
•jTOoe $.<&& and a half-per year , if paid In ad-. - ' • * • » • J t n o t p a i d w i t h l s t h e year, fifty cents

xWWonal wilt be oharg«l . . . Xo M p e r discontinued except a t t h e option of tl» publishers until all atreages are paid.

." - y ' BATES "0:F ADVERTISIXG: '

„Tw»hpeHues o r less make«se- fncb, Spaoe. • iw. Sw. iB»r am. 6m. l y. • 1 tteh...*15(S-.Sa«I..$3;50..$l t»..SiiBO..$lu tW 3 Inches. .3OS.: 4 'pJ . . 4 50,.>*.. 15 00

' s l a e k e s . !?so„ . too . ; « « . . B # . . s # . . a o o ^M « o t „ . -*.«>.. . a t t h . ^ 08.. i t oouat oo-. ss oo

j t S o t . . & » . , s o » . . j 2 o a . . s » o i ) . . : » w . . 5500 I- CoT:waO Off.. 13.1)6'.. IS 00.. S& t»...t» 09.. 10O 00

.. BtBb»s»CKCd*-,J5 p e r year for five tines ut-;«ss; SI pe r year f o r r t e r y additional line.

So t loesmread tog mat ter , S» cent per line first in Hi tii « i i W cen t s foe each subsequent in.-.*, rtk.n. .-JltaHagseand Dea th Xotioes f ree ; poetry and

•oSi tua iy iemarks will he charged Ave cents per .-Ihae, •-..• • - ' . - . . - ' " . • • • "-:..- Special Notices (leaded nonparel} will baeharg-

«8 W p e r cent, in addition t » regular-rates.


ISFew Planing Mill, — AND

JOB WOKK. 1 W ^ hay* in, connection a First-<.'lass Jobbing

Department , with, facilities for turning ont on shortjiotice:

-••• BAtkTffiKJBTS, . . . O a T E B H E i B S ,

• .-.•.- --' • BILLHBABS;, * ' . - . " ENVELOPES.

:;-: . WEDJSK«E*V1TATU>NS. Or any tu fea ja imuR nian inay want , in a.Neat ,

.ArttetliTandSkMBTuI Manner. 0 m prices are-fiuat Hkto iM\per.ce«t lo.wer than any House i n the

; Cowty.-. ' SatSsfactto'itguaranteed- f r y nsttfidhe convinced. . . . . . . . .

Sasn & Blind Factory, Opposite the I 'n^iiyterian < hun-h.

State Street, Iiowvilie, N. Y.

Easiness Directory.



' Dentist, £owyin% Jf. Y, Teeth extracted wit h-:. o n t pain with. Ni t ra Oxide Gas. All Work war-. ranted. tMfce, Bnsieoe Block, Main Street. _

; ^ f c j : J » . B 3 5 ^ . '. '••;• -"."': Wyj&4an. 'wia«ai«eon: Office over Lennox

- clothing i to re , Lo-w-rille. N. Y. • •; •

A^'jOsmss,. -'-'.-^ Attorney and Coroisclor a t L&w- andi General • a u n r a n e * Agent. • Special' .attention given t o

d r a w i n g , u p d e e d ^ mortgages , contracts? e tc . ' T w t Leyden, WX'- --:..•" •

'• . JKTSEHj^HKiiSfeGK ' , ' . ; . ."". • . J S r B i A a e s B f t i a g n g r i n Best Styles and a t the

•-.'IiO»«rt-K»tes,|[ --,. - -. • ''-' •'• ;":•:•'.' •:• ' 'HasTLoyrtiixtTOMESOFFICE-.

-' '.;- • . - ' : . : ; ' • i e e i f f i j f f i ^ T a A T ' ".

itbbferfe <& G-allowayj

tSncceasorto J>. D. Foot and Sons,)

A t t h e

•O.K.(?.«.. KROfeBST, •

• :•" Wift<»nttoneto-5ell "eyeiytMnstta Jheir line .

" " " • • " . ' • • ' - " . . ' - • " * ' • ' ' • • ' • • / : • ' • • • " ' " " t

'Nd/'SBayafeStreet,, . •. .-'•-'."... 1 •:"' - £wrrille;!Kfj

E. -I. Smith wislu"' to announce to the ppblie that lie has ]r»ri'lia*»'d'M»' factory "f Mr [Vltnii. and is trnvv prt-tiared to manufacture


BLixr i s , DOOR FRAMES.



Clapboards, Flooring and

Dressed Lumber, . CONSTANTLY ON HAND.

Est imates made and contracts taken for Bnild-inK and Fnrnisijins.


Our work guaranteed to b e a s

G-Gott a s the Best and a s Cbeap a s tlie Cheapest.


E. 'J. SMITH, Prop'r.

BOOKEINBfiEY. Books, Magazines, Jfewspapei-s, Pamphlets o r

Music. Wehay&abj ls inessarrahgeineutwi thtne L A R G E R BOOKBINDEJtX

In-Utico, so-that w e are, able t o ge t all binding noiie in a j i e a t a n d .

TyoRKjtxsuiKB auionsK,. At thaXowcst R-ices. We are also able t o seU all kinds of Blanks a t ' the lowest wholesale rates .

.1-ITGH AKD HESLEE. Low^ille,- S . Y.

m m Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, t l l A B r t Uacl<R?'i<vHKul»lie,X0aUiielus

Wf S i 1 1 1 Scralnl, BrulMs, etc, iU,

B i l l I t -PBIOE, P 1 F T * CEMTSs, • H i l l AT DKl'GBiSTS AKD DBALKR3,

THE WtVElES A. VOa£l£lt CO.,BAlTlJltlltE.MU.

BUeKLEN'S ARNICA PALVE. THK Bi-:s«r SAI.VE in the woi-ld for Cuts,

Bvnises, Sores, TJlcufs Suit Rheum,.Fever ] Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains f'-CornSj. and'aH'SJdn Eruptiops, and pos-I itivejy cures Piles, or no ]>ay requEted; It , is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,. ; or money refunded. Price 25 cunts pea-

box. Far ssile by Mni-risonife Moore 13yl I know-by myself how incomprehensible

t God is, seeing I cannot .cpnvprehead, the parts of my own being,—48t, Betiuard.

DAUinTEItS, WR^A^HOTfeBES-Send for Pamphlet on Female Diseases: mailed

free, seeurelysealed, fir..J, ft'Sfarbhlsi,t'tica, N. Y. •; .... . - ' - . ; =,'."' Wft.

Our duties to God-'«sejBad like the va­pors, not to refresh; Stjie sky, but to fall again in genial showers upon outselyes.^-Dr. G. R. Noyc's,-"'

"it is winter oft ^raiidiw^Maa^V;. The little girl,' GoM*«ifcs,, fttta^";.-vXUi

As, .perched' like a bird Qn ,t)fe rotttld'oiiiiS Cn4}rv; ^lH<Iiruslied'a9dputted'Us.S(l^«f^tie'l>.ai^,.

Then, tired a t last, sh^e rep t _£."'. Into his arms a n d s k - p t ; '.':'":'''''i'T;""

And her cheeks grew red a^Ai4)g^'liio>»»arm" ' Was the nest of his close. enfoMinj^iraB.', V \

Before she scarcely ifeiie, •>.;.; , ' . ' . /•. Or opened heir-eJ:es",;sii^^j>ok>s T '

" i feelyotu 1 hear t beat, Qtaftdpa dear!," '.•'._. And i t 's jus t as warm as sunimeifu^ise',^ ".

Ah, 'loving tflfefiht • "W<i smited

IfSHmuRJ Absolut-elf/

i?t*ee fro-izt O&iatcSf JZmvtics- and I'oisoii.


PROMPT* - iFJIS ClUltllES A, VOOEtEtt CO., BAtTlaOKB, Sip.

THE OMAKLES A; VQWELEBElaiffilJMs ~ Sold by Slorriso'n jiiid' Moore, LowyHle, 3T. Y.


^ t ^ i l l oWvo th&Enmw ftomyonr "• jystem^ an* mnko yonx^Bkin!

"*"~ and smdotfi.

TjJ lORSAig . . •

-Thennd.ersigned,executors of t h e estateof t h e la te Robert L. Eobei'.ts,offer.ior sale a f a rm of '300 aeresln, t h e town of Harrisoure;and-af arm of 20fr acres i n Martinsbnrg. • The f a rms .will h e sold o n reasonable t e rms , Einiinireof '.-

. A , . l . GLA\RK,:Copenhftgen,. CHAEBES JOHSfSOK, Harrisbnrjr,

Satf - • . • . --"."",»-• . Bxecntorrs.-.

-po: GO TOVTHEJCIJtES O E B j e a .

• * '

* '



s 7£*>

:% v


. _ .. ... Tlidte] j&imtiles and BXotche$,

ica mar yonr beauty" ce cansea bjrfinpt»eE Jilood, and can be—


timo, if you aro ~ ' _ i tad.nae

;o jit eat Dloedpn-


.I»;«maTli!-opay lletspooaful, I

the t«»t and c • « r »ccUcm<S; . _ . , „ , ,

n d you will bo gatutfled. . • G e t l t of your druggist, | D O N T W A I T , G E T ix AX O N C S "

_ . I f y o a araanftering from K l d n e ^ I Disease, and wiah to live t o old »ge,. Insac SULPaUK BITTEI13.. Tfiey | a«ver fail tb care . . •


ifale's Honey t h e grea t Ponglt om-e, 25c., Due., Si <Htsnn's Sulphur Soap heals ijiid'benntiSes. ffiic German furri Kemover kills Corns, Bnuious, S3c. Hill» Ua i r and Whisker Dye—Black & Bro\yn,r,ijc. Pike's ToothachG- Drops cure in 1 Minute, 2;"c. De,in's i t l tudmatief Ills are a sure cure, sue. [ ley!

W e g e t u firm g r a s p of t r u t h b y p r a y e r .

C o m m u n i o n w i t h C h r i s t i s t h e b e s t p r o o f

of C h r i s t ' s e x i s t e n c e a n d C h r i s t ' s l o v e . —

F. W. Robertson,


Dr, Marehisi g Italian r i l e Ointment—emphati­cally guaranteed to cure or money refunded—in ternal . External, Blind, BleetlinRor Itching Piles. Price 50c. a box. Xo cure, no p a j \ For sate by all Sraggis ts . ,,.j . . 13yl

B e t h o u m y s t r o n g h a b i t a t i o n , w h e r e u n t o

I may continually resort. Thou hast given commandment to save me'; for thovt art my rock and my fortress.

~ ~ A CARD. ~ " ~. To all who are suffering from the errors and i n

discretions of youth, nervous weakness, early de­cay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a reoipe tha t will-cure you, FKEE OF CHARGE, Thi-gi'eat remedy was discovei'ed by a missionary in • South America-, Send a self-addressed envelope t o the REV. JOSEPH T. INHAK, SMion, I): New

fork City. 25yl,

•. T h e fa l l of a m a n i s a f a c t w h i c h c a n b e

a s c e r t a i n e d b y o b s e r v a t i o n , I t i s t o b e o b ­

s e r v e d espec ia l ly i n m a n ' s difficulty, i n

m a s t e r i n g w h a t h o . k n o w s t o b e g o o d . -

O a n o n L i d d o n .

At the wisdOhroTihe chlHij '[•:,•-, •;'••'._ For though snows do RD'oniSsdea^-Wr, ' '.• •: n i s heart has only summer there. •, •. - '„.'!-

*y jOsfEpnnns WtLAitrj.' ... C".

A ValentUjel Ah,.can if be , . ; - '!' 'rliat some-'snelias adilress'ea. t o me-• ' .'•'

These lines so:swe.e6>iiud tender J Name or initials is niotset . .• r p o n the page, tmiyet^aj i i jyefc•

I think 1 know tne'i6tiifer,. '

AVnatthouglrtfieaivftfclnffh* ffisgitfeed. And many a-Jittie-trtafedSvised

To ^id^jss fond deception; Si. Yal<i4 i teepWiaeVthekey Tha t sjil&s.'tne; little mystery

The.-nHJaieniof. reception. •

'ViVmay';o6Vlght>;w&niay he svrong Porlacte«fc'6nfiinia{tdii strong, .

Vijs gtye. th.^ t e in tenancy. And let her win, And her biight.destmy fulfill

In fields'of.necromancy.

And Valentines Wpnld lose their charm If t h e y a* once cpuld'doubt disarm

• E r»ye t the Mai;%as broktea; • And so thfrdcejier t h e disguise, The more deligntfirfthe surprise,

And ' swee te r l s the token. •

^l^fev«^4rs,;;0|fe)ed'", *im Apt) v ' ° : f^pi^«j8^ : M^- 'g 'hut : it' agaiip 'Sicj;

•$!»*&" BO we. f tB^«f^p^ . .W'"S '*(«^ '

. f l f l i ^^S^Mi t i i . i ; , • ' - ; .-,- ."v;'-v •'•'

,., Sar»y^i)|S %e^t -$gr::iiab&;i£ i5iaa;it'<&&n

jboafi.'atol%aiw?moreatK*i ipiTO& ^ ^ "

i&^iy-'-T&v? :"S^lStf' dsBiOKJf; Jig . ftiii

iBg^?^^iati B&ttr^ioliliflly,.--ft* :#|8:.was-.lHje we& point *fiihe.

tefnge£fy J: :,'.}J / .'/. • - \ -y_ y'sf -.-_

?;'^^f^mit^M:: a iibmettt, farhs.} -was. i»Sfe;Cpte{u8^J»y {^eiabseiffie-oi dinaerSj j ^^a f t t i c lo^ l ; . iiiall^\3be-. said he had fceen out i-day ajtttoight; 7. •. "". ! .

'•i0:'':--^.:.?^; v : . ; ,- \"[- , . :_or••?;• . ; - ;

( i ^o^i i ig t " anpsintod Jfatty mdurnfuls^ dbwi^^ai}ef^re :tfa*ry e b j t a ^ ^ a o«^? *$i$$f & w a s : ' ^ ^ i ^ ^ s r % weak, aild.

nrsEAjRCs: O ^ E E E img,

• • * . * * * - •

*-•?*£& * ' t - : V ' v -


! ^ fOur .spring goods hare-' b ^ u i i ' t o . a t n v e , . a h a an eiajhination;.'will" eon-ItoceT-yotl 'thatlt. 'faithe laargest,'- Besfr Selected indlowestpr ieed.- stock

•'i4; Boots>. S h o e s , and KKiirt>er'. Goods, ; eVer JftoqghttO'Bevas Cos? ,.=-BKAfflStEB:'BE0S,- • sro.tsiiatly'Avemiij. . , -

Bell's One Minute CureforToDthacKiZ^ " JPMSe.twenty-atecentK:.'-.•• "

SaJUSETOlt BITTEES, !Sold b y ' ~T" "" - •- . arorclson & Moore, tdwr i l fe , N. Y.



B e a ! Bs&tl.te




. '\- ..;'.

.EyttyDeiiaitBicait. in ieurstore fe*BttBUu|u^:.o'MTO^'alIih'e,l»test^^e5aM .Makes , , of QobdaiEhat could: |s&;found;ln;%e.]^rif6i :; A^o! Ave propos'e:#jhake it "- . • ; . ' . - ' ' ^ - . | t e^ tB^tdf : eye iy^e" lh^ i i s&*f ta^g . .^ . d'o this-Spriiig, to

m '•"•'-fUk.fe 6&a^-":it TOP.taievbrit.^ fljat * very

,-v . . ^ i i ^ H ^ a f a i a ^ s i B ^ CO#STEES<

^ v > , > ; ^ . - r 1 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ' - ' " ' ' ' - " " . ' - ' ' ' : ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^ ^ W % ^ ^ K ^ i j ^ E ASE'-MlSNSE: iTOCE .'OF-NfiW


I represent the following fust-class companies








Sold to any part of the Weskfm l.'ou.utry-'


Sold to anci from Foreign Countries as cheap a s any other-line.

nm S. A,\STXBt%Y, Lnwville, N. Y. Ofaee ra J ournal and •Republican Block.



m. ing

."V. •'.

iiai'galnev ; ^ : 5 ^ J & A ^ C O ^ ^ ^ A;®SRTlOK

• , . - ; ^ ! E ^ ' y % O a ^

=; ux'-#ia^*;^^ i j t o , ^ ' • • . ' : '•-••. .. _•-.-.:-:. ^ iKETa50KGEr - i a< ; ; -M^^^^m^^s sw^mimTmms , , &^- - " • -.


5 he subscribers would£ivu notice t o tho people oi tefwis-county, that they h a t e all the appurten­ances and machinery U>v the manufacture nf

SAsjr,' BLmrjs, •DOORSV'BRACEET.S, MOULB-• ' • . - . I S « S , ETC., ETC.

And can supply them With anything in their line on terms to compete with any other shop. '

' Builders wifl find tlie mouldin-ss finished in t h e best.-maimer, and a t prices t ha t wail

otyn Tiraat pn/wr 23 TO 50 vsn PENT, OVER-TJIOSE. WORK EP BT hAND.

' • ' • • * • • • •


'And a n y ofj'ier' Work irt connection with the bnsi-ne's'rpertBMnedtothemtisteomple'fesittisfaetion.

Our shop is supplied with the heat, class of ma­chinery, ttiiel the' most competent workmen. - '

All kinds of Panel and Clapboard .Sawing, as We,H as Circular and Scrd l l sawmg done on short notice, ' ' ' .

Tumecland Fluted Banisters and X-vewoll Posts • constantly oii hand, or mtldo t o oi'der. •

TWJKIW® m-SSSi ICIKDS EXE( 'UTEIrTN , , ' • ' .- GOOD STYLES. • -' .

It is given lis for om> beautiful divine privilege to have a property in every one we meet, if only we can find how t0 bless him. Going after what men have,we get nothing; after men themselves,a property that is'everlasting.—Bushnell.

A , T ? U A l t ^ T i E b COVGH CIJBE> •

Dr. Marehisi's I tal ian Cough and Cttnsnmptton Balm—snaranteed t o cure o r money refunded.— •Cauglis, Colds.jBoai'seness, BrouehJtis, Astluaa', Incipient Consumption, Throa t and Ltwg tronb-les- No/ cure,- n o p a j ' . JPor sale by-', till Drug­gists. Price go cents. • . . . ' . I8yl

' The gold' of Scripture are not-in the top soil:' you must open a shaft. - The-precious diamonds of experience are not picked up in the roadway;, their secret places- are far down, Get down into the vitality of the Word of-God, and seek to possess with it- the inward work of. the • S p r i t '•• • ' • • • " ' . . ' .

Doctors, XawyMs,, CaTpefterSf.DrngMjts,.

ru:ofamettd3ti'ons from people in- atTista-tjons-in We,.-ie*Jafyihg to the wonderful

.cures that..Sulphur. Bittess.haye -effected. Send-for testimonials. Bee "another Col­umn.' ' ', • ' . .• v "/ : . •• .-.".I'dwS"' -'

Charity is a first mortgage on t very hu--man being's,(Possession, —Bruyere; •

. SCOTT'|"E3tULSiOEr OF PCTRE. COO I.rVER OTt, WITH HTPOPHOSVHITisS. Possesses the remedial powrer of these

•two yaltriable, specifics in their fullest.-de­gree. Is prepared in .A palatable fornv easily tolerated by the stomach, and for delicate, sickly ' children. Emaciation, Consumption and all impoverished condi­tions of the blood is .une-qualleci by any other remedy, ' •i(5w4

The-resurrection is the stiver lining' to" the dark- cloud of'deathja'nd we know the smi is shining beyond,—J.. 'Walton:

The only reliable catarrh remedy on the market to-day is Ely's Cream Biilm. being free from, poisonous drugs and ofEensive odors. It-has cured thousands of acute and chronic cases where all-other remedies have, failed., It quickly "cures cold in the head and

catarrhal heatlache.. Price 50 cents. 45w4

—D: 33.' Terrifl, of Copenhagen, has in­vented an attachment for a clock, such that when the clock has. completed the 1-a-•bor of^unwihding, a placard will appear upon its face - bearing this inscription, '.'wind me," and .wiU" remain there until it is wound, when it will disappear again to appear when the clock needs winding.. The same attachment also operates a "stop works" to prevent the main spring from breaking. It is. a novelty as well as a useful arrangement.

"When B»T>y was sick, wo gave horCastoila,.

Whcttsha was-a Child, she cried for Castoria,

Whensho bpcatme iEiss, she clung to Oastoria,

tphsn. 8ho had Children, Bhegavafhem Castoria,

Love, hope, fear, faith—these make hu­manity. These are its. sign arid note and character, —Paracelsus. -", .'...'•

. ADVICE ToaioTKEns—Are yon d is turbedat night and" broken of your f e s t by a sick child Suffering and cryin 'gwithpain of GntHngTeetliJ -If sfo send at once and get abo t t l e of. "airS-Winslow's South; .ingSyriip"forChildi"iuTeething; ' I t s va jue is in­calculable. I t will relieve tue-ppor little sufferer, immediately. Dependtipon it ,mbthers: there is?io mistake abou.tit .lt euresDysentery andBiarrhcea, regulates the Stomach-and-Bowels, cure's Wind •Oolic,softenstlieGums,redueeslnfiammation,and giveston&and enei-gyto taie whole s'ystem. "Mrs. Wi.nslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pltnisa'nt to the tas te and is the prescription of one of tlte oldest and best -female phvsicians and nurses m the Cnlted States , and is for sale by all drhggiststhrougno«t,tli&'twentyrnve cents a bottle.Be sure and ask f or ".Mts.Wlnslo w ' s SootlmigSyrub/'an'd-tak-eUQ other kind. "" itij'l

The. most cross-graincdarobj; no means, the worst of mankind*...or' the humblest in. station the least.polished in feeling," • \

m^oMffie Styles, ' - • • • - • ' ' • • & • •

I >m^QTm:0mAs^m^^^:2^^ '/fr^a^^Aik ¥mi

..-:-. _.; W ^ P s ^ A ^ - ^ . e R | ^ O X E Q F p D R K r a r E R O l ? S a m ^ ^ . '

__:• _ . -\ _ . . . '"M. s..HaoTiESi>iis/..


THE ROOT OF THEEV1L; . .. , To thoroughly- cure scrofula it, is-neces­

sary £0 strike directly: at - the root. of. the evil. This is exactly what Hood's Saratr. parilladoes, by. acting upon the-Hood, thoroughly cleansing it of all. impurities, and leaving not even a. taint of scrofula.-in,, the vital fluid. Thousands, who.have been cured of scrofula by Hood's Sai'saparilju-, testify to its wonderful blood-purifyiug 'quatities'.' Sold by all'druggists', .. '

Our Lord has writteaiho promise of. the resurrection, not in books alone,'but in.

. every leaf .in spring-tilnei— SlartinLutheiv.

.•'• BE^BVER '. KEenEOT a constipated, condi--:|-tion of.-thje bowels, or serious- results Btife-I lj follow,, piles, impure .bload,.aud many chrome complaints. Burdock Blood

'•Bitters.. " ' - - . " : - . • '

y,||p|ii^:-^ &'*^%!&s£m*i:i\-j,-.-.. ;.-."-'="-• •

^ § ' # r ; " A 3 ; v . - - ;* ;* ' ^ j L ; • • - . - : - . . -:•,.

^ ^ l i S l ^ : - V : ? ^ C - ; ' - C / ••-wrffiiTWiiir r" -' • ^>s, -- K* --

' - •

- 7'


i;^ U

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,'- =



USb'nM' I-..Elfl-Mlr-.K'-'i

iMipf ';•"-'' 1 < • -Of VU'llH-' :.•-

.• f> M eftMHy ithyt Kfthe •F •<..( VwHiiie Ik-It witB'

> ii.tnr* „ tuv tlin spt't'ity cr, i<r "i\-i i"*usT<ekilitV. 1033-^,-aiul ftll JUiM'.i'i'it trnuWcs. "-.-.i"-,:, Clt!ltl,("fe' 1'CMOIU-tlAHto..«r:-.:-ii,-%..... .-.»;' Ji.mti'-'B'I BiiaKmti-til.

Noriski^ tWi-'M'rtS~. Il.i.wli-'i.'tl.tiiu'iiiihletiasrtifad . - • "'- WVE&lQStem GQt, 'ffia,MhaB,:.SEi«:h,..

There, is nothiug:so sweet as a duty,and all pleasures of life, come dtv tho •wa-feo of duties done.-—-Jean.|ngel-o.\Vi ' • •

; As' the greatest pain--cnre,St, Jacobs' Oil is ro'dofflniehded by public .mea "of Jtniericia and other; epunMes.; ' -lion, -• 'BHIa; FlinJ,* Life-Senator of the Dotaiflion,Parliament,.; Qahadu,- found it to act .like. •&, cluttro, '

Mr. Perkins -.laid flown the. newspaper and too fire, as he casually iemarked-:--.. • *%'.'?.;'•.. •

"There-was.a»great tide iast night; thn Mgbest • TCater-^kriowi; here for years.. I supposothtefirll.moon.a,nd the strong east wind woh&ye hadf or thelast week account • f o r i % v . . . • • ; ' . . • • ' .':-•. ' ' - ." '"^ : • • • ' • - . .

''How- high .was it, father?" asked. Charlie,,as.he buttered the fifth-piece .of t o a s t , 7 •'-,••'.••'''•"' • ' '. *

Charlie wa« 14,.and -the other Perkins children looked up'to him as the head of the family*.; ' ...-. , - . ' - ,

, t ! Sixteen ..-feet, '•* "answered" Mr. Perr kins. •: ." ' '. ' .' , .'...

Hatry, who was not. .quite 7, and. who Was always-.trying to find out things for himself,- looked; thoughtfully out of the window. :. The cottage- stood a '..stone's throw..from, the water,,and.- Harry could look .throngh.the' opened ehann,el be­tween . fae islands "out - .to. the wide sei

-wjis tossing . restlessly'., in the dis-

* a n * e - - ^ ^ _ ^ - - < » ' - ' - - ' . • • - / • • -

•; _^.VAia^.t^~a» a s k e d l ' ^ w h c S ' e : does-. ' the-

.tide come,from-j". . . • ,' Mr. Perkins, sipped his tea. before .he

carelessly .replied; -.- . ... - . . ' , ' . T'O ,. 0 l n a lOn-g-way out. at ..sea.1-'

"But where cloes it start from?" still, persisted Harry.-

" I don't think it starts from any par-, ticular place,,j s a i i 3fi-, . Perkins* - " I should say thesurface wiaers mu m all over'the sea."11 . . . . ' . * *

. "But it must start'.Bouiewhere,'' said Harry. .

Mr. Perkins had not studied- up the subjects of tides,, and feeling that his ans-. wers had been rather 'vague, did n'est try to aay anything- more.

.When supper was over, the family went out on. the piazza. which stretched across the front of. the. house* Mr. Perkins lighted a cigar. . .Mrs; Perkins, brought o u t . s o m e p r e t t y w o r s t e d t h i n g s h e w a s

knitting. Charlie walked down. to the beach and began, skipping stones across the water, and Harry sat down on a large rock and watched the tide running -up and down, pa- the beach. The, sun-had gone-down, .and left a .few rosy clouds trailiflg- after him,..the mountains were growing .dim in. the distance,, and" among the islands "of the bay the water lay quiet and dark. I t ' r an up ;the beach as if, it meant to:travel farmland, and then some­thing stopped it and • drew it back with a long wash that sounded as if all. the-Wot stones over which.ititan were slipping back with it. " '" ' ' .

Harry had -often watched this advance and'retreat of the. tide, but it had never"

,seem.ed so curious'to-Mm as-now. •''•'What sends it iipthe.lieach, and why does it go back instead'of going oh?'' were questions he was trying to answer, -The long, low wash of .water-along the line of'.shore sis., -far'as' .Harry could see grew more and more: mysterious-'tq hnn-.a?' it- became-'darkey and' the sights, .begaii to . changs into sounds/ The great sea beyond the island seemed to be sending its .waves in,-and then suddenly stopping them,., and the raurnmr of- th-0 waters, seemed to be the many voiee's of the sea' calling its Waves 'back'again. • '•".• ; '

AtJast Sir.- Perklns: took, ont his wateh and looked at it :by the light of -.bis> .c3gai- . ' ' . ' . ; . . . . " . . ' •

"Why," he ekelaimed, "it's later than I thought;, it's after S.r ' " ' . . ; ' . . . '

Mrs. PerMn's cailcd to'Hp-riy, who very unwillingly left the shore .and went to his room. ' When he 'hadundressed. ancVblOwn out the candle he opened the blinda aed . looked out.'.iTbe rhon'n 'had just ri«eu. and was sendingji silvery light oyer the sea,, and the treeston She-islands stood out dork a i d 010110^58;. ..Up to the window, in the sttllne"ss.'of;'!nigiit,'cnirie .the:..mur­mur and. • splash.';y|-.the,.rippling tide, o§-.most at its-..tood.»V •}. . -; .. • .

. "Where, does,itstart f'roinr" .said Harry to himself as h o " ^ ^ . ^ ^ . ^ ;

It might have^been two hours—it was probably : mpre- v.wl.i,en- Harry suddenly awoke. The.moc«i-.was shining irito the room, and the cool splash of the sua. on the beach, came-ia jit the window. . . . .'•'Whore does i-t'eqrne from.?"., said Har=-ry tohiniself agai-fc/."' , . •-. ' ;' ".lTren, qvdek: as a flash, the thought

came, to him; to go ahtt see. Why not? The sea was^only a little way off-, tho night w;as'aWost.'as light asday^and at tlte little-dock'Iieiow tho cdkta'ge.Tfrmrlie's. boat "Sallie" was tied... He slipped out of bed and'rahjo ' thc wintlow';' tlie tide was falling,- .an.d:tlij.s woiild, be the 'best time to :gp. out and find where i t . came fyoin. , ' . . ' . . . •,;•• . . ' . ; . " ' ...

In five minutes Hariy .was dressed^ and taking Ins i n his. hsti'dSj he .firept

^e-W4S.tiKowh"owr;i";Seat'iiita^ •of • tbe;haaVwMch. ' .^ 'tho bay; • It was'» stilt' n i ^ t tey^lighi: "inlsthaigp'read ovtstrthe sfcjr1:mal;5ng the "^tt^Vffim^dr-&i#^.':;-'!£fte^la^j&'J^tyBft, strajjge4ndi-vague, to HVirfy,- Sjidjth^'5««. was .white-apd.- weir§.-,::TmBfe4":3*S;Hbi;.; look^ at-all as' Siey di^ v w? c

! Vything; was: <jHe er;' aijd ',ghpstlj*v.;.' S^i"& Lsotihd.' darns fKom,. jthf; eot$ges.i jcatterjed; \ along the .shotiS-'aJj lhe.'boat ^ztf^y&ti.ief, -from'fiwn*{ Siot-a} light ;^^;%|Jtoin4;}ia.a5

. wjnrtow•": anfwiero.i the.'wSoJe^orij.fe

dreamhiidi^eov#rtfeati;•-;.>" f^-•-'*',.• When feej^dfe-jCitlsi -0$ fat as it .d id in

this. bay. i tn^^^;gocid:deai of conimo-. tion] ^nd.therSlpa*' svfgi currents hetweea the islah^tr^^os.eJoE themthe ."Sillle* was cati htj ^ ibt4ki^^iy:^rtled-'s;eaw&r^.'

_S.oo.Ujtfio|ii^es5. andVislands, ' lay a&#ind,' growiiig^!c|lmnier»iid;dimpieciyer|r:;mja' ute;';and the sea wa> close iait hand.;' -.The water along the';'b:eacli;^wa«:,white' and-foaming ahd ' i rouad the r;&^y.head-it•' the entrance ;oith#Kay t%'leHfoShed and Toaied-mghtilyl-.:-! -, • ;i-. •!•.." .-• • ..iiarry -=was-not ,a|: all frightened';.b.e loved tha water, and had hot so, mnefcaS;. thought abhat he * njlght- iave; trouble h i getting hoinb, again., • 'The tide wjis"rnk^ nine swiftly..putj-and, jf he followed I t ' lie would surely find .Where i t came. from. On and oifj out into the: strange, lonely ] sea, the "tittle boat dpf ted;•once.'. in a. while the mop'n Av oiild look out fOT a moment betwetin the blonds, "But liidst". pi" the time she was hidden: by tiiem,--. Sometunes the. fpam. on ..the crests of . thg .wiyes would flash in .sudden -/points OR' lines;, of • .fh-e, sometimes a quick gleam would show, it­self at,a. distance, and Harty. would l o a ­der if it were not the fin of some,grea'tfisll-cutting the surface of the sea, .-•''.', •"••

Be- had left the.silvef,watoh -."wl ieh.fiis father had given hrmorihis last-birtnday., hanging oil the head of' Ijia, bed, w S so he could not tell, what tinje ikwasj.. btit hj& noticed after awhile that thg stars/began, to -grow- pale,'*nd the,.heavens-a little-less, dark, A.fresh breeic-had sprung up, and went singing, over the sea; fortunately it was a light wind, and- -did no .harm be^ ybnd making'.HaiTy it little chilly, -The boat drifted wherever th& waters carried it, and they carried it straight Out to sea. !

When the sun rc>se, and the morning mists hactrallfi'd. themselves out_of sight, I&trry. saw^'arfehlwi Idin.ffi^islatidfr'om-^MQh; hs kifi ssilft^.'ife- Esott^tain^ sta^d^tg-Oni-greert..dM'. solemn against, the. sky; far; ahead were the, barren rocks from, which at. night a.liglith'ouse sent its solitary.beam, ovei'thes.ea".' ••:•.' •- .;...• ; " . ' . . : ' . Breajtfast time came,, but np' breakfast, and h.j sign of any,. The sun marches steadily up the steep circle of the sky^and fpilnd it slieh a. hard ...climb- that he .not only got very warm himself, but put eve­rybody else into- a profuse petspiration. On. Harry he fairly pdui-ed his Jieat until the poor little fellow?s head buzzed and ached, and. he began, to wish himself safe at home, tide or no tide, . , .-,. .

Dinnertime came, but ftp dinner; .and finally, after a long hot .afternoon, tea time,-but no tea.- The boat had .floated further and further, but. Harry .;had not fonnd where the t ide ' stai'ted; .from; the f urther he went the wider, the-'sea spread out,, and" there was no sign of a beginning or an:end anywhere. .Harry began to. think he had passed the place wdiere the tide started; certainly, if It got but as far as this, it w.o.Uid lose itself and nev;er get anywhere, " ' • - " • ' ' . "

• The sun,, tired with his- long- days work, w'ent dpWnhotandxed; by andby, one by onej. the .stars began .to.^steat' out' from the places, where ;theyhadr hidden away from." him. . Harry, tired, hungry and. a little frightened had fallen asleep in the botfo'm of the hoatjand was clream-' ing of sitting down to a nice dinner, when the moon came up and ' found him lying there, -far out to- sea, when -he ought t o have been in his bed athome.

tte*?; was w- strange --feelihg: In bisy stpih-a e & ; : : ; i ;• •;.;:' -. • ' ' . - ; *'•'•''?.. -.•:; •'-/;• '•*•'?->

f ^ T K e ^ ^ i t t , wiis|lBd again.: .-; . *0i,:-^6rWt' J*Sf P : i»e called out, in: * .T.eVyipuidviice..'-.'' : . •'-"• '•'" • ^' •• '.•., :',:;. :;.;|n^toiBu^^im-«ame>tunibM the little csibin, ioo^ng ;ywy..;feouayaod ':«teepyve/;j ;:"'•-.; A:.'-] , ; _ .; ,, . '-;:'[. ..'. SA.-A-J:; ^ ^ s t ^ p t i ^ K e . tlbii .tiaer?^';:#ai^ V ®$pkn

iliniitopfc^lie; VfltlieriK; ;th/6.;«ap"taflil';;t&. Hdiar^ : '?6btp'W ^e;'*jthttt v&pe?s:AA'-Az'-:Ay--\-.-;.->• (AA^.-vy-iA- .-..' i ja|rj: t&rew the: ,^pe,\antf - ^ 4 eap|^BS ; i f i$de^e: i5t t |e ;b^at j^^^ :^ ^ e i i h e i j e i d ^ t iijiiJfaindi:;^&^^Tif«rii&-•vigojfprig pu}l;the;hoy Was Pit": the'-scnp'cifrk er arid the•iittlfe'b.pat'.w^ais'^ flbaiing;,!^;; hind.. -' ":, ''-::-A"-y..'AA-.<^A •-. Meanwhile iSte •-Captain;- disappeared, Wjien he carne. .D«CK: jh.e handed "Harry" Some big siieefcoJt w e l l ^ W t e ^ b y a d ; .. "'^Tust stow^:&ftta^ay^;^otlti6id,? , he -said to Harry,: C'-. •'.'. vy^ 'AS-'.••: '-IA. ...

The boy seeded no::aeco]rt|;^-jn^ftatipjBj '-a^id the breAd-BpeedJly d iwp^^eSs ;4 ; :A

^•Ifpw," ypui tuJHu;^ip>an|^In^it, moras?, ing. we'll take, btif fe%^ - i^e t e^ . i i s i ^ ' l ^ . ' j §^"Dl . .%r^^ (^ t ' ( ^ . ' pf sight. ' :: ~A,:';--A. •""'•' "':'. -S>Jv' ''•%-•.-;•;';•:".;• ; .Hairy:was -^reuppajsla^^^.^tp^tne: : caftdn^;.ibJihfc?th.d Mthin i'.ie^i^tflite^:/ he * i a r f*fiasli^ep;"• Wieri ie ; j^f l te l i fe; was after.l^ffi&ijextmpHidh"^

Oap];..']r^e^^.^e^'-wi:fh-^-.M}u^\])i^er' in hismOuth\:-.;-;:'./-r;r,; , A^A'/A;.: ,.:".'.'

There"^as; a frcSrr ©r^zeWpWjh"^ and^ the schooner was dashing aibngj'seiidlrig: little showers of sptay:'iight.and left fropt her prow. ' • --• ' -'-.;• .•-.•.".,-'.-^ ••'_,*.

"Momm*.' HPpe;y.ouslegfc^eft^'';saio!: Capt. PelegrWhen he spiedi

•10;:m ^jL0Bvx-;mi*3 CA» FAavaet^:

'aaugh^r;#:the^4W;Tor^^ her third ino«:ulation of attenn*t^'vifll»' a.t-SL PastJeur** labrStprj; .yeibt^t/f^ •_..jS!^ is t h e ^ n B W i i a i ^ S a ^ i ^ s l ^ ^ i s j ^ ^ ^

.euift^.%';-.:;V^;i-'?y-.;.;-^-il'-A'XXA- •

. GLADSTOKE THAOTSS ABCkBrfflSOT CWOKE. :.,_- .-^oigjpiii :^J;PS-i^f': 'fl9Wd*t»fe ; J ^ -fent -;;a^;^ujfogj^^':Ifet&:': «Jf^.H^B^f^hJ jtrchfcwhbp Crpie of Cashel and thecter-gy of hisdiwesefor their recent addrew," in w^hsthiy.jexpres^d^ g^ttdnfefoir tfie preMeiis^p^# ^arvS^f to Inland and his present efipr^%'Jer ,;beh*B^. .: Ay"'

;-.:.. LpKpe^, 0^^^^;M^iS&^t^^ ^reneft n ^ Hebrides TOnip^ytml^pirita Santo island n a v e ^ ^ ^ t t a ^

New CaleclpnTa has d e a p ^ ^ .^ra&^c^lifeiQ^ia^sii^- Ajs %i$y'AA^i

• , ; - ; ; ; | ^ ! ^ % " - ^ ^ j 6 f ^ ^ * ; ; S ^ ^ | ^ - ^ : : ^

^ai^ir^ri^sfecit;^-^.*;''"" terday a resolution was adopted-that the,time had come for trades unioni' :'i %b:&§&&&.: ;;•'•. •:''„•; •....rr. "'• • -;"AA'^-fl

;• .-;o^a&mMiaSi%ELfiT^KE^."r" ;v-;"

say tJ l i i t ^ ! ^ iinjatfliW:;©! j pe f^^^"» j j j f o s t ^ " :*o J i ^ main Greece will not dismiss a single Sol*. i^*fei.-^ A ?:'£• 5^^i^S-/;r': X f'-': -'^-A,i/i:

f ?~:AA .-§?::?;; v^CstiA^, ••.•• A,;r... '• ^ j :S---/-% A?-|ioirDQB^itiikj. e ^ i a i a h ^rah^ri3iria%: sailB^fprSonih^Lnieri^:::";^

•-•' [-j-Xyr:S^S^^^^^SeAA^^AhiA

^•.^^'-li^:"!fe^V:^^-)*iiii-J^":,w(j^^: , 1 ^ % : -TheyV^n»d;tp p^Mge^MSTillii^ *fMiSeniftdfs-fe fih^ep^t^the'tpiiseinj^V^^*tt«^ 5lP9fv: spinTSHun^ -^Sa. wrQBgjJ:||^&' JjisS;"" ' "' g.rg^Jng--:";cstaik'-^';.fs«3^::^

e n . .

allowed.; T h t a i

It make* 4

^ - S S ^ T l

v __ . - ! es«^ 'B ip f ;%d '^v ] (B | i | : i ^^^ . i ^^

Harryt&kigi t h e l h ^ i e % r l & ; ^ ^ i P ^ ? ^ ^ ter.

^Weil^-Jye.followed; the seagbinjr^a 45 yeapi'and-myfadvice is,' giye- npfiliijf" ere voyage of yours and pat foihd'mej3'j&ife the captain,.. His- eyes twinkled\ but;ii^.; faee.Waaperfect}j;'*beF; '.-;'" J*ir taTfce^oyZ

: inf0' Rocklahdy'thei yyoii ^h.Megraph too your friends.''-.':' •-;.c:S:;;>X\>^-:: ^":A:A

•.HaTry-fhoughfrihi'sw^iffieWscsijiani and was-'.quite";will&g';t^ matter of the- ^^S=^fe^co^ii.'>ris|jt^6% ;

home, '.-"•' -"A ^l.A1- -. A:A''-^'~ ? -'•' ' •*• About tlire.e ^clockiftthb.afterncoh.'ihe"

s6hoohetcMiie:'up;tP:, the dock, 'aa<l Cftpfe; Peleg;:i^^ttal^J.#'ffife'.t»3%r^b?03i^J'.-ahdsent this.Si^pa^M; A'"-_ V" % %A ,!:-'-;•";

. RoeiraU.2!iv ag."- 3; lSS£-^:e*(»w; 1pem»,. JfjW, SqrVw^Mi- l>nm. rjfg...f •. Boy a S H , jtan-boat -J!Sallle' aonsi' " "

'Pioked -tip.^at'-.getb)'Send': ' '•'' "":-:*.-;*f.tsn'WABElW.!

aSndjerV cprnplinaehts, a».«ha

the coldneas, a»id drteHaa^

Iter ~<&d$sA -M$M^^^:^ki3:mi&a^ii0:

^bplip?d;Ss; ffimsflf^vaia Ja^aH^iJtpi . . idivpri^'S'jOv!^ A A A:\-/A~ 'A:./y:'\AA

; . ^ ^ m e : g # i i e £ ;BJiP;a^i(fesa'^|i* §er<a*|' "^"" 'if^ann^E.-,iMiv^iBr^:;anaXc^ ;0utMt.#l*^a;nptistsi^;i^; i^ay^er«M3|^%na%t;atfti^




CkAP^EB H. •

Capt. Peleg Waters was coming hoine with a goodly load of fresh mackerel;, wind and tide being favorable, he expect­ed to make Rockland sometime the next afternoon,. .-.Capt.' :Peleg was- rathej- .a ..rough looking-old 'fellow,, but ;he had t h e "kindest heart in, the, : -worid.', At tho time • he sailed- into this story, he was taking his turn attire tiller, and was enjoying about equally the beautiful mooiilit night and the short pipe from Which .lie'blew pccAs-ionftl" puffs of tobaccp smoke.

.-"This is...the purtiest-night- we've hed:

this trip;-35 "he.said tp-hitoself,. as he looked. up. at. the-.fulLmdon,; sailing- serenely through the'clouds, tindat the silvery sea, -whispering to itself,, as. if in a-dream.

Just then something ahead caught the captain's eye. . . . . . .

"Wa'aL I declare," he exclaimed aloud, "if there ain't.a boat! What's she.doing 20 miles out to sea?" . ' ' .

In 10 minutes Cap.t: Peleg had. brought the schooner alongside-the little boat, and was "looking down at the small'bay still fast 'asleep. . . . . . . . '.'Wa'ai, I vow," said the'captain, " i f

that ain't the littlest crew and the sleepiest that I ever see afloat," ; . ; ;

Capt. Pele* whistled to himself,, as he always did when puzzled; then he leqiied over, and called out softly: .

"Ahoy, there!"-Harry opened luseyes wide, and jumped

up in a second. Ho was a bright, honest boy, and tho captain knew it tlie minute he laid eyes on him.

"Where you fi,onil11'lie'asked,' "ha gently as" lie coulei, for -a voice-that gets used to bawling in the tteth of all sorts of Wind's^ isn't very soft. . ' "

"Barltarbor," answered Harry, prompt-ly'.. • - , . " . - " '

Capt. Peleg's eyes twinkled. This Was tlie queerest craft he. had ever'fallen "in with, on the sea, ', . , "Where you bound?" he continued.

" I want to find.where the tide comes from, sir, "'was the quick-reply,

Capt. Peleg wliistfed;lb]i.g and loud,

;/^to^i1^y'^B!^.^.'.''!^^-;!i!(^^;v|!^«S this ggoct n;e;ws;Med th:e. JPerkfcsxfattily, with joy,, : 5fhey had M n n ^ f e little' boat gpne,> wfiat." ha'^ffiappened;:' and' had t^e^aphe3r : in- :^ withont "getting the lpst hpyir .Mr. Perkins, ran .jdown.ip the ;. office and:-sentthis.m'essage.ih-repiy:;'.- • ... .".:; r, -. . BA».HiUtBOE3 Aug^SilsMsAFtleg. :.W<sim,'SdcJc< land, jfo./. Heai-tfelt:thanks; Sendisdyandaioat' by steamer tb-mpErpW,'... .... ' -GEO.:EEBKrSSi-''

•' The-nest day the steamex^mV'Mong the dock at Bar Harbor,7 .aii'5 iSarry. iafi off the gang plank- aniong .the first, ahtii was'feissed and hugged and:.JGrIed;py'er'tot-hishearths cpntent. ..:-.: . . ' . ' . : ' .

Charles got into the "^allie'.^and-'Jo.^e.d-' home, "but Harry had; had enough' .of boats for the present^ and preferred to' w a l k . : : • . . ; • ' . ' . . . . ." . • : .

Abqufc a week later, Capti .Waters; was surprised byf the arrival of ".a small and very' nicely tied package. -. He -opened, it'cau| tiotjsly and discovered a very substantial watch, Tvith the graceful regards of Mr, : Geo, PerMns and famiiyi

Harry-hits not yet found but. where.the-tide starts from. . ; -.''

N o B l a c k .

He stood on. the corner of Woodwards avenue and congress'straet and seemed- to look, far, far a-Way. . - .. .-. "Black yer. butes?" queried . a shiner who came across the street. - ,lfo answer, -

"Orter be blacked,'.'/Continued theboy,_ "Feller -may have,on iever so nree dads-j" but if his ..bute's don't shine he donlt ;l6ok Tike.'a.genti"'' -.'.•.' - '

The man "looked a'mile; further away," "I t won't be but five eehts, you know4

and a nickle won't bust your.-bank;ac-^


^^m^t^f^ t if9t -fe|r ?pw t it .tr'ee^ftdj fMlengjlfa; dp^tf bf i i?^-- Jfi&ir ;.pryjih&jkr.^reiferoiUg^t jfbr#arju, "man^y^a^; iffgniened. almost^ .tb•;•- d> : ^ ^ : : : ^ i ® ^ B ^ s " - ^ ^ ' < $ ^ ^ i ; > i » } « f f l i ^ ^ ^

;;wPuld-.,ehSnge."pwrjways.-^d ^ M c i s e ; ^ ; ?"wi%.:pr M f i j f i^ i ia^f la^V^i^^^i j i f ; • ":i SL • pScfc"; ; } & ;;p^foiT|3y^&e:yi&(W0: "And thefatniiy relitipnsh^gvhiK;;^6"-re-^ stpred;by 'tltlsianpst fptelhle^r^m^n.Kv;':[ ; 'We:5l*.gltfdtK'ethob 'did%oi ;liur|tfee : '

iinah; fpir we Ifctfe-'mbbv'.^efc;W#if&Gy^' ihs^deserved.a.feiysMp^siyandj!^. lawyer;; :"| mahyTf and^the Iegislatpr|^.P,^hp Inake ydivorc'p; easy:, audbVeSfe.^pV.^ familiest-.' They hpine-:.;is;-;jfttpst' "jsacred.;; -And the. liusWinlt sfioutll.keep. that^acr^d-; ness; MwGiatOjyb^^^ lave,;, stttdled.'

Mndness;;,and a icheerftil fbrheafanCB, ' .''

count. It's Wonderful how- miich' shine yon ean'.gefefor a'-little money,'; What 'do', lybut. emphaficallyT ^Gpi^ralv.Bueii. br-you say?" -"- The man's eyes seemed to be" follpwirig' a furniture-wagon as it rolled* down the street,, but he was silent.

''©pn't want to press the. matter, you know,, but if you could' give me an anV swer inside of an hour I'd be very much, obii'd'gedi ' I* like -to; see a nian thijjlt deep­ly before' deciding "ah -iniportaht mat--ter.^:. : . . . ' . y y . ' . ; : ; -<:'."'. •<: • '."•',

Theman came kaek .to this world-long enough, to.spitover.hfe shoulder and move aside: for a man with a ladder,ahd then he took flight again.'' \ . ' . '•• • ' • '-

"Perhaps yoti'd like to have nie meet you here at this hour to-inprroW?" suggest-, gd the; boy. '-'It would be no. trouble at all^ I assure you, .as I .expijet to be aroiind every' d'ay'in the week for some yedrs to come.. What's ypiir idea?" . . " " ' . - The man placed his hand, on, the lamp­

post.and looked fixedly at the. third-stbry windows opposite." -. : . . . - • • • . -

"Oh, wellj" observed the boy, c'We won't quarrel over a. trifle. "SToti go your way ahaTil go' mine. If you- can stand'it?

to goaronud town- withsuchboots- I'.ean to have you.' No-hard' feelings, •' however, you luiow? We .are simply .es­tranged from this hotir; just estranged'. We pass by, but we don't speak. Tra-

l a - P . •• . ' • : • - . • ' • • . • • • ' . ' • : • . - .,-• r: - : y

.Ahd as he went down the avenue: to' mingle. Willi the madding ci^wd,. the

' stranger walked up it, as if searching for ' some quiet hook where. be- Could 'bit and

converse .with.his soul, ••? . ', "-..

. ." A S t o i S ' b f G f a e ^ I ; B u e i f : '.' •; . T ' : ' . -

- OXofiS e«casipa, ;iieay Cave'Spring Jse" CfeneraLiBiieiip Orderedythe-'^tten:.k%)t akay froni;a.'fihe;springr fet thbygBard; was ypvep-run b"y>hirs^r nlehj'^nd Buell rpde -t ifehihls stein,;yofHciffil dignity itp;- tke;; spring tp-.staM'guard' hmiselfta'';-^fe"w.pre at the time a. little- straw hat alid \)xjs fa- , tigue ...uhifprnL-, - A' "larger ? energ6iic -'sixr footer- came up irery th^sty-and Smpisfieht; to"fill;his; Pahteeny.He-rtibbLfed agii'ss'tr' BueH • as hepassed-'and;- stepped'"with; ;0ne' foot in the water to fill.his- ciip.'. Buell •said-qnietly btit.decidedly;. "Take .yPiir foot' Piit;-; siiv"--; Sfilh-Blpppihg,;; the'-sife

;footer ,;.ed". "up.- sand jjaich. "^pitygo 'to: .Gi^enl'and's^iey-nipuniiaiiis. '.:.P3.on'Cwant any quartermaster's'.- plerk .brderingvine around.''. Fpr an instant the icommaiider.. of the Ariiiy of the-Ohio-was 'stuimea.hy fhe'unexpectedj iep^.;.Thenhe;said quiets



" ">"Jfew:>;.-'*""""'"

ders:yp.uto,ta'keypuri potyiput-^afrfi'that .^-W-iter.'?.'".'Theimtin -gave- the "general-.a, glance of - uhmi?takabie. aumiration and Said q-uicklv: *T1I do It sir: If General^. -.*. Buell, wouldcbrderyme ^ •jump.head-frst;: PS§sbnge6 ;cah;:drop .of ^e-train^ff pttm

• into a cafinoii'.J. ^oHld 3,0 it, Out conies the foot: Why. didn't jpii say so before.?'. This.reply}bothered -the.-,General*.gpp^-deal, Bnt. he said hothing^^EQhicagp tnter.-Ocea'n; ".' ; -:"'."..-'---. '.-'. •" :'- .'•'

, . > A B p i l 3 r 6 T E l S >


W.. W; Reed, druggist,of: Wincheste^•, Ind,, writes: ."One of my'customers, Mrs.. Louisa Pike, Bartonia, Rand,olp.h," Co-., Ind;, was-a. long "sallerer with' Consuhip-' fion," and was-given up tp'die -by her physicians. Sheheardof JDr. Ring's New Discovery for Consumptibn, and began buying i t of me, ' In, "six .month's time she walked to this city,a distance of'six'niiles ami ia now so much Improved she has g^uit using it.' She feels she bwes her'l-if eto i t ." Fi-ee Trial Bottles at Mpi-rison &MoOr,e's Bimg Store.

-Business was'virtually at;a yuilman, IB., yesterday, but good brdier-Wasmaintained'..; : ' ' . . . ' ". '.'.,' .'."." . ;

: Most o f the .iron ore.: miners- '.-between Beading, .Pa., and Allentpwn :haye,adK. vanced. wages io to 18.per cent,-

•••. The-trpuble at, the Reading and "Mans-: M<1 cpal mines-hear Pittsburg^ has :be.en; settled, 1,400 men returnij»g-,tp.. work.

The ' metal"manitfaeturers" of ' Chicagb have -.resolved to shut" down for SO':.days except in eases where. Smpioyes'will"work.

• lOhbutsfor 10hours;'pay..' -• ;.••'•"-.- V •'-Two hundred and fjffty men. employed

ih'the ear shops 6f the Chicago;"S^est.rJi' -vlsipa railway struck: yesterday, hobh'f(Jr ah.eight.hour day andyicT per­cent advance" in wages. One hundred ahd'fwenty-five' the employ of the ; .Xmericah bridge works "also sttijekfor ah 'eighthou*'day,. : -J '=, Ay.'; •".'..' •?.;A-,

• Arpartly-s^c.cessjful offort to resume ops erations w,asj made 'yesterday-in'all^tJie freight depots' south of "Hauisonystr^et,, Chicago'. "Few nien'could he'.bbtaihe^ io" •fill the strikers' piaees.". -Seyeniy-five men; took the places, .of strlkei-sat the . freight depot of tbe Wisconsin division b f t h e ijprfchwestern, when the .20. Receiving'" clerks walked out. Wifhrhie^erieiieed: tneu work 'progressed slpwlyy The 3ei-pots were guarded by pojicSand ydepiiiy: sheriffs, " ' ' ' ''""' •""; :'1-v: A: '."•;-

passengen. '*£? doctor wl said he i rnaaordiad ghoet ^eeB|pn^"%l».^ . : . ; feswdhe'dUkb tose^aa or3er«; ; : . to^.r^^ 'f iai i i , ; , . .... ..,...,^.^. ::pryke?a;=Rto it into the isft^f ^ S ? ^ l ;s#e,, Jfir, r m a railroad « H ^ y ; : i & ; ^ ' ^ ^ ewe tb-run ona road thi^ hirit 'iif3 makes, no cwniiecfions, runi iu>whwe, andyy ^ - ^ ^ R j H f i ^ ^ ^ ; ' ; - H i ; ' i S | f ; < i - i | i ' -t^hti.ljnti.'.V'^i -derstattarlfc;'':;.

L t / ' y ^ j b ^ ' l t W j e i i t ' i Q ^ l t ! bhup?h^y':' •:";];'•?; \-A'-:;-:;-.Jr''::":- - ' ;K--^S

y PP<^ular; ; |p^0 :a^4 *&£ "an-bld/tpsui, /^^n&^ti^^n^i^ktfX^ Sjt-thia'country;,; Goodroad-bed:ju^enf^fl fortable car& W^Umaiu^ed rotd, top;--. direietpri d o n t mterfere with diviaion i fe y perintendents and tarain- ordem Boady TOighi^r |)ppular, : but it's pretty iadepeB-dehf; tppy; --"ESaf didn't one of "tiwdi^i- , sien superintendents down e^at disooa-tinue one of the oldest statipria on t ^ fane twobcJhisBe^yBMSago? But i t ' i a jn ighty pleasant' jrpid vtp t r a ^ l soij-^alwigra Mfc .-sbc^'a;pieii^sait class of passengera.":- ';:. '" ^ ^ d j b u ? % t h ^ ; ^ f t ^ a « ^ J a a ^

Wowyoifite shbulau^P h0«aid;w&^^ «phie*iitlinsiasBi:' ^ ^ c e r o a d , : eSf'S%at: time- passengers. Engines oafiy a power•% gfejn^^<I d«»i*i you. fto-.C "get | t ; -s te^s |^ageah0W| * hundred apd enpngh-*il"the;-time.; jt.i?elyTX^;;^w^,eB'" the : cpndUcitpje.shpiats. ^ aB'abos*3i' ^ou can i e a r him at station. jEy-^.trsia- :

light.sMhesiiJ^fcaheadlig^ Stop over--.. jmecteategryeirron. all through tickets,L


as;he:like$, "db^theji^tion^two: « r :

"dajSj andhop;:-<>n.'the"ffleict-"ceyCTal tlRn.".. thiit; cottesvthtinfieriflgv'a^oiigl.'; <3ppdv,y •• w^oiesMuleU;ic0mpltm • ai^'t a rpad-lnthe ePhhijywherbvthb- p^*- -senders: feel.mbre at-home:- No passes; • eye^:.'t^senger ^ y a : ^ I l :his .tfclkete^ Wesieyan^^ hoiise air-brikoi cai; ,ali .trains^, ttw;; pr^Uy .s^e. rbaidj.'Wit:%-ffidiSt.iide pyPr it yesteMay»!'T •''.'• > •-.-. : "'SPefhaps yoii: Med;, the :Bapfisti" . -j'"' guessedbiipehipre;- y'AA'AA}_ , . ••"'.-'.; '. vj&tf$a,f!^ ;said:%be ibTakenniBi '''sKe's^a.". dajsy,. Ish't: %he?4 ISver'rioaidi beautiful niiirves; swpej*? arpun.j -anyiMng to keep . ' close to the:^"frver^btttifis ^ ts teel rail and rpcfe balias),. Mnglefaraek a]l:"|he;w»y;*raiia'; y" apt a side -track from' the, round, house to'-. ••• :&e:tei'"minvis.y ^ ^ ' ^ . l i ^ y p f r i n M ^ to "•'•-" ruhit thpugb^doiSbte^n^ : tipn^nd- there' isn^t an-engine ia the shop* -tiiaican pultappuM-OE run a mile wWi -y less; than two gua^ges. ?Buiit runs^rb^gu: . ftloYeiy cpiitt^try;^p^rlyier^adsaliira'ira, :^ :dp;;.dver:o^ other,;and ifs.Bteady climb up tlie grade ...-;! alLthejpay iui;;ifrfe">run: eiids;, vb«*e the y :--fbutftainshead.blf tlie.ifiyer: Ijegin*. ^ .'5rfg,:yi''-'

', sir: | ' lltalce ; thaxivef fejui -eYbrystiindjfer" • 'A £ lovely: trip; .sut*:cpinectipn'sand a good . . ' !

time; fed-"ia.prairf6-;d««tyblbwiagin;«i . the windows,^..-And^^yeStewayi.-vwa,'^ii^.^ cohductpif.-'^iHffie:^'around;-^or\%p .tii^eJj^'

fwitd S. 'little hisket pohei, ' I d idnt iiic* hihitoypassine^^ btifctpaic}ymyiaJ»;jB|§B;| :l,'H-ln .TTi*-n' J&}i /sbn^c;-f A1« « « ^ M u i d B , ^ u , ' d ^ little map>-S5 .cents ipr an hburfB iSiai .aiittIe;:CQhcert-Dy:'the passoqgan *" hi, t teif ^bBt%i^Mia^(Mi-ta^s "road WAen-yott jfaat-^', : ' , ,y "; -"-i : But just here the knur Xfiuttle enigfije auBKoiiiEei . « « ^ B ^ I mafit hurried to the * " ' yite



Tiere fka4IndianapelMl"

^Si^i .,-::\

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