  • 8/12/2019 Wado Ryu Kata - Pinan Yondan Kata


    Wado Ryu Karate

    The US Eastern Wado Ryu Karate Federation

    Wado Ryu Karate Association of Alabama

    Pinan Yondan Kata Pinan Yondan Kata Photos Embusen

    1. Rei.2. Yoi.3. Look left. Step out to your left into hidari ma hanmi neko ashi dachi (left side

    facing stance), while ringing the right hand to a protection for! o"er the forehead, pal! out, and si!ultaneously perfor!ing a hidari jodan haishu uke (left upper o"er#hand lock). $he upper ar! is parallel to the ground and slightly a o"e the forehead,

    hile the left hand is perpendicular to the ground.%. &nter!ediate position.'. Look right. ring the left foot ack in towards the right foot so that it is now in the

    sa!e position that it started in. $urn the hands pal! inwards, and step out to your right into migi ma hanmi neko ashi dachi (right side facing stance), dri"ing the handsto the right with the left hand in a protection for! o"er the forehead, pal! out, and

    si!ultaneously perfor!ing a migi jodan haishu uke (right upper o"er#hand lock).. Looking forward, si!ultaneously draw right foot into shizen hontai (natural stance)while drawing oth hands into fists, pal! up at the hips. *ollow i!!ediately withstepping forward to hidari zenkutsu dachi and perfor! gedan juji uke (low +#

    lock), with right ar! on top.. Step forward with the right into migi ma hanmi nekoashi dachi while perfor!ing a

    migi soto uke with left fist co"ering the solar ple-us.. ring the left foot forward and together with the right foot into heisoku dachi (closed

    toes stance) while ringing the right fist ack to ka!ae and the left ar! across the

    front of the ody at chudan le"el in a ready position./. Look left and si!ultaneouly perfor! hidari gedan barai (left downward lock) and

    hidari yoki geri (left front kick to the side).10. Step to the left, twisting the hips into hidari gyakuzuki dachi while e-ecuting a migi

  • 8/12/2019 Wado Ryu Kata - Pinan Yondan Kata


    yoko enpi uchi (right sideward el ow strike).11. ring the right foot in towards the left into heisoku dachi so that you are now facing

    in the direction of the start of the kata, while ringing the left fist ack to ka!ae andthe right ar! across the front of the ody at chudan le"el in a ready position.

    12. Look right and si!ultaneouly perfor! migi gedan barai (right downward lock) andmigi yoko geri (right front kick to the side).

    13. Step to the right, twisting the hips into migi gyakuzuki dachi while e-ecuting a hidari yoko enpi uchi (left sideward el ow strike).

    1%. Look left and perfor! hidari harai te (left sweeping hand) while ringing the righthand to a protection for! o"er the forehead, pal! out. $his is an inter!ediate stanceand should e i!!ediatly followed y the following stance.

    1'. $wist the hips to the left into yoko seishan dachi (sideward seishan stance) whilesi!ultaneously perfor!ing migi tenohira uke (right pal!ar lock) and ringing theleft hand to a protection for! at the side of the head, pal! out.

    1 . -ecute migi mae geri and lunge forward into migi gyaku nekoashi dachi (rightre"erse cat stance) while si!ultaneously perfor!ing migi tate uraken uchi (right"ertical ackfist strike). & &. 4uring this si!ultaneous hand !o"e!ent, the lefthand co!es down fro! the protection for! at the side of the head to press lock theopponents punch or kick. s you are pressing downwards with the left, the righthand releases the ar! and circularly co!es up fro! underneath o"er the press lock to e-ecute the uraken.

    1 . $urn 22' degrees to the left on the right foot into hidari nekoachi dachi (left catstance) while perfor!ing a hidari soto uke (left !iddle lock).

    1 . 5lacing weight onto the front foot, perfor! migi mae geri and step into migi

    zenkutsu dachi . -ecute a migi jun-zuki (right front punch) then a hidari gyaku-zuki(left re"erse punch).1/. $urn /0 degrees to the right on the left foot into migi nekoachi dachi (right cat

    stance) while perfor!ing a migi soto uke (right !iddle lock).20. 5lacing weight onto the front foot, perfor! hidari mae geri and step into hidari

    zenkutsu dachi . -ecute a hidari jun-zuki (left front punch) then a migi gyaku-zuki(right re"erse punch).

    21. Step forward %' degrees to the left into hidari ma hanmi neko ashi dachi while perfor!ing a hidari soto uke (left !iddle lock). $he right ar! is pulled down

    across the chest to protect the solar ple-us.22. Step forward into migi ma hanmi neko ashi dachi while perfor!ing a migi soto

    uke. $he left ar! is pulled down across the chest to protect the solar ple-us.23. Step forward into hidari ma hanmi neko ashi dachi while perfor!ing a hidari soto

    uke (left !iddle lock). $he right ar! is pulled down across the chest to protect thesolar ple-us.

    2%. $wist the ody /0 degrees to the left while drawing the left foot ack into anelongated front cat stance. t the sa!e ti!e, perfor! morote soto uke . $his circular,dou le inside lock is !eant to reak an opponents grasp on the front of your gi or

    neck.2'. 5erfor! si!ultaneous !orote gedan arai and !igi hizageri (right knee kick), thus

    striking the opponent in the face with the knee. & &. $he hands should e out to theside and in fists.

  • 8/12/2019 Wado Ryu Kata - Pinan Yondan Kata


    2 . Set the right foot eside the left and turn 22' degrees to the left into hidari mahanminekoashi dachi . 5erfor! hidari kake uke . $he right ar! is across the chest with thehand open and the fingers pointed upward.

    2 . ring the right foot halfway to the left then step /0 degrees to the right into migimahanmi nekoashi dachi . 5erfor! migi kake uke . $he left ar! is across the chestwith the fingers pointed upward.6

    2 . Ya!e (Step the left foot ack slightly then drag the right heel ack into heikodachi.2/. Rei.

    7opyright 8 2000 9ado#Ryu#! :othing on this we site !ay e reproduced withoutthe e-press written per!ission of!

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