Page 1: VTN assignment 3 By Mr. Leonard

VTN assignment 3By Mr. Leonard

Page 2: VTN assignment 3 By Mr. Leonard

Atomic nucleusorganization

Fluid mosaic model





Plasma membrane

Covalent bondcell

Cell nucleus

Cell theory



Ionic bond

Located in




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With opposite

charges form

Page 3: VTN assignment 3 By Mr. Leonard

• Atom – smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that element; basic building block of all matter.• • Atomic nucleus- positively charged center of an atom composed of neutrons and positively charged protons, and surrounded by negatively charged electrons.• • Covalent bond - chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons.• • Ionic bond – chemical bond formed by the attractive forces between two ions of opposite charge.• • Molecule – Group of atoms held together by covalent bonds.• • Organization – orderly structure of cells in an organism.• • Cell – basic unit of all organisms, all living things are composed of cells.• • Cell theory – the theory that (1) all organisms are composed of one or more cells, (2) the cell is the basic unit of structure and organization of organisms, (3) al cells

come from preexisting cells.• • Organelle – membrane bound structures with particular functions within eukaryotic cells.• • Prokaryote – unicellular organisms such as bacteria that lack membrane bound organelles. • • Eukaryote – unicellular or multicellular organisms that contain a true cell nucleus and membrane bound organelles. • • Cell nucleus – the central organelle in eukaryotic cells that manages cell functions and contains DNA. • • Fluid mosaic model – structural model of the plasma membrane where molecules are free to move sideways within a lipid bilayer.• • Phospholipid – lipids with an attached phosphate group; plasma membranes are composed of phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins. • • Plasma membrane – flexible boundary between the cell and its environment; allows materials such as water and nutrients to enter and waste products to leave.


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Connections explainedDirections: use the concept map to fill in the blanks of the explanations.

• The positively charged atom nucleus which is made up of subatomic particles called protons (which have a positive charge) and neutrons (which have no charge) is located in the center of an atom.

• An atom can combine with other atoms using covalent bonds to form molecules.• Molecules of different types with different functions working together make up living cells.• A cell containing organelles are called eukaryotes.• A cell nucleus is an organelle that directs cell processes in an eukaryote cell.• Organelles are not found in prokaryote cells.• A phospholipid is a type of molecule which because of its hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts

will arrange to form lipid bilayer forming a plasma membrane.• The fluid mosaic model describes the parts and movement of the plasma membrane.• The plasma membrane which is selectivity permeable surrounds the contents of a cell to help

maintain homeostasis.• The cell theory talks about cells being the central unit of life and how all cells must come from

pre-existing cells therefore explains the hierarchal organization of living things. • Atoms that gain or lose electrons turn into positive or negative ions which have opposite

charges that attract each other to form ionic bonds.

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Picture choices explainedDirections: Fill in the blanks and use the explanation for using each picture to figure

out and match the picture in the VTN.

• For atomic nucleus I chose a picture showing a pulled out close up view of the atomic core composed of protons and neutrons. This is a picture representation of the definition of the term.

• For atom I chose a picture showing a model of a Helium atom with two protons and two neutrons in its atomic nucleus and 2 electrons orbiting around the nucleus. This is computer generated 3D version of the Bohr model which is what I think of when I hear or read the term. The picture matches the definition of the term.

• For covalent bond I chose a picture of methane molecule sharing electrons between the four hydrogen atoms and the carbon atom in order to fill the valence shells. This picture demonstrates an example of the term.

• For molecule I chose a picture of a water molecule sharing valence electrons between the oxygen atom and the two hydrogen atoms. This picture is a common representation of the term.

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• I think of the compound sodium chloride salt when I think of ionic bond so chose a picture showing sodium cations bonding with chlorine anions.

• For Prokaryote I chose a picture showing the most common features of most prokaryotes which does not include organelles but does include characteristics such as a plasma membrane, cell wall, cytosol (cytoplasm), long circular DNA located in the central nucleoid region, ribosomes, and small easily transferable pieces of DNA called plasmids.

• When I think of the term cell the typical animal type pops into my head so I picked a picture of one which a person knows to be the animal type due to the fact it has a cell nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and does not contain a cell wall or chloroplasts.

• For cell nucleus I picked a picture depicting the features of one which include a porous double plasma membrane, DNA packaged in chromosomes, chromatin, and a central dense region called the nucleolus.

• For organelle I chose a picture of a mitochondria because is one of the main types I think about when I think the term because it is the “power house” of the cell found in every type of eukaryote.

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• When I think of eukaryote other than an animal cell I think of a plant cell because it contains all the other organelles and animal cell does plus chloroplasts which it uses to convert light energy into stored chemical energy which complex life on our planet depends on.

• When I think about a phospholipid the type of picture I chose comes to mind showing two long hydrophobic fatty acid tails connected via a triglyceride to a polar hydrophilic phosphate group.

• I chose the picture for plasma membrane because it clearly shows a phospholipid bilayer (separated at one end to show the hydrophobic middle part along with embedded proteins).

• For Fluid mosaic model I chose a picture of a plasma membrane showing some trans-membrane proteins anchored to internal scaffolding and glycoproteins on the cell surface. The picture shows the plasma membrane in a wave which makes me think of it flowing.

• For cell theory I combined four pictures to represent the 3 statements of it. A single cell prokaryote, a colony of single celled eukaryotes, a close up view of a multicellular eukaryote, and a cell in the process of dividing into two daughter cells. This is a picture representation of 1. The cell is the basic unit of life. 2. All living thins are made up of one or more cells. And 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells.

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• For organization I chose a picture that came the closest to representing the term as I think about it in the context of biology. An atom making a molecule, which goes on to make cells, cells make tissue, tissue make organs, organs make organ systems, organ systems make organisms, organisms make populations, populations make communities, and the communities combine to make up the whole ecosystem.

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• References for VTN assignment 3 pictures:• Atomic nucleus picture:•

tt-portal&va=atomic+nucleus• atom picture:•;_ylt=A2KJkK30BAFP8xgA

5kiJzbkF?p=atom&fr=att-portal&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&y=Search• covalent bond:•;_ylt=A2KJkK2LBQFPPFM

A0KqJzbkF?p=covalent+bond&fr=att-portal&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt• water molecule:•;_ylt=A2KJkIeVBgFP0EQA


• phospholipid:•;_ylt=A2KJkIXoBgFPsz8AK


• plasma membrane:•;_ylt=A2KJkIVqBwFPBxsA


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• eukaryote:•;_ylt=A0PDoS6P


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• organelle:•;_ylt


• cell nucleus:•;_ylt


• sources for pictures combined to use for cell theory:•;_ylt





• organization:•;_ylt


• ionic bond:•;_ylt


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Picture choices

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