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Water Systems

The Water Cycle, Streams, and Ground Water

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Earth’s Water Supply

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Water Cycle• movement of water between the atmosphere, the land,

and the oceans.

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• Water changing from liquid phase to a gaseous phase(water vapor) without boiling.

• Surface 2/3 Water• 500,000 km3 /year• Evapotranspiration – evaporation from plant


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Condensation• change of state from a gas to a liquid• When water vapor rises in the atmosphere, it

expands and cools.• As the vapor becomes cooler; some of it

condenses back to liquid• High – Clouds• Low – Fog• Surface - Dew

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Precipitation• Any form of water that falls to Earth’s surface (rain,

snow, sleet, and hail)

• Most precipitation falls on Earth’s oceans.

• The rest falls on land and becomes runoff or infiltrates the soil to become groundwater.

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• Rain that falls to the ground and is not absorbed

• Moves along the surface of the land until it flows into a stream system

• Causes erosion.

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Factors Affecting Runoff

Rate of rain Runoff

Slope Runoff

Buildings Runoff

Plants Runoff

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River Systems• watershed (AKA basin) the area of land that is

drained by a river system

• The ridges or elevated regions that separate watersheds are called divides.

• tributaries streams that flows into a lake or into a larger stream

• A river system is made up of a main stream and tributaries.

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Mississippi River Basin

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WatershedContains:• 31 lakes• 549 m2 of land •400 miles of rivers and streams•empties out into the Atlantic Ocean

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River Systems• Channel - Depression that a stream follows as it

flows downhill

• Banks - The edges of a stream channel that are above water level

• Bed - The part of the stream channel that is below the water level

• A stream channel gradually becomes wider and deeper as it erodes its banks and bed.

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River Systemsstream load - Sediment carried by a stream

• Stream load takes three forms– suspended load

– bed load

– dissolved load

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Stream Load

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River SystemsStream gradient the change in elevation over a given

distance• Near the headwaters, or the beginning of a stream,

the gradient generally is steep.

• As the stream nears its mouth, its gradient often becomes flatter.

• The characteristics of streams with different gradients are very different

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River Systems• River systems change continuously because of

erosion.• Depending on the slope of the land, streams

have three stages of development. Young, Mature, and Old

• These differing streams support different types of organisms

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Young Streams

• Flow swiftly through a steep valley.• Lots of whitewater and waterfalls because

they have not yet eroded all the material in their way.

• Young streams erode most on the bottom and less on the sides.

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• Fast Moving• High oxygen• Cold• Little Nutrients

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Stream Merging

• Many young streams join together to form larger streams.

• Depending on the slope of the land and the amount of water they will form either mature or old streams

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Mature and Old Streams

• Mature and Old Streams flow through floodplains.

• floodplain an area along a river that forms from sediments deposited when the river overflows its banks

• Occurs when water levels increase depending on the amount of rainfall and snowmelt in the watershed.

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Mature Streams

• Curving streams that flow down a gradual slope

• Erode more on their sides than on the bottom.

• This leads to the creation of meanders (curves in a stream)

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• Lots of sediment/nutrients – Erosion from young streams

• Slow moving– Algae can grow

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Evolution of Mature Streams

meander• When a river rounds a bend, the velocity of the

water on the outside of the curve increases. – Increase erosion

• On the inside of the curve, the velocity of the water decreases. – Increased deposition

• Causes curves to widen

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Stream Flow

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of the Colorado River near Page, AZ

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Oxbow Lakes

• The curve enlarges while further erosion takes place on the opposite bank, where the water is moving more quickly.

• Meanders can become so curved that they almost form a loop, separated by only a narrow neck of land

• This can eventually become separated into an oxbow lake

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Old Streams

• Old streams flow very slowly through a broad flat floodplain.

• Usually they have lost their meanders and flow more straightly.

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Deltas and Alluvial Fans• Fan-shaped masses of sediment deposited as a

stream slows

• Deltas occur where streams meet oceans

• Alluvial fans result where streams loose energy as the slope decreases rapidly.

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• Water that absorbs into the ground and is located in the spaces between sediments (pores)

• These pores are connected and allow water to flow through them.

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• Ability of a material(rock/sediment) to allow water to flow through it.

• Permeable rock/sediment layers allow water to pass through easily

• Impermeable rock/sediment layers resist the flow of water.

• Depends on size and shape of sediment

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Zone of Saturation

• Ground water fills the pores in the permeable rock/sediment layer creating an aquifer.

• The area of the soil where all of the pores have completely filled with water is referred to as the zone of saturation.

• The upper limit of this zone is called the water table.

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• Holes that are dug below the water table.

• Water has been filtered by sediment.

• If water table drops (drought) it can dry up the well.

• Too many wells in one area can also lower the water table

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Artesian Wells

• Special kind of well where water is pushed up to the surface naturally.

• Require a special kind of geography where an aquifer is sandwiched between impermeable layers and the layers change in elevation.

• Gravity creates pressure that forces water up artesian wells.

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Springs• Springs can exist where the groundwater

reaches the surface

• Some times cracks allow natural artesian wells to form.

• Freshwater springs exist along coasts where fresh ground water enters the ocean.

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Hot Springs and Geysers

• Occur where groundwater is stored near hot rocks

• Hot springs - near boiling water leaks up to the surface.

• Geysers - boiling water and steam is periodically released causing a stream of hot water to shoot out of the ground.

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Caves and Sinkholes

• Form as carbonic acid dissolves limestone.

• Caves are structurally stable and do no collapse.

• If soil above a cave is weak and it collapses into a sinkhole.

• People pumping water out can turn caves into sink holes

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Stalactites and Stalagmites

• Little CO2 in caves, carbonic acid breaks down, can’t hold dissolved limestone.

• Limestone accumulates as water drips

• Stalactite - ceiling of the cave • Stalagmite - ground of the cave

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• Animals must have special adaptations to deal with living in a cave

• Dark• No plants• Wet• Dangerous Chemicals

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