ 1-111 lower, Jan. $2.22\i· for Liverpool. ,

2111. Nova Scotia·. liavini Liver· \



Canadian National Railway

Company 4% Bonds Guarantted uncondltionolly by IM GoTtn~llltot •' C.n•dJI .. te tooth

princi~l and iourm

The Bank <>I Cana<l•;., •uthoriz-td bv The Mini,ter o! Fir>anet !<li'I!Cei..,"" belt~ ei tilt.


Cwadian .\a tiona! Railway Company ca.b wboaiptioM for


DATED PEBRl!ARY 1, 1~, D~ nBRUART 1, 1981

Kon-Callable to Maturity Inter~! Payablt ht Augmt and ht Ftbnl.ory


$500, $1,000, $5,000. $2.1,000, and $100,000

IMU~ P'rl~: ~%

Y1tldlnt obout ~.lto/c to moturlty

Principol •nd intere£t povehle in la~viul mon"· of Cano<h. Pri""pal payab~ >t~ny .~~:encv of Bank ol C>nade .. 1ntcr"'t p.wable. -.ithout char~<. >t anv branch in Canada ,( ""': ch~nered bani<. The bond• will k dated F•bruary 1. \958 and •ill be>.r in~ fr01TI ·that d•te.

Dtlinitive bol!d! v.111 ht >''Midble nn or >bout February .1. 1Q5F. in I 'Ia forme: ~ forll' .,.;,h roupoo< anache<l (thi• form m~y 0. rt•i•tered o. to prin~poll and fully rt'gi!lered form '11'1th :nt<r"t p<\Yable bv rr.e~ue .. Bond• of both lccm, wdl be '" the ~bove denomination! ann .,;il\ ~ fuJI\' loterchangeaoie a! tO denomiOAtinn and/oc (Ortll (without char~ a~d 1ubjeet to the Company'• tranoier requirement! ... hert apphcab~) . The B•rik of Canada will act •• re~i•trar of thi• i"ue and tran•ftn &nd excha.lres may be tl!e<trd throuih a•y of the Agenc1~ of Bank· of unada.

Suboaiptions may be made to Bank of c~~da. Ottawa, through any inwst~mnt deal<:r eligible to act u i primary di,tributor or through ~nv bank in unAda. An officW proopectus may be obtained from any Agency of Bank of Ca~da. ·

The~< Bond• will be a direct obligation of the ~nadian Natio~t Rai\wav Company, the Capiu\ Stock of ... hich i• o•.-r.e<i bv C•nad>, ark! under authoritv m the F'arliament tJl unada payment of the principal of the"' Rond< and of the interest theroon will be itltrr.r>­~ uncMditionally by the G<:wernmenl of Canada .

The ra'h proc.M• -.·ill he applte<l b" the Canadian !\ationa1 Rail...a~· C6mpo.ny to the repayment m inte,..,.t·hearin~ capital ad,·ance> from the Governmer.t or ur.ada.

Subooiptiono ... ill be ~~ 1ubject to allotment or rejection in whole rx in put. ~boola of the Loan will open on january 9, 1958, at &nk of Canada, 9\tawa., and mar be.dooed at.,. time without notice. ·

OTTAWA, jAKUAlY 7, 1958. ..

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Library Notes ;uu:on:o:•.:unnu••

Newsy Briefs :ut.:uu:uuu~


Oeanup Routine'· Is Antidote For

Stack trays and collect glass:s, lined up In the draicer. plates, coasters, nc;pkins, ond NEXT, EMPTY ASH leftover sn~cks. into a metal can and

Don't forget to look nt the floor outdoors overnight, or beside chairs uml tables for gics- tents immediately into ·

BAY ROBERTS, Jan. 6-In A£ p WI scs and ashtrays, :::nd down be· 1 tor. Take no chances ~ keepinti with the happy Christ· BAY ROBERTS-The Centrul tef• arty WOe • tween cushions for popcr noP· from smouldering butts. mas season the Bay Roberts United Church Choir attended ~ k1ns Open the door lmcny to\ ;. , d . Regional Library has quite a the White Gilt Ser'vice held in -- mr the rcom. . ' n.n cas) an, cffectl~c 11ia, fe!tive appearance. Its benuli· the Unrted Church, Spaniard's BY KAY SHERWOOD Catt t!H· debris to the kitchcr~ ~~;~ t~l~~c~~a~~o~n~ rrd lhl!ll fully decorated Christmas tree Bay Sunday December Zlst. When the door closes on the and put glc1so 0 S to sc 1!( 1n a srok " d d . s s to Ust

·ith Its many coloured lights, ' ' last holiday pnrtv guest don't \full of 11arm w:~ter. If 1ou've ,rnn ~0 a unng the k d i

d -- · · . · · · opera,ron 1ts wreath bedec e w n ows, St. Matthew's -An g 1 i can kid yourself thot the bali is over. served rr2 r.o~ or m~'"t1

fru1tl · Chmtmaa posters and other Church Choir attended the A view of the room that '.1 as so rl1mks, the soak111g wrll less:n Shnl:c 1 he soda o~er ih> decorations look very iaY nnd special carol service held in spic anq span a fe'v hours ago the amo~r1l of · crubo;1ng you il and 1n ti c grool'rs ,, J1cre · attractive. \St. Mark's Church, Shearstown· testifies that rt must soon con· nee;! to do . , o•tcs ha1 c lod~cd. S:rub

BAY ROBERTS-The gaily decorated (_'hr!stmes tree, at the Regional Library is also the attraction of children as they select the books they like best.

Durini November, book week I on Christmas Day. tinue-in the kitchen \\hde lho (\rshcs ~o~k for. a; ly over the soda('(! s 1 rrfa~ was observed, the library hoo __ Whether to leave the mess un· minute m· two. rdurn to I he !11··, an old 1·ogetable brush. two extra aes!iona, during Mt~Sters Desmond nd Jonh til morning or pick it up at once I ing room to chccl: for snills '"~d B;:l:ing soda ~cis as am·~ which we were pleaaed to wel-l Burke whr:i spent thei: holidays


is the wearying question. I've I nugs from glz1ss~s lh.11 ml_(!ht! tcrgcnt und deodorizer-" come a. clau of over fifty 1 at St. oJhn's returned home on tried it both ways. ; hnvc slr~nrri lhw coac'cr-rs _on 1 fo•.rnd it particularly pupils from ~e United Churc~ 1 Saturday. The disadvantage of waiting: ,._ou,r co Lee table or occ~s1o.1a1 1 1•:hrn usL~I on cc~:nrn School, Coley 1 Point, accom I . _ until morning is that the mess: . . metal ar.d ccram1c tr2·:s . panied by two of their teachers. Lewis Norman celebrated his l()Qks just as bad and tRkes lon-1 Glass, mcrhte. or lilr··lonp"rl hold sootv stmns and tars For most of the children it wa3 birthday on December SOth. ger to clean ur. working around tab'cs ran he w1nrtl1 :+Jn '.'.·1t'1 tcr.aciously. their first visit, but since (hen Special greetings come from the ordinary household ro•Jtine' 3 rla•l1p 'pon~c or c.o h. · quite a few have become re· B tty and with the questionable help I \'.'icc up 1!nmnr~c" prcmnil" \\'lrcn the food is nut a·•a• iUlar readers. November cir· e · . _ 1 of the children. from wcorl tilh'c tons and yru ""nc·r is slo\':ed in lh" culatlon was higher th~:>R any I

1 1

A f , . t t 1 mav nrrl'cnt a \\l11ir nn~ from· ha>~r'. ::mr're ready I~ th i I i g

Mrs. Hayward Green and celc· e\1 mrnu es soen n organ· 1 • • T.i.~.c. rornr·l proh~hlv s'.'l : mon 1 nee ear y apr n . b d h bi hd D · d ff t t i · t 1' k · tl · formr1~ · ' · ·' · '

1' Ml Miffli R i 1 rate er rt ay on ecem· rze e or a n r;n s rc s up 1e 1 · ·. : '~ns oi u1c p~;rl\· bnt 1

!I ni,d our eglonaf · ber· 30th. Special greetings room presentably and yonr clen· A while W<J'•crn'il:·k n'RY rc· rJcnu:n<:rl in the. ~orn'~ Cll Su~ervlaor, pa us a coupe 0 come !rom Bob Jim and red conscience may enable vou sponrl to iblo; oiHnsluo,,nl cr::os· 1 ·I. ahort visits recen.tly, which Glenys. ' to sleep that much later in 'the'. ing Irick· ru.h lh~ .riJ1C. w.i' b n ' \1'1 were greatly enjo1ed, a visit __ morning. 1! little salad oil or mmer:~l oil n:HI · len sprCJy·painlin~ ir. l f h i 1 1 m f1r.qd arr::o. \'ou cnn on.;} rom er 1 a ways :,~~0 s:~. r Congratullllions and best TO . PREVEt>T timc·w~sting, dt. tcrlng cnri·thing in siR'.. 1

Mi!s Margarl~~ Da b ' d is I wi!hes go to Mrs. Urusla Ash, trips back ond fortli loJ the kit·· Let the treated snDI stur:d ;nJr.gc the chject so :~ · retar;;i of ~e ~a[Y U oar r~ity Harbour Grace who celebrated chen, take a large. trny or , o\·c:ni;'irt. :r~d \'.roc off c:;•:'''s can arm down at rt rat·;r · &!ten ng emor a h~lV~ever her birthday January 8th. \kitchen can to the living room.: oil and sJlt in the mcrni11g. c:1ra:·i11~ bri?.oni<J!I0· ~ ~h~~ ;e~·sir~:~~e~e: occa!ion· Happ~ birthd&y from Jack and Empty ash trays into a silent 1 The di,;bcs . by now will be ore snr·~Jrl hcncatb. ~::c, a~ ~is~s home. We wish her a Fann1e. butler or closed metal can. rcody to_hc_ rn~ser1_ancl r~rcd o~ c~t~l1~~~hc c'::~~ very ·aucceHful year.

Four new moveable book· I Old s ld• N li • II 0 ca!es have been added to our r. l~~~~fYse~~~~s~i;r;;~wfn 1Juvt:;. 0 I e r s I e w ,- I a ~1 Vi~ ii \J . ~ Ue. Althogether these book· 11 J ~~ cases have a cnpacity of some·

thing over two thouaand book!. A R. h w· df II F F ch· Two new lhipments of book~ c n a . have been received recently 1 - .1 or Clllret3 1n and belp fill our new shelves. ~ In connection with the delivery of all ssipment& from the rail· By JERRY BENNE1T I The rest of the money was ear-way ,tation we would llke to NEA 9taff Correspondrnl rnurked to prepare the dischurg-thank. Mr. Walter Baggs who WASHINGTON (NEA) -Na· ed servicemen for useful civil· makes all deHverie! free of t!onaliat China is about to gain ian lives. charge. . a fortune in untapped natural The U.S. International Cooper·


Although our clrcul!ltion has resources because Uncle Sam ation Administration set up fallen of! considerably since dedded to heip &Orne Chine• several important national. de· the advent of television to the !Oidiers who had grown too old velopment projects to help town, we are pleased to note to fight. create jobs. It was one of these that many of our local students This is the unexpected result projects which unexpectedly are using the library more, as of a joint U.S.·Natlonal!il China opened the door to what is des· an added aid In thelr studies. operation that was originally tined to become an economic Our non·!lctlon section, es· designed to whip Chiang's army windfall for the Chinese. peclally our encyclopedi& and into shape, I Plans were made for ; coast other reference books are con· In 19~. U.S. milltary obser· to·coast 200·miie highway which stuntly being used, and .are vers found Chinese forces on [would cut across the island's proving to be a never ending source of information on most Formosa drastically weakened I lofty mount2ins, and a survey subject.J. by about 80,000 men who were team was dispatched to explore

h I d either too old or sick tor duty. the proposed route. , We wls a! our rea en a , 1 . .


• • •

very happy and prosperous New Unless ~he o d hmers were r~- . . Year and trust that during placed b) ne.w blood, Chtang s Th~· returned With start! in~

19~8 they will find more time to chances of Wlth!tandmg an all· 1 evi(lcnce that the area was a visit the IJbrary 11nd find there out Communist onslaught were virtual tr~asurc chest of natur::l the pleasure and relaxation that

1slim. resources worth untold millions.

our we!] filled shelves afford. t • • • A highway across the mountain However one cannot think on i But where could thousands of peaks would give the National·

our library unless they also , discharged 'soldiers go in an; ists easy access to rich deposits think of our librarian, Miss [overcrowded country already of gold, marble. white mica, Emmie Parsons, who has such . suffering from employment granite, coal. asbestos. mangan· a friendly ~mile and wonderful problems? cse, iron and copper. di!PO!itlon th!lt even the tinleat Formosa's mountains gcog It would .snake across I· ~d tots that visit the library en· n;phy had squeezed most of its which offered an excellent po joy their' time spent In her 10 milliun population into the tential for lucrative farmin; presence. ~!iss Paraons in her :narrow coastal plainJ. To find and cattle raising. Also; the efficient woy never tires of I jobs and homes there for 80,- area was covered with nluablc trying her utmost to help the 000 more people would !lave timber ready for cutting.

BAY ROBERTS-The fire place with its e\'erygreen and enterlwined lights 11 also add its attraction to our Library during the happy festive season. ·1~--------------------~----~-----------------

small fry In their selections, been impossible. The surveyors reported that and to all who seek her help, Many of these men were com· wild mulberry trees could turr. she is ~>ver ready to offer words pletely untrained to hold down the mountains into an important of advice. . civilian jobs. Others desperate· silk producing region. And three · I Jy needed long-term medical rivers provided several sites for

Off• 'El t d 1 treatment. vital power producing hydro· IT.\ 7\D·C.\It\'EIJ !II Gil\\'.\ y ac:n.'> Formo1a's

!1 :: :a:u:u.u:uuuj•tn:uu:uo:u:u:u•n:•u:~u;

leers ec e Providing them with a pen- electric plants. 'will link the cor:··try's Past 2;t:l 1',(\ol roast,, nroliue sion for the rest of their lives • • • untapped natural tTso 1u·~·c.;."l of the liiJhway 11 would have put too big a drain ' on Chinese government funds. ' Future development o~ there·' hewn by harul out of rochy (!i ffs like this one.

! PerSonals Annual Parade L. 0. A. BAY ROBERTS-The elec· • • • sources is expected lo provide:

tion of officers of Dashing The U.S, solved the problem excellent job opportunities for i SD f;;r. iO,lll\IJ unf:l ccrvicc· help them to hold dc'·'li Schomberg L.O.A. No. 45, with 1 49 million do'llar program: the discharged !ervicemen, JC ·men lr;;\c been d!.'cir:llgcd. ;oils. many of tlreE1 111

1\ 1: t.unu:tn·uu•n::t.o:•.u:u:n:11:u:.:.:u.-.u·u:..:-. .. u:: BAy ROBERTS. Jan. I)-On

11 BAY ROBERTS. Jan. 1}-j!ro. of her cou!in Miss Joan A!h, Wednesday, New Year's Day

Coley's Point ,took place in I deslgncd to ~trengthen the arm-~ A officials explain. They will • ~lnny of these ha1·c ~une to· inclu.-tr)'. thell' Lodge room, on January ed force~ and provide the old be able to settle in the region work on the natrun:rl de1 clop-, 8th. Officers elected for the servicemen with a profitable !under a special homestead pian

1menl proJects. Others h:;rc Anrl about J5,00tl m

1 Blanche Leir nnrl r~miiy of I Harbour Grace; returned home the members of Dashing Schorn·

ensuing year was as follows: livelihood at the same time. · worked out by the Chinese gov· :been helped to get JObs wttlr 1clii;cd or confined 1." o~5 Worship Master - Bro. Reu- Six million dollars was author· crnment. ~fany of the 5,000 , publrc ;crmc or prnJt" enter· o:'ro homes. Flu\ ll.i


Port de Grave · spent 1\ew on 'riday. ber~ L.O.A. No. 45, Coley's •

1 'lear'~ D~y witll her muther I -- Point held their annual par-

1 \Irs. William Mercer, Bay Hob·, . ;,rr. and ~Irs. John Cox of St. ade. With King William lead·

ben Mer~er, re-elected. ized to equip young able-bodied soldiers working on the high· I priscs. . . I bJicvc half of ihC>L HI~. Deput~ Master-Bro. William Chinese soldier~ who were draft· way already have started burld·. :lime than 9,000 are reccl\'lng ·.be rehab1!rtated an•: ro.

Russell! of Stephen, elected· e~ to replace the old timers. ing farms. I vocatwnai training which will 1 work. ms East.· .. ~jJJ John's spent New Year's Dav ing, the parade moved off !rom

1 -- · ·· as the guest of their dnughte~ 1 the Lodge room at 11.30 a.m., 1 Mr. Eric ~tercer accomp:mied and son·in·law ~lr. and Mrs. I the Union Jack nnd OYB Ban·

Chap ain-P.M. Bro. C arence --·- •. -·-·- -·---· ____ ..... -----·--

Greenland, re-elected. Recording Secretary - P.M.

GOOD ADVICE 1 >Y Miss Loretta Peddie, St. Robert Hardy. ner wns carried on parade, fol· 1 fohn's spent :-.'ew Year's Day lowed ,bY members of the OYB. 1 'lith ·his p::;rents ~!r. and j!rs. ?\!iss Cl&irc Williams student Oran~e brethren. and n~ernber> 1 .~rank Mercer Cross Roads. nt St. Bride's College, Little· o! the RBP, the Salvation Army

:I ' dale iS spending her holidayS band WOS in al\elldHnCe, 'I Miss Jean Milindy, who spent with her parents Mr. and ~!rs. The parade proceeded round

, It Jcr:.hol!duys, as the guest of J, D. Williams, Cable Avenue. several older members were : :I lir: ~nd Mrs. Fred Bennett, re· visited upon returning to the ; I .urlltd to her home at St. ~Irs. Ursula Ash of Harbour Lodge severr.l visiflng mem· ; '1 fohn's on Monda)'. Gr.ace is presently visiting her bers were called to the 'plat· ~ :I :~ -- daughter and son-in-law Mr. and form for speeches, including : 'I Mis. William Tucker and ~Irs. John E. Noseworthy. Past Grand ~laster Bro. L. T. ; :! 'an¥Jy of Port de Grave spent Stick, M.P.; Past Grand master

it -le\11' Year's Day Yilth her moth· John Cox of St. John's who of the Grand Lodge of New· : ;. Jr, ~Mr5. William ~!ercer, Bay spent the past week visiting foundland Bro. Isaac Dawe;

i loi!J.rts E~·s.t. his sister and brother·in·luw, Honurable Member of the • ; ~ -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hardy, re· Grand Lodge of Newfoundland

' 1 Ml!s Doreen No>C\I'orthv who turned home on Tuesday. Bro. Sflmuel Dawe; Past Ma!· 'J ;petit u few da,s as the· guest ter, Bro. Geo. WilsOJl. Clarke's

·· ----- Visiting Mrs. F. W. Barrett Beach; Past Master Br. J. J. and son Leighton during the French; Past Country Master, Christmas season were Mr. and Bro. Harvey Thompson, of Tor­

! Mrs. Murray Moores and fam· onto and Bro. Jessie Richards • ily Brlgus; ~fr. and Mrs. Ar· of Port de Grnve. thur Young and family St. Following the speeches a Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. c. B. 'social hour was held bringing Burrctt and family St. John's; to a clos~ another successful Miss Marcella French, ·Asst. and memorlr.l parade. Nure,' sanitorium.

'Her many friends will be sorry to learn Miss Audrey Yet· man was obliged to enter the Sanitorium, St. John's on Fri· day, best wishes are extended for a speedy r~covery.

Mr. John North, well known painter, with his workmen left for Bell Island 9n Monday, where he be,s obtained a con· tract for , palntlni.

Nfld. Skies Sunrise • • • • • . 7:48 a.m. Sunset , . . . . . 4:28 p.m.

Olgh 9:151 a.m.

lO::U p.m.


Low 3:151 a.m. 4:17 p.m.

Recei:ve Long_ Disia1_1ce Calls

BAY ROBERTS - In the midst of the Christmas feati· vitles the J. L. Burke family were quite tbrl!led to have a aeventeen .m!riute telephone call with Mras. J. L. McNeil (nee Louise Burkfl) in California, a phone ~ail with Miss Sheilah Burke at the Medical Mis.~ion Convent lrr' Phil~delphlt~ and finallr;- a call with Mrs. Burke's sister Mrs. J. A. Mahoney new. residing at Detroit, Mich. All three calls were perfectly clear and greatly enj'oyed by both partie!. 'Both Mr: and Mrs. McNeil and Sheilah wish to tx· tend tq their ma117 frlinda- best whes .Jor, the New Year:

Bro. Samuel Dawe, re-elected. Director of Ceremonies-Bro.

Baxter French, re-elected. Financial Secretuy - Bro.

William Rusael of John, re· elected.

Treuurer-P.l\1. Bro. J. J. French, re-elected for hlJ ~7th. term.

1st. ·Lecturer-Bro. Everett French, elected.

2nd. Lecturer-Bro. Charlea Paraom, re-elected.

·Tyler-Bro. Harry Mercer, elected.

Sentinel-Bro. Jacob French, re-elected.

Committee-P.M. Bro. Allan Dawe, Bro. J .. H. Bradbury, Bro. Clarence Dale, Bro. George Roach, Bro. Albert Panon!, Bro. Chester Badcock, Bro. ChiOI'lea Parson!.

Installation of newly elected offieera wlll take place oo Monday, January 13th.

Coming Events ,BAY ROBERTS-A apeclal

m'eeUni of Lily of the Valley R.B.P. No. ~M! will be held in VIctoria Hall, on January l~tb. at 8 p.m. All Sir Koightl are requested to attend.

On Mondty, January 13th. the Grand. Muter of the Grand Oranee Lodie of Newfoundland Rev. B. B. Snow and hia of· flee bearen wlll be v!JIUrtti DaahlDi Schomberi LOA No. •~ Ooley's Point for the pur· posE! of lrutalllng the newly elected o!flceu. 1

To kesp pine wood from warplni, seal the porea on both aides With a thinned coat of shellac.

Ca1ico II named for the eity of Clllcutta, India.



To enrich-your blood and raise your appetite and your bodily heat, ·and to help immunize you against colds and against :all the winter ills that strike the undernourished- such as grippe, flu, influenza, bron­chitis, etc ... , An ounce of pre­. vent ion is wortf:l a pound of ·cure!


Go to. the nearest store for the big red carton with the big bot­tle with full direl!tiorts on .the

.label; .• and regularly\


.kle Dbtrllowton: Gtro14 S. Doyle Limited, St. John'•~ r


pLACENTIA C<>llingwood, ~

with his pa Collingwood

left here yeste to return to· i


NT and Mrs. H

of 25 Pearce A announced th

their daughl Marie, to Mr. '

son of Mr. ' p, Taylor of

-FOR MONTRE &Od Mrs. Lazi

· here ju1 from their

France, left he TCA to visit

d~ughters, staying in S

Szabo's pa John R. Pa

return from

Mrs. Arthur c arrived

by the e:tp left again

Tuesday will enter t for treatme

GANOE Mrs. Jol here fot

Crosbie's ~ John C. C

, left here to Gander

is on the ! Hospital.

NEW l Lorne Hisco

MlSi Fai on Saturdi York on a trip.

Winte ay for Ha student a

'ty. She spet With her

.•T. II. Win1



c:rn and ri~hl. or r:,J;· into ' . chances on r111g butts.

'·"b orcr the :·i·ll\'Ps \\here ':~··d. Scrub ,,J;wd surface 1 ~ d l) brush. :1 .,cis ns a mild

dc(l{lorizer. •:il·ticularlv ·r crrtain ·

1'·1 i" !lUt R\\av · ·I in the ·

ready to r: ''hohlv still ,.,,.,,.,, .. but it can

1 1hc mornir.g,

"'·•:rintiug in ~ '·ill: c:-~n nroid

:ng in sigh: II , I, ll'C': SO that

. ", at rt rather ·,··rt ally. If

1 't··~r·.11h, they

Ops Chi

tl:J, unr.

"r them in

, •.t! 1~.000 are ,.,,,,fined to old

, ' llttt JCA il1l: of these will ':L·.atcd and read)'

E s





' )


F« ThlltSday, Jtnijary 9

Preunt_;For You end Yours • • • Women nuy oot t~l u w•ll u usual today; au it wy. Wmlnp art up l'fJUdloa louct throuah mi.­pi~ eonfidtnee. a. tlloy wm earlier In wtek. Dtecptlpn and wrong judiffient~lther of self or othtrt-m also pouibilltles.

B Ceean

\ .I

I \

Put ... On January 9. 1907, there wu ncltemem in Buffalo,

Future •• , The T~wnsend N.Y., u a result of DtWJ of a Plan nuy bt rtvived u a politl· modem ty~ of illdUSirial buiJd. tal luue in 1960, with rtvi•lo!ll Ina. Tht desl,ntr wu a 3S. to Uke care of the locrwlne yw..old Cblcaao irebileet, cumber ol aaed citiunt. Fnnk Lloyd WriiJlt.

The Day Under Your Sign

A~IES (loNI l.lm~ lilt Aprll20) LIIU ( 2J to o.t. 21) Difh:rc:t'le. ef ttlAlcct ..,cr lt-pl I'UNtr h hn't• •lrn ,r .. am.tulO back down;

I Q}U]d u UH c:entttft. it may be P1l11 t ' 1 TAUWS (Apnl II lo l.loy lO) SCOUIO- (Oct. 21 to Nov. ll) : lniubility strml (roaa ...-ry. Don'l ttkt ThinJ1 10 WTCJ1'1I If ,..... try t.o. hurry, \ It out ce othm. ., ~ .otown.

~EMINI (l.loy II It J.,., 21) SAGITTARIUS (N..,.lJ h , ConcH~ irate tl\ the optimi..Uc a:titudt. Acct~ 1(\ oflrrtd M•. You 'IUM · h'• your b-ur a•Rt. 10 profit (in.aac:Wtr.

CANCER (Ju.,. 22 to Myll) CAP~ICOlN 10... n to Ju. It) Vou'n n-tociontlly u-pll{. lt'a dirfkult Don't IMultt ia a.rtr·pity. lt'a 1 hDUtJ lor 101J to lli.uc tla rirbt ~~,\~ rw wi't affQfd.

LEO (July 21 to Aug. 22) AQUARIUS (Joo. 20 to Ftb. II) 1 Ontt yot1 adtnil you tan N ...-ro~, you'U J'lofl't let obttil'\.l.C1 ruin ywr chlncu.

bt bw-l ta th• ri11l;t ,00, Yo.~ u.n N your wcnf c:nrmy.

VlR~O (Aut. ll It Sept. 21) PISCES (Ft'o. It tt 1.1".11 10) .Ad.feff( (l)ndition• uc ltmr«trr. li~t' ~ I~ .Mrt-cvt&, ntM.-r t~ tab 011 M tU ltQf'tl witll a JD'Ilk. · ......., tnn ,..:rtJ can \ui\(Jt.. ,



' . -· '

o; u uoe u u o ;e a a e e a oo e s '' ·

Manners Make


When mnssaging creams Into the neck and chin, always use an upward stroke. This maassage 5hould begin well down on the chest and out on the shoulders.

ave §n6thet snc.e.




. I'

' , I ~ . I , ·,

. ,.


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Sal Mineo Looks t ' " . .

Back At Nineteen . - .

YOUNG STAR REFLECTS ON write - because 'rm afraid 1 He ,alti wid~·eyed .'on his 19· ;AN UNUSUAL CHILDHOOD people will Jind out about me 1 year·old perch and somehow

By DICK KLEINER from ~ny stories." can't quite Imagine himself get· NEW YORK - (NEAJ - Thcp one day· wh!le he was ting any· older.

Htwlni just turned 19, Sal still in "The Rose Tattoo" the ~'! ctfl!t se~ myselt u an old ·Mineo, has reached a point in star, Eli Wallach, caUed him man," he s'ays, "or as a lither. W• when lie can pause and look into his dressina room. Wal- It. just •seeina impossible that Melt. And, on reflection, he lL·:h had had aome medical l'll' ever' get old." · ·reali:es that he had ~ most un· education and Sal's mother, be- ., Sal dates 111 lot, sometimes \Lilla! chfidhood: ginning to think it was time 1 thinking himself in love "for

What- other kid was ~aught for her son to learn the facts 'a week or so," but so far noth· to water ski Yul Brynner, leDMl: of life, had asked him· to talk ing serious. He conf!l'les his ed the facts of life from Eli to the bov, social activities to non-showbus· Wallach, was given a philosophy · "Sal," \vaiiach said, "I want !ness girls, although he was by Tennessee Williams? to talk to you about life und sorely tempted to ask Aima

All this came about because boys and girls." Maria Alberghetti for a date. f of Sal's theatrical career, wh1ch I Sal laughed. She'll be his co-star in "Aiad·~ beaan when he was 11 t·~d led ''No. l'm serious," .Wallach din.'' &nd they met when they .·· a a oat across the stage· of said. "It's time-" . took a series of publtcity pic· Wllliams•. "The Rose Ta\t()Q." I "Look, Mr. Wallach, I know tures. Now,' of course, Minco Is a all.about that stuff." He wasll,. He'a been. burned, already, by~~ hero to the bo.bby·soxers and, 1 remember. . girls who date him because he's l~ " a matter of fact, ~ solid] ''You do?" said \l'~li11Ch.! a ·cel~brity. ~ youn~ actor who's been entrust·· "Wei!, then. you tell me." 1 .''J've taken ,a ~_irl ·out." he I~. eri with the title role in Cole 1

" ' • , says, •·and she~ ntce and 1 dig , i Porter'a first TV musicol,, But Wallath ended up tell·· her the most. Then I tell her if "Alad-<lin.'' Thi~ will be >ecn ing Sal ~omc things, things he l'm not going to lake !}cr to ~ nn F~b. 21, Ol'cr the DuPont

1 hadn't picked ,up on the Bronx any . premieres or parties or

Show ol the Month on CBS·TV. 1 s(rcet '· . . · things, and she says, '1 can . But ~~ 11 he was a complctr.: Later. ~al was in "The King go out on d~tes' like that witt) unknown, hired for "The no;c 'and I" for two )'ears, one year ANY bo)'.'" l Tatoo" out of a Bronx dancin~ as an understudy, one )'ear ac· • • • ~ . lfhool because he iookrd like tur·llY playing a part. And Yul Other girls,, bccau)e of his • .'an Italian kid''-which. in Brynner had the 14·year-oid many movie and TV roles as a point of fact, he Wils. boy out to his ~orne on Long jti\·cniie delinquent, think of

• • • Island Sound and made him him lS that kind, which he's de· . Williams ll~ed the boy ilnd Willer ski-it was either that finitely not. Once, he asked a

told him many things. One or get a dunking in front of girl for a date and h~r mother philosophy which wr,s that a everybody else. So Sal water sF>id ~he couldn't go out with I man ts reflected in what he skied. him-she'd just seen h\m in a :11 does-P. writer In what he And he's learned to love It; movie, playing a mean JD who I~ \loTites, a painter in what he now it', one of his big Interests. cut up a few other kids. '~ paints, an actor in how he acts. At 10, he's full of interests- "l ~aid to tell her I was just ·

"I was so young,'' sa)'S Sal, writing, water skiing, paintina. acting," Sal sa:·s, "But the f "that I mcd to sit r·nd watch cxerciling, acting - and of mother said nobody could act ;>­'The Rose Tattoo' ~nd try to cour3e, his new red Thunder· that mean. 1 had to be born that ~ f)(iure out what kind of a man bird Dnd girls. w&y, 1 S!id that was the nicest ' Williams wa.• from what he'd "Life's going too fast," he compliment I'd ever gotten." written. I couldn't. But that sayq, .''When I wa~ a kid 1 Ail these problem! will. of 11-

phllosophy. hils become so pow· couldn't wait until I wa~ 18 so course, be Ironed out RS nature r.r!ul m me that nowada) s 1 I could get R driver' a license. takes It• course. ~{eanwhile S~l won't .•how an1hody z.nythin~ :\011 I wish 1 could have !ll)'· has a lot to look back on-and I writP-I'vr. alwa)·~ liked to cd JA fore\'Cr." ev~n more to look forward to. ----'----------·-~- ------ ·- .. -·--·-----·- ---· ·--- --

Al4 CAf/LL~4N:-

LeaVeS For Tour Of Five Eastern Nations

By ALAN HARVEY 1 Commonwealth leaders m us t that Macmillan aives more than i Canadian Pren Staff Writer automatically come to London. lip service to the Commonwealth. LONDON tCPI-Prime Minis· ·r SHOWING THE FLAG . Hi! lmaeination has been caught,

ter ~1acmlllan sets off toda~· on For years, there have . been perhaps more than anythina else, an unprecedented 37-day, 32,000· strequous repre>entations from by its tremendous variecy'll which mile tour of five eastern coun· Commonwealth capitals urging he feels Is a sttenath rether than tries. demonstratir~ the strength the desirability of "showlr.a the a weakness. of his faith in the Commonwealh flag," particularly In Austra!Ja Here, he says in effect, is a connection. nnd New Zealar.d. Sir Anthony club which ilves you a built·in

On what is described here as Eden, when premier, proposed a "pull" with the uncommitted an "historic journey," the pre· i similar visit but it had to be countries, particularly in Asia. At · mler will \'islt India, Pakistan, 1 postponed. a time of soul • searching in th~ Ceylon, New Zaland and Aus· Consideation was Jiven to fit. West about the possibility of tralla, 11 ith call at Singapore It


ting Canada into the tour but par· peace talks with Russia, Mac· is the first time a British prime liamentary schedules limited the mU!an will attach considerable mlnlster has visited any of the I pro~ram. It is also felt that Can· importance to his meetings with countries while In office ada is within easy reach by air, India's Premier Nehru, with

It is unusual fOr a chief of' facilitating visits at short notice, ; whom he will stay for three days, state to leave London for so long . areas lon~er trips require de· I Macmillan will be accompanied a period at a time when domes· tailed preparaUon. by his wife, Lady Dorothv who tic end international preoccupa- The transatlantic cable h I s can be counted uoon to m~e ·I tins are fairly weighty, and greatly. aided communication be· favorable impression \Vherever party strate~ists are said to have tween Downing Street and Ot· she goes. His chief adviser will be exered influence to keep-Mac· tawa. In any event .British pre· Sir Norman Brook, secretary to m!Uen at home. He. has resisted miers usually ~o to the Canadian the cebinet. considered one of the the pressur, convinced the day capital as a by-oroduct of other most influential fiaures In the ad· is past when British premiers bu;iness in :olorth America. ministration u well a1 one of the could take it for granted that ' Today's tour shows concluslvtly most unobtrusive. I

Use Coal From Ship Sunk in 1910 I . TYRCONNELL, Ont. (CPl­

Re~ldents of two beach cottages may be uslna coal from a ahlp that sank in Lake Erie ~8 years

\. aiomTYrconnell is 2~ miles south-EDITOR'S NOTE: The Family CouncJI conslsta of a west of St. Thomas. I

:Judie, a ps~·chiatri~t, three clergymen, a newapaper editor a i Dr. A. B. McCallum of St. I 11omen'1 edlwr ll!d two wrltera. Each article Ia a romlllll')' ol Thomas, who has used the coal an actual cue hlatory, The Council reporta on problema that for v about eight years. in a coal

.have beea dealt wltb by rtspoMible agencies and counsel ora. sto e, and Don Hockm. of Dut. f· ton, who uses It In a ftreplace, PHILLIP S.-My wife should to aive up, because if Selma both gather the coal on the

call It qui\5 with my sister·in· and I call it quits, I may Juat beach. ;law. as well call It quits with my The coal·car ferry Marquette a MARGART S.-l'd have to brother. , and Bmemer No.2, which plied call It quill with my brother, But Selma sure makes thlnis between nearby Port Stanley and .too. hard. If I buy her a alft, she Conneaut, Ohio, sank in a storm ; • • • goes out and buys one for me the niaht of Dec. 7, 1909. There '• PHILLIP S.-My wife really and !hen she is as unfriendly u were no survivors. JD&ltea life tough for hers.ell- she was before. She is a spend· The coal 1s washed up on the )nd me. thrilt, but she always tells me shore after every Atorm with ' The person she dislikes moit that 1 overpaid for things. She send and gravel from the !eke in thh world ls the one she high·ha\5 my friends, but hers bottom. -- ·

joes far out of her way to Dre no better. Dr. McCallu,!)l's dauahter, Mar· " tllease. That's her lister-in-law, • • • Uyn. Mid her mother hes gath· Selma. Mariaret has disliked THE COUNC1L:-Phlllip is ered the coal for about eliht

~elma from .the start, bu. t she tight that Margaret is makina years to heat a little coal stove oea all kinds of favors fOJ' life tough and handline thinas in the cottages where the family er. She spends &n endless in an irrational manner, but he spends its Weekends.

,Jmount of time and trouble, to b \lorong to think she can just Mr. Hock i n. who recently "*•Y notl\ing of money, ~:etting blow all the trouble away by moved to town. summers at his little gilts for Selma and run· "calling it quits." Emotions are cottaae nlng (rrands, lnvohed here, a-Qd u toni 1~ Thougly there has never been

rio Selma alWAYS aets on Mar· , this 11 the case, Margaret can't ,any trace of the 'ferry, one of the 'iaret's nerves, but Maraaret blithely drop the whole iuue. Bessemer'• 1 if e h o ~ t s washed 1

insists on invitin~ her when· Mar)laret should realite, how- ashore near ·Port Burwell, · ~0

~ver we have aroup5 of pr,ople ever, that ahe. h approaclrtni miles ea!!l

Snow Suits · All 'wQOI blanket clOth, 3 piece

snow :suits 'for boys of 2 to 7 years. They ore lined throughout the coot having a quilted lining, Colors of brown, fawt1 ond blue.

Regular $17.00. CLEARING AT

$8.50 I

Snow Pants Boys' navy mellon cloth snow pants in sizes to 1it 10 to 16 years. They hove extension waist ~nd knitted wool cuffs. SplendiJ value at our sale price.


. $5.75

Boys' Trousers Long trousers in smart striped tweed effects. Colors of blue, grey and. brown. Sizes to fit boys of 4 to 16 years. Exceptional buy at this low, low, price.

Regular $4.65 per pair, ·CLEARING AT ONLY

$2.98 Windbreakers Boys' block leather windbreokm with red trim. They hove zipper closing, mouton collar, jersey knit waist band an·d wrists, quilted lin­ing, Sizes to fit 10 to 18 years.

Regular $17.50. NOW ..ONLY

s12.49 Child's Panties Child'!' and Misses' band leg pan­ties, elastic fitting at waist. Sizes to fit 7 tot 14 years.

Regular $1.00 per pair. NOW CLEARING AT

2 for $l.oo Gabardine

Skirts 12 only fine Gabardine Skirts in assorted colours. Sizes 12 to 16 waist. An exceptional buy_ at our low price.

Regular to $7.9.5. ~ , CL€A;RING AT ONLY:

$2.98 Child's

Raincoats 13 only Child's Gabardine and Satin Raincoats to fit 3 and -4 years. Colors of rust, green; navy and i'Oyal blue.

Formerly priced to $1.(50. NOW CLEARING AT ONLY

sl~98 Flannel Berets Genuine basque . flannel Beren. Sizes 9 to 1 01;~. Choice of grey, wine, royal blue, red, fawn, brown, green, black and white.

Regular 90c. each. NOW -QNLY

39c \

Fashion .. Craft

Suits ver to the house. Afterwards thlni~ from the wrona anile, ------·----­lriHet hu cryina fits on my She hu dedded that the dl~· chance. Maraaret ahould make

Jhoutder because of somethlna likes her slster·in·law, yet will an active effort to aee the 1100d jelma &aid· to her. Why not do her best to win her friend· '\lUalitles in Selma, possibly the tali It quits? ship, Selma understands Mtr· qur.!itles which attracted her

• • • aaret's lttltude and accepts the brother. She should try to find pi MARGARET S.-Phlliip talks ai4s 11nd favors In the tplrft intemts and Inclinations of her tJst Jike a man, He bas no they are offered. She'll buy a own that coincide with thoae of feelini• at all. aift in return, but the feellnas her slater·in;law. Gradually, the All My brother an~ I we~e al· on both sldea remain unchani· will find that there Is some •aya very close because we are ed. bull on which to build a pleu· only • year ·apart In aie. I If llie wanta to win 'her ant, Iattin a rel~tlonabip.

• 20 only Fashion-Croft Suits in sizes 35 to «. Beautifully tailor· • td from fine Englhh worsted in popular single-breasted style.

Regular $69.00 per suit. NOW ONLY


. Now comes our clearance sole of 'adds ar,d ends" of me1chandise brought to l1ght by s!ocktokrnq. To clear th~m cut a; "'.dl\' os co;siole t~cy hove been marked. at ~ fraction of their ori~inal prices. You or~, cordially

·invited to "come rn and browse around" the different departments , .• you'll find many items of interest, which we haven't room to list in this advertisement.


\ We ho'le rummaged through every yorcl qooch clcport111Cnt and picked out all short lengths and slightly soiled merchandise and marked them at rem.arkably low prices for a quick clearcmce. Hence you will find remnants of drapery materia Is, tweed, cotton, taffeta, curtaining, plain and fancy dress cottons, oilcloth, suiting, velvet and o host of other materials in usuable lengths. Stock up for future use , the savings are well worthwhile.

-WOMEN'S SHOES-A brisk selling season has left a lot

'of smart looking shoes in different styles and broken sizes. They have

:been marked at an exceptionally low price for a quick clearowoy. This group is pump style with cuban heels in 1izes 4 to 71 ~. Colors of brown,,

·red, blue and black.

Formerly priced to 54.65.


WOMEN'S Here's onother group of plain and bow trimmed pumps in colors of l!d,

blue' one browr, !n siz~s 4 t:J 7\ ;. Choice of cuban, high-cuban or spike heels. Not all sizes in any one style but all sizes in the lot. If your sire is here in the style you prefer get a tr~mendous bargain.

Formerly priced to SS.OO per pair.

NOW CLEARING AT ONLY Clearance Value In Men's -sho for the men we have a group of English and Canadian ton coif

sho. es in both blucher and balmoral styles in all sizes from 6 to $4 95 1 01,i. There are about 80 pairs in the group, so you are assured your correct size if you see them immediately. Don't miss this • bargain. Regular $10.50 ......... , ....................... FOR ONLY

OVERCOATS-A special purcho~JI enables us to offer you all wool tweed, rloicl lined overcoats at a tremendous price re~ duction .. ' you can save practically $20.00. They were made to sell for




AR COATS Men's all wool car o} suburban coats in smcrt i:::::li,l::_J m:xcd :weeds. Th~l have warm quilted lining, Iorge pdtch pockets, and ore available i' sizes 38, 40 and ·42 only.

Regular price $29.95.


£ways looked forward to our slster-in·law'a frl~ndehip, . Mar· Once there 11 a llttlt aenulne inl! the best of friends-even 11aret should flnt try to like likeini between the two women. ter our marrlaieS, Naturally, Selm!l. This may seem hard at Mariaret will retllu Jt !a .not

l wanted to be friends with my first, but abe ahould recoanize necesnry to 110 to extremes to ter·ln·law too; I'm not eoin& that it needs to be aJven a offer tokens of friendahip. ~"t.t.''"i""•· ~~-;r..e:L..·-" '-'::: ;,,2:0i~c; ~ -'"' ,:c,~.:c .:" c::~.:'-' : t,,.


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In the Juni! mllnstay

Neither ,~qua! 100d hcok!

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,\I find r:oin other

g·, ore

:HOES~ ,f plain on'd :olors of red,' · 4 to 71 ~·

,ban or 5pike ny one style,

If your u prefer 011\.

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1uburbon coots :1 · <1eeds. They

lining, Iorge re available in



, AT




s Senior Practice



nOWLI:"iG SCORES (PR~e )2)

J.a~t night's 3rores In thl5 l.ragne ran hr follnd on Pagr 12 of tllls lssur.


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For Stove Oil and Fuel Oil Phone 7469 or 3007

This Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of '

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Co.,.·Ltd.

11}1Fgt"o~E 1Dodgers' Headaches Are Not ·,confined· to Where They PJay BAD CHOICE



By H:'IRRY GRAYSON : lrm to he entirdy Oltrlookrd . old Demeter in ccnlrr and Char-~1

, :-lEW YO~K (:-;EAl - The ; by e1er) body but' the brass. I ley ;';~a! step pin~ across .'cconrl 31 I IJ, vV.:l,\ ll -_er Lo~ Angele&- Something must he done to base to leave the shortstoppin~ I

I baseball off1c1ab were home to~


. make up for the 11 games by :to Bob Lillis. Another rookie at . ' .

, I'

NORTH • a 1 a:.! ¥Q65. + A8 3 2

1 the holidays wllh cons1derabl) wh1ch the club was beaten last : wholll \\'alter Alston is gomg to


f110re on their minds lhan where trip, And O'Malley and his~· tak ea long look is Third Base· the Dodgers are jiolog to play a1dc~, Buzzy Bavasl and Fresco man Dick Gray, who batted in .96

WEST .93

!A&T ln the spring. Thompson, don't like to hear tbe 111 rnns for St. Paul. The only thing Walter F, 0'· cracks belng made to the effect • • •

¥ K 10 9 • Q J 10 9

... J734

• KJ lOH •a • 6 54

Malley knows for sure In _this that lm old club is being dump· Althout(h Snider manulactur regard is that southern Cahfor· ed on Los An.geles. ed 40 or more home runs for

• 10 8 3 2 SOUTH 101 .AQ .,AJ7432

nla Will be the home base, Recruits only have to stand the fifth consecutive season in probably the Pasadena Rose up in exhibition games to bring 19!17, the front office was any· Bowl. about two surprising changes. thing but satisfied with his

The frenc~i;e shift ;mrl its in· They would see the celebrated work in the field An operation volvements has, caused the wan· Duke Snider moving to left for the removal 'of a cartilage

' 'I i • 1' I,

+ K7 .AKQ

Both vulnerabl~ derlni Dodgers personnel prob· field to make room for 22·year' from the Duke's knee could

work one of two 11ays: And I'

'.' J I:

't. '. . I

. '


I 'I . ' ... 'I


" : I . ,,

:,I ' ~ I


I 't I I



,I jl

d. .il

:1. I

: Sollth. Wt1l Sorlh ~., PU! 3¥

I 4N.T. P•~ 5. ~ N.T. Pus 6. ~ ¥ · Pa~ PaS$ · ,Op~nini !~ad- • Q

Eut Pass Pass Pus PalS

, By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Sen-ice

TH::: last hand of the vcar I should present screral po!r,;t of interest •nd tn!s one doe>. 1

To start with there Is th~ . bidding. North h.Jo a minimu:n ·~ raise for his par~11er's two bid but the slcm contract is certatn· : ly ·, ,;ocd one. ·

The next problem is how to play the hand. You win th~ openina lead in dummv Jnct reallie that you have to· choose between the trump finesse and the spade finesse right then . Vlhlch gives the better chance of ~uccess?

This particular South ch0sc the trump finesse. He tho'J~ht that if It lost he could aet back to dummy with the queen 0f trumps and st!U finesse the spade.

The flnme lost all right but South never iOt back to dum· my. West did. a Httle tnlnklni and decided that he wanted to keep dummy out ol the lead. Hence, when South finessed the jack of trumps West held off with the kini. Now, South played the ace of hearts and never sot back to dummy when the trumps br! three-<JM · tventually he nail' to Jo~e <I Lrick . to East'3 kini of sp~de~. ·

. Now to ~nswcr the que>llon : IJI'tn abo\ t. The ~rade fmes~~ I at tmk two 01\'e A better

'I chanee for succe~! than the I 1 tromp fwme. The. trump fi·J

. ~ 1 II . !lese v.·ms a the llme aiainst. : r killl·~lnall or klni slngl~ton In 1

lj the 'Eb!t .hand and naif the I

1J : time •1alnst klni·~mall or klni 1 1 llnaleton in the West hand. I

! r Otherwise it loses. 1 I ·Except for a four-zero trump

!1 I bruk iitlnst which no play I ·, : will work the spade finesse will 1 : be 3Uccessfui any time East I

holds that klni llnd in case the sp~de linesse loses SQulh 1tlil , ht! a chance to drop a single• ·

1 : ton k!ni ot trumps.

I I I; I:

. :, ::it .Q-The blddlni has been: : 1 .: NOrth Eut South West : It·' 1¥. Double I N.T. 2. ; ,I : 2¥ Pass ? · ;

1r t You, si:Juth, hold:

J 11 .Q 8 76 ¥2 • .\ J 78 5 o!oQ82 ; q What do· you do~ ; 1 r I A-'Pill. You still ba\·e )OUr · 1(.' Jtine jloiDt.J. You ~1111 don't llh · 1 i:! .h.e1rla but you aho hare no I ~ 't · lurthfor bid .

. TO'DAY'S QUESTION i 't'M·h.JI~ the !ime hand. Th~:

biddin( hB been: North Eut South W~!t 1¥ Double l N.T, Pa!a 2 N.T. I'I!S ,

What. do vou do•

~¥.~ 1.11 I , ... ,... ...... , ... ¢1, ., ... .,""'..,... ..... ....

~~\','_\ ~-~··

i I


I l


''Elmo haa atarted takini recklht chances with hie . drivini lately-the other day he. told me to mind my i own butlneul" '

~%~r·r Y~o~o

f.'w ...... ~.t. M 04 .....,

, ... ., ............ "'

! Fresco Thompson. who has· more I to say about the hired hands I than an~·one rise. for two ,·car< has contended that ~oung Dr mctrr woulrl be the hov t11 nHkl' a left fielder out of thr Duke,

Demeter. a 6-4, !90-pounrl 1 , Oklahoma lad just comin;; ;,;1<• j I full stride, look~ R.< mttcil like , Joe Di~laggio that Roy Comp"n 1 ella nicknamed him .Tnr ll. He

I had 28 home runs batting .309 for St. Paul.

j "In my book. Snidc1· horl I 1 what for him was a b"rl \'CJr," said the oul!poken Thor~,pson. "Save for a couple of yrors \\ ith the bat. Sn1dcr never has lu!h· lind up to his ootential, It ma; be that he is too ea~ily ~omfird and ha~ lo~ tthe ad1·~ntme. llr seem1 to be content with h:.' quota, to do a~ well as the pr ev ious season.

"He doe! not charge a grot1nrl ball, The result i~ that, •!though he ha~ a great arm, baserun· ner1 run on him."

• • • Everybody seemed to takr it

for granted last season tha: in Neal the DQdgers finally hall found a short!lopping replhl'e· ment for 38-year-old Pee W€e Ree.oe.

"But NeRI belong! at .<e<'ll!ld base,'' said Thompson, making:

:it clear that the hossPs h~vr 1 : ~iven up on Junior Gilli;,m a• 1 I (.hat ;JO'\.

I "Gilliam makP< th~ r•lltlinr 1 rlnuhle pia;·. 'ure hut nnt thr· 1

tou~h on~. Hi.• futur~ with "' 1 riefiQttel; i~ ~' • utilitv m?n ..

ol •~cond ~nd thirrl and in lrft fi~lrl.

"I 111ppo'o ._,, ~·~~· h~>lr1 in ~~al ~' a <h~rt!top tho! \C'me oth~r~ didn't. hut ani"> R'. \\P

ha\e decided that he.)\ .better 1

at 1econd. ' "All Lillis ha~ to do to be;

the short~top i1 bnt .250. He will remind you of Reese in 'the field, hit .2i0 for St. Paul la1t season, .296 the year before."

Lillis, 27, a product of the University of California, was plucked out of the College World Series in Omaha several years ago. An advantage is that two years of milltary service are behind him.

The Dodgen hHe another pitching phenomon coming up In Stan William~, , a fireball right·hander who struck out 223 in 246 ihnlng! for Sl\ Paul.

Los Angeleno~ won't he it; l

position to call them th~ sonw old Dodgers.

;>;ot if the front office cJn help it, but there still could be

1 thorns even in the Rose Bowl.

Sweden and 1 Her Neutralitv

(AltsWer Toml>rrO'II) •


STOCKHOLM ICP' - Ev. eden : wa1 prepAred to modify her tr!· .


ditional ntutrality and lnt~nen~

1f~Jil~~~w.u milllaril;· in occupi~ ~orway in !I 1 1 April, 1o45, aceordln~ to a state

I men! published Tue~day by the Sw~lah foreign ministry.

· 1

; · Natural Gas l i ·, For ~lontreal . · ~~J : MONTREAL '<CPl-A brllltant J

: , : blue flame. illumlnat~ M east·' , . · I r erul intusecUon before dawn 1

.. 1-( l Tuesday And natural aas made 1

'' ., ' I !•· ... -·, f . M I , · ~L , , ; ... row... appearAnce n ant· : :':t,,,: I real. • '.ll." · · Tht flame wu Ut· at a ii! ter· 1·

~ rn!nal , durlrii 1 ceremony at· 1 f.·::·, . , tell. ded ·by officer. s. of the Que.bec



' ,,;. ~ : Natural Gu C o r p o r 1 t i o n.

1 , ~;:' ! clw-'ed wit.ft !llb!tltutinJ natural

, · i · : li! for· tire mMllfactured vari· ' . ety. l

A crew ol · 400 men Tuesday ltarl~ a »week conversion pro­gram. v.1\lch will Set> adjustmeutR made to el"ery · gas ~ppll ~nc~ u~td by ~50.000 \lontr~ol·lj8~ cull· . ~um•r~- Th~ pro~:rmn 1.~ rxpedrd lo cost $6.1.100,000: Montr~al will rec~ir~ ljs natn· i

ral ·c~, ~•tp~ly from the United I ~llo~ until tnl~ fall when the cilv : if.:tli be .r!IMI>t't..; -,.-Hh the triM· I eaiai plptliM. ,


"Clottlp always , .. ma more excitin~ in htre­~ou have to whl•p•r!"

, On April 30, 194!\-a week be­' fore the end of the Second World


: War-the government agrero to an allied request for discussions betwe~n the Swcdi.<h ~eneral staff I and Gen. Eisenhower's headquart : er~ on the question of Swedish military intervention in :-.lorway. Army unils were mobilized with

·that end In view. On that afternoon the Swedish

~ol'ernment and representatives , of the German interior ministry I an.d N azl SS I Elite Guards l chir~ I 1 Heinrich Hlmmler reached ar j 'a~re~mcnt in principle· whrrch· 1


Sw.edlsh troops would replace ti· j occupying German forces In No' , way .. and the Cermans would I j ..,.

'illl~rtirtl In Swedm · 1

But llitler upset t)rt-se pl3ns I>' ) 'cornmlttin~ ,niciile !niH tk11 j 'duy. The pre,·ioll' day he niadr 1.'

i will appointing A<lmiral Karl Doe I nitr. his ~uccrssor and ewc·l\in~ : 1 Himmler from I hP NAti · pnrl''j :and rleprlving ·him of his olliciHI j dulles.

t-.01-\~\ ~ 'S ~ ... ~ ... l­C~'E. ~ 1..0\\'r\ ~ c~.s~~ ~ r:-;-;-n."""",...-1


I WANT 10 6[TT[R ~Y&LF

· rea1 . J£RR'i· sENti

.gWf correr~ cr~ In U.S tbfeatenJ th tile natlon.

. ' B5 , countrY • ed

nard press needs, fact tl

of provid!O to care for

million popul bV )957 · · rising cosu an acute lack

are forcing f!l1

to 0~erate 1p relief from t

is In s situation has l thjt it has ar of the highe!

officials . Eiseohowel ~6 million

will need thlngs th;

produce be more e! the docton

health." . of HCJltl

Welfare Mar ·ns:

schools in hand or it provide the

, equipment yet. unless t ·there simp!

doctors \1 medical cal people. authoritie5 eed for me

of the advances

call for rnoi technicians

estimated tru medical schoo to train these and other ;

bclie,·cs a I is large!

the schools

DAW ST. and ~

all yow: Requireme: ~lh-

ARY 9,



A mplete line ol ALTO ACCESSORIES ~ta~~ m stock

DIAL 90141

Armature Work•

38 Bambrick

Street Dial 7191·2

E\D [l \ K.ERY

JANUARY 9 1958


REID'S CONFECTIONERY Cigarettes. Fruit. fee Crea,p1

ar ' Drlnl\s. 1\'f Gl\·e Good Servlct.

Rowan Street. Dial 910~1



lndu•trlal Electrician• Ti Hamilton Street.

Olllce 2274 Re1. H57



Agency Dtpartmtnt U~ Water St. Dial %102



Wiring Material~. Wire and Cables, Motor.1, Starters,

Lamps, Swltchrs. Ligbtlnt: Fixtures, etc.

WAREHOUSE PRI:">CES ST DIAL 5085 For all your PAI1\TING, ____ .._ __ ......, __ _


E~fPIRE FRUIT STORES For the Freshest Fruit in


144 Patrick Street. Dial 2B52 378 Duckworth St.. Olal 391l

t Locotlons:




DIAL 5031


At reasonable rates. 38 PRESCOTT ST. DIAL ms ONES SLECTRIC


HAR!\l~ & ·HISCOCK LTD . BHniAY SAFETY GENERAL HARDWARE :'11:\TCHF.S Distributors for Sunbeam Distributed by

Clcctrical Appliances. FRANK Me NAMARA LTD. Sporting Goods and Sports Queen St. Dial 5W . 44 wear for all occasions.



t27 NEW GOWER ST. [)JAL 3317

Complete Plumbing and Heating Scrvicr



210 WATER ST. DIAL 4183



Complete up·to·date Meat ~!nr>:et


A. L. COJ .LIS Pi~no and Orpi1 Sholl'room:

fOPSAIL ROAD Dial 4902.~

111!: Fl\TST BREAD, C.\.Y.ES anrl PASTRIES llace in ~n' foundland

PHO:-;E 9343011.


60 PRESC01'T ST. DIAL 6426

Speciallslq In Motors, Generators, ~team Irons an~

__ Sc_n_·ic_e.;..· _Qu_a_u_ty_. _v_ar_ie-ty-· HEATING Factory: \\'atcr St., Hr. Grace P 0. Box 358



D\ WE, L ru. ST. and 1'0PSAIL RD.

For all your Bulldin& R!qijiremcnts call

!016! - 80118

.R.\~TIELL, LTD. Bl'lLDr.-;G


Up·lO·date sen·icA Ro1d



. HAMILTON AVENUE Heating and Ventilation.

Structural and Re·ln!orcJna Steel

DIAL 80171



can be obtained at CONNORS DRUG STORE

334 WATER ST. DIAL t208



Coverlni St. John's with Fast. Efflclent Service.

14 HAMILTO~ AVE. m.U.esu



24 Hour Service for RepalrJ to Motors, Generators and

HoUIIehold Appllancta.

l>IAL mt

FURNITURE MOVERS all Household Appliance~. ~~~~ ..... ------­



,Electrical Contractor 408 Water Street,

81. John 'a, Newfoundlud. t'hone 6344


E. and S. BARBOUR LTD. Distributors ol:

Kelvin Marine Diesels Kelvin Ricardo GM Engine~

Full Line of Spare Parts. m · 474 WATER ST.

DIAL ~811



GRADING f!UVY l:qlllpmtnt lo 8Jro>

Graden, Crane Trldn. Cruohtd Slooo, Road Grual doUverod u.oo ptr ton.


rllooo Ull-4W "•1or 11. ""1 II. Johll'<·


HOWm OF FLOWERS Servin& St. John'• from 2 locatiooa:


10% WATER ST. t!f~r: DIAL 7418


Packing, Crating. Sh:pping Agents lor Allied Van Line~

T, C. IDBBS, Manager Res. 6455; o'ffice 90061·2


IAca.l ar.d lon1 dhtnr.ce movln~ packtni. cratlnr and th!ppinJ . Members of C.W.A. and M.M T A

AientJ for Unltet1 Van 1\net. D. R. LtDilE\1', ~IANAGEB O!flet t~u. wuehou•e .t05tt



Gift!, Games, Toys, Novelties, Cout's Cards

for all occasion~ DIAL 426:i



You ~oice ol what yoU' need DI,U. Sl~



PORTUGAl COVE You can. buy your grocerlf~ just as cheap aa In St. John ·r and have them delivered to your rloor without charge.

We (lvt D.P.S. Slampt


CONTRACTORS • GAI\LA\f,)'S STUDIO Rep. General Electric

36 Kl d R d Dial 2916 76 PLEASANT ST. n.s 00 DIAL t958

HEARING AIDS Wedding Photos, Portraits and Commercial Photography





WHOSE. BIRTHDAYJ Certainly a handma~e ,article from NONIA H only. the Best

wlll do~



I • Storm Suhe1 and . Doou • Arlr1 that fxtra room1. • ~bdernln your kltchen1

Cont.lct W. R. PARgoss LTD.

Lon( Pond Rt'lad D!al ll(lU']


303 IV ATER ST. When selecting a Diamond

1 Ring see our private Diamond 'Booth.

DIAL 4502


DIAL 7612L :\ ewfound!nnd l'iews artistic nlly mounted and framed. Sec our selection



New Locution: 209 · 211 .DllCK\\'ORTH 51 Paper and Paper Pn>ducts

WHOLESALE Oi'/LY DAIL 6288 · 7636




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\\'EST END TELEVISION T.V.·Radio·Car Radio Repairs


At Kight, Day, Hoijday or Sunday for Fast Service and Guaranteed work call TmA.


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and Auctions in private homes.

DIAL 9031?

JOHN D. O'DRISCOLL :lo. I Bideford Place





\IARSHALL MOTORS 1 FISK TIRES Guorantced against Cut~.

Rlo\\'ouls, Bruises, . l;nder fnflation. Call MARSHALL ·MOTORS

IYnt~r St. :>Ia! BOOll








Tunlnt IT'Jd RepalrlnJ. Ovf'r Thirh yeau• expoei1tnct assure• compttent Uf"\'ltlot

E. R. ROGERS' 13 MrFarlut li.

'Pbont C'JC1







With Frte Trtcolour Fluh!J~ CALL MIS





Immediate Delivery DIAL tt'118

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Manufacturers o{





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o IAL mo . rn• Anywhere, Any place,

Any time. · U HOUR SER\1CE

. 1·.- 1\






Tailor·made Slip Coven DIAL SUI

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LTD ·~~ . '

Designed ·For Our Readers' Convenience •

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:; ' I i ' I

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I i I

I, l'

! I:


Capitol Radio · Programmes 12.30-Newl ln a Minute. t2.31-Town lnd Country

Show. 1.00--News. 1.01-Town and Country





THURSDAY. January 9th. - --·

. -- 6.28-Sign .On. Joan Crawford Is excitingly I 6.30-Ilreakfast Club.

eood as the wonderfully bnd 1

6.35-Ncws. "Queen Bee," Columbia Pic· 7.01}-Brc~kfast Club. tures'· ·hlihly emotional drama: 7.20-Ncws. or a btautlful Southern chr·rm· I 7.05-Brcaklast Club. er who rules her tight little 7.55-News. circle with an Iron hand, bring· 8.00-Breaklast Club. In& out the wont in the best 8.25-1\ews. men in town. As the woman 8.30-llil of the Day. who believes other women's 8.35-Sportscast. men ue the most exciting. 8.40-Bre~kfast Club. Miss· Crawford ts superb. 9.00-A Dale With Denys.

Miss .Crawford has the as· P.45-llcarls In Harmony. lilstance of such brilliant co IO.OG-Ncws. atars as Barry Sullivt·n, Betsy 10.05-:\ Dute \\'lth Denys, Palmer, John Ireland ~nd Luc)' L0.30-Illt;·ton's of Bannct M low. She ploys the South· Street.

socialite who will brook 10.45-A Jl<ite with Den)s. rivalry from the !Oiher fc· 10.55-i\clrs. ca In ~cr circle nnd ~he \1.00-Jukc Box Jamboree.

not permit ~!Iss l'nlmcr, JI.D3--c.c•.>. ~lster·in·law, to c>capc her i 12.00-Bargaln Hour.

do lnDtion by mnrrylng John 12. 15-Ramblin with Records. Jr apd. When their engage·. t~.3Q-~.c\\s, m t I~ announced, Joan nn·IJ2.4~-Firhcrman's E'orecast. o usly reveals she once bud 1.15-SporlscJst. ani affair with him. B~rry Sul· : 1.30-1\cll's, lhln, a~ Joan's embittered hus· 1.45-)lusic St~rs of the Cen-bj d who still broods over the tury. trl kery that snr·tchcd him from 2.00-Ilombling with Records. an ther woman, almost helpless· ~.55-News. ly watches his predatory wife 3.00-Dollors on Parade. wreck the lives of those Rround -!.Oo-1\cws, her, ~t he finds some measure. 4.05-R<Jinbow Ranch, of escape with Lucy ~larlow, a 4.55-:\cws. \'lsltor to the grim Southern 5.00-Melody ~!an mansion whose sunny settings u.OlJ-:\cws und Weather. hll :o conceal the dark pr-s· 5.05-VOCM B1tllelin Board. sions surrounding the "Queen 6 1"S t st . u-. por sen .. Bee.'' 6.20-~lelody Man.

Miss Crawford, garbed In tl.45-:\cw;, an astounding assortment of 7.00-Brcnk the BAnk. luxurlou gowns ,,nd outfits thJt 7.15-Thls ls the Story. will undoubtedly bring gasps 7.3G-Cream of the Crop. of envy from the ladles. hits 9.30-0ld Favourites. about the hlghwater mark of' 9.45-i\ews. her career with her emoting in 10.00-~lodcrn Adventures of

7.3t=Top of the Morning. 8.00--CBC News and Weather 8.15-Muslcal Clock. · ·9.00-Morning Devotions. ,9.15-Programme Preview. 9.20-0n Parade. 9.30-Records at nandom.

10,00-<;;ream of the West. 10.10-norls Janes . 10.20-Ruth ·Harding. 10.25-CBC News. 10.30-Atlantlc School Broad·

cast. l0.4~Muslcal Programme. 11.00-Fred Waring Show, 11.1~-Parade of Stars. 11.30-Nfld. School Broadcast.! 11.45-Sacred Hearl Pro·

gramme. 12 DO-Announcer's Choice. 12:1:1-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.4~Mid Day Serenade. l.OI}-Doyle Bulletin, 1.15-Musical Programme. 1.30-CBC News and Weather 1.45-Muskal Pro:;:ramme. 2.00-Words and Music. 2.30-Atlantlc School Broad·

cast., 2.45-The Happy ang,

3.15-For the Piano. 3.3G-Tran~ Canada ~latinee. 4.30-CBC News. 4.35-Tlmely Tunes. 4.45-Muslcal Programme ~.15-~fusic of the West. · ~.30-Fisheries Broadca~L H:I-Kindergarten of the Air.' ~ 45-Kindergarten of the Air. 6:00-lntermeuo. 6.25-Programme Preview. 6.30-Supper uelt. 6.45-Musical Programme. 7.0G-CBC News and Weather. 7.15-Rovlng Reporter. 7.25-By Line. 7.30-Tops Today. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 8.00-Chrlstmas at the San,

1.05-Weather Forec11st l.l~Ne,we. 1.35-Edltorlal Comment. 1.40-Sporl!. 1.45-Art Baker'• Notebook. 2.00-Newa in a Minute. 2.Ql-What's Cook In'. 2.03-The .story of Jane

Armitag.e 2.15-A Woman Confesses. 2.30-Newe In a Minute. 2.31-Matlnec. 3.00--News In a Minute. 3.01- Western Jamboree. 3.30-News In 1 Minute. 3.31-Western Jamboree. 4.0G-Gen. Prov. News. 4.05-Ranch Party. 4.30-News. 4.31-Ranch Party. 5.0G-News. 5.01-The Record Shop. 5.3G-News. 5.31-The Record Shu)l 6.0G-News. tl.05-Bullctin Board. 6.10-National News. 6.15-Sports. 6.25--News. 6.30-Top Tunes Of Our

Times. 7.00-News. 7.01-Right To Happiness. 7.15-Passing Parade. 7.30-News. 8.00-Newe. 8.01-Besl from the \\'est. 8.3G-News. 8.31-Best from the West.

9.0G-News. 9.01-The Big Six Pro);rol'l. 9.15-Nfld. Soiree: 9.3G-News. 9.31-Chapel by the si le of

;h( Road. 9.45-Dosco News.

1 0.00-N ews. 10,01-Untold Story. 10.30-Newa. 10.31-National News. 10.45-Houseparty. 1.00-NewJ,

Commercial Bowling League


R Cullmore ...... 870

(Last Night's Games)

Save your E. F. Barnes-3 II{ c. Mercer .. 2oo 229 249 6781 .-~nergy r.. s0'uires .. 238 181 ·215 634 L. Holloway • 201 237 209 647 u R. MacLellan 177 221 254 662 SC PETER PAN SALES LTD.·

816 868 937 2621 Nafel-0 C. Keels., G, O'Brien R. Whitten L. Byrne ..

.232 195 214 641 . .116 159 180 455 ' 245 173 250 668 . . 190 177 239 606


783 704 883 2370

Furness Wlthy-Z co.., P•H v L. ~loorc ..... 214 218183 61~i •oth .,.


• \l . .Jo .... ·~,.,, ...

A. Ross . . . . 261 222 189 672 A. Macfarlane 190 198 222 610 F. Dinn.. . .175 105 185 465

840 743 779 2362

Cheep, Reliable Electricity In and Around St. John'~

Underwriters-I J. Barron ... 228 236 234 698 T. Hickey , .237 17~ 137 549 R. ~!organ .. 192 208 198 598 A. Grouchy , . 177 226 liM 567

I 834 845 763 2414

T. :'-0 ~lotors-2 (\ A. Marsh., .. 295 215 235 745 \ / \ C. Nugent. ... 150 215 124 499 I ; L. Snet.~rove 203 171 218 592 ""' T. Kennedy .. 199 188 161 548

857 789 738 2384 I. F. Perlln-1 R Noseworthy 146 193 176 515 H. Martin .. 213 231 183 627 A. Caul , . , . 170 203 219 592 W. Gillard .. 168 227 127 522 · .

697 85{ 705 22[i6 '

Parker & Monroe-%


G. Hollihan .. , .262 232 494 Will Knock on Your Door J. Birmingham .. 162 150 312 I • h G'f d G · 1

M. Hall . : .. 206 259 4!JSI Wit 1 ts en reettngsl 1 L, Sullivan . . , .262 194 4S5 from Frtendly Business

P.O. Bol 725 Dial Zil24




Dial 7300-5759 Even· car is fully passenger

i1isurcd Licensed for P.A F.B. no1'13.ti

For Fast Taxi Service


Dial 2424-2410 Open 6.30 a.m. to 2

STEER l iNSURANc . AGENCIES 1..::-- L 4 .. I 1 t 0

All per,onc 1'. ~~~

propose to <w·rJ:~

trades for which .1 ·, .

quired under the fryJ. Drug; Act. arc hcr·:'c·.

'! "Queen Bee." She Is altern"le· Casanova.

10.00-Citzem Forum. 10.45-Vancouver Chamber

Orchestra. 11.30-CBC National News, 12.00-Sign Off.

I , 892 835 1727l .Neighbour~ and Your

---------- A,0-0 Civic and Social

'I tlw.t license~ ir1:· Ei).).

J\'3i!Jblc and be I for Jt once.

. '

ly Ice and fire, depending on 10.30-Club· "590" the mood of the racing cmo· 10.'55-News, tiona! story. She's excitln~ly 11.00-Sportscnst. aood when she's !O wonder· 11.10-Forccast.

----- vous CJON

Cully bad, and the other mem· 11.15-Ciub "590." , , • bera of the cast are equE·lly 12.0G-:'-lcws in a ~llnute. THUUSDAY, January 9th. THURSDAY, January 9th.

sup_erb In their complex roles. 12.01--'Ciub "590." 6.01}-National Anthem and Ranald MacDou~all wrote the 1.01}-Ncws and Close Down. 6.31}-1he Bob Lewis &now. Sign On.

: T. Benson ...... 215 134 349l Welfare Leaders D. Halley . , , , ,. 167 211 378 T. Carroll ... ,, , .241 226 -467: On the occasion of: J. Noseworthy .... 216 223 -4:l~ I The Birth of a Baby,

839 794 1633 , Arrivals of Newcomers to

S!llndard Mfg.-2 City, call 2503. lnutr•nt<r

I The folloll'ing i' J Jie ll'i\I'ious tr:Jdc' f,.r . mcnt. of l1ccn;p, '' clndin~ the r,i cJch inqancc··

";tn :ol1 Dial -~~< TRADE

aereen play for ···Queen Bee,'' I 6.3G-Nlld. News. 6:05-Sundl&l. bued on a novel by Edna Lee, C 8 N 6.35-Weather ForecasL 6.'1}-World News and Weather and he also directed this Jerry I 8.45-News and Forecast. 7.3G-World );ews and Supply. Wald production for Columbia Tllt:HSDAY Januarv 9th. 7.00-New! Bnd Sports. 7.4G-Sundlal Continued. . .

' ~

D. Rideout , .180 259 183 ~n C. Richards , .168 139 191 498 G. Raynes .. 236 267 277 780 L. De lacey .. 208 152 191 Ml

]fl!ils Reds ······- . lllanuraclnrc or• I d•· r.r

----------- i llltt~er suholillli•·< Drcwm::: . .

] ~fanu!·~cture Jr.d --:1lc o~ hot lied bercr:1C•'

~.lanuf(lcture ~nd s.Jit' ri. confectionery ~11 \d~01 "­


' ' ',, 'I

I I 'q

Pictures. · I _'i.3G-CBC N~ws_. __ · ·_ __ 7.05-Local Weather, 8.00-Breakfast Club. 7.15-What'a Conkin'. 8.3G-Man About Music.

792 817 842 2451

Simon tevitz-1

: I ''1

, I


13.000-foot Albcrdafe Range, a 7.2G-Bob Lewis Show. 9.00-lt Happened last night.

P section inlfabited by lions, buf· 7.30-Round the World NewJ. 10.00-Chapel Hour. J, aramount falo and rhino; the vlllr.-ges of 7.35-Weather Summary, 11.00-Turn Back. the Clock. R. Nanyukl ~nd Nyerl In the 7.45-What's Cookln? 11.30-Juke Club. C

Ryan . , .244 215 291 750 ~forgan , .205 168 178 551 Godden .. 210 186 124 520 Cranshaw 219 223 248 690

A\niAN, Jordan - Reuters -A mllitary court in Jerusalem Tuesday ~ntenced five Jor· danian Communist to pnson terms ranging from 15 to 19 years for subversive aclivitie; and for taking part in demon· strat:ons in Jordan last April. 1

I :llcn'.lfoclurc '"~' r.[

ice crcillll at I wholesale Production or shadow of the snow-capped 17,- 8.00-Nlld. News. 12.10-World and Local News J.

041-!oot MI. Kenya; and in the 8.05-Prov. Weather. and Weather. 878 792 841 2~1~ MAIDS

•I , I


I! d,

. II

1 modern city of Nairobi. Pro· 8.15-Shlpping F.tporL 12.20-Juke Clu)l Continued.

-R•O•C•K•.•H·t-TD_S_O_N_' ---- 1 duccr Pandro S. Berman, who 8.25-Kiddles Corner. 12.3G-Hillbllly :P.!atlnee. 1


teamed with Brooks on "Black· 8.30-Nfld. News. 1.00-Behlnd the Story. NA WYNTER IN board Jungle," also produced 8.35-Weather Forecast. 1.15-0ne M11n's Family.

" METHIN'G OF \'ALUE'' "Something of Value." 8.40-Bob Lewis Show. 1.30-Strlke It Rich. I Trr.clng th~ rise of the dread· 8.4~Mornlng Merry-go.rourid. 1.45-Weekday Theatre.

e explosive drama o.f the ed :llau Mau organization, who 9.00-General Prov. Newa. U:I-New Yorkers. M Meu uprisings In Kenya, vowed to erase the white man 9.05-Muslc for MllllonJ.. 2.10-Sports Page. E Africa, and Its effect on from Africa, the picture shows 9.30-News ln a Minute. 2.15-~larch of Events.

mtly whose . roots have spine-tingling scenes of their 9.31-Westward to MU!ic, 2.3o-Music Room and News. driven deep mto the lanrl \attacks on the white settlers, 9.45-Laura Chilton. 3.35-Family Theatre. rica for generations. form;


the burning, looting and murder, 10.00-News In a Minute. 4.00-0peratlon Entertain· bt-sts of ~I·G·M's big pic· 1 and t;;c native cercmonle1 of 10.01-)lartin's Corner. ment.

tu , "Something of Value.'' :witchcraft and voodooism, lO.l~Golden Madonna. ~.30-Pulse. aken from the be>t·selier' The conflict leaves Its mark 10.30-News In a Minute. 7.00-Sports Today. 1 by Robert C. Ruark, the on Peter ~lcKenzle (Rock Hud· 10.31-Startlme. 7.15-Armchalr Adventure~. rc st.~rs Ro?k Hudson, last . ,on), the young rr,ncher forced 10.45-Eleven for the MoneJ. 7.30-Book Review of the Air.


In Glanr · with Dana by circumstances to become an 10.~:1-Juke Box Review. 8.00-Helen Hayes. :; ; ,, fer. Sidney ~oltl~r. of avenger of the Mau Maus; on 111.00-New• in a Minute. 8.15-Science Editor.

B ckboard Jungle fame. Is Holly (Dana Wynter), his wife; 11.01-What'& Cookin'. 8.30-FBI In Peace and War. 'I eK~st In a pivotal role as a on Kimanl <Sidney Poitler), 11.03-Three ~nerations. ,

enya native who has been Peter's native companion who 11.30-News In a Minute, 9.30-:'Jeet Corli~s Archer. :1 brought up as Hudson's friend, beco:ncs his enemy; and on 11.31-Honour Your Partner. 10.00--Final Edition. :1 and. other. Important roles are I a varied assortment of white 11.45-Swllt's Money Man. 10.3G-Robert Q. Lev.i. · lJ plajed b: the British actress, clllcrs and Africans cr.ught up 12.00-Newa In a Minute. 11.00-Muslc till Mldnite. IJ Wendy Hiller, Juana Hcr-,ln a blood bath of violence and 12.01-Town and Country 12.00-Sign off and National 1 nandez •. who scored as the savasery. Show Anthem.

\ 1 Judge tn "Trial," and William The African Mau Mau uprls· -=----· -----------------1 I Marshall. ' lng, only recently quelled by the

~ 1 I Richard Brooks, who direct·! British, has been In newspaper CJOX•TV CJON•TV ' 1 ~ ed, as well tJS WJOte the . headlines for the past !ive 1 ~ aereen play, went to Africa with I years. ~1-G-~!'s deplctation of

a location un1t to obtain com· 1

this dn·matlc event In "Some· ARGENTIA-:CBANNEL It plete ~uthentlcity In his back· thing of Value" makes for a ground&. of the Mau :\!au coun- .


, powerfully engroJsing motion



: try, with, scenes filmed In the picture. · 'I I I;


:;- BARRY SULLIVAN· BETSY PALMER· JOHN IRELAND . ltq tillll· ........ ...w ........ illll!·liiBill-·-·lllll-..c


.. ·\ :;




"''nNEES-ADULTS ....... 50c,



jE:lJ;Ol111 . In "JOE BU1TERFLY" - LAUGHg;._ ~ '

bl'.:...GAGS IN etNEMAS<;OPE.

THURSDAY, Janu1ry' 9th. 2.3G-Open Bouse. S.OO-Mat!nee. 4.30-Howdy Doody. 5.00--Chlldren'• Program. 5.30-The Lone Ranger. 6.0Q-.\nnle Oakley, 6.30-News.

7.00--l Search lor Adventure. 7.30-The Early Show. 8.00-Meet McGraw. 8.3G--Cllmu. 9.30-Mual Maken '53.

10.00-CBC Folio. 11.00-Newa. 11~0-The Lahl Show.






IIATINEES-ADUL T8 .... , &oc. CHILDR!N.. .. .lie.


A. E. Hlckma.n-% J, Jacobs ...... 307 170 477 c. BonnelL .. , , .181 187 368 H. Oke , . , ; . , 252 275 ~37 H. Sparkes., , , .. 208 246 554

948 878 1826

Ayre's Supermarket-It P. Evans.. .. .. 197 97 294 C. Kearse' ..•.. 196 127 323

, C William! .. 233 206 429 D·. Hogan .... , .273 291 564

899 721 1610

Royal Stores--2. J. Pender.. . . . . 151 189 34!1 P. Morgan .•.... 214 23 417 L. Btundon , , . 248 225 473 D. Fisher., . 215 244 459

828 861 1689


for sale of mill;, i "'',r« cream cxcepl by cJi:;

VNF-% . th farmers ...... . E. Short. ... 207 265 269 741 ~LlldS are ;cquirccl at e :l!:muracture or prr ,,:e~C! C. Reynolds , .249 183 284 716 Gencrol Hosprtal. Sabry . " of drugs or medi.~r•.' a1

R, Ryall,, . , 171 218 232 621 1$88.00 per month from wlllch1 ' wholesale . R. Tiu;rd.. !53 226 165 544 S33.00 i, dcduclihlr for ho:m 1 ~.!cnufacturc and,,,,.,[

78D 892 950 2622 \ and lQdgings. Fniforms arc jams. jellies '''~ \I<· . C

1 ]HOI'ideu. s2n·rs at whole•· . .'<

Colonial orda?g~- ,9 194 620 Applicati<Jns staling a~c and 1 Bakinr, at wile'··.·

M. ~fcadus • .• 4• 1•· 2 518 experience, 1f ilnY. should h·~ ·ncslaurilnls

R. H,ogan,. · .1~0 196 ~ 4 7, addressed to tile Superintend·; Cold ;tora~e of''"''' T. \\ alsh .. · · 1 •6 2D1 .05 6 _2 . cnt, Gcnrral Jlospital, Forest ~nack h01r' J. Dooley .. 252 181 226 6;)8 Road st John's. Sale of frc5h or i1 "'"'·

85" 84~ "67 'l·'G 0 I ' . ' · ;) ' ' ·' " 1 u:oN'.\Ril :uLLER, M.D., ! meal: in a ~11'1' •· ' •• 1:_1

I Deputy ~lnustcr of Health. . or IJI. a shu,J hJ 1 'IL •

G, E. Olt-3 j·,~7 :.:i cod or~"nlzcd meat dc221 Cannel King 148 156 162 465 ' · ' mcnl J. Cowan .... 212 255 200 668 Slal!~lrlcrin~ or anino:r'· H. Cowan.. .271 143 237 656 , .\!ar!llfac:urc and >a'·' w. Hammond 254 225 183 662 I n:c::l yroducl> .inch.::~

88~ 785 'i82 2452 s.~u,a,c;. pudlhr ... -Hub1Py'5-{) i ll•·a\1 n and the li~c

1 ~.r:-~nufacturc and~;~~~-- c,: G. Mercer . . . . 181 133 314 (Default). cream at rei ail G. Chaytor . . • . 283 183 465 1 The nrenaralion "nd 'ii<


D S 243 243 B('1!lnett Brewery-~ . oren~en . , .. - cooked roods for c:··n-~:t C. Kavanagh .... 242 180 422 J. White.· • .247 172 315 ~~1 lion off the prc.ll''"l

706 739 1445 C. Doyle· • · · 145 267 219 I imol'able shops a:·d G i McKay. , .. 256 :224

6 ~04 7


I . 1

stalls 1 .. .. .. .

Royal Garage-% G. Wadden .. 300 22 ~39_" 1 A Couk lfcmale 1 i' rcqutred : Sto!·a~c and sale c: iccf; H48 889 107 1 .914 'at tlle Cott 01 ge Hospilal. ~lark· domestic usc

Baird & Co.-0 , l;md. Salary is $110.00 per Production or prr·p:,·n~ (Default). 1 month. from whiC:1 533.00 is d~· for sale of milk. i>uc:er

M. Grouchy , . 215 276 95 586 C. Mercer .... 163 188 173 524 H. Morris .... 242 1~9 209 610 L. Keel!. , .. 349 255 158 762

969 878 635 2482 .'\yre & Sons-~ R. Cullmore , .198 319 353 870

l,ondon, New York_._! R, Piercey .. 213 160 193 563 L. B~rrne .... 233 liM 152 ~89 G. Jacobs .... 179 176 271 625 D Rogers .... 172 244 187 603 1 W. Ennis .... 164 248 232 644 G, Ne\\']l()rl .. 190 153 204 547 754 9031049 2703 J. Royle., .. 158 24~ 133 536 Ea~t End Bakery-0

7~3 836 686 2275 /Default).

I. Common Sayings


1 Cat and ...:... 1 Small p1ll t\Jhl 2 Jewel

.f Get off - 2 Created tree 4 Slip I- pop ~ WBlking ~tltk

12 ''The Hlirl' e Exaner11te -~ 7Label

U Molt.n roclr 8- waters 14 W1lked run deep 25 Continent .15 Forbid g Spoken 26 W~

I IG IntoXIcated 10 Be overfond 27 Most

I one II Arabian J!ul! Intelligent

18 Slim 17 Without 28 Lease 20 Feminine rhyme or- 2P War god o!

1ppellatlon lP Oraans o! Gretce 21 fish egaa .'cent , II MU!Ical 22- telephone 23 Asian country exerci.le! 24 Sheep cnes 24 "Good Queen ~3 Theater

: c2!1-artd -" attendant d bten auc

27 Ftmlnlne I" ~ ~ " unduJIJ'llWll ~Re&ud rt ~ '~3. Glool'n!er ff

~ :t Attmlool'l DIP ·, &Demented p n ~t} ~Sorry

l7 Arm bont Ill Wi8 n 23 JP Striklll 40 Unemployed ~ ~ :~ ~ -41 ColD of tht

Orient ~ 31 ~ ~ ~Kind of vtlvtt.' fa Second :ll ~ I!'

hur!na l ~ 11 ~ 4t Chln&e Jill eel



38 oil 40 Interior H Guide 42 Egyptian god 43 Italian rivH 44 Engll~h nura 46 Essential

being 47 State .,,

vi 18 Delicate ·' SO Vitality

~ ~ ~ ~

~ .



tmi '17 !! jl.l


~; J1 ll'UIIclt. Tom

andL!ttla- 'lll ~II IS Prince Charla ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ '11 II

ind Pr!Dceu ·- ~ ~ fl

OIOtherwlN 14 nr,, u wine · ~ Ill ~y 15 Guylsh-wh1te 51!.Landlnaplace J

' ~~ )7 3

67 Atttll'lpt

• I • •

ductlhlc for hoard and Jodg1ngs · rream by da1ry .. 1r.11:V Uniforms arc provided. I' Sale of fresh !JJral, frr~.t

Applications stating age, ex· ll'agon or other · ,'·tt!. pcricncc etc .. should be ad·: Sale of ic~ cream ,,c,;r! ctrccsed to the Nurse in Charge. ' nol monufactured r; Cottage Hospital, Markland. i \'cndor .

LEOKARD ~llLJ.ER. M.D., :Sole of fresh mill 1·1 Deputv !'\1inister of Health. I cn•am whrch IS n"l

· 7 o · ·d · I produced bv I he 1 cr.'t ]an ,.1,e0 . ( License plates 11r lucensed premise,

I above arr avaliol:ir Deparlnlent of Jlrollh


o[ Twcnty.flvc Ceuls each license plate "' •r the regular prier of ibl

I The cost or license plJIIi included when rcrnillill

i pR}'ment and nil ·eluding cheque~ or · should be made ~,,..,lilt Department of llcolth.

Application fro1n :[·c Districts of Gantkr 3:(. Falls should be dir<,~i'l Heaith Inspector pO Grand Falls.

Applications frotn t!lr Districts or St. Gror~c ;. West.· Humber Ea>L

l/a ~ I anct the licensed 1rra

~ -Port aux Basque'

0 ·1 1\ . directed to I he ncgia'~ U, Inspector, P.O. Bo~ Jil'.

; Brook. ~ 'M I Applications .rrnal '.he

P e. ( 13 ~~~~~.r~t~~:t.s~-~ ,J~~~rn., John's Center St

· (\ '/' 1 Ferryland, St. Marr';: ,;,._ 'u.: . .r;. Main . Bell Island. Bl1 n~

tiu West, Piaccalia Norlh, Trinity Soe~tl1 Bay de Verdr, 1 Port de Grave and 1 areas of Happy .Valle)' · and Fogo should be the Chief Health partment of Heallh. St. .John's.

AU application! [or licenses mud ~ above addru~ not February ts, 1958.

LEONARD MILL£fl. Deputy MlniJtrr of

Kll eWS~









'P I

doublE ated on of new G

For fun



~NUARY 8, l


L 1 .. It'.



k'dn1•:ing is a list 1t ar'.cs for 11hich

,f 1 i~.·cr.~rs is 1 he cost of

·l-..:~ncf' ·

PF ..• ·111re ami sale of r ·uh;titutc~

:· :"TC' and sale ol ··I he\'cr.:u~es

:1. ''"'' and sale of •'ct :r.~wry ~t who\'"

;;cture nnd sale of ( ··1':1rn at ,. ·:lll' r' ·.nn nr nreparation <t!<::· of mil\. butlt~r or •m e~cept by dairy

;'. :11:·.:· nr prcr:Jrnt;on : 1:· or me-dicine.< a\ ',,;!I,,

· ... ,. ;•nd sale of ,.·litf'.-.. t~nd pre·

, :1, •.1 holcsah· ·: ,11 \1 holesalc II' :111\_<; .. ~

.:r~r;~-~t' of food~

•I lrc<h or fro1cn II:- in ;1 lH't 1:!l,..r :hop 1~\· CJ ~bur haYing ~r

:·ni!ed mc~t ctcrart

· :••·rm~ of .1nilnals . 1f:.:. •urc crrl sale of ' ''' product< inc\t1dir' :.:1~,, r.:~rlings. ,. <1nc t~r like . '"'·: urc and sale of ict

;1rn at :·ct~dl :•r•:n<1ratinn and sale ·.•·c funds for consurnr

nfi the premisPS '•\ able shops and J,l . ' ...

, c n ;,nd sale of ice [01 ll~'..:t lC liS('

·:·:inn nr preparation .:.11- nf milk. butter ct

·:un ill' dairv furmm ,.,, fr~,;h m~nts from a '' <JJ nr other \'chicle nl i• e cream which \J

· m;,nufactured by the

':un which is not ,·,d•.l(:cd by the vcndd rrt"c platr~ for 1scd prrml~es r nrt n\·allable

ortmcnt ol He~lth 'wrnty-Five Cenll 1 llcrnsc plale ov~r rrgulnr price of the cost of license plaUf

udrd \<hen remltllal mt'nl and all I ing chequu or mon•1 !lrl hr mad~ pavsb" •<Htmrnt of HeRith. :1olicntion from the t11cts of Gander and is 5'hould be dlrrcted '1111 Jno;pcctor. P.O. ""I Falls. pp:1cations from the t•·tcts of St. George's, '' Humber East. Port , the licensed ~rea of



,J :.:


SERIES No. -lL . .




PRIZE $1,000.00 \


MUNN MOTORS, LTD. MONARCH ................... .' $975.00

GALWAY udio of the Dance



. 190938 or 90783


hit>. (Dr.) Fronk O'Dea, 8 Winter Ploc~.' ~.ove knowledge of plam cooking 1 and

tn. Other help kept. Will await outporl

'P H 0 N E 6 s 4 6

FFICES For RENT one single office

on Waier Street West· in vicin· of new General P-ost Office:

For further particulars apply

. 9







PHONE 4128



DIAL 90069

~ M( Ill llllll1 .will

Dancln~. Dining-Nitely. Steaks Specialty.

Mon. to Sat. 5 p.m.-1 a.m. Brookfield Rd. Tel. 90026


Velvet Horn. Club


9 a.m. to 11 p.m.


NOTICE I SECURITY Is (hr.. "essence of

lnourancc". TH!:: SliN is 1 out .... to grvc the best

• FOR SALE-One 195% Cbn, ,.,,,: ,

I Motor comple~. allil 1m · · ·, .. , Ford Motor complete. Four ''

, possible security and 'ervice I The Law Of[ice of the laic T. · in respect of all classes uf P. HALLEY, Rcnouf Building. I l~surancc. "24G ycnrs of In· Church Hill, will remain open for surancc e:;pcricnce."

I radiators to fit Chev and ·.····- ' Ford Trucks. Also a quan- · ... titv ol used truck tire:~ ·; •:

~ - ~ .,. 750x20. Also one factory ·•·

business until further notice. HOWEVER all payments on

Mortguges, Rents. etc. heretofore­made at the Law Office of T. P. HALLEY will henceforth be pay­able at the Law Offices of Halley, llickmun ancl lhtnt situate at :119 Duckworth St. in the b'uilding for-merly occupied by the White: Clothing Facto:·y, three doors i West of the Court House. '

JA'IJES J. HALLEY. Executor Wlll ol T, P. HJI!cy.

jan9.JO,ll,H,JG ' ---·-1' I STADIUM. I

W. F. C>\LDWELL, Provincial Gcncrnl ,\gent.

stake body 13 ft. Apply to :~'' Harding's G a s Station, ,:.'J Springdale St. Dial 3214. · Trmple Building

D11ckworth SL Phone Zl6J. jan9,10 · '.·~



ST. THOMAS' ANGLICAN CHURCH Time: 8.00 o'clock




" l '1'


6.00 p.m.-Guards Practice. 8.00 p.m.-High School Finals

For Sa.le By Tender Y:: .. T.\t ....,, lt.t. ,,t. M,

(l1UI )T HIJ.Il~t.. koolo.

~.;"~-~~=~~}(~~~~-~~~.g~---------------------.--J - : I

St. Pat'a VJ Model. 1

9.30 p.m.~'it. Pat's Sr. Practice . • ·. "I didn't have thia In mind when you aikecl .. , I

: ~~~r me to play basketball!" s : ~=========~~~~~ FRIDAY, JANUAR~ 10: I TO RENT - Two Furnl~hcd \ "INVEST IN REST." Sleep 8.00 p.m.-Ice Aces of 1958. I

Rooms with use of bathroom, Cj)mfortably. We specialize 10.00 p.m.-Commercialllockcv Dial 6481. jan.B,9 . in repairing and recondition· I

ing all type~ Springs and SATURDAY, JANUARY 11: HELP WA:'\TED-Female. Extra Mattresses. Guaranteed 10.00 a.m.-Children's Skating,

cash, sparetimcl No experi· work. Mattresses for back 2.00 p.m.-General Skating, : cnce;$50 weekly possible. No 1

i ailments a specialty. 'Phone 7J:l0 p.m.-IIigh School Finals:

canvass ng. We need women to sew. do handiwork, and 6440 or 3361, Standard St. Pat's \"5, ModeL I

address· envelopes. Send Bedding Company, Ltd., 9.30 p.m.-Senior Hockey: stamped addressed envelope Flower Hill. feb20,tf. St. Pat's vs. Guards.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 12: 9.00 a.m.-St. Pal's Practice:

10.00 a.m.-Holy Cross.

to Sheppard Agencies, 693 WEST END COAL SERVICE Cordova St.. Winnipeg, Man (W. Snow) coal SLOO bag·,


Help Wanted-Male

3 hags for $2.75, 4 bags for $3.50, 8 bags for. $6.75. For quick delivery dial 92959-A, 29 Pearce Avenue. jsnll,1m

12.00 p.m.-St. Bon's Practice. 3.30 p.m.-Figure Skating

Club, 9.00 p.m. General Skaling

TENDERS will be accepted for purcha5e of the :..,; C.E.A.A. HALL, and for the 3 room School Build- ·; ·!· ',; ing·situoted at Salmon Cove, C.8.

The buildings will be sold either singly 01 .J,

together. Tenders will be received by the Chairman

of the New School Building Committee, Rev, ·: ·; Canon Facey, South River, up to . 6 p.m. ''"' Wednesday, January 15th, and should be marked

"Tender for School and Hall Buildings" 1 ,r, 1.

Also FOR SALE four DIXIE STOVES. "'" R. W. SHEPHERD, s~cretary :1

, :

---------------- ----~·· . ·"

New Dancing Classes~:


I :

( I I

r, b·" h' . ·l

I ·. I

. I


I . I ; I '' I

i , I, I '' . . '

. I I :

. !


BE YOUR OWN BOSS-UN· LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES. Tired of struggling along?\ Get our BIG line of over· 25ll money·making items. Just like a deoartment store ... all big profit Items. Some­thing for every man, woman and child. Clothing, shoes­slacks - sportswear - work clothes - jewellery, etc. All beautifully displayed. YOUR O't\'N PERSONAL CLOTHING F,REE. Experience not neces· sary ..• full or spare time. Write for information on this most advanced moncy-mak· lng line ever shown. Taking orders will be fun. Write to· day. Dept 343, Blake Walker Co., P. 0. Box 657, Montreal, P.Q. jan9,23,24


CO., UD.


Registration at the Cathedral Parish Hall

on Queen1s Road1 on January 9th1 from

2.30 to 4.00 or call 3440H between 9.00 and 12.00 on January 1Oth.

l. : ' , . ,ll

J! I



ST. PAT1S vs.



THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. We are now operat: ing six chairs. You can be assured of the best possible service plus the least pos· slble waiting. 24 New Gower Street, opp. Adelaide Mo­tors. Il you prefer appoint­ment service 'Phone !\367.

Radio, TelevisiOJi Washer&, Rcfri~erators. Deep Freezers.

Electric Hangen, Floor Polishers.

Gramophones. Pubfic Address System~.


5 UNES DIAL !001 to 3005

WATER ST. ian26Jv. -

,Statutory Notice NOTICE is hereby gi1·en, pur­

suant to Section 284 of THE COM· ---------­PANIES' ACT, of intention to apply for registration of an In· surance company to be named·l "SAFEWAY AUTOMOBILE IN· SURANCE. LIMITED," to have [ a nominal Share Capital of $300, I

. 000.00.

~~~~~~~~~~ IS ROCK ANNO'HNG YOU? - 9Jiff or. boulders can be

drUied and blasted regard­less of location at low cost operation. Safety guaran· teed, expert blaster. Call Charland The Rock Man, Dunvllle, Placentia Bay or

I The objects of the proposed I Company will be to carry on all kinds of insurance business (ex· cept life insurance l, to act as agents or brokers in the pl~cing of insurance and all kinds of in· surance, and to carry on the bus- I !ness .of insurance adjusters.



1953 BUICK


Fully equipped


Apartment Stove/ Refrigerator.

· Heot supplied. Apply






·39 New Gower St.



P. M. Donneii.Y

Phone 6700H. The subsc'rlbers to the Memo­

randum of Association of the ----------· Company are P. Derek Lewis, 22

Beautician Circular Road, St. John's, Solici· tor: Eleanor Raynes, Rawlins'

MONA RYAN Beauty i;lalon, Cr()Ss, St. John's, Secretary; and T. A. }luildlng Du:kworth Lorraine Easton, .196 Hamilton

ssoo·oo Street, spccializ.lng .in all Avenue, ,St. John's, Stenographer. m e t bods p erma n en t · w a vi n g, Dated at St. J o h n' s t hi s 6th -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, tintlni! and cutting. Open day of January, A.D. 19511.' r Tuesday and Thursday ian9,14 nights. six operators. Dial 15477 for appointment.

Wall Washing WALL WASWNG .,.. Walh

cleaned by :1ew ma~ine. Results . perfect; saves palnt.-New Method Rug ROd Wall Cleaners, Fresh· water Road, 'Phone 91033 •. ag2!\,lm.

NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· ERS. Rugs and Carpet made · to look like new. · Von Schrader procee adds yean to life of rugs. Cleaned in home or at our plant. 'Phone 111033. New Method Rug Cleaners, Freshwater Road.

NOW .....



Ill .. ·WITH FATE!



164 WATER ST. P.O. Box 175

N ewfonndland Ser.vices '



' '


Installation and Repalra to all types sy8tems.

Just 48 hours is all we

need to prove that

we ore offering th~ · Commencing FridilY, January I

lOth, the fol\0wing Schedule of; connections for Placentia Ilav ' Services will be maintained: · \

. I

1Phone 5578F · 48 FOREST ROAD ·

lan24.1y · •



finest1 f9stest and

most dependable , 8.00 a.m. train from St. Jol;n's · Friday's will make connection at f

Argentia for the Western Route. ; 8.00 a.m. tr<Jin from St. John's'

Monday's will make connection " at Argcntia for the ·western

~<tr,:~~~m~· Route and for the Bay Route. There will be two Motor Ve~

sels from Argentia on, Monday afternoons.rOnc going West and·

Service in Town.


the other on Bay Route.· •.



Male or Female.

Apply stating experience and qualifications to

P.O. BOX 902 ST. JOHN'S janD. I 1


Shorthand required; 5 day week; 5 p.m. closing, /' all industrial pions i~cluding hospitalization, pension; etc. So lory commensurate with exptri· · .. ·


Canadian Industries Ltd. •



FOR RENT or LEASE· At- reasonable prtce Office Building, 162 Water

Street. 8 OFFICES

. with toto/ area of approx. 1200 sq. feet of floor space, Ladies' and gent's rest rooms additional. All newly dt:>coroted-would have to be seen to be appre.:iated. Hot water heating included in

ren:al price. .. • . 'I Offtces may. be rented sin~ly or in such nLJmbtrs>m as would w1t tenants requirements. !J For further information and inspection 'Phone ~

Wm. -A. t'ILLER I . ·~

At 6164 o 5656. ----------·---·-·--

. :~

~ -CLOTHES make 'the man If CHAH ~·.

makes the clothes · ) r; -· WM. l. CHAFE, Tailor



! ' ' i

Let· Guardian GUARD

Your Future

I . -. C.L~B. NEWS

, A new :;ear has now dawn­' ed, und with it new- hopes and ideas, and so it might be in the ranks of the Brlg!Xle as they open their New Year activities I Harold E. Danforth and

, with 3 Battalion Church Par· , James D. Horan . $5.95 1

ade on Thursday night, Jnn- F' d I W \l8!J' 9th, when Lieut. Col. G. In nspector est ::\!. Stlrl!ng expects that el'e!J' John Creasey ..... $2.25

I \ I

FREE! 5" X11 or 5" X 7"


GLOSSY ENLARGEMENT (Relative to Size of Negative)

Fully proted your home or business. against FIRE LOSS ::S~ f~~d~~:dst:;~l arb~h;,t 19hi~ Death ani.: Detection season.· . I S, S. Von Dine ... $2.75 ·

With Every Roll of Black and White Film

Developed at TOOTON1S

· "'ith a '11GUARDIAN" FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. I His L<lrdship the Bishop of : If Death Ever Slept I I ~ewfoundland. the Right Rev-~ Rex SJout ......... $3.25 • Take your Xmas

Films to Tooton's: erend John A. ~lenrlcn, M.A ... Th C 'bl D.C.L., Regimental Chaplnin of i e onvert1 e the Church Lads' Brigade in ' I. e Newfoundland 'will be in at- I'- . ·. tendancc for this pc-rade and I w,/l,om Campbell

Contact us to-day for all details befo're FIRE does strike I • Get. your Gift Certificate. all ranks will wish to have a ' Gault ................. $2.95

good turnout on this occasion. , Another Man's W• can help .you flame· proof your future. J. T. CORPS Murder • All members of Hendquart- Mignong Eberhart $2.95

er~ J.T.C.'s arc reminded that

I they will parade en Wednesday Da:: ·•9 Decoy Junua!J' 8th, when it wJI! be de- Er:•a Stanley 1

I cided about their Christmas G d · ' "3 25 1

1 Party which mal' be taking or ner ............. ~ · T. & M. WINTER LTD. •

Pick out your Favourite Negative

Give it to us ana we will Enlarqe ;1 FREE.





place on either Friday the lOth Shoof The Works or Friday the 13th. Lieut. I Brett Holliday ..... $3.25 . Hayn~s requests all rnnks to turn out for this parade. Odd Woman Out

As -,;e start out the r.ew sea- Joseph Linklater .. $3,00 ! I

; ·t , I



! . '' j I:

I. '. . : .. ' I

• I

XXI LEW'S report wa5 complete.

He wu a bloodhound, If I ever }new one, and the iiency had eonneetions, some of them not 'available to the police. He atarted .with HUiO Howell: ; 'OWne-r of a small machine lhop employlni lW men. Made

, , 1 shell culnil and machine tool5 .undtr I!OVtrnment- contract. 'A!Jo took private machln!ni jobi-Jeau; plnl, tearlnis, pat· tel'llJ, apec!Jl r!es. ·Had once 'I

· , : ;been checked by the· Treasury 'I :nepirtment for ~lleged income

1 . 1 tax ev~aion. Not proved, ca~e · •I • dr_opped. Shortly afterward he'd : . 1 'iola out to • multi-plant com·

bine. Apparel)tly retired. Widow· er, one aon, veteran, single, ju'nlor at Ohio State, geology. Cr-edit aood up until three months aeo. Not so good now. A couple of checks had bounced and be wu currently overdrawn. Bank- wu tolerant because of fa!rl" -large tru5t fund· set up by t. .. c late Mn. Howell in son's name. Home in Detroit was now mortea&ed to the hilt. Heavy drinker, eambled uces5ively. Violent temper. Not popular With employees, much· union trouble, mo~tly &rievancea con· c~g unfair labor practices. ~- strike lasting three weeks. +'o polite- record, except one

. 'I

• 1



I . 'I


:i ·'I I

. I' :I


•I I

.t II !I (I

l{nlnken drlv!ni charge. · ~at'• fine, Lew," I said.

e!Je7" Lew u!d, "it seems

he contribute? fairly gen·

·Good .M·oming, .Neighbor · l'loa.o ••••idu u• jvl1

IMI \'O<K fntndf aad -fttllllbor.. If ,.. ca• http. '~ ''" ""' ..... wid. ~ • .-......... pooblt .. , Jllll'call ' .

f~~lot l~o~•\d,r•ll· tJ"'1' .. o·nt, ).I

., : t..l tollt llh

son, we wish to send greeting; The Three Beans . : to r.ll other members of the I t I

b th h I f I Avalon Battalion, Indeed, to a!J Manning Co es .... .,2.25 I a ro er w o 1 a pro essor o · • . geology' at Mi~higan State. After Brigade members In the Isiancl,, Voyage Into V1olence :

I Calvin ran out on her, she gav~ may your efforts 1n 1958 In the I Frances and . I up her room and told her land- mterests of the Br!o;:de we :JJI . . h . lad)' that she was going to spend I so love and serve, .be crowr.ecl ~ Rtc ord Lockrtdge $3.00!


the summer with her brother in with great succe5s throughout : n Golden Widow . i a cotta-6e on Lake Erie-mus.~ the ycor. Floyd Mahannah $3.25 ':.===========-------be close to where you are now. The Batt'alion Band under NATO c •I By Robert Martin

erously to a number of charities. "It's clo~c," 1' sa;~- "When did CGpt. Martin, is alrcad; on th~ I D' k & c Ltd . 0 u· n Cl On the Even donated an iron lung ton sh~ marr~. Collin.

1 job and have had their first I( S 0., , . he said:

children's polio hospital-in the I , Three hears ago, ~od children. 1 workout on Monday night and I · "There is no ''""'1 ,,

name. of his de~d wife." guess s e supporte Carin :will be joining with the BattaJ The BooksellerS 1 that dil'ergcnci,, : · 1 was surprised. "Are you part of the time-worked In 1 Jon on Thursday night. ' M t At p •

speaking of Hugo H. Howel!?" beauty shops off and on." ' 'PHONES 2008 3191 4425! ee s ariS NATO allies hal•· in a];

"Yep. Of course, charitable I "You're sure she's still mar· FLOREAT SEMPER C.L.Ji. ' ' creased since th•• '-:.\iO 1 hi · 1 meeting when donations are deductible, so Ired to m7" J v R ! common interc 1:s nrc. don't f!lve him too much "I'm sure. No divorce. I · · · By DAVID REID Soviet Dtputy Foreign ~linis- our divergent ir.ter~·," credit." j checked the court house per· PARIS <Reuters) - NATO's ter Vassily Kuznetsov said in 1 ·--

"You're too cynical, Lew. He sonall)'." .;rmancnt council meels here to- Moscow Monda;· night, after an· I Informed sources here can't !let it all back in income "And no pollee record?" St d t JY to harmonize views on Soviet nouncing cuts in the Soviet urmeu I NATO countries '"i!l tax. Who's next?" ''Nope, not on the book." U en S 'remicr Nikolai Bulganin's let- forces, that Russia is "positively" door open lo Ea~:-','..,~

"Lott, Ambrose C.'' ''One thing more; did Sandra 'W lk' L b ' crs to euch of the 15 NATO heads considering Mucmi!iun's suggcs: j probably by sourdir.g cr:. "Shoot." have any other boy friend~?" a ·mg a " of governnlcnt l,ast month. lion. I intentions in a serie5 oi .~ Even occasional family bout> Bachelor, 49, no known rcla· ''Urobably. I learned she was " are staged over a purse. I Thcperman?nt delegates to the , Bulganin's lelt~rs ~is ted S?l'ict li the questions_ are

lives. Worked for Hugo Howell keeping company with a big 1 F A w k 1 • o o 1 counCil mli discuss drafts of re· proposals for easmg mternallonal sa_\Jsfacto;Jly, an E -as accountant and olflce man· shot In the auto Industry, but I I or ' ee MosT folks usualiy find that I plies already prepared, Including tensi~n. These includ_ed a non-ag-! mit. meetmg might resu Bier. No pollee record. Lived can't glve you his nam eovcr the MO!'.'TREAL ICPl-A rou of there is too much week left those of the Umted States. France grcss10n pact and, m h1s letter 1 uli; · alone in a amaH apartment on phone." , 0 d. · . !! P I over at the end of the monel'. and BelgiUm. to President Eisenhower. d1rcct, Woodward. Had not worked I ':All rlght1 Lew. Nice work. 0 \anced students. 111 house· • • • · There is tremendous interest top-level talks with the United since Howell sold the machine· Figure yoqr time and expemes hold science nnd n~mullurc at in Briti,>h views following Prime Slntcs. ahop, but seemed . to have and charge it to the Cleveland Macdonald Teachers C 011 e g c ~!inistcr Mucmiilan's suggestion SEND u.s. REPLY

On v C ll t d b k B t ollie I'll oka" lt to th account have agreed to become wulk!ng S t d f E t \\' t · · - · · m e,. o ec e rare oo s. u . , e · [ b t 1 1 k · ·a ur oy or an as · cs non- A draft of the Amcncon reply mdefmJtelv With a L tt t d l H j l g b I N v k A d auvra or cs or a wee . · t u 'II d' 1 · · • o wu no a ea er. e ust n oys n ew • or . n re· Th t d t .

11 1. . f nggress10n poe . ,,ocim an It ·to Bulgamn was sent here Tues· gash suffered dur:n' ll t d d k h t h 1 ! d to b b e s u en s Wl 1\C on mu t c n It th NA.TO t • ~ - · 1 • · ' co ec e an ept w a e co· m n me uy you a eer f' k! 1 11 , no o su o er . coun ms uay from Washmgton. It 1s gen- rught's game agn:n::

lected. Quiet habits. Occasion· when I see you." ms dor .. lhcoo es, i spec 0 •1'1 dpr)r . t;cforc his radio speech. crallv belie red it will insist on! Conadicns a New !'c;t ]I h d l ! hi t t He la ,...,h d "GJ-• t b f pare WI a rec pe supp e l' SOFTEN 1!\IPACT . 1 - . . ' ' a Y a peop e n s apar men, j ~-., e · ~ o e o the Nutrition Council of Canada , ___ -~--·------ __ _ · . • . . lower-leve negolintwns to test 1 sportsman s:..d Mo:.c1y.

but never an)' disturbances, A help, pal, but it'll cost you more The cookies and muffins '1\'ili 1 When wives are too 1 . k Smce the weekend, Bnta_m has Sol'ict sincerity before a summit ·1 The blade of , 1\·oek BiD had a•ked •uper in than a beer" : . . ' q uc 011 ·been trvmg to soften the lmp"ct m"elJ.n" of · k- d 1 ·c ' k t .,, 1 d " · , " · be made of the same ingredients: 1 the draw Jt shoots hubb •'s bnnk : · · . - " ' ' an;, 10

• · • • I P a) r s s a e '"u apr.rtment building to hold mail. • • • t 1 h 1 h t fl d . j b 1 11 t 1 > of the Macmillan suggcs\ion. A A French fore1gn mm1''.r'-' mch cut to the \'Je ,, ki oa mea, w o e w ea our, ne n :mce a o p eces. 1 r · ff- k 'd . . · ' • ' "u ta ng a short vacation. egg and skim milk powders I , , 0 : ,oro1gn o 1ce spo co man_ sm spokesman sa1d Tuesday mght he t1cc's left cal'. \h~ Had not yet returned. · I PICKED up the phone once • . . , ' .• ronday, It should be cons1dereu does not believe the contents of I said. Prentice w:1

"And he won't return," I more. I asked the operator·!f the sugar. butter nnd flnvorln~. The Parents fmd that Jt s usually as complementary to a "wide th d r .11 h - h . 1 ~ >l told Lew. ''Lott is dead." cottages at Mariana Beach were council says these are all the ln-. better to say kind words to s~ltlement." r ve~l ~Jojse r~p Jes WI e re· m osp1ta !o~ ay tD

"Hmmmm", Lew said. equipped with telephones. She gredicnts needed for healthfulliv- yo;mg;ter5 than the other kind. c n the 1mmed1ate future. leg.

"G A hi 1 said that most of the cottages ing, 0 on. nyt ni e se on h The students. in teams of five hlm?" _ t ere were not, except a fe-v·

Whl h Were e t d r th t! every week, w!!l have the option "That's all. And now we come 0 r n e or e n re i k' ff- Th

to sandra Osterman 1 had 1 season. I told her to try and ge\ of eat ng coo ·1es or mu ms. e little trouble there Jlm but I me the cottage rented by Victor diet permits them to eat as much

. · ' ' , • Osterman. She said she would as they want. There are no ob- 1

was luck1-a police detecthe 1 t ir I h ld f b I jections .to between-me-al snacks. , is.~ pal of mine." , I;~: ~lnut!s. ~~en ora ~aon~! AM for liquid refreshment the I

,Police record, then? 1 voice said impatiently "Hello experimenters will be allowed to ,

Not exactly. But her husband h 11 , ' • ·drink water and coffee and tea bas" e o. 1 h · "Mr Peter Osterman?" w t out ougar or cream.

"Husband?" l leaned for· ''Y · Wh t d · ., Students will be expected to re-d' fin 1 i th es ye5. a o you want: . · war , my gers ir PP ng e "!! Sandra there"' cord their findings periodically,

phone. I · utll!zlng their knowledge of phys. • • • "My sister Is not here: I lology, chemistry, physics and

"DUKE CALVIN, a racketeer, ·don't expect her back until mathematics. small time, mostly nuisance pro- I evening." The cookies and muffins are to tectlon. Hits small shopkeepers I · be pr~pared in the school of afraid to ·squawk to the cops. "Is Wayne Howell there?" household science. The ·vhole pro· , Broken windows, stuff like that. "No. He's with Sandra. Who ject is to be under the direction i

He'1 a!Jo a back room pool hall Is this?" of the college's department of jlnmbler and a tra~k character. . ''M, m 1 B , . nutrlt!on.


Skipped town in May because ; na e s cnnelt. It 9 Jm 1 Three members or the teaching he was wanted for questioning P?rtll~t that I talk !o Sandra. • staff have already carried out G!::AR ST. In connection with a bang-tail Will • ou please 85k her to call I orelimlnary tests. Helen cMc· myg,tues,thurs,lm dope deal. Jockey con!es5ed that me at the. Harbour House,, In Kirdy, a lecturer and post-grad· Calvin gave the nag a hypo." Lakeport when she returns · uate student in nu~trition, say~

"What about Sanara?" He ifUOted something that lhe only hazards nre psycholog. · "Not too much there, Jim. either meant he would or he Jca!-the monotonous diet takes

Comes from a decent family, but .yould not, and hung up abruptly. all the fun out of eating. wild. ParentE dead, but she has (To Be Continued)

Still Use Horses (


New •••

-Put all your eggs in one You hove probably found that when you some repairs or changes made to your home, had to employ a carpenter, electician, plumber, This is no longer necessary because Cheste, Limited can arrange to take care of any and your requirements 100~:(.-and you only hove account to deal with-you can select your f contractor or have Chester Dawe Ltd. select one you.

Thi>-is the best time of the year to have this work done when good are available a~d we have more time to offer you personalized se

-·McDONNELL To Haul Coal . REGINA fCP) - Mechunlza· I lion hns come to mo$t lnduslr}',

:'>lr, and Mrs. Raymond Coady I of Harbour Grace wish to sn-j nounce the engagement o~ their .

1 eldest daughter, Teresa ~lary to 1

Joseph A O'Neill, son of ~Yrs. and the late ~lr. ):fenry 0':>/eill, 1

of Fermeuse. · If you want on extension built

on - if you want to paint or

redecorate - if you want to

trade in your old furniture

and get new - if you want

a modern Youngstown kitchen

either all or part - if }'bu

want new picture wind;ws,

modern folding doors, a new

home, your' roof repaired,

you bathroom floor tiled, or

any . electrical or plumbing




FOu; Places where yo~ can apply that Slogan -



I~·· ' ' ' ,' \ ' ,' ' - ' • ' ' \

• .·.·\~)·WATER ·SUPPLY HEATERS AND TANKS. ' l ; ~ ' • • • ' • t ' .


1 but a team of buckskin Belgian 1 _____ BI_R_TH __ _ horses Is still used here to haul ecru for the city's largest hotel, LAWTON-Born on January the Saskatchewan. 7, to l){)ctor and ~Irs. flobert D. I

Horses have been used on the Lawton, a daughter, at St. job ever since the hotel was op· Michael's Hospital, Toronto. . ened' in 1928 and Whitmore Broth-ers Coal Company took over the delivery contract. 1

The com9any has changed ov~r to trucka for the most part, but the jqb Is done more eco· nomlcally with the 'horses.

The explosive quality of the_ lig­nite coal used by the hotel makes It unsafe to store inside in large emountsm This means a constant flow pf coal dally Is required.

The delivery job !s an all-dey affair' for Diamond and June, a teem hired by the .company to do the work. s

G. L. Bower, owner of the 'team, said a truck on the Job would be much more expensive. For one th!ni, it co~ts much more !han !he f!lOO value of the team and wagon to buy a truck. For another, only one m'lln ls required on the horse-drawn job, while two would be needed for a truck. ·Diamond and June have been


HISCOCK - At St. Clare's ~!ercy Hospital at 12.30 a.m. January 9th, ~Irs . Josephine Hiscock, aged 81, widow of the late Arthur Hiscock, , Funeral notice later.



work done, see ·



.80161 Ask for

Mr. Rogers



.working together slnce.194ll. The two horses tramp back and forth ~ !he hotel each day' stopping at red .tra!Qc l!gh!J and keeping to the rfght side of the street with 8el(lom a command or oraw of the rein necessary from their

~~~---lill!'"'~~~--....;....,....-____ .__.;_..,;. _______ l driver, Ed M!nko. 1 ·

'""'"""'"" ... ~1.


at1 yd *

rces to dt Work

CCF Sl'PPG Knowles,

and former J. W. Pick1

• 1;\1' ill ingl

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