Page 1: Ways to Days of Fas… · fore and during the fast. This will help flush poisons and im purities out of your system. Approximately
Page 2: Ways to Days of Fas… · fore and during the fast. This will help flush poisons and im purities out of your system. Approximately

Ways to Fast:

3 Consecutive weeks of the Pre-Fast Diet = 21


Daniel Fast for 21 Days = No Meats, No Sweets,

or bread—only drink water.

Using the Daniel Fast guidelines eat 1 meal per

day for 21 Days.

Nothing but liquids (juice, broth, soup) for 21


1st - 7 Days…….Pre-fast Diet

2nd - 7 Days…….Daniel Fast

3rd - 7 Days…….1 Meal per day

(Daniel Fast guidelines)

1st - 7 Days…….Pre-fast Diet

2nd - 7 Days…….1 Meal per day

(Daniel Fast guidelines

3rd - 7 Days…….Liquids (juice, broth, soup).

Rotate between 1 meal (Daniel Fast guidelines and

liquids only, every other day for 21 days.

You can choose to fast anything that is a sacrifice to

you. Example: Diet sodas, caffine, Television,

Internet, You favorite TV Show, Halo game, etc. Suggestions for Fasting: 1. Chart your course ahead of time so you will commit and not fail at your fast. 2. Get a partner to pray with you and stay accountable to. 3. Remember, fasting without prayer is only starving.

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1. Lost Family Saved 2. Bad Habits Broken 3. Good Habits Established 4. Witty Ideas 5. Clearer Understanding 6. Marriage Healed or Strengthened 7. Ministry Calling or Promotion

Church Prayer Focus 1. Proper Order For Advancement 2. Stewards Not Servants 3. Proper Attitude for Advancement 4. Favor with God and Man (in all areas of ministry to advance the

Kingdom). 5. Debt Elimination (church) 6. God Ordered Steps as we Advance.

Personal Declarations:_____________________________


Remember: Fasting also includes limiting secular television, video, internet, radio, books and sexual relations according to 1 Corinthians 7:5.

8. Greater Spiritual Intimacy 9. Gifts of Spirit Released 10. Miracles Manifested 11. Problems Solved 12. Conflicts Resolved 13. Debts Canceled

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Basic Fat –Burning Soup

(6) Lrg. Green onions (scallions or regular are fine)

(7) Green Peppers

(1 or 2) Large cans of tomatoes

(1) Bunch of Celery

(1) Large head of cabbage

(1) Pkg. of Lipton Onion Soup Mix with salt.

Pepper, curry, Parsley, etc. if desired or 6

bouillon cubes.

Cut vegetables in small to medium pieces and

cover with water.

Boil fast for ten minutes.

Reduce to simmer and continue cooking until

vegetables are tender.

This can be eaten anytime you are hungry. Eat as

much as you want, whenever you want and at any-

time of the day.

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Day One

All fruits except bananas. Your first day consists of all the

fruit you want, except bananas. Cantaloupes and water-

melons are lower in calories than most fruits. Eat only

your soup and fruits the first day. For drinks—

unsweetened tea, cranberry juice, or water.

Day Two

All vegetables. Eat unil you are stuffed with all the fresh,

raw, or cooked vegetables of your coice. Try to eat green,

leafy vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas and

corn. Eat all the vegetables you want along with your

soup at dinner time on this day, reward yourself with a big

baked potato and butter. Eat all the soup you want this

day, but don’t eat fruits.

Day Three

Mix day one and two. Eat all the soup, fruit and vegeta-

bles you want. You CAN’T have a baked potato on this


Day Four

Bananas and skim milk. Eat as many as eight bananas and

drink as many glasses of skim milk as you can on this day

along with your soup.

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Day Five

Beef and tomatoes (or salad). You may have 10 to 20

ounces this day. Try to drink as many as 6 to 8 glasses of

water this day to wash away the uric acid in your body.

Eat your soup at least once this day.

Day Six

Beef and veggies. Eat to your heart’s content of beef and

vegetables this day. You can even have two or three

steaks if you like with green leafy vegetables, but no

baked potatoes. Be sure to eat soup at least once this


Day Seven

Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables.

Again, stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff yourself. Be sure to eat soup

at least once today.

If you have lost more than 15 pounds, stay off

the diet for two days before resuming.

(from Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital [New Jersey]. Used

for overweight heart patients who need to lose rapidly, usu-

ally before surgery.)

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Excerpts from An Article by: Bob Rogers

The Remnant January 2002

Ten Fasting Tips

1. Headaches, bad breath and run down feelings are

signs that the fast is working.

During a time of fasting the body purifies it self, feeding off

of impurities and pollutants in the body. After approximately

three days the headaches begin to cease and after approxi

mately five days hunger also stops.

2. Fasting will not impair your health. On the contrary, fasting throughout history has been a pre

scribed method for healing.

3. Fasting will increase your faith.

The same member with which you speak the word of faith is

the same member with which you eat. That is the mouth. The

tongue speaks faith and eats food. Some unbelief cannot be

broken without fasting. Each day that you fast your faith is


4. Drink plenty of fluids.

Bottled mineral water should be taken in large quantities, be

fore and during the fast. This will help flush poisons and im

purities out of your system. Approximately one gallon a day

should be used in the cleansing process.

5. The hardest day of fasting is day one. The second hardest day is day two. It does not get harder, but

it actually gets easier. Your body becomes purified of poisons

and toxins.

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6. Fasting strengthens your inner will.

James says, “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Let not that man think that he will receive anything from the

Lord” (1:7-8). Your becoming hungry is not a reason to break

a fast. The only reasons you should break a fast are for medi

cal reasons or if God has dealt with you that it is time to break

the fast. You will not starve to death by fasting.

7. During the fast, focus on the Word of God.

Most of the direction that God speaks to His people comes

through the revelation of His Word. When you become

hungry, if you will read from the Word of God, you will be

satisfied of physical hunger.

8. During a fast you prayers need to be specific.

I encourage you to write down your greatest needs and pray

specifically over each need during this time of fasting. As God

impresses you with direction and guidance, jot down what

God speaks.

9. The Victory often comes after the fast is over.

When Jesus fasted, He was tempted by the devil. The power

Of the Holy Spirit came upon Christ after the fast. (Luke 4:14).

10. Wisdom Should be used in breaking the fast.

I suggest that you not eat meat and other hard to digest foods

The first few days after a fast. I instead eat foods which are

Very easy to digest. If you experience backaches during fast

ing, it is probably due to your kidneys and not your back at all.

Drink more water and the pain will go away. You need much

more water when you fast. Set aside this time of fasting in

Dedication to the Lord. Our purpose is to draw close to Him

and receive His guidance. He will help you as you commit

Each day to Him and pray.

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21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Ascending into the Glory—Isaiah 58 (NIV)

The true purpose of a holy fast is to love God without

distraction and to love people without reservation.

Isaiah 58 provides God’s blueprint for revival in the

church. It tells the steps we must take if we really

want to see the glory of God manifested in our lives.

Our church is entering a 21-day season of prayer and

fasting. We want to receive the maximum benefit

from this time of seeking God. Isaiah 58 tells us what

to do and what not to do during our time of fasting.

It is possible to fast and for God to not even notice.

(verse 3)! That is why it is so important for us to fast

correctly and to seek the Lord along the lines that

please Him.

In a fast, our relationships with others are brought to

the forefront because that is an area that God really

wants to work on in our lives.

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Eleven Changes in Our Hearts During a Fast

(verses 3—7)

Day 1 - Turning from Pleasure - verse 3

The Lord said that for a fast to be effective, we must begin by turning away

from pleasure. Television, the internet, video games, sports, movies, hob-

bies and a host of other pleasures totally occupy our free time. We must

begin our fast with a commitment to turn away from distractions and

“climb the hill of God”. David said that we will be blessed when we delight

ourselves in the law of the Lord. We should purpose to spend at least one

hour each day in reading and meditating on the Word of God. Purpose to

turn away from secular entertainment, and enjoy listening to God again.

Day 2 - Deliverance from Being Driven - verse 3

The term exact all your labors is used to describe the taskmasters of Egypt.

We drive ourselves and we oppress others. We refuse to forgive and we re-

quire of others certain levels of performance. The Lord is telling us to re-

lease others instead of requiring of them what the owe us.

Day 3 - Freedom from Strife - verse 4

We must set aside all strife that is in our lives. We must spend time repent-

ing for strife, quarrels, contentions and disunity in our family relationships

and in our church relationships.

Day 4 - “Loose the Bands of Wickedness” - verse 6

Today is the day to renounce the addictions, habits, patterns and cycles of

behavior that destroy us and our relationships. Things like anger, substance

abuse, hatred, generational curses, etc. Must all be brought to the cross. If

you know a person who is addicted in some way, specifically pray for his/

her deliverance.

Day 5 - “Undo the Heavy Burdens” - verse 6

Satan is a master at placing burdens upon us: financial burdens, worries

and anxieties, diseases, etc. Pray today for a person who is carrying a bur-

den that is too heavy for him/her.

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Day 6 - “Let the Oppressed go free” - verse 6

The Word oppressed means “crushed” or “broken pieces”. Spend time to-

day thinking about and praying for a person whose life is “in pieces”.

Maybe his/her family has split up, or maybe it’s a lost job. Perhaps they are

experiencing some other kind of devastating loss.

Day 7 - “Break Every Yoke” - verse 6

Any area in which Satan seems to have a foothold may be called a yoke.

Today we will break every yoke, commanding the enemy out of our rela-

tionships, our children’s lives, our finances and our physical bodies. Satan

has not right ot oppress us in any area whatsoever!

Day 8 - “Share Your Food with the Hungry” -verse 7

Pray for God to give you compassion for those who go to bed hungry in

your city and around the world. Ask God to give you channels and avenues

with which to provide food and groceries for the hungry.

Day 9 - “Provide the Poor Wanderer with Shelter” - verse 7

Ask God to help you provide places of shelter for the homeless, the abused

and the destitute. Pray for God to send you someone who needs a place to

stay, a family to be close to and a small group he/she can attend.

Day 10 - “When You See the Naked, to Clothe Him” - verse 7

Clothing is a critical need for everyone, especially in cold weather. Ask

God to help you share some of the clothing you possess with others

who cannot afford adequate clothing.

Day 11 - “Not to Turn Away from Your Own Flesh

and Blood” - Verse 7

Today is the day to pray for your own relatives. Spend time asking God to

give them repentance and to help you know how to show God’s love to

them in a tangible way.

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Ten Blessings in Our Lives from Fasting

(Isaiah 58:8-14 NIV)

Day 12 - Breakthrough - verse 8

.”Then shall your light break forth.” Today begin the days of breakthrough

in the fast! We have spent the previous days focused on personal repen-

tance and loving others. Now the Lord will begin to release our blessings in

every area of our lives.

Day 13 - Healing - verse 8

Today claim physical healing in every part of your body. Believe that “your

healing will quickly appear”.

Day 14 - Righteousness - verse 8

Today is the day for total freedom from condemnation and guilt. The sense

of freedom and release from all the devil’s accusations belongs to you.

Remember: Inferiority is the opposite of authority.

Day 15 - Glory - verse 8

God’s glory is the radiance of His face shining within you and around you.

Claim today that, everywhere you go, people will see the glory of the Lord

in your face.

Day 16 - Answered Prayer - verse 9

“You will call and the Lord will answer”. Begin to thank the Lord today that

your prayer has already been heard. You can have confidence that the an-

swer is on the way!

Day 17 - Joy and Happiness - verse 10

“Your light will rise in darkness.” Depression, sadness, sorrow and discour-

agement must go today! Spend time praising God and rejoicing in victory

over the devil.

Day 18 - Guidance - verse 11

“The Lord will guide you always.” Thank God today for the mind of Christ in

every decision you have to make. Specifically ask Him to give you wisdom

concerning problems and decisions

Day 19 - Prosperity - verse 11

Day 20 - Restoration - verse 12

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Day 19 - Prosperity - verse 11

The Lord promises to “satisfy you needs”. Claim total prosperity over your

finances, investments and business. Believe God for raises, bonuses, inheri-

tances and creative ideas that will generate income. Ask God to “throw

open the windows of heaven”. (Malachi 3:10).

Day 20 - Restoration - verse 12

“You will be called “Repairer of Broken Walls.” Believe that today is a day of

restoration in your broken family relationships, in your church and in the


Day 21 - Inheritance - verse 14

Pray today for the president, his cabinet and the mayor of your city. Pray

for God’s favor to return to our nation. He has given us this land as our

heritage and we claim revival, harvest and restoration in every area of our














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