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    Table of contents

    Contents Page #

    Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2

    Advantages of banking system for economy------------------------------------------------4

    History of banking in Pakistan-------------------------------------------------------------------5

    History of UBL---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

    Mission statement of UBL------------------------------------------------------------------------8


    Organizational structure--------------------------------------------------------------------------17

    Management structure----------------------------------------------------------------------------18

    Branch network-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

    Field of activities------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26

    Products and services-----------------------------------------------------------------------------29

    Business segmentation---------------------------------------------------------------------------37

    Target market and products---------------------------------------------------------------------42Work done by me----------------------------------------------------------------------------------48

    RCAD Function-------------------------------------------------------------------------------50

    Income statement----------------------------------------------------------------------------------56

    Balance sheet---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------57

    Financial analysis----------------------------------------------------------------------------------58

    Ratio analysis---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63

    SWOT Analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------72Recommendations---------------------------------------------------------------------------------74


    References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------77

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    Banking System

    Banking services are extremely important for both economy developed and developingeconomy such as Pakistan. Banking services serve two primary purposes.

    First, by supplying customers with the basic mediums-of-exchange (cash, currentaccounts, and credit cards), banks play a key role in the way goods and services arepurchased. Without these familiar methods of payment, goods could only be exchanged bybarter (trading one good for another), which is extremely time-consuming and inefficient.

    Second, by accepting money deposits from savers and then lending the money toborrowers, banks encourage the flow of money to productive use and investments. This in turnallows the economy to grow. Without this flow, savings would sit idle in someones safe or pocket, money would not be available to borrow, people would not be able to purchase cars or houses, and businesses would not be able to build the new factories the economy needs toproduce more goods and grow. Enabling the flow of money from savers to investors is calledfinancial intermediation, and it is extremely important for the growth of economy.

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    Advantages of banking system for economy

    The deposit and loan services provided by banks benefit an economy in manyways.

    First, Current account, because they act like cash, make it much easier to buy goodsand services and therefore help both consumers and businesses, who would find it inconvenientto carry or send through the mail huge amounts of cash.

    Second, loans enable consumers to improve their standard of living by borrowing moneyto purchase cars, houses, and other expensive consumer goods that they otherwise could notafford.

    Third, loans help businesses finance plant expansion and production of new goods, andtherefore increase employment and economic growth.

    Finally, since banks want loans repaid, banks choose borrowers carefully and monitor performance of a companys managers very closely. This helps ensure that only the bestprojects get financed and that companies are run efficiently. This creates a healthy, efficienteconomy. In addition, since the owners (stockholders) of a company receiving a loan want their company to be profitable and managed efficiently, bankers act as surrogate monitors for stockholders who cannot be present on a regular basis to watch the companys managers.

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    After the emerging of Pakistan our entire Banking System collapsed becauseHindus who migrated to India owned most of the banks in Pakistan. Pakistan received only 631branches of scheduled Banks out of 3496. Immediately after the birth of Pakistan the numbersreduced to 231 branches due to shut down of banks in Pakistan by the Hindu owners. Realizingthe necessity of Banks, attention was soon given to this sector in Pakistan.

    In 1947, in Pakistan there were only two Muslim Banks, namely, Habib Bank Limited andAustralasia. State Bank of Pakistan was set up in 1st July 1948.In 1948 other banks were madeby the Government to fulfill the needs of consumer banking. In 1957 PICIC was established. In1959-60 four banks were established namely, United Bank, Commerce Bank, Standard Bank,And Eastern Mercantile Bank. In late 1960s some foreign banks started financial services. In1971 local private banks were nationalized.

    Till the end of 1980s, Pakistans banking sector was heavily regulated in most of theareas of activities. The regulated and nationalized banking system created an industry structurewhere competition was unknown to management of the banks. Forced by the structural reformsagenda and the desire to strengthen its financial system, Pakistan moved towards liberalizationand financial sector deregulation in 1990. It started with the privatization of state-ownedcommercial banks and induction of new ones from private sector to establish a market-basedbanking system. The government seems to be conscious about improving the efficiency of banking sector in Pakistan. Few considerable efforts have been made in this regard whichinclude enhanced capital adequacy, strengthening asset quality, improving management andincreasing earnings.

    Furthermore, interest rate deregulation, abolition of credit controls and further

    developments in capital market have also led towards a more competitive banking environment.The market for banks is diverse in Pakistan comprising of nationalized commercial banks(NCBs), Private banks and foreign banks. In 1993, there were 33 commercial banks in Pakistan14 being local and 19 foreign. By the end of 2001, the number of banks had increased to 43, 24being local and 19 as foreign. The deregulated and increasingly competitive environment posesa challenge in terms of efficiency, as the most efficient banks would survive while the lessefficient will be driven out of the market

    During early 1990s government encouraged private sector to enter in the banking

    sector. The Government including Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB), Allied Bank Limited (ABL),United Bank Limited (UBL), National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and Habib Bank Limited (HBL) hasprivatized all nationalized commercial banks.

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    History Of United Bank Limited (UBL)

    The history of UBL can be divided into four main phases

    1. Formulation2. Nationalization3. Privatization4. Today

    1. Formulation

    In June 1957, Mr. Agha Hassan Abedi decided to open a Bank different from others, toprovide modern facilities to trade and industry and to promote thrift and habit of saving amountcommon thereby stimulating the economy as a whole. Necessary were formalities completedfor obtaining registration certificate from State Bank of Pakistan to perform business activities.After passing through all these formalities on 7th November, 1959 United Bank Ltd came into

    existence as a Schedule bank.

    The Head office of the Bank was established in the New Jubilee Insurance House, 1.1Chandrigar Road Karachi. It was registered as a joint stock company. The bank wasincorporated with an Authorized Capital of Rs. 20,000,000 and issued and subscribed and paidup capital of Rs 10,00,000. Saigol family owned it and Agha Hassan Abedi was its firstmanaging Director. It had posted a profit of 0.7 million in its first year of operation with just eightbranches at Karachi.

    2. Nationalization

    As a policy of nationalization fourteen commercial banks were merged into five bigbanks. So consequently on 21st December 1974 Commerce Bank and Union bank weremerged with the UBL. Mr.Mushtaq Ahmed khan Yousafi took over the charge of UBL. Now,there are six directors, a secretary and a president.

    3. Privatization of UBL

    UBL was the largest privatization attempted by the government of Pakistan, launched inJune 2001, and with 21 interested parties. It was impacted by the adverse developments of the September 11, 2001 and was finally concluded in October 2002, which left stage only threebidders. The consortium comprising Bestway Group (BG), out of the UK and Abu Dhabi Group(ADG) from the UAE were finally the winners at a record price.

    Sale proceed was Rs 12350 million. This signaled the strong confidence reposed bythese investor groups, in the improved governance of the country, the economic potential, thebanking opportunity and the existing management of the bank.

    4. UBL Today

    Today they bank has taken progressive steps.

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    Changed the logo

    The United Bank Limited (UBL) management has launched its new corporate identityand changed its 44 year-old-logo following its privatization.

    UBL online

    Internet and mobile banking has been introduced.

    Islamic banking UBL(Ameen)

    UBLs has introduced (Ameen) Islamic banking in December 19, 2006

    UBL wallet

    UBL wallet has been introduced to facilitate users to get immediate cash.

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    United Bank is going on the road of progress very successfully. Assessment of theneeds and wants of consumers is an on going process at United Bank, which helps it tocontinually develop new products and services. At UBL, the philosophy is that the bank shouldgo to all possible limits to satisfy the customer needs. The bank is continuously formulating newproducts and services for the growing and diversified needs of its ever-expanding client base.The banks commitment to its customers is evident from its mission statement:

    To provide innovative and high quality products to its customers at the

    lowest possible rates. To achieve all set goals regarding service, performanceand goodwill.

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    Over view of UBL

    UBL has assets of over Rs. 550 billion and a solid track record of forty eightyears- in addition to the convenience of over 1000 branches serving you throughout thecountry and also at several overseas locations .

    Date EstablishedNovember 7, 1959

    ChairmanHis Highness Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan

    Deputy Chairma nSir Mohammed Anwar Pervez OBE

    President & CEOMr. Atif R. Bokhari

    Branches1079 Domestic, 17 Overseas Branches

    Representative OfficesTehran, Kazakhstan, China

    SubsidiaryUnited Bank A.G. Zurich, Switzerland

    United National Bank Limited, UK (Joint venture with NBP)

    UBL Fund Managers Limited

    Associated CompanyOman United Exchange Company, Muscat


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    His Highness Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan

    H.H Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al-Nahayan is animportant and prominent member of the ruling family of Abu Dhabi. After theculmination of his studies at Oxford he returned to shoulder important responsibilities in the state administration. In 1988 he was appointed thePresident of the higher colleges of Technology comprising of eight collegesthroughout the UAE a responsibility he fulfilled with distinction. In 1990 he wasappointed Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Presently healso holds the presidency of the Society of the Natural History and National Heritage. In 1992 he became the Chairman of the Union National Bank and hassince remained involved in strategic management of the institution.

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    Deputy ChairmanSir Mohammed Anwar Pervez OBE

    President & CEO Mr. Atif R. Bokhari


    1. Directo r Mr. Omar Ziad Safari Al Askari

    2. Director

    Mr. Zameer Mohammed Choudrey

    3. Director Mr. Ashfaq hassan khan

    4. Director

    Mr. Muhammad Sami Saeed

    5. Director Mr. Aqeel Ahmed Nasir

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    President and C.E.O Mr. Atif R. Bokhari

    Others Mr. Nauman Hussain Director Operations & Utilities

    Mrs. Rukhsana Asghar Global Head Human Resources

    Mr. Aameer Karachiwalla

    Chief Financial Officer / HCA

    Mr. Muhammad EjazuddinAudit Chief

    Mr. Mansoor M. KhanHead Corporate Banking Group

    Mr.Ali Sameer Chief Special Assets Management

    Risha Mohyeddin

    Global Head, Treasury & Capital Markets

    Tariq Mohar Global Head, Establishment & Branch Operation

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    Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk

    Deputy Chairman

    Sir Mohammed Anwar Pervez, OBE, HPk first hit the headlines in 1992 when hebecame the proud recipient of the order of the British Empire. He was also awarded a KnightsBachelor in the Queen's Birthday Honours list for services to business and the world of charityin the UK and internationally. The president of Pakistan conferred the highest civil award Hilal-e-Pakistan on him in March 2000.

    Mr.M.A. Mannan

    Deputy C.E.OUBL has always adopted the policy to induct qualified people from different source

    available from home or abroad. Mr.M.A. Mannan was inducted by UBL from Citibank New Yorkas the Dy. Chief Executive officer UBL.

    An MBA from IBA Karachi. Mannan started his career from CitibankPakistan in 1991 where for the first nine years he worked in sales, distribution and marketinglaunching most of Citibanks new credit and depositor products during the nineties. He rose tobecome the Director of Marketing, Sales and Distribution at Citibank Consumer bank. He wasthen transferred to the U.S.A, the most matured and competitive consumer market in the worldand was promoted to Senior Vice President, Cross Self Division covering a comprehensivearray of customers and products.

    With his reputatation as a great team- builder and achiever, UBLs management firmlybelieves that Mannan will prove to a great institutional and national asset.

    Ms. Rukhsana Asghar

    Global Head Human Resources

    Ms. Rukhsana Asghar holds a BA (Hons) Degree in International Relation * a Bachelor of Law Degree from University of Karachi. She further enriched herself professionally byattending many senior level training courses seminars & conferences of Leadership, StrategicManagement, Career Counseling, Marketing of Financial Services & Human ResourceDevelopment in the U.S.A, Europe, Middle East & the Far East.

    Till recently Director HR Citibank Pakistan, she was instrumental in developing the talentbase for Citibank, which led the institution to emerge as a major player on the financial scene.

    She served as a Vice President HR Citibank, Assistant manager Personnel at Lever Brothers Pakistan Ltd.

    Rated amongst the few HR specialists in the country the feather in the cap isRukhsanas selection as one of the twelve members out of 101 countries to work on a globalinitiative relating to the paradigm shift in the role of human resources. The result were appliedand implemented globally.

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    Mr. Nauman Hussain

    Director Operations & Utilities

    Mr. Nauman Hussain did his Master in Economics from the Punjab University Lahore.

    He possesses 24 years of International Banking (Retail & Corporate) experience in theMiddle East, Asia and the Far East. Prior to joining UBL he served as Vice President & Head of Operations at Mashreqbank UAE, Senior Director & Chief Administrative Officer, AmericanExpress Bank Ltd Karachi & Lahore included Assistant Vice President& Manager Operation,Assistant Treasurer & Financial Controller, Head Country Treasury/ Correspondent banking &relation Manager.

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    President and Chairman of Board of Director

    Executive vice President

    General manager of

    Deptt 1 Deptt 2 Deptt 3 Deptt 4 Deptt5

    Zonal Incharge

    Area Manager

    Branch manager

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    Branches by Region

    Region BranchesKarachi 114Hyderabad 133Multan 170Lahore 90Faisalabad 165Quetta 45Peshawar 167Islamabad 161Azad Kashmir 81Total 1079

    Branches by specific functions

    Function Number of branchesMoney Gram Branches 93Uni bank branches 165Hub Branches 87Rupee Traveler cheque Branches (RTC) 143

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    1 Gulberg market Lahore 1

    2 Corporate Branch Karachi 1

    Total 2

    1 Napier Road Karachi Karachi 17

    2 SITE Karachi 93 PECHS Karachi 16

    4UBL Building NorthNaziamabad Karachi 15

    5 City Branch Karachi 14

    6 Airport Karachi 18

    7 Clifton Karachi 14

    Total Karachi 103

    1 Farid Chamber Karachi (S.A.M.) 1

    2 SAM Branch Lahore (S.A.M.) 1

    Total (S.A.M.) 2

    1 New Town Mirpur Khas Hyderabd 19

    2 Masjid Road Nawab Shah 13

    3 Raxa Shah Kabir Road Larkana 14

    4 Minara Road, Sukkur 18

    5 Naushero Feroze 9

    6 Civic Centre Branch Hyderabad 30

    7 Lashi Gate Shikarpur 14

    Total Hyderabd 117

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    Lahore Region REGION Branches

    1 Bank Square Lahore Lahore 20

    2 Depalpur Road, Okara 12

    3 S.D Vault Lahore 14

    4 Model Town Lahore 18

    5 Liberty Market Lahore 16

    Total Lahore 80

    1 Mujahid Road, Sialkot Sialkot 21

    2 Hafizabad 8

    3Chamber of Commerce BuildingGujranwala 20

    4 Narowal 9

    5 Cirular Road Wazirabad 12

    Total Sialkot 70


    1 Nankana Sahib Faisalabad 15

    2 Jauharabad 9

    3 Peoples Colony Faisalbad 14

    4 Aziz Bhatti Road, Sheikhupura 11

    5 Ballokhel, Mianwali 13

    6 Toba Tek Singh 10

    7 Ghalla Mandi Samundari 15

    8 Bank Square Faisalbad 18

    9 Main Bazar Bhalwal City 8

    10 Railway Road Sargodha 24

    11 Distt. Courts Jhang 14

    Total Faisalabad 151


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    Islamabad Region

    1 Chakwal. Main Branch Islamabad 17

    2 Gujar khan 11

    3 Cantt Branch, Rawalpindi 17

    4 Wah Cantt 17

    5 Mangla Road Dina 86 Civil Lines jhelum 11

    7 Kallar Saidan 15

    8 Kotla 8

    9 Mandi Bahauddin 7

    10 Kharian City 1211 Jinnah Avenue,Islamabad 14

    12 G.T Road Gujrat 11

    Total Islamabad 148

    1 Hassan Agahi Multan Multan 14

    2 Multan Cantt 10

    3 Akber Bazar Kahnewal 18

    4 Azmat Road Dera Ghazi Khan 11

    5 Fari Gate Bahawalpur 14

    6 Vehari 13

    7 Grain Market Khanpur 11

    8 Imam Bare Road, Burewala 9

    9 Main Bazar Branch , Muzaffar Garh 17

    10 Shahi Road Rahim Yar Khan 12

    11 High Street Sahiwal 13

    12 Main Bazar Chishtian 9

    Total Multan 151

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    Peshawar Region Region Branches

    1 Cantt Branch Peshawar Peshawar 23

    2 Cantt Branch Nowshera 14

    3 Hangy Road Kohat 134 Bhatkehla 8

    5 Bank Square Mingora 14

    6 Cantt Branch Mardan 13

    7 Parady Gate Bannu 6

    8 Swabi 9

    9 Main Bazar Branch Haripur 12

    10 Timergara 11

    11 Circular Road, D.I Khan 8

    12 Hangu 9

    13 Mansehra 8

    14 UBL Building Lambi Dheri 8

    Total Peshawar 156

    1 UBL Complex Branch Quetta Quetta 13

    2 Turbat 12

    3 Virtual 17

    Total Quetta 42

    1 Dadyal Azad Kashmir 18

    2 Kotli 14

    3 Bhamber 8

    4 Rahiyal 10

    5 Commecial Centre Mirpur 15

    6 Main Bazar Chattar 4



    Total Azad Kashmir 79

    Total Domestic Branches 1079


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    Name Of CountryBranches U.S.A"" Qatar "" U.A.E"" Bahrain"" Republic of Yeman"' ZurichRepresentative offices Iran"" EgyptAssociated companies Oman

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    Sr. No HUB Name RegionNo of


    1 United Arab Emirate 8

    2 Bahrain 3

    3 Yeman 2

    4 Qatar 1

    5 United States of America 1

    6Export Processing Zone,Karachi 1Total Branches 16


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    In modern time commercial banks play a very important role and their functionsare manifold. Primary functions of the banks are to take deposit and lending. They takedeposits from different persons and lend to others. Beside this they undertake agencyservices and general utility functions.

    Some of the important functions are listed below.

    1. Transfer money from one place to another.2. Accepting bills of exchange on behalf of customers.3. Purchasing shares for the customers.4. Collecting cheques and bill of exchange for its customers.

    5. Undertaking foreign exchange business6. Acting and executor, trustees or attorneys for the customers.7. Providing safe custody and facilities to keep jewellery, documents or securities.8. Furnishing trade information and tendering advice to customers9. Issuing of Travelers cheques and letters of credit to give credit facilities to

    travelers.10. Collecting interests due, dividend pensions and other sums due to customers.

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    Departments of UBL

    The following are the main department of UBL:

    1. Deposit Department2. Lending Department3. Clearing Department4. Cash Department5. Remittance Department6. Account Department7. Bills Collection Department8. Internal Audit Department (only in HUB Branches)

    Types of Banking

    UBL perform almost all types of banking.

    1. Consumer Banking2. Commercial Banking3. Corporate Banking4. Investment Banking5. Relationship Banking6. Treasury

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    UBL offer wide range of products and services to all types of customers such as individual/

    Consumer, Commercial, Corporate etc.Following are some of important products and services that UBL now offers to its Customers.

    DepositDeposits are called the lifeblood of Banks. To generate more deposit the UBL has

    offered the following attractive deposit Schemes.

    1. Current Account2. PLS Saving3. PLS term Deposit (TDR)4. Notice Deposit5. Unisaver (daily Profit)6. Unizar (foreign Currency Deposit)

    Lending1. Cash Credit2. Overdraft3. Loans (both short Term and long Term)4. Agricultural Loans5. Commercial Loan6. Corporate Financing7. Import Export Financing

    Remittances1. Tez Raftar 2. Money Gram3. Click n Remit (sending money from USA)4. UBL Money Direct (Sending money from UK)

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    Rupee Travelers Cheque

    1. UBL Humrah Rupee Travelers Cheque

    Lockers Facilities Utility Bills Collection TV/VCR Dish fee Collection Hajj and Umrah Services

    Uni remote

    (All the above products and facilities will be analyzed in the next Sections)

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    2. UniCash

    Like other banks UBL has also ATM card, which has been given the name of UNICASHCARD. Now the customer can withdraw money from any ATM machine installed by UBL atdifferent cash point.

    You can avail the following self-service banking facilities

    Balance Inquiry

    Mini Statement

    Cash Withdrawal


    1.Personal Identification Number (PIN) ensures that only you can use your ATM Card.2.The PIN protects you against misuse in case your card is lost.3.You can change your PIN anytime you want.4.You can specify flexible weekly withdrawal limits.5.You can withdraw your weekly limit in one go, or in multiple installments.

    USAGEYou can use UNICASH Cards at UBL Cash Point located in the following cities

    City Cashpointssssss

    Islamabad 5

    Rawalpindi 2

    Karachi 1

    UAE 8

    Bahrain 3

    Doha,Qatar 1

    ATM BRANCHES For instant cash at any time of the day or night, without the hassle of queues and

    tokens, use one UBL ATMs in Pakistan or Overseas.

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    Regular Hajj Scheme.According to Policy for Hajj 1424 Hijri (2004 A.D.) Sponsorship Scheme has been

    merged into the Regular Scheme. Intending Hajjis in this Scheme can opt for governmentaccommodation or for private accommodation. All the pilgrims under Regular Scheme will

    deposit full amount of Hajj dues in Pak Rupees along with the Hajj Applications Forms. Thisyear 120,000 pilgrims will be allowed to perform Hajj under Regular Hajj Scheme.

    Open Hajj SchemeThis year the Ministry of Religious Affairs has decided to provide Hajj passport

    to those intending to perform Hajj under Open Hajj scheme also. There will be no need of anInternational Passport. 10,000 pilgrims will be allowed for Hajj under Open Hajj Scheme thisyear.

    Balloting In case the number of applicants exceeds the prescribed quota, balloting will be heldto determine successful applicant.

    ELIGIBILITYOnly Pakistani NATIONALS are eligible to apply for Hajj.


    Ladies in an advanced stage of pregnancy.Medically unfit & handicapped people without a helper or assistantThose infected by contagious diseasesLadies without Mehram (other than Ahle Tashee)

    6.Utility bills collection

    UBL has over 1000 branches collecting electricity, gas, telephone and other utility bills duringbusiness hours.

    Special bills collection counter in every bank Separate booths for utility bill collection are available at all major cities for the convenience of

    the public. Branches in all major cities have electronic bill collection machines. For your convenience, UBL accepts cheques for payment of utility bills. Drop box facility.

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    1.Receiving DepositsDeposit department has the responsibility to create deposit as much as possible. The officer of that department is given the target to take deposit, and then the officers induce the person toopen the account with the bank.

    Deposit is also important because more the deposit of the bank the more the bank can lendand make money in the form of mark up.

    All the deposit that UBL maintains can be covered under the following types of deposit. Themain difference is the period and customer convenience to withdraw the deposit. General roleis that the greater the period of deposit more the return and greater the customers convenienceto withdraw deposit lesser the return. Because of this golden rule bank pay no interest on

    Current account, customer can withdraw money at any time.So the following are the main types of Deposits

    Current Deposits:Current deposit account can be opened with the minimum amount of Rs.5000.

    In this type of account the client is allowed to deposits or withdraw money as and when hi likes. Usually the businessmen open this type of account. Nointerest is allowed by the bank and no service charger is deducted by the bank on currentdeposits account.

    Profit and Loss AccountUnder such types of accounts the bank allows no interest to the customers.

    Profit of loss is declare every by the executive Board of the Bank.

    Profit and loss account has two types

    1. Profit and loss Sharing Term Deposit Account2. Profit and loss Sharing Saving Account

    PLS Term Deposit is that type of deposit that is maintained for a fixed period of time. Minimum period is 3 months and maximum is 5 years.

    PLS Saving Account can be opened with the minimum amount of RS 200. Minimum amount of Rs 10000 must be maintains in order to earn profit. No profit will be allowed below Rs 10000and bank will charge Rs 200 service charges below Rs. 10000.

    Fixed Deposits

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    In this type of account a certain amount is deposited for a certain period such as six months,two years or longer. It is also called time liabilities of a banker. They are called so because themoney is payable on expiry of a fixed

    period of time only. The terms and condition of this deposit are regulated by central bank for this purpose.

    Fixed deposits are two types

    1. Notice Deposit Receipt2. Term Deposit Receipt

    Foreign Currency Account

    The UBL also maintain Foreign Currency account. But it can only opened in specificcurrency such as Dollar, pound sterling etc. In case of dollar the foreign currencyaccount can be opened with 1000 US$ and in case of Pound Sterling 750 pounds.

    2. Lending The bank is an intermediate party between the borrower and the lender. It borrows from oneparty and lends to another. The difference between the rate of interest it borrows and lends iscalled the spread, and is the income of the bank. Lending is the main source of income.

    Principles of LendingThe following are the principles, which the bank follows while advancing loans.

    1. Safety2. Liquidity3. Dispersal4. Remuneration5. Suitability

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    BUSINESS SEGMENTATION UBLs credit process is built around the following basic customer constituencies:

    CorporateCommercial/Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)Consumer

    Investment Banking Treasury and Capital Markets International Division Financial Institutions Division Islamic Banking Group

    Business group heads will prepare their annual plans with projected financial results andstrategies, and manage actual transactions and portfolios consistent with their asset writingstrategies. These groups are also responsible for monitoring their performance for continualimprovement.

    Corporate Banking & Cash Management Group (CBG)

    The Corporate Banking Group has endeavored to be the market leader in their area and buildsmarket share through offering superior service, competitive pricing, and a wide product range tovalued corporate clients. The group caters to the needs of multinational companies and mediumto large corporate clients, which include private and public sector entities.

    This group will continue to remain a major contributor to UBLs earnings by taking advantage of tremendous growth potential of corporate accounts. The group requires talented, qualified, andproactive human resources. Front line relationship managers require a complete grasp of UBLscredit policies and procedures as they directly affect existing and future credit portfolio handling.

    The group is presently operating in major business centers and industrial cities of the countrywith specialized corporate centers to provide services and facilities to its clients and shall growin other geographical areas with the passage of time.

    Commercial Banking/SME (CB)

    The Commercial Banking Group caters to the needs of commercial entities and small andmedium enterprises, as defined in the State Bank of Pakistans Prudential Guidelines.

    This group deals with commercial clients of small to medium size in both private and publicsectors. It operates in almost every city of the country with qualified and dedicated staff.

    This group aims to fulfill necessary business needs of its customers, which are more numerousthan corporate clients. However, their individual requirements are relatively much smaller than

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    those demanded by corporate clients. In view of the peculiar nature of this business segment,which involves a higher turnover, a much wider network is needed.

    Consumer Banking Group

    The Consumer Banking Group provides financial facilities to individuals through a diverseproduct line. Its success depends on the design of versatile and effective products andcomprehensive communication and marketing strategies. Agility in monitoring the portfolio andfollowing up with its customer base, which is wholly comprised of individuals, is also anessential requirement.

    This group operates in nearly all major cities of Pakistan, and also in some internationallocations through UBLs network of branches and trained sales force. This group offers productssuch as home loans, personal loans, auto loans, business loans, and credit card facilities, etc.

    Consumer Banking requires regular training of its workforce and the need for imparting basicproduct knowledge to sales staff is highly pronounced in this group as they are in direct contactwith the customer base. This group conducts business based on structured products that fit intothe needs of its target market. Product Process Manuals are developed for these products andare provided with the Credit Policy and Procedure guidelines.

    Risk management for the consumer has to play a dominant role in formulation and revision of credit policies, monitoring of portfolio quality and devising effective strategies aimed atminimizing the inherent risks.

    The Consumer Banking Group Credit Policy is in effect and has been approved by the Board of Directors (see Annexure II).

    Investment Banking Group (IBG)

    The Investment Banking Group specializes in providing innovative and unique advice to itsclients, assisting them in meeting challenges in an ever-changing market. The group isequipped with adequately experienced professionals.

    This group will either lead or participate in major Term Finance Certificates in the market. Itoffers a full spectrum of services, including Term Finance Certificates, Syndicated Loans,Structured Finance, Leveraged Buyouts, Project Finance, Quasi-Equity Products, IndependentAdvice, Equity Placements, IPOs, Equity Underwriting, Mergers, Corporate Restructuring,Acquisitions and other products.

    Although the Corporate Banking Group supports the product line of the Investment BankingGroup, the special nature of these products demands a more active involvement of riskmanagement. Transactions such as Project Finance offer limited recourse and suchtransactions need to be structured in a way as to mitigate inherent risks. Risk management is tobe proactively involved in Investment Banking Group transactions, right from the time of initiation until the time of execution.

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    Treasury & Capital Markets Group

    The major roles of the Treasury and Capital Markets Group include:

    Managing the banks liquidity and balance sheet requirements as per UBL and State Bank of Pakistan guidelines,

    Dealing in foreign currencies on behalf of its customers, and Providing treasury and foreign exchange related financial services to its clients.

    This Group consists of highly qualified and experienced human resources who are activelyinvolved in dealing with other banks and financial institutions to execute transactions in variouscurrencies.

    In performing these tasks, it undertakes credit risk, which is identified, monitored, and managedby the middle office.

    International Division

    The International Division manages overseas operations including credits handled by thenetwork of overseas branches. With careful planning and detailed surveys of the market, theInternational Division will explore better quality businesses and products and manage themefficiently to enhance UBLs profitability and turn the overseas branch network into a highlyprofitable unit of the Bank.

    The Global Credit Risk Management Division monitors and manages the risk, credit processand procedures at overseas branches.

    Financial Institutions Division (FI)

    This is an independent division operating as a profit center and is responsible for catering to allfinancial business requirements of banking and non-banking financial institutions.

    This division caters to the financing needs of all local banks, foreign banks, and other financialinstitutions including leasing companies, investment banks, DFIs, insurance companies, mutualfunds, etc.

    Like the Corporate Banking Group, the Financial Institutions Division also operates with astructure of relationship managers, providing comprehensive solutions to its clients.

    In order to strengthen the divisions credit analytic capabilities, the Financial Institutions RiskManagement Unit oversees the risk related to financial institution related transactions. TheFinancial Institutions Risk Management Unit is part of the Risk Group.

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    Islamic Banking Group (IB)

    The roles and functions of the Islamic Banking Group shall be:

    To manage and be responsible for the operations of Islamic Banking Business (IBB),including policy and procedural matters; To liaise with other departments in the bank and the Shariah Advisor to ensure smoothoperations of IBB(s); To ensure that all funds pooled into the Islamic Banking Fund (IBF) are channeled intoShariah-compliant financing and investment activities; To arrange training of staff of Islamic banking; To arrange for compilation and submission of such returns, as may be required to besubmitted to the State Bank of Pakistan from time to time; To ensure that all directives and guidelines, particularly those applicable to Islamicbanking, issued by the State Bank of Pakistan are strictly complied with; To maintain the Statutory Cash Reserve and Liquidity Requirements with the State

    Bank as prescribed from time to time by the State Bank of Pakistan; and To assume other roles and responsibilities as determined by the bank or the StateBank of Pakistan from time to time.

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    Objective Optimum utilization of available skills and resources will allow UBL to:

    build strong customer relationships through a diversified product portfolio in targetedmarkets;

    provide financial services to customers in an effective manner; and

    achieve strong market position and adequate returns on capital

    Understanding a target market involves business discipline and selectivity. The critical aspectsof this process include identifying business potential, defining desirable opportunities, andadhering to resultant marketing objectives and strategies. An unfocused approach to themarket may lead to unplanned asset concentration of uneven quality.

    It is a continuous and evolutionary process involving the development and listing of alternativebusiness strategies. It focuses on:

    Product identification Only through a comprehensive survey of the market, can apotential business opportunity be identified. The existence of earning opportunities withassociated risks is reviewed.

    Screening A workable and appropriate Risk Acceptance Criteria is used to screenthe market in a structured manner. The Criteria defines the basic level of acceptability for a riskasset. Business should preferably be restricted to managing clients meeting the minimum score.For any industry sector where an appropriate Risk Acceptance Criteria has not been developed,Business Groups and Risk Management will decide how to assume additional risk in thatindustry sector. The responsibility for developing Risk Acceptance Criteria rests jointly with theResearch Department and Credit Policy Division.

    Industry concentration while developing target markets and Risk AcceptanceCriteria, Business Group Heads and the Credit Policy Division must also review industryconcentrations in order to establish optimal exposure limits.


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    Business groups will formulate target markets in coordination with the Credit Policy division for all business segments as well as for new products. Target market formulation will be conductedthrough utilization of industry studies. Product Process Manuals will be prepared to facilitate marketing and quick approvals for standard products.

    Target market studies and Product Process Manuals are subject to continuing refinement asbusiness units mature, information accumulates on risks and/or products, and environmentschange. Therefore, they must be revised periodically. Target markets will be approved on aminimum of an annual basis. This will form part of Business Groups Plans. Credit presentation must clearly indicate that it conforms to the relevant target market plan,and is consistent with the relevant Risk Acceptance Criteria. Any exceptions to the target market plan and/or Product Process Manuals should bereasonable in amount and number, addressed logically, and adequately approved anddocumented.


    Each business group will prepare its own target market plan that applies to its own business.Guidelines will be submitted to the Credit Policy Division and approved on an annual basis.

    Product Process Manuals will be originated and recommended by respective Business Unitsand will be approved by respective Group Heads including Group Executive (Risk & CreditPolicy). For matters relating to the Credit Administration Division, Operations, and Treasury,relative Division Heads and/or Group Heads will also be consulted.

    Development of Product Process Manuals is an ongoing process, made all the more necessaryas more innovative products come on line. A list of currently approved Manuals is shown inAnnexure No. III.

    Credit Proposals need to be in line with target market screens. Risk Acceptance Criteria screenscoring and respective hurdle scores become effective for those industries where industrystudies have been completed and Risk Acceptance Criteria are in place.


    Development of products at UBL is need based and is market dependent. Innovative productswill continue to be formulated as and when required.

    Apart from the below, Policy Credits may be allowed in such cases where policy considerationsare preferred over normal credit standards. On the recommendations of Credit Committee, theapproval of such credits is allowed, on an exceptional basis, by the President. All politicallysensitive credits as well as credits linked with persons holding public offices, above Rs. 10million, shall be approved by the highest Credit Committee.


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    Short-term credit facilities will be used to meet identified short-term needs of clientshaving satisfactory relationship and will be defined as those credit facilities with a tenor or validity of one year or less. Included in this category are the following lines of credit with a viewthat orderly liquidation is likely to take place within one year.

    Non Interest Cash Finance (NICF)

    Under this type of financial accommodation, the borrower is allowed withdrawal in thecurrent account to the extent of the sanctioned limit. The facility is generally provided againstpledge or hypothecation of goods or any other tangible security acceptable to the Bank. Thecustomer would be required to adjust the advance periodically or within a specified period.

    In the International Division, this facility is also known as Clean/Secured Overdraft(COD/SOD).

    Export Finance (FAPE I,II,G / LAPC)

    UBL may provide facility against pre-shipment exports at an agreed rate of return, as per guidelines established by the State Bank of Pakistan or respective Central Banks in the case of the International Division.

    Foreign Bills Purchased on account (FBP A)

    This is a post shipment facility, known as Finance against Foreign Bills. It is allowed toexporters against export bills drawn under usance letters of credit, on sight letters of credit andletters of credit not approved by the Financial Institutions Risk Management Unit and/or ExportSales Contracts. This facility remains on customer risk until realization of proceeds from the Billof Exchange.

    Occasionally exporters prefer to avail post shipment financing against export bills drawnby them for exports made under usance letters of credit and/or Exports Sales Contracts. In suchcases, UBL may provide finance to its valued customers having a good track record. Whilefinancing against clean export documents under collection, a certain percentage of cushion ismaintained to allow for exchange cover, interest and other incidental expenses. For thesefinances, a letter of undertaking must be obtained from the client to indemnify the bank for non-receipt of funds against the accepted bill of exchange. Collateral securities should be held byUBL.

    Foreign Bills Purchased against L/C (FBP) & FBP (Disc)

    UBL may extend financial accommodation through negotiation and/or discounting at theprevailing exchange rate, of a foreign documentary bill accompanied by relevant documents of title to goods. For financing of export bills drawn under a letter of credit it should be ensuredthat:

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    The document has been drawn strictly as per the terms of the letter of credit; All direct bank expenses i.e. foreign correspondents charges, claimed by theopening/reimbursing bank, if any, shall be recoverable from the exporters unless it is expressedin the letter of credit that the charges are on the openers account;

    Due care and necessary precautions are exercised before negotiating/discounting of documents, as per instructions issued by the relevant authority from time to time. Reimbursement instructions in letters of credit shall be carefully studied beforenegotiating/discounting of documents; and If the bill of exchange is accepted by a Bank approved by the Financial Institutions RiskManagement Unit, the associated risk for discounting will be considered Bank Risk. A letter of indemnity is to be obtained from the client.

    Payment Against Documents under sight L/C (PADs)

    Import documents received under sight letters of credit are lodged in PAD, and arereleased upon payment from the party. Import documents shall be checked strictly in terms of the letter of credit to ensure that there is no discrepancy. In case of a discrepancy in thedocuments, the negotiating bank must be immediately advised by telex/cable regarding suchdiscrepancy and dealt with accordingly. In case of import documents received free of discrepancies, the amount of the bill plus charges, if any, claimed by the negotiating bank,would be converted into Pak Rupees at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of lodgment, or at the booked rate where exchange was booked at the time of opening of the letter of credit asadvised by the Treasury Division from time to time.

    Inward Foreign Documentary Bills for Collection under usance

    (DA) L/C (IFDBCs)Import documents received under DA letters of credit are lodged in IFDBC and released


    Acceptance of bill of exchange and execution of Trust Receipt.Pledge of imported goods.In case goods are pledged with the Bank, goods will be cleared through Banks

    approved clearing & forwarding agent and delivery orders issued against cash receipts.Collateral security against mortgage of property, pledge of Government Bonds, Postal

    Deposit Certificates, Banks own Deposit Certificates etc. duly assigned in Banks favor. For

    relaxation in obtaining collateral security, approval of Credit Committee will be required prior toopening of DA letter of credit.

    Finance / Loan against Trust Receipt (FTR / LTR)

    UBL may at the request of its customers, at the time of opening of a letter of credit or ata later stage, release import documents of related goods received under the letter of credit or against bills under collection both inland or foreign, to enable the party to obtain delivery of the

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    goods and arrange to retire the documents out of the sale proceeds of goods or from other sources. The documents of title are delivered against the customers signature on theprescribed Trust Receipt form or related security documents covering hypothecation of goods.

    Finance / Loan against Imported Merchandise (FIM/LIM)Facility for financing imported goods against import letters of credit established through

    UBL may be made available at a partys request on the basis of mark-up for a short period notexceeding ninety (90) days. The facility may be repaid within the validity period either in part or in lump sum.

    RMs are required to inform their customers and Heads of TPC accordingly to ensure thatdocuments are released to C & F agents only after arrangement of funds for custom duty andother charges has been secured.

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    WORK DONE BY ME At my first day in UBL M.M Alam road Lahore , Mr. Ahmad Fahim Malik Head

    RCAD (Regional credit administration department) had introduced me with different

    persons and department of the bank. After that I had personally visited everydepartment one by one and observed what was happening there. All the officialscooperated me very much and provided me information, which I needed.

    They also provide me, various information about bank affairs, which I have not knownpreviously.

    Some of my observations and experience are discussed below.

    Types of financing Consumer financing

    In consumer financing, funds will be provided for personal purpose up to limit of 500000

    Commercial financing

    In commercial financing, funds will be provided for business purpose up to limit of fiftymillion.

    Corporate financingIn corporate financing, funds will be provided for meeting needs of large organizationsabove fifty million. Corporate financing is controlled by RCAD (Regional creditadministration department).

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    Here are some functions of RCAD


    FUNCTIONS Composition of Credit Functions:

    Credit & Marketing Credit Administration

    Brief Job Description of Departments:

    Credit & Marketing:

    1. Market new relationships to increase banks asset based portfolio.2. Financial Analysis, Evaluation and Processing of Credit Line Proposals.3. Monitoring of Credit portfolio through Client visits, Factory visits, Inspections and prepare

    Call Reports, Visit Reports in this regard.4. Responsible for the compliance of all Pre-approval instructions I regulations issued from

    time to time by Head Office Credit Policy, SBP and other regulatory bodies includingobtaining CIB, Borrower Basic Fact Sheet, Compliance of ratios as required under Prudential Regulations, Per party limit etc.

    Credit Administration:

    1. Disbursement of Credit Facilities including Preparation of Security / Charge documents,perfection of collateral, Ensure compliance of SBP regulations I Credit Policy, HO Circulars& Issuance of Disbursement Authorization Certificate (DAC).

    2. Regular Monitoring of Collateral & Asset based portfolio through Weekly Roosters / Diaries,CARS Reports, Credit Maintenance, Identify exceptions and follow for the rectification of thesame.

    3. MIS related to Credit & Credit Admin. Department.4. Monitoring of Markup accruals, recoveries thereof.5. Liaison with various outside agencies (RCAD Head).6. Miscellaneous Jobs.

    Disbursement of Credit Facilities1. Preparation / Filling of Charge / Security Documentation as per Credit Approval2. Perfection of Securities and identification of exceptions, if any. Scrutiny of Charge I Security Documents after Execution and identification of exceptions / observations, if any. Limit Feeding.

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    Types of Collateral currently used

    Readily Encashable Registered Securities

    Defense Saving Certificates (DSC)Special Saving Certificates (SSC)Regular Income Certificates (RIC)Special U.S. Dollar Registered Bonds

    Readily Encashable Bearer Securities

    WAPDA Bearer BondsSpecial U.S. Dollar Bearer BondsForeign Exchange Bearer Certificates

    Shares of Limited Companies

    CDC Only

    NIT Units Deposits held in any other Financial Institution Deposits held With United Bank Limited

    Saving DepositCurrent DepositTerm Deposits

    Deposits held With any other BankSaving DepositCurrent DepositTerm Deposits

    Pledge of any Commodity

    Financial Guarantee

    Hypothecation of Assets

    MovablesCurrent AssetsReceivablesPlant & Machinery

    Mortgage of Properties

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    Equitable MortgageEquitable Mortgage with Token Register MortgageRegistered Mortgage

    Clean (SBP has allowed Clean financing upto Rs.500,000- )

    Personal /Corporate Guarantee

    Counter Guarantee

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    Steps for Perfection of Collateral and its

    Security Documents.

    Bearer Securities such as U.S. Dollar Bearer Bonds /WAPDA Bearer Bonds / Foreign Exchange Bearer Certificates(FEBC)

    Ensure that all blank fields of letter of Lien & Set Off and Schedule of Securities are properlyfilled in with all detail of the instruments including Sr. No., Denomination, No. of Pieces andTotal amount.

    Make sure that amount of face value of the instruments be specified in the Schedule of Letter of Lien & Set Off.

    Letter of Ownership should be obtained where the bearer securities are involved.

    Genuineness of the Bearer Securities to be confirmed from the issuing bank in writing. It isadvisable to have a physical verification also from the issuing institution.


    Ensure that all blank fields of Letter of Lien and Schedule of Securities are properly filled inwith all detail of the instruments including CDC Account

    Ensure that shares are in marketable lots and is on CDC.

    Obtain CDC Activity Report from Treasury Middle Office before disbursement.

    Daily monitoring of share prices at Stock Exchange is the responsibility of Treasury

    Middle Office, and margin calls to be generated as and when advised by the Treasury MiddleOffice in case of short fall arise.

    NIT UnitsEnsure that all blank fields of Letter of Lien & Set Off and Schedule of Securities are properlyfilled in with all detail of the instruments including Sr. No., Denomination, No. of Pieces midTotal amount.

    Amount of face value of the instruments be specified in the Schedule of Letter of Lien & SetOff.

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    Ensure that shares are in marketable lots.

    Blank transfer deeds I Surrender Deed duly executed by NIT Unit holder for each lot havebeen obtained.

    Signature of NIT Unit holder must be verified by the company on each Transfer deed!Surrender Deed.

    Saving Deposits / TDR

    Ensure that all blank fields of Letter of Lien & Set-Off and Schedule of Accounts are properly filled in with complete account number(s) under lien.

    Authority to mark lien in favour of the Bank is also be obtained and thesame should be kept in security bag.

    Account must be blocked with the amount under lien and the proof of suchblocking be kept in security bag along with the letter of lien & set off.

    Pledge of any marketable Commodity

    Ensure that all blank fields of Letter of Pledge and Schedule thereof are properly filled in withcomplete description of the commodity.

    In case the goods are pledged in godowns of third party, Letter of Access & Disclaimer dulyexecuted by the third party should also be obtained.

    Visit the factory premises to ensure that stocks offered are in good condition, properly stacked,adequate fire fighting system available in the godowns area, Board mentioning Under Pledgewith United Bank Limited, Branch Address are properly nailed inside and outside of eachgodowns, Godowns are in good condition and our stocks can be kept under proper lock & keyetc.

    In case of Open pledge, make sure that pledged stocks arc surrounded by barbed wire, fullycovered by tarpaulin and placed on wooden sleeper / Platform.

    Stock report for the pledge stocks duly signed by the Muccadam Company and the Borrower must be obtained prior to disbursement and at the time of any transaction I movement in thepledge.

    Adequate insurance policy in original with the risks specified under Credit Approval must beobtained prior to disbursement of the facility. Also ensure that the amount of insurance policyremain under per party exposure of Insurance companies as advised by Head Office fromtime to time.

    Original Premium Payment Receipt should also be kept alongwith the policy and the amountof the same must correspond with the policy.

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    Financing against Financial Guarantee

    Text of the financial guarantee should be vetted from the approved lawyer / CLC.

    Guarantee should be signed by at least two authorized signatories alongwith their PA. # of issuing institution and signature of the same personsbe verified by an officer of United Bank Limited.

    Confirmation regarding genuineness of the guarantee must be obtainedfrom the issuing bank. It is also advisable that alongwith the genuinessconfirmation in writing, physical verification should also be obtained fromthe issuing bank.

    Hypothecation of Movables & Receivables / Plant &Machinery:

    Ensure that all blank fields of Letter of 1-Iypothecation are properly filled with completedescription of hypothecated assets and its location of storage etc.

    List of Plant & Machinery (if any) duly signed by the customer should also be attached withLetter of hypothecation.

    Obtain Search Report (in case of Limited Company) to determine the ranking of the existingbanks and Obtain necessary NOC from existing bank (if applicable).

    Make sure that in case of Limited Companies, Hypothecation Charge alongwith NOC (if applicable) must be registered with the concerned office of SECP within 21 days from theexecution of the document.

    In case of Joint Pari Passu Charge, text of the agreement should be vetted from the lawyer and also obtain approval from 1-10K.

    Obtain Search report to verify that our charge has been duly registered and ranking correspondwith the terms of Credit Approval.

    Adequate insurance policy in original with the risks specified under Credit Approval must beobtained prior to disbursement. Also ensure that the amount of insurance policy remain under per party exposure of Insurance companies as advised by HO from time to time.

    Original Premium Payment Receipt should also be kept alongwith the policy and the amount of the same must correspond with the policy.

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    Financial Analysis


    ASSETS 2007 2006Cash and balances with treasury banksBalances with other banksDue from financial institutionsInvestmentsFinancingsOperating fixed assetsDeferred tax assetsOther assets






    Total assets 100.00 100.00LIABILITIESBills payableBorrowingsDeposits and other accountsSub-ordinated loansLiabilities against assets subject to finance leaseDeferred TaxationOther liabilities






    2.20Total liabilities






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    PRESENTED BY:Share capitalReservesAccumulated (loss) / profit



    Minority interst 0.38 0.40


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    Particulars 2006 2007Mark up/ return/ interest earnedMark up/ return/ interest expensed



    Net mark up/ interest income 88.61 80.9Provision against loans and advancesProvision for diminution in the value of investment.Bad debts written off directly





    22.95 8.48

    Net mark up/interest income after provision 65.66 72.42NON MARK UP/ INTEREST INCOMEFee, commission and brokerage income

    Dividend incomeIncome from dealing in foreign currenciesGain on sale of securitiesUnrealized Gain on revaluation of investmentOther income







    Total Non mark up/ interest income 34.33 27.58

    Total mark up and non mark up income 100 100NON MARK UP/ INTEREST EXPENSESAdministrative expensesOther provisions/write offsOther charges



    Total Non mark up/ interest expense 51.85 45.01Share of profit of associatesExtraordinary/ unusual items



    (Loss) / profit before taxation 49.3 54.89Taxation current

    - Prior years- Deferred




    16.29 18.3(Loss) / profit after taxation 33.01 36.59

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    ASSETS 2007 2006 CHANGEIN 2007


    Cash and balances with treasurybanksBalances with other banksDue from financial institutionsInvestmentsFinancingsOperating fixed assetsDeferred tax assets

    Other assets















    18.98Total assets 8819288 7029603 1789685 25.46

    LIABILITIESBills payableBorrowingsDeposits and other accountsSub-ordinate loansLiabilities against assets subject tofinance lease

    Deferred TaxationOther liabilities















    -36.31Total liabilities










    PRESENTED BY:Share capitalReservesAccumulated (loss) / profit





    Share to be issued587087


    28583 5540 19.38

    Deficit on revaluation of securities621210151224

    49205043071 108153 25.1

    772434 535121 237313 44.35


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    Particulars 2007 2006 Changein 2007

    %agechangein 2007

    Mark up/ return/ interest earnedMark up/ return/ interest expensed





    Net mark up/ interest income 399989 344634 55355 16.06Provision against loans and advancesProvision for diminution in the value of invest.Bad debts written off directly






    103593 36123 67470 186.78

    Net mark up/interest income after provision 296396 308511 (12115) (3.92)NON MARK UP/ INTEREST INCOMEFee, commission and brokerage incomeDividend incomeIncome from dealing in foreign currenciesGain on sale of securitiesUnrealized Gain on revaluation of investmentOther income












    Total Non mark up/ interest income 154962 117512 37450 31.87

    Total mark up and non mark up income 451358 426023 25335 5.95NON MARK UP/ INTEREST EXPENSESAdministrative expensesOther provisions/write offsOther charges









    Total Non mark up/ interest expense 234047 191777 42270 22.04Share of profit of associatesExtraordinary/ unusual items





    (Loss) / profit before taxation 222520 233867 (11347) (4.85)Taxation - Current

    - Prior years- Deferred








    73536 77950 (4414) (5.66)(Loss) / profit after taxation 148984 155917 (6933) (4.45)

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    Comments on Financial AnalysisIn vertical analysis the formula used is as following.

    In balance sheet

    = (value of an item/Total assets)*100

    In income statement

    = (value of an item/Total income)*100

    While In horizontal analysis following formula is used

    In balance sheet

    = (difference of an item in two years/value of an item in base year)*100

    Vertical analysis

    In year 2007 there is a decrease in cash and bank balances ratio of the UBL with

    other banks as compared in 2006. But its investment ratio is more in 2007 as

    compared in the year 2006. On the other hand bills payable and borrowings ratio of

    bank has increased and deposits ratios are reduced. Its total liabilities ratio is

    reduced in 2007 as compared in 2006. And ultimately its net assets ratio is more in


    In 2007 UBLs net markup income ratio is less as compared in year 2006. While its

    administrative and other expenses ratio has been increased in 2007, whichultimately reduced its net profit ratio after tax as compared in the year 2006.

    Horizontal analysis

    In 2007 there is a positive change and cash. But there is negative change in cash

    with other banks and due from financial institutions. Its investments have been

    increased by 73.46%. Total assets have been increased by 25.46%. On the other

    hand its liabilities have been also increased by 23.9%. But net assets have been

    increased by 44.35%.In 2007 its net mark up interest income has been increased by 16.06% as

    compared in 2006.Its total income is also increased by 5.95%. Its administrative

    expenses have been increased by 22.5% and profit before taxation is decreased by

    4.85% and after taxation is reduced by 4.45%.

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    Current Ratio

    = Current AssetsCurrent Liability

    Particulars 2007 2006

    Current Assets 1506830 1580869


    7705112 6242872

    Current ratio 0.20:1 0.25:1


    The banks current ratio has decreased in year 2007 as compared in year2006. It means that current assets to pay current liabilities have decreasedthat is not a good sign.

    Liquidity Ratio

    = Liquid Assets

    Current Liabilities

    Particulars 2007 2006

    Liquid Assets 1106525 1103900


    7705112 6242872

    Liquidity ratio 0.14:1 0.17:1


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    This ratio shows the most liquidity position of the bank. The banks liquidity position is not good at present. It is declining as compared to last year.


    Gross Profit Ratio

    = Gross profitx 100Interest received

    Particulars 2006 2007

    Gross Profit 399989 344634


    678809 542380

    Gross ProfitRatio

    58.92 63.54


    The gross profit ratio of the bank is improving year by year. In year 2006 it was51.18 and is improved in the year2007. This is a very favorable signal for the bank. Thespread of the bank (difference in the markup of deposits and advances) is increasing.This can be verified from the above-calculated ratio.

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    Net Profit Ratio

    = Net Profit after Tax x 100Interest Received

    Particulars 2006 2007Net Profit AfterTax

    148984 155917

    InterestReceived678809 542380

    Net Profit Ratio 21.94 28.7


    In the year 2006 net profit ratio was less as compared to year 2007.It is improved in the year 2007 which shows high profitability in the

    year 2007.

    N.P Ratio









    P E R C E N T A G E S



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    Return on Assets

    = Net Profit after Tax x 100Total Assets

    Particulars 2007 2006

    Net Profit After Tax 148984 155917

    Total Assets 8819288 7029603

    Return On Assets 1.68 2.21


    In the year 2007 and 2006 the strength of the banks can be seenfrom the performance in year 2006 and 2007. That it had not only recovered the losses but also gone up from the relatively previousprofitability level.

    Return on Assets Ratio










    P E R C E N T A G E S



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    Return on Deposits

    = Net Profit after Tax x 100Total Deposits

    Particulars 2007 2006

    Net Profit After


    148984 155917

    Total Deposits 6647394 5539239

    Return OnDeposits

    2.24 2.81


    The position was favorable in the first yearthen in 2007 the position became unfavorableas ratio of return on deposits has decreasedin2007.

    Return on Deposits Ratio








    P E

    R C E N T A G E S



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    Earning Per Share

    = Net Profit after Tax x 100No. Of Outstanding Shares

    Particulars 2007 2006

    Net Profit After


    148984 155917

    No Of OutstandingShares

    827688 820615

    Earning PerShare

    0.19 0.18


    In the years 2007 and 2006 the banks earning per share was positive and was in a rising trend.

    EPS Ratio









    P E R C E N T A G E S



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    Rate of Return at Loans

    = Interest Income x 100Total Loans

    Particulars 2007 2006Interest Income 399989 344634

    Total Loans 5371825 4584558

    Rate Of ReturnAt Loans

    7.44 7.36


    Although the State Bank of Pakistan has decreased the mark-up rates and the trendof the mark-up in the country is also decreasing but the UBL has managed toincrease the mark-up rate. This shows the banks strength towards the negotiation

    with the clients .

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    Return on Loan Ratio








    P E R C E N T A

    G E S



    Operating Ratio= Operating Costs x 100

    Interest Earned

    Particulars 2007 2006Operating Costs 234047 191777

    Interest Earned 399989 344634

    Operating ratio 58.51 55.64


    Operating costs were increasing in the year 2007. In year 2006 it was 55.64%of the interest earned. Increasing trend of the operating costs shows the deficiency of the management to control the operating costs. But the operating costs it, as apercentage of the interest earned is very heavy although the management is trying tocontrol these costs, there is still a very huge percentage of interest earned.

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    Operating Ratio










    P E R C E N T A

    G E S



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    More innovative products and services The role of personal bankers and relationship managers may increase its market

    share High salaries and bonus opportunities for attracting employees of other banks Global Expansion


    SBP prudential regulations for banks Market Saturation Slow industrial development Lack of Promotion and Advertisement Increased competition

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    During my internship in United Bank Limited, I got some knowledge about banking

    system. Here, I deeply observed the functioning of the branch. In the light of these

    observations, I suggest the following recommendations for further progress .

    1) Branch PremisesBranch working environment should be improved and renovated with latest furniture.

    Sufficient car parking for customers is not available here, so sufficient service area

    and seating arrangements must be provided for customers.

    2) Staff Behavior Staff behavior in term of customer dealing should be uniform for all customers, without

    any favoritism that discourages the other clients .

    3) Lengthy ProcedureThe book keeping system and filling system of the bank is so lengthy and time taking.

    So staffs document processing time, should be reduced to improve working efficiency

    through proper training.

    4) Proper CheckThe cheques payment service and other bills receiving service is very slow, In this

    way they deliberately waste time of their customers. Therefore, there should be a

    proper check of manager on them so that they can recognize and understand their

    responsibilities .

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    5) To Be ConscientiousIt is usually observed that staff members waste lot of valuable time while performing

    their duties. During my training period, I felt that all staff members make a lot of

    unnecessary telephone calls while dealing with their customers. In this way they not

    only waste a very precious time of their customers, but also waste the wealth of the

    country .

    6) No Proper Security SystemDuring my training, I felt that security system to safeguard the cash deposits of bank is

    not good. The gunman of the bank is often busy in doing some irrelevant job. So bank

    should take steps to improve its security system.

    Other Suggestions

    New blood should be injected and young professionals should be recruited on merit to

    induce enthusiasm in the bank. Customers should be focused of all activities to boost

    up the business.

    New marketing strategies should be developed to attract new customers.

    Maximum automated machines should be used.

    Security should be strengthened to minimize the chances of decoities.

    The workers should be given a sense of teamwork and the manager should be trainedto manage the team as good leader.

    There should be a proper check on staff members so that they become punctual and


    Business promotional activities should be increased to enhance the business.

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    CONCLUSION Steady growth and development of business over the last few years have placedUnited Bank in a very good competitive position. A strengthened capital base willenable it to expand in new areas while core products will continue to be strengthened/developed to contribute towards higher profitability. The key to success in thiscompetitive environment is innovation and foresight.

    I feel compelled to say that working as an internee has truly been a remarkableexperience. It was only during the course of this practical training that I got to discover its real meaning.

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    Basic Banking Skills For New Entrants

    UBL: Human Resource Department


    UBL Dialogue

    A News Letter of UBL

    Internship Report on UBL80
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