Page 1: War in Iraq By: Katelyn and Daniel (warning…may be disturbing)

War in Iraq

By: Katelyn and Daniel(warning…may be disturbing)

Page 2: War in Iraq By: Katelyn and Daniel (warning…may be disturbing)


George Bush accused Saddam Hussein of making weapons of mass destruction. March 19th 2003 he declared war. And that’s how the Iraq war started.

There was no weapons of mass destruction ever found.

The amount of Civilians that died in Iraq is

22,353 is the minimum and 25,341 is the max.

Page 3: War in Iraq By: Katelyn and Daniel (warning…may be disturbing)

How many Iraqis died because of War?

22,353-25,341 Civilians of Iraq have died so far.

This is a picture of a mother and her baby. They died of war.

Page 4: War in Iraq By: Katelyn and Daniel (warning…may be disturbing)

War in Iraq

WASHINGTON June 13, 2005 — Six in 10 Americans say they think the United States should withdraw some or all of its troops from Iraq.

April 9th -Toppled Statue in Baghdad Symbolic of Saddam Hussein's Fallen Regime.

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How much does War cost?This is a chart that shows how much war costs.

That could buy over 400 Lamborghini’s in just 1 month for the cost of war.

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About George and WarOn September 7th, 2003, Bush announced on national television that he was asking the Congress to grant him an additional $87 billion dollars to help Iraq and Afghanistan in war.

September 28th 2002

England protests against P. Bush

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Why was the war in Iraq started?

A) P.Bush Hated Iraq because of their race

B) P.Bush wanted to take over the world with his hand-gun

C) Bush accused Saddam of stealing his weapons of mass destruction

D) P.Bush accused Saddam of making weapons of mass destruction


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Pictures of Iraq

Hundreds of tanks be loaded off a ship for war.

After a bomb exploded

This is a picture on Iraq burning the U.S. flag. Eye shot out

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Pictures on What War can do

Dead Iraqis100 000 possibly innocent, dead Iraqis Family

members dead A guys leg amputated

from war

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The Map of Iraq

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About Saddam H.

Saddam Hussein was captured on December 13th 2003 with-out a shot fired.

-He is one of the 55 most wanted in the U.S.

-He was a dictator of Iraq from 1979 – 2003.( A dictator is a ruler who has complete power over the country.)

-He lead Iraq through a decade long war with Iran.

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Katelyn/Daniels Credits

I would like to thank Taylor for looking at it, Breanna, Daniel, Emily.

Mr. MacIntyre for teaching PowerPoint,

Katelyn, Devon, and some other people

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