Page 1: Voronoi diagrams in information geometry:  Statistical Voronoi diagrams and their applications

Voronoi diagrams in information geometry

Statisti al Voronoi diagrams and their appli ations


É ole Polyte hnique

Sony CSL

e-mail: Frank.Nielsena

MaxEnt 2014

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Page 2: Voronoi diagrams in information geometry:  Statistical Voronoi diagrams and their applications

Outline of the tutorial

1. Eu lidean Voronoi diagrams

2. Dis riminant analysis, Mahalanobis Voronoi diagrams, and

anisotropi Voronoi diagrams

3. Fisher-Hotelling-Rao Voronoi diagrams (Riemannian

urved geometries)

4. Kullba k-Leibler Voronoi diagrams (Bregman Voronoi

diagrams, dually at geometries)

5. Bayes' error, Cherno information and statisti al Voronoi


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Eu lidean (ordinary) Voronoi diagrams

P = P1

, ...,Pn : n distin t point generators in Eu lidean spa e Ed

V (Pi ) = X : DE (Pi ,X ) ≤ DE (Pj ,X ), ∀j 6= i = ∩ni=1


+(Pi ,Pj )

DE (P ,Q) = ‖θ(P)− θ(Q)‖2



(θi (P)− θi (Q))2

θ(P) = p : Cartesian oordinate system with θj(Pi ) = p(j)i .

Bise tors Bi(P ,Q) = X : DE (P ,X ) ≤ DE (Q,X ) : hyperplanes

Voronoi diagram = ell omplex V (Pi )'s with their fa es

⇒ Many appli ations : rystal growth, odebook/quantization,

mole ule interfa es/do king, motion planning, et .

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Voronoi diagrams and dual Delaunay simpli ial omplex

⇒ Empty sphere property, max min angle triangulation, et

⇒ General position : no (d + 2) points ospheri al⇒ Voronoi & dual Delaunay triangulation

⇒ Bise tor Bi(P ,Q) perpendi ular ⊥ to segment [PQ]

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Minimum spanning tree ⊂ Delaunay triangulation

All edges of the Eu lidean MST are Delaunay edges

→ Prim's greedy algorithm in Delaunay graph in O(n log n)

Convex hull : boundary ∂ of the Delaunay triangulation

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Order k Voronoi diagrams

All subsets of size k , Pk =(Pk

)= K


, ...,KN with N =(nk


partition the spa e into non-empty k-order Voronoi ells :

Vork(Ki ) = x : ∀q ∈ Ki ,∀r ∈ P\Ki , D(x , q) ≤ D(x , r)

Combinatorial omplexity not yet settled ! ! ! (k-sets/levels)

≡ proje tion of k-levels of arrangements of hyperplanes in Rd+1


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Farthest order Voronoi and Minimum En losing Ball

Cir um enter/minmax enter on the farthest Voronoi diagram.

Non-dierentiable optim. at the farthest Voronoi [16

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Voronoi & Delaunay : Complexity and algorithms

Complexity : Θ(n⌈


⌉) (quadrati in 3D)

Moment urve : t 7→ (t, t2, .., td ), et .

Constru tion : Θ(n log n+ n⌈


⌉), output-sensitive algorithms

Ω(n log n + f ), not yet optimal output-sensitive


Voronoi diagram : VorD(P) = Vorf (D(·,·))(P) for a stri tly

monotoni ally in reasing fun tion f (·)Vor. Eu lidean ≡ Vor. squared Eu lidean ⊂ Vor. Bregman

Geometri toolbox : spa e of spheres (polarity, orthogonality

between spheres, et .)

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Multiple Hypothesis Testing [9, 10

Given a random variable X with n hypothesis


: X ∼ P1

: ...

Hn : X ∼ Pn

de ide for a IID sample x1

, ..., xm ∼ X whi h hypothesis holds true ?

Pm orre t

= 1− Pmerror

Asymptoti regime : Error exponent α





e = α

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Bayesian hypothesis testing

Prior probabilities : wi = P(X ∼ Pi) > 0 (with


wi = 1)

Conditional probabilities : P(X = x |X ∼ Pi).

P(X = x) =n∑


P(X ∼ Pi )P(X = x |X ∼ Pi ) =n∑


wiP(X |Pi)

Cost design matrix [cij ]= with ci ,j = ost of de iding Hi when

in fa t Hj is true

pi ,j(u(x)) = probability of making this de ision using rule u.

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Bayesian dete tor : MAP rule

Minimize the expe ted ost :

EX [c(r(x))], c(r(x)) =∑



j 6=i

ci ,jpi ,j(r(x))

Spe ial ase : Probability of error Pe : ci ,i = 0 and ci ,j = 1 for

i 6= j :

Pe = EX



j 6=i

pi ,j(r(x))

Maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) rule :

map(x) = argmaxi∈1,...,n wipi (x)

where pi (x) = P(X = x |X ∼ Pi ) are the onditional


→ MAP Bayesian dete tor minimizes Pe over all rules [7

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MVNs, MAP rule, and Mahalanobis distan e (1930)

MultiVariate Normals


Say, X


∼ N(µ1

,Σ) and X2

∼ N(µ2


Probability of error (mis lassi ation) for w


= w2

= 1



Pe =1


(1− TV(P1


)) = Φ








Φ(·) : standard normal distribution fun tion

Mahalanobis metri distan e ∆(·, ·) :



) = (µ1

− µ2


− µ2

) = ∆µ⊤Σ−1∆µ

Measure the density overlapping (the greater, the lesser)

generalize Eu lidean distan e (Σ = I )


: only symmetri Bregman divergen e.

⇒ easy to approximate Pe experimentally

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Mahalanobis Voronoi diagrams

MHT for isotropi MVNs with uniform weight wi =1


Cholesky de omposition Σ = LL⊤



) = (µ1

− µ2


− µ2


= (µ1

− µ2


− µ1


= (L−1µ1

− L−1µ2


− L−1µ2




) = DE (L−1µ


, L−1µ2


Mahalanobis Voronoi diagram :

Cholesky de omposition : Σ = LL⊤

Map P = p


, ..., pn to P ′ = p′1

, ..., p′n with p′i = L−1x .

Ordinary Voronoi diagram VorE (P


Map VorE (P

′) to VorΣ(P) = LVorE (P′).

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Mahalanobis Voronoi diagrams

Σ a ount for both orrelation and dimension (feature) s aling

Dual stru ture ≡ anisotropi Delaunay triangulation

⇒ empty ir umellipse property

Re all : MAP rule from Voronoi diagram

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Anisotropi Voronoi diagrams [6 (MHT for MVNs)

Classi ation : Generator Xi ∼ N(µi ,Σi), wi =1


Dis riminant fun tions are quadrati bise tors

Orphans, islands, dual not a triangulation

(need wedged/visibility onditions)

Appli ations : Crystal growth in elds (not Riemannian smooth

metri )

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Statisti s : Estimators

Given x1

, ..., xn IID observations (from a population), estimate the

underlying distribution X ∼ p.

empiri al CDF : Fn(x) =



i I(−∞,x)(xi ).

Glivenko-Cantelli theorem : supx |Fn(x) − F (x)| → 0 a.s.

Fisher approa h : Density p belongs to a parametri family

p(x |θ), D = #parameters (order)

Method of moments : Mat h distribution moments with

sample moments :

EX [Xl ] =





x li ,

⇒ any D independent equations yields an estimator

Fisher Maximum (log-)Likelihood Estimator MLE :



l(θ; x1

, ..., xn) = max




p(xi ; θ)

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Estimation : Varian e Lower Bound

Whi h estimator θn shall we hoose ?

Estimator is also a random variable on a random ve tor

Consistent : limn→∞ θn → θ

Unbiased : Eθ[θn]− θ = 0

Minimum square error (MSE) : E[(θ − θ)2] = B[θ]2 + V[θ]

Fisher information matrix :

I (θ) =


Ii ,j(θ) = Eθ


∂θilog p(x |θ)

∂θjlog p(x |θ)


Fré het Darmois Cramér-Rao lower bound for unbiased

estimators :

V[θn] 1


E ient : estimator rea hes the Cramèr-Rao lower bound

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Su ient statisti s and exponential families

Su ient statisti t(x) :

P(x |t(x) = t, θ) = P(x |t(x) = t)

All information for inferen e ontained in t(x). ( 6= an illary)

For univariate Gaussians, D = 2 : t


(x) = x and t2

(x) = x2.

µ = x =1



xi , σ2 =1



(xi − x)2 =







− (x)2

Exponential families have nite dimensional su ient

statisti s (Koopman) : Redu e n data to D statisti s.

∀x ∈ X , P(x |θ) = exp(θ⊤t(x)− F (θ) + k(x))

F (·) : log-normalizer/ umulant/partition fun tion

k(x) : auxiliary term for arrier measure

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Exponential families : Fisher information and MLE

Common distributions are exponential families :

Poisson, Gaussians, Gamma, Beta, Diri hlet, et .

Fisher information :

I (θ) = ∇2F (θ)

MLE for an exponential family :

∇F (θ) =1



t(Xi) = η

MLE exists i.

η = ∇F (θ) ∈ int(CH(X ))

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Population spa e : Hotelling (1930) [5 & Rao (1945) [25

Birth of dierential-geometri methods in statisti s.

Fisher information matrix (positive denite) an be used as a

(smooth) Riemannian metri tensor.

Distan e between two populations indexed by θ


and θ2


Riemannian distan e (metri length)

Fisher-Hotelling-Rao (FHR) geodesi distan e used in

lassi ation : Find the losest population to a given


Used in tests of signi an e (null versus alternative

hypothesis), power of a test : P(reje t H0


is false )(surfa es in population spa es)

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Rao's distan e (1945, introdu ed by Hotelling 1930 [5)

Innitesimal length element :

ds2 =∑


gij (θ)dθidθj = dθT I (θ)dθ

Geodesi and distan e are hard to expli itly al ulate :

ρ(p(x ; θ1

), p(x ; θ2

)) = min









I (θ)dθ


Metri property of ρ, many tools [1 : Riemannian Log/Exp

tangent/manifold mapping

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Fisher Rao Hotelling Voronoi : Riemannian Voronoi diagrams

Lo ation-s ale 2D families have non-positive urvature

(Hotelling, 1930) : FHR Voronoi diagrams amount to

hyperboli Voronoi diagrams or Eu lidean diagrams

(lo ation families only like isotropi Gaussians)

Multinomial family has spheri al geometry on the positive

orthant : Spheri al Voronoi diagram (stereographi

proje tion ∝ Eu lidean Voronoi diagrams)

Arbitrary families p(x |θ) : Geodesi s not in losed forms →limited omputational framework in pra ti e...

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Hyperboli Voronoi diagrams [19, 22

In Klein disk, the hyperboli Voronoi diagram amounts to a

lipped ane Voronoi diagram, or a lipped power

diagram. E ient lipping algorithm [2.

Convert to other models of hyperboli geometry : Poin aré

disk, upper half spa e, hyperboloid, Beltrami hemisphere, et .

Conformal (good for vizualizing) versus non- onformal

(good for omputing) models. ( onformal metri

G (x) = λ(x)I is s aled identity metri )

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Hyperboli Voronoi diagrams [19, 22

Hyperboli Voronoi diagram in Klein disk :

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Hyperboli Voronoi diagrams [19, 22

Ane Voronoi diagram equivalent to power diagram.

Power distan e : ‖x − p‖2 − wp (additively weighted ordinary


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Hyperboli Voronoi diagrams [19, 22

5 ommon models of the abstra t hyperboli geometry om/wat h?v=i9IUzNxeH4o

ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'14)

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k-order hyperboli Voronoi diagram

k = 1 k = 2

Ane diagram ⇒ equivalent to a power diagram [21

Wat h k-order Voronoi : om/wat h?v=i9IUzNxeH4o

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Constrast fun tion and dually at spa e

Convex and stri tly dierentiable fun tion F (θ) admits a

Legendre-Fen hel onvex onjugate F ∗(η) :

F ∗(η) = sup


(θ⊤η − F (θ)), ∇F (θ) = η = (∇F ∗)−1(θ)

Young's inequality gives rise to anoni al divergen e [8 :

F (θ)+F ∗(η′) ≥ θ⊤η′ ⇒ AF ,F∗(θ, η′) = F (θ) + F ∗(η′)− θ⊤η′

Writing using single oordinate system, get dual Bregman

divergen es :

BF (θp : θq) = F (θp)− F (θq)− (θp − θq)⊤∇F (θq)

= BF∗(ηq : ηp)

= AF ,F∗(θp, ηq) = AF∗,F (ηq : θp)

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Dis riminant analysis exponential families

Consider X


∼ EF (θ1), X2

∼ EF (θ2) (or moment

parameterization ηi = ∇F (θi))

Bayes' rule : Classify x from X


i. P(x |θ1

) > P(x |θ2


Use bije tion between exponential families and Bregman

divergen es :

log p(x |θ) = −BF∗(t(x) : η) + F ∗(t(x)) + k(x)

MAP rule (w


= w2

= 1


) :

BF∗(t(x) : η1

) < BF∗(t(x) : η2


Bregman bise tor :


, η2

) = η |BF∗(η : η1

) = BF∗(η : η1


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Bregman dual bise tors [3, 17, 20

Right-sided bise tor : → Hyperplane (θ-hyperplane)

HF (p, q) = x ∈ X | BF (x : p) = BF (x : q).

HF :

〈∇F (p)−∇F (q), x〉 + (F (p)− F (q) + 〈q,∇F (q)〉 − 〈p,∇F (p)〉) = 0

Left-sided bise tor : → θ-Hypersurfa e (η-hyperplane)

H ′F (p, q) = x ∈ X | BF (p : x) = BF (q : x)

H ′F : 〈∇F (x), q − p〉+ F (p)− F (q) = 0

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Visualizing Bregman bise tors

Primal oordinates θ Dual oordinates η

natural parameters expe tation parameters


qSource Space: Itakura-Saito

p(0.52977081,0.72041688) q(0.85824458,0.29083834)

D(p,q)=0.66969016 D(q,p)=0.44835617



Gradient Space: Itakura-Saito dual

p’(-1.88760873,-1.38808518) q’(-1.16516903,-3.43833618)

D*(p’,q’)=0.44835617 D*(q’,p’)=0.66969016

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Spa e of Bregman spheres and Bregman balls [3

Dual Bregman balls (bounding Bregman spheres) :


rF (c , r) = x ∈ X | BF (x : c) ≤ r

and Ball

lF (c , r) = x ∈ X | BF (c : x) ≤ r

Legendre duality :


lF (c , r) = (∇F )−1(BallrF∗(∇F (c), r))

Illustration for Itakura-Saito divergen e, F (x) = − log x

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Lifting/Polarity : Potential fun tion graph F

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Spa e of Bregman spheres : Lifting map [3

F : x 7→ x = (x ,F (x)), hypersurfa e in Rd+1


Hp : Tangent hyperplane at p, z = Hp(x) = 〈x − p,∇F (p)〉+ F (p)

Bregman sphere σ −→ σ with supporting hyperplane

Hσ : z = 〈x − c ,∇F (c)〉 + F (c) + r .

(// to Hc and shifted verti ally by r)

σ = F ∩ Hσ.

interse tion of any hyperplane H with F proje ts onto X as a

Bregman sphere :

H : z = 〈x , a〉+b → σ : BallF (c = (∇F )−1(a), r = 〈a, c〉−F (c)+b)

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Lifting with Itakura-Saito potential fun tion

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Spa e of Bregman spheres [3

Union/interse tion of Bregman spheres from representational

polytope [3

Radi al axis of two Bregman balls is an hyperplane :

Appli ations to Nearest Neighbor sear h trees like Bregman

ball trees or Bregman vantage point trees [23.

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Spa e of spheres : Minimum en losing ball [14, 24

To a hyperplane Hσ = H(a, b) : z = 〈a, x〉+b in Rd+1

, orresponds

a ball σ = Ball(c , r) in Rdwith enter c = ∇F ∗(a) and radius :

r = 〈a, c〉 − F (c)+ b = 〈a,∇F ∗(a)〉 − F (∇F ∗(a)) + b = F ∗(a)+ b

sin e F (∇F ∗(a)) = 〈∇F ∗(a), a〉 − F ∗(a) (Young equality)

SEB : Find halfspa e H(a, b)− : z ≤ 〈a, x〉+ b that ontains all

lifted points :


a,br = F ∗(a) + b,

∀i ∈ 1, ..., n, 〈a, xi 〉+ b − F (xi ) ≥ 0.

⇒ Convex Program (CP) with linear inequality onstraints

⇒ F (θ) = F ∗(η) = 1


x⊤x : CP → Quadrati Programming

(QP) [4.

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InSphere predi ates wrt Bregman divergen es [3

Impli it representation of Bregman spheres/balls :

Is x inside the Bregman ball dened by d + 1 support

points ?

InSphere(x ; p0

, ..., pd ) =


1 ... 1 1


... pd x

F (p0

) ... F (pd ) F (x)


InSphere(x ; p


, ..., pd ) is negative, null or positive dependingon whether x lies inside, on, or outside σ.

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Bregman Voronoi diagrams as minimization diagrams [3

A sub lass of ane diagrams whi h have all non-empty ells .

Minimization diagram of the n fun tions

Di(x) = BF (x : pi) = F (x)− F (pi )− 〈x − pi ,∇F (pi )〉.≡ minimization of n linear fun tions :

Hi (x) = (pi − x)T∇F (qi )− F (pi )

⇐⇒Wat h om/wat h?v=L7v1wuN_9Wg

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Bregman Voronoi from Power diagrams [15, 20

Any ane diagram an be built from a power diagram.

(power diagrams dened in full spa e Rd)

Power distan e of x to Ball(p, r) : ||p − x ||2 − r2.

Laguerre diagram : minimization diagram of

Di(x) = ||pi − x ||2 − r2i

Power bise tor of Ball(pi , ri ) and Ball(pj , rj )= radi al

hyperplane :

2〈x , pj − pi〉+ ||pi ||2 − ||pj ||

2 + r2j − r2i = 0.

Universality : Ane Bregman Voronoi diagram ⇔ Power diagram

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Ane Bregman Voronoi diagrams as power diagrams

Equivalen e : B(∇F (pi ), ri ) withr2i = 〈∇F (pi ),∇F (pi )〉+ 2(F (pi )− 〈pi ,∇F (pi)〉(imaginary radii shown in red, WLOG. ri ≥ 0 by shifting)

Some ells may be empty in the Laguerre diagram (power diagram)

but not in the Bregman diagram


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Bregman dual Delaunay triangulations

Delaunay Exponential Hellinger-like

empty Bregman sphere property,

geodesi triangles.

BVDs extends Eu lidean Voronoi diagrams with similar omplexity/algorithms.

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Riemannian tensor and orthogonality

Dually at spa e.

F (θ) onvex on Θ yields onvex onjugate F ∗(η) on H

Same Riemannian tensor an be expressed in both oordinate

systems :

g(θ) = ∇2F (θ), g∗(η) = ∇2F (η), g(θ(X ))g∗(η(X )) = I ,∀X

Same innitesimal length element ds2 = (ds∗)2.

Two urves γ


(t) and γ2

(t) are orthogonal atQ = γ



) = γ2


) i.



), γ2


)〉g(θ(Q)) = 〈γ1


), γ2


)〉∗g∗(η(Q)) = 0

Geodesi γ(P ,Q) and dual geodesi γ∗(P ,Q) (and geodesi

segments γ[P ,Q] and γ∗[P ,Q])

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3-point property (generalized law of osines) :

BF (p : r) = BF (p : q) + BF (q : r)− (p − q)T (∇F (r)−∇F (q)))






γ(P ,Q) orthogonal to γ∗(Q,R) i.

BF (p : r) = BF (p : q) + BF (q : r)

Equivalent to 〈θp − θq, ηr − ηq〉 = 0

Extend Pythagoras' theorem

γ(P ,Q) ⊥ γ∗(Q,R)

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Dually orthogonal Bregman Voronoi & Triangulations

Ordinary Voronoi diagram is perpendi ular to Delaunay

triangulation. (Vor k-fa e ⊥ Del d − k-fa e)

Dual line segment geodesi s :

γ(P ,Q) = θ = θp + (1− λ)θq |λ ∈ [0, 1]

γ∗(P ,Q) = η = ηp + (1− λ)ηq |λ ∈ [0, 1]

Bise tors :

Biθ(p, q) : 〈x , θq − θp〉+ F (θp)− F (θq) = 0

Biη(p, q) : 〈x , ηq − ηp〉+ F ∗(ηp)− F ∗(ηq) = 0

Dual orthogonality :

Biη(p, q) ⊥ γ∗(P ,Q)

γ(P ,Q) ⊥ Biθ(p, q)

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Dually orthogonal Bregman Voronoi & Triangulations

Biη(p, q) ⊥ γ∗(P ,Q)

γ(P ,Q) ⊥ Biθ(p, q)

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MAP rule and additive Bregman Voronoi diagrams

Optimal MAP de ision rule :

map(x) = argmaxi∈1,...,nwipi(x)

= argmaxi∈1,...,n − B∗(t(x) : ηi ) + logwi ,

= argmini∈1,...,nB∗(t(x) : ηi)− logwi

⇒dual Bregman Voronoi with additive weights (ane


Verti al proje tion of the interse tions of the lifted half-spa es on

the potential F∗shifted by the weights − logwi .

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Relative entropy for exponential families [18

Kullba k-Leibler divergen e ( ross-entropy minus entropy) :

KL(P : Q) =

p(x) logp(x)

q(x)dx ≥ 0


p(x) log1


︸ ︷︷ ︸


p(x) log1


︸ ︷︷ ︸


= F (θQ)− F (θP)− 〈θQ − θP ,∇F (θP)〉

= BF (θQ : θP) = BF∗(ηP : ηQ)

Bregman divergen e BF dened for a stri tly onvex and

dierentiable fun tion up to some ane terms.

Proof KL(P : Q) = BF (θQ : θP) follows from

X ∼ EF (θ) =⇒ E [t(X )] = ∇F (θ) = η

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Upper bounds Pe using Cherno Information [11

Tri k : min(a, b) ≤ aαb1−α,∀α ∈ (0, 1) (for a, b > 0)

E ∗ =



|x))p(x)dx ≤ wα








Upper bound the minimum error E ∗

E ∗ ≤ wα1


cα(p1 : p2),

cα(p1 : p2) =∫pα1


(x)dx : Cherno α- oe ient.


: p2

) = cα∗(p1

: p2

) = min




(x)dx .

Cherno information (or Cherno divergen e) :

C ∗(p1

: p2

) = Cα∗(p1

: p2

) = max

α∈(0,1)− log




extend methodoloy with quasi-arithmeti means [11

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Cherno oe ient/information : exponential families

Cα(p : q) = − log cα(p, q) = J(α)F (θp : θq),

cα(p : q) = e−Cα(p:q) = e−J(α)F

(θp :θq).

Skewed Jensen divergen e (on natural parameters) :

J(α)F (θp : θq) = (αF (θp) + (1− α)F (θq))− F (αθp + (1− α)θq)

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Maximizing skew Jensen divergen e

α∗ = arg max


J(α)F (p : q)

J(α∗)F (p : q) = BF (p : mα∗) = BF (q : mα∗)

mα = αp + (1− α)q : α-mixing of p and q.


(p : q)BF (p : mα∗)

BF (q : mα∗)

p q

F (p)

F (q)

mα∗ = α∗p+ (1− α∗)q


Maximum skew Jensen divergen e amounts to Bregman

divergen es.

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Geometry of the best error exponent : binary hypothesis [11

Cherno distribution P∗:

P∗ = Pθ∗12

= Ge(P1


) ∩ Bim(P1



e-geodesi :



) = E(λ)12

| θ(E(λ)12

) = (1− λ)θ1

+ λθ2

, λ ∈ [0, 1],

m-bise tor :



) : P | F (θ1

)− F (θ2

) + η(P)⊤∆θ = 0,

Optimal natural parameter of P∗:

θ∗ = θ(α∗)12

= argminθ∈ΘB(θ1

: θ) = argminθ∈ΘB(θ2

: θ).

→ losed-form for order-1 family, or e ient bise tion sear h.

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Geometry of the best error exponent : binary hypothesis

P∗ = Pθ∗12

= Ge(P1


) ∩ Bim(P1








e-geodesic Ge(Pθ1, Pθ2


η-coordinate system



C(θ1 : θ2) = B(θ1 : θ∗12)

Bim(Pθ1, Pθ2


BHT : Pe bounded using Bregman divergen e between Cherno

distribution and lass- onditional distributions.

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Geometry of the best error exponent : multiple hypothesis

n-ary MHT [7 from minimum pairwise Cherno distan e :

C (P1

, ...,Pn) = min

i ,j 6=iC (Pi ,Pj )

Pme ≤ e−mC(Pi∗ ,Pj∗), (i∗, j∗) = argmini ,j 6=iC (Pi ,Pj )

Compute for ea h pair of natural neighbors Pθi and Pθj , the

Cherno distan e C (Pθi ,Pθj ), and hoose the pair with minimal

distan e. (Proof by ontradi tion using Bregman Pythagoras


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Multiple Hypothesis testing & Cherno information

η-coordinate system

Chernoff distribution between

natural neighbours

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Summary : Statisti al Voronoi diagrams

Mahalanobis Voronoi diagrams, anisotropi Voronoi diagrams


Fisher-Hotelling-Rao Riemannian Voronoi diagrams

Kullba k-Leibler Voronoi diagrams for exponential families =

Bregman Voronoi diagrams

Extend ordinary Voronoi diagrams (≡ isotropi Gaussians)

Spa e of spheres : Lifting/polarity

bise tors ⊥ geodesi s

dual regular triangulation with empty spheres

Information geometry : ane dierential geometry of parameter

spa es, invarian e prin iples

Many other kinds of Voronoi : Jensen-Bregman, (u, v)-stru tures , onformal divergen es, total Bregman & total Jensen divergen es,

et .

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