Page 1: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Warm Up!O When you are deciding to buy

something what do you do before making the purchase?

O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste.

Page 2: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Research Methods O How do sociologist study the world?

O You will get to conduct your own research on a social issue that you have questions about!

Page 3: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Social Problem? O If you were walking around and you saw

someone on the ground would you stop to help them?

O Why or why not?

Page 4: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Researchers stage an emergency situation to test the bystander effect. Examples of these situations include epileptic seizures, women falling and becoming injured, or smoke pouring from an air vent. Once they have staged a condition they measure how long it takes until participants or bystanders intervene.

Results to these experiments almost always conclude that the presence of others restrains the willingness to help.

On your note card write out why you think these people didn’t help. (Rotate) On the back of your new note card write if you think these people were justified (get into a group to discuss)


Page 5: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Sociologist Research...

“Every 40 seconds another person commits suicide. Suicide is currently the 11th leading cause of death in the US (CDC 2011). Specifically 11.1 out every 100,000 people have died by suicide (WHO 2011). Over the last two decades suicide rates have gone up by 36% and are climbing. It is predicted by 2020 the rate of death will increase to ever 20 seconds.”

- Sociology of Suicide by Ismail Nooraddini

What are you going to do? Why you going to do this?

Page 6: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Remember… Durkheim?? He was interested in

understanding suicide and conducted research.

Read about his study and answer questions

Page 7: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Goal! O Explain the 7-step research process

and identify it by reading about Durkheim’s study.

O EQ: How do sociologist study society?

Page 8: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Can we study Society like we study Biology?

Page 9: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Positivism vs. Interpretivism

O Positivism: YES! Social Sciences can be studied with the same scientific method as natural sciences.

O Interpretivism: NO! Derived from Sociologist Max Weber said people’s actions have meaning and we have to interpret that meaning

Page 10: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 1: Define the Problem. - Ask yourself: What you are interested in. What phenomena confuses you.

Ex. I really need a new pair of headphones. My best friend suggested beats and my brother suggested bose.

Page 11: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 2: Review the literature - Read what other’s have said about your topic.

Ex. I will read the reviews on Bose and Beats.

Page 12: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 3: Form a hypothesis. - Hypothesis: A statement that predicts the relationship between variables. - Write a statement, similar to a thesis.

Ex. Based on the reviews, I should buy the beats because they have better sound quality and better colors.

Page 13: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 4: Choose a research design. - There are many ways to research, you pick one like: Surveys, Interviews, Observations etc.

Ex. I will take a poll of how many of my friends have beats vs. bose.

Page 14: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 5: Collect the data - You going around giving surveys, or sit and observe a place/ people’s reactions taking notes.

Ex. Asked my 10 friends.

Page 15: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 6: Analyze the data - look over the numbers, create graphs, evaluate what people said etc.

Ex. 8 of my 10 friends had Beats, and all said positive things about them.

Page 16: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

7 Step Research process

Step 7: Present Conclusions - Using the numbers, and analysis create concluding statement. - What does the data show?

Ex. Since more than half of my friends had Beats and like them, Beats are the better pair of headphones. I will buy those!

Page 17: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Look over Durkheim’s study

O Place the actions Durkheim took in his study into the 7 step process.

Page 18: Warm Up! O When you are deciding to buy something what do you do before making the purchase? O ACT Word: acerbic (adj.): biting, bitter in tone or taste

Got it!? O On you mark. Get set. Go.

O Read over this researcher’s work and put it in order of the 7 steps

O First pair gets a prize!

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