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Game Changers continued page 4 �

Waves of ChangeThe Campaign for pepperdine…Changing Lives

The Campaign for Pepperdine

It’s a new game for higher education at Pepperdine University.

Pepperdine hosted its 37th annual Pepperdine Associates dinner on April 6, 2013, exploring the theme “Changing the Game.” The sold-out event at the storied Beverly Hilton Hotel was chaired by Pepperdine regent and alumna Bui Simon (’96), president and founder of the nonprofit Angels Wings Foundation International, with husband Herb, Chairman Emeritus of the board of Simon Property Group and owner of the Indiana Pacers NBA basketball team.

“‘Changing the Game’ represents the relentless drive of the University … to make a difference,” Bui shared with the audience of 850. “Pepperdine Associates, through your steadfast support, are enabling Pepperdine to be that game-changing institution.”

“TonighT, we Turn

The page To The

nexT ChapTer of

one of The mosT

provoCaTive sTories

in higher eduCaTion...”

andrew K. Benton


Tim TeBow, adam housLey inspire aT 37Th annuaL pepperdine assoCiaTes dinner

Game Changers

SprinG 2013

Page 2: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

The Campaign for Pepperdine 2

from the CampaiGn for pepperdine

Greetings If you have spent as much time around Pepperdine University as I have, you no doubt share my excitement in the promise of the $450 million Campaign for Pepperdine. When I joined the just-formed University Affairs team in 1976, working for then-vice president Jim Wilburn as we raced to keep pace with our perpetual-motion president Bill Banowsky, I realized very quickly that there was something very special about this still-young but thriving university.

It was all about the people. Pepperdine is the students we serve, the faculty who teach them, the alumni living out our dreams, and you—the friends, foundations, and donors who believed in what this distinctive university could and would accomplish. People continue to reside at the center of the Pepperdine universe. And our students—and you—make the Campaign for Pepperdine compelling, constant, and worthy of our ambitious goals.

This issue of Waves of Change sparkles with some of the 850 of you who gathered April 6 for the 37th annual Pepperdine Associates dinner. Tim Tebow wowed us with his heartfelt stories and commitment to helping the less fortunate. Our president delivered a command performance about building community at Pepperdine with the campaign’s largest priority, the University Events Center. Faithful friends and dozens of young alumni filled the Hilton to the hilt!

Now, turn these pages for a glimpse at what else has kept us busy this season. We dedicated the Barbera Information Gateway in Payson Library and celebrated the teaching and towering influence of Professor Wayne Strom. And in honor of our Weisman Museum’s 20th anniversary, we are showcasing this summer the gifts of art from the late Peggy and Eric Lieber, who recognized more than a decade ago that Pepperdine would preserve and share their collection of paintings and sculpture for the enjoyment of students and the wider community.

At Pepperdine, life is all about the people. Thank you for being part of our family.

Claudia Arnold PrestonCampaign Director and Vice Chancellor

Page 3: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

from the Campaign for pepperdine

Greetings eric and peggy Lieber

donaTe ConTemporary arT CoLLeCTionTo weisman museum

The Frederick R. Weisman Museum of Art announced a significant donation of contemporary art from the estate of

Eric and Peggy Lieber. Focusing on American art from the 1970s and 1980s, the gift consists of 30 works of art valued at over $1.6 million. The Liebers previously donated more than a dozen works between 2001 and 2007, representing the largest donation of art ever received by the Weisman Museum.

The collection includes post-minimalism, process, and assemblage art, as well as examples of pop art. Included are key works by renowned California artists such as Lynn Foulkes, Tim Hawkinson, David Hockney, Ed Kienholz, Michael C. McMillen, Gwynn Murrill, John Register, Peter Shelton, and the late Mike Kelley.

“This donation adds significant depth to our holdings of contemporary art,” said Michael Zakian, museum director. “Eric Lieber had studied art before entering a career in television and was always drawn to works that reveal the artist’s creative process.

This interest in unconventional methods and materials shaped the works he collected.”

The artwork also features pieces created by American artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat, Deborah Butterfield, Chuck Close, Nathan Oliveira, Larry Rivers, Andres Serrano, and Sean Scully, among others.

“The collection has so many extraordinary pieces,” said Michael. “If I had to select one favorite, it would be an untitled 1982 drawing by graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. This image features an array of the artist’s favorite and most famous symbols such as the crown, Lincoln penny, and lists of African American athletes. This work is a quintessential example from perhaps the best period of his tragically short career.”

Lieber continued page 11 �

Jean-Michel Basquiat (American, 1960 - 1988), untitled, 1982. Crayon and oil stick drawing on paper, 22 x 30 inches.

Nathan Oliveira (American, 1928 - 2010), Man with One Hand to Face, 1960. Oil painting on canvas, 30 x 24 inches.

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The Campaign for Pepperdine 4

President Benton with Crystal Wave Society inductees Luciana and Daniel Forge

Dinner Chair Bui Simon (’96)

Pepperdine benefactors Terry and Sharon Mullin, left, with Vice Chancellor Claudia Arnold Preston

Dinner sponsors Alida Calvillo, left center, and husband Stevan, right, with Graziadio professor Larry Cox, left, and daughter Alex, right center

Current Seaver student Seheri Swint with President Benton

From left, Kristen Rokus (’11), Jennifer Rokus, Tim Tebow, Jamie Rokus (’06), Tari Rokus (’76)

University Board members Robert Barbera and Lisa Smith Wengler

Galvanizing this call to change was NFL player Tim Tebow in conversation with alumnus and Fox News Channel correspondent Adam Housley (’94). Tim shared his ascent from his remarkable career at the University of Florida, where he became the first sophomore winner of the Heisman Trophy, to his position last season as quarterback for the New York Jets. Adam, whose résumé includes news coverage worldwide, was a pitcher for Pepperdine’s 1992 NCAA Championship baseball team and later joined the Milwaukee Brewers and Detroit Tigers MLB teams.

� Game Changers continued

37th ANNUAL PePPerdine AssociAtes dinner

Page 5: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

Dinner chair and regent Bui Simon (’96), center, with Board of Regents chair Ed Biggers and Paula Fong

JoAnne Rogers and Herb Nootbaar, left, with Vice Chancellor Sara Jackson (’74) and husband Sam (’75, EdD ’84)

School of Public Policy benefactors Jay and Dulce Hoffman, left, with Mireille and Barry Wolfe

President Benton with GSEP Board of Visitors member Roz Heyman

Seaver College campaign committee co-chair John Lewis (’83), right, with son Tim (’10) beside the Heisman Trophy

“We aspire for Pepperdine to be the ultimate game changer” said Keith Hinkle (JD ’97), senior vice president for advancement and public affairs. “Through our extraordinary scholarship, student life, and Christian heritage, we are moving the goal lines of the academic enterprise and how the educational game is played.”

Pepperdine’s own quarterback-in-chief, President Andrew K. Benton, concluded the evening with a message on the Campaign for Pepperdine and the University’s Campus Life Project, including news on the Mullin Town Square, student housing and recreation facilities, and the University Events Center.

“We envision the University Events Center as providing a heartbeat of student and alumni pride where, as with the Mullin Town Square, social capital is built,” President Benton reflected.

“Tonight, we turn the page to the next chapter of one of the most provocative stories in higher education. If the first chapter was about procurement, this chapter is about promise—promises made and promises fulfilled.” n

Page 6: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

The Campaign for Pepperdine 6

endowmenT for presidenTs and Key exeCuTives program

Graziadio alumni

Oh, to be stromatized as a Graziadio MBA.

The Graziadio School of Business and Management hosted a special tribute event in February, honoring Dr. Wayne Strom, Professor Emeritus of applied behavioral sciences and one of the business school’s first and longest serving faculty members. An institution at Pepperdine for more than 40 years, Professor Strom was a key architect of the Presidents and Key Executives (PKE) MBA, the Graziadio School’s premier degree program for business executives. “I had so many PKEs tell me how Wayne Strom had impacted their personal and professional development,” said Christine Bishop, director of Pepperdine’s Executive Associates program. “He had such a following and such a fan club, which inspired me to find a way to gather all of these individuals who had this collectively shared experience.”

And gather they did. More than 100 former students, colleagues, and friends assembled at the California Club in downtown Los Angeles to honor the contributions Professor Strom had made in their lives as students and business leaders. Special tribute speeches were offered by PKE alumni Earl Cummings (MBA ’09, PKE 122), David Neu (MBA ’09, PKE 122), Winifred Wilson (MBA ’00, PKE 104), and Steve Milovich (MBA ’99, PKE 102).

With this event, the Graziadio School also fulfilled a funding goal to honor Professor Strom’s legacy of teaching excellence, raising more than $160,000 from PKE alumni and friends to establish the PKE Wayne Strom Leadership Endowment. Gifts to the endowment will be used to raise the profile of Graziadio’s PKE program and further develop its branding and recruitment efforts.

From left, Tom Hajdu (MBA ’05, PKE 113), David DeRoo (MBA ’05, PKE 113), Paul Lasiter (’88, MBA ’05, PKE 113), Bob Mosbaugh (MBA ’05, PKE 113), Professor Strom, Wendy Mosbaugh, Larry Young (MBA ’05, PKE 113), Brett Johnson (MBA ’05, PKE 113)

Strom continued page 11 �


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Peer Review “I first met Wayne Strom when, during my first weeks as provost and his first months on the faculty, I witnessed his unique ability to discover in others a layer of reality that only a special few could notice and nurture. Later, when I was his student in the Presidential Key Executive (PKE) program, and subsequently as dean of the Graziadio School for a dozen years and fellow PKE professor, I had the pleasure of providing the final “bookend” course to Wayne’s profound first-course impact on senior leaders. Serving as his colleague in the classroom was my most rewarding role at Pepperdine, and across four decades I have encountered his students in a half dozen states, learning to anticipate what I know in advance I will hear from each one—‘Wayne Strom changed my life,’ for he has changed my own.”

James R. Wilburn Dean, School of Public Policy

Professor Strom with Dean Linda Livingstone

From left, Christine Bishop, Winifred Wilson (MBA ’00, PKE 104), Anna Wong

From left, Bob Van Dine (MBA ’91, PKE 83), Mary Beth Van Dine, Professor Strom, Lynn Powers (MBA ’91, PKE 83), Iris Shaver, Jon Shaver (MBA ’91, PKE 83)

Earl Cummings (MBA ’09, PKE 122), left, with PKE classmate David Neu (MBA ’09, PKE 122)

Page 8: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

The Campaign for Pepperdine 8

We are grateful to

the following major

benefactors whose

generous support in

recent months has

brought our total

to more than

$323 million.


Gifts pledgesJuLia donzis has established a $1.3 million charitable gift annuity for home totaling $1.3 million to benefit Pepperdine.

Thomas w. smiTh foundaTion pledged $450,000 to support the Ronald Reagan Endowed Professorship, James Q. Wilson Fellowship, and James Q. Wilson Legacy Conference at the School of Public Policy.

susan and wiLLiam (’84) gray committed $250,000 to support the Marv Dunphy Endowed Volleyball Fund.

p & p fLesChner famiLy TrusT donated $200,000 to support the Phil and Peggene Fleschner Endowed Scholarship at Seaver College.

e. & J. di LoreTo famiLy TrusT gave $150,000 supporting the Joseph and Michelina Di Loreto Endowed Scholarship, Di Loreto-McConnell Endowed Scholarship, Michelina Di Loreto Rainey Chapel, and Friends of Firenze.

wiLLiam e. simon foundaTion made an additional $150,000 commitment to the William E. Simon Distinguished Visiting Professorship at the School of Public Policy.

rosaLyn s. heyman provided an additional $100,000 to her charitable remainder unitrust to support the Heyman School Leadership Chair at the Graduate School of Education and Psychology.

wendy and wayne hughes made a significant commitment to support the Center for Faith and Learning, Center for Volunteerism and Community Service, and Veritas Forum.

Twanna (mBa ’77) and Tim (mBa ’77) rogers donated $100,000 to the Rogers Guardian Scholars Fund at Seaver College.

Page 9: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

Chancellor Emeritus Charlie Runnels thanks the Barberas for their support in creating Pepperdine’s “library of the future.”

universiTy LiBraries dediCaTes

Barbera information Gateway

University Libraries dedicated in February Payson Library’s new Barbera Information Gateway in honor of University Board member and University Libraries campaign committee chair Robert Barbera. Friends of Pepperdine for more than two decades, the Barberas are leading by example to create Pepperdine’s library of the future.

President Benton expresses appreciation to Jo and Robert for their friendship to Pepperdine.

Robert unveils new signage for the Barbera Information Gateway.

Provost Darryl Tippens, left, and Dean Mark Roosa, right, with Jo and Robert.

Page 10: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

about the CampaiGnThe Campaign for

Pepperdine, led by co-

chairs Marylyn Warren

(’58) and Glen Holden,

and seven volunteer-led

campaign committees, is

transforming the lives of

our students through four

aspirations that advance

learning, knowledge, and

scholarship; honor God and

our heritage of faith; build

community; and respect

diversity and promote

global understanding.

With “Changing Lives”

as the campaign theme,

Pepperdine has set a goal

of $450 million to support

student-centered priorities

to do just that—educate

our students to change lives

around the world.

Campaign fundS raiSed


*as of april 30, 2013


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The Campaign for Pepperdine 10


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Page 11: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

June 8

PePPerdine Polo ClassiC

Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet ClubCarpinteria, California

augusT 3

Graziadio sChool Graduation

Malibu Campus

evenTs on The horizon

for more information or to register for an event, please call

(310) 506-4448.

Prior to their passing, Eric and Peggy Lieber were career television producers. Eric created and produced television’s long-running dating show, Love Connection, which aired from 1983 to 1999. Peggy specialized in working with music artists and produced television specials for industry icons such as Barbra Streisand, Tony Bennett, and Herb Alpert.

“The Liebers donated the collection to Pepperdine because they wanted to share it with the public and thought we would be the best place to do that,” Michael explained. “Although this collection includes art any major American museum would proudly display, Mr. and Mrs. Lieber loved the idea that the art would go to a university museum where it would be appreciated by students and used as a learning resource.”

Selections from the Lieber donation are currently on display in a new exhibition of works from the permanent collection celebrating the 20th anniversary season of the Weisman Museum. Celebrating Two Decades: The Eric and Peggy Lieber Collection and Other Gifts will be on view to the public through August 4, 2013. n

“These [gifts] and all that we hope to raise for this fund … will benefit thousands of executives just like you who will join our distinguished graduates in the years and decades ahead,” said Linda Livingstone, dean of the Graziadio School.

During his Graziadio tenure, Professor Strom also served as associate dean, director of graduate programs, and chair of several of the school’s academic committees. A teacher and organizational specialist whose style was rooted in an applied understanding of human behavior, he received Pepperdine’s prestigious Howard A. White Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2010.

For more information or to contribute to the PKE Wayne Strom Leadership Endowment, please contact Christine Bishop at

(310) 568-5554 or [email protected].

Foreground: Deborah Butterfield (American, born 1949), Haku Mele, 1991. Cast bronze, 77 x 103 x 29 inches.

Background:Wesley Kimler (American, born 1953), Far from Habitation, 1987. Oil on Canvas.

� Strom continued

� Lieber continued

Page 12: Waves of change 8, game changers spring 2013

The Campaign for Pepperdine

PePPerdine University24255 Pacific Coast HighwayMalibu, CA 90263-4546

Contact UsThe Campaign and University Advancement teams at Pepperdine stand ready to respond to your inquiries. Contact us to discuss campaign opportunities and giving methods with you and your financial advisors. All inquiries will remain confidential. For more information, please call or e-mail:

S. Keith Hinkle (JD ’97) Senior Vice President for Advancement and Public Affairs(310) [email protected]

Claudia Arnold Preston Campaign Director and Vice Chancellor (310) [email protected]

Campaign Office(310)

Editor Nate Ethell (’08)Art Director Liz Waldvogel (’05)Photographer Ron Hall (’79)

Patti YomantasDirector, Advancement Communications

Published quarterly by the Office of University Advancement

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