




ABSTRACT, We show that the strong unique continuation property holds for the inequality I~ul ::; Ivllul, where the potential v(x) satisfies the C Fefferman-Phong condition in a certain range of p values, We also deal with the situation of u(x) vanishing at infinity. These are all consequences of appropriate Carle-man inequalities.


Our aim is to prove local and global unique continuation theorems for the differential operator Q(D) = ~+ 2:]=1 aja lax) + y, ai' Y E C. We assume that for x E Q c Rn , n :::: 3 ,

(1.1) IQ(D)u(x)1 ::::; v(x)lu(x)l,

The problem is to find conditions on v(x) that guarantee that any u satisfy-ing (1.1), and vanishing appropriately at a point, possibly infinity, must vanish identically. In [JK, ST 1 and KRS], unique continuation is proved for v locally in L n/2 or locally small in weak L n/2 , and in addition it is shown that unique-ness can fail for L P , p < n12, In this paper we consider instead the class of potentials studied by C. Fefferman and D. Phong [F], We say v E Fp if

Ilvll Fp = s~p IQI 2/ n C~I 10 IvlP r/p < 00.

We have Fq C Fp if p < q and Fn/2 = Ln/2. We will prove unique con-tinuation for v that are locally small in Fp with p > (n - 1)/2. Note that if v E weakLn/2 then v E Fp for all p < n12. On the other hand if v(x) = f(x/lxl)lxl- 2 , f E L P (Sn-l), (n - 1)/2 < p < n12, then v need not be in weak L n/2 , but v E Fp' Thus our unique continuation results improve on the corresponding results in [JK, ST 1 and KRS] by permitting potentials in Lfoc' p > (n - 1)/2, but subject to the growth condition of Fefferman and

Received by the editors 1une 27, 1988. 1980 Mathematics Subject ClassUication (1985 Revision). Primary 35110, 42B20, 35P I 0, 35B60;

Secondary 35105, 35P20. The first author was supported in part by NSF grant DMS-8601119, and the second author by

NSERC grant A5149.


© 1990 American Mathematical Society 0002·9947/90 $1.00 + $.25 per page

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Phong. We do not know if unique continuation holds for v that are locally small in Fp with 1 ::; p::; (n - 1)/2. We remark that for p = 1, the condition FI is weaker than the Kato condition,

lim sup! Iv (Y)nl 2 dy = 0, 6-0 xEn Ix-YI<6 Ix - yl -

which B. Simon has conjectured is enough to guarantee unique continuation (cf. [Sa]). Part (A) of the following theorem improves the results of [JK] and [St1] while part (B) provides a global analogue. See also [K], where our proof of part (A) appears. Let H2(Rn) (respectively Hl~C(Rn)) denote the Sobolev space of functions whose derivatives up to order two are in L2(Rn) (respectively L~c(Rn)) .

Theorem (1.2). Let u E ~~c(Rn), n 2:: 3, satisfy ILlUI ::; v lui. (A) If u vanishes to infinite order at some point a E Rn , i.e.,

lim R-m ! lu(x)1 2 dx = 0 for all m > 0, R-O Ix-al<R

and if v is locally small in Fp ' i.e.,

1i!!1llx{x: Ix-YI<R} vll Fp ::; e(p, n) for all y ERn,

for some p > (n - 1) /2 and for a sufficiently small positive constant e(p, n) depending only on p and n, then u vanishes identically in Rn.

(B) If u E H2(Rn) vanishes to infinite order at infinity, i.e.,

lim R m ! lu(x)1 2 dx = 0 for all m > 0, R-oo Ixl>R

and if v satisfies Ilx{x: Ixl>R}vll fp ::; e(p,n),

for some R> 0 and p > (n - 1)/2 andfor a sufficiently small positive constant e(p, n) depending only on p and n, then u(x) vanishes identically for Ixl > R.

Our next result is a variant of part (B) of Theorem (1.2) for the differential inequality (1.1) in which u is permitted to merely vanish at infinity in a certain direction, provided it decays very rapidly in the opposite direction. To conserve notation we assume, without loss of generality, that Q(D) = Ll + a/l/fJxn + y, an real.

Theorem (1.3). Let u E H 2(Rn) , n 2:: 3, satisfy IQ(D)ul ::; vlul and suppose that

lim r lu(x)1 2e-hn dx=0 for all A sufficiently large. R-oo J R<lxl<2R

If v E Fp satisfies Ilx{X\n<l}vll fp ::; e(p,n) for some real t, where e(p,n) is a sufficiently small positive constant depending only on p and n, then u(x) vanishes identically for Xn < t.

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This theorem is a consequence of a weighted restriction theorem for the Fourier transform, Corollary (2.8), which includes the well-known result of E. Stein and P. Thomas (Corollary (2.9) below).

Finally we mention some further results for dimensions n = 2 and 3. For v ~ 0 on Rn , let Illvlll denote the least constant C for which the following inequality holds:

(Ian If(x)1 2v(x) dX) 1/2 ~ C (Ian IV' f12) 1/2 ,

for all f E C;'(Rn ). Equivalently Illvlll is the norm of the embedding II: L 2 --> L 2 (v) , where In denotes the fractional integral of order 0:,


The following theorem improves on all strong unique continuation results for the inequality l.:lul ~ vlul known in dimensions 2 and 3, including Theorem (1.2)(A) and the results of [JK, Sa, and Std. Denote by B(y, R) the ball of radius R and centre y.

Theorem {1.4}. Suppose Q is a bounded, open and connected subset of Rn ,

n = 2 or 3. Let u E HI!c(Q) vanish to infinite order at some point in Q, and suppose that l.:lu I ~ v I u I in Q, where v satisfies

lim IllxB(, R)vlll ~ e for all y E Q, R--->O ) ,

for a sufficiently small positive constant e. Then u vanishes identically in Q.

In [KS], it is shown that

Illvlll ~ sup 1. /) d r r Ix - yI2-nv(x)v(y) dx dy cubes Q Q v x X } Q } Q

(with Ix - yl2-n replaced by loglx - yl if n = 2) and it is now clear that the Kato condition implies that of Theorem (1.4). In [F], it is shown that IlvlIF\ ~ Illvlll ~ cpllvll Fp ' p> 1. It is an open question whether Theorem (1.4) remains valid for n ~ 4 .

In dimension n = 2, we prove a unique continuation theorem involving a gradient term.

Theorem {1.5}. Suppose Q is a bounded, open, and connected subset of R2 . Let u E ~!c(Q) vanish to infinite order at some point in Q, and suppose that l.:lul ~ wlV'ul in Q, where w 2 is locally small in Fp/2' i.e.,

- 1 I' ( )2/1'

lim sup IQI - w(x) dx ~ e(p) R--->O cubes Q IQI ion{x: Ix-yl<R}

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for all y E Q, for some p > 1 and for a sufficiently small positive constant e(p) depending only on p. Then u vanishes identically in Q.

The differential inequality l.<lul ~ wlV'ul + vlul is treated for n :::: 3 in [BKRS], where it is shown that uniqueness holds if w E L;oc and v E Ltoc' r = (3n - 2)/2, s > n12. By Theorem (1.5), strong uniqueness holds for lV'ul ~ wlV'ul if w E L~oc' n = 2. It is an open question whether uniqueness holds for l.<lul ~ wlV'ul if w E L~oc' n :::: 3. The proofs of Theorems (1.2) and (1.3) are in §3 and §2 respectively and the proofs of Theorems (1.4) and (1.5) are in §4.

We wish to thank S. Baouendi and Carlos Kenig for helpful conversations and for pointing out to us that some similar work has been done in [ChR].

We close this section by recording a pair of elementary inequalities that will be used in the next two sections.

Lemma (1.6). Let f be in ~!c(Rn), a> 0 and A E R. Then

(A) Ls" I'll f(x)I' dx ~ C ({IS'" If(x)I' dX) 1/' ({IS" IAf(x)I' dX) 1/'

+ Ca -21 If(x)1 2 dx, Ixl:S2a


The constant C is independent of f, a, and A. Proof. (A) It suffices to consider the case a = 1 . Let () E c;o (B(O, 2)) satisfy () = 1 on B (0, 1). Then

1 I()V' fl2 ~ 2 1 IfV'() 12 + 21 1V'(ef)12 = 2 1 IfV'() 12 - 2 1 ()f.<l(()f)·

Now use I ()f.<l(()f) I ~ lefll().<lfl + 2IfV'()II()V' fl + ()1.<l()llfI2

~ I()fll().<lfl + 161V'()12 IfI2 + *leV' fl2 + ()1.<l()llfI 2

to get

(1. 7) 1 I()V' fl2 ~ C [I (IV' ()1 2 + ()1.<leJ)lfI 2 + (I Ie f12) i/2 (I I ().<lfI 2 ) i/2]

+ ~ 1 I()V' fl2 ,

and then subtract the last summand from both sides.

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(B) Take a = 1 and let ([J E C;'(B(O, 4)\B(O, ~)) satisfy ([J = 1 on B(O, 2)\B(O, 1). Set 0 = e -(A/2)xn ([J • Arguing as in the proof of part (A) yields the following variant of (1.7),

/ lev II' " C [/(1'1701' + 81M!) III' + (j Ie' II' ) 1/2 (1./2< IXI~4IMI2 ) 1/2]

+ ~! IO'Vf(

Now use 101 ~ Ce-(}./2)xn, I'VOI < C(1 + Ilei)e-(A/2)Xn and I~OI < C(1 + le 2 )e-(A/2)Xn •


We follow the argument of [KRS) beginning with a weighted L2 version of their Carleman inequality.

Lemma (2.1). Let Q(D) = ~ + a/J /8xn + y where n:::: 3, an E Rand y E C. Suppose v :::: 0 is in Fp with p> (n -1)/2. Thenfor f E C;'(Rn) and Ie real,

r Ifl 2e-2Axn vdx ~ C r IQ(D)fI2e-2Axnv-1 dx JRn JRn with C independent of f, Ie , an ' and y.

We begin with a weighted restriction theorem which will substitute for Lemma 2.1 (a) of [KRS). Let Jp denote the Bessel function of order p. Lemma (2.2). Let n :::: 2 and 2n/(n + 1) ~ 15 ~ (n + 1)/2. Set Po (n - 1)/2(15 - 1) and let p > Po if 15 > 2n/(n + 1) and p = Po if 15 2n/(n + 1). Suppose v :::: 0 and that for all cubes Q c Rn ,

IQIJ / n (I~I ~ vP dX) lip ~ C.


where d- ( ) - ! i(x ,~) d (J:) = J (I 1)1 1-(n-2)/2

(J x - e (J '" Cn (n-2)/2 X X . Sn-l

Proof. Before proving the lemma we note that the restriction 15 ~ (n + 1)/2 is to ensure that Po :::: 1. We consider first the case 15 > 2n / (n + 1). Let v*(x) = M(Vq)l/q(X), where p > q > Po and where M is the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function. Define

TJ(x) = [Kz * (fv*:/2)(x)]V*(X):/2, where K_(x) = In/2-:2(1~i) . - Ixl n -~

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We will apply Stein's theorem on complex interpolation of operators [St2]. First, for Re z = 0, we have by [T],

(2.3) r I Tzfl2 dx ::; Cz r Ifl2 dx . iRn iRn Let Re z = Po and a = (n - 1)/2 + po. Since IKz(x)1 ::; Czlxl-(n+I)/2+Po, we have a < nand


We have used the estimate IJp(lxl)l ::; Cplxl-I/2 for Rep ~ -1/2, which applies here as Po ::; (n + 1)/2 for (j ~ 2n/(n + 1). Thus, for Re z = Po' a = (n - 1)/2 + Po' from (2.4) we get,

r ITz fl 2 dx ::; Cz r V,(lfl v *Po/2)]2V*PO dx. iRn iRn By [CR], v*Po E Al ' and v*-Po E A2 and so by [CW],

(2.5) r [Ia (lfl v *Po/2)]2 v *Po ::; C r Ifv*Po/212(V*)-PO = C r Ifl2 dx iRn iRn iRn provided, for r > 1 ,

(2.6) IQ1 2n /n C~I ~ v*rpo ) I/r ::; I~I ~ v*-Po .

Because v*-po E A2 ' (2.6) is equivalent to

I Ql 2o/ n C ~I ~ v *rpo r/r ::; C.

Taking square roots and setting rpo = P and noting a/po = (j, we get that (2.5) follows, provided

(2.7) IQI,,/n C~I ~ v*P yIP ::; C, Po < q < p.

To see (2.7), we use the argument of [F, proof of Lemma C]. Set VI = vX2Q ,

v2 = V - V I . Clearly, the left side of (2.7) is bounded by

IQlo/n (I~I ~ v~p) I/p + IQlo/n (I~I ~ V;p) I/p

By the definition of v2 ' for x E Q,

( 1 r ) I/q v;(x)::; TEl iB Ivl

for some cube B J Q. Thus because p > q ,

IQlo/n (I~I ~ V;p) I/p ::; IBlo/ n (1~ll V~) I/q ::; IBlo/ n (1~ll v q) l/q ::; C.

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By the maximal theorem,

IQlo/n (1~ll v?) I/p ~ IQlo/n (1~lfan v?) I/p

~ IQlo/n ( 1~lfan vi) I/p

~ IQlo/n C~11Q vP ) I/p ~ C.

Thus (2.7) is proved. Therefore (2.3) holds for Re z = Po' at least in the case <»2n/(n+l). In the case <>=2n/(n+1), p=po,set

Tzf(x) = [Kz * Uv z/2)(x)]v z/2(x).

Inequality (2.3) persists for Re z = o. Since IKz(x)1 ~ Cz for Re z = Po = (n+I)/2,

I TJ(x)1 2 ~ [/ Ifl2 dX] [/ v(n+I)/2 dX] v(x)(n+I)/2

by Holder's inequality and so (2.3) holds for Re z = Po = (n + 1)/2 if

/ v(n+I)/2 dx < 00

as required. By interpolation, (2.3) holds for Re z = 1 . Thus

1 ~ 2 1 ~ 2 * 1 * 1/2 2 If*dalv~ If*dalv = ITIUv- )Idx Rn Rn Rn

~ C r IfI2v*-1 dx ~ C r Ifl2v- 1 dx, JRn JRn and the lemma is proved.

We now obtain the corollaries that follow.

Corollary (2.8). Let v satisfy the hypothesis of Lemma (2.2). Then,

r 1112 da ~ C r Ifl2v- 1 dx. Jsn-I JRn Proof. We use P. Tomas's duality argument.

!sn-I 1112 da = fan fa * k) ~ IlfIIL;_, IIf * kllL0 . By Lemma (2.2),

and the corollary now follows.

Corollary (2.9) [T]. Let n ~ 2 and 1 ~ P ~ 2(n + l)/(n + 3). Then

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Proof. Set v(x) = IfI 2- P and assume Ilfllp = 1. Note that

{ IflP dx = ( Ifl 2v- 1 dx. iRn iRn If vEL nlrJ , then the hypothesis of Corollary (2.8) will be fulfilled and we would have

For v E LnlrJ(Rn) , we need Ifl(2-p)nl rJ = IflP , or (2 - p)n/15 = p. This forces p=2n/(n+I5). But for 15::::2n/(n+l), p~2(n+l)/(n+3) and we are done.

The result of Corollary (2.9) was obtained earlier by E. Stein and P. Tomas [T]. We remark that the sharp result with p = 2(n + 1)/(n + 3) in Corollary (2.9) is equivalent to the case 15 = 2n/(n + 1) of Lemma (2.2) since Holder's inequality shows that

[/ IflP dX] lip ~ [/ Ifl2v -I dX] 1/2 [/ v(n+I)/2 dX] I/(n+l)

if p = 2(n + 1)/(n + 3). However, we shall be interested in the special case 15 = 2 of Lemma (2.2), which neither implies nor is implied by Corollary (2.9). Our next result serves as a substitute for Lemma 2.1 (b) of [KRS].

Lemma (2.10). Let v E Fp' p > (n - 1)/2. Suppose 1m z 1= 0 and Re z < 0 and let


with C independent of z . Proof. We mimic the proof of Lemma (2.2) in the special case 15 = 2. Let v*(x) be as in Lemma (2.2) with Po = (n - 1)/2. Clearly it is enough to show

{ IT f12V* dx ~ c ( IfI 2v*-1 dx. iRn iRn Define

T - j(<;) "f(¢) - (1<;1 2 + z)" ' 1m z 1= 0 , Re z < 0,

and let G1J(x) = [T,,(jv*,,/2)]v*,,/2(x) . Note that if Re.u = 0 and 1m z 1= 0 we have IIG"fI1 2 ~ Ilfll 2 . If Re.u =

(n - 1)/2, the kernel R,,(x) of T" satisfies

(2.11 )

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This is seen by examining the formula for RJ1(x) in [KRS and GS]. In fact,

J12 -J1+1 [l (1/2)(n/2-J1)

(2.12) RJ1(x) = (27r)n/2~(:)r(n/2 _ f1) 1:12 K n/2- J1 ( ~) where K,5 is the Bessel kernel of the third kind. It is known that

(2.13 ) { clwl- 1Re ,5l, if Iwl ~ 1, Rew > 0,

IK,5(w)1 ~ 1/2 c I w 1- , if I w I ~ 1, Re w > o.

If J = n/2 - f1, Ref1 = (n - 1)/2 and w = ~, we see ReJ = 1/2 and Re w > 0 as Re z < o. Therefore we may estimate (2.12) by (2.13) to get (2.11). Thus if Ref1 = (n - 1)/2,

IG1J(x) I ~ In_I (If Iv *(n-I)/4)v *(n-I)/4 ,

and so r IG fl2 dx ~ r [In_I (lflv*(n-I)/4)]2 v*(n-I)/2 dx. iRn J1 iRn But by the arguments of Lemma (2.2), the integral on the right side above is at most fRn Ifl2 dx because v* = (MVq)l/q E Fp for 1 < q < P (see the argument following (2.7) or the proof of Lemma C, p. 153, in [Fl). The lemma now follows using complex interpolation, and then taking f1 ~ 1 .

The next lemma is needed to adapt the Littlewood-Paley arguments of [KRS] to the weighted setting. Note the restriction to p > (n - 1)/2.

Lemma (2.14). Let v E Fp' p > (n - 1)/2. For s ~ 1, define the one-dimensional maximal function vJx) by

( 1 jXn +J1 S ) I/s v.(x) = sup 2 V(XI 'X2' ... ,xn_I ' t) dt

J1 f1 X n -J1

Then, for p > max(s, (n - 1)/2)

s~p IQI 2/ n (I~I ~ v:) I/p ~ C s~p IQI 2/ n (I~I ~ vp) I/p

That is, v* E Fp . Proof. Fix a cube Q with center at z and edge length J. Define the rectangle Rk , k ~ I, such that (Y I ,Y2' ... 'Yn- I ,Yn) E Rk if IYj - z) ~ 2J, j =

k I I 2k+l!< Q (k) 1 ,2, ... ,n - 1 , but 2 J < Y n - Z n ~ u. Let Ro = 4 . Let v = v XRk •

Then, V(X)~L~oV(k)(x)+q?(x),where q?(x) is supported on Rn\U~oRk. Thus, (2.15)

IQI 2/ n (I~I ~ v:) I/p ~ E IQI 2/ n ( (I~I ~ v:k)p) I/p + (I~I ~ q?~) I/P) .

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But for x E Q, 1fJ*(X) = o. By the maximal theorem when k = 0,

IQI2/n (I~I fo v:o)p) I/p ~ ClQI2/n (1~11Q vp) I/p ~ c.

If k =I- 0, note that for (XI' ... ,xn ) E Q,

(k) p C 1 Pd v* (x) ~ -k- V(XI' ... ,xn_I ' t) t. 2 6 2k o<lzn-tl:S2k+lo

Thus for k =I- 0 -1-1 v(k)p dx < ~ r vP dx. IQI Q * -2k6n jRk

Now there exists a cube Qk such that Qk :J Rk and IQkl ~ (2k6)n . Thus

c 1 p (n-I)k 1 1 p n-I k V dx ~ C2 -IQ I v dx.

6 ( 2 6) Rk k Qk

Moreover IQI 2/n = T2klQkl2/n . Using this and the fact that for all k

(-1-1 (k)P) I/p < C2(n-l)k/p (-1-1 p d ) I/p IQI Q v* - IQkl Qk v x ,

the right side of (2.15) is at most CL:;:'o2(-2+(n-I)/p)k. This converges pro-vided p> (n - 1)/2. Proof of Lemma (2.1). We follow the argument of [KRS]. Conjugating the op-erator Q(D) by e -I.xn we see that, if y = 0: + if.1 , we have

(e -;,x"Q(D)e,\xn)~(~) = _(i~12 - A2 - anA - i~n(2A - an) - y)

= _ (1~12 _ A2 _ anA _ 0: _ 2iA (~n _ an~-I + f.1A2-

1) )

= _(1~12 _ A2 _ anA - 0: - 2iA(~n + 6)),

where 6 = -anA -1/2 + f.1A -1/2 . Thus it will be enough to show,

1 2 1 2-1 ISfl v dx ~ c If I v dx, R" Rn


where ~ ~ 2 2 -I ~

Sf(~) = f(~)[I~1 - A - anA - 0: - 2iA(~n + 6)] = f(~)m(~).

Let Xk (~n) = X(2- k (~n +6)) be a smooth Littlewood-Paley-Stein decomposition of R. Let R;.f(~) = Xk(~n)m(~)j(~). Define v* as in Lemma (2.14) for some s with 1 < s < p. Then vJx) E Al (R, dxn). Thus by applying [Ku] to the xn variable,

(2.17) l" ISfl 2v dx ~ In ISf1 2v* dx ~ ~ l" IRkfI 2V* dx.

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with a constant c independent of k and A . Now v: 1 E A2 (R , d xn) . Assuming (2.18), the weighted Littlewood-Paley-Stein theorem of [Ku] shows that

L r IRkfI2V* dx ::; C L r Ifk12V: 1 dx k J~ k J~

1 f 2 -I d 1 f 2 -I ::; C I I v* x::; c I I v dx. Rn Rn

Combining this with (2.17) yields (2.16). We now prove (2.18). We have Rk = Ak + Bk with

A}(~) = Xk(~n) J(~) k 1~12-A2-anA-a-i2k+IA'

-- [ 1 Bkf(~) = Xk(~n) 1~12 _ A2 _ anA _ a - 2iA(~n + <5)

- 1 lJ(~) 1~12 _ A2 _ anA - a - i2k+1 A .

Observe that -- 1 ' Akf(~) = 1~12 + zXk(~n)f(~)

with Re z < 0, 1m z =1= 0 . By Lemma (2.14), v* E Fp ' p> (n - 1)/2. If T is as in Lemma (2.10), we

have r IAkfI 2V• = c r IT fk I2V*::; c r IfkI2V: I . JRn JRn JRn

As in [KRS], we write Bkf(x) in polar coordinates with I~I = r,

Bkf(x) = roo r ei«((J,x) f/J2(r)Xk(ran)](ra) Jo Jsn-l

1 1 n-I - 2 2 k 1 r da dr. r - A - anA - a - i2 + A



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where lfIk == 1 on supp Xk and lfIk supported near I~n + 61 R:; 2k . Thus,

IBkf(x)1 ~ C 1000 16r(Tmk,/k) * da(rx)lrn- 1 dr,

where 6 h(x) = (l/rn)h(x/r) and T denotes the multiplier with symbol r mkr

mk . By Minkowski's inequality, ' ,r

( ( IBkfl 2v * dX) 1/2 ~ C roo ({ 16r(Tm f k) * da(rx) 12 v.(x)) 1/2 rn- I dr. JRn Jo JRn k,'

Changing variables by setting rx = y , the last integral is

C roo ({ 16r(Tm f;J * {f;(Y)1 2v. (~) dY) 1/2 rn/2- 1 dr. Jo JRn k" r

Let wry) = (l/r2)v.(y/r). Then by Lemma (2.14) and a rescaling,

(I~I ~ w p ) I/p IQI 2/ n ~ C.

Thus by Lemma (2.2) the integral above is dominated by

C 1000 (in r- 2n 1 Tmk"h (7)1 2 v: 1 (7) dX) 1/2 rn/ 2+1 dr,

and by changing variables again this integral is at most

(2.19) roo ({ ITm f k(X) 12v: I(X)dX) 1/2 rdr. Jo JRn k"

Now, one easily checks that,


Imk ,r(~n)1 ~ (2 12 A )2 22k 12 r - /\ - an - a + /\ and

CA Im~ ,r(~n)1 ~ (2 A2 A )2 22k A2 . r - - an - a +

Thus m k ".(~n) satisfies the conditions of the Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem. Since v: 1 E A 2(R,dxn ) , by [Ku], (2.19) above is at most

C ({ Ifk12V: 1 dX) 1/2 roo 2 2 A2kr 2 2k 2 dr JR" Jo (r -A -anA-a) +2 A

=c({ IfkI2V:ldx)I/2jOO -/-!-' lAl=r2 -A2 -aA-a JRn -00 t + 1 n '

= nC (in Ih 12v: 1 dX) 1/2

This proves (2.18) and, as mentioned earlier, completes the proof of Lemma (2.1 ).

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Proof of Theorem (1.3). Since IQ(D)ul :::; vlul :::; (v + e/lxI2)lul, and v + e/lxl2 also satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem (1.2), we may assume v(x) 2: elxl-2 . Select 17 E C;'(B(0,2)) with 17 == 1 on B(O, 1), set 17R(X) = 17(x/R) and let SI = {(XI'''' ,xn),xn < t}. By hypothesis, IlxslvllFp:::; e(p,n) and thus the constant C in the conclusion of Lemma (2.1) may be taken to be at most Co < 1 if v is replaced by XSI v . Thus with .Ie > 0 in Lemma (2.1), (2.20)

! I17RuI2e-J.xnvdx:::; Co r IQ(D)(17Ru)12e-Axnv-l dx S, JR~

:::;co { r I17RQ(D)uI2e-AXnv-Idx+C r (IUI2+IV'uI2)e-AxndX} JRn J R:Slx19R

since V-I:::; Clx12, 1V'17RI :::; CR- 1 and 1~17RI :::; CR-2. For the first term on the right side of (2.20), the differential inequality yields (2.21)

r I17RQ(D)uI2e-;,Xnv-ldx:::; r I17RuI2e-AxnvdX+! I17RuI2e-Axnvdx. J~ J~~ ~

Since Xs v E F , p > 1 , we have by [F] I P

! I17RuI2e -;'x"v:::; e2IAIR! I17RUI2v :::; Ce 21 J.IR l lV'(17R U)1 2, ~ ~ ~

and thus the second integral on the right side of (2.21) is finite. So from (2.20) we conclude

! I17RuI2e-AXnvdx:::; C r I17RuI2e-AXnvdx SI JRn\SI

+ C r (lul2 + lV'uI2)e -Axn dx. JR:SlxI9R

Multiplying by i l and using [F] again, we have

! lul2 i(t-xn)v dx :::; C r I17RUI2V + ci l r (lul 2 + lV'uI 2)e -AXn dx SlnBR JRn J R:Slxl:S2R

:::; C r 1V'(17RU)1 2 + C/I r (lul 2 + lV'uI2)e -AXn dx. JRn JR:SlxI9R

Letting R ---+ 00 and using Lemma (1.6)(B) together with the hypothesis on u, we get

! luI 2/(t-Xn)vdx:::; C lim r (1V'17RI2IuI2 + 17~IV'uI2)dx ~ R-ooJ~

:::; C r lV'ul 2 dx < 00. JRn

Letting .Ie ---+ 00 , we see that u == 0 in S(.

We wish to point out another form of Lemma (2.1), helpful in other appli-cations, which can be deduced from it by applying an affine transformation to Q(D) as in [KRS].

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Lemma (2.22). Let Z E en, Y E e. Let Q(D) = .1 + Z • \7 + y. Let v 2: 0, v E Fp' p> (n - 1)/2 and f E C;'(Rn). Then

r Ifl2v dx ::; C r IQ(D)fI 2v -I dx, JRn JRn

where C does not depend on f, y or z.


Theorem (1.2) will be proved as usual using a Carleman inequality, but with a weighted L 2 (v -I) to L 2 (v) estimate in place of the unweighted (except for powers) L P - L q estimates of [JK].

Lemma (3.1). Suppose v E Fp for some p > (n - 1)/2. For every e with 0< e < 2p - (n - 1), there are C, fJ > 0 depending only on p, e and n such that

2 2 d (32) r lu(x)1 () d CII 11/3 r l.1u(x)1 x

. JRn IxI2tm+n±2 V X x::; V Fp JRn IxI2tm+n±2 v(x)

for all u E C;x'(Rn\{O}) and all mE Z, where tm = m-1 +(1-e)/2 If m 2: 0 and tm = m - 1 + (1 + e)/2 if m::; -1, and the ± sign is chosen according to the sign of m: - if m 2: 0 and + if m ::; -1 .

The case tm ~ 00 in Lemma (3.1) will be used to prove part (A) of Theorem (1.3) while the case tm ~ -00 is used for part (B). We remark that the corre-sponding Carle man inequalities in [JK] have analogues for t < 0, but these do not seem to have appeared in the literature.

To prove the Carleman estimate (3.2), we use E. Stein's complex interpolation [ST2 ] on an analytic family of operators, essentially (_.1)z/2 minus a Taylor polynomial at the origin, as in [JK] but with two differences: we conjugate (_.1)2/2 with a complex power of the weight v(x) and in the case t < 0, we modify the kernel of (_.1)z/2 so as to be COO at infinity and then subtract a Taylor polynomial at infinity. We now describe the analytic family in detail. Let ¢Jx) = Czlxl z - n so that ¢z(¢) = (2nIW- Z • Let mE Z and m - 1 < t < m. In the case m 2: 0, define

t V(X)z/4 r [ m-I 1 (8 )' I 1 Szg(x) = q(n - z)/2) JRn ¢Jx - y) - ~ If 8s ¢Jsx - y) s=o

X L V(y)z/4g(y) dy ( I I) 1+(n-z)/2

Ixl (where for m = 0, the sum is empty) and in the case m ::; -1 , define

I1(X)z/4 r " S~g(x) = J((n _ ::)/2) JRn Ixl·- 2

[ Iml-2 I (iJ )' I ] x 'IIz(x,y) - ~ fi iJs 'IIz(.\,-lx-,y) i-O S~O

( 11'1 ) 1+(,,+z)/2 1:>:III(.1')Z/4 g(y) dy

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where If/z(x ,y) = IxI2-Z¢z(x - y). Note that both s 1-+ ¢z(sx - y) and s 1-+

1f/7(S-I X ,y) = Isl n- 2 IxI 2- z¢7(X -sy) are COO near s = a if x ,y =1= a-if n is odd, we restrict s to be no~negative in If/z(S-I X ,y) and interpret the symbol j(s)ls=o appearing above to mean lims--+o+ j(s). Now the family of operators {S~}o::;Rez::;n is analytic in z and S~ satisfies the identity

u(X)V(X)I/2 _ SI ( ~u(y) ) x Ixll±l+n/2 - 2 v(y)I/2Iyll±l+n/2 (), t E R\Z,

whenever U E C(~ (Rn \ {a} ), and where ± is chosen according to the sign of m. Thus Lemma (3.1) is equivalent to the boundedness of S~ on L 2(Rn ) , and this in turn follows by complex interpolation [ST 2] once we have shown the boundedness of S:i on L2(Rn) (which for t> a is Lemma 2.3 of [JK]) and, under the hypothesis v E Fp , p> (n - 1)/2, the boundedness of S~-IH+iY on L 2(Rn ) , for a < e/2 < p - (n - 1)/2, with norms in both cases dominated by Ceclil .

First we prove that


for all j E L 2 (Rn) , where C depends only on c5 = distance( t ,Z) and n. To this end we introduce the family of operators {T~}o::;Rez::;1 given by

t I r [ In-I 1 (8 ) I I 1 Tzg(x) = 1((n - z)/2) JRn ¢z(x - y) - E If 8s ¢,,(sx - y) 5=0

x (I~II y Iyl-Z g(y) dy

for m - 1 < t < m, m E Z, m 2 a and by

I"g(x) ~ q(n ~ z)j2) I., [\fIJX ,y) _1'~2 ~ (:J \fIJs -'x ,y) J x (I~II Y+2-Z lyl-2 g(y) dy

for m - 1 < t < m, m E Z, m ::; a. Note that for m = a, the two definitions are identical and that for m 2 a, T~ coincides with the family of operators Tz in [JK]. Clearly (3.3) is equivalent to

(3.4) 1 (TI ( )1 2 dx < C (Ifill ( )1 2 dx I;,g x I 111 - e g x I In

R" X R" X

for all g E L 2(lxl- 1I dx), where C depends only on c5 and n. Since the case m 2 a of (3.4) is Lemma 2.3 of [JK], we suppose m ::; a. As in [JK] we prove

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(3.4) by calculating the action of T; on spherical harmonics for 0 < Re z < 1 , computing the Mellin transform and then letting Re z -+ 0+. The details are similar to those in [JK), so we will refer liberally to that paper for the sake of brevity.

Let g(rw)=h(r)Pk(w),where r>O, WESn- l , hEC;"(R+\{O}) and Pk is a spherical harmonic homogeneous of degree k. Then according to Lemma 3.2 of [JK), if -1 < t < 0 and Re z > 0,

1 roo '( r) (r)Z-I-2 ds (3.5) Tzg(rw) = 10 L k, z, s s h(s)sPk(w) ,


, {d(V,Z)U k +2- ZF(V-Z/2,I-Z/2;V;U2 ), L(k,z,u)= -n-k+2 -2

O<u<l, d(v,z)u F(v-z/2,I-z/2;v;u), I<u<oo,

and 21-Zr(v - z/2)

d(v, z) = r(v)r(z/2)r(n/2 _ z/2) ,

v = k + n /2 and F (a, b ; c; x) denotes the hypergeometric function. (Note that L' (k, z, u) = u2- z L(k, z ,u) , where L is as on page 468 of [JK).) Now set gl(y)=lyll-Zg(y) and fl(X)=lxI2-z(_~)-Z/2gl(X) so that

T;g(xl ~ nn/21_ z/21 Ixl-'H-2 [J, (xl - 1~2 * (:J J, (s - I xl J Using (3.5), it follows that

(3.6) T~g(rw) = 1000 L~ (k, z,~) (~) z-I-2 h(s) ~s Pk(w) ,


Iml-2 1 (a ) 1 " , -I Lm(k,z,u)=L(k,z,u)- 2: Yf as L(k,z,s u)

1=0 5=0

Now let R~(u) = L~(k, Z, u)U- Z - I - 2 . From the estimates for the hyperge-ometric function given in Remark 3.1 of [JK), it follows that R~ E LI(du/u) for 0 < Re z < t - (m - I). Indeed, the only singularities of R~ occur at u = 0, I , and 00. The singularity at u = I is integrable for Re z > 0 as in [JK) while IR~(u)1 ::; Cu-(lml-2)uRez-I-2 for 0 ::; u ::; !- and IR~(u)1 ::; Cu-(lml-2)uRcz-I-2 for 2 ::; u < 00. Thus R~ is integrable at 0 and 00 pro-vided -(Iml - 2) + Re z - t - 2 > 0 and -(Iml - 1) + Re z - t - 2 < 0 for m ::; 0, i.e., provided m - I + Re z < t < m + Re z, and in particular if o < Re z < t - (m - I) .

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We now show that the formula for the Mellin transform of Rk given in [JK], m ~ 0, remains valid for R~, m :::; o. According to (3.5) of [JK] (recall that L'=u2- Z L),

2z roo L' (k, z, u)u -Adu = 22 roo L(k, z, u)u -(A+2-2) du 10 u 10 u

q(k - A - z + 2)/2)q(n + k - 2 + A)/2) q(k - A + 2)/2)r((n + k + A + z - 2)/2)f((n - z)/2)

for Rez > 0 and -Re(k + n - 2) < ReA < k - Rez + 2. Now, in analogy with Lemma 3.4 of [JK], let F(A) denote 2- z times the quotient of gamma functions above so that

F(A) = roo L'(k,z,u)u-Adu forO<ReA<2-Rez. 10 u

Suppose L' (k , z ,u) = 2::;:0 clu -I for u large. Then, arguing as in [GS], for m :::; - 1, 0 < Re z < 1 , and 0 < Re A < 2 - Re z ,

00 [m[-2 d [m[-2 ( " -I-A U " CI F(),) = F(A) - 11 ~ clu Ii + ~ ,+ A

1=0 1=0 100 , -Adu = L (k , z , u)u -

o u

-f [1'~2 h (:sY L'(k,z ,s-'u) J U-,duU + I f ;,

11 , -Adu 100 , -Adu [~2 CI = L(k,z,u)u -+ Lm(k,z,u)u -+ ~ -, A. o U 1 U 1=0 +

However, the right-hand side above is merom orphic in m + 1 < Re A < 2 - Re z and so must coincide with F(A) in that region. On the other hand, if ReA < m + 2, then

1 d [m[-2 {, -A U " CI 10 L (k, z, u)u Ii + ~ I + A

1=0 1 1 [m[-2 -1 L'(k ) -Adu 1" -I-Adu - ,z, u u - - ~ clu -

o U 0 1=0 U

11 , -Adu = Lm(k, z, u)u -

o u

and combining these identities yields

, 100, -Adu F(A) = Lm(k,z,u)u-,

o u for m + I < ReA < m + 2.

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Thus the Mellin transform of R~ is given by

(3.7) R-' ( ) -100 R' ( ) -i'1 du -100 L' (k ) -(t+2-z+i'1) du kY/ - k UU -- m ,z,uu -o U 0 U

f'((k -'f - iy/)/2)r((n + k + f - z + iy/)/2)r Z

=~~~--~~~~-~--~~~~-~~ f'((k - f + z - iy/)/2)r((n + k + f + iy/)/2)r((n - z)/2)

for 0 < Re z < 1 and m - 1 + Re z < t < m + Re z, m:5 0 . We now complete the proof of (3.4) as in [JK] by expanding g in spherical

harmonics as follows:

g(rw) = 2: gk ,/(r)Pk ,/(w), k>O


where gk,/ E C;"(R+ \{O}) and {Pk '/}~!l is an orthonormal basis for the vector space of spherical harmonics of degree k. If we set


t 100 ,(r) ds Tz k(h)(r) = Rk - h(s)-, , 0 s s

Ti,/g(x) = !~ Te+i,/g(X) = !~2:Te+iy,k(gk ,/)(r)Pk ,,(w) k,/

and it follows from (3.6), (3.7) and Plancherel's theorem that

r 2 dx '" roo 2 dr 1~ ITi~g(x)1 -I -I ~ hm ~ 10 ITe+i~,dgk,/)(r)l-Rn X n .-0 k,/ 0 r

, 100 1 2-(e+iYlr((k - t - it/)/2)r((n + k + t - Ii - iy + it/)/2) 12 - 2 = l~ t1 -00 r((n - Ii - iy)/2)r((k - t + Ii + iy - it/)/2)r((n + k + t + it/)/2) Igk,l(t/)I dt/,

Using Stirling's formula as in [JK], the above is dominated by

Cecl/l 2: 100 Igk ,1(Y/)1 2 dY/ = Ceclyl 2: 100 Igk ,1(r)1 2 d: k,/ -00 k,l 0

= C CIYlll ( )1 2 dx e g x I In' Rn X

This completes the proof of (3.4) and (3.3). To complete the proof of Lemma (3.1) it remains only to prove, under the

hypothesis v E Fp ' p> (n - 1)/2, the boundedness of the operator S!-I+e+iY

on L 2(Rn ) , 0 < e/2 < p - (n - 1)/2, with norm dominated by Cecl'l. The key here is the following inequality of E. Stein [St1] (cf. [Sa]):

(3.8) 1 i()I-2). m2:-1 1 (a )'1 1 i()I-2AI - re - - - -sre

l! as '=0 5=0

:5 C).rm-l+2Rei.ll _ reiOI-2Rd,

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for r > 0, e E R, m E Z + and 0 < Re). < ! and where the constant C" is independent of m, r, e and satisfies C). ~ C/Lec#lv l , ). = f1 + iv . Fix x,y E R n

momentarily and identify the points O,y/lyl,x/lyl in Rn with the numbers !) o , 1 , rei in the complex plane. Since

cPz(sx - y) = czlylz-n II~I _ s 1;llz-

n ,

(3.8) becomes with 2), = n - z,

(3.9) n - z 1

0<Re-2- < 2'

Now identify O,x/lxl ,y/lxl with 0,1 ,rei!). Since

-I n-2 2-n I x y Iz - n

If/z(S x ,y) = CzS Ixl 1x1- slx1 ' (3.8) becomes with 2), = n - Z,

Iml-2 1 (a )' -I If/z(x ,y) - L If as If/z(S x ,y)

(3.10) 1=0 s=o

( Iyl ) Iml-Re Z n - z 1 ~ Cz Ix1 If/z(X ,y), 0 < Re-2- < 2'

(Note that in obtaining (3.10), we use (3.8) with m replaced by Iml-2-(n-2).) With tm=m-1+(1-c:)/2 incase m~O and tm=m-1+(1+c:)/2 in case m ~ -1 , we obtain from (3.9) and (3.10) that

Is tm . (x)1 < C V(X)(n-l+eJ/41 A-. (x - )v( )(n-l+eJ/4 1 ( )1 d n-I+e+lyg - y 'f'n-l+e y y g y y Rn

for m E Z with Cy independent of m. Thus the boundedness of S~~I+e+il on L2 with norm dominated by Ceclyl will follow from the inequality

1 (1 f)2 (n-l+eJ/2 < C 1 f2 -(n-l+eJ/2 n-l+e V _ V , R" Rn

(3.11) f~O.

However, if v E Fp, p> (n - 1 + c:)/2, then (3.11) holds with C = Cp,n,e by [CW], since we can replace v by v* = M(vq)(x)l/q , P > q > (n - 1 + c:)/2, as in the proof of Lemma (2.2) in §2. Alternatively, (3.11) is equivalent to the trace inequality

(3. 12) 1 (1 f)2 (n-l+eJ/2 < cl f2 (n-l+eJ/2 V - ,

Rn Rn

(To see this, simply compose (3.12) with its dual inequality,

/(1 f)2 < cl f2 -(n-l+eJ/2 (n-I+e)/2 _ v , Rn

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and use /,,(/,,/) = /2,,/') See [F] and [KS] for the relevant results on (3.12). This completes the proof of the Carleman inequality, Lemma (3.1).

Pro%/Theorem (1.2). (A) As in [JK], it suffices to show that if u vanishes to infinite order at a and satisfies the differential inequality lL1u I ::; v I u I, then u vanishes identically in B(a, R) whenever IlxB(a ,R) v IIFp < e(p, n). Here B(a,R) = {x: Ix -al < R} if a E Rn and B(oo,R) = {x: Ixl > R} if a = 00.

Furthermore, we may assume v ~ 1 since v + 1 also satisfies the hypotheses of Theorem (1.3). We begin with the case a E Rn and suppose without loss of generality that a = 0. Momentarily fix R > ° and let Yf E C;, (B(O, 2R)) satisfy Yf = 1 on B(O, R). In addition, let If/ E COO (Rn) satisfy If/ = ° on B(O,I), If/ = 1 outside B(0,2), 0::; If/::; 1, and set If/k(x) = If/(kx) for k ~ 1. Then for k ~ 4jR and m ~ 0, Lemma (3.1) gives

= Ik + Ilk + IIIk + IV k .

If IlxB(O,R)vllf~ < e(p,n), where e(p,n) is chosen so that Cp ,n e(p,n)/3 = 1, then IIIk is at most one-half the left side of (3.13) and subtracting IIIk from both sides of (3.13) we obtain

2 2 1 Ilf/k(x)1 lu(x)1 v(x) dx < 2(1. + II. + IV). I 12tm+n-2 - k k " Ixl<R X

However, letting k --+ 00 we get

(3.14 ) 2 2 1 lu(x)l) v(x) dx ::; 21 1L1(Yfu)(x)1 dx ,

Ixl<R IxI2tm+n-- Ixl>R IxI2tm+n-2 v(x) m ~ 0,

since lim,,->oo I" = lim,,->oo Ilk = ° (whose proof we give in a moment). Now multiply both sides of (3.14) by R2tm+ n - 2 and then let m --+ 00 to conclude

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that lul2v, and hence u is identically zero on B(O,R). It remains only to show limk->oo Ik = limk->oo Ilk = 0. But

2 2 Ik = r 1~'I'k(x)1 lu(x)1 dx < Ck2Im+n+21 lu(x)12 dx,

11/k::olxl::02/k IxI2Im+n-2 V(X) - Ixl::02/k which tends to zero as k ----> 00 since u vanishes to infinite order at 0. Similarly

Ilk ::; Ck2lm +n 1 IY'u(x)1 2 dx Ixl9/k

::; ce1m+n [(1 lu(x)1 2 dX) 1/2 (1 l~u(x)12 dX) 1/2 Ixl ::04/ k Ixl ::o4/k

+ k 2 1 lu(x)12 dX] Ixl::04/k

by Lemma (1.6)(A) and this last term tends to zero as k ----> 00 since u vanishes to infinite order at ° and ~u E L~oc . Proof of Theorem (1.2). (B) In the case u vanishes to infinite order at infinity, we argue as in the proof of part (A) above, but with 11 E COO such that 11 = 1 on B(oo,R) = {x: Ixl > R} and 11 = ° on B(O,R/2);'I' E COO such that 'I' = ° on B(oo, 1) and 'I' = 1 on B(O, 1); 'l'k(X) = 'I'(x/k). Furthermore, we may assume that v ~ elxl-2 since v + elxl-2 also satisfies the hypothesis of Theorem (1.2)(B). The result is that (3.14) becomes

2 2

1 lu(x)1 v(x) dx < 1 1~(l1u)(x)1 dx, m::; -1. Ixl>R IxI2Im+n+2 - Ixl<R IxI2Im+n+2 v(x)

Note that the hypothesis JRn l~ul2 < 00 is needed to show that the term corre-sponding to Ilk in (3.13) tends to zero as k tends to infinity. Now multiply both sides by R2Im+n+2 and then let m ----> -00 to conclude that u == ° in {x: Ixl > R}. This completes the proof of Theorem (1.2).


We begin by proving Theorem (1.4). Recall that by the definition of Illvlll, we have

r IIJ(x)1 2v(x) dx ::; Illvlll r If(x)1 2 dx, for f ~ 0, lRn lRn where II denotes the fractional integral of order one. If we compose this inequality with its dual, J IIJI2 ::; Illvlll J Ifl 2v- 1 , we obtain the equivalent inequality (for the reverse implication, apply Holder's inequality to J IIJI2 = J fIJ) (4.1 )

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We now prove Theorem (1.4) by using the following pointwise inequality [Sa], which essentially corresponds to the cases A = 0 and ! of (3.8):

for all mE Z+, x ,Y E Rn , n = 2 or 3, and where C is independent of m ,x and y. If n = 2, we must restrict lxi, Iyl < t.

Now suppose u vanishes to infinite order at 0 and satisfies IdUI :::; v lui. With 11 and IfIk as in §3, we have for m E Z+ '

1 lV'dx)u(x)i2 v(x) dx JxJ<R Ixl 2m

= 1 lxi- 2m If (/J2(x - y)d(V'kr,U)(Y) dyl2 v(x) dx JxJ<R

= 1 lxi- 2m JxJ<R

X If [ ¢>2(X - y) - tl ~ (:s)' ¢>2(SX - y)ls=J d(V'kr,U)(y) d{ V(X) dx

::; e2l (f ¢>2(X - y) Id(V'kr,~)(Y)1 dy )2 V(X) dx by (4.2) JxJ<R Iyl

< e 2111x vll12 r Id(V'kr,U)(x)12 dx by (4.1). - B(O.R) JR" Ixl2m v(x)

Provided R is small enough that C211IxB(0,R)vII12 < !, we can now argue as in the proof of Theorem (1.3) and conclude that u == 0 on B(O, R). A standard connectedness argument then completes the proof of Theorem (1.4).

We now restrict attention to dimension n = 2 and give the proof of The-orem (1.5). In order to handle the gradient term in the differential inequality IdUI :::; wlV'ul, we use a pointwise inequality corresponding to (4.2) but with ¢2 replaced by R j ¢\ ' where R j denotes the jth Riesz transform, j = 1,2:

(4.3) m-\ 1 (a )' I (IXI)m Rj ¢\ (x - y) - ~ TI as Rj ¢\ (sx - y) s=o :::; TYT ¢\ (x - y),

for all m E Z+ and x, y in R2 . The proof of (4.3) is easy due to the especially simple form of R j ¢\ ;

implies R j ¢\ (x) = cxjllxI2 (n = 2) = c(x, e)/lxl2 , a rational function of x.

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To prove (4.3), we introduce the function

1 e i2A = + -=-:-:---:-

2(1-z) 2(1-z)' ZEC.



m-1 1 (a)1 I I m-Iz'+e i2A zll If/;.(z) - ~ Tf as If/;.(SZ) 5=0 = If/;.(Z) - ~ 2

Z i2;' Z m-1 I -m m I = 2(1-z)+e 2(1-z) :::;Izi 11-zl ,

for all mE Z+. Now momentarily fix x ,Y in R2 and, by rotating the plane, identify yllyl and xllyl with 1 and Z in the complex plane. Suppose that under this rotation, the unit vector ej in R2 is identified with ei;' in C. Then

I I-I ( y X ) -I -i;' R/PI(x-y)=-y R/P I IYT-IYT =-Iyl e If/;.(z)

and (4.4) yields

which is (4.3). Now suppose u vanishes to infinite order at ° and satisfies the differential

inequality I~ul :::; wlVul. Let 1] and If/k be as in §3. We use the following weighted inequality (which follows from leW] as in the proof of Lemma 1.2 in §2 above)

(4.5) j(Ilg)2W :::; Cpllw21lFp/2 j iw- I , for g;::: 0,

for p > 1 ,n = 2 , together with the identity


IV' J(x)1 2 = t lfa" RjcPl (x - y)!:J.J(y) dyl2 J=l

~ t.11.. [Rj';,IX-Y)-~ * (;,)' Rj';,IH-ytJ Of(Y)dri'

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for f E C(~ (R\ {O}) , to obtain


x RA (sx - y) ,J a( 'l'k ~u)(y) dy 2 w(x) dx,

by (4.6),

:::; 21 (r ¢1(X_y)IL1(lfIn~)(Y)1 dy )2 w(x)dx, by (4.3), Ixl<R JRn Y

< C II w2111/2 r 1L1( lfIk1}U)(x)1 2 ~ b (45) - p XB(O,R) FpI2 JRn Ixl2m w(x) , y . ,

< C II w2111/2 [! 1L1lf1k121u12 dx +! 1V'lfIkI21V'uI2 dx - p XB(O,R) FpI2 Ixl 2m w(x) Ixl 2m w(x)

(1 1) IlfIkI21L1(1}u)12 dx ] + Ixl<R + Ixl>R Ixl2m w(x)

= Ik + Ilk + IIIk + IV k .

Now Ik ,Ilk' and IVk can be handled just as in the proof (see (3.13)) of The-orem (1.3). From the differential inequality lL1ul :::; w lV'ul , we obtain

2 2 III = C II w2111/21 IlfIkl lL1ul ~

k p XB(O,R) FpI2 112m W(X) Ixl<R X 2 2

< CC Ilx w2111/21 IlfIkllV'ul w(x)dx - p B(O,R) FpI2 Ixl<R Ixl 2m

2 1/2 [1 1V'( lfIkU)1 2 :::; CCpllxB(o R)W IIF , 2 W(X) dx

, pI· Ixl<R Ixl m

+ 1 1V'lfIk121u12 W(X)dX] Ixl<R Ixl 2m

= Vk + VIk,

since IfIk V'u = V'(lfIku)-(V'lfIk)U. Now if R is so small that CCpllxB(O,R)w211%~2 :::; !- ,then Vk is at most one-half the left side of (4.7) and so can be subtracted from both sides as in the proof (see (3.13)) of Theorem (1.3). It remains only

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to show that limk-+oo VIk = O. However, since \l!JIk is supported in {x: 11k ~ Ixl ~ 2Ik},

2m+21 2 VIk ~ Ck lu(x)1 w(x) dx Ixl91k

~ Ck2m+2 [ r IU(X) _ I r ul2 w(x) dx

llxl$.2lk B(O,2Ik) lB(O,2Ik)

+ (llo ,2/k) w ) (B(O ,12/ k) llo ,'/k) lUI) '] = VIIk + VlIIk .

Now limk-+oo VIIIk = 0 since u vanishes to infinite order at 0 and

VIIk ~ Ck2m+2 rill [XB(O,2Ik)(Y)I\lu(Y)I] (xf w(x) dx llxl~2lk

~ Ck 2m+2 r l\lu(x)1 2 d(X , by (4.5). llxl$.2/k w x)

This last expression tends to zero as k tends to infinity by the argument used to handle term Ilk in the proof of Theorem (1.3) in §3. This completes the proof of Theorem (1.5).

We remark that Theorem (1.5) can be sharpened in the spirit of Theorem (1.4) by replacing the quantity Ilw211Fp12' p> I, in (4.5) with the norm of the embedding 11/ 2 : L2 ~ L2(w).


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