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Water Framework Directive ConferenceThe River of DreamsSeptember 4 & 5, 2012, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

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Water Framework Directive Conference

The River of DreamsSeptember 4 & 5, 2012, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

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For my dearest sweetest Water,

This is a love poem. For you, my darling Aqua.Even though it’s useless, because you never listen and most certainly cannot read.And most of the time do things your own way and I simply have to obey.You are hard to be tamed, I gave it a shot anyway.

You wave in beauty

You wave in beauty, like the sunlightwhich is full of warmth and in light blue skiesYou sparkle and twinkle just like my eyeswhen we metFill me up with butterflies

You can be warm and wavy and make me floatcold and hard even flaky like sticky snowpour as rain and go down my throatIn the end you always make me glow

O love of my live, river of dreams,there is nothing vital about me without you it seemsNever leaveIt will break my heart and drown me with griefNever leave I’ll never forget you and will always wonder whyI’ll be just a sack of bones feeling very very showerless thirsty and…dryand slowly die

We let you wave in beauty with Sunlightlet you bade in full warmth like light blue skiesyou sparkle and twinkle in our eyeswe will always meetour love never dies

2012 Ronella Moser

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Ten statements on integrated river basin management

The central theme of the conference in ‘s-Hertogenbosch was formulating recommendations for integrated watershed management. In an interactive environment, both the speakers and participants were challenged to express their dreams and wishesfor the future in words or images. This report presents the ten most striking statements of the conference.

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The plenary debate session in the morning delivered the first three statements:

1. Look for synergy & involve the local population

Detlev Ingendahl, referent of the Ministry of Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, pleaded in his introduction for linking water goals (quality, safety) with the goals of other sectors. Such as nature protection or tourism and recreation. Search for synergy and bundling goals leads to a higher quality of the whole, according to him. He gave a number of interesting examples, including the Master Plan Ruhr.

Ingendahl also called for more involvement of the local population in water policy. This policy is often abstract and stands therefore far away from the people. At the same time, many measures have serious consequences for the environment. Often with an improve-ment of the environment, but that is not always immediately visible. By explaining this in an early stage and involving citizens within the planning process, there will be more understanding and feeling for the value and it will lead to support.



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2 2. Yes we can... together

You will come further if you do it together: that was the message from Elaine Alwayn, Director of the Water and Soil Directorate-General Spatial Planning and Water Division of the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Environment. The water policy has various (political) scales, for example in the context of an international river basin. Therefore it is important to place the right problem at the right level. It is also important to make the proper connections between these different levels, she suggested. Not only within the water sector (from EU to water boards), but also with social partners. That is complicated, but can be realized if all parties share and keep in mind the importance of sufficient and clean water and are willing to invest.


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3. Do not consider transnationality as a burden: it’s an opportunity!

Physical and sectoral boundaries are making it not easy to collaborate. Do not get stuck in problem thinking, but see it as a challenge to overcome differences. That was the message of Ilke Dieltjens, policy officer Integral Water Management of the Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM). “It gives positive energy if you focus on the opportunities. Locate the shared interest and focus on the common goal together.”



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In a series of interactive speed-dating sessions, the participants then went into a discussion with each other. From these sessions, the following three statements are selected by a panel of guest speakers and International Land and Water students:

4. Choose the KISS approach: Keep It Simple and Stupid

Water policy is often too technical approached, allowing many stakeholders to quit. This applies not only to citizens and businesses, but also for administrators. Therefore translate water policy in an appealing and understandable message that matches the perception of the target group. Emotion is extremely important: place the link to what people truly concerns.



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5. Make benefits visible

It is not always easy to translate the benefits of water measures to all stakeholders. Yet it is very important that this energy is inserted, because only if the benefits are clearly visible, there will be broad support. Please refer wider than the water importance: connect economy with water, or safety with water. Find the benefits and communicate those so that there will arise support.



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6. Make it sexy

This recommendation from the interactive session is also about communication: formulate a compelling message and connect with the language of the target group. Also, use the communication tools that match with the audience, such as social media. The example of ambassadors was called. The Netherlands created a network of ambassadors: municipal officials and councilors visited colleagues in other municipalities, in order to explain the European water policy. This created a lively network for the exchange of knowledge, at a municipal level. France has a similar approach, with so called river basin animators who actively encourage public-private partnerships.



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In the afternoon, two parallel workshops took place in which experi-ences of integrated river basin management in practice were presen-ted and discussed. The afternoon has yielded three statements:

7. We will get there, if there’s something in it for everyone

Joining interests of the various stakeholders was a common theme through all sessions. John Tobben, policy advisor agricultural board LLTB and LTO Netherlands, said that in his introduction about the Delta Plan Agricultural Water Management, an initiative of the Dutch agricultural sector. Farmers are willing to cooperate in achieving water goals, if that for example means that they can save on the use of pesticides or manure. By taking the economic importance into the water plans, farmers get involved and achieving water goals will come closer.



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8. Think beyond your own policy area and give unconventional ideas a chance

Alexandra van Huffelen, alder woman for Sustainability of the Inner City and Public Space at Rotterdam Municipality, held a plea in her presentation for an open attitude in climate and water policy. Do not write of unconventional ideas in advance, but think about it. “Use the energy of other stakeholders, be open to their ideas. Take them seriously,” she said. And: provide a shared responsibility so cooperation is not optional. For example allow stakeholders to co-finance or ask their commitment in time, manpower or knowledge.



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9. Reform CAP for WDF

Reform the European agricultural policy (Common Agricultural Policy CAP) so that it actually contributes to sustainability goals. Including water goals. That was the plea of Sarolta Tripolszky, Policy Officer Biodiversity, Water and Soil at the European Environmental Bureau. Part of the agricultural budget of the European Union is already used for environmental purposes but what Tripolszky concerns it may go much further, and therefore a fundamental reform of the CAP is necessary.



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10. Implementation of the WFD requires a multi-level governance

Traditional engineers approach issues from one of the three E’s, Economics Environment and Ethics. Integrated river basin manage-ment requires more, namely relating the three E’s on different, interrelated administrative scale levels. This requires multi-level governance. Bernard Barraqué, Research Director of the International Centre for Research on Environment and Development (part of the French National Research Centre) gave examples of such multi-level approach in France. He mentioned the example of river contracts between various stakeholders on a voluntary basis in addition to the legally binding rules for the implementation of the WFD.



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Framework for recommendations

International river basin commissions may trigger integrated river basin management plans for floods, droughts and water quality/ecological restoration

The coordination of the implementation of both the Floods Directive and the Water Framework Directive is not only a European obligation but also an opportunity for an integrated and adaptive approach. It is important to come to the realization of one river basin management plan which would include both directives or at least a coherent set of river basin management plans. International river basin commissions aim to enforce these coordination efforts at the multilateral level. Furthermore, bilateral and trilateral coordination and cooperation at the level of international river basin districts are complementary. By means of an interactive and iterative process they may enforce each other. For example, the multilateral coordination by an international river basin commission may deliver important keys and instruments for formulating the state of and objectives for regional, border-cros-sing water bodies and for coordination of the programs of measures of involved riparian states. Subsequently, the bilateral and trilateral structures may bring it in local knowledge and experience for testing the feasibility of the multilateral keys and instruments. In turn, the test results can be discussed by the international river basin commit-tees which then may deliver recommendations to the parties.

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Colofon:Conference Agency: BlomBerg Instituut Conference AgencyEditor: Marieke Vos Journalistiek & CommunicatieDesign: Christa Design

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