Page 1: Volume LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019 - Disciples of LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019 ... Maksim Avrukin, our speaker, and President

Volume LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019

A Publication of First Christian Church of North HollywoodA Congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Robert M. Bock, Senior PastorLouise Sloan Goben, Associate PastorJennifer Le’au, Director of Children’s MinistriesJeremy Gillett, Director of Youth MinistriesAlfredo Gomez & Loydi Rivas Gomez, Pastor, Spanish Speaking Congregation

Page 2: Volume LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019 - Disciples of LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019 ... Maksim Avrukin, our speaker, and President

Page � May 15, �019 First Christian news

Camp registration is open. All the current informa-tion for our 2019 summer camp program is now on the website – Our first camp begins in just a month. Parents are urged to register immediately and spread the word to your family and friends. Questions can be addressed to [email protected].

We are thrilled to have Kristina Frost as our new Camp Administrator. She has been working with our camp di-rectors in getting ready for the exciting season ahead. This program is geared not only to the children and youth of our church family but also to our community.

This coming Sunday, May 19 at Noon, the Christian Women’s Fellowship is hosting their General Meeting and Luncheon. Their guest speaker is an expert on cy-ber-safety and how to protect ourselves and our com-puters from falling victim to scams. Everyone is invited to the program. If you plan on eating lunch please call the church office immediately to see about luncheon availability.

On Saturday, May 25 there will be a memorial service for Lance Ober. The service is in the sanctuary at 11:00 AM with a reception following in the Social Hall.

We have some exciting events coming up in the next month. On Sunday, May 26 we will dedicate a new sound module which has been installed in our pipe or-gan. This will give David Rigsby and other guest organ-ists more variety in programming the organ. The mod-ule is a gift of Dr. Richard Follett in memory of his late

mother, Waneta, who was a church organist for many years. Mrs. Follett did have the opportunity to play our organ on one of her Southern California visits.

On June 2, following the morning worship and Meet and Greet, the Children’s and Youth Choir will present their annual concert in the sanctuary. The chil-dren and youth have worked very hard in preparation for this event. I encourage everyone to stay and support Ty Parr and her amazing young singers.

We celebrate Pentecost, the birthday of the church, on June 9 and the memorial service for Stephen Markle will be held at 1:30 PM.

Father’s Day is June 16 and the men of the Chancel Choir will bring our special music. And on June 23 we will celebrate Choir Sunday. Members of the choir have been asked to identify their favorite four anthems from those sung during the last year. Our morning service of worship will be rich with music as the choir concludes their season. They will return on Celebration Sunday.

As I said, we have some amazing events and music scheduled for the month of June. I hope to see you at all of them.

Our church family is an amazing and talented group of people. Every once in a while I hear of an honor bestowed upon one of our church family. This past week I heard of three honors which I would like to share with you.

This coming week the Rev. Dr. Ben Bohren will receive an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Lynchburg University in recognition of Ben’s lifelong ministry in the local, regional and national manifesta-tions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Also this coming week Drew Powell will give the commencement address at DePauw University. Drew, Bill Hayes and I all graduated from DePauw and know

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First Christian news May 15, �019 Page �

For those of you who know someone serving in the armed forces, as well as people serving in other capacities, we want to lift them up in prayer... please let us know when they come home!

Chris Diaz • Joshua Bigbee

We also want to continue to pray for peace, for wisdom for the world’s leaders, and for the people of all war-torn areas of our world.

Please join us for the CWF General Meeting THIS SUNDAY, May 19th at noon. The theme for this special meeting is Cyber Security. Maksim Avrukin, our speaker, and President of Digital Uppercut, will give us top tips to prevent cybercriminals from hacking our computers and will tell us about the latest cyber scams and how to avoid them in language we can all understand.

Please join us in the Educational Annex for lunch and this audio visual presentation. The cost is $7 per person and reservations are essential. Please call Ann Jones at 818 769-2661 or the church office at 818.763.8218 to secure your place!

what an honor it is to be invited to give this address.And we heard Sunday that Donna Loyd has been

nominated for an Emmy for one of her productions. Donna told me Sunday that the particular project for which she has been nominated also features some of the children from our church family.

Congratulations to each of you.

I look forward to seeing you in church this coming Sunday. Have a wonderful week.

Pergé! Pastor Bob

Wed., June 12, 20191:00pm - 7:00pmin the Social Hall

To make your appointment go to and enter sponsor

code: FCCnH or call 818.456.9091.

AmericanRed CrossBlood dRive

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Page � May 15, �019 First Christian news

her piano practicing so she began practicing in the morn-ings. She also had to ditch the Zumba class. Looking for a retreat that might take her out of the crazy routine of life, she found a seven-day residential retreat in Hawaii, but the cost to “breathe, recharge, write and create” was a hefty $5000 (airfare not included.) She stayed home.

One book she read is called “The Art of Simple Living,” by a Zen monk Shunmyo Masuno. Masuno smartly suggested that trying to add too many new things to one’s schedule is as stressful as doing nothing. Start with one thing – do it for today. A good practice to start with, Masuno recommended, is waking up 15 minutes early each morning and doing some cleaning.

The writer took his advice – she woke up 15 min-utes early. She did not practice the piano or meditate. She did not even clean, but sat sipping a cup of coffee on her couch. She is also learning to say “no” to things that do not give her comfort or pleasure as she came to realize that her self-care almost killed her.

I have no problems identifying the things that bring me comfort or pleasure. Self-care for me is sitting qui-etly reading a book or having a good meal with people I love. My Mother’s Day was filled with the things that delight and refresh me – what more can we ask!

Pastor Louise

Happy Mother’s Day… a little late. I hope all you mom’s had a wonderful day. I certainly did. It is not often that I have Sunday dinner with my family as I am usually working Sunday evenings. On Mother’s Day I worshipped in the morning and had the evening off. I took a nap in the afternoon, and my family was all around the dinner table for a wonderful meal they pre-pared for me. We sat around the table after the meal just catching up with each other and later played a few hands of cards. This was my idea of a perfect day; relax-ing with the ones I love most.

I read an article over the weekend in the L.A. Times about the business of self-care. And I literally mean the business of… a $10-billion business! The article refer-enced self-care books, affirmation cards, pamper kits, chakra stones, self-care retreats, workshops, life coaches and podcasts. The writer also made a distinction be-tween “self-help” and “self-care”. The first is about find-ing ways to overcome problems and the latter is about being kind to yourself.

Humorously, the writer shared the activities she em-braced in an effort to be kind to herself – something she defined as anything that might help her de-stress and of-fer comfort or pleasure. She began with downloading a meditation app on her cellphone. She would start each day by meditating for 15 minutes. Next, she signed up for an evening Zumba exercise class, then enrolled in a Thursday piano class where it was suggested that she prac-tice each day for 30-minutes. You can probably see where this is heading. Between commitments she already had and the addition of the “self-help” regimen, the writer was more stressed than when she began helping-herself.

Fifteen minutes of meditation was reduced to 10-min-utes, and then abandoned altogether. She fell behind on

“Just A Thought ...” by rev. louise sloan goben

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First Christian news May 15, �019 Page 5

Dear First Christian Church, We are excited about the opportunity for the

faith community in the San Fernando and Simi Valley to come together to share what they are doing to fight human trafficking so we can encourage and support each other in taking action to end human trafficking. This meeting is for clergy, ministry/social justice leaders or anyone who feels called by God to take action in the fight against human trafficking.

We will have a couple short talks by dynamic speakers, but the main purpose of the meeting is for everyone to share what they are doing, so we can connect, collaborate and grow our efforts in the fight against human trafficking. The church has several parking lots. Best to park at the lot on the corner of Sylvan and Tyrone.

SoCal Faith Coalitions Against Human Trafficking has 9 faith coalitions covering LA, Orange County and San Bernardino. Please RSVP ([email protected]) if you are coming so we know how to set up the room. We look forward to meeting everyone!

Susan PattersonSoCal Faith Coalitions Against Human Trafficking,

an outreach of Through God’s Grace Ministry

may 18, 2019 . 9am - 11amVan nuyS uniTed meTHodiST CHurCH6260 Tyrone aVe., Van nuyS, Ca 91401

(light breakfast served 8:00–8:40am)

JOIN OUR TEAM!Many of our Region’s ministries are looking for fresh voices and supportive gifts for carrying out their work on behalf of the church. The Regional ministries who are looking for new members include:

church transformation • church in society ecumenical & interfaith relations • finance

leadership • new church development nominating • permanent funds (this will be a

virtual committee meeting online and by phone)pro-reconciliation/anti-racism • personnel camp and conference • outdoor ministries

disciples women • global ministries young adults • older adult ministry

If you would like to be considered to serve with any one of these ministries, please contact Janelle Vannoy in the Regional Office at [email protected]. The chair of each ministry will select interested members to serve and will contact you directly. Thank you for your con-sideration of these important ministries of our Region.

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BIBLE STUDY“Church Heritage”MonDaYS . 7pM . In THE annEx

5/20 • a Church in Covenant (including a few guests from the wider church)

6/3 • Film “a Journey in Faith”

save the datesunday . june 2 . 12:30 pm

youth &children’schoir concert ____celebratinglove, joy, music&

did you know a percentage of your online purchases can be

a donation to FCCnH?

Check out our website (, and click on the Donate or Vendor button

at the top of the page and select “First Christian Church of North Hollywood” as

your designated charity.

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First Christian news May 15, �019 Page �

I greet you in the Wonderful Magnificent name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In 2011, I made a promise to Jayda that after I fin-ished my MFA (in Theatre and Film performance) at Ari-zona State University (ASU), I would return home. In ad-dition, Jayda asked, “Daddy will you be home in time for my fifth grade graduation?” I immediately replied “yes, baby I will.” I did not make Jayda’s fifth grade graduation and that was one of the biggest regrets in my life. She was furious and really really hurt. A year ago, she wrote me a letter referring to her experience during the fifth grade graduation. Jayda described her emotions in one powerful sentence: “As they called my name to receive the graduation certificate, I walked across the stage crying be-cause I did not see my daddy in the audience and for the first time my dad had broken his word.” To make matters worse, when I finally arrived home from ASU a few weeks after the graduation, I broke the news to Jay that I would be moving to Los Angeles to pursue my budding film career. The news was not taken well and consequently it put a strain on our relationship. I soon realized that Jayda had grown accustomed to having me in her life everyday for the first eleven years of her life. This was hard for us to cope with because our bond had been broken, communi-cation was not the same, hugs felt lighter, and our laughs did not last as long. How could this be fixed? What could I do? I did what I’ve always done, I prayed to God to

strengthen the relationship between Jayda and me. Jayda’s speech remains powerful to me because although her hero was living as a starving artist in LA, she thrived in school and she forgave me for not being at her fifth grade gradu-ation. Today, we talk often with both of us working at our relationship. We Facetime. We write letters. We are honest with each other. We share our dreams with each other and, as her parent, I talk with her about making her dreams come true and the difficulties one experiences while working towards a dream.

I share this story today because although this situ-ation is far from ideal, we know God is working in our lives and we are thankful for the time we get to spend with each other. We are thankful for Big Dreams. I am thankful for relationships and for a God that puts the right words in my mouth at the right time. I am grateful for opportunities to try again.

I share this with you to say, love your children, keep your word, and always put our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the head of your life. God will make a way out of no way. This story is part of my story and it demon-strates God is not finished with me yet! God is not fin-ished with my daughter. God is not finished with our relationship. God is not finished with YOU!

Blessing,Jeremy Gillett

Did you know FCCNH has a Facebook page? Please check it out and Like us on Facebook. It is a great way to keep up with what is going on in the life of the church.

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brenden carlson • rand holdren • dusty ann holdren • suzanne Flores

Brenden Carlson joined the church at the 10am service on Sunday, May 5th. Brenden’s grandmother, Lillian Carlson, was a long-

time member and very active in CWF. Please be sure to introduce yourself to Brenden and

welcome him to the FCCNH Family the next time you see him around church.

Pictured above with Pastor Bob and Pastor Louise are (left to right) Rand Holdren,

Dusty Ann Holdren, and Suzanne Flores. Our three newest members joined the church

at the 10am service on Sunday, May 12th.Please be sure to say hello and introduce yourself to Suzanne and the Holdrens.

The North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry serves roughly 5,000 people each month, and we are in need of wholesome, health giving food—high protein foods are especially needed. The 3rd

Sunday of each month is Ingathering Sunday and our next is May 19th. Please bring your donations

to the Narthex or the Church office.

ingatheringsundayis may 19

Guided Tai Chi Classes Tues. 1:00 pm & Thurs. 4:00 pm

in the Youth Hut

Classes guided by Byron Armantrout.Freewill donation of $10 per session.

Tai Chibreathing techniques

s imple stretching exercisesmeditat ion to reduce stress

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Musical TheaTer caMpGrades 3–12

June 17–21 • 9am–4pm$195 early registration $220 regular registration

phoTography caMpGrades 3–12

June 24–28 • 9am–12:30pm(advanced photo until 3pm)

$120 early registration $145 regular • $100 advanced photo

Dance-FiT caMpK – Grade 6

July 1–5 (except July 4)9am–12:30pm

aftercare 12:30pm–3pm$100 early registration

$125 regular • $79 aftercare

KiDs’ culinary caMp 101K – Grade 3

July 8–12 • 9am–12:30pmaftercare 12:30pm–3pm$120 early registration $145 regular registration

$99 aftercare

KiDs’ culinary caMp 201Grades 4 – 9

July 8–12 • 9am–3pm$220 early registration $245 regular registration

Music caMpK - Grade 8

July 15–19 • 9am–12:30pmaftercare 12:30pm–3pm$135 early registration $160 regular registration

$99 aftercare

arT caMpGrades 3–12

July 22–26 • 9am–3pm$220 early registration $245 regular registration

VBs • VacaTion BiBle school

3 yrs/potty-trained – Grade 6 July 29–august 2 • 9am–12:30pm

aftercare 12:30pm–3pm$115 early registration

$140 registration$99 aftercare

ChIldREN’s CAMps – sUMMER FEllOwshIpEvery summer our campus is alive with spirited explorations for youngsters. Camp has never been more expanding,

uplifting… or FUN! We know you will want to consider our fun, wholesome, and affordable opportunities for your children! For more info go to, email [email protected] or pick up a brochure in the church office.


Three weeks prior To individual camp sTarT daTe Grade enTerinG in The 2019-2020 school year

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save the dates6/24 - 7/29

summer film series

mondays . 7pm . social hall

Food Pantry volunteer ContaCtsTransportation Teams:

Maggie Talton [email protected] Representative:

Erin Zavala [email protected]

another way to donate to the pantry

Make your donations to the Interfaith Food Pantry through the FCCNH web page


the Food pantry IS In need oF:Canned tuna, canned chicken, rice, canned beans (pinto, navy etc.), boxed (dRy)

ceReAl, diapers, powdered milk, baby food, peanut butter and tomato products!

Sunday, May 19 #6 Barbara Erdahl Kevin Kenney Margaret Talton

Thursday, May 23 #1 Art Dielhenn Terri Hall Jackie Fecske

Sunday, May 26 #8 Sally Hallada Joe Beam Eliza Beam Jacob Beam

Thursday, May 30 Swing Team

Sunday, June 2 #2 Louise Goben Galen Goben Jeff Goben Hutch Hutchinson Fred Sloan

Wednesday, June 5 Studio City Team

WoRkShoP #22

“cARING coMMUNITy: how to become one.”

INTeRfAITh PANel:Judy Scharf, Temple Judea

Zubair Syed, Islamic Society of the West ValleyPastor Stephane Jaeger, St. Matthew’s Lutheran

Randy Dobbs, L. A. Bahai CenterRabbi Jim Kaufman, Temple Beth Hillel

June 23 . 12:30-2:30pmTemple Judea 5429 lindley Ave, Tarzana

Light lunch served (vegetarian option)

RSVP To:Marsha Novak marlynov@gmail .com or

Julia Wackenheim [email protected] orRabbi Jim [email protected]

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ChurCh staFF

Robert M. Bock Senior PastorLouise Sloan Goben Associate PastorAlfredo Gomez Pastor, Spanish Speaking CongregationJennifer Le’au Director of Children’s MinistriesJeremy Gillett Director of Youth MinistriesTyana Parr Director of Children’s/Youth ChoirsDavid Rigsby Music Director/OrganistChristine Karasseferian Director of FinanceChris CarsonChurch AdministratorGabriela Dorantes Administrative AssistantGlenda Morgan Brown Administrative AssistantTerri Burton Church PublicationsMichele Amundsen Wedding Director Elmer Maldonado Building & Grounds SuperintendentMiriam MancillaDirector of Christian Nursery SchoolGreg Kirkland Media Director

volunteer staFFJacob Beam Craig Brooks, Janette Jara, Tom Louie, Susan Marble, Jeff McFadden, Denise Ovaldson, Tiffany TappSound Technicians

Luis Oliart Security

in MeMoriaMEarle Immel Minister of Music Emeritus

Merle E. Fish, Jr. Minister Emeritus

by Way oF rePort

Week of Sunday, May 12, 2019______________

10:00 AM Worship Service 172 5:30 PM SpiritSong Service 23 7:00 PM Evenlight Service 5 7:00 PM Wednesday Service 5 Sunday School Children 31 Youth (morning 15 Youth (evening) --

10:00 AM Worship Service $5,509.00 5:30 PM SpiritSong Service $739.82 7:00 PM Evenlight Service $23.00 Wednesday Meditation Service $3.00 Sunday School Children $8.00

ToTal General offerinG $6,282.82

Memorial Gift $200.00

PLEASE SUBMIT ARTICLES VIA EMAIL [email protected] or [email protected]

Please indicate “newsletter” and/or “bulletin” in the subject line if articles are for publication. Articles can

also be delivered to the office M-F, 9am to 5pm.

is midnight sunday!

n e w s l e t t e r

Page 12: Volume LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019 - Disciples of LXII No. 97 May 15, 2019 ... Maksim Avrukin, our speaker, and President

First Christian News First Christian ChurCh oF north hollywood

a Congregation oF the Christian ChurCh

(disCiples oF Christ) 4390 ColFax avenue

north hollywood, CA 91604 - 2898

THINK GREEN! PLEASE RECYCLE!NOTE: If you would like to receive this newsletter via Email, which saves

on printing/mailing costs and is better for the environment, please contact us. Annual subscription cost for first class mail version is $24.

May 19 10:00 am Chris Trammell (O) Diane O’Brien (C) 5:30 pm Sheryl Fitzpatrick 7:00 pm Sheryl Fitzpatrick

First Christian Church of North Hollywood818/763-8218 • FAX 818/763-8457Web Site: www.fccnh.orgemail: [email protected]

pastor & senior editor Robert M. Bockproofreading Glenda Morgan Brownart direction Terri Burtonproduction services Byron Armantrout


Mary Ann Steuterman Billie KlineLillian Carlson Heather Kenney Margaret Defibaugh Cathy Melendez Fern Donald Chuck Mont Jean Johnson Wanda Kanoy Helen Scarna Kay Smith Betty Van Zanten Shirley McClure Deborah Wheeler Virginia Stebbins Cindy Kaller

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