Page 1: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


In quantum physics, there is a phenomenon called 'Quantum Entanglement' which riled Albert Einstein that he called it 'spooky action at a d i s tance ' . In layman ' s te rm, quantum entanglement is a term used to describe how individual particles which were once a whole now separated physically many miles or even light years away, still influence each other. Several experiments conducted on entanglement reveals groups of entangled particles lose their individuality and behave as a single entity. Any change in one of the particles leads to an immediate response in the other, even if they are spatially separated. Scientists are puzzled as to how the transfer of state between the particles takes place at a speed of at least 10000 times the speed of light, instantaneously regardless of distance.

One resolution to this puzzle was proposed as a hidden variable theory. This assumed that each particle carries all the required information with it and nothing needs to be transmitted from one particle to the other at the time of measurement. At this time, Einstein and other scientists accepted that quantum physics must be incomplete. As scientists continued to research and experiment, Theory of Everything (TOE) was proposed. TOE is a theoretical framework of physics that tries to fully explain and link together all physical aspects of the universe. String theory in TOE posits that at the beginning of the universe, the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions) were once a single fundamental force. All matter is nothing more than vibrating strings with preferred patterns of vibration. Einstein believed that a theory of

everything would explain how this world was created.

An episode called 'Genesis' in the program 'One Strange Rock' believes all life on earth occurred from the first primitive cell called LUCA. LUCA stands for 'Last Universal Common Ancestor' for all life here on earth. LUCA was the first living cell with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce i tsel f. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions of years, different life forms came into existence right from the single celled forms like bacteria, protozoa to trees, fishes, worms, animals and to complex life forms like humans. Though the life forms were diverse and complex, all life forms retained the basic chemistry of LUCA- cell is the smallest common denominator of life. Our human body is nothing but a complex working together of 30 trillion cells.

Linking quantum entanglement, Theory of Everything and LUCA being the beginning of life, the unified understanding that emerged was that all life forms are entangled particles which emerged from one whole (the primitive cell called LUCA) and as per the principles of Quantum Entanglement and TOE; we cannot be separated and will constantly influence each other instantaneously. So, science is trying to prove that everything is deeply connected way beyond our comprehension. We came from one source, one energy and will remain connected and influence each other irrespective of our differences in form, complexities, behaviour or distances.

Each cell communicates and acts in accordance to its environment. Science proposes it as a hidden variable theory. We are led into ever expanding infinite possibilities, way beyond what our experiments can prove. Faith is not anti-science; faith is way beyond the comprehension

of science. Science is making infancy steps in understanding prayers, health, faith and miracles. Through the theories of entanglement, TOE and LUCA, we get into sneak peak understanding what our treatises say.

In 1954, Sir Roger Bannister was the first man to run a mile in less than 4 minutes, achieved through extraordinary willpower and training. This achievement happened at a time, when the belief was that the human body will not be able to withstand the exertion of running a mile in less than 4 minutes. Just six weeks later, another competing athlete John Michael Landy ran the distance of one mile under 4 minutes. Since then, the 4 minute barrier has been broken by over 1400 male athletes, and is now, the standard of all male professionals middle-distance runners in cultures that use imperial units. In fact, the mile record has been lowered by almost 17 seconds, and cur rent ly s tands at 3:43.13. This transformation was possible because Sir roger Bannister challenged the belief and tested the limits of what a human body and spirit can achieve. An entangled particle, the rest followed suit.

It is not just the superhero Spiderman, who should say –'With great power comes great responsibility'. Each one of us are super heroes in our own way, as every action performed or every action withheld creates ripples in our entire ecosystem, the effects of which are way beyond our comprehension. To create a peaceful, loving, happy, caring society, we need to hold on to peaceful, loving, caring, happy thoughts and behaviour. Our work is rather simple-as an individual, become peaceful, loving, happy and caring and leaves entanglement to do the rest of the work of convergence.

Purshotamdas Mandhana

From the

Chairman’s Desk

Silence is golden when you cannot think of a good answer – Ramesh Kumar Bung. 01


Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : ` 1/-

Editor : Ranjana Sharma Associate Editor : A. V. Rama Rao

Postal Regn. No. : RNP/HD/1145/2020-2022

RNI Regn. No. : APENG/2011/38018, Dated 24-06-2011

Date of Publication : 7th March, 2020

Date of Posting : 9th March, 2020

Anytim -Banking Centre

Page 2: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing– Ramesh Kumar Bung.02


Everything in this world and what the world has become today is a direct

effect of this magic mantra called 'Observe and Absorb' gifted to us.

Scientists practise this mantra every day. They observe a phenomenon or

an occurrence and absorb it to recreate it or understand its application or

effect on humanity. All discoveries and inventions are a direct result of

observe and absorb. Our knowledge of the universe, the celestial bodies,

the creation of life on earth, the development of various bodies of science

like chemistry, biology, zoology, oceanography and many more were

formed through our ability to observe the fundamental forces at work,

absorb this knowledge, and classify and categorize it to pass it on to the

future generations.

All medical discoveries, all the cures that humanity has found for various

ailments, is a result of observing the body, its composition, the chemical

secretions and absorbing this knowledge to create the chemical

components called medicines. Doctors observe the movements of various

joints, different muscle groups in the body and absorb it to recreate spare

parts to the original marvel called the body. Life-changing concepts like

epiphany, divine inventions or an ever-since moments in life happens to

everyone. We only witness a few ordinary people becoming

extraordinary by using their ever-since moment. These legends simply

observe and absorb a fleeting moment of life where the magic of life was

unfolding. They just catch that moment of life where their history and the

history of the world get rewritten.

Observe and absorb is a process of quietening the mind, locating the mind

where you are, sharpening the intellect, and feeling the subtlety and life

flowing through you. When you become a witness to everything that is

happening to you, when you become conscious of every moment of life,

you are elevated to your higher self. It heightens your awareness so that

you never miss a moment in life. You turn into life and life becomes

indebted to cause magical moments in your life.

When you observe and absorb, for the first time, you begin to respond to

events and not react to events. Many things said and done in life could

have been prevented if only we took a few moments to observe and

absorb what was happening at that moment and then respond. The power

of 'now' is born from our ability to observe and absorb. It is a process and

mastery that is achieved over a period of time. It begins at a physical level

through mere observance and absorption of events from memory; we try

to recall the event at a later point of time. As we keep fine tuning this

practice of observe and absorb, the mind too participates and begins to

grasp the finer details. As we keep the practice going, the body, mind,

intellect and the emotional personalities within us totally observe and


In a stormy ocean, the turbulent waters can stand a bolster being dropped

without creating any impact on it. On the other hand, in a still water lake,

endless ripples will be created even if a simple pebble is dropped. From

being a stormy ocean, with a tsunami of emotions, a cluttered mind and

discriminating intelligence, through the practice of observe and absorb,

we can become a still water lake. At this juncture, the totality of your being

participates in observe and absorb. There is harmony that is an integral

part of you, and everything stems from this harmony.

As you observe and absorb your own thoughts and your feelings, you

realise the futility of negativity in your life. You realise you are fully of

emotions but there is no emotional drama in your life. You become a

solution for everything you face in life and there is a guru inside you

guiding you all the time. You realise for the first time that the answers

unfold from within you. Clarity is a natural by-product of observe and


As you observe and absorb, you become so sensitive to the environment

around you. You see things, feel things that are beyond the bandwidth

limited by the sensory perceptions. You innately tune into the vibrations of

the environment around you. Grasping the fine details and the nuances of

life is possible only through observe and absorb. As you observe and

absorb, you realise the giant of a personality that is sitting within you, the

limitlessness, the vastness, the oasis of resources you are. You discover the

Atman within you, the infinite and the ultimate truth. If self-actualisation is

your goal in life, the first step is to observe and absorb.

As you dissolve into the experience of observing and absorbing your faith,

your idol, your altar beyond a point, you cease to exist and your object of

faith – your altar – taken over, dissolved and vanished in that experience,

and you have your first glimpse of divinity.

All wars in this world were fought because of man's inability to sit alone

quietly. All disturbances in life are a direct result of non-acceptance of

ourselves and the environment around us. If you want the Midas touch in

life, if you want a magic wand to live life, simply observe and absorb. And

the magic will begin in your life.

Ramesh Kumar Bung

Chairman - Emeritus INKSChairman - Emeritus INKS

THEORY OF LIFEEmpty Pocket teaches you a Million things in life, But full pocket spoils you in a Million ways.

Page 3: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


My Dear Colleagues,

How much we live in the memories of our past and let the present pass

by? How often we continue to process the emotions of our past and let

it affect the quality of our present? Many of us sit in the glories of our

past and let the world surge ahead of us.

The rear view mirror can only act as a reference; we will have to look

through the windshield to drive safely ahead. Our past, at best, is a

source of maturity; reference; awareness; a rear view mirror. Our past

exists only our own memory. It has no other existence.

Let the direction of your intelligence focus on creating a humongous

future. Your future begins today. Your future begins now. Leave your

yesterdays to yesterdays. Draw a line to your past. Wake up to a new

life. Today's exquisite sculpture was just a stone yesterday. The flute in

the hands of the master was nothing but a bamboo. The glittering

diamond was once upon a time just a carbon. Your future is not

equivalent to your past.

Nothing is a greater retardation to growth than the burden of

emotional baggage from the past. Yesterday was over yesterday is not

about intellectual understanding but it is about emotional acceptance.

You alone can help yourself. You need to unburden yourself from the

clutches of your past. Your past has served its purpose. It has made

you who you are and who you have become. Now, let the future lead

you from here. Get the direction of your performance to be future

oriented. Wake up to a new life.

Maturity is given to construct your future and not for dissecting your

past. Don't use efforts to look back. Instead, look ahead. Results are

delivered from the womb of future. Carrying is an effort. Dropping

is a decision. Drop your limited past. Embrace a limitless

future. Go forward.... Go onward... Make your performance a

progression, no more a regression.

Stop lamenting about 'what could have been...' Focus on 'What can

be'. The end of Agnes was the beginning of Mother Teresa. The end of

Narendra was the beginning of Swami Vivekananda. Enough of your

old version. Direct your endeavours towards a limitless future and let

this be the rededication. THE NEW VERSION OF YOU SHOULD


Cordially yours, Umesh Chand Asawa


It is not the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it is the pebble in your shoe– Ramesh Kumar Bung. 03

ISRO eyes the sun! India's first solar mission Aditya-L1 to unravel many mysteries

Apart from planning first manned space mission to be sent in 2022

and the relaunch of the Chandrayaan next year, the Indian Space

Research Organisation (ISRO) is also aiming to send the country's first

solar mission by early 2021. Named Aditya-L1, the 400-kg satellite

launch will be one of the most ambitious space missions undertaken

by the space agency so far. The mission will involve observing the sun

from close quarters and obtaining information about its magnetic field

and atmosphere, the Indian Express reported.

What makes solar missions tricky is the humongous distance between

the Earth and the sun, which stands at 149 million kilometres. On the

other hand, the distance between the Earth and the moon is only 3.84

lakh kilometre. Ultra-hot radiations and temperatures that increase

exponentially as the satellite moves towards the sun, makes it

impossible to be in the close vicinity of the sun.

The closest any space mission has been to the sun is NASA's Parker

Solar Probe mission which hovered at a distance of 18.6 million

kilometres from the sun at a jaw-dropping speed of 3.93 lakh km per

hour. On January 29 this year, NASA's Parker Solar Probe recorded a

temperature of 612 degree celsius on its shield which was facing the

sun head-on. However, the state of the art technology used in the

spacecraft retained an ordinary temperature of 30-degree Celsius.

The second closest was a mission sent by erstwhile West Germany in

collaboration with NASA at a distance of 43 million kilometres from

the sun.

In Aditya-L1's case, ultra-heat

radiations and distance are not

expected to cause much of a

headache as the satellite will only

explore the L1 region between the

sun and the Earth which is only 1.5

million kilometres away from the

e a r t h . H o w e v e r , m a n y

instruments to be used in the mission are being manufactured

indigenously which makes the task complicated. Some moving

instruments are also being used on the mission. The mission will be

launched using Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV in XL

configuration. With seven payloads, the satellite will continuously face

the sun and send round-the-clock imaging of the sun which will aid in

study related to the solar emissions, winds and atmosphere. The

findings of the mission will also be utilised in analysing the overall

environment of the system including Earth's. Storms directed at earth

from the sun and their intensity might also be gauged with the help of

the mission's findings. The mission is being led by ISRO in

collaboration with the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA),

Bengaluru, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics

(IUCAA), Pune, and Indian Institute of Science, Education and

Research (IISER), Kolkata.

Page 4: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


It is lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges and you shall believe in yourself– Ramesh Kumar Bung.04


Once upon a time, due to drought, there was less and less food

available for the frogs in a pond. A visiting frog took pity on them.

He said: 'There is a tower nearby and on top of it, you will find all

the food you want'. He was referring to the nearby lighthouse

which attracts a lot of insects – food for the frogs. All the frogs

hopped towards the lighthouse and gathered at the base. They

then started scaling the walls of the lighthouse to find sumptuous


The news spread fast and all the forest animals gathered at the spot

to watch the show. They looked at the height of the lighthouse and

the size of the frogs and started commenting. Giraffe said: 'These

frogs are crazy to even attempt the feat. There is no way for them to

scale this tall tower'. The elephant nodded in agreement. The

jackal commented: 'He he he, they will never reach the top'. The

rabbit: 'Look one by one they fall down!'

Hearing these comments, the

frogs were discouraged and one

by one they started falling.

Finally, there was only one frog

that reached the top and ate the

insects there, to his heart's content. He came down and was happy

returning to his pond. The cunning jackal was curious. He

enquired: 'When all the frogs could not make it to the top, how did

you manage to reach the tower?' The frog did not answer. His

gestures were quite indifferent. The jackal thought: 'Is he deaf?' Yes,

He was. He could not hear the remarks of the animals and never

got discouraged. He only believed 'I CAN' and went ahead.

When the world discourages you, go deaf. You got to

believe 'YOU CAN'.

Raghuram ShettyGeneral Manager

If you lived on Pluto, you'd have to live 248 Earth years to

celebrate your first birthday in Pluto-years. If you lived on

Pluto, you would see Charon (a natural satellite) from only one side

of the planet. Charon's orbit around Pluto takes about six and one-

half Earth days. Pluto's day (that is, one complete rotation) takes

exactly the same amount of time. So, Charon always "hovers" over

the same spot on Pluto's surface, and the same side of Charon

always faces Pluto.

At Pluto's current distance from the sun, the temperature on its

surface is about 400 degrees below zero Fahrenheit! It will get even

colder as it moves farther from the sun. From Pluto, the sun looks

like just a bright dot in the sky, the brightest star visible. The light

from the sun is as bright on Pluto as the light from the full Moon is on


If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh only 7

pounds on Pluto!

Which sentence best describes Pluto?

Ÿ Pluto is actually closer to the sun than Neptune for about 8% of

its orbit.

Ÿ Pluto is just one of many icy objects in a distant area of our solar


Ÿ Pluto and its large, orbiting companion object Charon, are

tipped on their sides.

Ÿ All of the above - Pluto, King of the Ice Dwarfs

Well, just pick the answer you like best, because they are all true!

Pluto is a dwarf planet that lies in the Kuiper Belt. It's an area full of

icy bodies and other dwarf planets at the edge of our solar system.

Because Pluto is the biggest object in this region, some call it "King of

the Kuiper Belt." One thing is certain. Pluto and its neighbourhood

are very peculiar. If scientists

could unravel some of their

mysteries, we would know more

about how our solar system


More Fun Facts About

Pluto: Pluto is only about half

the width of the United States.

Charon is about half the size of

Pluto. Charon is the largest

moon compared to the body it orbits (whether planet or dwarf

planet) of any moon in the solar system.

Almost all the planets travel around the sun in nearly perfect circles.

But Pluto does not. It takes an oval-shaped path with the sun

nowhere near its centre. What's more, its path is quite tilted from the

nice, orderly plane where all the planets orbit. (Mercury has a slightly

lop-sided orbit, although not nearly so much as Pluto's.)

Compared to most of the planets and their moons, the whole Pluto-

Charon system is tipped on its side. Like the planets, Pluto's spin axis

stays pointed in the same direction as it orbits the sun. But unlike all

planets except Uranus, Pluto is tipped on its side. The planets' axes

of rotation stand more or less upright from the plane of their orbits.

Pluto orbits in a far-out region of the solar system called the Kuiper

(rhymes with viper) Belt. There are lots of icy, rocky objects out

there. But they are so far from the sun they are really hard to see,

even with powerful telescopes.

Let's Go There! We finally got to visit Pluto, Charon, and the

Kuiper Belt! On January 19, 2006, NASA launched a robot

spacecraft on the long journey. This mission is called New Horizons.

The spacecraft arrived at Pluto in July 2015, and will continue to

study other objects in the Kuiper Belt from about 2018 to 2022.

A.V. Rama Rao


Page 5: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions

Passion is needed for any great work– Ramesh Kumar Bung. 05


Poha is a traditional Indian breakfast food and is still favoured in Indian

households. With a variety of breakfast dishes such as oatmeal and

pancakes, poha has taken a back seat. The health benefits offered by poha

are plenty and when consumed, are light on your tummy - making it the

perfect breakfast dish. In various parts of India, there are variations of the

dish such as dadpe poha, avalakki, dahi chuda, kanda poha, and others.

Poha is also known as flattened rice and is made with beaten rice - an

excellent source of carbohydrates, iron, fibre, and packed full of

antioxidants, vitamins and free of gluten.

Nutrition In Poha: A bowl of cooked poha has 250 calories, and with the

addition of vegetables, the dish becomes high in vitamins, minerals and

antioxidants. If you are looking to lose weight, do not add peanuts and

potatoes in the poha as they increase the number of calories. To make

poha healthier, cook it in olive oil. You can also add shredded coconut and

onion to spruce up the first meal of your day.

1. Easily Digestible: Your breakfast must be the healthiest meal of the

day as it is the first meal you consume to before starting your day. Let's

explore why poha is said to be the healthiest breakfast food. Poha is a light

breakfast food that eases the digestive system. As poha is easy to be

digested, it will not lead to bloating and help keep you feeling full for a

longer period, making it a suitable breakfast, if you are looking for losing

some weight.

2. Has Healthy Carbohydrates: Poha is a very good source of healthy

carbohydrates which is required by the body to provide you energy. It

contains 76.9 per cent of recommended carbohydrates and about 23 per

cent of fats. So, having poha for breakfast will give you the right amount of

energy without storing any fat.

3. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels: Poha is rich in fibre and helps

control the release of sugar into the bloodstream and preventing any

On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic

situation, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at its meeting on

February 6, 2020 decided to:

Ÿ Keep the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility

(LAF) unchanged at 5.15%. Consequently, the reverse repo

rate under the LAF remains unchanged at 4.90% and the

marginal standing facility (MSF) rate and the Bank Rate at


sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

This property of poha makes it a

suitable food for individuals who are

suffering from diabetes.

4 . R ich In I ron : R e g u l a r

consumption of poha has been

linked with the prevention of iron deficiency and thus reducing the risk of

anaemia. Children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, can benefit

from poha when consumed as a breakfast dish. Pregnant women are at a

higher risk of gestational anaemia and are often advised to eat poha. For

better iron absorption in the body, squeeze the juice of a lemon.

5. Low In Gluten: People who are sensitive to gluten foods like wheat

and barley can opt for poha because it is very low in gluten. As poha is low

in gluten, it can also be considered by people who have to consume low-

gluten foods on doctor's advice.

6. Low In Calories: This healthy dish is low in calories. Poha contains

around 76.9 per cent of recommended carbohydrates and about 23 per

cent of fats, making it the perfect option for people looking forward to

losing some weight in a healthy way.

7. A Good Probiotic Food: One of the major health benefits of poha is

that it is good probiotic food. It is because the flattened rice is made by

parboiling paddy and then drying it out in the sun. After this the dried

product is beaten flat to make poha and undergo fermentation, which

helps retain the microbial flora from the digested carbohydrates and

protein, thereby improving your gut health.

Sheela JaiswalAmeerpet Branch

Ÿ The MPC also decided to continue with the accommodative stance as

long as it is necessary to revive growth, while ensuring that inflation

remains within the target.

These decisions are in consonance with the objective of

achieving the medium-term target for consumer price index (CPI)

inflation of 4% within a band of +/- 2%, while supporting growth.

The next meeting of the MPC is scheduled during March 31, April

1 and 3, 2020.

Sixth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2019-20: Resolution of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), Reserve Bank of India

Invest your today in constructing your futureAnd not in dissecting your past. Let the caterpillar focus on becoming a butterflyThan the butterfly regretting it was a caterpillar

Umesh Chand Asawa

Page 6: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


Better to die standing than to live on your knees– Ramesh Kumar Bung.06

Who owns the most expensive house in the world? Where is the most

expensive house in the United States? What amenities are considered

standard these days for the most expensive mansions in the world?

Discover the answer to those questions and so much more with this

look at 12 billionaire palatial homes, from skyscrapers in India to

hilltop mansions in California. After all, is there any better version of

escapist fun than indulging your Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous


1) Buckingham Palace, London. Estimated value: $2.9

billion. With 775 rooms, including 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 78

bathrooms, and 92 offices, the Queen's London home still holds the

top ranking for the most expensive house in the world. Although the

British royal family owns many castles and estates throughout the

United Kingdom, Buckingham Palace has been the monarchy's

official residence since 1837. Queen Elizabeth II spends her annual

summer holiday at Balmoral Castle in Scotland's Highlands.

2) Antilia Tower, Mumbai. Estimated value: $1-2 billion.

Designed in consultation with Chicago-based architecture firm

Perkins & Will and Santa Monica-based hospitality design firm Hirsch

Bedner Associates for Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, this 400,000

square-foot residence in Mumbai's Cumballa Hill neighborhood is 27

stories high. The tower, which can sustain an earthquake of

magnitude 8 on the Richter scale, features six floors devoted to car

storage, a car service station, a temple, a 50-seat movie theatre, and a

nine high-speed elevators.

3) Villa La Leopolda, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France.

Estimated value: $750 million. Owned by Lily Safra, widow of

Lebanese born Brazilian banker Edmond Safra, this 11-bedroom, 14-

bathroom estate is perched on 50 acres in France's Alpes-Maritime

department of its Cote d'Azur region. It features a commercial

greenhouse, helipad, outdoor kitchen, and stunning pool, and was the

setting for Alfred Hitchcock's 1955 film To Catch a Thief. Villa La

Leopolda is named for its original owner: King Leopold II of Belgium

gifted the estate to his mistress Blanche Zelia Josephine Delacroix in

the early 20th century. The home was redesigned by American

architect Ogden Codman Jr. in the 1920s.

4) Villa Les Cedres, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France.

Estimated Value: $410 million. Built in 1830 then purchased in

1904 by Belgium's King Leopold II, this mansion was considered to be

the most expensive house in the world on the market, when it went up

for sale in 2017 for $410 million by Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A of

the Campari Group, the property's current owner. Set on 35 acres of

manicured gardens and named for the cedar trees on the grounds, the

18,000 square-foot, 14-bedroom estate boasts an Olympic-sized

swimming pool, a large stable, and decadent interiors (think

ginormous crystal chandeliers, intricate gilded woodwork, and 19th

century oil paintings) fit for the opulence of the home's Belle Epoque


5) The Odeon Tower Penthouse, Monaco. Estimated Value:

$330 million. The 35,000 square-foot apartment at the top of the

Tour Odeon, developed by the Groupe Marzocco and designed by

architect Alexandre Giraldi, spans several floors and comes with its

own private elevator. The private luxury doesn't stop there: a water

slide coming from an upper floor into an infinity pool with 360-degree

views of the surrounding landscape makes this penthouse pretty


6) Mesa Vista Ranch, Eastern Texas Panhandle. Estimated

Value: $250 million. T. Boone Pickens' 65,ooo acre ranch boasts a

lodge, a private airport, a pub, an 11,000 square-foot bird dog kennel

with room to house 40 dogs, a chapel, golf fairways and greens, and

nearly 20 man-made lakes. The oil tycoon moved his childhood home

from Oklahoma to the ranch in 2008.

7) Four Fairfield Pond, Sagaponack, New York. Estimated

Value: $248 million. Ira Renner's giant limestone Italian

Renaissance-style home sits on 63 acres of beachfront property in the

Hamptons. The 62,000 square foot mansion has 29 bedrooms, 39

bathrooms, and an expansive 91-foot dining room. The property is

also home to all kinds of luxury leisure spaces, such as a basketball

court, a bowling alley, squash courts, tennis courts, three swimming

pools, and a garage that can hold up to 100 cars.

8) 220 Central Park South Penthouse, New York. Estimated

Value: $238 million. Hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin made

history when he purchased the 24,000 square-foot penthouse in this

Robert A. M. Stern-designed skyscraper overlooking New York's

Central Park for $238, making it the most expensive home sold in the

U.S. The 79-story tower is distinctive due to its color: the building is

sheathed Alabama Silver Shadow limestone. It's also known for its

luxurious amenities, which include a spa, an athletic club, private

dining and entertaining facilities, and a private motor court.

9) 18-19 Kensington Palace Gardens, London. Estimated

Value: $222 million. Owned by Indian steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal,

the 55,000 square-foot 19th century mansion was originally built as

two semi-detached homes. After housing the Egyptian and Russian

embassies for many years, the buildings were purchased by developer

David Khalili, who merged the two into one downright palatial


10) Spelling Manor, Holmby Hills, California. Estimated

Value: $160 million. Once the home of the late television producer

Aaron Spelling, this 56,000 square-foot home boasts 14 bedrooms,

27 bathrooms, and was once the largest home in Los Angeles County.

The over-the-top style starts right at the front door with a 40 foot-high

foyer designed after the O'Hara Plantation, Tara, from Gone with the

Wind. The estate counts a gym, a wine cellar and tasting room, a

beauty salon with three stations, and massage and tanning rooms

among its amenities.

11) 924 Bel Air Road, Bel Air, California. Estimated Value:

$150 million. Developer Bruce Makowsky has thought of

everything a billionaire might want at home at this 38,000 square-foot

Bel Air mansion. In addition to the more traditional trappings of two

master bedrooms, 10 guest suites, 21 bathrooms, three kitchens, five

Page 7: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions

Be realistic, demand the impossible– Ramesh Kumar Bung. 07

bars, and even a massage room/wellness spa, the estate boasts more

outrageous amenities like: a helipad, an infinity pool, a candy wall,

two wine cellars, a four-lane bowling alley, and a pop-up outdoor

theatre. Had it sold for its original listing price of $250 million, it would

have been the most expensive home to sell in the United States.

12) Palazzo di Amore, Beverly Hills, California. Estimated

value: $129 million. Owned by billionaire developer Jeffrey

Greene, this Mediterranean-style estate has a whole lot to love about

it, starting with spectacular views of Los Angeles and the surrounding

canyons. Other sublime features: a vineyard set on the hillside,

manicured gardens and a waterfall, a Turkish spa, a DJ booth with

revolving dance floor and laser-light system, a 50-seat movie theatre,

and parking for 150 cars.

13) Washington: Median Household Income: $70,979. With

major companies like Amazon calling the Evergreen State home,

incomes have risen, and so has the cost of living. Washington is home

to one of the most expensive houses in the world, and Zillow estimates

the median home value there to be $385,800, up 5.6% from 2018.

14) The Playboy Mansion, Holmby Hills, California.

Estimated value: $100 million. This 1927 Tudor Revival estate,

once the residence of the late Playboy magazine founder Hugh

Hefner, features six bedrooms, six full baths, a tennis court and

swimming pool, a four-bedroom guest house, and, of course, the

legendary grotto. When the mansion was listed for $200 million in

2016, it was the most expensive house on the market in the U.S. at that

time. It was originally designed by Arthur R. Kelly for Arthur J. Letts,

Jr., son of Broadway department store founder Arthur Letts.

15) Oprah Winfrey's Promised Land, Montecito, California.

Estimated Value: $88 million. Known for her privacy, Oprah has

not shared many details about her sanctuary on the California

Coast—but she has shared the extensive rose garden she designed

with master rosarian Dan Bifano with VERANDA. Oprah also worked

with legendary designer Rose Tarlow to redecorate the 23,000 square-

foot Georgian mansion.

Ranjana SharmaDeputy General Manager/ Editor


painter Leonardo da Vinci as its thief.

02. Many diamonds are of beyond 300 crores of age.

03. On this earth, for each human being, there are 16 lakh ants on an


04. A Hungarian wrote 37 lines on a single match stick.

05. The huge tree in the entire world is 'Red Wood' tree in California.

Its weight is 9 times more than the heaviest animal 'Blue whale'.

(Blue Whale is the heaviest animal in the world).

06. In case we twine the big hair as a rope, we can lift a heavy vehicle.

07. If we compare with all the animals, the heart of the flesh eater lion

is the smallest among all carnivorous.

08. According to an estimate, there is one suicide per each 20 minutes

in America.

09. Vampires suck your blood for Vitamin D because they cannot go

out in the Sun themselves.

10. Unicorns are real. They are just fat and call themselves rhinos.

11. Did you know that there are more airplanes in the oceans than

submarines in the sky?

12. Donald Duck and his family were cannibals.

13. Statistically, bearded men are more likely to cheat on their

partners than bearded women.

14. Before Isaac Newton discovered gravity in 1687, people could fly.

15. The reason why Olympians bite their medals after a win is to

check if it is chocolate or not.

16. Pandas, which get enough sleep, do not have dark circles.

17. 100000 trees a day are cut to produce examination papers.

18. The reason why dinosaurs are extinct now because they were

lying underground the whole time and did not have enough

Oxygen to survive.

19. If you consider his speed of running, it takes Usain Bolt exactly 18

days to travel around the entire world on foot.

20. After writing the song 'Happy', Pharrell Williams has never cried

in his entire life.

P. Venugopal Reddy HO: Credit

When ego comes, everything else goes.When ego goes, everything else comes. So, don't drop relationships to save ego. Instead, drop ego to save relationships.

Expressing your feelings can cause hurting in a relationship.But, not expressing will hurt the relationship itself.

Umesh Chand Asawa Ramesh Kumar Bung

Page 8: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions

01. What is shadow banking?

02. The time limit for resolution under Insolvency and

Bankruptcy Code has been recently extended to ----- days,

some cases are delayed beyond the limit, partly reflecting


03. Restructuring of the borrower account is to be implemented

on or before ------

04. At present, the CRR is prescribed at ------ per cent of a bank's

total DTL.

05. What are Demand Liabilities?

06. What are Time Liabilities?

07. Which liabilities are not to be included for DTL/NDTL


08. India has strived to ensure that it follows a growth path that

delivers sustainable development and protects the

environment by investing in various schemes aligned with its

Nationally Determined Contribution. What are they?

09. A bouquet of life insurance products are catering to the needs

of various strata of society. Which types of insurance policies

are there in the insurance line?

10. 5 G technology provides quantum leap over 4 G in terms of --

---- most distinct feature is application in different economic


11. Which organisations of India are attached to Ministry of

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises?

12. Who said “Money is what money does”?


Answers on Page No. 12

We have no right to believe that freedom can be won without struggle– Ramesh Kumar Bung.08


TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) on Perquisites paid by the employer for

AY 2020-21: Employers responsible for paying any income

chargeable under the head 'Salaries' are required to deduct income

tax on the estimated income of the assessee under the head 'Salaries'

for financial year 2019-20, or Assessment Year 2020-21, according to

the Income Tax department. A circular dated 16 January, 2020 of the

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) said the income tax is required

to be calculated on the basis of the applicable rates for the financial

year. The assessees are required to furnish PAN or Aadhaar, as the

case may be, as per section 206AA of the Income Tax Act. As per the

circular, no tax will be deducted at source for those assessees whose

estimated salary income, including the prerequisites, for the financial

year do not exceed Rs 2.5 lakh. This limit for those above 60 years and

those above 80 years is Rs 3 lakh and Rs 5 lakh respectively.

Tax on perquisites paid by the employer: Perquisites are the benefits

an employee enjoys, or is entitled to enjoy, on account of his job or

position. According to the income tax department, employers have

been provided with an option to pay tax on non-monetary perquisites

given to an employee. The employer can pay tax on such perquisites

himself without making any TDS from the employee's salary.

"However, the employer will have to pay the tax at the time when such

tax was otherwise deductible i.e. at the time of payment of income

chargeable under the head - salaries to the employee," the circular


According to the circular, the tax on the perquisites is to be determined

at the average of the income tax computed on the basis of the tax rate

for the financial year, on the income chargeable under the head

'salaries', including the value of perquisites for the tax that has been

paid by the employer himself. The following illustration will help you

understand this provision:

Calculation of TDS/tax on perquisites: For example: Suppose income

chargeable under the head "salaries" of an employee below 60 years is

Rs 8,00,000, which includes Rs 90,000 paid on account of non-

monetary perquisites and the employer opts to pay tax on such

perquisites. Here's what the employer will have to deposit at tax on

perquisites, according to the circular:

Income chargeable under head 'Salaries': Rs 8,00,000

Tax on total salary (including 4% health and education cess) = Rs 75,400

Average rate of tax [(75,400/800000) x 100] = 9.42%

Tax payable on Rs 90,000 = (9.42% of 90,000) = Rs 8478

Amount required to be deposited each month = Rs 707 (Rs 8478/12)

The above amount paid by the employers will be deemed to be the

TDS made from the salary of the employee.

V. JyothiHO: PAD

Page 9: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


09I have a wish; it is a fear as well-that in my end will be my beginning– Ramesh Kumar Bung.

The year was 1555. Portuguese colonial power was at its peak in the

1500's. They destroyed Zamorins of Calicut and defeated the Sultan

of Bijapur. Took away Daman from the Sultan of Gujarat, Established

a colony in Mylapore, Captured Bombay and made Goa as their

headquarters And while they were at it, pretty much unchallenged,

they even ruined the ancient Kapaleeswarar Temple to build a Church

over it.

Their next target was the super profitable port of Mangalore. Their

only bad luck, just 14 kilometers south of Mangalore was the small

settlement of Ullal - ruled then by a feisty 30 year old woman - RANI

ABBAKKA CHOWTA. Initially, they took her lightly and sent a few

boats and soldiers to capture and bring her back to Goa - Those boats

never came back.

Shocked and enraged, they sent a huge fleet of ships this time, under

the command of much celebrated Admiral Dom Álvaro da Silveira -

The admiral soon returned, badly injured and empty handed.

Thereafter, another Portuguese fleet was sent - only a few injured from

the crew managed to make it back. Then the Portuguese went on to

capture the Mangalore port and the fort anyways, perhaps planning to

tackle Rani Abbakka Chowta from the convenient distance of the

Mangalore fort.

After the successful capture of Mangalore, a huge army under Joao

Peixoto, an experienced Portuguese General was sent to Ullal. The

brief was simple: Subjugate Ullal and capture Abbakka Chowta. The

plan was foolproof- there was no way a 30 year old lady with a few

men could withstand the might of an army of thousands with

advanced weapons. The Portuguese reached Ullal and found it

deserted. Abbakka was nowhere in sight.

They roamed around, relaxed and thanked their stars - Just when

they were about to call it a victory - Mrs Chowta attacked with 200 of

her chosen men - there was chaos all around and many Portuguese

lost their lives even without a fight. General João Peixoto was

assassinated, 70 Portuguese were captured and the rest just ran away.

So if you're Abbakka Chowta, who's just defeated a large army of

aggressors, killed a general, captured fighters and defended her city -

What will you do? - Rest and enjoy the moment right? - Right? - No!

Pioneering Silicon Valley inventor Larry Tesler died at age 74,

according to Xerox, where he spent part of his career. A pioneering US

computer scientist whose accomplishments included inventing the

widely relied on "cut, copy and paste" command died at age 74 on

17.02.2020. The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and

more was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler. A graduate of

Stanford University, Tesler specialised in human-computer

interaction, employing his skills at Amazon, Apple, Yahoo, and the

Xerox Palo Alto Research Centre.

Creating the idea: The cut and paste command was reportedly

inspired by old-fashioned editing that involved actually cutting

portions of printed text and affixing them elsewhere with adhesive.

Rani Abbakka Chowta, rode with her men towards Mangalore that

same night, and laid a siege of the Mangalore fort - She not just broke

inside the fort successfully - but assassinated Admiral Mascarenhas the

Chief of the Portuguese power there and forced the remaining

Portuguese to vacate the fort.

She didn't just stop at this but went on to even capture the Portuguese

settlement at Kundapura, a full 100 kms, north of Mangalore - Just to

make a point. The Portuguese finally managed to get back at Abbakka

Chowta by convincing her estranged husband, (a traitor) to betray for

money. She was arrested and put in the prison where she revolted

again and was killed while trying to escape. Lesson from story: It is the

local Indians, who themselves are responsible for slavery of our nation

for 1000 years by siding with Enemies.

Abbakka Chowta was a Jain who fought against the Portuguese for

four decades, with an army comprising of both Hindus and Muslims, a

full 300 years before the First War of Indian Independence in 1857.

What did we Indians do to her, as a mark of our respect and gratitude?

- We just forgot her. We didn't name our girls after her. We didn't even

teach her stories to our kids.

Yes we did release a Postal Stamp in her name, named a boat after her

and erected 2 statues - yes just 2 statues in the whole of India for

someone who should be our national hero. The Indian Coast Guard

ship ICGS Rani Abbakka the 1st of a series of five inshore patrol

vessels built at Hindustan Shipyard Ltd is named after Abbakka

Mahadevi. We might have got to read a chapter about her in our text

books, had she been a European or an American. Many talk about her

being the last Indian to have the power of the agni-ban. In all this

cacophony, our generation has lost a great hero - a great source of


Still wondering why you've not heard about her yet? Humble request

.. not just read.. delete..& forget!

Post it so that people know about our lineage!!

Rampal Attal Vice Chairman

Tesler created the idea of 'cut, copy, & paste' and

combined computer science training with a

counterculture vision that computers should be for

everyone. The command was made popular by

Apple after being incorporated in software on the

Lisa computer in 1983 and the original Macintosh that debuted the

next year. Tesler worked for Apple in 1980 after being recruited from

Xerox by late co-founder Steve Jobs. Tesler spent 17 years at Apple,

rising to chief scientist. He went on to establish an education startup

and did stints in user-experience technology at Amazon and Yahoo.

T. GirishHO: IT


Page 10: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions

whom she had made an appointment. When the merchant's son

appeared on the scene, it was pitch dark. Thinking it was her lover, the girl

married him according to Gandharva rites. Afterwards she asked him,

'Why don't you talk to me?'

He replied: 'You always get what is coming to you'. As soon as Vinayavati

heard this, she realised that it was not her lover at all but someone else and

she thought to herself, 'Whenever you rush into something, without

thinking about it sufficiently, this sort of thing happens'. Then she cursed

him and threw him out of the house. When he came out, he saw a huge

marriage procession passing by. The bridegroom, whose name was

Varakeerti, was coming from another village to get married. The

merchant's son joined the procession making its way to the bride's house.

The bride's father had got a special rostrum erected on the main highway

for the marriage ceremony and the bride was seated on it in magnificent

clothes and jewels, waiting for the bridegroom. Suddenly, a mad elephant,

which had already killed his master, appeared on the scene. When they

saw him, one and all ran helter-skelter to safety. But the bride was too

terrified to move. When the merchant's son saw this, he rushed to her and

said, 'Don't be afraid, I will protect you'. And he took hold of her left hand

and pacified her. Then he pulled a huge nail out of the rostrum and very

courageously went up to the elephant and jabbed the nail into him. As

luck would have it, the elephant got frightened and ran away.

After some time, the bridegroom, along with his friends and relatives,

returned to the scene. When he saw someone else holding the bride's

hand, he said to her father, 'Look here! You promised me this girl's hand

and now you have given her away to someone else'. The girl's father

replied: 'Listen! I was so terrified when the elephant appeared that I ran off,

like the rest of you. I really don't know what happened during my absence'.

Then he turned to his daughter and asked, 'What did happen? Tell me!'

She replied, 'When my life was in danger, this man showed great courage

and saved me. Now I will marry no one but him'.

After this, the whole night elapsed in argument. By morning, the whole

city was humming with the news. The king and the princess also heard

about it and came personally. The night watchman's daughter also heard

the news and arrived on the scene. The king asked the merchant's son:

'What is all this about? Explain to me'. He replied: 'You always get what is

coming to you'. When the princess heard this reply, she immediately

remembered the previous night's incident and thought to herself: 'Even

the gods can't oppose the laws of destiny'.

When the night watchman's daughter heard his reply, she too

remembered the previous night's happenings. When the bride heard his

reply, she said, 'When destiny gives me, no one can take away'. When the

king heard them talking like this, he felt that there was something

mysterious behind it all and he insisted on knowing the truth. The princess

and the two girls told him in detail exactly what had happened between

them and the merchant's son.

Then, with great pomp and ceremony, the king gave the princess in

marriage to him and presented him with 1000 villages and all sorts of

ornaments. As he had no son, he appointed the merchant's son as his heir-

apparent to the throne. The night watchman also gave him his daughter in

marriage with a dowry such as he could afford. The trader also gave him

his daughter in marriage and showered him with presents. When it was all

over, the merchant's son arranged for his parents and relatives to be

brought to him and they all lived happily ever after.

T. Gangadhar RaoHead Office


In a certain town, there lived a merchant whose name was Sagaradatta.

He had one son. One day, the young man bought a book that was being

sold for 100 rupees. Inside the book, the only thing written was a single

verse. It went like this: 'You always get what is coming to you. What destiny

gives you, no one can take away'. When Sagaradatta saw his son's book,

he asked him, 'How much did you pay for this book?' 'A 100 rupees',

replied his son. His father shouted: 'You stupid fellow, you ought to be

ashamed of yourself. If you pay 100 rupees for a book with only one verse

in it, how will you fare in business? From today onwards, never enter my

house again!'. With these harsh words, he drove him out of the house.

Utterly dejected, the merchant's son went off to another city to settle down

there. After a few days, one of the residents asked him, 'What is your name

and where do you come from?' He replied, 'You always get what is coming

to you'. And whoever asked him the same question received the same

answer. And so, the merchant's son came to be known by the name of

'Get-what is-coming-to-you'.

One day, a young and very beautiful princess, whose name was

Chandravati, accompanied by a lady-in-waiting, went to a certain festival

in the city. While she was there, by chance her eyes fell on a very

handsome prince. The princess turned to her lady-in-waiting and said,

'Find a way for me to meet this prince'. And so, the lady-in-waiting went up

to the prince and said, “The princess Chandravati has sent me to speak to

you. This is the sage she sends: 'The minute I saw you, I loved you. Come

to me quickly or I shall die'.

The prince asked, 'But how can I enter the palace to meet the princess?'

The lady associate replied, 'Well, when it is dark, you will find a rope

hanging from one of the windows of the palace. You can climb upon it and

get into the princess's room'. The prince said, 'Well, if the princess really

wants me to, I shall certainly come'. However, when the time came, the

prince thought to himself, 'It would be very wicked of me to meet the

princess like this, it would bring me dishonour and humiliation'. Having

thought over the matter carefully, the princess decided not to go the


Meanwhile, merchant's son was wandering about in the dark, when he

came across the white palace and saw the rope hanging down. Curious to

know what it was for, he caught hold of it and climbed up. When he

arrived at the princess's window, as it was dark, she took it for granted that

it was the prince. She received him warmly, gave him food and drink and

entertained him lavishly. Afterwards, she said to him, 'I fell in love with you

at first sight and I belong to you, body and soul. In my heart I shall never

have any husband except you. But why don't you speak to me?'

The merchant's son replied, 'You always get what is coming to you'.

Perplexed by the curious reply, the princess took a close look at her

companion and realised that it was not the prince at all. She was furious

and turned him out immediately, making him descend the same way he

had gone up. He meekly made his way to an old temple nearby and went

to sleep. Now, a night watchman, who had made an appointment with a

woman of bad character in the same dilapidated temple, woke him up and

asked him, 'Who are you?' 'You always get what is coming to you', replied

the merchant's son.

The watchman wanted to cover up his own wicked carrying-on, and said

to the merchant's son: 'This is a very broken-down old temple, no one ever

stays here. You had better go over to my house and rest there'. And he

pointed out his house. The young man agreed and went there. However,

he entered the wrong room. In this room, the watchman's beautiful

daughter, whose name was Vinayavati, was waiting for her lover, with

Hold fast to that which ever endures– Ramesh Kumar Bung.10


Page 11: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


Karwan is one of the oldest localities in the city which has a great

history related to it. It was one of most flourishing trade centres

during the ancient times. The famous diamond merchants

visited this place to sell and buy the most precious diamonds, as

this area was known for diamond mines. The locality till date

bears the ancient structures that pin point of the great past it had.

There are huge rooms which are built with stone and were used

as storage and resting places for the traders. It is with time that

these were converted into shops and some have been washed

away with time, becoming history and many stories doing

rounds among people who keep sharing them with the further


All the traders during the olden days visited this place. There are

few people who say this place came into existence during the

Asaf Jahi rule or Qutub Shahi era. It has very long history dating

back to the Nizam rule it was a well known diamond/pearls

market, even till today there old buildings and other old temples

and mosques constructed during Nizam's period. Andaroon or

inside Karwan has few old buildings and was the place of the old

pearls and diamond market existed. It is also famous for

handloom clothes. It was always home for both Muslims and


The name Karwan means a group of people travelling together

with vehicles and animals. The locality between Puranapul and

Golconda fort came up during Qutub Shahi period. It defines

the famous trade route from Golconda to Charminar. It is during

the rule of Ibrahim Qutub Shah, Karwan became a famous

trading centre and the merchants used to camp here.

Purshotamdas Mandhana

A desireless man becomes immortal– Ramesh Kumar Bung. 11

01. The term 'Sorry' is a peculiar word. If ordinary people say 'sorry', there would be no friction; if a doctor says, there would be no patient.

02. Tunku, the minister, was travelling in a car along with his wife. Car approached a petrol bunk. The person filling the petrol into the car wished wife of Tunku and said with grief: 'How are you Parvati? Once I wanted to marry you. But it could not be materialised'. Then the car left the place. Later, Tunku ironically said to his wife: 'You married me and became wife of a minister; Had you married him, what would have happened?' Wife replied coolly: 'What would have happened? You would have worked in the petrol bunk'.

03. When Tunku went home, his wife was wearing a white sari and jasmine flowers in her hair. While looking at Tunku with love, she said: 'Dear, you may do as you please today night'. Tunku jumped with joy and said: 'Thank you dear, I am leaving for the club for playing cards'.

04. 67 years old richest Tunku was marrying a girl of 20 years age. His friend asked with surprise: 'You are marrying a beautiful young lady. How did you convince her?' Tunku replied: 'I told a small lie about my age'. Friend again asked: 'Oh, I See. You might have told that your age is 40'. Tunku answered: 'No, No. I said my age is 87. She agreed immediately'.

05. Tunku: I have stopped consuming liquor. Except someone requests me, I am not drinking. Doctor: Who is the boy who came along with you? Tunku: He is my assistant. I have appointed him to request me daily to take drinks.

06. Rahul was travelling in the car with a high speed along with his daddy Tunku, who was driving. From the moment they started the car, Rahul was continuously pestering Tunku that he wanted tell him something. Tunku got irritated and asked his son to shut his mouth. Rahul waited for a long time and said finally: 'Daddy, breaks of the car are not functioning. You have loosened the screws yesterday and forgot to fix them again'.

07. Officer: All the staff are unusually coming on time punctually. What may be the reason? Manager Tunku: There is space for 20 vehicles in the parking lot; but there are 30 employees in our office.

08. Wife: What gift are you going to give me on our wedding anniversary? Tunku: I am taking you to Thailand. Wife: Wow! What about next year? Tunku: I will send you return ticket from Thailand to India.

09. Teacher: Suppose, the monthly salary of your daddy is 20000. If your mother takes 90% of it, what would remain with your father? Tunku: Heart attack.

10. Subba Rao opened a hotel in a street. He displayed a board: 'The tastiest food is available in the entire town'. Next day Appa Rao opened another hotel in the same street and the board said: Tastiest food in the entire world is available here'. Third day Tunku opened another hotel. His board read: 'Tastiest food in this street is available here'. Customers thronged in queue in front of Tunku's hotel.

11. Tunku: We have given an advertisement in papers that we are in need of a watchman to our colony. Is there any response to the continuous ads? Neighbour: Yes. Thieves have entered our colony in many houses and stolen several things.

12. Mother: How is the new school? Child Tunku: The journey to and fro to school and home is very good. But the stay in school is irritating.

Gopal Kishan Dev SharmaHO: Clearing


Page 12: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions



Real religion is living , not speaking or showing– Ramesh Kumar Bung.

01. Shadow banking comprises a set of activities, markets, contracts

and institutions that operate partially or fully outside the

traditional commercial banking sector and are lightly regulated.

The shadow banking sector, which has grown significantly in

India, accounts for a considerable proportion of financial

intermediation especially in those segments where the

traditional banking sector is unable to penetrate. A shadow

banking system can be composed of a single entity that

intermediates between end-suppliers and end-users of funds, or

it could involve multiple entities forming a chain. Shadow banks

do not have explicit access to central bank liquidity. The shadow

banking system is highly levered with risky and illiquid assets

while its liabilities disposed to 'bank runs'.

02. 330 days.

03. December 31, 2020.

04. 4.00%

05. Demand Liabilities of a bank are liabilities which are payable on

demand. These include current deposits, demand liabilities

portion of savings bank deposits, margins held against LCs/BGs,

balances in overdue FDs/RDs, outstanding telegraphic

transfers/DDs, unclaimed deposits, credit balances Cash credit

accounts and deposits held as security for advances which are

payable on demand. Money at Call and Short Notice from

outside the banking system should be shown against liability to


06. Time Liabilities of a bank are those which are payable otherwise

than on demand. These include fixed deposits, cash certificates,

recurring deposits, time liabilities portion of savings deposits,

staff security deposits, deposits held as securities for advances

which are not payable on demand and gold deposits.

07. Net income tax provision, amount received from DICGC/ECGC

towards claims and held by banks pending adjustments thereof;

amount kept in subsidy reserve fund.

08. Swatchh Bharat Mission, National Smart Grid Mission, Atal

Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation.

09. Term Assurance, Endowment, Whole Life, Money Back,

Children Specific, Women Specific, Senior Citizens Specific,

Micro Insurance, Unit-linked and Pension Plan.

10. Speed, peak data rate, latency, spectrum efficiency.

11. Office of Development Commissioner (MSME), Khadi & Village

Industries Commission, Coir Board, National Institute of

MSME, MSME Technology Centre and Mahatma Gandhi

Institute of Rural Industrialisation.

12. Hicks (1969). Cash, like other forms of money, is used both as a

means of payment and as a store of value. A common way to try

and disentangle the two types of cash demand is to assume that

high value denomination notes are mostly held as a store of

value and low denomination for payments. Over the past 5

years, the demand for high value denominated currency has

outpaced low value denominated currency which may indicate

that cash is increasingly used as a store of value and less for

making payments.

The Asteroid PZ39 may lead to the simultaneous occurrence of

earthquakes and tsunamis. US space agency National Aeronautics

and Space Administration (NASA) has detected a plausible threat

for the Earth. The premier space agency has traced an asteroid

which will eventually come very close to our planet on February

15, reported the Express UK. NASA has named the asteroid 2002

PZ39. The asteroid's probable measurement may touch up to 1

km. An asteroid this big in dimension holds the potential to destroy

a whole continent, let alone a country or a city. In NASA's

estimation, that space rock is flying towards our planet at speeds of

more than 57,240 km/h. The asteroid is likely to come near the

approachable range from the Earth around 11 am GMT on

February 15.

According to NASA's calculation on the risk factor, any asteroid

with dimension ranging between 400 metres and 1,600 metres can

very well rout a whole continent om impact. Asteroid PZ39 fits in

perfectly in the destructive range with measurement estimated

between 440 metres to 990 metres. The space scientists at the

NASA draw reference of a 10 kilometres wide rock striking the

Earth 86 years ago which resulted in the extinction of the

Dinosaurs as well as two-thirds of life on our planet to compare the

magnanimity of the complications the PZ39 can bring with it.

The Asteroid PZ39 may lead to the simultaneous occurrence of

earthquakes, tsunamis and other effects of grave consequences

which may also spread to the points far from the area of primary

impact. Larger near-Earth objects with dimensions greater than

140 metres have the potential to cause severe damage to entire

regions or continents, the Express UK quoted a White House

report published in 2018. The report also raised concerns on the

proximity of the asteroid from the planet Earth and the speed with

which the space rock is travelling towards the only known planet

with the human population.


Page 13: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


13To live is to create and create is living– Ramesh Kumar Bung.

“Krodhat bhavati samohaha sammohat smriti vibhramaha|

Smriti bhramshat buddhi naso buddhi nasat pranasyati||” -

Bhagavad-Gita – 2-63.

From anger, complete delusion arises, and from delusion

bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is

lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down and perishes.

Temper turns into a vicious circle. Screaming, shouting, anger,

upsets... eventually lead to an unhealthy atmosphere in a usually

peaceful abode. We are strong when we know our weaknesses.

We are beautiful when we appreciate our flaws. We are wise

when we learn from our mistakes. This should be imprinted in

each of our minds in order to avoid unnecessary flare ups.

People in power sometimes get stressed out and vent their emotions

upon their immediate juniors, who pass it down to their subordinates;

thus, the distress permeates down as if it is hereditary. One after

another, the ones connected fall into the unpleasant situation. When

something goes wrong, it is human tendency to get upset and angry

immediately. But that does not mean we can show our temper on

whoever we come across. The person who has made a mistake can be

corrected in a pleasant but in a firm manner so that he will realise his

mistake, learn from it and correct himself. There are people who learn

better when corrected in an agreeable way. If we shout at people for

their mistakes, they will develop fear and will never approach us or

rectify themselves. Life is a process of learning. We learn from

each other and we need to provide comfort levels for others to learn

too. As stated by Mark Twain, 'Anger is an acid that can do more harm

to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which is poured'.

An angry husband upsets his family. An ill-tempered teacher gives rise

to hesitant and fearsome students. An enraged boss creates unhappy

employees. A furious policeman creates a violent mob, and this goes


Daisy was one of the employees in a frozen food processing factory to

sort vegetables and feed it into various machines before it finally gets

into the deep-freezer room. One day, she had almost finished with her

work schedule for the day and she remembered something. She went

into the deep-freezer room to inspect something. After a few minutes,

the door closed and she was locked inside. When she realised that she

is locked inside the deep-freezer room, it was too late. Although she

screamed and knocked with all her strength, her cries were unheard.

Most of the workers had already gone, and outside the cold room no

one could hear her through the thick insulated steel doors. One hour

later, when she was on the verge of desperation, much to her surprise,

the security guard of the factory opened the door. She was

miraculously saved from dying that day! She said: 'Thank you so

much. How did you know that I was trapped inside? Certainly, you

could not have heard me shout!' The Security Guard replied:

“'I have been working in this factory for 25 years, hundreds of workers

commute in and out every day, but you are one of the few who greet

me in the morning and say goodbye to me every night, when leaving

after work. Today, as you reported for work, like all other days, you

greeted me. But this evening after working hours I curiously observed

that I had not heard your 'Bye, see you tomorrow'. Hence I picked my

torch and decided to check around the factory. I look forward to your

'Hi' and 'Bye' every day because they remind me that I am someone.

By not hearing you farewell today, I know something had happened.

And to my surprise, you were stuck inside the deep-freezer room!”

Try to have an impact on people, who cross your path every day, you

never know what tomorrow will bring. Being courteous pays....

Sarita JoshiBegum Bazar

is a harmful poison.

It pollutes us and it

p o l l u t e s p e o p l e

a r o u n d u s .

Moreover, it is toxic

for health. It is sometimes difficult to control situation when they go

beyond our control but getting angry is not the solution. If we can keep

calm, we can think of better solutions. We can avoid unpleasant

situations. One upset person passes on his temper to another and so

on and so for th. In our disp leasure, we create many

misunderstandings and sometimes even relationships get snapped


Angry people have few friends. No one likes to talk to them or

even approach them. They are usually avoided and people talk

badly about them because they create an unhealthy atmosphere

wherever they go. Whereas people with a pleasing temperament and a

smile on their countenance are much sought after. One can

experience bliss in the company of a composed person because one of

the best feelings in the world is knowing that someone is happy

because of us. In our short journey of life, must not we make each

other comfortable and happy? What do we gain by losing our temper?

Yoga, meditation, proper planning of our routine and perfect

implementation will lead to the smooth functioning of our activities.

When we follow a schedule, nothing will go wrong and we can keep

ourselves cheerful and peaceful, which in turn is good for ourselves

and the people associated with us. This will result in good health too.

There is no class to teach us how to speak, but how we speak decides

our class. Let us learn to control our temper to build patience and to

handle difficult situations differently. Our best teacher is our last

mistake. We are never too old to become better versions of ourselves,

so let us become the best.

Ramesh Kumar Bung


Page 14: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions

Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!As I was stepping into my house, I heard sounds of celebration from

the television. I knew it was some sport, and indeed, it was a T-20

match between India and West Indies. The West Indies had set up a

high target of 208 runs that India had just begun to chase. It was also

interesting to see that a major contribution to the high target set by

West Indies was the last over, where they had scored a total of 17 runs.

Initially it seemed tough for India to beat the score. However, as the

game progressed ball by ball and over by over, the runs on the board

were approaching the target.

The match gave one the feeling of Diwali fireworks in the sky as the

players began to continuously hit sixes and fours. Of course, we lost

few wickets due to the pressure to score higher runs with every ball,

since the number of balls remaining was reducing. Due to the

increasing pressure, the West Indies team too made some mistakes by

missing a few catches. But the celebration was at its peak and was a

wonderful experience the feeling among the fans. Even those of us

who were watching the match on TV wanted to experience this match

live at the stadium. All of us who were watching the match were on the

edge of our seats since the match was totally gripping. While watching

the match, a few thoughts ran in my mind.

I used to watch test matches earlier which would last for 5 days, and

some of those matches would be very slow... and at times the score

would stagnate at 208 runs even after 2 days into the match. I began to

compare a few things between test matches and 20-20 matches. The

level of fitness required for the two formats are different. The strategies

are different. The prize money is different. The cost of the ticket too is

different and the pay for the players is also different. But both the

games are still called cricket. It consisted of the same 11 players in each

team and the same six balls per over.

However, to score 208 runs in a test match and to score 208 runs in a

20-20 is different, because in 20-20, the potential of every ball must be

maximised by hitting as many sixes and fours as possible. Which

means a less number of balls and a higher target score. Thus, the

potential of every ball becomes very high and the game also becomes

very interesting. The opportunity for a batsman to score higher runs is

more in a 20-20 match. The duration of a 20-20 match is much less

compared to a test match. Which means we can also achieve the score

of a test match in a 20-20 by playing the game differently.

When our mind expands, life expands. Yes! A couple of months

ago, the New Year 2020 came. Why don't we play the year 2020 like

we would a 20-20 match? Whatever we achieved over the last few

years, why can't we achieve them all in the year 2020? All we need is

new fitness levels, which are new strategies, new ideas and new energy

levels. There is not a moment of dullness in a 20-20 match because the

game is for a shorter duration and the target score to be achieved is

also high. This makes the game very interesting to play and win, and

hence they hit sixes and fours. Just as the score of a five day match

could be scored in a 20-20 match, why not we hit sixes and fours in

2020 and make this year interesting. Why don't we fix new targets to

achieve holistic development regarding our primary responsibilities in

personal, professional, social, family and spiritual aspects and become

the game changer?

The Indian Captain, Virat Kohli said in his winning speech that, as the

game was progressing, the momentum was picking up, which led to a

gripping match. So even in life, when we keep the momentum going,

we will get into the zone of peak performance and once the rhythm is

set, then the spread is set. By watching the match, it was very exciting

for us. Then what it must have been for Virat Kohli, as the captain of

the team playing the match to win. When we play well to win, we win.

So why don't we play like Virat Kohli in our life in 2020? Let us play to

win and let us be the game changers. We deserve to win. The game

has started.

G. AmarnathHO: Estates

Life is service; life is duty– Ramesh Kumar Bung.14

Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!Come! Let's Play 20-20!

Instead of using our intelligence onWhy a thing cannot be done, Let us use it to find out how it can be done.

Umesh Chand Asawa

Page 15: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions


Life moves on the happy wings of hope– Ramesh Kumar Bung. 15

information if and when required. Wikimedia along Mozilla, GitHub,

Cloudflare, has written an open letter to the government regarding the

internet intermediary liability rules. “If the initial draft of the intermediary

liability rules were passed, it would take a significant amount of effort and

resources for the Wikimedia Foundation to comply with the draft

requirements and keep Wikipedia in operation,” Stephen LaPorte, legal

director, Wikimedia.

Does that mean Wikipedia is going to shut down in India?: Well, the

company says that it will try its best to keep its content free and accessible.

“It appears from recent statements by the government that it has taken the

concerns outlined in the Open Letter into consideration. The foundation

remains hopeful that the revised rules will allow non-profits platforms like

Wikipedia to continue thriving in India,” said LaPorte.

Badrinath KilambiDGM: IT

The recently proposed data protection bill and the internet intermediary

liability rules in India have put various internet companies in deep waters.

Apart from tech giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, one of

the biggest companies that are worried about these new rules is

Wikimedia Foundation, which runs Wikipedia.

Wikipedia provides access to free knowledge and information online, but

thanks to the new policies, it might have to change the way it operates in

India. First, the new laws force the company to set up a local entity in India.

The amended intermediary liability rules state that any intermediary

having over 50 lakh users in India will have to be incorporated in India

with a permanent registered office and address.

It would also ask to filter its content that goes online and the government

can also ask to takedown any specific content within 24 hours, and also

request for information as necessary for cyber security reasons within 72

hours. This potentially means that the government can pull down almost

any information that is being provided on Wikipedia and can even ask for

The world runs on electricity! But some countries consume more than other countries based on various factors such as economic growth, housing and

population growth, income growth, and weather, to name a few: Globally, the largest electricity consuming countries are the People's Republic of China

(25.9%) and the United States (17.5%), who together account for over 40% of global consumption. These are followed by India (5.4%), Japan (4.5%),

the Russian Federation (3.6%), Korea (2.4%), Germany (2.4%), Canada (2.4%), Brazil (2.3%), and France (2.0%). In total, the top-ten consuming

countries account for more than two-thirds of global electricity consumption. However, the ranking differs significantly in terms of electricity consumption

per capita. Find out which countries, from among 139 countries, actually consume maximum electricity per capita and see where India stands in that


1. Iceland: Energy Consumption: 53,832 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 339,031

2. Norway: Energy Consumption: 23,000 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 5,378,857

3. Bahrain: Energy Consumption: 19,597 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 1,641,172

4. Kuwait: Energy Consumption: 15,591 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 4,207,083

5. Canada: Energy Consumption: 15,588 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 37,411,047

6. Finland: Energy Consumption: 15,250 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 5,532,156

7. Qatar: Energy Consumption: 14,782 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 2,832,067

8. Luxembourg: Energy Consumption: 13,915 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 615,729

9. Sweden: Energy Consumption: 13,480 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 10,036,379

10. United States: Energy Consumption: 12,994 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 329,064,917

105. India: Energy Consumption: 805 kWh per capita I Population 2019: 1,366,417,754

N. V. ShastryHO: Forex


Page 16: Volume - X | Issue : 3 | Price : 1/- HAMARA PRAYAS€¦ · with DNA which could protect itself with a membrane and reproduce itself. LUCA reproduced by dividing itself and over millions



What is the difference between an argument and a discussion? In a discussion, the focus is on 'What is right?' and in an

argument, the focus is on 'Who is right?'. In an argument, the ego has already entered and taken over. Objectivity is no more

possible. A man convinced against his will still holds the same opinion. That is why no one ever wins in an argument. It always

ends in a timeout. Hence no intelligent person will ever argue with a fool; if he argues, then he is not intelligent.

That is why, it is said, 'The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it'. To an arguing soldier, Abraham

Lincoln said, 'Better give way to an angry dog than fight it, for ever if you kill the dog, what about the injuries

you will suffer in the process'. Better give up an argument than fight an argument, for even if you win the argument, what

about the emotional scars you will create in the relationship.

The only way you can help your people is to make them understand the harmony in relationship is not possible unless it is a

relationship beyond ego. Remind them, when ego comes, everything else goes; and only when ego goes,

everything else comes. When love enters, ego goes; and when ego enters, love goes. Help them choose love over ego in a

relationship and it will make all the difference.

However, love cannot be infused through a speech or lecture. It has to be shown. Love people; lead them with love rub your

love onto them and when you transfer the fragrance of your love onto them, and when they become lovely people

themselves, they will surely understand the futility of ego. Once ego is dropped, arguments will get dropped. Once arguments

are dropped, discussions will take over. When discussions take over, there will be harmony in the relationship.

Umesh Chand Asawa


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