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Walk as You Talk Talk as You Walk

A holistic approach to successfully achieving fitness, health and happiness

Editors Comment:

Welcome to the 1st edition of Walk as You Talk, Talk as You Walk newsletter. What a unique way to kick-start your health and fitness life-style goals for 2015!

Research says the number 1 New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. The 4th is to be happy and the 5th is to get fit.

Which makes our Walk as You Talk Trail Experiences the perfect way to achieve 3 of the top 5 New Year Resolutions!

Yet by the time you read this, a whopping 78% of those resolutions will already have been broken or forgotten. That’s because the majority of us make the same empty resolutions year in year out without expecting any real change which is surely the definition of madness!

If there is no greater authority on you than you, then only you can put a stop to this cycle of self-sabotage. After all as the saying goes ‘if nothing changes, nothing changes’.

We’re establishing a stimulating environment for people who are no longer satisfied with the ‘work to live’ mentality or consumeristic lifestyle.  Instead, we’re offering you the opportunity to live the life you dream of. So if you’re also interested in fulfilling your ‘bucket list’ sooner rather than later, then join our outdoor activity based events.


Next Event: South Downs Way Spring Equinox retreat 20th – 22rd March 2015

Step back into nature this spring and give your mind, body and spirit a healthy treat. You’ll benefit from a unique opportunity to talk through issues (personal or business) while getting fitter by walking. This combined experience promotes a real sense of achievement, as well providing the mental clarity required to create new lifestyle habits.   

Walk as You Talk Talk as You Walk

The re-energising 3 day South Downs Way event starts 9.30 am Friday 20th March. As we progress along the route, each day’s walking will end with a series of mini health workshops.  There is also a one day master class in photography so bring your camera and questions.

There’s never been a better time or way to be safely and gently coached, challenged and guided into achieving happier, healthier goals!

Certificates of achievement and photos will be the icing on the cake to end what promises to be a gratifyingly rich and rewarding experience with new friends. 

To find out more about your invite to this special spring event (either in part or its entirety), go to

Video: Discover, Enjoy and Care for South Downs Way National   Park

Free Resources: Visitors at all receive a comprehensive e-guide Inspirational Quote: “Walk and be happy, walk and be healthy”. Charles Dickens

Top Tip: Wear a pedometer: They come in all shapes, sizes, colours and prices

For improved health we need to walk approx.10,000 steps. That’s approx.5 miles a day. To avoid being delusional about how much you actually move versus how much you

think you move, buy an inexpensive pedometer to accurately and honestly record exactly how much you really do (or do not) move each day.

Keep a daily log over a period of at least 21 days. Then divide the total number of steps by 21 days to calculate your average daily. This will provide you with a true benchmark as well as help you decide how to improve.

Our Mission We’re genetically programmed to move and we love to chat! Hence our walk and talk retreats are the best way to simultaneously stretch our mind and body.

Our Vision Build a global community of like-minded proactive people committed to stretching themselves into achieving unique experiences; be it walking the famous Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage, to climbing a particular mountain, or just allowing yourself to become grounded by getting back in touch with nature locally.  

Dawn’s inspirational approach in bringing together a mixed discipline of supportive professionals has created a stimulating and motivational program of events with activities. This ensures these events achieve a balanced blend of education, entertainment and encouragement that truly empowers participants.

Walk as You Talk Talk as You Walk

Still not sure your health is worth investing in?

Then listen to this moving audio testimonial of how Diane transformed her lifestyle and regained her health

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Copyright © 2015 Dawn A.Campbell All rights reserved.

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