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Ways to use your time to have successful relationship 1

Let me share with you a story- two men went to the seer (fortune teller) to know whattheir future will look like; they have been going through challenges in all areas of their 

life, and they really want to know if the future will be better so that their hope may be left

alive. When they got to the resident of the Seer, they were offer a sit and asked to statethe reason why they came to see him. After they had expressed their challenges

individually and the need to know what the future holds; the Seer chanted some inaudible

words and began to tell them about what he saw. He said Mr. A; the gods will smile onyou in some couple of months from now. Your lot will change for good and the

expectation of your heart will be met beyond your imagination. To Mr. B, he foretold that

things will only get worse; he was destined to be poor all through his life. So they both

left him; one very happy, the other very sad.

10 years later, they both visited the Seer again; they were invited in and asked to state

why they were there (the Seer could hardly recognize them). Mr. A, complained that the

seer’s prophesy about him didn’t come to fulfillment; in fact, he said, his situation hadgrown worse than it was the last time they came to him. Mr. B, also said his prophesy

didn’t come to fulfillment; he isn’t poor as the Seer foretold; the fact is that he is nowmore wealthy beyond his imagination. So the Seer chanted inaudible words and began

asking them questions- he asked them to both state what they got doing when they left his

 place 10 years ago. Mr. A said, since the gods had foretold that he would be rich, he went

home drinking, and having fun with his other friends. He took the money he had at homeand enjoyed himself to the fullest; yet the prophesy of wealth never came to reality. Mr.

B said, when he left the Seer, he took the money he had let and began investing it. He

worked harder since he was foretold that he wouldn’t be rich, he decided to work morethan usual at least to be able to sustain himself and family. He however, discovered that

the more he worked, the more he became wealthier, until his wealth surpassed many inhis country.

The Seer then gave the verdict of the gods; he said to Mr. A, when the gods foretold that

you’ll be rich, you were expected to invest time to develop yourself and work to the bestof your capacity so that the prophesy can come to reality. Since Mr. B was the one who

did what you were expected to do, the gods decided that he is qualified for what belongs

to you. Your been irresponsible is the cause of your poverty; to Mr. A, he said, your been

responsible and valuing time is the reason the gods decided to smile at you.

I haven’t met a person at the early stage of his life that wants to be poor, miserable,

lonely, etc; yet you’ll have this happening to so many. There are lots of singles who havegone through heartbreaks; lots of matured singles with no hope in view that they will be

married; lots of singles who are not happy in the relationship they are in. These are

singles, years back that had dreams of a glorious future, yet today they are miserable andlonely; there are so many married people who are also miserable in their marriage, they

wish they had not made the decision to get married to their partners. Yet there are people

 because they paid the price of investing time are happy and fulfilled today.

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What picture do you see of the future? That picture is daydream without investing time to

see it come to reality; nothing succeeds outside of quality investment of time to its

actualization. I have seen singles go to Seers to foretell their future with the partner theyare interested in; yet I have come to a conclusion that even if the Seer foretell of a

glorious future, the person has to be responsible enough to invested time to see it come to

reality. I know a lady that went to a Seer to foretell the future with two guys that wereinterested in her; the Seer foretold that she should get married to Mr. B. with him, he

said, her future is secured with him. When she sat down on her own to ruminate on what

she knew about these men, she came to a logical conclusion that it’s better for her to getmarried to Mr. A. They have been married for years now and all the negative declaration

that was made that will happen if they got married hasn’t happened to her and she is

happy with her decision.

I will be writing for some weeks on the issue on how to spend your time; here are some

of the ways to spend your time-

Spend time to make a commitment- I counsel a woman once who was havingchallenges in her relationship with her hubby; her complain was that he isn’t changing for 

the better though he goes to church. My response is that, why doesn’t she go to churchand get changed and she’ll see the desired change she wants in her hubby.

Over the years of counseling on relationship issues, I have observe that people always see

the need for others to change apart from themselves changing for the better. I feel thatany change that will be lasting should come from making a commitment to the Lord

(Jesus) as savior of your soul. From my Christian perspective; it’s the sure foundational

step to developing a successful relationship. It’s so simple, all you have to do is make a prayer of faith- saying, I accept you as Lord of my life; I know that Jesus died and

resurrected on the 3rd day for my justification. Write my name in the book of life

and make yourself real to me. It may sound simple, but that prayer has the power tochange your life forever.

Spend your time to develop relationship with God- I know that the number of peoplewho believe in the concept of the existence of a Supreme Being are quite much; so on

that perspective I am writing this so that as many that will read it will see the need to take

their relationship with this Being more seriously. I have come to a realization that there is

no relationship you get into, will succeed if you make your relationship with your Maker take any other place apart from the first.

When Tonia met Tony, she practically fell in love with him; it didn’t take her long to givehim her consent for the intimate relationship that he requested for. However, when she

 began the relationship with Tony, her attention in the things she does in church began to

dwindle; she had fallen so much in love with Tony that she had began to break thefundamental rule that her Maker had written in the Holy Book- no sex before marriage.

Though deep within her heart she felt a void; yet she excuse it away that her relationship

with God is intact and He wants her to be happy.

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A year into the relationship, Tony accused her of been involved with another guy he had

 been seeing her with- John; she tried to defend herself, but he won’t listen. He called her 

a bitch and beat her blue- black. They had both part ways; however, she had learnt her lesson- never make God less than the best Person in your life.

From the Christian perspective; you need to know how God relates with you. Permit meto ask you this question- if God speaks to you, can you discern His voice from other 

voices? I have come to a conclusion that, the voice of the people isn’t the voice of God;

the voice of God is the voice of God. I see nothing wrong in believing your pastor;however, you should come to realization that he is fallible, so he is susceptible to

mistakes. Men will always be men; that is the reason that everyone who believe in the

concept of a Supreme Being, should get to develop intimate relationship with Him.

Let Him come first in your life; pray and commit every decision you make in His hands

 before you take any step. If a guy comes saying sweet for nothing words; first pray to

find out if it’s His will that you say yes to his propose instead of allowing your emotion

decide for you what you should say.

Olufemi Fasanya


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