
The LCARA Patch 1

The LCARA Patch Volume 35, Issue 11 NOVEMBER 2012

The LCARA Patch Published by the Lake County Amateur Radio Association P O Box 868 Painesville, OH 44077-0868 The Patch Staff Editor: Donna Wheeler, W8DMP LCARA Officers Bob Mekinda, K8QXO President Vance Roth, KA8YHZ Vice-President Bill Jordan, KD8HSI Secretary Paul Wheeler, W8PJW Treasurer Donna Wheeler, W8DMP Director At Large Correspondents Jim Pyle AA8OY DX Scott Farnham KO8O History Mike Goffos WB8ZGH E-Comm (Vacant) Radio Officer Reno Tonsi WT8C Contest Bill Wihebrink N8IJG Web Master LCARA Connie Tonsi KB8ZZW Sunshine (Vacant) Fundraising Committee


The November 2012 LCARA membership meeting will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at: TriPoint Medical Center located at 7590 Auburn Road, Lubrizol Conference Room 3, Concord, Ohio 44060. The following program is scheduled for our meeting:

November 7, 2012 – Railroad Radio Development

We look forward to all members joining us at TriPoint and enjoying a great night of camaraderie.


LCARA 2012 Programs President’s Corner Meeting Minutes DX Alert Backscatter Ham Exams Public Service Calendar – 2012 Net Information Birthdays For Your Information LCARA Patch Yahoo Group Board Meeting Power Pole Polarity Tester Build Membership Dues Form for 2013 From Your Editor

1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 12 13

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Upcoming Meeting Programs

December 5, 2012 – Election Night and Presentation of the 2013 Budget (Location: Tripoint Medical Center, Lubrizol Conference Room 1)


November, 2012 Greetings to all, it is hard to believe that November is here and we will soon be preparing for Thanksgiving. The trees this year have turned very colorful very quickly and just as quickly the leaves are falling. It appears as I write this that the weather will be ending the month of October and beginning November with some rough weather. I am still hoping to be able to spend a couple of days during this month doing some antenna work before the winter weather sets in. As a note to the past Bill, N8IJG, back in November of 2010 reported that he had heard that Windows 8 was to arrive in late 2012. He was right on as it arrived on October 26th, 2012. LCARA News: There are four board positions open for next term. The board is accepting nominations for these positions. Contact any current board member and advise them of your intent to run for a LCARA Board Position. Please contact Bill N8IJG if you are interested in assisting with the Ham of the Year committee or if you have any suggestions for the Ham of the Year. Upcoming Events: November 7 – Railroad Radio Development December 5 – Club Meeting consisting of Board elections and the presentation of the proposed budget. January 2, 2013 – Club Meeting – Meet the new Board January 9,16,23,30, 2013 Matt Welch will be teaching a Technician Class at Tri-Point Physican’s Pavilion. On February 6, there will be a review and Test. The testing to be run by LCARA’s VE’s during the time of the regular monthly meeting and then after testing the class members will be asked to join the LCARA meeting and hopefully be convinced to join our group. 73s Bob Mekinda K8QXO

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Board Members Present:

Bob K8QXO President Vance KA8YHZ Vice-President Paul W8PJW Treasurer Donna W8DMP Director-at-Large Bill KD8HSI Secretary Corrections to Patch: Mike Goffos, WB8ZGH, requested one correction to the October Patch. “It’s Better In Mentor” Photos submitted for inclusion in the October Patch were submitted by Mike Thal, KD8JDL. Guest was Matt W8DEC The meeting was called to order at 7:32 pm by Bob K8QXO. Bob started the meeting with a round of introductions from Board members and general membership. Treasurer’s Report: Paul W8PJW gave Treasurer’s Report which was approved as read. Paul mentioned that he gave check to NORMA for the use of their repeater. Paul also read thank you letter from Western Reserve Hospice. Paul & Donna had discussion with membership about alternative restaurant options for our Holiday dinner. Board Meeting Report: Bob K8QXO gave synopsis of the last Board meeting. Bob indicated that he has an upcoming meeting with The Lake County Historical Society. Bob asked for an update on the Echolink project. Scott N8SX withdrew his involvement with the project. Neal KC8OMO indicated that he will continue with the project. DX Report: Jim AA8OY gave the latest DX Report. Reno WT8C mentioned an operation from Kosovo. It is not recognized as a separate entity. Scott Farnham and Don Kocsis were given shirts in recognition of all their great service to the Club. Public Service: Mike WB8ZGH talked about Better-in-Mentor and Ohio State Parks on the Air. Matt W8DEC talked about the upcoming SET (State emergency Test) this weekend 10/5/2012. Bob K8QXO thanked all the members that volunteered this summer. Sunshine Report: Nothing to report.

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MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 2, 2012 MEMBERSHIP MEETING Nets: 10 and 2 Meter Report: Going fine with varying numbers of check-ins from week to week. New Business: Vance need Ham-of-the Year and new officer committee formed. Bill, N8IJG, volunteered for Ham-of-the-Year committee. Swap & Sell: Mike WB8ZGH mentioned that he has a list of various items for sale from Dick Wilson’s estate.


Contact Mike if you are interested in any of the above items. Matt W8DEC has an Astron power supply model RS35A for sale. Next Board Meeting: Next Board Meeting will be October 9th. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm. Respectfully submitted by Bill Jordan KD8HSI

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A2 – BOTSWANA A22LL - in Botswana has been active recently. He plans to operate on 20M CW and SSB. 5X – Uganda - G3RWF - Nick, is heading back to Uganda for five weeks starting November 6th. He’ll be using his 5X1NH callsign. P4 – Aruba - R5GA has announced he will be QRV from Aruba during the CQ WW DX CW Contest, on November 24 and 25 as P40F. Outside the contest he will be on the air as P4/R5GA. T8 – Palau - Look for the following T8 – Palau Island over the upcoming weeks: T88ON (JA3JND) November 9-13 P2 - Papua New Guinea - Operators DL6KVA, HB9BXE, K5WQG, G3KHZ and SM6CVX will be QRV from various islands as part of an IOTA DXpedition through November 12. Activity will be on the HF bands. Z8 - South Sudan - Diya, Z81D is usually active using SSB on 40 to 10 meters at various times. QSL via OM3JW. Happy Hunting! Jim Pyle, AA8OY Thanks to ARRL DX

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30 Years Ago: PY0 St.Peter & Paul Rocks shows up on 20 meters, creating a pileup covering the entire phone band. Chuck, N8BZA, after complaining about such sloppy operating, reveals the way to find where they are listening; watch for spots on the 146.515 NOARS repeater. The first reading is held for Ken, N8EIH. 25 Years Ago: Radio Officer Rusty demonstrates the newly installed 440 repeater. Half the club rushes to AES to buy a UHF rig. 20 Years Ago: Lightning Strikes the Repeater! Following a hit during a thunderstorm, the 2 meter voter blows a transistor, and the final amp is out of service. An IC in the 220 system is trashed, and the DVR is DOA. Additional lightning protection equipment is ordered. Congress enacts a ban on the manufacture of scanners that can copy cellular phone transmissions. The Monitoring Times claims that “there are 24 reasons why this bill [is] unworkable” How’s that again? 15 Years Ago: UP moves. The Friday Lunch Bunch moves from the Lithuanian Club on East 185th Street to the Home Town Buffet on Wilson Mills. Joe Paquin, W2TSI, discusses and gives a BASIC (eh?) program that calculates the RF field at varying distances from an antenna, and determines if they meet the new FCC regulations. 10 Years Ago: At Homebrew Night, John, KB8YJY shows his 440 MHz eggbeater antenna for downlinking the AO-27 and UO-14 satellites. NITA recommends the FCC not grant an ARRL petition for a domestic-only, secondary Amateur Radio allocation at 5 MHz. 5 Years Ago: Bill, KB8EB offers a shopping bag of early issues of QST from the late 1920’s through the early 1930’s. Free to anyone who can pick up the bag. Reno, WT8C describes how to construct 80 meter coaxial antennas. 106 Years Ago: Lee DeForest announces his three-element electrical vacuum tube, eg, a triode. He had discovered that when a mesh, or grid, of wire was placed between the filament and collector plate in a diode tube, a large voltage-amplifying effect could be produced. Patented on 15 Jan 1907, the ability of this tube to amplifiy weak signals was huge, as it made long-distance communication possible.

If you are a LCARA club member who would like to start a monthly column or have an article you would like to see in the next newsletter don’t be shy. Contact Donna W8DMP and get it in print! All

submissions have a deadline of the 18th day of the month.

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The Lake County Amateur Radio Association will be holding its 2012 Amateur Radio license exams at the Kirtland Library, on the following dates:

Saturday, December 1

This bi-monthly schedule is the first Saturday of every even-numbered month (e.g., February being the second month, etc.), and will be held at the Kirtland Library, 1.7 miles south of I-90 on Route 306. The library is on the left, immediately after the Marathon gas station.

To register, you will need the NCVEC 605 Form, which will be available at the test. If you would like to complete one ahead of time, you can find it at The tests will start at 12 Noon. Please arrive a few minutes early. Please bring the original and a copy of both your license and any CSCEs you may have to the exam. The cost is $15.00, and if you wish to pay by check, it should be made out to the ARRL/VEC. Identification is also necessary, with a picture ID. If you have any questions, please contact Scott Farnham, KO8O, at (440)256-0320.

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PUBLIC SERVICE CALENDER 2012 Come and add your call to the events which will be listed in this column in the coming months and build new friendships with other local hams. Except for the parades you can volunteer a block of time or join the net as a relief operator. For more details, contact Mike Goffos at @ 440-255-6560 or E-Mail to [email protected].



The Lake County ARES® Net currently meets on 147.210 every Monday of the Month at 1930 Local (7:30 PM). The Lake County SKYWARN Weather Net is now in hiatus until the Spring, but during the storm Season normally meets on 443.700(+) PL131.8, the 1st and 3rd Monday of each Month at 2000 Local (8:00 PM). There has been a Yahoo group established for Lake County SKYWARN. It is You can copy & paste the link to your favorite browser instead of typing it all. Once on the website click on the “JOIN THIS GROUP” button to sign up. You can also send a blank email to [email protected] to sign up. The purpose of the group is to provide another avenue for information about potential severe weather in Lake County. This has been proven to be useful to allow more time to prepare your station before the potential storm hits. The other purpose of the group is to contain useful information about weather in general and resources to keep your weather spotting skills up to par.

Also, please remember that all Lake County SKYWARN and Weather Net activities are on the 443.700(+) PL131.8 CLARA repeater in Eastlake. 147.210(+) PL 110.9 LCARA repeater is the alternate repeater in case 443.700 are unavailable. The District 5 Net on the 443.450 in Montville and the NWS Cleveland Six Meter repeater(s) are closed and limited to SKYWARN Coordinators only. For more information, please contact Scott W8OXI at [email protected] or Matt at [email protected]. You do not have to be ARES® or SKYWARN members to participate in these nets. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please mark your calendars’ for Mondays at 1930. Matt W8DEC ‘ARES’ is a registered trademark of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated, and is used by permission.

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10 METER NET The 10 Meter Net is up and running. Come join your fellow hams on Wednesday’s at 8:30 p.m. on 28.450 MHz. This is an informal roundtable where the group can chat about anything that comes to mind and even correct some of the world’s problems. These are some of the regular stations that check-in to the LCARA 10M Round Table on Wednesday W8STU, N8IJG, KD8PFB, K8WLF, KC8BTN, K8QXO, W8PJW, KD8HSI, and KD8NPD. Why not fire up your HF Rig on 10M and join the conversation? You don’t need to be a LCARA member, just have at least a Tech ticket and some 10 meter gear. Here is a good chance to meet old and maybe some new friends. We might even have a check in from out of the local area. Will be looking for you.

2 METER NET The 2 Meter Net is up and running. Come join your fellow hams on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m. on 147.210 MHZ. During the past October, the weekly Thursday Night 2 Meter Net had a total of forty check-ins from nineteen different stations. The following were reported by our net control station to have participated: Ed KB8BKE, Ron KC8BTN, Rick N8BY, Matt W8DEC, Mark KB8FKM, Bill KD8HSI, Bill N8IJG, Mike KB8KMC, Jeff WB8NHV, Neal KC8OMO, Joe KD8PFB, Paul W8PJW, Bob K8QXO, Ed KD8TAW, Bob W2THU, Fritz K8WLF, Jim KC8YGH, Vance KA8YHZ, Mike WB8ZGH.

NET CONTROL OPERATORS Today all our nets need Net Control Operators, people go on vacation, cannot be home on at Net time and unfortunately get ill. We are going to pass around a sign up sheet, think about it and see if you can fit it in your schedule and serve once a month or once every two months. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Liz Linder, KC8TFZ November 2, 2012 Jim Mandelik, KD8AKJ November 8, 2012 Jim McAdams, KF8VX November 9, 2012

Best Wishes for a very Happy Birthday

Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group

Next meeting of the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group is at the Painesville Perkins on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. This group averages 20-30 people and it provides a great opportunity to meet other Hams. This is not a club event. Please encourage any Hams you know to attend. It is a fun gathering.

Club Apparel

For those interested in purchasing club apparel with the club’s logo and your name and call please go to and pick out what you would like to order. Placing the order through the club will eliminate shipping charges. If you order direct you will incur shipping expenses unless you are placing a large order.

LCARA PATCH YAHOO GROUP Most members receive email notifications from our Yahoo Group page. I am noticing that some members have changed their email addresses and have signed up again for our group under several names. If there are any that you no longer use, would you please send me an email telling me which addresses are no longer in use, so that I can remove them. Please send this to [email protected].


The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at Denny’s at Rte. 91 and Rte. 20 in Willoughby, Oh. All are welcome.

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2012 Power Pole Polarity Tester Build (Submitted By: Vance Roth)

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Please remember that we are now accepting 2013 Dues. Dues are $20.00 for an individual and $30.00 for a Family membership.

Name: _____________________________________ Call Sign: __________________

Address: __________________________________________

City: _______________ State: ___________ Zip code: ______________

Phone (Home): __________________________

Phone (Other): __________________________

E-Mail address: __________________________

Is this the address you use for LCARA Patch Yahoo groups? Yes _____ / No ____

The following information is optional:

You’re Spouses Name: ___________________________

Your Month of birth: _________ Day of birth: ______ Year of birth? NOT REQUIRED!

Please bring this to a meeting or mail to: Lake County Amateur Radio Association

P.O. Box 868

Painesville, OH 44077-0868

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One Final Note

We are still trying to update the roster with the following information. We will have some update sheets at the meeting and we would like the following information to add to the database: Current E-Mail, Current Phone Number, Birthday (only month and day), Spouse’s Name, Class of License, Are you a member of ARRL? Thank you in advance for your assistance in updating our records. (Note: If we have your E-Mail address we will be sending you a request for this information, again thank you for your assistance We continue to try to get new articles and expand our newsletter with each issue. Some of what we do may be good and some may not, however we need feedback for improvement. We are beginning to see other clubs newsletters and we hope in the next year to add a number of new features. So remember this is your newsletter and we want it to provide the information and updates on our hobby that you want to see. We want the Patch to be a newsletter you look forward to receiving and reading every month.

Bob – K8QXO & Donna – W8DMP

LCARA was organized for the purpose of furthering Amateur Radio by increasing the technical knowledge and operating

proficiency of radio amateurs through continuing education, public service and acting as a vehicle of communication by,

between and with the members of the association. LCARA is an incorporated association chartered under the laws of the

State of Ohio and is an exempt organization under section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to

LCARA are fully deductible from Federal Income Tax. Regular and Senior Dues are $20.00 per year, Students $10.00.

Items may be reprinted by other non-profit publications without prior permission providing credit is given to the

original source and The LCARA Patch. Articles from members are welcome.

Voice Repeaters N8BC 147.210 with a .600 MHz+ offset PL tone of 110.9 Hz. 224.500 with a 1.6mhz.-offset, PL tone of 141.3 Hz. 444.650 With a 5.0 MHz. +offset, PL tone of 131.8 Hz. (Repeater & N8BC trustee, Bob Liddy, K8BL) Internet address: E-mail address: [email protected] To receive the Patch via email in PDF format Send an e- mail to [email protected]

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