
Theoretical and experimental feasibility study of low cost

satellite launch vehicle Author: Lutz Kayser

Volume I

Note to reports low-cost launch vehicle technology

TECHNOLOGIEFORSCHUNG GMBH Germany performed theoretical and experimental feasibility

studies for the German Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT) in 1972 and 1973.

Minister of BMFT, Professor Leussinck, was asked by Chancellor Willy Brandt to initiate these

studies to prove that Lutz Kayser’s inventions in cost minimized rocket technology are

applicable for a new commercially optimized European Satellite Launch Vehicle for European

Space Agency.

This is the report for Phase I (1972) and Phase II (1973) of this work, which was performed

together with the German government DLVLR Lampoldshausen Rocket Test Facility. The work

was highly successful meeting all goals for cost reduction such as a cheap pressure fed rocket

motor of 20 000 N thrust with 99% combustion efficiency, blow-down feed of Dieseloil and

high density acid (50% N2O4, 50 % HNO3), and integrated electronics and electrical power

supply into the valve units for attitude control.

The application of these low-cost technologies would reduce the cost per kilogram payload into

orbit to one tenth of present prices. Chancellor Schmidt, who had toppled Brandt by an intrigue

in 1974, stopped further development on request of French president Giscard d’Estaing and

Kayser continued the development under private financing with newly founded Orbital

Transport und Raketen AG (OTRAG).

To keep the low-cost information from being disseminated these reports were classified by the

government and kept under key unpublished. The undersigned deems it appropriate and legally

correct after more than 40 years to make the reports (I and II) available to the interested

engineers and public. Per contract agreement Kayser retains all property rights of the


In the meantime this unique cost-optimized rocket technology has been vastly improved by

suborbital flight qualification. Also technical advances in tank manufacturing, clustering,

ablator, valve electronics, and other details have been introduced. The whole package of

inventions and developments is available now for mass production and orbital transport To

Whom It May Concern for financing.

Dipl.Ing. Lutz Kayser [email protected]

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