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Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards Summary One, Summary Two, My Thoughts

Classroom Blogging: Two Fundamental Approaches Summary One, Summary Two, My Thoughts

Blogging Techniques for the K12 Classroom Summary One, Summary Two, My Thoughts


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Article One SummaryArticle One SummaryIn the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin BoardsIn the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards

There are many school districts that are currently using “blogging” as a means for teaching children.

Some teachers love the idea of blogging because it allows students who are shy in class or not vocal to have a voice without actually talking. Many teachers noticed students who were quiet during class participating in online blogging.

Blogs are also becoming popular amongst teachers because they are easier to maintain than classroom websites.

Selingo, Jeffrey. (2004). In the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards. New york times. Retrieved (2009, December 14) from

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Summary One ContinuedSummary One ContinuedIn the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin BoardsIn the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards

There are also many teachers who love using blogging because the class discussions do not have to end when the bell rings. The class can go on for hours once the children go home.

Some teachers do not like the idea of blogging though because it encourages casual conversations and bad writing habits. Some teachers have also mentioned that children do not keep up on the blogs during summer or breaks.

Blogging also encourages children to become more social by interacting with peers by commenting on other peoples blogs and creating more of their own.

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My Thoughts-Article OneMy Thoughts-Article OneIn the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin BoardsIn the Classroom, Web Logs Are the New Bulletin Boards

I thought that this article did a great job of giving different view points about blogging from different teachers and why they did or did not like the idea of using it in the classroom.

Something I realized while reading this was that there are legitimate reasons to why teachers shy away from using blogging as a teaching aid.

Another think I realized is that blogging can be a great thing to have if a teacher happens to run out of time during designated class time.

The last thing I realized is that students who are often to shy to speak in class seem to get a voice while blogging that they would not usually have during class.

Quote: "If it gets kids excited about learning," Mrs. Contner said, "we might as well try it." I liked this quote because I think it is worth trying, especially if it is helping students be better.

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Article Two SummaryArticle Two SummaryClassroom Blogging: Two Fundamental ApproachesClassroom Blogging: Two Fundamental Approaches

There are two different approaches discussed in this article. The first approach is the quantitative evaluations and accountability.

The approach has the students work on blogs for a grade and with no concern to whether or not students continue to use blogging after the class.

This approach is more about the number of blogs being posted within a certain amount of time adhering to the teachers standards and regulations.

Campbell, Aaron. (2005). Classroom Blogging: Two Fundamental ADpproaches. Dekita. Retrieved (2009, December

14) from

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Summary Two ContinuedSummary Two ContinuedClassroom Blogging: Two Fundamental ApproachesClassroom Blogging: Two Fundamental Approaches

The other approach to blogging in the classroom would be the motivation intrinsic approach.

This approach allows students to blog about what they want, when they want to and under their own regulations.

It allows students to do it because they want to and its main goal is to get students to blog beyond the end of the class, even if it is just for fun.

The guy who is writing the article focuses his classes on the second approach but says that he understand the benefits of doing it by the first approach.

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My Thoughts-Article TwoMy Thoughts-Article TwoClassroom Blogging: Two Fundamental ApproachesClassroom Blogging: Two Fundamental Approaches

I liked the idea of both of the approaches, but I think that I would be more inclined to using the second approach. I think that teaching students something they will use for the rest of their lives is very important.

The first thing from this article that I learned is that there are two different approach that a teacher can take and that both have very great benefits.

The second thing I took away from this article is that making students do something, even if it is for a grade, will most likely not engage them to continue using it after the class is over.

The last thing I took away from it is that allowing students the option to blog about what they want, when they wanted often had more of an effect on them in the long run to continue doing it.

Quote: “This ‘crack the whip’ method coerces students to post to their blogs, read other posts, and comment on them.” I thought this was an interesting way to explain the methods of the first approach.

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Article Three SummaryArticle Three SummaryBlogging Techniques for the K12 ClassroomBlogging Techniques for the K12 Classroom

This article explains that blogging allow classroom integration more natural for teachers rather than needing to teach hard technical skills.

Blogging allows teachers to enhance their primary teaching techniques.

It also allows students and teachers to respond to other blogs quicker and more frequently. Students who were often overshadowed by students with stronger voices then them are now able to speak out and be more in their element than before.

McDowell, D. (2004). Blogging in the K12 classroom. In  B. Hoffman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved December 13, 2009, from

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Summary Three ContinuedSummary Three ContinuedBlogging Techniques for the K12 ClassroomBlogging Techniques for the K12 Classroom

Blogging allows teachers to “show off” their classroom discussions and practices. It servers as a great way for not only students and teachers to have a voice and discussion about a certain topic, but also the parents and other faculty members to become engaged in the class discussion.

This article also mentions some of the different blogging internet sites that teachers and students can join to start blogging in the classroom such as Blogger, Edublog, and Schoolblogs.

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My Thoughts-Article ThreeMy Thoughts-Article ThreeBlogging Techniques for the K12 ClassroomBlogging Techniques for the K12 Classroom

I thought this article was good for teachers who were new to the idea of blogging in the classroom because it gives reasons why blogging in the classroom could be an effective tool.

One thing I took away from this article is that there are many different types of Blogging websites that you can use in your classroom.

Another thing I took away from it is that there is no way to control what your students say or see when using and writing blogs. That could potentially cause problems.

Another thing I took away with it is that this makes it easy for parents and other faculty to stay updated with what you are teaching the kids.

Quote: “While there are numerous lesson types that use blogs, the bigger question becomes how does a teacher actually use a blog (or blogs) with his/her students.” I liked this quote because I feel like that statement right there is the reason a lot of teachers shy away from blogging in the classroom.

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Overall, I think that blogging could potentially be a great tool to have and use in the classroom. Not only does it make it easier for teachers to access students work, but it also makes it easier for students to write and give their opinion faster and more often than they normally would be able to.

I think that allowing students to approach blogging the way they want, when they want is a great idea to allow them to eventually enjoy sharing their ideas and using their writing skills more often.

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