
Warhammer Fantasy End Times Campaign

June 2015 – September 2015 End Times Campaign Packet


Welcome to our 14th annual Warhammer Fantasy Campaign! This year we will be bidding Warhammer

8th edition a farewell with a final run using the End Times rules and army lists.

This event is a narrative campaign event following a series of battles beginning with Nagash’s rebirth

and traveling all the way to the final battle between Archaon and the remnants of the forces of man

before the total destruction of the world.


The campaign format is designed to run for roughly three months, and moving through six total rounds.

At the beginning of the campaign, all players will be placed within a GROUPING, with a maximum of four

players per group.

Each player within their group will play every player in their group once. For those groups where four

players are not present, they will either play someone in another group that also does not have four

players, or an exhibition game will take place against someone that has a full schedule where the game

only counts for the player needing the extra game.

Each round is two weeks in length. Players may play anywhere, at any time.

After the three round knockout phase, the winners of each group plus the leftovers to make up sixteen

players will advance to the fourth round in the End Times Quarterfinals. From there, winning a battle

puts a player to the next round, and losing will knock them out of the campaign as their army succumbs

to the End Times until only one remains.

Entry Fee: $10

Awards: The winner of the campaign will receive a 9th edition fantasy rulebook. If the book has not

dropped at the time of the campaign’s conclusion, the winner will receive it upon the book becoming


There will also be a plaque for Best Player and Best Painted, as voted on by campaign participants.


The 8th edition Fantasy ruleset will be used. End Times army lists and special characters will also be used

if players wish. Players wishing to use an End Times army list must note this at the beginning of the

campaign as their army of choice.

Army choices may not change during the campaign (that is to say the Army Book does not change

(Dwarfs, Vampire Counts, Elven Legion, etc), the contents of the army can change from round to round)

The knockout phase will use 25% hero and lord restrictions. The quarterfinals and on will use 50% hero

and lord restrictions per end times rules.

The following Event Rules will be used that overrule standard 8th edition rules: End Times Campaign Packet


Forests of any type completely block line of sight in and out of the area boundaries that define

the forest.

Unit sizes are capped at either 25% of the total force (before adding characters) or 60 models.

After characters are added to a unit, the total points of the unit and characters cannot exceed

50% of the total army.

You receive half points for units taken down to half strength or less, or half points for characters

taken down to half their wounds or less (rounded down)

The High Elf Banner of the World Dragon moves from 50 points to 55 points.

End Times Campaign Commandments

Always remember there is another person across the table from you. Sportsmanship is the most

important thing to consider during a game. Remember that everyone here is an adult, and that

your actions reflect not only on yourself, but on the group as a whole. Please act accordingly.

Strive to learn how to overcome challenging builds instead of give up and complain about them.

If its following the campaign rules, it is legal. Do not complain about opposing lists and instead

try to figure out how you could have better played or had become better prepared. We realize

that GW games are not the epitome of balance but most things in Warhammer Fantasy can be


When rolling dice, always tell your opponent what you are rolling for, and let your opponent see

what you rolled before you pick up the dice

You will have read the rules and your army rules at a minimum

You will have a hard copy of your army list present at your game. Scratchings on a napkin or on

a phone or in your head do not count.

If you have a rules dispute and the rulebook does not explicitly state you can do something,

chances are you cannot.

If you have a rules dispute that takes longer than five minutes to resolve, or are arguing rules

often, you are campaigning wrong.

If you have a rules dispute you may feel free to Facebook or text me for a ruling.

Any truly ambiguous situations that come up will be discussed after the game and given a group

ruling to keep things consistent.

By agreeing to participate you are agreeing to be available for your games and to be available

for communication from your opponents. Sometimes scheduling issues prevent us from being

able to play and those situations are unavoidable. However, you are agreeing to do your best to

make sure your games are played on time and that you are responding to your opponents for

game scheduling requests.

No-showing your opponent will result in a forfeit. No-showing is defined as having a set time

and place to meet, and on that time and place you do not show up and do not give any contact

to your opponent to alert them that you will not be there.

If you do not respond to facebook requests or texts or phone calls from your opponent and no

schedule is made, the game will result in a forfeit.

If you must leave your game before the game is concluded, the result is a forfeit. End Times Campaign Packet


Game Results

After your game is concluded you and your opponent will go over each others’ rosters and score the

game. You will receive points for every unit or character you destroy or run off the table per the normal

rules (though as pointed out above, you get half points for half strength units and characters (rounded

down)). You will also score points based on the scenario if applicable.

You will report your score in a timely manner. Your report will include the total points scored by both


During the grouping phase, you will receive stage points based on how well you did as follows:

A draw is worth 1 point a piece. A draw is considered in this campaign to be any difference of

299 points or less

A minor victory is worth 3 points to the winner. A minor victory is considered to be a difference

of 300 – 599 points –OR- a difference of less than 300 but one side has achieved the scenario

victory condition (where applicable)

A solid victory is worth 4 points to the winner. A solid victory is considered to be a difference of

600 – 1199 points

A massacre is worth 5 points to the winner. A massacre is considered to be a difference of 1200

points or more or a forfeit victory.

Your rankings will be determined by your stage points. Tie breakers will be determined based off of the

net score between points scored for and points scored against.

Games that are not submitted properly will not be counted until a proper score is obtained.

For scoring purposes, any scenario that ends due to a victory condition being met counts as a full 5

point victory unless the scenario overrides this specficially.

Narrative Scenarios

This portion is highlighted in red to emphasize the importance of it. This event utilizes the narrative

scenarios found within the End Times books. Portions that give heavy advantages to one side have

been edited.

That being said, narrative scenarios are NOT pinnacles of tournament balance, nor should they ever

be considered as such. Participants are playing in this event knowing this. Please do not complain

about narrative scenarios not being balanced after agreeing to participate. We already know this.

Make sure you review the scenarios before constructing your army list for that turn. You will roll your

scenario up the day of the game. End Times Campaign Packet


End Times Items – What is allowed and not allowed?

The change from 25% to 50% heroes and lords goes into effect after the knockout stage. This

means during the first three rounds of the campaign you are still restricted to the old 25%

restriction for heroes and lords

Book I – Nagash (the following applies to all players listed as using Undead Legions)

may use the Lore of Undeath

follow the rules for the Undead Legions on p.18-19

may use the Army List on p.20

all special characters and special units are allowed to be taken by Undead Legions

Book I – Nagash in General

All Empire players may field Valten

All Chaos players may field Crom

Book II – Glottkin (applies to all Legions of Chaos players)

Chaos Ascendant Rules are in effect

God Ascendant is in effect

Ascendant Daemons are in effect

Ascendant Mortals are in effect

Storm of Chaos rules are in effect

Chaos wizards know the Summon Infernal Legion spell

Legions of Chaos may use the Legions of Chaos list on p.16

All Legions of Chaos Army special rules are in effect on p.18-19

Reign of Chaos table (p.20) is always in effect no matter if you have daemons in your army

Eye of the Gods table on p.21 is in effect in place of the one in the warriors book

All special characters and special units are allowed to be taken by Chaos Legions players

Book II – Glottkin book in general

Empire players may field Karl Franz Ascendant

Book III – Khaine

Magic of the End Times is NOT being used

Spell Generation is in effect for all armies in the campaign (wizards know all of the spells in their

list, no rolling needed, lore masters know all of the spells from all of the lores they can choose


Loremaster change is in effect

Rolling for Winds of Magic is NOT in effect (see Magic of the End Times is NOT being used) End Times Campaign Packet


Casting Spells is NOT in effect

Boosted Spells is NOT in effect

Choose Number of Power Dice is NOT in effect

Broken Concentration is NOT in effect

Conjure Arcane Fulcrum special rule is in effect

Magical Lodestones is in effect

Arcane Fulcrums rule is in effect

End Times Spells (p.12) are in effect for all wizards

Elven Hosts is in effect

Elven Host special rules are in effect

All special characters are in effect for Elven Host armies

Book IV – Thanquol

All special characters and units are allowed

Upgraded Verminlords are allowed

All new units are allowed

All skaven weapons of the end times are allowed

All battlescroll formations are allowed

Book V – Archaon

Grand Legion of the Everchosen is allowed (Archaon’s Legion)

Bloodthirster upgraded are allowed

All new units and special characters are allowed

All formations are allowed End Times Campaign Packet


June 14 – June 27th – ROUND 1 The Rebirth of Nagash

Nagash has risen from the dead, and he leads his legions of the undying south to reclaim the

lands of Khemri, where he once sat in power. The winds of magic flow strongly during this

time, especially for those practitioners of the death lores.

All tables during this round are considered Haunted as the spirits of the dead rise to join their

master’s call. March your warriors to either aid Nagash, or attempt to stop him from claiming

his prize!

During Round 1 players will use the below special rules and will generate a scenario based on

the Rebirth of Nagash.

Death on the Winds: The casting values of all spells from death, undeath, vampires, and

nehekhara are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 3+.

Haunted Terrain: All forests and Gardens of Morr on the table are considered haunted.

Haunted Forests: Wizards within 6” of a haunted forest roll 2 additional dice when channeling

power dice if they know any spells from the lords of death, undeath, vampires, or nehekhara.

Additionally, units with the ethereal special rule gain +1 strength while they are at least partially

within a haunted forest.

Haunted Garden of Morr: The fence around the garden counts as a ghost fence. This grants

soft cover to units behind them and any unit defending the wall counts as having the Fear

special rule in the first round of any combat.

At the end of every shooting phase, roll a d6 for every unit with the undead special rule that is

within 6” of the statue of Morr. On a 6 the unit suffers D6 S4 hits that count as magical.

Wizards within 6” of a crypt suffer an additional 25 points worth of models when they cast a

summoning spell from the lore of undeath.

All units within 6” of the garden that do not have the undead special rule suffer a -1 penalty to

their leadership. All undead units within 6” gain the regeneration (6) special rule.

Crypt horrors, crypt haunters, varghulfs, terrorgheists, and strigoi ghoul kings may re roll failed

regeneration rolls if within 6” of this.

All wizards friend or foe within 6” of the garden roll 2 additional dice when channeling power

dice if they know any spells from the lore of death, undeath, vamires, or Nehekhara. End Times Campaign Packet


Undeath Ascendant: all undead units suffer one less wound than normal due to the unstable

rule, or following the death of the army’s general and / or hierophant. This effect is cumulative

with the effects for battle standards and constructs.

Scenarios: Players will generate their scenarios from the following table by rolling a 2D6. If the

first D6 is between 1 and 3, the second D6 corresponds to battles 1-6. If the first D6 is between

4 and 6, the second D6 corresponds to battles 7 – 12.

Armies – Players roll off to determine who is the attacker or defender, unless an undead player

is facing a non-undead player (in which case the undead are the attackers). Armies will be 2000

points in this scenario, and Lord and Hero limits are at 25%. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 1 – The Battle of La Maisontaal

During the 12th battle of La Maisontaal Abbey, Arkhan ordered Krell, lord of the dead, to smash through

the Bretonnian battle lines and clear a path to the abbey, while Arkhan and Heinrich Kemmler

lentmagical support from afar. Theodric of Brionne had placed the peasants under his command to

defend the abbey, while he led his knights to strike at Arkhan’s command position. A furious battle

erupted as Krell’s legions struggled to overcome the stubborn Bretonnian men-at-arms defending the

meadows to the south of the abbey.

Game Length: Eight turns or until a victory condition ends the game.

Victory Conditions: The attacker wins if at the end of any defender turn the attacking general is within

12” of the center point of the Defender’s table edge. In any other circumstances, use victory points to

determine the winner of the battle.

Restless Dead: A mansion or some type of building will be set up in the center of the defender’s

deployment zone. The building counts as a Haunted Mansion and the grounds surrounding it are

Charnel Pits (p.124 WHFB)

The Sisters: Historically the sisters were two damsels and a prophetess. For this scenario, the defending

player may nominate three characters. As long as at least one of them is alive, all other units in the

defender’s army have the Stubborn special rule. The three characters have the Unbreakable special

rule. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 2 – Theodoric’s Last Charge

With Krell and his undead legions fully engaged attacking the abbey, Theodoric of Brionne unleashed the

knights under his command. Swinging around both flanks of Krell’s assault force, the Bretonnian cavalry

fell upon the second echelon of the undead army, from where Arkhan the Black and Heinrich Kemmler

were using their dark arts to control their minions…

First Turn – Roll off for deployment to see which player takes the first turn. The player that finishes

deploying his army first adds +1 to this roll.

Armies: The forces of order are the attackers, and the forces of destruction are the defenders. If both

players are from the same faction, randomly determine who is attacking and who is defending.

Game Length – The battle lasts for six turns, or until a victory condition occurs to end the game.

Victory Conditions – The game ends immediately if an enemy general has been slain.

The attacking generals have the Hatred (other general) special rule. End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 3 – Death at the Nine Daemons Eltharion the Grim and his elven warhost have arrived at the Glen of Sorrows only to fond that Arkhan

the black has already begun the ritual to resurrect Nagash. The high elves must fight swiftly through a

horde of undead if they are to reach the magical circle known as the Nine Daemons in time, but

mannfred von Carstein stands ready to slay any hero of Ulthuan who dares to threaten his nefarious


Armies: The forces of Order are the attackers, and the forces of Destruction are the defenders. If both

players are on the same faction, randomly determine who is attacking and who is defending.

First Turn: The attacker goes first

Game Length: Six turns or until the attacker’s general is removed from play (either as a casualty or

because he destroys the magical barrier as described in the Pierce the Veil rule).

Victory Conditions: If the magical barrier is destroyed, the attacker wins immediately. The defender

wins if the attacker’s general is removed as a casualty. Any other result is a draw.

Magical Barrier: no model may pass over or through the barrier and the barrier blocks all line of sight.

The Summoning Site: reinforcements cannot enter anywhere within the Summoning Site.

Pierce the Veil: instead of attacking a unit in combat, the attacker’s general can, if he is in base contact

with the barrier, attack it. The barrier is hit automatically in combat and has a Toughness of 6 with 4

wounds. The barrier can only be damaged by the attacker’s general in close combat and cannot be

damaged by his mount or in any other way. If the magical barrier loses its last wound, the attackers win. End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 4 – The Battle of Valaya’s Gate: Part I

The arrival of Krell and his Doomed Legions has greatly strengthened Neferata’s army. Together, the

two Dark Lords of Nagashcontinue their journey south at the head of a grand host of the undead, their

numbers bolstered further still by hordes of the recently slain. But on reaching her goal, Neferata finds a

powerful throng of dwarfs barring her way. Can Runelord Thorek Ironbrow breach the Gate of Valaya

before his kinsmen are overrun by the merciless undead?

First Turn – The attacker takes the first turn

Armies: The forces of destruction are the attackers, and the forces of order are the defenders. If both

players are from the same faction, randomly determine who is attacking and who is defending.

The Iron Guard: The defender may choose one unit of infantry in his army to count as Iron Guard. They

have no flanks or rear and can make parry saves against them made from their flanks and rear.

Game Length – The battle lasts for six turns, or until the defender’s general is either slain or opens the

gate of Valaya.

Victory Conditions – The attacker wins if the defender’s general is slain before the gate is opened. The

defender wins if his general opens the gate. Any other circumstance, use victory points.

Gloom and Darkness: This battle takes place underground. All shooting attacks and spells are limited to

a max range of 24”. Shooting attacks have a -1 modifier for long range applied to any attack that has a

range greater than 6”.

The Underway: Table edges that are not part of the entranceway to the two northern tunnels or the

underway count as impassable terrain. Fleeing units can force a way through the impassable terrain.

Other units may not enter or leave via these sections unless they are ethereal. This means pursuing or

overrunning units other than ethereals must stop 1” away from the impassable section of table edge.

Riddle of Runes: From the end of game turn 4, if the defender’s general is within 6” of the Gate of

Valaya, he may try to open it even if engaged in combat. Roll a d6. On the roll of a 6, the gate is open.

If the gate remains unopened, he may roll again at the need of turn 5, requiring a 4+ to open the gate.

He may roll again at the end of turn 6, requiring a 2+ to open the Gate of Valaya.

Magical Dearth: With the exception of the anvil of doom, all spells have their casting value increased by


Tunnels of Death: Any attacking units arriving as reinforcements can do so from either of the northern

tunnel sections, starting on turn 2. However, if the defender moves a unit into base contact with a

tunnel entrance, that tunnel counts as blocked until the blocking unit flees or is destroyed. No

reinforcements may be moved through a blocked tunnel. End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 5 – The Defense of Alderfen

The Auric Barrier has been breached and the forces of Chaos have spilled through. So far, the

Chaosforces have been held at bay only due to the heroics of a young blacksmith named Valten and the

noble sacrifice of Elector Count Hertwig. When the demonic forces of Gurug’ath enter the fray all looks

lost, until the beleaguered empire forces receive unexpected reinforcements in the form of Vlad von

Carstein and his undead host. Valten and Vlad must hold Gurug’ath back until the Auric Barrier can be

sealed and the Greater Daemon trapped within.

First Turn – Roll off after deployment to see which player takes the first turn. The player that finished

deploying his army first adds +1 to his roll.

Armies: The forces of destruction are the attackers, and the forces of order are the defenders. If both

players are from the same faction, randomly determine who is attacking and who is defending.

Game Length – The battle lasts for eight turns, or until a victory condition is achieved.

Victory Conditions – the attacker wins immediately if the defending general is removed as a casualty.

The defender wins immediately if the attacker’s general is removed as a casualty. Any other

circumstance, use victory points to determine the winner of the battle.

The Auric Barrier Closes: At the start of the game, place two counters on the table’s center line, one 3”

from one short edge, and one 3” from the other short edge. Draw a line from each counter that extends

directly towards the attacker’s table edge. The space between these lines and their short table edge

represents the Auric Barrier and will increase in size as the game progresses. The Auric barrier is

impassable terrain.

During the magic phase, these counters move towards the opposite short table edge (towards each

other). The distance the counter moves is equal to the dice rolled to determine winds of magic. One

counter is moved a number of inches equal to one dice and the other is moved according to the other.

The player whose turn it is chooses which dice to apply to which counter.

Any model within the area of the barrier is removed as a casualty. End Times Campaign Packet


Ignore the part where the defender has two armies for this event. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 6 – River of Undeath

The conflict on the eastern flank of the Battle for Heffengen was one of the most bloody and closely

fought. At first, the so-called Army of Sigmar appeared to have the upper hand, only for the appearance

of Crom the Conqueror at the head of an army of battle hardened warriors to turn the tide. Then when it

appeared that Crom could not be stopped, Vlad von Carstein unleashed a hidden force of the undead

upon the Chaos army from their hiding place under the waters of the Revesnecht River, and the battle

once again hung in the balance…

First Turn – The attacker goes first.

Armies: The forces of destruction are the attackers, and the forces of order are the defenders. If both

players are from the same faction, randomly determine who is attacking and who is defending. The

forces of order split their army in half, with one half of the army “undead” (if your army is not undead,

then it is assumed that they have been given magical means to cross the river). The half of the army

that comes from the river is refered to as the ambushing force.

Game Length – The battle lasts for six turns.

Victory Conditions – Victory Points

Breathless – The defending ambushing force treats the river as open ground instead of impassable.

However, models that are standing in the river cannot attack in the shooting phase or cast or dispel

magic in the magic phase.

River of Death – The defender may unleash the other half of their army at the start of any of their turns.

When they do the army is deployed anywhere within the river. Units from the army are allowed to

move, charge and attack normally on the turn that they are deployed.

Unleashing the Dead – Depending on what turn the dead are unleashed from the river, the victory

points are adjusted for the game. Look up the turn number that the ambushing half is unleashed and

award additional points as indicated:

Turn 1 – attacker doubles their victory points

Turn 2 – attacker increases their victory points by 50%

Turn 3 – Attacker receives a bonus 100 points

Turn 4 – Defender receives a bonus 100 points

Turn 5 – Defender increases their victory points by 50%

Turn 6 – Defender doubles their points End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 7 – Heffengen: Fire & Iron

Heffengen was a massive battle fought across a vast sprawling battlefield about a mile from the Empire

town of the same name. On the western flank of the battle, a huge cavalry army consisting of mounted

tribesmen and knights in thrall to the Gods of Chaos fought a bitter struggle against Imperial regiments

of infantry and artillery from Talabheim. The chaos army suffered grievous casualties initially but once

they got to grips with the empire infantry, the tide quickly turned in favor of the northmen…

The Armies – The attackers are the forces of Destruction and the Defenders are the forces of Order. If

both armies are from the same faction, randomly determine who is attacker and defender.

First Turn – The attacker goes first

Game Length – Six turns

Victor Conditions; Victory Points

Hold Steady – defending units are not allowed to declare a charge before turn 3

Horsemen of the North: All cavalry units in the attacking force cause Fear

Trust in Firepower: all infantry models can re-roll to hit rolls of a 1 with shooting attacks. All artillery

can re-roll one misfire result each per shooting phase. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 8 – Gurug’ath’s Doom

In the center of the battlefield at Heffengen, the Emperor Karl Franz and the elite of his army faced off

against the Greater Demon Gurug’ath and a horde of marauders and deons. Gurug’ath was determined

to avenge his defeat at the Defense of Alderfen, and led an all-out assault on the empire battlelines…

The Armies – The attackers are the forces of destruction. The defenders are the forces of order. If both

armies are on the same faction, randomly determine who is attacker and who is defender.

First Turn – The attacker goes first

Game Length: Six turns or until victory condition

Victory Condition: The game ends if either general is killed. In any other circumstance, use victory

points to determine the winner of the battle.

Gurug’aths Revenge: All attacking models have the hatred special rule

For the Emperor: All defending units have the stubborn special rule End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 9 – The Battle of Blight Water

The opening battle in Nagash’s invasion of Nehekhara took place on the banks of the Blight Water.

Nagash’s army was commanded by Krell, one of Nagash’s most fearsome and intractable lieutenants.

Having traversed the hellish marshes of Madness, Krell’s battleforce began the dangerous task of fording

the Blight Water river. They were opposed in this by the legions of King Phar of Numas, who strove to

drive Krell’s army back into the river before it could attain a foothold on sacred Nehekharan ground.

The Armies: The forces of destruction are the attacker and the forces of Order or Tomb Kings are the


First Turn: Roll off

Game Length: Random game length. After fifth game turn, roll D6 and add the turn. If the value equals

10, the game is over.

Victory Conditions; at the end of the game if there are any non-flying attacker models that are in the

defender’s deployment zone, then the attacker wins. If this is not the case, the defender wins.

Attack Waves: The attacker is allowed to set up one wave of units at the start of each of his turns. The

units must be set up in the river. The first attack wave may not include the attacker’s general.

Blight Water: The Blight water is treated as open ground by all units. However, a unit that has any

models in the river is not allowed to declare a charge, cannot attack in the shooting phase, and cannot

cast or dispel magic in the magic phase. Enemy units may declare charges against a unit in the river as

normal. End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 10 – Desert Ambush

While Krell attacked head on, Mannfred von Carstein led another army past the Cairn Hills and into

Nehekhara from the west. Mannfred’s army consisted of Sylvania’s elite, and at first advanced

completely unopposed into the lands of the tomb kings. However, when the Sylvanian army left the Salt

plains behind and entered the rolling desert, it was attacked from a most unexpected direction…

The Armies – The forces of destruction are considered the attacker. The forces of order or Tomb Kings

are considered the defender. If both sides are the same faction, randomly determine who is who.

First Turn – The defender goes first

Game Length – Six turns

Victory Conditions: Victory Points

Surprise Attack: the attacker rolls a scatter dice for each unit after deployment. On the result of a hit,

the unit keeps the facing chosen by the attacker. If the result is an arrow, the unit must pivot about its

centre so that its facing matches the direction shown on the scatter dice. This can result in part of the

unit being outside its deployment zone. If the pivot would result in the unit ending up on top of another

unit or impassable terrain, adjust its position the minimum amount to correct this.

The Desert Comes Alive – All units in the defender army with the entombed beneath the sand special

rule automatically arrive at the start of the defender’s first turn. Roll to see where they appear as

described in their special rules in the tomb kings book. In this scenario the units arrive at the start of the

turn, not in remaining moves, so are allowed to declare a charge on the turn that they arrive. These

rules only apply to units that arrive on the first turn. Any units that arrive after are buried too deep and

use the standard rules. End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 11 – Lord of the Vampire Coast

The desert ambush and a prolonged pursuit had decimated Mannfred’s army. Finally cornered, he took

refuges upon a rocky hill and prepared to inflict as much damage as he could on King Behedesh’s army.

It was at this desperate juncture that Luthor Harkon’s zombie fleet hove into view. Salvation was at

hand for Mannfred, but only so long as he could hold out until it arrived…

The Armies – The forces of destruction are considered the attacker. The forces of order or Tomb Kings

are considered the defender. If both sides are the same faction, randomly determine who is who.

First Turn – The defender goes first

Game Length – Six turns

Victory Conditions: Victory Points

Luthor to the Rescue – Luthor’s force can enter play on any turn starting from turn 3, using the rules for

reinforcements found in the Warhammer rulebook. They enter at any point on a randomly determined

section of the table edge. Roll once at the start of game turn 3 to determine which section is used by all

units in the force.

Rocky Outcrop – Units in the defender’s army may not use the entombed beneath the sands rule. If

forced to do so the unit suffers a mishap instead. All models in the defender’s deployment zone count

as being behind hard cover against shooting attacks. End Times Campaign Packet

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Battle 12 – The Battle for Ruined Lahmia

The battle for ruined Lahmia was a prolonged affair. The buildings and palaces of the ancient city had

long ago been reduced to piles of rubble, each of which acted as an unyielding fortress for Nefera’s

undead horde. High queen Khalida’s forces were equally intractable, and so battle raged continuously

through day and night as the two sides fought to secure the city.

The Armies – The forces of destruction are considered the attacker. The forces of order or Tomb Kings

are considered the defender. If both sides are the same faction, randomly determine who is who.

First Turn – The player that set up second rolls a dice. On a 6, they can choose who has first turn. On a

roll of 1-5 the player that set up first chooses who goes first.

Game Length – six turns

Victory Conditions – If an enemy general is slain while fighting the other enemy general in a challenge,

the game ends immediately. Otherwise score victory points. Additionally, either side scores +100 points

for each area of rubble that has one or more friendly models in it but no enemy models.

Ancient Rubble – the areas of rubble set up at the start of the game are difficult terrain. Cavalry,

monstrous cavalry, chariots treat it as dangerous. Models in rubble count as being in hard cover for

attacks made in the shooting phase.

Reserves – Reserves can enter play from turn 2 on. Use the reinforcement rules from the Warhammer

rulebook. They can enter play at any point on the long table edge of their deployment zone. When

arriving as reserves the attacker’s infantry units can instead deploy in areas of rubble within their

deployment zone. If this option is chosen all models in the unit must deploy wholly within one area of

rubble, and there must be no enemy models deployed in the same area of rubble. End Times Campaign Packet

29 End Times Campaign Packet


June 28 – July 11th – ROUND 2 The Glottkin

Archaon has sent the Glottkin, triplet champions of Nurgle, to infest the lands of men with their

supernatural plagues. Gods and monsters clash as the doom of the civilized world approaches fast!

This round details the threefold invasion that precedes Archaon’s final conquest. The armies of the Lord

of Decay have marched from the frozen north, their intent to cripple and break apart the races that

would see order prevail. To do so they must not only conquer the realms of Men, and tear down the

great cities at their heart, but also pollute and corrupt the cycle of nature itself!

They will have to overcome not only the massed armies of the Emperor Karl Franz and his Bretonnian

allies, but the endless sea of the Drakwald forest and the savage denizens that haunt its depths.

The Glottkin have allies of their own from the agents of Nugle act from within as well as without. As the

twisted apothecaries in the Empire’s heart thin the barrier between the worlds, the tripartite invasion

converges upon the walled city of Altdorf itself.

Massed armies of man, demon, and beast teem from every direction as their sorcerous kin force open a

portal to the Realms of Chaos and let the rank energies of misrule spill forth! End Times Campaign Packet


Streets of Death Special Rules

The Warhammer world is studded with cities, towns, and villages, ranging from mighty walled bastions

such as Altdorf and Middenheim, through to the dung filled wooden shanty towns of the goblins and

orcs. At times of war it is extremely common for ferocious battles to be fought amidst the streets,

buildings, and alleyways of these settlements. Combat in such an environment is very different to that

fought on a battlefield in rural or wilderness terrain.

Lines of sight are usually limited to a few yards and there are very few places where an army can array

into a battle-line. Instead, almost all fights are one-on-one; warriors fight at close quarters with their

foes with no quarter given.

There are perils facing the grim faced troops sent to fight on the blood-slicked streets. Every building is

a potential stronghold which can be used by the citizens of the settlement as a vantage point to hurl

missiles at their attackers. Darkened alleyways offer the opportunity to outflank a foe and attack from

an unexpected direction, as do the sewers that lie beneath the streets.

Lastly, sometimes desperate attacks will try to demolish buildings in order to clear them of defenders or

open up new routes of attack, or set fire to buildings to burn them to the ground. As clouds of smoke

shroud the city and the sound of clashing steel mingles with the screams of the dying, it is no wonder

that most warriors dread fighting on these death-filled streets.

When fighting a scenario that specifies Streets of Death as its special rule, the following special rules

are all bundled within.

Ambush – The defender is allowed to set up units within buildings as if they are garrisoning them

instead of deploying them on the battlefield. Instead of deploying a unit, the defender declares that the

unit is being set up in ambush and then secretly picks an unoccupied building in his deployment zone

and write down on a note that the unit is hiding within. The note needs to be crystal clear about which

building the unit is hiding in.

You can reveal the location of a hidden ambushing unit at any time in your own turn. You must reveal

an ambushing unit if an enemy unit attempts to enter the building it is hiding in. The enemy unit may

not enter the building, but must fight an assault against the building in its combat phase. All models in

the assaulting unit have their init characteristic reduced to 1 in the combat phase during the turn that

they attempt to enter the building and are ambushed.

Barricades – The defender is allowed to set up any number of barricades in their deployment zone when

they deploy their army. Each barricade must stretch from one building to another building that is within

8” of it. The barricade can be represented by walls or fences.

Barricades count as obstacles that grant hard cover to units behind them and a -1 to hit modifier to

charging models in base contact with them. End Times Campaign Packet


If a unit is in base contact with a barricade at the start of its turn and there are no enemy models within

six inches of the barricade, they may knock it down. If knocked down, remove it from the battlefield.

These may not be rebuilt.

Demolition – Either player is allowed to attack buildings as if they were an enemy unit. All buildings are

Toughness 7 with 5 wounds unless stated otherwise.

Units must choose whether to shoot at the building or any unit inside. Templates that strike a building

affect the building and any unit inside it.

In the combat phase, a unit that is within 3” of an unoccupied building and not itself engaged in combat

may attack the building. The player chooses 10 models to attack the building as when assaulting it. The

building is h it automatically, there is no need to roll to hit.

A building that loses its last wound is demolished and will collapse. Remove a collapsed building from

the battlefield. The area the building occupied is treated as DANGEROUS TERRAIN. Any unit inside the

building when it falls takes 2D6 Strength 4 hits and must be placed in a legal formation occupying the

area where the building was located; any garrisoning models that cannot fit are assumed to have been

in the building’s upper stories and are removed as casualties.

Buildings are immune to special rules like poisoned attacks, killing blow, etc.

Firestorm – Units armed with bows may try to set buildings on fire by shooting at the building with lit

arrows in the shooting phase instead of firing at an enemy unit.

The unit rolls 3D6. If the dice roll exceeds the number of attacking models, the attack has no effect. If it

is less than or equal to the number of attacking models, the building is on fire and a token should be set

next to the building.

Roll a D6 at the start of *each* player turn for each burning building and consult the following table.

D6 Roll Result

1 The fire gutters out, remove the token

2-3 If the building is garrisoned, the unit suffers D6 S3 hits and the building stops burning. Remove the token. If the building is not garrisoned, it takes 1 wound.

4-5 The building loses 1 wound. Any unit garrisoning it takes D6 S3 hits.

6 The building loses D3 wounds. Any unit garrisoning the building takes 3D6 S3 hits. Roll a D6 for any buildings that are within 6” of the burning building. On a 4+ that building also catches fire (but do not roll on this table for them this turn).

If a building collapses from burning, remove the token and refer to the Demolitions special rule.

Narrow Streets – Models in a unit of cavalry, monstrous cavalry, or chariots must take a dangerous

terrain check if they march, charge, flee, or pursue within 3” of a building. End Times Campaign Packet


Sewers – After both sides have deployed but before first turn a player whose army is allowed to use the

sewers rule must place D6 sewer tokens anywhere on the table more than 1” from an enemy unit or


Reinforcements from the side using the sewer rule can deploy so that at least one model is touching this

token instead of entering from board edge. The reinforcing unit must be in a legal formation and with

no model within 1” of an enemy model or impassable terrain, but uses the reinforcement rules


Generating Battles for Round 2

For generating a battle during Round 2, roll a D6 and consult the matching battle. Not every game store

or location has enough terrain to create a city, though do your best with what exists where you are if

you roll up a city battle to place as many buildings as you can (perhaps you are fighting in a lighter

occupied district of the city)

D6 Scenario

1 The Battle of Marienburg

2 War in the Drakwald

3 The Battle of Talabheim

4 Fall of Altdorf

5 Battle at the Temple

6 Gods and Monsters End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 1 – The Battle of Marienburg

The battle for the Empire city of Marienburg marked the opening stage of the campaign to spread

Nurgle’s bounty throughout the Empire. An army of Chaos marauders, led by the villainous Glott

brothers, used one of Nurgle’s plague urns to breach the city’s outer walls. The Glottkin led a

devastating assault, which first drove back and then broke through the city’s defenders. All seemed lost

until the vampire Mundvard the Cruel, Marienburg’s Lord of Shadows, unleashed an army of the dead

against the chaos invaders…

The Armies – Both armies are composed of 2,000 point forces following the standard 8th edition rules

for army creation. Forces of Destruction are the attackers (Vampires count as Defenders always)

First Turn – The attacker goes first

Game Length: Six turns

Victory Condition: Victory Points

Chaos Ascendant: Nurgle must be chosen as the ascendant chaos god.

Streets of Death

Terrain: City table, place as many buildings as possible. Streets should be able to accommodate a five

wide infantry unit.

Deployment: Roll off to see which player picks the half of the table they deploy in. The defender

deploys first anywhere in their zone. Defending units may be set up in Ambush. The attacker deploys

second, anywhere in their deployment more than 12” from a known enemy unit or a building that is

fully in the enemy’s deployment zone. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 2 – War in the Drakwald

The army commanded by the Lord of Tentacles, Gutrot Spume, landed on the coast of Nordland and

proceeded to march through the Drakwald Forest in order to reach Altdorf. During their arduous journey

they encountered unlikely allies in the form of the Harbinger and the beastmen who followed him.

Eventually an army reached a section of the Drakwald where the forest trees were covered with huge

spider webs. As they passed under this disturbing canopy, they found themselves embroiled in a vicious

battle with the orc and goblin warbands and a horde of giant spiders!

The Armies – Both armies are composed of 2,000 point forces following the standard 8th edition rules

for army creation. Legions of Chaos always follow the Chaos deployment, and orcs and goblins always

follow the orc deployment, otherwise randomly determine which player is which on the map.

First Turn – The orc and goblin player goes first (or equivalent)

Game Length – six turns

Victory Conditions – Victory Points

Chaos Ascendant: Nurgle must be chosen as the ascendant chaos god.

Web-Shrouded Trees – do not use the mysterious forest rules. Instead all models from the chaos army

(or equivalent) treat all forests as dangerous terrain and all models in the opposing army treat all forests

as difficult terrain. Per the deployment map below there should be plenty of forests present. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 3 – The Battle of Talabheim

A chaos army under the command of Orghotts Daemonspew was able to gain entry to Talabheim, only

to be driven back out by the city’s defenders. With Talabheim alerted there was no easy way to breach

the city walls, and so instead Orghotts beseeched the aid of Nurgle. The Plaguelord looked kindly upon

Orghotts. After the pox maggoth rider broke open the plague jar the Glottkin had given him, Nurgle

unleashed a pestilential rain of pus upon Talabheim, forcing the inhabitants to flee the city in disarray

and face the chaos horde on the plains that lay outside.

The Armies - Both armies are composed of 2,000 point forces following the standard 8th edition rules for

army creation

First Turn – The Chaos player has the first turn (forces of Destruction)

Game Length – Six turns or until an army breaks. An army breaks when its fortitude is equal to or less

than its Breaking Point (using the rules for fortitude found in the core rulebook)

Chaos Ascendant - Nurgle must be chosen as the ascendant chaos god.

Terrain – as a standard game

Deployment – Roll-off to see which player picks the half of the table they will deploy in. Their opponent

deploys in the other half.

The chaos player deploys first, anywhere in their half of the table that is more than 12” from the center.

The opposing player deploys second. Roll a dice on the deployment table before deploying each unit in

the opposing army, in order to see where the unit must deploy. Units with scout rule do not roll on the

table and deploy using their own special rule after normal deployment. Characters may either deploy

on their own, rolling on the table like other units, or deploy as part of a unit that they are allowed to


D6 Deployment

1 Left Flank

2 Right Flank

3 Center

4 Center

5 Center

6 Player Choice End Times Campaign Packet

37 End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 4 – The Fall of Altdorf

As the forces of chaos converged on Altdorf, battles erupted all around the city. One of the most

ferocious of these was to the east of the city, where Orghotts Daemonspew and Epidemius led a

combined force of chaos warriors and demons to assault Altdorf’s city walls. Opposing them was an

empire army that was aided by an unlikely combination of bretonnian knights and shambling undead

creatures. The two sides fought themselves to a bloody standstill, the floodplain slick with gore that had

been spilt in the fighting.

The Armies - Both armies are composed of 2,000 point forces following the standard 8th edition rules for

army creation. The legions of chaos (or destruction) are the attackers and the opposing army the

defenders (undead armies are considered defenders as well)

First Turn – Roll off after deployment.

Game Length – Six turns

Victory Conditions – Victory Points

Chaos Ascendant – Nurgle is in ascendency

Terrain – As standard Warhammer game

Deployment – Roll off to see which player picks the half of the table they will deploy in.

The defenders must set up half of their units in their deployment zone. The attacking army then deploys

their entire army in their deployment zone.

The defenders then deploy their other half of the army. However, before setting up any of these

models, the defending player rolls a D6. On a 1-3 all of the second half of their army is set up on the

narrow table edge to the left of the attacker army. On a 4-6 it is to the right.

Any models not able to deploy are held in reserve and enter as reinforcements. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 5 – The Battle at the Temple

While the Glotts, Gutrot Spume, and Daemonspew attacked Altdorf from without, Festus attacked from

within. Pausing only to gather a horde of demonic followers, he advanced on the Temple of Shallya, the

only part of Altdorf that had not been affected by the plague forest that the two apothecaries had

unleashed upon the city. When Festus reached the temple, he found his passage barred by Empire state

troopers, undead, and Louen Leoncoeur.

The Armies - Both armies are composed of 2,000 point forces following the standard 8th edition rules for

army creation. The legions of chaos are the attackers (destruction).

First Turn – Roll-off after deployment.

Game Length – Victory Condition ends the game

Victory Conditions – If the legion of chaos player’s army general is within 6” of the building model

representing the Temple of Shallya at the start of any of the Legions of Chaos player’s turn, then the

Legion of Chaos player wins the battle. If the Legion of Chaos general is removed as a casualty, then the

defender is victorious.

Chaos Ascendant – Nurgle is in ascendency

Temple of Shallya – Any models from the defenders within 6” of the building have the regeneration (5+)

rule. Any model from the attackers army within 12” of the temple and that have a demonic aura will

have a -1 penalty to their ward save.

Deployment – The defender must set up all units in their deployment zone. The attacker then deploys

their entire army in their deployment zone.

The defender may hold some of their units in reserve. They may enter on the defending player’s third

turn. They enter play from the defender’s half of the table from the long table edge (labeled “Undead

Legions Reinforcements” End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 6 – Gods and Monsters

Thanks to the hoeric efforts of Altdorf’s defenders, Festus and Ku’gath Plaguefather were defeated, and

the armies under the command of Autus Brine and Orghotts Demonspew were being held at bay. The

brothers Glott had managed to breach the western walls of the city and had brushed aside all efforts to

stop them as they advanced through the city streets. The three brothers finally reached the imperial

palace, where they were confronted by the returned Emperor Karl Franz and the Supreme Patriarch

Gregor Martak. The final battle for the soul of the city was about to begin…

The Armies - Both armies are composed of 2,000 point forces following the standard 8th edition rules for

army creation. The legions of chaos are the attackers (destruction).

First Turn – attackers

Game Length – play until all of the lords and hero models on one side have been removed as casualties.

Chaos Ascendant – Nurgle is in ascendancy

Streets of Death

To the Death – all models have the Unbreakable special rule End Times Campaign Packet


July 12th – July 26th – ROUND 3 Khaine

The Chaos Gods have reached out their hand to claim a world long desired. Only by uniting

under one banner do the elves have any chance of survival, but the spirit of Khaine is rising as

darkness falls…

To generate a battle, roll a D6. The number rolled corresponds to the appropriate Khaine scenario.

Battle 1 – The Battle of Moonspire

Ulthuan, home of the mighty high elves, was not immune to the tides of change that were engulfing the

world, and only heroic efforts by Tyrion and Teclis were able to keep the demon hosts in check.

Victory Conditions – Victory points

First Turn – The elves will always have first turn, otherwise forces of order have first turn. If both sides

are not order, roll off.

Slaanesh Ascendant: If using the ascendency rules – Slaanesh is ascendatnt. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 2 – Slaughter at Eagle Gate

Marlus Darkblade led the assault on Eagle Gate, part of the set of massive fortifications that shielded

Ulthuan from dark elf attacks. Unfortunately for the defenders, large sections of the defences had been

breached during the earlier daemonic invasion, and the repairs were not yet complete. Prince Yvarn

personally led the defense of the largest of these breaches, desperately holding out against repeated

assaults by Darkblade’s legions while he waited for high elf reinforcements to arrive…

First Turn – Destruction takes first turn

Game Length – six turns

Victory Conditions – victory points End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 3 – The Battle of Reaver’s Mark

The Battle of Reaver’s Mark was a swirling, confused encounter. Morathi had harnessed the magic of

the Ellyrion plains to transport a small army under the command of Caradryan into a deadly trap. The

high elf forces were scattered and isolated, and found themselves beset on all sides by a vastly superior

force. All seemed lost, when Tyrion arrived just as the battle was reaching its peak. Leading from the

front, Tyrion immediately ordered his cavalry to charge the dark elf army, with the rest of his forces

tailing in his wake.

First Turn – Order goes first

Game Length – Six turns

Victory Conditions – Victory points

Reinforcements: The order army has two contingents of reinforcements, one of which will be the

cavalry contingent that includes all of the order cavalry models. The cavalry continent arrives on the End Times Campaign Packet


first turn and the other contingent arrives on the third turn. (This means that the order army cannot

consist entirely of cavalry models)

Magic of the Ellyrion Plains:

The destruction player can use the magical properties of the plains during any one of his magic phases.

The magic of the plains must be called upon at the start of the destruction players magic phase, before

rolling for winds of magic. When this is invoked, the destruction player can pick up to D3+1 units from

the order army that are on the battlefield but not engaged in combat, and move them to a new location

on the table. The new location must be open ground and all models in the unit must be more than 1”

from any other model or impassable terrain. The destruction player may not change the units formation

as part of the move. After all units have been relocated the order player is allowed to make a free

reform with each unit.

All Around Defense – An order infantry unit can declare that they are adopting all around defense

formation as part of making a reform. This unit cannot move, but counts as having no flanks or rear for

the purposes of calculating combat resolution. A unit can leave this formation by using a reform or

combat reform. In addition, a unit that flees will also immediately lose this formation. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 4 – Battle of the Blighted Isle

Malekith was determined to claim the Widowmaker for himself. Making his way to the Blighted Isle, he

found his way barred by the defenders of the Shrine of Khaine, and a furious battle erupted as he

attempted to fight his way to the prize he desired. Malekith knew that close behind him followed Tyrion,

who was equally determined to capture the fabled blade.

First Turn – The order player goes first

Game Length – Six Turns

Victory Conditions – Victory Points

Widowmaker – If either side is able to claim the Widowmaker then they will score an additional battle

point (max 5) for their standings

Claiming the Widowmaker – Can only be claimed by an army general. The eligible model must start

their turn within 3” of the shrine of khaine, or fight a challenge against the bearer of the Widowmaker

and cause the bearer to be removed as a casualty.

Reinforements – The order army is broken into two contingents. The order contingent that contains the

order general comes in on the third turn.

Revenants of Khaine – After deploying the order player may pick one core infantry unit in their army.

All models in that unit are unbreakable if any model is within 6” of the shrine of khaine. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 5 – Battle of Withelan

Tyrion at the head of a unified army of elves and with Morathi at his side made for the ancient forests of

Avelorn. His goal was to take the hand of Alarielle, placing the wood elves under his command as well.

Wood elf players automatically assume the role of the Wood elves. Otherwise randomly roll off to

determine which side of this conflict you will fight.

First Turn – The Host of the Aestyrion (HOA) goes first

Game Length – six turns

Victory Conditions – Kill all enemy heroes. Each hero is worth 1 point, and each lord choice is worth 2.

An army general is worth 3 regardless of what slot he occupies.

Deployment: Refer to the chart in the picture above. For each unit the player rolls a D6. If the roll is a

1, that unit deploys on the left flank. A 2 is the right flank. A 3-5 is the center, and a 6 is player choice. End Times Campaign Packet


Battle 6 – Traitor’s Due

It’s a desperate bid to thwart Tyrion and Morathi. Korhil stole Widowmaker and fled north towards the

army commanded by Hellebron. The theft was discovered and Khorhil surrounded by Thrion’s dark riders

at an obscure set of standing stones. When all seemed lost, Korhil received aid in the unlikely form of the

assassin known as Shadowblade, and was able to hold out just long enough for Hellebron’s army to


Deployment – The destruction player deploys one unit of infantry with one hero so that they are in the

model representing the shrine. This unit will have the skirmisher special rule.

The opposing player may deploy up to two units of fast cavalry anywhere that is more than 3” of any

opposing models but within 18” of the shrine.

All other units belonging to both sides arrive as reinforcements starting on the first turn.

When placing reinforcements the player rolls a D6. The unit comes in on its own side’s table edge long

side based on the number rolled per the map above. Characters may deploy on their own or as part of

a unit. War Machines are deployed individually, not as a group.

Turn 1 – units with fly, fast cav, scout, or vanguard may come on.

Turn 2 – Cavalry and monstrous cavalry may come on

Turn 3 – All remaining units End Times Campaign Packet


Widowmaker – Whoever possesses this item wins the scenario. The destruction player starts with

possession and is located in the shrine at the beginning of the game.

The weapon cannot be used. Should the model be removed as a casualty then the item is transferred to

the nearest enemy model that was closest to the previous carrier before it was removed from play. It

cannot be voluntarily transferred from one model to another.

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