Page 1: Wavelet Analysis of DNA Bending Profiles reveals Structural ......protein complexes [24]. Actually, the 200- and 400-base periodicities identified in eukaryotic sequences might correspond

Journal of Biological Physics 30: 33–81, 2004.© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Wavelet Analysis of DNA Bending Profiles revealsStructural Constraints on the Evolution of GenomicSequences


1Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, avenue Schweitzer, 33600 Pessac, France2Centre de Génétique Moléculaire du CNRS, Laboratoire associé à l’Université Pierre et MarieCurie, Allée de la Terrasse, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, France3Present address: Computational Genomics Group, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute,Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK(∗Author for correspondence, e-mail: [email protected] )

Abstract. Analyses of genomic DNA sequences have shown in previous works that base pairs arecorrelated at large distances with scale-invariant statistical properties. We show in the present studythat these correlations between nucleotides (letters) result in fact from long-range correlations (LRC)between sequence-dependent DNA structural elements (words) involved in the packaging of DNA inchromatin. Using the wavelet transform technique, we perform a comparative analysis of the DNAtext and of the corresponding bending profiles generated with curvature tables based on nucleosomepositioning data. This exploration through the optics of the so-called ‘wavelet transform microscope’reveals a characteristic scale of 100 − 200 bp that separates two regimes of different LRC. We focushere on the existence of LRC in the small-scale regime (� 200 bp). Analysis of genomes in the threekingdoms reveals that this regime is specifically associated to the presence of nucleosomes. Indeed,small scale LRC are observed in eukaryotic genomes and to a less extent in archaeal genomes, incontrast with their absence in eubacterial genomes. Similarly, this regime is observed in eukaryoticbut not in bacterial viral DNA genomes. There is one exception for genomes of Poxviruses, the onlyanimal DNA viruses that do not replicate in the cell nucleus and do not present small scale LRC.Furthermore, no small scale LRC are detected in the genomes of all examined RNA viruses, withone exception in the case of retroviruses. Altogether, these results strongly suggest that small-scaleLRC are a signature of the nucleosomal structure. Finally, we discuss possible interpretations ofthese small-scale LRC in terms of the mechanisms that govern the positioning, the stability and thedynamics of the nucleosomes along the DNA chain. This paper is maily devoted to a pedagogicalpresentation of the theoretical concepts and physical methods which are well suited to perform astatistical analysis of genomic sequences. We review the results obtained with the so-called wavelet-based multifractal analysis when investigating the DNA sequences of various organisms in the threekingdoms. Some of these results have been announced in B. Audit et al. [1, 2].

Key words: chromatin, DNA bending profile, fractals, genomic DNA sequence, long-range correla-tions, nucleosome, scale-invariance, wavelet transform

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1. Introduction

The relation between the primary structure of DNA and its biological functionis one of the outstanding problems in modern biology. There are many object-ive reasons to believe that the functional role of DNA sequences is not only tocode for proteins but also to control the spatial structure of DNA in chromatin.In eukaryotic cells, DNA is severely compacted when it folds into chromosomes.The elementary structural unit of chromatin is the nucleosome [3, 4, 5, 6], whichconsists of a histone protein core enveloped by DNA. At first level of organization,the chromatin fiber is built from a linear array of nucleosomes [7, 8]. In the nuc-leus, this fiber is further packed into a higher order structure known as the 30 nmfiber [7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. This hierarchical folding of the DNA molecule islikely to imply constraints on the molecule bending and flexibility properties andon the capability of interacting with and of being anchored to protein matrix andscaffold. So far, such constraints have been evidenced to favour the formation andpositioning of nucleosomes [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]. These structural properties dependupon the local nucleotides composition and therefore can be seen as statisticalfeatures of the DNA primary structure [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. The actualchallenge is thus to find a way to extract these structural informations from anappropriate reading of the DNA text. Since the different orders of packaging in thehierarchical structural organization of DNA are implicated in the accessibility ofDNA sequence elements to trans-acting factors that control the processes of tran-scription and replication [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34], there is actually a wealthof structural and dynamical informations to learn in the primary DNA sequenceabout how DNA works in a living cell.

At first glance, the primary DNA sequences look rather random in the sense thatthey do not exhibit obvious regular features except some particular patterns like forinstance tandem repetitions. Besides the existence of those repeated segments (forreviews see [35, 36]), the major part of the sequences seems hardly distinguishablefrom uncorrelated or ‘Markov like’ short-range correlated random sequences. Withthe specific goal to identify periodic repetitions as well as possible hidden peri-odicities, Fourier and correlation function techniques have been extensively usedto process eukaryotic, eubacterial and archaeal genomes [23, 25, 37, 38, 39, 40].Several oscillating patterns have been detected mainly when investigating the dis-tributions of di- and tri-nucleotides. A 3-base periodicity is actually observed inboth prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequences reflecting the existence of strings ofcodons in protein-coding regions [20, 23, 38]. Another well studied periodicityis 10-11 bp oscillations that show up in all three kingdoms. Several interpreta-tions have been raised concerning the origin of the observed periodicities sincesignificantly different periodicities have been identified close to the equilibriumhelical repeat for free DNA of 10.55 bp. The 10.8-11 bp period identified in codingeukaryotic sequences might be the signature of encoded proteins [25, 41]. Indeedthe alternation of hydrophobic and hydrophylic amino acids in α-helices leads to a

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periodicity of about 3.5 amino acids in protein sequences [42]. There exists anotherrather well identified periodicity of 10.2-10.4 bp that is unique to the eukaryoticgenomes. This periodicity is likely to be the consequence of the wrapping of DNAaround the histone octamer [20, 23, 25, 26, 37, 38, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48], since aslight but significant decrease of the helical repeat has been observed experiment-ally in the nucleosome where the weight average of 8 independent measurementsyields a periodicity of 10.39 ± 0.02 bp/turn (see Table II in [49]). This positivesupercoiling is mainly seen in the distribution of some dinucleotides such as AA(=TT), GC, and GG(= CC) to some lower extent. Most of these dinucleotides areknown to contribute to the intrinsic bending and flexibility properties of the DNAdouble helix [15, 21, 50, 51, 52]. The periodic positioning of these dinucleotideswith a rather definite phase shift between them (e.g., about 5 bases between AA andTT as well as in between AA and GC) contributes in a coherent manner to a globalcurvature of DNA which is likely to amplify the affinity for the histone octamerand therefore to favour the wrapping of DNA on the histone surface [6, 18]. Lar-ger periodicities are further observed that may also be related to the hierarchicalorganization of DNA via successive foldings of higher order structured nucleo-protein complexes [24]. Actually, the 200- and 400-base periodicities identified ineukaryotic sequences might correspond to the characteristic sizes of a nucleosomeor of a dinucleosome [38]. Other periodicities have been related to the segmentedstructure of protein-coding sequences or DNA mobile elements [49, 53], or to theperiodic distribution of transcription factor sites [39].

In prokaryotes, a periodicity about 10.8-11 bp/turn has been observed that issignificantly above the equilibrium helical period [23, 25, 38]. It has been relatedto unconstrained negative supercoiling which is essential to a number of processeslike DNA transcription, replication and condensation [54, 55, 56]. On the contraryto the negative supercoiling revealed in eubacterial genomes, archaeal plasmidswere found to be positively coiled [57]. However, the recent discovery and stud-ies of histone proteins in various archaea indicates that the binding of DNA tothese histones introduces some toroidal overwinding of DNA to form nucleosomestructures [40, 58, 59, 60].

Besides the investigation of hidden periodicities that emerge as statisticallysignificant as compared to the noisy background in the high frequency domain,Fourier transform analysis and correlation function techniques have been also ap-plied to investigate the scale-invariance properties of DNA sequences over a widerange of scales extending from tens to thousand of nucleotides [61, 62, 63, 64,65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71]. The possible relevance of scale-invariance and fractalconcepts to the structural complexity of genomic sequences has been the subject ofincreasing interest [72, 73, 74, 75, 76]. Scale-invariance measurement enables us toevidence particular long-range correlations (LRC) between distant nucleotides orgroup of nucleotides that may or may not display hidden periodicities. During thepast ten years, there has been intense discussion about the existence, the nature andthe origin of LRC in DNA sequences. Besides Fourier and autocorrelation analysis,

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different techniques including mutual information functions [61, 71, 77, 78], DNAwalk representation [64, 75, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84], Zipf analysis [85, 86, 87] andentropies [88, 89, 90, 91] were used for statistical analysis of DNA sequences.A lot of effort has been spent to adress rather struggling questions. In particular,it was of fundamental importance to corroborate the fact that the reported LRCreally meant a lack of independence at long distances and were not just an artefactof the compositional heterogeneity of the genome organization [68, 70, 71, 79, 82,83, 84, 92]. Furthermore, since most of the models proposed in the literature arebased on the genome plasticity [61, 75, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98], a rather crucialissue which is still debated is the fact that long-range correlation properties mightbe different for protein-coding (coding exons) and non-coding (introns, intergene)sequences [61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 92, 99].

Actually, there were many objective reasons for this somehow controversialsituation. Most of the investigations of LRC in DNA sequences were performedusing different techniques that all had their own advantages and limitations. Theyall consisted in measuring power-law behavior of some characteristic quantity, e.g.,the fractal dimension of the DNA walk, the scaling exponent of the correlationfunction or the power-law exponent of the power spectrum. Therefore, in practice,they all faced the same difficulties, namely finite size effects due to the finitenessof the sequence [96, 100, 101]. Actually, in these conditions, the definition of thescaling range can be a rather delicate task which may strongly affect the estimateof the scaling exponent. Moreover, some precautions are required when averagingover many sequences in order to improve statistical convergence; in particular somesevere criticisms [69, 75, 83] were raised against the biological significance of Vossstudy [65, 66, 67], since his results correspond to averages over complete gene-bank database categories which are not of equal taxonomic rank. However, beyondthese practical problems, there is also a more fundamental theoretical restrictionsince the measurement of a unique exponent which characterizes the global scalingproperties of a sequence fails to resolve multifractality [102], and thus providesvery poor information upon the nature of the underlying LRC (if there are any).Actually, it can be shown that for a homogeneous (monofractal) DNA sequence,the scaling exponents estimated with the techniques previously mentioned, can allbe expressed as a function of the so-called Hurst or roughness exponent H of thecorresponding DNA walk landscape [75, 102]. H = 1/2 corresponds to classicalBrownian motion, i.e., uncorrelated random walk. For any other value of H , thesteps ( increments) are either positively correlated (H > 1/2: persistent randomwalk) or anti-correlated (H < 1/2: antipersistent random walk).

One of the main obstacles to LRC analysis in DNA sequences is the genu-ine mosaic structure of these sequences which are well known to be formed of‘patches’ (‘strand bias’) of different underlying composition [103, 104, 105, 106].These patches appear as trends in the reconstructed DNA walk landscape whichare likely to introduce some breaking of the scale-invariance [64, 68, 75, 79, 82,83, 84, 107]. One possibility is that these trends possess some characteristic length

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scale corresponding to a low frequency component that is not invariant with respectto dilatations. Another possibility is that these trends do not have any characteristiclength scale either, but actually display some scale-invariance properties that dif-fer from those of the basic fluctuations; in this case some cross-over should beobserved in the scaling regime, the largest scale fluctuations behaving differentlyfrom those at small scales. There have been some phenomenological attempts todifferentiate local patchiness from long-range correlations using ‘ad hoc methods’such as the so-called ‘min-max method’ [64] and the ‘detrended fluctuation ana-lysis’ [108, 109]. Alternatively, the wavelet transform (WT) [110, 111, 112, 113,114] has been proposed as a very powerful technique for fractal analysis of DNAsequences [102, 115] (see also Ref. [116] where the WT is used as a tool forvisualizing regular patterns in DNA sequences). As already experienced in variousfields, the WT can be seen as a mathematical microscope that is well suited forcharacterizing the scaling properties of fractal objects and this even in the presenceof some polynomial component [113, 117, 118, 119, 120]. By considering ana-lyzing wavelets that make the microscope blind to low frequency trends, one canreveal and quantify the scale invariance properties of DNA walks [102, 115, 121].In a previous work, by applying the so-called wavelet transform modulus maxima(WTMM) method [119, 120, 122] to the analysis of various genomic sequencesmainly selected in the human genome, we have found that the fluctuations in thepatchy landscapes of both coding and noncoding DNA walks are homogeneouswith Gaussian statistics [102, 115]. The main consequence of this result is thejustification of using a single exponent, namely the Hurst or roughness exponentH , to characterize the underlying fractal organization of DNA sequences. From asystematic analysis of human exons, CDS’s and introns, we have found that long-range power law correlations are not only present in non-coding sequences but alsoin coding ones somehow hidden in their inner codon structure [123]. Moreover inboth coding and non-coding sequences, the strength of these correlations appears toincrease with the GC content of the analyzed sequence [123]. (We refer the readerto the work of Yeramian [124] for an alternative study of coding and non codingregions based on the sequence-specific propensity for the thermal disruption of thedouble-helix.)

In the present report, we first give an overview of the wavelet based methodo-logy for genomic sequence analysis. Then we use the WT microscope to proceedto a systematic investigation of coding and non-coding (intronic) DNA sequences.Taking advantage of the availability of fully-sequenced genomes, we extend thestudy of scale-invariance properties of DNA sequences on a much wider range ofscales than previously done. We show that there actually exists some crosss-overscale about 100 − 200 bp that separates two different regimes of scale-invarianceproperties corresponding to two different regimes of long-range power-law correl-ations. Here we will mainly focus on the small-scale regime (� 200 bp) where thesimultaneous observation of LRC on DNA texts and on the corresponding bendingprofiles generated with various curvature tables [51, 125], will be shown to provide

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a quite reliable signature of the existence of a nucleosomal structure [1, 2]. In aforthcoming communication, we will concentrate on the large-scale regime (� 200bp) which looks rather universal in the sense that it is present in all three kingdoms.As an overall message of our wavelet based statistical analysis of genomic DNA,we will discuss the observed LRC regimes as a direct manifestation in the primaryDNA sequences of the structural organization of DNA in chromatin. In contrast toprevious interpretations mainly based on mechanisms involved in genome dynam-ics, we will further propose some understanding of these correlations in terms ofstructural and dynamical constraints for chromosome packaging.

2. Theoretical Concepts and Methodology: Wavelet Analysis of Long-RangeCorrelations in DNA Sequences

In this section, we use artificial sequences that mimic the distribution of purinesand pyrimidines along a DNA sequence, to illustrate the concept of long-rangepower-law correlations and its relationship to scale invariance properties [64, 75,102]. We also explain how to quantify LRC from the measurement of the so-calledHurst-exponent H [119, 126]. We discuss the necessity of using wavelet analysisto investigate LRC in real DNA sequences.



To build synthetic DNA sequences displaying LRC, we use a method which willnot be described here and which is based on a two-valued ‘fractional auto-regressiveintegrated moving average’ (FARIMA) process that has been extensively studiedby Audit et al. [127]. Let us consider two artificially built sequences. The first oneis a purely random sequence with equal probability for each of the nucleotides.The second one is built under the constraint that the purine (or equivalently thepyrimidine) positions be long-range correlated with a Hurst exponent H = 0.9.Both these sequences are 262 144 bp long and contain 50% purines. First, weuse a bar code representation of the purine along the first 400 bp of the two se-quences. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) can readily be distinguished by visual inspection.Stretches of black (resp. white) meaning stretches of purines (resp. pyrimidines)are clearly wider for the correlated sequence (Figure 1(b)) than for the uncorrelatedone (Figure 1(a)). Figure 1(b) seems to be more contrasted than Figure 1(a). Thisqualitative difference is simply the signature of what we will refer to as persist-ence [126, 128, 129]. When the positions of purines are positively correlated, ifthere is a purine at a position, the probability to have a purine at the followingposition is enhanced; long-range-correlations mean that this enhancement also de-pends on the presence of purines at positions on the sequence on arbitrarily largedistance.

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Figure 1. Bar code representation of the purine/pyrimidine content for two artificial DNAsequences. In (a), (c) and (e), we display the analysis of an artificial sequence generatedby uncorrelated trials with equal probability for the 4 nucleotides. In (b), (d) and (f), wedisplay the analysis of an artificial sequence obtained under the constraint that the purine(or equivalently the pyrimidine) positions along the sequence be long-range correlated witha Hurst exponent H = 0.9 and such that each nucleotide appears with the same probability.In (a) and (b), for each sequence position corresponding to a purine, a black bar of width 1 bpis drawn. In (c) and (d) (resp. (e) and (f)), the sequence has been divided into non overlappingboxes of size 32 bp (resp. 512 bp) and we measure the purine content in each of these boxes.If this concentration is greater than 50%, then a black bar of width 32bp (resp. 512 bp) isdrawn at the corresponding position. Notice that for the 6 pictures, the abscissa range is 400bar widths to ensure that the visual effect obtained is not due to bars of different sizes. Goingfrom (e) to (c) to (a) (resp. (f) to (d) to (b)) is equivalent to zooming in the uncorrelated(resp. long-range correlated) sequence with a black and white 400 pixels resolution camera.

To illustrate this particular structural property induced by these correlations andits relation to scale invariance, let us perform the following visual experiment. Letus decompose the sequence into non overlapping boxes of size w. If the purinecontent in a box is greater than 50%, then a black bar of width w is drawn at thecorresponding position. This experiment amounts to doing a coarse graining onthe sequence, replacing each box by a purine or a pyrimidine according to thepurine content in that box. The results of this experiment are shown respectively inFigures 1(c) and 1(d) for w = 32 bp and in Figures 1(e) and 1(f) for w = 512 bp.When comparing these results to the previous ones (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)), one cannotice an important feature: for a given sequence, the three bar code representationsare statistically undistinguishable. This illustrates two important properties of thesequences under analysis:

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1. Both the uncorrelated and the correlated sequences are scale invariant in thesense that one cannot statistically distinguish the original sequence from thoseobtained after a coarse graining as we have done here.

2. For the correlated sequence, the fact that it is scale invariant means that theway purines are positioned is the same as the way boxes containing an ex-cess of purines are positioned and this, whatever the box width. We talk aboutlong-range correlations (LRC) because the way the boxes are distributed ispersistent, that is to say that the correlations between 2 boxes separated byn other boxes are independent of w and behave as ∝ n2H−2 (see Eq. (4)). Notethat the uncorrelated sequence is also scale invariant because it does not possesscorrelations at any scale.

At this point, it is important to note that persistence does not mean that thereis no, or only little, variation of the purine concentration along the sequence. Inother words, persistence does not mean that in the representation of Figure 1, thecorrelated sequences are all black, or all white (the sequences contain by construc-tion an equal number of black and white boxes). This results from equation (2)which shows that for any given box size w, the standard deviation σH(w) ∼ wH−1

increases with H . This characteristic feature is illustrated in Figure 2(b) where theamplitude of oscillations of the purine content is larger than for the uncorrelatedsequence in Figure 2(a) (note that here σ (1) is the same for the two sequences). Inother words, persistence of the purine concentration means that it fluctuates moresmoothly (over short distances) than for uncorrelated sequences, but in the sametime with a larger amplitude (over large distances) around the mean value. Notealso that larger H values do not mean larger density values.

It is also important to note that LRC cannot be constructed with a Markov modelof finite size memory [130]. Markov chains yield correlation functions that decayexponentially over some characteristic finite size. Hence an artificial sequence builtwith a Markov model of order m would be undistinguishable from an uncorrelatedone as soon as the size of the box w � m. Therefore, when one reveals LRC inDNA sequences, one evidences processes that structure objects of size w along thegenome in the same statistical manner at any scale w of observation.



In Figure 2, we propose a quantitative analysis of the fluctuations of purine con-centration along the same two sequences we have already studied in the previoussection. In Figures 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) and 2(d), the purine concentration is plotted forthe same box sizes as those used in figure 1(c), 1(d), 1(e) and 1(f) respectively. Forthe uncorrelated sequence, one clearly notices that the fluctuations around the meanvalue 1/2 are much smaller for the largest window width w2 = 512 bp (Figure 2(c))than for the smallest window width w1 = 32 bp (Figure 2(a)). In the case of thelong-range correlated sequence, one also notices that the fluctuations of the purine

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Figure 2. Fluctuations of the purine content CPu within non overlapping boxes of size w as afunction of the box position i for the same two artificial DNA sequences as in Figure 1. In (a)and (b), w1 = 32 bp; in (c) and (d), w2 = 512 bp. In (e) and (f), CPu computed with w2 = 512bp, is rescaled by (w1/w2)H−1 according to equation (2) with H = 0.5 (e) and H = 0.9 (f).For the 6 pictures, the abscissa range is 400 box wide so that each curve is made of the samenumber of points.

concentration decreases as the window width increases (Figures 2(b) and 2(d))but to a much smaller extent. We take advantage of this difference to perform aquantitative measure of the scale invariance properties.

For an uncorrelated sequence, the purine concentration measured in a box ofwidth w is simply the arithmetic mean of w independent and identically distributed(i.i.d.) random variables. Its standard deviation σ (w) is thus of the form:

σ (w) = σ (1)√w

. (1)

In the case of a sequence possessing scale invariance properties with a Hurst expo-nent H , then the standard deviation reads [64, 75, 102, 126, 128, 129]:

σH(w) = σH(1)wH−1. (2)

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Figure 3. Scale-invariance analysis of purine concentration fluctuations. (a) log10(wσH (w))vs log10 w for artificial sequences of length 10 kbp with Hurst exponent H = 0.5 (solidline), 0.6 (dashed line) and 0.8 (dotted line) respectively. (b) log10(wσH (w)) − 0.6 log10 wvs log10 w for the primary DNA sequence of Escherichia coli (solid line) and some averageover the human intron sequences of length larger than 800 (dashed line) (see Materials andMethods). The solid straight lines corresponding to uncorrelated (H = 0.5) and long-rangecorrelated (H = 0.6 and H = 0.8) sequences are drawn to guide the eyes. Note that for thesake of clarity, the curves in (a) and (b) have been vertically shifted in order to start at the sameordinate for w = 10 bp.

As a visual check of this power-law behavior of the root-mean square (r.m.s.)fluctuations of purine concentration, we have plotted in Figures 2(e) and 2(f) thepurine concentration computed for the box size w2 = 512 bp after some rescal-ing by (w1/w2)

H−1. Once rescaled with the appropriate Hurst exponent value, thepurine concentration fluctuations obtained for both the uncorrelated (H = 0.5 inFigure2(e)) and the long-range correlated (H = 0.9 in Figure 2(f)) sequences havethe same overall amplitude and are statistically undistinguishable from the corres-ponding fluctuations obtained with boxes of smaller size in Figures 2(a) and 2(b)respectively. Note that equation (1) reduces to equation (2) in the particular caseH = 1/2 characteristic of uncorrelated sequences. The quantitative characteriza-tion of scale invariant properties is a straightforward consequence of equation (2).Taking the logarithm of equation (2), one gets:

log10(wσH(w)) = H log10 w + log10 σH(1). (3)

So, when plotting log10(wσH(w)) as a function of log10 w, the fact that all the datapoints fall on a linear curve enables us to diagnostic scale invariant properties.Then, from measuring the slope of this straight line, one gets some estimate ofthe exponent H . In Figure 3(a) is illustrated the estimate of the Hurst exponentof an uncorrelated (H = 0.5) and of two long-range correlated (H = 0.6 andH = 0.8) random sequences. For the three sequences, a straight line of slope H

provides a very good fit of the r.m.s. data. In Figure 3(b), we show a more readable

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presentation that we are going to use all along this manuscript for the analysisof genomic sequences. By plotting log10(wσH(w)) − 0.6 log10 w versus log10 w, weselect H = 0.6 as the Hurst exponent value of reference for an horizontal linearscaling behavior. This particular value actually corresponds to the LRC observedfor the set of sequenced human introns of length L � 800 bp [102, 115]. In Fig-ure 3(b) are also reported for comparison the results obtained when investigatingthe genome of Escherichia coli which are quite typical of what we have observedwith other eubacterial genomes. The data points remarkably fall on the straight linecorresponding to the Hurst exponent value H = 0.5 characteristic of uncorrelatedsequences. The straight line corresponding to H = 0.8 is drawn as the signature ofstrongly correlated sequences. The existence of a large-scale regime (� 200 bp) ofstrong LRC [1, 2] will be detailed in a forthcoming publication. An important fea-ture is that we actually need to use oscillating boxes, i.e., wavelets, to perform thisstandard deviation measure on real sequences as the mosaic stucture of genomicDNA sequences may lead to severe bias [102, 115].

Now, if one is interested in the behavior of the correlation function C(n) betweennucleotides separated by a distance n, equation (2) implies that

C(n) ∝ σ 2H(n) ∝ n2H−2, (4)

i.e. a power-law decrease as a function of the distance n with exponent 2H −2 [61, 64, 99, 126]. Hence, the larger H(< 1), the weaker the power-law decreaseand the stronger the LRC.



2.3.1. Problems resulting from the Compositional Heterogeneity of GenomeSequences

As pointed out in the previous section, a way to quantify LRC and scale-invarianceproperties of symbolic sequences consists in using the so-called ‘variance method’.This method amounts to compute the r.m.s. fluctuations of some nucleotide con-centration measured in a box of width w and to look for some power-law beha-vior (Eq. 2) from which one extracts an estimate of the Hurst exponent H . Butthe variance method requires the experimental data to be stationary [126], a pre-requisite which is absolutely not satisfied by the DNA sequences. As illustratedin Figures 4(a), 4(c) and 4(e) for the sequence of the bacteriophage λ (see Mater-ials and Methods) when using the ‘Purine’ coding rule, DNA sequences consistof patches of different compositions, namely purine-rich regions which alternatewith pyrimidine-rich regions. This genuine mosaic structure of genomic DNA se-quences may lead to severe bias in the estimate of H [64, 68, 75, 79, 82, 83, 84].The fact that the average purine concentration over the first 20000 bp and the last10000 bp of the bacteriophage λ is 54%, while it is only 46% from 22000 to 37000bp, has a dramatic consequence in the variance calculation. This rather obvious

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breaking of stationarity leads to the presence of an additional constant term inσ 2

H(w) which induces some departure from scale-invariance:

σH(w) = (Aw2H−2 + B

)1/2, (5)


wσH(w) = (Aw2H + Bw2)1/2

. (6)

Thus, as shown in Figure 5, when plotting wσH (= σWT ) versus w in a logarithmicrepresentation, to estimate the exponent H from the slope of the experimental data(Eq. 3), one does not observe a well defined straight line but rather a cross-overfrom a scaling regime with H � 0.5 at small scale (w � 35 bp) where the firstterm in the right-hand side of equation (5) is dominating, to a trivial regime H = 1at large scale (w � 300 bp) as the signature of the non stationarity of the purineconcentration signal. Then if one proceeds blindly to a linear regression fit of thedata in the range 10 � w � 200, one gets a value of H � 0.6 which is totallymisleading. Actually if one rescales, like in Figures 2(e) and 2(f), CPu obtained forw2 = 512 bp, by (w1/w2)

H−1 with this biased H value, one gets the purine concen-tration fluctuations shown in Figure 4(e) which do not look statistically the same asthose observed at a smaller scale w1 = 32 bp in Figure 4(a): the non stationarity ofthe purine concentration is much more pronounced whereas the overall amplitudein each patches is clearly smaller.

2.3.2. A Solution: The Continuous Wavelet Transform

To investigate the scaling properties of DNA sequences and the possible existenceof LRC, one thus needs a mathematical tool that can master the non stationarityof these genomic data. Actually such a technique does exist and is called thecontinuous wavelet transform [110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 131]. The WT consistsin expanding signals in terms of wavelets which are constructed from a singlefunction, the analyzing wavelet ψ , by mean of translations and dilations. The WTof a distribution µ is defined as [118, 119]:

Tψ [µ](x, w) = 1


∫ +∞


(x − y


)dµ(y), (7)

where x is the space parameter and w(> 0) the scale parameter. The continu-ous wavelet transform (WT) can be seen as some generalization of the Fouriertransform in the sense that it provides a time-frequency (or space-scale) analysisinstead of a mere frequency(or scale) analysis. The analyzing wavelet ψ is gener-ally chosen to be well localized in both space and frequency. Usually, ψ is onlyrequired to be of zero mean for the WT to be invertible. In Figures 4(b) and 4(d)are shown the WT of the DNA sequence of the bacteriophage λ as computedat two different scales w = 32 bp and 512 bp, when considering the ‘Purine’

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Figure 4. Fluctuations of the purine content within non overlapping boxes (Figure 6(a)) of sizew as a function of the box position i for the DNA sequence of the bacteriophage λ (L = 48502bp): (a) CPu for w = 32 bp; (c) CPu for w = 512 bp and (e) CPu for w = 512 bp afterbeing rescaled according to equation (2) with H = 0.6. Fluctuations of the correspondingwavelet coefficients as computed with the Haar wavelet (Figure 6(b)): (b) �CPu for w = 32bp; (d) �CPu for w = 512 bp and (f) �CPu for w = 512 bp after being rescaled accordingto equation (8) with H = 0.5. In (c) and (e) the horizontal dashed segments correspond to thepatches of different average purine concentrations.

coding. To perform the WT calculation, we have used the so-called Haar wave-let [110, 114] which is illustrated in Figure 6(b). When applying this piece-wiseconstant analyzing wavelet to the positive-valued distribution µ of purines alongthe bacteriophage λ DNA sequence, equation (7) simply amounts to compute thedifference of the purine concentrations in two juxtaposed boxes of size w/2 at theposition x. As shown in Figures 4(b) and 4(d), when doing this difference, onecancels any possible departure of the local mean from the global mean over theentire sequence. Indeed the global mean as well as the local mean of the waveletcoefficients in the various patches of different purine compositions are now allequal to zero. It is in that sense, i.e., by looking at the variations of concentrationinstead of the concentration itself, that the WT restores stationarity: whatever thescale w, the wavelet coefficients sustainly fluctuate about zero all along the entireDNA sequence. Then, as shown in Figure 5, one can proceed to the analysis of the

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Figure 5. Scale-invariance analysis of the DNA sequence of the bacteriophage λ (L = 48502)using the Purine coding: log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w vs log10 w. σWT (w) corresponds to thevariance of the wavelet coefficients computed at scales w (in bp units) with the zero-order g(0)

(smooth box: dotted line) and first-order g(1) (the first derivative of the Gaussian function:solid line) analyzing wavelets illustrated in Figures 6(c) and 6(d) respectively. The resultsobtained for our set of human introns with g(1) (dashed line) are shown for comparison. Notethat when using g(0), σWT (w) actually corresponds to wσH (w) (see equations (2) and (8)).

scale-invariance properties by investigating the power-law behavior of the r.m.s.fluctuations of the wavelet coefficients as function of the scale w:

σWT (w) = σWT (1)wH . (8)

Note that when comparing equation (8) to equation (2), σWT (w) plays the role ofwσH(w) in equation (3). When using the Haar wavelet d(1) (Figure 6(b)), as wellas a smooth version given by the first derivative g(1) of the Gaussian function(Figure 6(d)), as analyzing wavelets, one clearly remedies to the cross-over pre-viously observed when using the inappropriate box function d(0)(Figure 6(a)) (orthe Gaussian function g(0)(Figure 6(c))). As shown in Figure 5, one recovers a welldefined scaling behavior from which one can extract the experimental estimateH = 0.50±0.02 from a linear regression fit over the range of scales 10 � w � 200.As a visual test of the relevance of this measurement, we have plotted in Figure4(f), the wavelet coefficients computed at scale w2 = 512 bp, after being rescaledby (32/512)H with H = 0.5 in order to be compared to the wavelet coefficientscomputed at scale w1 = 32 bp in Figure 4(b). Both signals in Figures 4(b) and 4(f)have the same overall amplitude and are statistically undistinguishable stationarysignals. These observations converge to the conclusion that when using the ‘Purine’coding, the DNA sequence of the bacteriophage λ does not display any LRC sincethe estimate of the Hurst exponent cannot be distinguished from the canonicalH = 1/2 value for uncorrelated sequences. Let us remind that we would have

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Figure 6. Set of analyzing functions that can be used in equation (7). (a) d(0): the box func-tion; (b) d(1): the Haar wavelet; (c) g(0): the Gaussian function and (d) g(1): the first derivativeof the Gaussian function. Note that g(0) and g(1) can be seen as smooth versions of d(0) andd(1) respectively.

reached the opposite conclusion, namely the existence of LRC with H � 0.6,when using the unappropriate box-function d(0).

2.3.3. Mastering Nonlinear Mosaic Structures

We have just seen that with a first-order analyzing wavelet, one can easily removepiece-wise constant behavior that may be superimposed to the fluctuations of pur-ine concentration. Actually, nothing prevents the heterogeneity in composition ofDNA sequences to induce a more complex (possibly nonlinear) mosaic structurethat will further perturb the estimate of the scaling exponent H . At this point, letus note that one can use analyzing wavelets of arbitrarily high order. Indeed, themain advantage of using the WT for revealing and characterizing LRC, is its abilityto be blind to polynomial behavior, i.e. to low-frequency trends that can mask theexistence of scale-invariance properties. Hence, by considering analyzing waveletsψ(n) that have nψ vanishing moments [119, 120]:

∫ +∞

−∞xmψ(n)(x)dx = 0, ∀m, 0 ≤ m < nψ, (9)

one can make our ‘WT mathematical microscope’ blind to polynomial behaviorup to degree nψ − 1, with the hope to master more elaborated mosaic structureeffects than the rather simple piece-wise constant bias observed in the fluctuationsof Purine concentration of the bacteriophage λ DNA sequence in Figures 4(a), 4(c)and 4(e). In our pioneering study of the complexity of DNA sequences using the

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Figure 7. Wavelet transform analysis of the DNA sequence of the bacteriophage λ

(L = 48502 bp) when using the ‘A’ coding rule. The analyzing wavelet is the first-derivativeof the gaussian function g(1) (Figure 6(d)). (a) Space-scale representation provided by theWT: Tg(1) (x, w) is coded, independently at each scale w, using 32 grey levels from white(minxTg(1) (x, w)) to black (maxxTg(1) (x, w)). The arborescent structure of the wavelet rep-resentation of the bacteriophage λ DNA sequence is typical of fractal signals that displayscale invariance properties. (b) Probability density functions ρw(T ) of wavelet coefficients forthe set of scales w = 12(), 24(�) and 48(◦) in bp units. (c) log2(w

H ρw(wH T )) vs T forthe same data as in (b), when fixing H = 0.50. (d) Same representation as in (c) but whenconsidering the ‘Pnuc’ trinucleotide coding rule. The horizontal dashed lines in (a) correspondto the investigated scales w = 12, 24 and 48 bp from bottom to top; at the scale w = 48 bp, thewavelet coefficients are represented on the top of the corresponding horizontal dashed line.

WT [102, 115] we have mainly worked with the class of analyzing wavelets definedby the successive derivatives of the Gaussian function:

g(N)(x) = dNe−x2/2

dxN, (10)

for which nψ = N . In the present work, most of the results reported in the variousfigures have been obtained with the first-order analyzing wavelet g(1)(x). Of coursewe have checked that these results are robust when using higher-order analyzingwavelets, in particular when using the so-called Mexican hat g(2) (data not shown).

2.3.4. Monofractality: An Essential Statistical Property of DNA Sequences

The WT is a mathematical technique that has been originally introduced for time-frequency analysis of seismic data and acoustic signals [132, 133, 134]. In previousworks [102, 115], we have shown that from the space-scale WT representation

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Figure 8. Wavelet transform analysis of the DNA sequence of the chromosome 1 of Sacchar-omyces cerevisiae (L = 230209 bp) when using the ‘A’ coding rule. The analyzing wavelet isthe first-derivative of the gaussian function g(1)(Figure (6(d))). (a) Space-scale representationobtained when using the same grey level coding of the WT as in Figure 7(a). (b) Probabilitydensity functions ρw(T ) of wavelet coefficients for the set of scales w = 12(), 24(�),48(◦). (c) Same as in (b) for the scales w = 192(�), 384(�) and 768(•) in bp units. (d)log2(w

H ρw(wH T )) vs T for the three lowest scales shown in (b) when fixing H = 0.60 andfor the three largest scales shown in (c) when fixing H = 0.75. The horizontal dashed lines in(a) correspond to the investigated scales w = 11, 24, 48, 192, 384 and 768 bp from bottom totop.

of ‘DNA walks’, one can bring the experimental proof of the monofractal natureof DNA walk landscapes. In Figure 7(a) is shown a 32-grey level coding of thespace-scale WT representation of the bacteriophage λ sequence when using the‘A’ mononucleotide coding (see Materials and Methods) and g(1) (Figure 6(d))as analyzing wavelet. A way to investigate the evolution of the statistics acrossscale consists in computing the probability density function (pdf) ρw(T ) of waveletcoefficient values at different scales. As shown in Figure 7(b), when increasingw from 12 to 24 up to 48, the corresponding histograms become wider and widerwith a r.m.s. which behaves as predicted by equation (8) with a power-law exponentH = 0.50 ± 0.02. Moreover, when rescaling the wavelet coefficients by the r.m.s.value at the corresponding scales, all the data computed at different scales collapseon a single curve as shown in Figure 7(c). This is the demonstration that the WTpdfs satisfy the self-similarity relationship [102, 115]:

wH ρw(wHT ) = ρ1(T ), (11)

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the hallmark of monofractality. The way the moments of ρw behave as a functionof w requires the knowledge of a single scaling exponent only, namely the Hurstexponent H . This contrasts with multifractal signals for which a continuum ofscaling exponents is required to account for the evolution across scales of the shapeof the WT pdf [113, 119, 120]. A second important message brought by Figure7(c) is the fact that in a semi-logarithmic representation, all the data fall on a samecurve which is well approximated by a parabola as predicted for Gaussian statistics.Thus, as explored through the optics of the WT microscope, the basic fluctuationsin the spatial distribution of A nucleotides of the bacteriophage λ are likely to beGaussian. At this point, let us emphasize that these two experimental observations,namely monofractality with H = 0.5 (no LRC) and Gaussian statistics, are quitecharacteristic features of the bacteriophage λ genome sequence that are recoveredwith all the mononucleotide, dinucleotide and trinucleotide coding rules used inthis work. As an illustration, the results obtained with the ‘Pnuc’ trinucleotidecoding associated to bending properties of nucleosomal DNA (see Materials andMethods), are reported in Figure 7(d).

The progress made in sequencing programs allowed us to investigate completelysequenced genomes [1, 2]. In Figure 8, we report the results of the WT analysis ofthe Chromosome 1 (L = 230209 bp) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S.c.) whenusing g(1) (Figure 6(d)) as analyzing wavelet. These results obtained with the ‘A’coding rule are again quite representative of the whole set of data obtained whenusing different mono-, di- and tri- nucleotide coding rules. When investigating theevolution across the scales of the pdf of wavelet coefficients in Figures 8(b) and8(c), one reveals the existence of a characteristic scale wc � 200 bp that separatestwo different scaling regimes which both satisfy the self-similarity relationship(11), provided one uses the scaling exponent value H = 0.57 in the scale range10 � w � 100 and H = 0.75 in the scale range 200 � w � 1000 (Figure8(d)). In the small-scale regime, the pdfs are very well approximated by Gaussiandistributions. In the large-scale regime, the pdfs of the wavelet coefficients of theyeast chromosome 1 have fat stretched exponential like tails (Figure 8(d)). The factthat the self-similarity relationship is satisfied in the small- as well as in the large-scale regimes corroborates the monofractal nature of the yeast DNA sequences inthese two regimes.

3. Results

We report in this section the results of a wavelet based statistical analysis of thescale-invariance properties of genomic sequences that belong to the three king-doms, namely eukaryotic, eubacterial and archaeal genomes as well as sequencesof DNA and RNA viruses [1, 2]. To set the general framework of our study, wewill start investigating the 16 chromosomes of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S.c.)which will allow us to perform a scaling analysis on a wide range of scales ex-tending from tens to thousands of nucleotides. After exhibiting the overall general

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features that are more or less common to all genomes, we will specify the particularissues we want to address in this study.


The first completely sequenced eukaryotic genome Saccharomyces cerevisiaeprovides an opportunity to perform a comparative wavelet analysis of the scale-invariance and possible LRC properties displayed by each chromosome. Whenlooking at the global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients σWT (w) obtainedfor each of the 16 yeast chromosomes, when using the ‘A’ mononucleotide codingrule, one sees in Figure 9(a) that all present superimposable behavior, with notablythe same characteristic scale wc = 200 bp, that separates two different scalingregimes. Note that the 16 yeast chromosomes also display other compositionalfeatures [105]. At small scales, 10 � w � 200 (expressed in bp units), LRC areobserved as characterized by H = 0.57±0.03, a mean Hurst exponent value whichis significantly larger that the theoritical prediction H = 1/2 for uncorrelatedsequences. At large scales, 200 � w � 5000, stronger LRC with H = 0.82 ± 0.02become dominant with a cutoff around 10000 bp (a number by no means accurate)above which uncorrelated behavior is observed. In Figure 9(b) are reported theresults of some test of the robustness of the above observations when using differentmononucleotide coding rules. The first remarkable feature is that the data for the‘A’ and ‘T’ codings are quite undistinguishable as well as the data for the ‘G’and ‘C’ codings. This will justify that, in the following, we will systematicallypresent results corresponding to the average over the ‘A’ and ‘T’ codings on theone hand and over the ‘G’ and ‘C’ codings on the other hand. While each of thesemononucleotide codings display a characteristic scale wc � 200 bp that separatestwo scaling regimes as observed in Figure 9(a) for the ‘A’ coding, there is howeversome difference between the ‘G’ (+‘C’) coding and the ‘A’ (+‘T’) coding. Thisdifference arises mainly in the small-scale regime (10 � w � 200) where theestimate of the Hurst exponent turns out to be definitely smaller H = 0.53 ± 0.03for the ‘G’ (+‘C’) coding than the value H = 0.57 ± 0.03 obtained with the‘A’ (+‘T’) coding. The existence of a characteristic scale wc � 200 bp that sep-arates two different monofractal scaling regimes corroborates the results reportedin Figure 8. The probability density functions (pdfs) of wavelet coefficient valuesof the DNA sequence of the yeast chromosome 1 (L = 230209 bp), computedat different scales using the ‘A’ coding rule (Figure 8(b) and 8(c)), are shown tocollapse on a single curve when rescaling the wavelet coefficients by wH , providedone uses the scaling exponent value H = 0.60 in the scale range 10 � w � 100and H = 0.75 in the scale range 200 � w � 1000 (Figure 8(d)). In the small-scaleregime, the pdfs are very well approximated by Gaussian distributions whereasthese pdfs exhibit fat stretched exponential like tails in the large-scale regime. Asimilar change in the nature of the statistics of wavelet coefficients is observed withall four mononucleotide codings as well as with di- and tri-nucleotide codings.

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Figure 9. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of the 16 chromosomes of S.cerevisiae : log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w is plotted versus log10 w . The analyzing wavelet isthe first-derivative of the Gaussian function g(1) (Figure 6(d)). (a) Comparative analysis ofthe 16 chromosomes when using the ‘A’ mononucleotide coding. (b) Comparative analysis ofthe ‘A’ (grey solid line), ‘T’ (grey dashed line), ‘G’ (black solid line) and ‘C’ (black dashedline) mononucleotide codings with the ‘Pnuc’ (circles) and ‘DNase’ (triangles) trinucleotidecodings; the black dots correspond to a randomly shuffled Pnuc table (see text). (c) Com-parative analysis of the ‘A’ (+‘T’) mononucleotide coding (solid line) with the ‘AA’ (=‘TT’)dinucleotide coding (dotted line) and the ‘Aiso’ (=‘Tiso’) mononucleotide coding (dashedline). In (b) and (c), the results correspond to averaging over the 16 chromosomes. For codingrules see Materials and Methods.

As shown in Figure 9(b), a comparative wavelet analysis of the yeast DNAsequences using the ‘Pnuc’ coding rule [51] reveals striking similarities with thecurves resulting from the mononucleotide coding rules, and this both in the small-scale (H = 0.54 ± 0.01) and in the large-scale (H = 0.75 ± 0.02) regimes [1, 2].To ensure that these observations are not simply due to a ‘recoding’ of the DNAsequences, but rather to the proper values of roll angles used to determine thebending profile of the axis of the double helix, we have randomly changed thePnuc table that maps trinucleotides to roll-angle values. The new table is obtainedusing a Gaussian distribution of same mean, variance and symmetries as the ori-ginal table. As shown in Figure 9(b), this results in the vanishing of the observedLRC; now H = 0.50 ± 0.01 at scales w � 1000 bp, which strongly suggests thatthese LRC are likely to reflect persistent structural scale-invariance properties. Anadditional evidence that the ‘Pnuc’ trinucleotide coding is not a trivial recoding ofthe DNA sequences is brought by the data obtained when using the DNase tableof curvature [125]. As shown in Figure 9(b), one notices a significantly weakeningof the LRC exponent observed in the large-scale regime(H � 0.6 with the DNasecoding instead of H � 0.8 with the ‘Pnuc’ coding), a result which is also true butless flagrant in the small-scale regime. We will see in the following, that some sig-nificant weakening is also observed in the small-scale regime of DNA sequences ofother eukaryotic sequences when using the ‘DNase’ coding rule. This demonstrates

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that on the contrary to what the intuition could tell us, the agreement between theLRC properties observed with the ‘Pnuc’ coding and the mononucleotide codingsis not a trivial observation [1, 2].

To strengthen our interpretation of the observed LRC in terms of structural con-straints, we have performed, in parallel, the wavelet analysis of DNA sequencesusing some dinucleotide codings which are known to contribute to the intrinsicbending and flexibility properties of the DNA double helix. As an illustration,we report in Figure 9(c) the results obtained with the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) coding whenaveraging over the 16 yeast chromosomes. When comparing to the results obtainedwith the ‘Aiso’ (= ‘Tiso’) coding rule (i.e., A (T) that are not part of a dinucleotideAA (TT)), one observes a clear weakening of the LRC properties with the ‘Aiso’ (=‘Tiso’) coding, while the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) coding accounts for a major part of the LRCobserved with the ‘A’ and ‘Pnuc’ codings. Let us point out that this observation willbe the cornerstone of our analysis of LRC in the small-scale regime of genomicsequences, in relation with the existence of nucleosomes.

We have extended this wavelet based analysis of the scaling properties of DNAsequences to various fully sequenced eukaryotic, eubacterial and archaebacterialgenomes and also to viral DNA and RNA sequences [1, 2]. A general observationis the existence of a characteristic scale wc � 100 − 200 bp that separates twodifferent monofractal scaling regimes whatever the coding rule used to digitize theDNA sequences. In the large-scale regime (200 � w � 1000), when using the‘Pnuc’ coding rule as well as the four elementary mononucleotide coding rules,strong LRC (H � 0.8 ± 0.1) are systematically observed in most DNA sequenceswhatever the organism, the kingdom and the coding or non-coding nature of thesequence under study. To what extent this long-range correlated large-scale regimeis universal, is still the subject of current research. Here, we will mainly concentrateour study on the small-scale regime (10 � w � 100−200 bp), with the specific goalto demonstrate that the LRC observed with the ‘Pnuc’ coding rule provide a ratheroriginal signature of the presence of nucleosomes. As control of this ‘nucleosomalhypothesis’, we will systematically investigate a number of eubacterial genomesfor possible LRC.

For a sake of simplicity, we will systematically report the results of our wavelet-based LRC analysis using the representation illustrated in Figure 3(b). The datacorresponding to different mono-, di- and tri-nucleotide coding rules will be com-pared on the range of scales 10 � w � 400 (in bp units). When the curve corres-ponding to some coding (e.g., ‘GG’ coding) will be missing or cut at very smallscales, this will mean that the density of the mono-, di- or tri-nucleotide underconsideration (e.g., GG) is too small for the investigation of the LRC propertiesover this range of scales to make any sense. In order to minimize this possible lackof statistics in the small-scale regime, we will mainly consider the ‘Aiso’ (=‘Tiso’),‘Giso’ (=‘Ciso’), ‘AA’ (=‘TT’) and ‘GG’ (=‘CC’), instead of the correspondingindividual mono- and di-nucleotide codings. We will not carry out a systematicinvestigation of the statistics of wavelet coefficients in the small-scale regime as

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Figure 10. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of the human chromosome 21(a-a′′), Drosophila melanogaster (b-b′′), Caenorhabditis elegans (c-c′′) and Arabidopsis thali-ana (d-d′′) genomes: log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w is plotted versus log10 w . The analyzingwavelet is the first-derivative of the Gaussian function g(1) (Figure 6(d)). (a-d) Comparativeanalysis of the ‘A’ (+‘T’) mononucleotide coding (solid line) with the ‘AA’ (=‘TT’) dinuc-leotide coding (dotted line) and the ‘Aiso’ (=‘Tiso’) mononucleotide coding (dashed line).(a’-d’) Comparative analysis of the ‘G’ (+‘C’) mononucleotide coding (black solid line) withthe ‘GG’ (=‘CC’) dinucleotide coding (black dotted line) and the ‘Giso’ (=‘Ciso’) mono-nucleotide coding (black dashed line). (a′′-d′′) Comparative analysis of the ‘Pnuc’ coding(circles), the ‘DNase’ coding (triangles) with the ‘A’ (+‘T’) mononucleotide coding (solidline) and the ‘G’ (+‘C’) mononucleotide coding (black solid line). For the coding rules, seeMaterials and Methods.

illustrated in Figures 7 and 8 for the bacteriophage λ and S. cerevisiae respect-ively (Preliminary results suggest that some departure from Gaussian pdfs maysometimes be observed with some coding rules mainly for eukaryotic genomes).

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In Figure 10 and Table I are reported the results of a wavelet transform analysis ofvarious eukaryotic genomes in the small-scale monofractal scaling regime. In Fig-ure 10 are illustrated the data for the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of the human chro-mosome 21 (Figure 10(a-a′′)), Drosophila melanogaster (Figure 10(b-b′′)), Caen-orhabditis elegans (Figure 10(c-c′′)) and the Arabidopsis thaliana (Figure 10(d-d′′)) genomic sequences using various mono-, di- and tri-nucleotide codings. Theconsidered analyzing wavelet is the first-derivative of the Gaussian function g(1)

(Figure 6(d)). In Table I are reported the estimates of the Hurst exponent H whenperforming a linear regression fit of the data over the range 10 ≤ w ≤ 100. Asa first general observation, there exist significant LRC in every examined euka-ryotic DNA sequence when using the ‘Pnuc’ coding rule (Figure 10(a′′-d′′)). Forexample, one gets the following estimate of the Hurst exponent for the eukaryoticsequences illustrated in Figure 10: H = 0.67 ± 0.04 (Human chromosome 21),0.62 ± 0.03 (Drosophila melanogaster), 0.66 ± 0.06 (Caenorhabditis elegans) and0.60 ± 0.07 (Arabidopsis thaliana), i.e. values which are all significantly largerthan the theoretical prediction H = 1/2 for uncorrelated sequences. Some LRCare also observed when using the ‘DNase’ coding rule in Figure 10(a′′-d′′), but theyare systematically weaker than those identified with the ‘Pnuc’ coding rule. For thesake of comparison, one gets the following estimates H = 0.59 ± 0.04 (Humanchromosome 21), 0.56±0.03 (Drosophila melanogaster), H = 0.59±0.05 (Caen-orhabditis elegans) and 0.55±0.02 (Arabidopsis thaliana). Let us point out that, incontrast to the above observation, the estimates obtained for the yeast genome arequite comparable: H = 0.54 ± 0.01 with the ‘Pnuc’ coding and H = 0.54 ± 0.02with the ‘DNase’ coding.

Another rather general observation is the fact that LRC are also observed witheach of the four mononucleotide codings (Figures 10(a′′-d′′)). However, quite sys-tematically, the data obtained with the ‘Pnuc’ coding yield a larger (when theyare not in good agreement) estimate of the strength H of the LRC than the val-ues obtained with the mononucleotide codings. This is particularly true in Figure10(c′′) for the Caenorhabditis elegans genome, where the mononucleotide codingsprovide results which are in remarkable agreement with the data obtained withthe ‘DNase’ trinucleotide coding but which are definitely smaller than the corres-ponding ‘Pnuc’ data. The remarkable feature in this case is that the ‘AA’ (=‘TT’)dinucleotide coding in Figure 10(c) reproduces quite well the ‘Pnuc’ data. Indeedthe estimate H = 0.63 ± 0.05 is the largest value obtained with this dinucleotidecoding overall our set of eukaryotic genome sequences. Let us emphasize that the‘Aiso’ (=‘Tiso’) coding in Figures 10(a-d) strongly deviates from the ‘AA’ (=‘TT’)coding and fails to account for the strength of the LRC exhibited with the ‘Pnuc’coding. It is also rather clear in Figures 10(a’-d’), that the ‘Giso’ (=‘Ciso’) codingdoes not participate to a large extent to the LRC revealed by the ‘Pnuc’ coding.Note that when the density of ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’) dinucleotides allows us to investigate

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LRC, these LRC are quantitatively similar to the ones observed with the ‘Pnuc’coding ( Figures 10(a’-d’)).

As a final observation, let us point out that, as reported in Table I, the mainfeatures recognized in the results illustrated in Figure 10 are quite characteristicof other eukaryotic genomes such as warm and cold blooded vertebrates as wellas invertebrates and plants. A systematic investigation of the WT coefficient pdfssuch as done in Figure 8 for the yeast chromosome 1, confirms a definite changeof shape of these pdfs for a characteristic scale wc which may be closer to 100 bpfor certain organisms than to 200 bp as observed for the yeast chromosomes.


In Figure 11 and Table I are reported the results of a wavelet transform analysisof the scale-invariance properties of complete eubacterial genomes that belongto the following groups: Proteobacteria, Gram-Positive, Spirochaetes, Cyanobac-teria, Thermotogales and Chlamydiae. In Figure 11 are illustrated the data for ther.m.s. of WT coefficients of some selected complete eubacterial genomes that arerepresentative of the results obtained for other genomic sequences in these variousgroups. The visualized range of scales is the same as for the eukaryotic sequencesin Figure 10, as well as the analyzing wavelet g(1). In Table I are reported theestimates of the Hurst exponent H when performing a linear regression fit of thedata over the same range of scale as before, i.e., 10 ≤ w ≤ 100. In eubacterialgenomes, the characteristic scale wc that separates the small-scale and the large-scale monofractal regimes is better defined and slightly greater than what we haveobserved for common eukaryotic genomes, i.e., wc is more likely about 200 bp(see also Figure 3). Note that this scale is about the size of the persistence lengthof the DNA heteropolymer while the characteristic scale observed for eukaryoticgenomes is more compatible to the 100 − 150 bp long DNA regions which arewrapped around histone proteins to form the eukaryotic nucleosomes [4, 6].

The main observation when examining the data in Figure 11, is that whatever thecoding rule used to digitize the eubacterial DNA sequences, one does not observeany evidence of a possible existence of LRC. As one can check quantitatively inTable I, the estimates of the Hurst exponent H all fall in the range 0.48 � H �0.52 and therefore cannot be distinguished from the canonical value H = 1/2 foruncorrelated sequences. Indeed, all the curves in Figure 11 are quite parallel, if notalmost superimposed, to the theoritical straight-line corresponding to H = 1/2.The results reported in Figure 11(a′′-d′′), provide a remarkable demonstration thatwhatever the coding tables used to modelling DNA local bending and flexibilityproperties, one does not get any footprint of the possible existence of LRC. Both‘Pnuc’ and ‘DNase’ codings yield similar quantitative estimates of H = 0.50 ±0.02 than those obtained with the four mononucleotide codings. This contrasts withwhat we have observed for eukaryotic sequences that do contain nucleosomes andthat systematically exhibit LRC in the small-scale regime.

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Table I. Values of the Hurst exponent H in the small-scale regime. This exponent is estimatedusing our wavelet based method as described in Theoretical Concepts and Methodology. Thenumbers in each line correspond to a linear regression fit of log10 σWT (w) versus log10 w, in the10(20)−100 bp range, for the indicated sequence or set of sequences. The error bars are estimatedfrom the fluctuations of the local slope of the data in this range of scales. Each column indicatesthe coding rule that is used (Materials and Methods). n.a., non attributed, when the statisticalsample is not large enough to allow reliable measurements

PNuc DNase AA Aiso A GG Giso G

(= T T ) (= Tiso) (+T ) (= CC) (= Ciso) (+C)

Homo sapiens 0.67 0.59 0.64 0.55 0.61 n.a. 0.54 0.59±0.04 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.03

Homo sapiens 0.68 0.60 0.64 0.54 0.60 n.a. 0.54 0.60Introns ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01

Homo sapiens 0.55 0.49 n.a. 0.50 0.53 0.54 0.51 0.54Exons ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01

Exons 0.53 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.53 n.a. 0.50 n.a.GC%< 50 ±0.04 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02

Exons 0.55 0.50 n.a. 0.52 0.53 0.56 0.53 0.58GC%< 60 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.03

Danio rerio 0.61 0.58 0.58 0.58 0.60 n.a. 0.56 0.57±0.05 ±0.03 ±0.05 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.06

Drosophila 0.62 0.56 0.60 0.59 0.63 n.a. 0.56 0.61melanogaster ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.01 ±0.06

Caenorhabditis 0.66 0.59 0.63 0.56 0.59 n.a. 0.57 0.62elegans ±0.06 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.04 ±0.07

Arabidopsis 0.60 0.55 0.58 0.55 0.60 n.a. 0.54 0.58thaliana ±0.07 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.07

Saccharomyces 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.55 0.57 n.a. 0.52 0.53cerevisiae ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.03

Herpesviridae 0.57 0.52 n.a. 0.53 0.53 0.57 0.53 0.59±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01

Adenoviridae 0.57 0.53 0.55 0.54 0.53 n.a. 0.52 0.54±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.02

Melanoplus 0.51 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.49 n.a. 0.49 0.51sanguinipes ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01

Vaccinia virus 0.51 0.49 0.51 0.50 0.48 n.a. 0.51 0.48±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.01 ±0.01

Positive-strand 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.53 0.50 n.a. 0.53 0.49ssRNA viruses ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02

dsRNA viruses 0.55 0.49 n.a. 0.51 0.50 0.53 0.53 0.51±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.01

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Table I. Continued

PNuc DNase AA Aiso A GG Giso G

(= T T ) (= Tiso) (+T ) (= CC) (= Ciso) (+C)

Human 0.62 0.50 0.53 0.51 0.49 n.a. 0.62 0.54Spumaretrovirus 0.22 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.04 ±0.02

Retroviridae 0.57 0.50 0.57 0.51 0.53 0.61 0.56 0.54±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01

Escherichia 0.49 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.50 0.50coli ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01

Rickettsia 0.54 0.50 0.54 0.52 0.52 n.a. 0.52 0.51prowazekii ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.03

Helicobacter 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.52 n.a. 0.50 0.55pylori 26695 ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.01 ±0.04 ±0.03 ±0.03

Chlamydia 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.46 n.a. 0.51 0.49trachomatis ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01

Treponema 0.54 0.51 0.50 0.51 0.50 0.49 0.53 0.50pallidum ±0.04 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.01

Mycoplasma 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52pneumoniae ±0.04 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.01

Bacillus 0.51 0.49 0.50 0.51 0.52 n.a. 0.50 0.51subtilis ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01

Synechocystis 0.51 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.49 0.49 0.51PCC6803 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.01

Thermotoga 0.52 0.49 0.52 0.51 0.51 0.52 0.51 0.50maritima ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02

Aquifex 0.57 0.51 0.57 0.51 0.54 0.52 0.51 0.53aeolicus ±0.04 ±0.02 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02

Bacteriophage 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.49 n.a. 0.53 0.47T4 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01

Bacteriophage 0.49 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.51 n.a. 0.51 0.50SPBc2 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01

Thermoplasma 0.56 0.50 0.52 0.50 0.54 0.52 0.51 0.51acidophilum ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.02

Methanococcus 0.56 0.52 0.55 0.51 0.55 n.a. 0.51 0.53jannaschii ±0.05 ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.04 ±0.02 ±0.02

Pyrococcus 0.52 0.51 0.53 0.51 0.53 0.50 0.51 0.52horikoshii ±0.04 ±0.02 ±0.04 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02

Archaeoglobus 0.54 0.51 0.52 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.52 0.58fulgidus ±0.05 ±0.02 ±0.05 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02

Aeropyrum 0.53 0.51 n.a. 0.50 0.48 0.50 0.51 0.58pernix ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.01 ±0.02

Sulfolobus 0.54 0.50 0.53 0.51 0.53 n.a. 0.51 0.55solfataricus ±0.03 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02 ±0.01 ±0.02

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Figure 11. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of Escherichia coli (a-a′′),Bacillus subtilis (b-b′′), Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 (c-c′′) and Thermotoga maritima(d-d′′): log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w is plotted versus log10 w . The analyzing wavelet is thefirst-derivative of the Gaussian function g(1) (Figure 6(d)). The various curves correspond tothe same mono-, di- and tri-nucleotide coding rules as in Figure 10.

Finally, let us mention that two eubacterial genomic sequences (among 29 ex-amined sequences) exhibit rather strong LRC with the ‘Pnuc’ coding (Table I)namely Buchnera sp. (H = 0.59 ± 0.02) and Aquifex aeolicus sp. (H = 0.57 ±0.04). In three cases, weaker detectable LRC are identified like for Rickettsia pro-wazekii (H = 0.54 ± 0.03) as reported in Table I.


Most dsDNA eukaryotic viruses replicate in the cell nucleus of their host in whichtheir genomic DNA molecules associate to the host histones to form nucleosomes

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Figure 12. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of viral DNA genomes: averageover 7 complete genomes of Herpesviridae (a-a′′), average over 3 complete genomes of Aden-oviridae (b-b′′), Vaccinia virus (c-c′′) and bacteriophage T4 (d-d′′). log10 σWT (w)−0.6 log10 wis plotted versus log10 w . The analyzing wavelet is the first-derivative of the Gaussian functiong(1) (Figure 6(d)). The various curves correspond to the same mono-, di- and tri-nucleotidecoding rules as in Figure 10.

(for a review see [135]). In the line of our previous observations, it can then beexpected than the genome sequences of eukaryotic viruses present LRC in thesmall-scale range. We have performed the wavelet based statistical analysis ofa number of dsDNA eukaryotic viruses which are known to form nucleosomesin the cell nucleus, namely Herpesviruses [136] and Adenoviruses [137]. Small-scale LRC are clearly detected in these genomes as shown in Figures 12(a-a′′)and 12(b-b′′). In this case, LRC are clearly detected with the ‘Pnuc’ coding rule(H = 0.57 ± 0.01) but not with the ‘DNase’ coding rule (H = 0.52 ± 0.02) asillustrated in Figures 12(a′′) and 12(b′′). Note that as illustrated in Figures 12(a’)

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and 12(b’), the LRC observed with the ‘Pnuc’ coding are quite comparable to theones exhibited by the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) and ‘GG’ (=‘CC’) dinucleotide codings aspreviously observed for eukaryotic genomes. In particular, one gets the follow-ing estimates H = 0.56 ± 0.01 for Adenoviridae with the former coding andH = 0.57 ± 0.02 for Herpesviridae with the latter coding. We have also investig-ated the existence of LRC in Poxviruses. The Poxviridae constitute the only familyof animal viruses whose genome does not replicate in the cell nucleus, suggest-ing that genomic DNA should not associate with the host cell’s histones. Indeed,these exhibit H values very close to 1/2 (see Table I) in the small-scale range asillustrated in Figure 12(c-c′′) for Vaccinia virus. In the case of the prokaryotic DNAviruses, no LRC are detected in the 10−200 bp range, as examplified by the T4 andthe SPBc2 bacteriophages in Figure 12(d-d′′) and Table I. Note that no one of theconsidered mono-, di- or tri-nucleotide codings do exhibit any evidence for LRC;the reported estimates fot the corresponding H values in Table I do not deviatesignificantly from the value H = 1/2 for uncorrelated sequences. These resultsshow that prokaryotic viral sequences present DNA texts, as well as DNA bendingprofiles identical to those exhibited by their hosts genomes (Figure 11).


We have further extended our wavelet-based analysis to viral RNA genomes. Thebending profiles based on the Pnuc and DNases tables present no relevance forsingle- and double-stranded RNA molecules. However, the analysis has been car-ried out for RNA genome sequences as for DNA genomes in order to allow numer-ical comparisons. We have examined several classes of single-stranded plus andminus (data not shown) RNA genomes , as well as double-stranded RNA genomes.The results reveal the absence (or very weak) LRC in these sequences as shown inFigures 13(a-a′′) and 13(b-b′′) respectively. The numerical estimates of H in TableI corroborate the visual estimates one can perform by a direct look at the curves inFigures 13; these do not significantly deviate from the H = 0.5 straight-line forssRNAp and this for all codings. For dsRNA, similar estimates are obtained exceptfor the ‘Pnuc’ coding which exhibits weak LRC with H = 0.55 ± 0.01 (remindsthat the Pnuc table has no structural significance for dsRNA molecules). We havealso examined, but separately, the case of retroviruses since the retroviral genomesare inserted, as double-stranded DNA, in the host genome. We see respectively inFigure 13(c-c′′) and Figure 13(d-d′′) the results obtained for Spumaretrovirus andfor a group of several distantly related retroviruses. It appears clearly that on thecontrary to the other RNA viral genomes, the retroviral sequences exhibit LRC withH = 0.57 ± 0.03 in the 10 − 100 bp range for the ‘Pnuc’ coding (which contrastswith their total absence for the ‘DNase’ coding) as in their host genomic sequences.Significant LRC are also observed with mono- and di-nucleotide codings, althoughto a less extent with the ‘A’ (+ ‘T’) and ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) codings.

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Figure 13. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of viral RNA genomes: averageover 20 complete genomes of positive strand ssRNA viruses (a-a′′), average over 4 completegenomes of double strand RNA viruses (b-b′′), complete genome of Spumaretrovirus (c-c′′)and average over 6 complete genomes of retroviruses (d-d′′). log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w isplotted versus log10 w . The analyzing wavelet is the first-derivative of the Gaussian functiong(1) (Figure 6(d)). The various curves correspond to the same mono-, di- and tri-nucleotidecoding rules as in Figure 10.


Histones are known to exist not only in most eukaryotes but also in euryarchaeota, aclass of the prokaryotic domain (for a review see [60]). Despite the large differencein euryarchaeotic and eukaryotic genome sizes, it appears that apparently similararchitectural motifs function to package DNA in both types of organisms, the ar-chaeal nucleosomes being constituted by histone tetramers [58, 138]. Furthermore,histone packaging of DNA has apparently imposed similar constraints on the gen-omes of both types of organisms to direct nucleosomes positioning, involving for

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Figure 14. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of Archaebacterial completegenomes: Thermoplasma acidophilum (a-a′′), Methanococcus jannaschii (b-b′′), Pyrococcushorikoshii (c-c′′) and Aeropyrum pernix (d-d′′). log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w is plotted versuslog10 w . The analyzing wavelet is the first-derivative of the Gaussian function g(1) (Figure6(d)). The various curves correspond to the same mono-, di- and tri-nucleotide coding rules asin Figure 10.

example the AA (=TT) dinucleotides [40]. These various observations prompted usto examine the complete genomes of euryarchaeota identified to contain histones(M. jannaschii, P. horikoshii, A. fulgidus) for the presence of LRC in the DNA text,as well as in the ‘Pnuc’ and dinucleotide bending codings. We have also examinedthe sequences of one euryarchaeota T. acidophilum and of two crenarchaeota (A.pernix, S. solfataricus) which do not have histones.

As observed in Figure 14(a-c), mild LRC are detected with the ‘A’ (+ ‘T’)mononucleotide coding in the genomes of T. acidophilum, M. jannashii and P.horikoshii. Similar LRC are observed with the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) dinucleotide coding,as well as with the ‘Pnuc’ coding, but not with the ‘Aiso (= ‘Tiso’) (see Table I).

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For example, for the M. jannashii genome, H = 0.55 ± 0.04 with the ‘A’ (+ ‘T’)coding, H = 0.55 ± 0.03 with the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) coding and H = 0.56 ± 0.05with the ‘Pnuc’ coding. On the contrary, the mononucleotide ‘G’ (+ ‘C’) as wellas the ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’) and ‘Giso’ (= ‘Ciso’) codings present a total absence of LRC.For the genome of A. pernix, a contrasted situation is observed with the ‘G’ (+‘C’) coding which presents strong LRC (H = 0.58 ± 0.02) but no LRC with ‘GG’(= ‘CC’) (H = 0.50 ± 0.01). This result differs from what we have observedwith the eukaryotic genomes, for which the LRC obtained with ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’) arealways comparable to the LRC evidenced with the ‘G’ (+ ‘C’) coding as seen inFigure 10(a’-d’). On the other hand, we observe little LRC with the ‘Pnuc’ codingin the A. pernix genome (H = 0.53±0.01) which is consistent with the absence ofLRC with the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) and ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’) codings. The observation of LRCwith the ‘PNuc’ and ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) codings in euryarchaeotic genomes that containhistones is consistent with the observation that archaeal nucleosome packaginginvolves sequence regularities similar to those of eukaryotic nucleosomes. How-ever, similar small-scale LRC are also observed in the genome of T. acidophilum,which does not contain histones. In addition, the observation of LRC between‘G’ (+ ‘C’) nucleotides, and simultaneously of no LRC between ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’)dinucleotides (in A. pernix, S. Solfataricus and A. fulgidus) reveals a new typeof correlations which is unprecedented in all eukaryotic and eubacterial genomesexamined in this work. Together, these particularities indicate that small-scale LRCin archaebacterial genomic sequences present specific features that remain to beinvestigated.


We report in Figure 15, the results concerning the human introns and coding exons.As shown in Figure 15(a-a′′), LRC are observed for intronic sequences with the‘Pnuc’ coding (H = 0.68 ± 0.02) and mainly originate from the LRC induced bythe distribution of the dinucleotides AA and TT (H = 0.64±0.01). These data arein remarkable agreement with the results reported in Figure 10(a-a′′) for the humanchromosome 21 which corroborates the fact that intronic sequences present LRCproperties strongly similar to those of intergenic regions (about 80 % of the humangenome corresponds to intergenic regions).

We have reproduced this analysis for human coding exons in Figure 15(b-b′′). On the contrary to the conclusions of the pioneering statistical analysis ofDNA sequences [61, 62, 63, 64, 69, 75, 99], there exist LRC in the human exonicsequences when one considers the ‘Pnuc’ coding. These LRC are not as strongas in the intronic sequences but they are characterized by an average Hurst valueH = 0.55 ± 0.01, a value which is significantly larger than the theoretical predic-tion H = 1/2 for uncorrelated sequences. We have shown in a previous work [123]that the strength H of the LRC observed in both the human introns and exons def-initely increases when increasing the (G+C) content of the sequence under study.

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Figure 15. Global estimate of the r.m.s. of WT coefficients of human introns and exons:average over 2184 introns of length larger than 800 bp (a-a′′); average over 226 exons oflength larger than 600 bp (b-b′′); average over 82 exons of length larger than 600 bp andwith a G+C content less than 50% (c-c′′); average over 73 exons of length larger than 600 bpand with a G+C content larger than 60% (d-d′′). log10 σWT (w) − 0.6 log10 w is plotted versuslog10 w . The analyzing wavelet is the first-derivative of the Gaussian function g(1) (Figure6(d)). The various curves correspond to the same mono-, di- and tri-nucleotide coding rules asin Figure 10.

If one concentrates our WT analysis on the subset of human exons with a G+Ccontent larger than 60% as shown in Figure 15(d′′), we observe LRC with the‘Pnuc’ coding which are slightly larger than those obtained for the exons with aG+C content smaller than 50% (Figure 15(c′′)). This effect is strongly enhanced ifone considers the ‘G’ (+ ‘C’) and ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’) codings which lead to the Hurstexponent values H = 0.58 ± 0.03 and H = 0.56 ± 0.03 respectively. For exonswith a low G+C content, we see in Figure 15(c’), a total absence of LRC whenusing the same codings. Let us point out that very weak LRC are evidenced in

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human exons with the ‘A’ (+ ‘T’) and ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) codings (Figure 15(b-d)). Theunderstanding of the effect of the (G+C) content on the observed LRC is likely toprovide new insight into the mechanisms that govern the wrapping of DNA aroundhistones to form nucleosomes. Work in this direction is in current progress.

4. Discussion


The existence and the significance of long-range correlations in genome nucleotidesequences is a long-debated problem which has been examined in a number of pre-vious works on a large variety of DNA sequences [61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71,99, 102, 115, 121]. In these studies, nucleotide sequences have been searched forcorrelations between the individual nucleotides of these sequences (A, G, T, C), orbetween particular ‘characters’ which can be encoded with these nucleotides (A orG, T or C, etc.). The observed correlations were mainly interpreted in the context ofparticular DNA informational contents like the coding/non-coding nature of DNAsegments (genes, exons) [61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 83, 85,86, 92, 99], or the presence of particular regularities resulting from the duplication-mutation events associated to genome dynamic [61, 75, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]. Inthe present work, we have enlarged the search for LRC in two different directions.First, we have performed systematic genome-wide studies of LRC in completegenomes over scale ranges which were as largely extended as possible (up to thou-sands of base-pairs) and this in an overview of organisms belonging to the threekingdoms, eukaryotes, eubacteria, archaebacteria, as well as in DNA and RNAviral genomes. Second, we have analyzed these genomes in a new perspective:our aim was to evidence LRC related to structural properties of the DNA mo-lecule [139] involved in the processes of chromatin packaging associated to thevarious mechanisms of gene expression, and during the successive stages of the cellcycle. This implied not to search genome sequences only for correlations between‘one-character’ motifs (DNA text), but rather between DNA segments or ‘words’known to be associated to the structural properties of the DNA double helix. Theanalyses were performed with the bending profiles obtained by coding the DNAsequences with these structural motifs. They were carried out in parallel with thestudy of the DNA text and they allowed us to evidence the existence of LRCbetween the structure-associated DNA words, as well as between mononucleotides.

Among the various properties exhibited by these LRC, the first outstanding fea-ture is the monofractal structure of the signals which allowed us to characterize theLRC in a defined scale range by a single Hurst exponent (see Theoretical Conceptsand Methodology). This led us to reveal in all the genomes examined, the existenceof a characteristic scale of about 100 − 200 bp that separates two different regimesof correlations. A first regime spans over a range of about 10 − 200 bp, which werefer to as the small-scale regime. The second regime (large-scale) extends fromabout 200 bp to much larger scales depending on the size of the sequence under

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study. As a general trait, the large-scale regime always presents very large valuesof H , in general H > 0.75, and this with very few exceptions, in all the organ-isms that we have analyzed in all three kingdoms. On the opposite to this robust‘stability’ of the large-scale regime across the diversity of genomes, the small-scale regime presents two different ranges of H values that depend on the class oforganisms. Indeed, in the small-scale regime, the eubacterial genomes cannot ingeneral be significantly distinguished from non-correlated sequences characterizedby H = 0.5. A totally different situation emerges from eukaryotic genomes. Theseexhibit H values significantly larger than 1/2, that reveal the existence of LRC.Furthermore, the presence of LRC in eukaryotic genomes and their absence ineubacterial genomes are common features observed with both types of sequencecodings, i.e. the coding with single nucleotides, as well as the ‘structural coding’with trinucleotides.



We conjectured that the biological processes that might require the presence ofLRC in eukaryotic genomes are related to the structure and the dynamics of theDNA molecule in chromatin. To test for this possibility, we searched for correl-ations between DNA sequence-dependent motifs that were likely to play a rolein the structure of chromatin. In eukaryotes, the first level of compaction of theDNA molecule consists in the solenoidal folding of the DNA molecule aroundthe histone octamer, which is favoured by the distribution of DNA bending sitesallowing a proper rotational orientation of the double helix relatively to the histoneprotein surface [7, 8]. Accordingly, previous works have determined sequence-dependent preferences for the bending of the DNA double helix around the corehistones [18, 19, 20, 21, 140, 141]. These allowed to set up a table of the bend-ing values (roll angles) associated to all tri-nucleotides [51], the PNuc table thatwe used to establish a ‘bending profile’ of the DNA sequence (see Materials andMethods). These profiles were then examined with the wavelet-transform modulusmaxima method (WWTM) to search for the presence of LRC [1, 2, 102, 115] (seeTheoretical Concepts and Methodology). As a control, we systematically analyzedthe bending profiles obtained with the alternative DNase table [125] based on thecutting of DNA by the DNase I enzyme. It does not present sequence specificitybut rather depends on the bending of DNA by the DNase I protein which differsfrom the bending by histones.

Since these various determinations led to differents sets of bending values, itwas of great interest to compare the results of the wavelet-based analyses of thecorresponding bending profiles. We observed that for most eukaryotic sequences,the bending profiles obtained with the Pnuc table (nucleosomal DNA) presented H

values similar to, or larger than those obtained with the DNA texts; on the opposite,the H values corresponding to the DNase table were significantly smaller (see

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Table I). For eubacterial sequences, in the small-scale range, the H values obtainedwith both the ‘Pnuc’ and the ‘DNase’ coding tables were similar to those of un-correlated sequences. We also measured the H values of bending profiles obtainedwith other bending tables. In all cases tested, they led to values which were smallerthan those obtained with the Pnuc table and generally larger than those obtainedwith the DNase table (data not shown). The main conclusion from these resultsis that LRC do exist in the ∼ 10 − 100 bp range between DNA bending sites ineukaryotic sequences and that these LRC are mostly ‘extracted’ from the sequenceby the ‘Pnuc’ coding. On the opposite, LRC are poorly detected by the ‘DNase’coding, as to some extent by the other types of codings of the DNA curvature.

Taken together, the studies of the eukaryotic and eubacterial genomes stronglysuggest that small-scale LRC are related to particular distributions of bending sitesin the ∼ 150 bp DNA regions which are wrapped around the core histones to formthe eukaryotic nucleosomes. This hypothesis can be tested by examining the LRCbetween individual DNA bending sites that contribute in large part to the bendingof nucleosomal DNA, like for instance the AA and GG dinucleotides. We thusexamined the LRC in bending profiles obtained with the dinucleotides AA, andcompared them to the profiles obtained with the A’s nucleotides that are not part ofa dinucleotide AA (‘Aiso’) (all A’s belong to one and only one of these two subsets).Similar analyses were carried out with GG and Giso. The results show that both AA(= TT) and GG (= CC) dinucleotides do present strong LRC. Furthermore, theseare in general close to, or larger than the values measured with the correspondingmono-nucleotide codings. For example, in the case of the human chromosome 21,H = 0.64 ± 0.02 with the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) coding and H = 0.61 ± 0.03 with the ‘A’(+ ‘T’) coding; similarly H = 0.59 ± 0.03 with the ‘G’ (+ ‘C’) coding. Consistantresults were obtained with other eukaryotic genomes although the GG distributionscould not always be examined by lack of abundance of this di-nucleotide (Figure 10and Table I). On the opposite, the ‘Aiso’ (= ‘Tiso’) as well as the ‘Giso’ (= ‘Ciso’)codings revealed significantly weaker LRC, respectively H = 0.55 ± 0.01 andH = 0.54 ± 0.02.

The hypothesis that these LRC are associated to the presence of nucleosomescan be further tested by searching for LRC in viral genomes. The wavelet basedanalysis of dsDNA eukaryotic viral genomes was thus performed for a numberof viruses whose genomic DNA is known to form nucleosomes in the cell nuc-leus, namely Herpesviruses [136] and Adenoviruses [137]. We also examined thegenomes of Poxviruses. These are the only animal viruses that replicate in the cyto-plasm, which implicates that their genomic DNA molecule is not expected to formnucleosomes. The results clearly reveal that all the examined viral genomes exhibitthe presence of LRC when using the ‘Pnuc’ coding table (e.g., H = 0.57 ± 0.01for our set of Herpesviruses) to the exception of the Poxviridae (e.g., H = 0.51 ±0.02 for Vaccinia virus). In parallel, we also examined the genomes of eubacterialDNA viruses which showed a total absence of LRC (Figure 12(d-d′′) and Table I).Overall, these results are in remarkable agreement with our hypothesis.

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To end up with this overview of complete genomes, we also examined thesequences of viral single strand and double strand RNA genomes. In the line ofour hypothesis, these are not expected to exhibit LRC except in the case of theretroviruses since their replication cycle includes the insertion of the double stran-ded DNA copy of the viral genome into the host genome. This copy of viral DNAis then associated with the host histones to form nucleosomes [142]. As shownin Figure 13, the results of these analyses demonstrate that the examined RNAgenomes do not deviate significantly from uncorrelated sequences, except for theretroviral genomes, which again strongly sustains our hypothesis.

Previous work has established the presence of LRC in coding sequences, inparticular in human coding exons which present a high (G+C) content [123]. Toconclude this study of LRC in biological sequences, we systematically reexaminedthis question with the various types of codings used here. We see in Figure 15(a-a’) that, as expected, the LRC exhibited by the human intronic sequences displaysimilar LRC than the overall genomic sequences for all coding rules (mononuc-leotides, dinucleotides, Pnuc and DNase). We also see in Figure 15(b’) that overallprotein coding exons display moderate LRC when using the ‘Pnuc’ coding. Wealso confirm that larger LRC are observed for high (G+C) containing exons butinterestingly, these are restrained to G and C mononucleotides (H = 0.58 ± 0.03)and GG (= CC) dinucleotides (H = 0.56 ± 0.03), and to the bending profile ob-tained with the ‘Pnuc’ coding (H = 0.55±0.02) as shown in Figure 15(d-d’). Thisobservation can be paralleled to the presence of LRC in viral DNA sequences thatare more pronounced with the GG (=CC) dinucleotides than with the AA (=TT)dinucleotides. This particularity might be related to the constraints exerted on theevolution of these sequences by their protein coding contents. This result extendsthe possibility that the formation of nucleosomes in exonic regions can involvesequence patterns that differ from those of intronic regions, as already suggestedby Baldi and collaborators [22].



An important point concerns the possibility that the LRC between DNA bendingsites might be a trivial observation. In effect, one might argue that since LRC existbetween all mono-nucleotides (DNA text), then any arrangement of nucleotides(words) should present as well similar LRC. The analyses with the various bendingtables demonstrate that, on the contrary, the choice of particular words can revealstrong LRC, as evidenced with the ‘Pnuc’ coding rule, while other types of codingdo not (e.g., ‘DNase’ coding). This is further evidenced by the fact that the A nucle-otides exhibit strong LRC when they belong to the AA di-nucleotide subgroup, butto a much lesser extent when they belong to the ‘isolated A′s’ subgroup. Finally,this is also strengthened by the analysis of the DNA profiles obtained with a modi-fied Pnuc coding table. This table is obtained by the shuffling of the Pnuc table and

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leads to a total vanishing of LRC (Figure 9(b)). These essential results demonstratethat the LRC observed between bending sites are not a trivial consequence of theexistence of LRC between single nucleotides. On the opposite, we can proposethat the latter should rather be considered as resulting from LRC between bend-ing sites. This does not mean that the Pnuc table allows the exact evaluation ofthe ‘words’ which are long-range correlated in all DNA sequences. However, thischaracterisation of the DNA bending sites issued from the analysis of nucleosomalDNA provides the coding which, among others, most efficiently detects LRC ingenomic sequences. Along this line, we notice that the analysis of the C. elegansgenome with the ‘AA” (= ‘TT’) dinucleotide coding reveals larger H values thanwith the ‘A’ (+ ‘T’) mononucleotide coding (Figure 10(c)). This suggests that thecontribution of AA dinucleotides to the formation of nucleosomes is increased inC. elegans as compared to other eukaryotic genomes (Human, D. melanogaster, A.thaliana, S. cerevisiae). This result can be paralleled with a previous work whichshowed with the Fourier transform technique, that the spectral component corres-ponding to AA (= TT) at the 10.2 bp periodicity is strongly enhanced in C. eleganscomparatively to S. cerevisiae [23].


Although the analysis of LRC in genome sequences is still at an early stage, wecan tentatively put the grounds of such mechanisms. The perfectly well estab-lished structure of nucleosomes dictates that the DNA sequence provides a properrotational orientation of the double helix around the core histone. It is admittedthat among the sequences that favour the formation of nucleosomes, those whichcontribute significantly to their positioning display a characteristic periodicity ofabout 10.2 bp, like for example the dinucleotides AA (=TT) and GG (=CC) whichare known to play a major role in the intrinsic bending and flexibility propertiesof the DNA double helix [20, 23, 25, 26, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48]. Actually, ithas been estimated that only a small fraction of about 5% of the genome presentsthis periodic sequence-directed nucleosome positioning properties, that are largerthan in the bulk genomic sequences. How sparsely are distributed these specificregions in genomic DNA ? This is still an open question. Periodic signals havebeen found in coding and non-coding sequences and are not restricted to partic-ular regions as promoters [23]. Indeed, one cannot exclude the possibility thatthe rather well positioned nucleosomes be concentrated in vast regions leadingto the formation of somehow distinct chromatin structures which may facilitateDNA function in a chromatin context, i.e. the functioning of particular genes orloci [24]. Since a large proportion (about 95%) of genomic DNA has a free energyfor nucleosome formation that little differs from that of random DNA, one maybe tempted to conclude that the DNA sequence has no appreciable influence onnucleosome formation for the vast majority of them. This is probably true as far asnucleosome positioning is concerned. What our analysis strongly suggests is that

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the LRC observed at small scales (< 200 bp) in eukaryotic genomes are mainlydevoted to the formation of the solenoidal supercoils of DNA in nucleosomes.We thus propose that, on the contrary to the tight histone binding obtained withan adequate periodic distribution of bending sites, LRC would allow the majorpart of the genome to facilitate the left-handed superhelical wrapping of DNA,whatever the positioning of the histone core. The fact that bending sites are long-range correlated means that these sites are more likely spatially distributed on apersistent Cantor set structure as sketched in Figures 1(b), 1(d) and 1(f). Thisobservation brings into light the possibility that the mechanisms underlying theinteractions between DNA and histones to form nucleosomes are multi-scale phe-nomena that involve the interplay of all scales up to 100 − 200 bp. The presenceof LRC between bending sites might not only reflect some mechanical and struc-tural ability of DNA to wrap around histones, but also some propensity of thenucleosomes to be dynamical structures that could favour an optimal comprom-ise between DNA compaction and accessibility constraints. During processes likereplication or transcription, the entire length of nucleosomal DNA is exposed (al-though not necessarily all at once) to the polymerases. Processes of ‘site exposure’more rapid than the characteristic time for nucleosome sliding has been presentedas an attractive model for the initial binding of regulatory proteins to nucleosomaltarget sites [31, 143]. The observed LRC between bending sites might play a role inthe dynamical DNA peeling off the histone octamer surface as well as in the mech-anisms by which the polymerases progress through nucleosomes. In this context,we propose that the LRC would facilitate the translational mobility (sliding) of thenucleosomes [144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150]. If one considers this mobilityas a diffusion mechanism along the DNA molecule, we can assume that the long-range correlated distribution of bending sites exerts a direct effect on this diffusionprocess. This effect effect might either increase the diffusion coefficient or lead toabnormal diffusion process in which the average rms distance covered after a givennumber of steps is larger than in classical Brownian motion. LRC between bendingsites would thus allow larger nucleosome displacement by ‘super-diffusive’ pro-cesses. This property is reminiscent of the larger black and white segments inducedby the presence of LRC in Figures 1(b), 1(d) and 1(f) compared to Figures 1(a), 1(c)and 1(e). The persistent nature of the scale invariant organisation of bending siteswould favour the overall dynamic of nucleosomes by allowing them to explorelarger DNA fragment. It would also offer an understanding of the modest freeenergy of nucleosome formation observed for most DNA sequences.

Following this vision of LRC associated to the superhelical states of DNA, wecan enlarge the interpretation of our results to the LRC observed at large scales(> 200 bp). This presence of strong large-scale LRC might favour the formationof large solenoidal supercoils that would contribute to the supercoiling of chro-matin. In eukaryotes, the LRC observed in the large-scale regime would favour theregular supercoiling of interphase chromatin by condensin [56, 151, 152, 153].We suggest that to some extent, this mechanism can be paralleled to the way

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small-scale LRC favour the supercoiling of nucleosomal DNA around the corehistone. Along this line, the LRC observed in the large-scale bacterial genomeswould, similarly as for eukaryotes, facilitate the supercoiling of DNA to achievethe condensation-decondensation processes of chromatin. These hypotheses con-stitute new directions for the study of the large-scale LRC and are currently underinvestigation.

5. Materials and Methods


To apply numerical methods to a DNA sequence {ni} consisting of four nucleotidesA, G, T and C, one needs to map the corresponding text on a digital sequence {ui}.In previous works [102, 115, 123], we have mainly used the three independentbinary mapping rules based on identifying two by two the four bases [72, 109].For example, the purine-pyrimidine distinction rule amounts to code the purines(A or G) by 1 and the pyrimidines (C or T) by −1. These binary codings haveproved to be very convenient to convert DNA sequences into ‘DNA walks’ usingui as an incremental variable, the graph of the DNA walks being defined by thecumulative variable f (k) = ∑k

i=1 ui [64, 102, 109]. Let us point out that theHurst exponent H defined in equations (2) and (8) actually characterizes the globalregularity properties of the fractal landscape of the graph f (k) of the consideredDNA walk [102].

In this work, we use different mapping rules based on the identification ofmono-, di- or tri-nucleotides. These codings are actually inspired from the binarycoding method extensively used by Voss [65, 67] and which consists in decom-posing the nucleotide sequence into four sequences corresponding to A, G, T or C,coding with 1 at the considered nucleotide positions and 0 at the other positions. Toinvestigate the scale-invariance properties of the fluctuations of the local bendab-ility/bending distribution of DNA, we use specific trinucleotide codings which areno longer binary codings since they consist in using the numerical values providedby the Pnuc [51] and DNase [125] tables respectively.

5.1.1. Mononucleotide Coding Rules

As mentioned just above, one can define the ‘A’, ‘G’, ‘T’ and ‘C’ coding rules, byputting 1 at the considered nucleotide positions and 0 at the other positions. Thesemononucleotide codings allow us to study the way that each nucleotide A, G, Tand C is distributed along the DNA sequence.

With the specific goal to compare the statistical distribution of some isolatednucleotides, e.g., the adenines that are not part of a dinucleotide AA, to the overalldistribution of the considered nucleotide, e.g. all adenines, we define the binarycoding rules ‘Aiso’, ‘Giso’, ‘Tiso’ and ‘Ciso’. These rules consist in coding by 1 atthe considered nucleotide positions provided the two nearest neighbour nucleotides

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be different from the considered nucleotide and 0 at the other positions. To improvestatistical convergence, we mainly report results obtained with the ‘Aiso’ (=‘Tiso’)and ‘Giso’ (= ‘Ciso’) codings which respectively amount to code with 1 both theisolated A and T on the one hand or both the isolated G and C on the other hand.

5.1.2. Dinucleotide Coding Rules

As alternative mapping rules, one can process DNA sequences looking for therespective distributions of each one of the sixteen dinucleotides. In the presentstudy, we report results obtained with particular dinucleotides which are known toparticipate to the positioning and formation of nucleosomes [26]. The ‘AA’, ‘GG’,‘TT’ and ‘CC’ coding rules consist in coding with 1 at the considered nucleotidepositions provided at least one of the nearest neighbour nucleotides be the samenucleotide and 0 at the other positions. Note that very much like for the isolatedmononucleotide coding rules and for the same reasons, most of the results reportedin this work correspond to using the ‘AA’ (= ‘TT’) and ‘GG’ (= ‘CC’) dinucleotidecodings.

5.1.3. Trinucleotide Coding Rules

In the context of the present study which is mainly devoted to extracting the struc-tural information which is encoded in the primary DNA sequences, we considerthe two trinucleotide coding rules given by the Pnuc and DNase tables reportedrespectively in [51] and [125]. As previously emphasized, these tables are likely toprovide pertinent codings of the local bending and flexibility properties of the DNAdouble helix. The former is deduced from experimentally determined nucleosomepositioning [43]. The later is based on sensitivity of DNA fragments to the enzymeDNase I [52, 154]. The ‘Pnuc’ and ‘DNase’ trinucleotide coding rules are thusdefined by coding the nucleotide ni at position i by the numerical value givenby either one of these tables for the trinucleotide defined by this nucleotide and itstwo nearest neighbours, i.e., the triplet (ni−1, ni, ni+1). A complete coding of DNAsequence is achieved by repeating this operation for all the positions i from 2 toL − 1, where L is the overall length of the sequence.


All genomes, chromosomes and contigs were down-loaded using either one of thefacilities offered at EBI ( or at NCBI( The following sequences were analyzed, Homosapiens chromosome 21 (from NCBI); Danio rerio, AF112374; Drosophila melano-gaster, AE002602; Caenorhabditis elegans chromosome 1 (from NCBI); Arabidop-sis thaliana chromosome 2, AE002093; Saccharomyces cerevisiae 16 chromo-somes: U00091, Y13136, Y13137, Y13138, Z71257, Y13139, Y13140, U00094,Y13134, X59720, Z71256, U00092, D50617, Y13135, U00093, Z47047. For the

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family of Herpesviruses, 7 genomes were chosen in the subfamilies of Alpha-herpesviruses, AJ004801, AF030027, X14112; Betaherpesviruses, X17403;Gammaherpesviruses, AF005370, V01555; and one unclassified, AB049735. Forthe Adenoviruses, 3 genomes were analyzed: human adenovirus type 5, M73260;ovine adenovirus isolate 287, U40839; turkey adenovirus 3, AF074946. For thePoxviruses, 2 genomes were studied: Vaccinia virus (strain Tan Tan), AF095689;Melanoplus sanguinipes, AF063866. For positive single strand ssRNA viruses, 20genomes were studied (all pairs presented less than 50% identity): AF022937,D86371, M87512, M95169, Y10237, U15146, Y07862, X97251, U05771, U38304,U27495, AF029248, M12294, AF039204, AF046869, AF056575, AF094612,X04129, M31182, Y18420. For double strand RNA viruses, 4 genomes were chosenin the families of Totiviruses, L13218, AF039080; Hypoviruses, AF082191; andCystoviruses, AF226851. For retroviruses, one genome was chosen in each of the7 retrovirus genera: Lentiviruses, L07625; Spumaviruses, U21247; Mammaliantype B retroviruses, M15122; Mammalian type C retroviruses, M23385; Aviantype C retroviruses, J02342; D-type retroviruses, M12349; BLV-HTLV retroviruses,K02120.

The following complete bacterial genomes and virus were analysed: Escheri-chia coli, U00096; Rickettsia prowazekii, AJ235269; Helicobacter pylori,AE000511; Chlamydia trachomatis, AE001273; Treponema pallidum, AE000520;Mycoplasma pneumoniae, U00089; Bacillus subtilis, AL009126; Synechocystissp. PCC6803, AB001339; Thermotoga maritima, AE000512; Aquifex aeolicus,AE000657; bacteriophage λ, J02459; bacteriophage T4, AF158101; bacteriophageSPBc2, AF020713; Thermoplasma acidophilum, AL139299; Methanococcus jan-nashii, L77117; Pyroccocus horikoshii (NCBI); Archaeoglobus fulgidus,AE000782; Aeropyrum pernix, (NCBI); Sulfolobus solfataricus (directly from CBR

For human exons and introns, we also present the results obtained after aver-aging over several sequences. We extracted all human exons and introns from theEMBL database release 57 and only kept a subset of sequences with a minimumlength of 600 bp for exons and 800 bp for introns and a maximum identity of 60%.Moreover, only intron sequences starting with GT and finishing with AG were kept.In the same manner, exon sequences were selected such that they were immediatelypreceded by AG and followed by GT dinucleotides and with a clearly defined phase(at least one stop codon in exactly two phases). These last criteria avoid selectingthe large non coding exons which can be found at both ends of gene sequences andthus guaranties that we work on coding exons only. Overall 226 exons and 2184introns were retained by this procedure.


This research was supported by the GIP GREG (project ‘Motifs dans les Séquences’)and by the Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la

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Recherche et de l’Insertion Professionnelle ACC-SV (project ‘Génétique et En-vironnement’) and the Action Bioinformatique. B. Audit is currently supported bya Marie Curie Fellowship of the European Community programme ‘Improving Hu-man Research Potential and the Socio-economic Knowledge Base’ under contractnumber HPMF-CT-2001-01321.


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