
WARM UP: 1.01 – 1.02 Review

1. A personal data sheet that provides a summary of information about an individual is a:


2. Kate’s company needs a new package design for its crackers. What marketing career category would be responsible for creating the new package?

Product service mgmt

3. What marketing career involves catching customers’ attention, informing them of products and persuading them to buy?


4. Nate is graduating in May; this is what type of goal?

Short term

What’s next?Work on Project for 20 minutes

Lesson 1.04ReviewClock Buddies



Indicator 1.04 – Employ marketing information to develop a

marketing plan

THE MARKETING MIXIncludes four basic

strategies called the 4 P’s or elements of marketing. A combination of decisions a business makes in order to best reach its target market.

It is called a Marketing Mix because the 4 P’s can each be adjusted to better meet the needs of the customers and company

ProductPlacePrice Promotion

The 4 P’sProduct - Businesses must decide which products to offer customers.

Level of quality, features, branding, packaging, service, and warranty are items to decide and develop for each product.

PRODUCTMarketers as themselves questions such as:Should we offer one product-or more than one?Is the product a good, service, or idea?Does the product have special features?Does the product have multiple uses?What resources are necessary to research and develop the

product?What level of quality should be produced or provided?Which brands should be used?How should the product be packaged?How might the product affect the firm’s image?How might customers view this product in relation to others?Should we offer a warranty, maintenance contract, or other

support services?

The 4 P’sPlace - Having the product available at the right time and location.

Also known as channel management/ distribution.

For example, store locations, website, and catalogs are the standard for most retailers today. Decisions of direct distribution or indirect distribution (intermediaries/middlemen) must be made.

PLACEConsider the following:

Which firms to buy the product from?When to buy the product?How much of the product to order?Where to make the product available?How to process customer orders?Which firms to involve in the process?How to answer customer questions?How to coordinate all of the steps involved?

The 4 P’sPrice - The amount a business charges customers for a product.

What competition is charging, determining seasonal discounts and allowances, and credit terms.

PRICEDetermine pricing objectives:

Getting their product into more customers’ hands.

Helping customers view their firm as distinct from competitors

Bringing in the amount of income they need or want.

Raising the product’s value in the customer’s eyes

Matching the product’s value with what customers expect to receive

The 4 P’sPromotion - Informing and

reminding customers of the products available to them and persuading them to purchase. Promotional Mix includes advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity.

These decisions are based on the budget a business sets for the promotional mix.

PROMOTIONConsider the following:

Which messages to send?Which media to use?When they want messages delivered?How often they want messages delivered?How to coordinate communication efforts?How to evaluate results?

The ultimate goal of promotion is to generate a positive response from customers.

How should the product be packaged?ProductShould we offer credit and layaway?PricingShould we allow our product to be

sold by a wholesaler?PlaceHow often should we advertise?Promotion

DO YOU KNOW??Identify whether the following question pertains to

A: Product, B: Place, C: Price, D: Promotion

Which celebrity could we use to entice customers into the store

PromotionShould we offer guarantees or warranties?ProductWhich type of transportation should we use to

move the product?PlaceWhat should be offered for sale?ProductHow often should we put the product on sale?PriceHow many sales people should we hire? Promotion

Identify whether the following question pertains to A: Product, B: Place, C: Price, D: Promotion


MIXGoals/Objectives: Specific statements that

clearly communicate what the business expects to achieve.Established to fulfill the mission statementMust be single-minded, realistic, specific,

measurable, consistent with each other and with overall company goals, and must include a time frame for completion

Strategies: Specific statements indicating how the business expects to accomplish its objectives taking the demands of the target market(s) into account.Identify target marketsIdentify appropriate marketing mix choicesUtilize information obtained during SWOT



Tangible, measurable tasks that have to be completed to accomplish the strategic objectives.

Tactics are the day-to-day activities that step the company toward its goals.

Tactics are used to reach the strategies that then meet the goals.

Coming up w/ Marketing Strategy

You own a RESTAURANTGoal: A family-style restaurant wants to increase salesStrategy: Add a kids’ menu in order to increase

sales to young parents in the areaTactics : To introduce the new kids’ menu, the family style restaurant might decide to use the following tactics:1. Introduce kid-tested meals

A)spaghetti & meatballs C) hot dog w/chipsB) macaroni & cheese D) hamburger w/fries

2. Offer a free ice cream cone to each child

Activity 1Get with your 6 o’clock appointment

Complete Fit For Success and Mix and Match Review (front and back)

You have 10 minutes.

Warm UP – WHAT would YOU do?Read the scenarios and identify what marketing mix(es)

needs to be put in place. Also, out of the following choices in purple, which sounds like the best idea for the business to

do and why? Write in paragraph form:Lower prices throughout the storeOffer some products exclusive to the storeMail flyers to every household in the neighborhood

Scenario 1: A small computer business realizes that it needs to improve something to gain more customers. The large competitor in town is able to offer a variety of products and lower prices, too. What would help the small computer business distinguish itself from its competitor.

Scenario 2: A pet store has just moved into the community. Although there are several pet stores in the area, this pet store offers goods and services that can’t be found anywhere else. What do you think would help the new pets store communicate its benefits to the pet owners in the neighborhood.

What is a Market?

Market: The group of all potential customers who have similar needs and wants and have the ability to buy the product. Businesses must understand who the potential consumers are in order to effectively meet their needs and wants.

WHAT IS A TARGET MARKET?Identified segments of

the market that a business wants to have as their customers. For example, teenagers, mothers-to-be, single mothers, American Family, men .vs. women, or college freshman. Each example has wants and needs that can be targeted and utilized to develop effective strategies to reach existing and/or potential customers.


A target market represents the people most likely to buy what you sell. These people have something in common that solidifies their desire for your product or service. And that something distinguishes them from the market at large.


A single marketing plan used to reach all consumers.

Ex. Chewing gum & light bulbs


AdvantagesDon’t have to pay for

the production of similar products

Can price and distribute one type of product more easily than many

Can send one promotional message to everyone

Easier to manage, cost effective

Predictable response rates

Easy to set up.

Disadvantages:Diversity of the

audienceUnable to track

return, low response rates

NonpersonalBeliefs that

everyone is the same

Low profit marginsHigh competition


Segmentation is the process of dividing a larger market into smaller parts.

Market segment is a subgroup of a larger market that share one or more characteristics.


Providing the products customers want

Effective communication

Higher response rate,

Repeat and loyal customers


Disadvantages: More expensive,

more difficult to produce

Expensive to set up

Requires more marketing research





Gender: indicates purchase preferences

Origin or heritage: race, ethnicity, nationality

Religion Social or economic

status: education level, occupation, income

Life stage: age, generation, marital status, family life cycle, family size.


where the customer lives.

It is valuable information because businesses can tailor their product mix based on location. Characteristics are nations, states, regions, counties, cities, or neighborhoods.


Defined: Markets divided by social and psychological characteristics. (value/morals, attitude Lifestyles, and interests)

Characteristics reflect consumer buying behaviors. The characteristics are Interests, Habits, Activities, Lifestyles, Opinions, & Hobbies. These reflect who your customers are. Businesses that use Marketing principles to guide their decision making must evaluate and reevaluate their customer’s wants and needs continuously to stay ahead in the game.


Dividing the market into groups based on what they are looking for in a product and why they buy the product

Types of behavioral segmentation:

Product Benefits



Matt will only buy a car w/ a two or more year warranty – which seg.?Behavioral

Race Care Digest runs advertisements that appeal to racing enthusiasts – which mkt segmentation?Psychographic

General Mills dividing groups of people into smaller, more similar groups is called:Market segmentation

TV Guide’s potential subscribers are its:Market

Sierra Mist is giving away a free can of soda to the first 250 guests at the next Bobcats game. This is an example of which mkt mix?Promotion

A marketing plan that is used to reach all customers at one time is: Mass marketing

Producers of Go-Gurt decide to put their product in a unique easy-to-carry container. This is an example of which mkt mix?Product

How will inventory be stored- which mkting mix?Place

Targeting Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders – seg.?Demographic ANDPsychographic

Claire wants to raise $1000 for her bakery; this is an example of a: Goal

ACTIVITY 2Find a partner and complete the following:Pick a person to be your target audience and decide

the following about that person: Demographic – what age, gender, race, income levelGeographic – where does s/he live: east, west, suburbs, urban,

etcPsychographic – what does this person like to do? Run, dance,

hang, etcBehavioral – specifics; runs three miles, works out daily, looking

for a shoe that’s stylish, etc.Type a description of person on computer.

Go to and and create a shoe and shirt that would appeal to that specific segmentation. (make sure you follow printing directions or you will get points taken off).

Cut out pictures and description and paste to separate sheet of paper; label “MARKETING SEGMENTATION”

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