Page 1: Volume 1, Issue 13 October 2011 Things to Do This Month › documents... · a Magnet Hospital. Magnet Prep Questions, which are available accord-ing to various categories. Prep questions

Champions have been busy

preparing their units for the

anticipated site visit from the

Magnet Appraisers. Follow-

ing are some things that have

been done on various units by

our Champions:

Bulletin Boards with

monthly updates

Magnet Jeopardy at Unit

Board meetings

Blog with questions on

the department website

Answer the phone by

asking a Magnet ques-


Posters featured on the

unit (leadership pictures,

articles done by Nurse

Practitioners in their


Binder with newsletters

and other info available

in break areas and other

common areas for staff

to look through

Staff meetings with Pow-

erPoints, handouts, and


Magnet Quizzes with

prizes for participants

Magnet Games and Puzzles

in unit newsletters

Champions can also review the

Magnet website and become

more familiar with the Re-

sources available to them. Re-

sources include:

Magnet Self-Study Guide

includes “Important Visit

Etiquette Information,”

“Tips for a Successful Vis-

it,” “Environment/Safety”

tips, a list of what to do

when the Appraisers visit

your work area, and sug-

gestions on how to prepare,

and how to look and act

during the actual visit. It

also includes some basic

information on Criteria for

a Magnet Hospital.

Magnet Prep Questions,

which are available accord-

ing to various categories.

Prep questions are available

for staff, according to their

role in the organization.

Magnet Champion Tips: Things to Do This Month

Volume 1, Issue 13

October 2011

Contact the Magnet Education Team: [email protected]


e M



t M



There are also prep

questions for specific

committees and coun-

cils. The lists include

possible questions that

may be asked by the

Appraisers and are use-

ful as you prepare your-

self and your staff for

the different types of

questions that could be


VUMC Nursing Prac-

tice Summaries. These

summaries include the

Professional Practice

Model, Nursing Strate-

gic and Quality & Per-

formance Improvement

Plans, Care Delivery

Models and the Role of

Nurses, information on

VUMC’s Shared Gov-

ernance Model, as well

as the Scope of Services

by Entity.

To access resources, visit:

Magnet WalkMagnet WalkMagnet Walk

Team Captains:Team Captains:Team Captains:

Emails will go out on

Tuesday, November 1

requesting information

needed to award Team

Prizes. Be sure to keep an

eye on your inbox!

Page 2: Volume 1, Issue 13 October 2011 Things to Do This Month › documents... · a Magnet Hospital. Magnet Prep Questions, which are available accord-ing to various categories. Prep questions


Contact the Magnet Education Team: [email protected]

Vanderbilt’s Nursing Professional Practice Model

The Nursing Professional Practice Model

has 4 Primary components:

1. Our interdisciplinary team surrounds

the patient and family to provide evi-

dence based care.

2. Our focus is to provide safe, quality

care to our patients and their families.

3. We have integrated technology to help

us provide coordinated care and com-

municate with each other as well as our


4. We bring profes-

sionalism to our work

through VPNPP and

certification. Our

shared governance

model provides our

staff the opportunity to

participate in decision

making. We provide

continuing education

programs to develop

staff’s leadership skills

(frontline staff at the

bedside through execu-

tive level nursing lead-


The VUMC pillars are

in the background

because we set our

goals each year based on these foundational

pillars and they help us focus our patient

Vanderbilt’s Nursing Professional Practice

Model is based on the work of Nursing

Theorist, Virginia Henderson. One im-

portant contribution of Henderson is that

she saw nursing as an important part of the

interdisciplinary team and that nursing

brings a unique body of knowledge and

care to the beside.

Our Model of Care is Patient/Family

Centered – as shown in this conceptual


care and leadership initiatives.

Our Nursing Bylaws guide us in provid-

ing care that is Patient and Family Cen-


All patients are entitled to safe, effec-

tive, evidenced-based nursing care.

Nursing care of the patient is enhanced

by use of an evidence-based care deliv-

ery system tailored to the uniqueness

of each patient and provider.

The continuous measurement, evalua-

tion and improvement of nursing prac-

tice are essential to the provision of

safe, effective, evidence-based nursing


The patient is best served by the nurs-

ing staff’s collaboration with other

hospital staff, participation in educa-

tional and research programs, and use

of EBP.

All nursing staff are accountable for

our mission of continuous quality im-

provement, patient safety, customer

satisfaction, and cost effective, evi-

dence-based, value-added care.

Patients are best served in a healthcare

environment that fosters learning, stim-

ulates professional growth and pro-

motes nursing research and innovation

in nursing practice.

This diagram shows

examples of organiza-

tional work that

demonstrate compo-

nents of our Profes-

sional Practice Model.

What examples

can you add that

illustrate these

components of

Vanderbilt’s Nurs-

ing Model in your

own department??

What are examples

of how you imple-

ment/support Pa-

tient/Family Cen-

tered Care in your


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