
War Eagles Deployment Newsletter

HHC, 25th CAB

This newsletter contains official



Vol.1, Issue 1 February 2012

Inside this issue: Photo Gallery 2-3 FRG Events 4 Chaplain’s Chat 5 Birthdays 5

doing well. The well being of your loved ones is important to myself and 1SG O’

so we personally check on your Soldiers daily. All Soldiers are adjusting well to

the environment and the time zone difference which is 14 1/2 hours ahead of

Hawaiian Standard Time and 9 1/2 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

Other than acclimating to the winter climate and time zone there are certain

required training events that must be completed prior to taking over the mission.

Our Reception Staging Onward Movement and Integration (RSOI) Training

standards require each Soldier to attend mandatory briefings which included a

MRAP Vehicle Roll Over Simulator and a Tactical Directives Briefing.

Additionally, all of our Soldiers attended a range with their individual weapon in

which they fired familiarization rounds to confirm their sights were correct. All

Soldiers have completed training and are now prepared to being the Relief in

Place (RIP) phase with HHC, 159th CAB.

Your loved ones have been busy with their section responsibilities some of which

include tracking personnel (S1), intelligence gathering (S2), tracking aviation

operations and training (S3), life support and supply operations (S4) and

communication management (S6). We are currently working alongside personnel

from HHC, 159th learning the ins and outs of the jobs they performed over the

course of the last twelve months.

We have a very important mission and our success depends on the well being of

all of our Soldiers and their family members. I want you all to know that I

consider it a privilege to be serving along side your loved one. I could not be

more proud and honored to command such a well trained unit.

Until next month Aloha and Mahalo for your support.

CPT Aaron Matthews

“War Eagle 6”

CPT Aaron Matthews

War Eagle Families,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every

one of you for all of your sacrifices and support. Last month

was an emotional roller coaster for all with pre-deployment

preparations, farewells for your Soldiers and a deployment to

their home away from home, Kandahar Air Base.

With over 16 hours of travel time for each of your Soldiers, I am

pleased to inform you that everyone had safe travels and are

War Eagles Promotions

This newsletter contains official


Vol.1, Issue 1 February 2012



SSG Blackall and SGT Kalfman

prior to promotion

COL Tate, SFC Blackall and

CPT Amamoo

SFC Loyd assists during SPC

Waing’s promotion SFC Snyder presents SGT Weatherspoon

a plaque with the NCO Creed

SSG Gonzales, SPC Waing and

SGT Weatherspoon SFC Snyder with his newly

promoted NCOs

These dedicated Soldiers continue to impress me with their sheer professionalism,

hard work ethic and desire to excel. I look forward to many more of these

ceremonies throughout the year. To the Soldiers in the ranks…I challenge you all

to work to the best of your abilities. Take the initiative with your careers, set and

achieve your goals.

War Eagles Valentine’s Card Reception

This newsletter contains official


Vol.1, Issue 1 February 2012



SGT Williams

CPT Tyacke

CPT Murphy

SGT Villegas

LTC Gordon

SSG Knight

CW2 Lopez

COL Tate

SPC Phillips

CPT Olson

SGT Lavoie

Many thanks to the War Eagle family members who came out to support the FRG

Valentine’s Card Event…these proud Soldiers blushed just a little as they received

the Valentine’s messages from their loved ones. Your Soldiers are doing a great

job here in Kandahar, and the thoughtful action of taking the time to create a gift

from the heart was truly appreciated.

War Eagles Family Readiness

This newsletter contains official


Vol.1, Issue 1 February 2012

Family Readiness



18 FEB: HHC Key Caller Meeting 1000 25th CAB FSC

24 FEB: FRG Pot Luck Extravaganza 1800 25th CAB FSC

w/ Financial Management Training

POC: Kimberly Matthews, HHC, 25th CAB FRG Leader

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Alicia Robles, HHC 25th CAB FRG Co-Leader

Email: [email protected]



The HHC, 25th CAB Maui / Kona Vacation Opportunity Raffle

POC:SSG Ronald Harding, HHC, 25th CAB Rear Detachment NCOIC

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

DSN: 808-656-1393

SPC Danilo Phillips, HHC 25th CAB Training Room NCO

Email: [email protected]

DSN: 318-421-7125


This newsletter contains official


War Eagle Birthdays!!


SGT Weatherspoon 1-February

SPC Swisher 4-February

PFC Moralespolite 5-February

MAJ Boles 6-February

LTC Higgins 10-February

SPC Saintil 10-February

SPC Barnes 16-February

CPT Mackey 16-February

MAJ Powell-Dunford 19-February

CPT Clark 20-February

SSG Gonzales 24-February

SPC Duysings 25-February

SPC Leary 25-February

2LT Andreassen 28-February

Vol.1, Issue 4 April 2010



War Eagle Families and Friends:

It is an honor to be the Brigade Chaplain for the great Soldiers and Family

members of the 25th CAB. Our Chaplains and Chaplain assistants over the past

year have worked hard to prepare our Soldiers and Families for this year of

deployment. I constantly thank God all for the great Chaplains and Chaplain

Assistants we have in the Brigade that make a difference. The Chaplains and

Assistants are now settling into the routine in Afghanistan, providing Worship

services, Bible studies, counseling, and working with their commands to create

the best for our deployment.

The most difficult part of this was leaving our Families behind, and the

quality of care that they would receive while we were deployed. Last year, I not

only prayed for great Chaplains, but I began to pray for a Rear–D Chaplain that

would care for our Families just like we would care for you. God answered my

prayer in November when Chaplain Eric Jackson was activated to be the Rear-D

chaplain. Chaplain Jackson has deployment experience, and great pastoral

skills that make him the right Chaplain for the job.

Our Soldiers love and miss their Families and the great Hawaii weather, and

look forward to a safe return.

God Bless

Chaplain Kent Walker

Brigade Chaplain

25th CAB

Chaplain Eric Jackson


25th CAB Deployment Ceremony

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