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( - Sri Lanka is well on itsway to achieving $ 7,000 percapita income by 2020, believethe two top finance officials ofSri Lanka but acknowledge a “todo” list exists for both the publicand private sectors.Speaking at the CeylonChamber of CommerceEconomic Summit 2014 underthe title ‘Sri Lanka 2020:Towards surpassing the $ 7,000Per Capita’ Treasury SecretaryDr. P.B. Jayasundara andCentral Bank Governor AjithNivaard Cabraal were in finemettle spending over two hoursdiscussing the various aspectsof the economy and futureplans.The camaraderie of the twoofficials was apparent from thestart when Cabraal likened theirsynergy to two batsmen at thecrease. “When one runs theother must also respond for a

run to be completed,” he said,capturing the relationshipbetween the Central Bank andthe Finance Ministry to smilesfrom the large audience.Both spent extensive timeexplaining the infrastructuredevelopment and economictargets set out by theGovernment for the next decadeand insisted the $ 7,000 goalwas merely a milestone in thejourney envisioned by PresidentMahinda Rajapaksa.“Sri Lanka has the chance tobecome an advanced country by2035. When you see theslogans ‘sell Singapore buy SriLanka’ we have confidence ourvision is gaining increasingattention around the world.Trade has grown nearly fourfoldover the last few years and isbreaking into new groundincluding IT, tourism andstronger financial sector,” Dr.

Jayasundara said.He also insisted that the 7.8%growth prediction for 2014 willbe achieved given theperformance in exports, tourism,construction and domesticconsumer demand during thefirst six months of the year. Hepointed out the service sector ismoving beyond 60% of GDP,year on year inflation is 4.9%and there is a steady buildup ofreserves along with a fiscaldeficit of around 3.7% of GDP.This combined with reducedinterest rates and stableexchange rate would help pushdebt to GDP closer to 70% bythe end of the year.“We need to find new avenuesof revenue, and that is why newgrowth areas need to bepromoted. While allowing a longterm tax base expansionstrategy to work the governmenthas transformed.... CONT P4

Sri Lanka ranks first among South Asiancountries in the latest Rule of Law Indexcompiled by the World Justice Project’s(WJP) research team.“Sri Lanka ranks 48th globally andoutperforms its regional peers in mostdimensions of the rule of law,” the Indexsaid.The country also outpaces most lower-middle income countries in several areas,ranking second in delivering effectivecriminal justice. Control of corruption isrelatively effective (ranking 39th globallyand first in the region) and rightsviolations related to the legacy of a

protracted civil conflict remainsproblematic, it added. The Index observedthat order and security is improvingworldwide while criminal justice isdeclining.Out of the eight factors that arereported on in the Index, four improved onaverage and four deteriorated. Thefactors that improved were “absence ofcorruption,” “open government,” “orderand security”, and “regulatoryenforcement.” Those that deterioratedwere “constraints on government powers”,“fundamental rights”, “civil justice”, and“criminal justice”.The WJP is an independent, multi-

disciplinary organisation working toadvance the rule of law around the world.Its Index is the world’s mostcomprehensive data set of its kind.The World Justice Project’s Rule of LawIndex looks at 47 outcomes (or sub-factors) organised around ninedimensions (or factors): constraints ongovernment powers; absence ofcorruption; open government;fundamental rights; order and security;regulatory enforcement; civil justice;criminal justice; and informal justice.The World Justice Project has the supportof outstanding leaders representing a

range of disciplines around the world.Former US Secretary of State MadeleineAlbright, former US President JimmyCarter, former Ireland President MaryRobinson and South African social rightsactivist Bishop Desmond Tutu are amongthe Honorary Chairs of the World JusticeProject.Read the full report at:



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Sri Lanka top in South AsiaWorld Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index 2014

After a marathon session of speeches as well as discussions, itseems they have more to exchange! Treasury Secretary Dr. P.B.Jayasundera (second from right) and Central Bank Governor,Nivard Cabraal (left), in conversation with Ceylon Chamber of

Commerce Chairman Suresh Shah along with session onemoderator Mano Tittawella and Deputy Vice Chairman Rajendra

Theagarajah at the CCC Economic Summit opening day.Pic bv Lasantha Kumara

Bold quest for 2020 and beyond

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( Wasantha Siriwardhane, Principalof Mahinda College, Galle, has been removedfrom office with immediate effect, following aseries of allegations on financial misappropriationsSpeaking to Asian Mirror, aspokesman from the Ministry ofEducation said it took the decisionto remove the Principal from officefollowing a thorough investigation.He added that themisappropriations were largelybased on Grade 01 admissions."Even when the inquiry waspending," the spokesman said,"the Principal had proceeded withgrade 01 admissions in aquestionable manner." He also added that theinvestigation was conducted by an independentpanel who looked into the every aspect of theproblem.

It was also also known that the Old BoysAssociation of the school and the Principal of theschool were at loggerheads over grade 01admissions and the latter's involvement in the

matter.The inquiry which led to theremoval of the Principal wasstarted following a complaintlodged by the Old BoysAssociation of the school with theMinistry of Education.The Association had alsorequested the Ministry ofEducation to investigate into theassets of the Principal.The ousted Principal is also an old

boy of the same school.Deputy Principal of the school, GaminiJayawardena, has now been appointed as theacting Principal of Mahinda College.

Mahinda College Principal Removed Over ChargesOf Financial Misappropriations

Missing PersonsCommission sittings

in Mannar( The Presidential Commission toInvestigate Into Complaints RegardingMissing Persons will conduct public sittings inthe Mannar district on August 8, 9, 10 and 11,Commission Secretary H.W. Gunadasa statedin a release yesterday. Sittings will be held onAugust 8 and 9 at the Manthai DivisionalSecretariat, Mannar Divisional Secretariat onAugust 10 and the Madhu DivisionalSecretariat on August 11. Complainants whohave been invited in writing by theCommission are requested to attend thesehearings on the above mentioned dates. Newcomplainants from the Grama NiladhariDivisions of the Divisional Secretariats ofManthai. Madhu and Mannar are also invitedto submit their complaints to the Commissionon these dates. The new complainants will beregistered and given a date to submit theircomplaints and submit their oral evidences,the release stated.

BY S VENKAT NARAYAN Our SpecialCorrespondent

( NEW DELHI, August 4: A junior cricketteam from Sri Lanka, which arrived in Chennai toparticipate in a private tournament, was sent backtoday owing to security concerns, senior policeofficials said.The 16-member team had arrived from Colombolast night and was put up at an accommodation inthe Tamil Nadu capital. They were deniedpermission to participate in the tournament thismorning owing to security reasons, officials added.They later left for Colombo. The Under-15 privatetournament is scheduled to be held from August 4-7.The incident comes close on the heels of a

derogatory article against Chief MinisterJayalalithaa on a Sri Lankan official website whichalso had a graphic image of Prime MinisterNarendra Modi.The article triggered widespread public and politicaloutrage in the state prompting Sri Lanka to removeit and issue an unqualified apology to the twoleaders. In 2012, Jayalalithaa had, in line with herstrident stance against Sri Lanka, ordered thesending home of a soccer team from that countrywhich arrived here to play a friendly match.The action came against the backdrop ofJayalalithaa’s opposition to India training Sri Lankanmilitary personnel not only in the state but alsoanywhere else in the country, saying the Lankanforces had committed war crimes against Tamils in

the island nation.An official in Chennai’s Nehru stadium of thestate government was suspended for giving oralapproval for the match.

Lankan junior cricket teamsent back from Chennai

( The Attorney General filed anappeal in the High Court stating that thesentences imposed on the convicts of British aidworker Khuram Sheikh’s murder were notsufficient.While requesting to amend the punishmentsgiven to the convicts the AG also suggested thatthese convicts should be given death sentenceor life imprisonment as they committed themurder using weapons as members of anunlawful assembly.The petition also noted that the Judge hadreiterated that fourth accused in the unlawfulassembly had used a firearm and that in casesof unlawful assembly an offence committed byone applies to all in the group.On July 18, four convicts including formerTangalle Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman SampathChandrapushpa Vidanapathirana who werefound guilty of killing British tourist KhuramShaikh in December 2011 and for raping andbrutally assaulting his fiancée while holidaying at

the tourist resort of Tangalle were sentenced bythe High Court.Consequently the four convicts O.A LahiruKalum, U. Saman Deshapriya, SampathChandrapushpa Vidanapathirana and W.Prageeth Chaturanga, were sentenced to 107years rigorous imprisonment by Colombo HighCourt Judge Rohini Walgama after a lengthilytrial.Two other accused M. Sarath alias Sahan, S.Prageeth Chaturanga, were acquitted from thecase as the prosecution had failed to prove thecharges against them beyond reasonable doubt.Judge Rohini Walgama also ordered that the107-year jail term be run concurrently within 20years.Later the first convict O.A.Lahiru Kelum in theTangalle Resort British tourist murder caseyesterday petitioned to the Court of Appealagainst the Colombo High Court Judge’s verdictof sentencing him to twenty years rigorousimprisonment. (Manopriya Gunasekera)

AG wants sentences enhanced

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( Imaya Liyanage, a 23-year-oldlaw entrance student and an emerging

model from Wennappuwa was adjudgedDerana Veet Miss Sri Lanka for Miss Earth

2014 at the grand finale held at Citrus Hotel,Waskaduwa over the weekend. In addition,

she also won the Miss Sunday Observertitle decided on a popularity poll conductedby our sister paper Sunday Observer. It wasthe first time in the nine-year-old history ofthe Dearana-Veet Miss Sri Lanka contestthat the same contestant won both titles.

Shanika Chamini, 24, and Teena Fernando,21, emerged first and second runners up.

Daily News and Sunday Observer were theprint media partners of the Miss Sri Lanka

for Miss Earth 2014.Picture by Chinthaka Kumarasinghe

Derana VeetMiss Sri Lanka

for Miss Earth 2014

( Amid mounting pressurefrom India, Pakistan is understood to have quietlywithdrawn its official from its High Commission inColombo following an allegation against him thathe was involved in conspiracy to target the US andIsrael consulates in south India at ISI’s behest, thePress Trust of Indiareported.Counselor (Visa) AmirZubair Siddiqui hadbeen withdrawn evenbefore NIA’s requestunder MutualAssistance LegalTreaty (MLAT) reachedColombo as hispresence had becomeuntenable to hisdiplomatic duties,officials said.Pakistan, which hasbeen on the back foot,maintained thatSiddiqui’s tenure had got completed in Sri Lankaand he has since returned to Islamabad.Press Attache at the Pakistani High Commission inColombo Muhammad Daud Ehtisham wasapproached by PTI through e-mail for hiscomment, but he did not reply. Repeated calls andSMS on his mobile also went unanswered.He was, however, quoted in a Sri Lankanmagazine as saying “…This officer (Siddiqui) is avery much respected officer and he completed histenure in Sri Lanka without any incident.”India has been collaborating with Sri Lankanauthorities after Malaysia had unraveled a

conspiracy allegedly hatched by some Lankannationals to conduct reconnaissance of the USConsulate in Chennai and Israeli Consulate inBangalore and carry out a terror strike.NIA took over the case last month after it wasregistered by the Tamil Nadu Police. A Sri Lankan

national—SakirHussain—wasarrested after a tip offfrom the IntelligenceBureau as the accusedhad entered Indiaallegedly to carry outreconnaissance of theUS Consulate inChennai and IsraeliConsulate inBangalore.Siddiqui is not new forthe Intelligence Bureauas his name hadcropped earlier in2012-13 when security

agencies picked up one Tameem Ansari, afrequent flier from Trichy to Colombo. Ansari wasarrested after six months of surveillance in 2012and this was conveyed to Sri Lanka last year.Under the MLAT, signed in 2010, both thecountries are required to provide assistance inlocating and identifying persons and objects;taking evidence and obtaining statements;authorizing presence of persons from therequesting State at the execution of requests;facilitating the appearance of witnesses or theassistance of persons in investigations.

Excise SIU Chief inbribery net

by Madura Ranwala( Excise Department SpecialInvestigation Unit (SIU) Chief was arrested bythe sleuths of the Bribery Commissionyesterday afternoon in Colombo while he wasallegedly accepting the balance of a Rs500,000 from a large scale toddymanufacturer.Superintendent of Police W. L. SarathSomaweera Lokuge attached to theCommission told The Island that the SIU OICof Excise Department had already acceptedRs. 450,000 earlier and he had been arrestedwhen he came to collect the balance of Rs.50,000 at a shop on W. A. D. RamanayakeMawatha, Colombo.The suspect had allegedly promised not totake legal action against the complainant if hegave him the bribe, he said.The SP said that the suspect was beingquestioned and he would be produced beforecourts today.

Next Independence Dayat Weeraketiya

by S.M. Wijayaratne, Kurunegala Cor.Sri Lanka will celebrate its 67th Independence Dayon February 4, 2015 at Weeraketiya under theleadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Suspected ISI diplomat has left Lanka

Bold QuestCONT FROM P1…. loss making enterprises such as the CeylonElectricity Board and Ceylon PetroleumCooperation creating valuable lending space forState banks,” he added.He also insisted the “time is right” to pay taxes tothe Government rather than expecting taxholidays and other concessions. He also calledon the private sector to train and pay its labourwell; pointing out that training is no longer theexclusive purview of the Government.“It is time we appreciate running a government isfar more complex than running a business.Private sector needs to value the Government'snational vision and capitalise on it, place countryfirst and be proud of it. This tie between theprivate and public sectors is the pinnacle ofpartnership, far more important than the oftenspoken PPPs in trade and infrastructure.”Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivaard Cabraalpresenting his “to do” list to the private sectoradmitted that it was challenging but stressed onthe possible.“Every cent we do not get we have to borrow,”he said following up on the Finance Secretary'sappeal for the private sector to pay taxes.Moving onto expectations of 2020 Cabraal notedthat the best way to look at the future is to createthe future, especially through creating a newfinancial structure for the country.“We have new drivers in the country. New roads,new ports, new airports that have created a newfuture. In 2020 growth will be 8%, unemploymentlimited to standard levels, abject povertyeradicated, single digit inflation, current accountsurplus and a gently appreciating rupee. TheGovernment also aims to be on the top 20 inease of doing business, equitable contribution byprovinces to growth and high productivity levels.”He noted any teams are also working onimproving Sri Lanka's sovereign rating and herequested private sector to help. Financialconsolidation was also praised by him as astabilising move. Overcoming old age is anotherchallenge, Cabraal pointed out, suggestingextended retirement periods and adjustments tolabour laws.Investment channels also need to be made

smooth with legal risks and policies being ironedout, he added. “The aim is to make Sri Lankaproject a new image. Even encouraging SriLankans to invest outside the country.”The five hub strategy would also ensureinclusive development, less wage pressure,higher employment, productivity and sustainabledevelopment, he assured.

( The teacher of NawagaththegamaNavodya School who was forced to be knelt downin presence of a local politician had beenthreatened with death, the NawagaththegamaPolice said citing her complaint today.Teacher Susila Herath was forced to kneel downby the former North Western Provincial Councilor

Ananda Sarath Kumara for advising his daughter.Ceylon Teachers’ Union General Secretary JosephStalin said the threatening letter was sent underthe name of Councilor Ananda Sarath Kumara.Stalin said this was to suppress the investigationinto the death of an eye witness of the case.The body of the witness, who gave crucial

evidence in the case in which Ananda SarathKumara was convicted for ill treating theteacher, was found in an abandoned well atNawagaththegama last Friday.(DS)

Death threat on kneeling teacher

By Don Asoka Wijewardena( Dr. Chandika Epitakaduwa, the MediaSpokesman of the GMOA Trustees yesterdaysaid that he had sent comprehensive letters onthe present crisis situation in the GMOA toSpeaker Chamal Rajapaksa, Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne, Health Minister MaithripalaSirisena, Economic Development Minister BasilRajapaksa and Defence Secretary GoatabhayaRajapaksa.Addressing a media conference at OPAColombo yesterday Dr. Epitakaduwa said thatdue to the present crisis, issues such as theannual transfer scheme, salary adjustments,admission of doctors’ children to schools andseveral job-related issues could not be solved.Two trustees had violated the GMOAConstitution and supported the anti-GMOA

rebels, he alleged.Dr. Niroshana Premaratne who heads the rebelgroup, contacted for comment, said that theGMOA was not supposed to seek any favoursfrom politicians as it was an apolitical tradeunion. But, the media spokesman had made abig mistake.GMOA was a trade union which was supposedto promote welfare of the doctors, but hadbrought to the notice of powerful politicians’ thecrisis it faced. It was totally illegal, he said.Dr. Premaratne said that Dr. Nimal Ratneaenaas a former GMOA President was well versedwith the provisions of the GMOA Constitution. Asfar as he was aware Dr. Ratnasena had nointention of violating the Constitution. Dr.Ratnasena and Dr. Lalantha Ranasinghe hadpointed out the injunction order was correct andall had to obey the court order.

GMOA takes its case to higher ups;Rebel says its days are numbered

( The Colombo High Court Trial-at-bar bench today further remanded Ravindu VaasGunawardena the son of ex-DIGVaas Gunawardena for a period ofthree months from tomorrow inconnection with the killing ofbusinessman Mohammed Shyam.Three Judge Bench comprisingjustice Rohini Walgama, LalithJayasuriya and Leon Seneviratnemade this remand extension ordertaking into consideration the behaviorof the accused while being held inremand custody.The Attorney General alleged that the accusedhad contacted the lawyers over the phone while

being in remand prison and told that it couldadversely affect for the witnesses in the case.

Gunawardena was arrested by theCID on June 10 and remanded whilehe was interdicted by the police onJune 18.Shyam was abducted and murderedin the Dompe area on May 22 andfollowing investigations into theincident, the CID on June 6 arrestedSub-Inspector LakminiBamunusinghe, attached to the officeof the DIG Western Province (North),along with three Police Constables

(PCs) serving in the DIG’s special unit.

Vaas Gunawardena's Son RemandedFor Three More Months

( Rameswaram fishermenhad yesterday cancelled their scheduled ‘sail toKatchatheevu’ protest after Indian authoritiesgave them an assurance their concerns will beaddressed within 10 days.According to Indian media reports Indian UnionMinister Pon Radhakrishnan had told thefishermen that he will secure the release ofIndian fishermen in Sri Lankan custody togetherwith their boats.Radhakrishnan has said he will have talks withthe Indian External Affairs Ministry in this regard

and resolve the issue within 10 days.Rameswaram fishermen had earlier resolved togo ahead with their ‘sail to Katchatheevu’agitation, pressing for the release of all arrestedfishermen with boats.They have been on strike since July 24,protesting against the continued arrest offishermen by Sri Lankan Navy and confiscationof their boats. At present, 93 fishermen, including50 arrested on Monday, were lodged in SriLankan prisons.

Sail To Katchatheevu Demo Cancelled

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By Arthur Wamanan( The Defence Ministry has launchedinvestigations into the controversial contentpublished by the Ministry’s website last weekwhich had triggered protests in Tamil Nadu.Military Spokesperson, Brigadier RuwanWanigasooriya addressing the weekly mediabriefing today said a report would be handedover to Defence Ministry officials and PresidentMahinda Rajapaksa after investigations.He stated that that the controversy over thecontent on its website was more to do with theimage published and not the article. The article‘How meaningful are Jayalalitha’s love letters toNarendra Modi?’ and the cartoon published alongwith it had created a stir in Tamil Nadu and hadtriggered protests in several parts of the state.Wanigasooriya stated that the graphic image inquestion was done by the Ministry web adminteam itself and not by the author of the article.The Defence Ministry promptly removed bothcontents following protests and tendered anapology. Wanigasooriya further stated that thearticle in question had not targeted the IndianGovernment nor had insulted the Centre.He stated that the article spoke about severalissues including the issues faced by NorthernProvince fishermen due to the encroachment ofTamil Nadu fishermen and the ill effects caused

to nature due to bottom trawling.“It was the cartoon which created the controversy,”he said. “Most of the people who protested wouldhave not read the article but would have seen thecartoon,” he added.





( Turn off the TV, calm down andstop trying to convert people to your religion.These are among the top 10 pieces of adviceissued by Pope Francis this week as part of hisrecipe for a happy, more fulfilled life.Speaking in a very frank interview published in theArgentine weekly “Viva”, the Pope drew on hispersonal experiences to come up with his ownlifestyle guide with a humble, anti-consumeristtwist.The highlights include a call to families to “turn offthe TV when they sit down to eat because, eventhough television is useful for keeping up with thenews, having it on during mealtime doesn’t let youcommunicate with each other”, according to aCatholic News Service translation of the interview.And Francis said people will also be much happierwhen they stop trying too hard to bring othersround to their way of thinking – including onreligion. He said the church grows “by attraction,not proselytising”, and added that the best way to

get through to anyone was with “dialogue, startingwith his or her own identity”.

1. “Live and let live.” Everyone shouldbe guided by this principle, he said,which has a similar expression inRome with the saying, “Move forwardand let others do the same.”2. “Be giving of yourself to others.”People need to be open and generoustoward others, he said, because “ifyou withdraw into yourself, you run therisk of becoming egocentric. Andstagnant water becomes putrid.”3. “Proceed calmly” in life. The pope,who used to teach high schoolliterature, used an image from anArgentine novel by Ricardo Guiraldes, in whichthe protagonist — gaucho Don Segundo Sombra— looks back on how he lived his life.4. A healthy sense of leisure. The Pope said

“consumerism has brought us anxiety”, and toldparents to set aside time to play with their childrenand turn of the TV when they sit down to eat.

5. Sundays should be holidays.Workers should have Sundays offbecause “Sunday is for family,” hesaid.6. Find innovative ways to createdignified jobs for young people. “Weneed to be creative with young people.If they have no opportunities they willget into drugs” and be morevulnerable to suicide, he said.7. Respect and take care of nature.Environmental degradation “is one ofthe biggest challenges we have,” hesaid. “I think a question that we’re not

asking ourselves is: ‘Isn’t humanity committingsuicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical useof nature?’”8. Stop being negative. “Needing to talk badly

about others indicates low self-esteem. Thatmeans, ‘I feel so low that instead of picking myselfup I have to cut others down,’” the Pope said.“Letting go of negative things quickly is healthy.”9. Don’t proselytise; respect others’ beliefs. “Wecan inspire others through witness so that onegrows together in communicating. But the worstthing of all is religious proselytism, whichparalyses: ‘I am talking with you in order topersuade you,’ No. Each person dialogues,starting with his and her own identity. The churchgrows by attraction, not proselytising,” the Popesaid.10. Work for peace. “We are living in a time ofmany wars,” he said, and “the call for peace mustbe shouted. Peace sometimes gives theimpression of being quiet, but it is never quiet,peace is always proactive” and dynamic.Translated by Catholic News Service

Pope Francis’s secrets to happiness

His Holiness Pope Francis-pic via:

Pope Francis Outlines Ten Top Suggestions for People to Lead a Happy LifeWith Sense of Fulfilment.

( When one school wins three categories in a Western band competition, it isindeed a rare feat. Sirimavo Balika Vidyala achieved that recently by winning the categories ofprimary Western, junior Western and senior Western band. The competition was organized byColombo South Zonal Director W M Jayantha Wickramanayake and Western Province Western

Music Assistant Director Priyadarshani Perera. Picture by Rukmal Gamage.

Rare feat from Sirimavo Balika Vidyalaya

( Navy Commander Vice AdmiralJayantha Perera salutes the national flag at a

ceremony held to felicitate the new commanderat Thurstan College today. Vice Admiral

Jayantha Perera is an old boy of ThurstanCollege Colombo. Pix by Pradeep Pathirana

Saluting the alma mater

( Sri Lanka scored its second win in theOpen Section of Chess Olympiad 2014 currentlyunderway in Tromso, Norway, defeating Malawi3-1. Top board Prasanna Kurukulasuriya lost hisgame while G.C. Anuruddha, Isuru Alahakoonand Rajeendra Kalugampitiya won their gameswithout breaking a sweat. Sri Lanka faces thehigher ranked Venezuela on Tuesday in the 5thround of the 11-round tournament.Meanwhile the women’s team came up with acreditable performance against Kyrgyzstanultimately losing 1.5-2.5. Yashoda Methmali drewher game while national champ Dasuni Mendisscored her first win of the tournament on Board4. Sri Lanka will play Malawi in the 5th Round.

In the Open category Azerbaijan, Bulgaria andSerbia are the only teams with maximum points(4 wins out of 4). Azerbaijan (ranked 8th) beatFrance (ranked 3rd), Bulgaria beat Romania andSerbia beat the more fancied Czech Republic, allby the identical score of 2.5-1.5. Russia andChina split points with all four games ending indraws.China, Indonesia, Russia, Hungary and Iran arethe only teams to have won all their four matchesin the Women’s section. Indonesia (ranked 23rd)stunned Armenia (ranked 10th) 3.5-1.5. In otherupsets India (No 5) lost to Sebia (No 15) 1.5-2.5while the Netherlands (16th) held Georgia (No 4)to a 2-2 draw.

Def. Min. probes into controversial web content

Sri Lanka records second win in Chess Olympiad

CID rescueabducted child

( Four-year-old Damindu YasenEkanayake alleged to have been kidnapped onSunday (July 27) was rescued by a specialCriminal Investigation Department team inGalgamuwa this evening, police said.The child was found by the road side atAlakolawewa, Abogama where he was left behindby the kidnappers.Four persons including a relative of the child’sfather were arrested in connection with theabduction, police said.The child was handed over to his parents.The boy was abducted by a group of fourunidentified men who had assaulted his parents,last Sunday (27).

UNP undecided onPresidential polls

( Themain opposition UnitedNational Party (UNP) saysit has not yet decided onits candidate for thePresidential elections.UNP General SecretaryTissa Attanayake said thattalks on who will be thePresidential candidate to defeat incumbentPresident Mahinda Rajapaksa are still ongoing.He says the UNP hopes to work with other politicalparties who have the same goal as the UNPincluding abolishing the Executive Presidency.Attanayake says the UNP is confident thePresidency is breathing its final breath and nextyear the Executive Presidency will be abolished

Sri Lanka deports36 Pakistani asylum-

seekers - UNHCR( UNHCR stated that it is deeplyconcerned to learn that a total of 36 Pakistaniasylum-seekers have been deported from SriLanka since last Friday. Speaking at a briefingUNHCR Ariane Rummery added that morecould follow, including women and children.UNHCR urges the authorities to stop thedeportations and grant us access to refugeesand asylum-seekers still detained in Colombo.

TNA Undecided OnCommon Candidate

By Waruni Karunarathne( The Tamil NationalAlliance (TNA) is undecided on supporting acommon candidate for the PresidentialElections scheduled to be held next year.TNA leader R. Sampanthan and TNA MP M.ASumanthiran had recently attended an eventchaired by the Ven. Maduluwawe SobithaThero who has already indicated he is readyto contest Presidency.However TNA MP Suresh Premachandrantold The Sunday Leader that the TNA had

issued an officialcommunication on thatevent.“We have not officiallymade a decision aboutwhether to support acommon candidate.We do not deny thatsome TNA membershave met withMaduluwawe SobithaThero. However noofficial communicationwas made by the TNAon that event,” he said.According toPremachandran, theTNA membersattended the eventchaired byMaduluwawe SobithaThero in their personalcapacities.

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4th report of the Committee on PublicEnterprises tabled in ParliamentMost institutions came under the COPEimprovedCPC, Mihin Lanka, and Ceylon Fisheriescontinue to make lossesState Printing Corporation Chairman removedbased on COPE findingsCID support to track forged GovernmentcircularSeparate evaluation and follow-up committeeestablished

By Ashwin HemmathagamaOur Lobby Correspondent( The Committee on Public Enterprises(CoPE) has succeeded in turning around amajority of the state institutions “known tohave failed in meeting all standards andregulations” by forcing them to fall in linewith accounting policies and adopting goodgovernance, Parliament was told yesterday.According to the Interim Report containingthe findings of investigations conducted byCoPE during the period from 8 October2013 till 8 April 2014 and presented inParliament, most of the identifiedinstitutions had “improved appreciably”.According to CoPE Chairman, Minister ofHuman Resources Dew Gunasekara:“Except for a few, most of institutions havenow become accustomed to submitting theirfinancial statements to the Auditor General andParliament well on time, which is encouraging.” Thereport tabled yesterday investigated 47 institutionsin 18 strategic enterprises making profits and 29non-profit makers.“Though it was originally intended to table quarterlyreports, it was not practically possible to do so dueto a variety of technical factors. However, thecommittee intends to table another Interim Report inSeptember this year, before the Final Report, whichwill be presented in December 2014. The

presentation of Interim Reports provides anopportunity for members to study the findings ofCOPE in respect of those already examined,without waiting for the final report. This report alsoenables the Chief Accounting Officers and therespective Heads of Institutions to acquaintthemselves with COPE’s observations andrecommendations sooner than later for necessaryfollow-up action,” confirmed Minister Gunasekara.Moving on with the progress, Minister Gunasekarastated that a separate committee has beenappointed for evaluation and the follow-up of thedirectives issued by CoPE. “The Committeecomprises of UNP MP Eran Wickremaratne, UPFA

MP Prof. Rajiva Wijesinhe andMinister of Disaster ManagementMahinda Amaraweera. Thiscommittee looks into the effectiveestablishment of therecommendations the CoPE issued,”said Minister Gunasekara.According to MP Eran Wickremaratnemost of the CoPE finding needs bothExecutive and Cabinet decisions foreffective establishment.“Qualifications should be verifiedwhen making appointments to highposts. Good governance is necessaryto increase efficiency. Out of 47institutions, only sevenestablishments lack qualified audit

opinions. We have already finished working on 30organisations, which will be included in the nextCoPE report due in September this year. CoPEcannot execute the recommendations. Theexecution will fall upon the executive and theCabinet,” said Wickremaratne.In the interim report CoPE has listed severaltransactions involved with a significant monitoryvalue raising more concern on the transparency ofthe process took place.The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation had incurred anestimated loss of Rs. 8.3 billion in the procurementof petroleum products during

COPE gets candid

By MirudhulaThambiah( The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU)Parliamentarian, Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thera,categorically stated that a single person,possessing all powers under the executivepresidency system, should not be allowed to rulethe country in a dictatorial manner. Therefore, hesaid, the system along with the electoral systems,introduced in 1978, should be changed.Rathana Thera was speaking at a dance festivalorganized by the Hindu – Buddhist CulturalFederation at the Weerasingam Hall in Jaffna lastSunday.He went on to say that despite the governmenthaving several ministries, most of the powers, torule the country, had been vested in a singleperson and such a system would not help healthygovernance."All powers have been vested in the President. Asingle person cannot exercise the powers ofjudiciary, executive and legislation. Therefore, it isthe need of the hour to change the executivepresidential system in order to strengthen thedemocratic system in the country," Rathana Thera

said.He also said that the elections system is notsuitable for the current scenario. "This electoralsystem was introduced by a single person to thecountry. Therefore, the electoral system introducedin 1978 also should be amended. "There is nodevelopment under the current presidentialsystem. Bars and casinos have increased andthere seems to be no effort to curb all thisdepravity.Our country has been sold to various foreigninvestors, while a certain group is fighting to dividethe country. We should be united to stop all these,"he said.Rathana Thera also claimed there was a 30-yearfalse war which was created by the internationalcommunity, and warned the people of Jaffna to becautious of religious conversions from Hinduismand Buddhism to other religions.The renowned South Indian Bharatha Natyamartiste Dr. Pathma Subramaniam graced thedance event as the chief guest. The Bhratha Natyaartistes and teachers from Jaffna who hadqualified from the South Indian dance schools alsoperformed to a packed audience at the festival.

Rathana Thera tells Jaffna residents Executivepresidency not good for country

By Dasun Edirisinghe( The JVP and former army commanderGen. Sarath Fonseka’s Democratic Party hadhanded in their nomination papers for the UvaProvincial Council election at the Badulla andMoneragala District Secretariats, the ElectionsDepartment announced.Elections Chief Mahinda Deshapriya said thatJana Setha Peramuna, Our National Front and anIndependent Group had also handed in theirnominations for the Moneragala District yesterday.Maubima Kantha Pakshaya and Jana SethaPeramuna had submitted their nomination papersfor the Badulla District last week, he said.

"Receiving deposits from the Independent Groupsto contest the polls ended at 12 noon yesterday,"the Polls Chief said, adding that 11 IndependentGroups had made deposits. Of them four were forthe Badulla District and seven for the MoneragalaDistrict.Deshapriya said that so far four political partieshad handed in nominations to contest the pollsfrom Badulla District, while four political partiesand one Independent Group had handed overtheir nomination papers to contest the MoneragalaDistrict.He said that the receiving of nominations wouldclose at 12 noon today.

UVA PC polls: JVP, Democratic Partyhand in nominations

( Minister Rajitha Senaratne hassought legal advice to sue BBS General SecretaryGalagodaaththe Gnansara Thera over the“slanderous” statements the latter made againsthim at a press conference in Colombo yesterday.The Minister, speaking tomedia today, said GnanasaraThera should substantiate hisallegations with concreteallegations before court.Minister Senaratne flatlydenied allegations againsthim saying he was neverinvolved in any sort of drug scam, as alleged bythe BBS General Secretary. Gnanasara Therayesterday said that the politician was transporting“kerala ganja” in his BMW vehicle.The Minister also alleged that Gnanasara Thera

disrobed himself at the temple in his village andre-entered the Bhikku community on his own, aftercoming to Colombo.Meanwhile, speaking to media yesterday, the BBS

General Secretary said he hadinformed law enforcementauthorities of the country of thealleged malpractices committedby Minister Seneratna whilebeing a minister in the presentgovernment.Senaratne has been a strongcritique of the Bodu Bala Sena

and other hardcore Sinhala-Buddhistorganizations over the past two weeks. The BBS,in response, accused Senaratna of workingagainst the interests of the Sinhala-Busshistcommunity of the country.

( The embassies of France,Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland stronglycondemn the disruption by an organized groupincluding monks of the get-together on the theme“Sharing and listening session with families of thedisappeared” organized by Families of theDisappeared in the Centre for Society andReligion on the 4th of August 2014.As was noted in the statement by the U.S.Embassy yesterday, the organized group madeforced entry into the room where the discussionswere taking place, shouting violently.Over 30 family members of disappeared persons

having travelled from the Northern Province,members of civil society and NGOs as well asmembers of the diplomatic community were in thepremises when the disruption took place. All thosepresent felt that their security was under threat.We strongly urge the government to ensure andrespect freedom of assembly and expression in SriLanka.We sincerely hope that the security of thosehaving travelled from the Northern Province toshare their experience will be assured upon theirreturn.- Asian Tribune -

Joint statement following the disruptionof a civil society meeting

Rajitha Seeks Legal Advice To SueGnanasara Thera

( The ‘Ravana Balaya’ organizationhas asked the Maha Nayakas of Malwathu andAsgiri Chapters of the Siyam Nikaya to pressurethe government to remove the Buddha SasanaMinistry from Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne.Several Buddhist monks of the ‘Ravana Balaya’,including its general secretary Ven. Iththakande

Saddhathissa Thera had requested this from theMaha Nayakas when they paid visits to the latterin Kandy.The members of ‘Ravana Balaya’ had stressedthat they do not have any issue with the Mr. D.M.Jayaratne being the Prime Minister. But as theBuddha Sasana Minister he had done nothing

towards the protectionof Buddhism, theyhave stated.Furthermore, the‘Ravana Balaya’monks have said thateven though repeatedrequests were made tothe Prime Minister totake action against theinjustices to Buddhists,nothing has been doneuntil now.Furthermore, the‘Ravana Balaya’members have handedover a letter requestingthe Maha Nayakas tointervene to defeat theconspiracies againstBuddha Sasana.

Rawana Balaya Demands PM To Step DownFrom Buddha Sasana Ministry ( Initial plans made for the proposed

Kandy Expressway have been changed becausehilly areas are an obstruction to the expresswayhaving direct access from Ambepussa to Kandy, theMinistry of Ports and Highways said.“According to our amended plans the Expresswaywill start in Kurunegala and move via Pothuheraand Mawathagam to Kandy,” it said.The Ministry said the change in plans had delayedconstruction work on the expressway and even thenewly proposed route was still at the planning stagewith land evaluations being carried out.The interchange to the expressway would be at

Pothuhera, a few kilometers from Kurunegala.The Expressway from Pothuhera to Kandy is 52kilometers.Meanwhile the Ministry said feasibility studies forthe Northern expressway had been completed andthe acquisition of land and other planning work wasnow in progress.It said the Proposed Northern Expressway would beconstructed in four stages. The Northernexpressway will start at Kurunegala to Dambulla viaMelsiripura and Galewela. From Dambulla theExpressway will veer towards Jaffna in the Northand Trincomalee in the East. (Rumana Razick)

( Sri Lanka on Tuesday hit back at acertain section of the diplomatic corps based inColombo for organizing events for a particularregion and community in Sri Lanka, that could leadto ‘volatile situations giving rise to the perpetuationof mistrust amongst communities’.“A certain section of the diplomatic corps appears tobe involved in a manner lacking in objectivity, inevents organized for a particular region andcommunity. This has led to the emergence of apattern of such potentially volatile situations givingrise to the perpetuation of mistrust amongstcommunities at a sensitive juncture in the country’shistory,” the external affairs ministry said withreference to an event at the Centre for Society andReligion in Colombo on Monday.A tense situation prevailed at a meeting organized

by a NGO named, “Right to Life Human RightsCentre” involving families of disappeared personsfrom the North and representatives from US,France, Germany, Great Britain and Switzerlandmissions in Colombo, when, another NGO, the“Dead and Missing Person's Parents Front", hadsought access to the meeting, demanding that theirgrievances be heard too.Later the US, France, Germany, Britain andSwitzerland issued statements condemning theincident and demanding the government to enforcethe rule of law.In yesterday’s statement the ministry also urged thediplomatic community to "be more conscious oflocal sensitivities when attending events of anemotive nature."

Kandy expressway to go via Pothuhera

SL blast some diplomatic corps

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OHCHR Investigation on SL to cover February2002-November 2011 periodInvestigators invite written submissions fromstates, individuals or organisationsDeadline for submissions 30 October 2014

By Dharisha Bastians( The UN team investigating alleged rightsabuses during the last years of the war haspledged to keep information confidential and urgedthe Government of Sri Lanka to fulfil its obligationto protect witnesses and others who make contactwith the international investigators.Announcing its terms of reference andmethodology yesterday the Office of the HighCommissioner for Human Rights Investigation(OHCHR) on Sri Lanka said the OHCHRInvestigation on Sri Lanka (OISL) would take‘appropriate steps’ to protect those givingtestimony and address victim protection concerns.“The Government of Sri Lanka also has anobligation to protect victims and witnesses andothers in Sri Lanka who make contact with theOISL, and it will be requested to make anundertaking that no such person shall, as a resultof such contact, suffer harassment, threats, acts ofintimidation, ill-treatment or reprisals,” the OHCHRsaid on its official website announcing themodalities of the probe yesterday.The OISL will take “all necessary measures” toprotect confidentiality, the UN said, by notdisclosing the names of individuals in its publicreports.The probe team will continue to seek to engagewith the Government of Sri Lanka and the UNHigh Commissioner for Human Rights willcontinue to request for the OISL tohave access to the country to meetwith Government officials and others,the OHCHR said.The OISL, which will be based inGeneva, will cover a time framepreviously covered by theGovernment’s LLRC, from 21February 2002-15 November 2011,when the Commission presented itsreport to President MahindaRajapaksa.The investigators will also considerany “contextual or other relevantinformation” that may fall outside thattime frame, “which may provide a

better understanding of events or which may bepertinent regarding continuing human rightsviolations,” the UN said.During the probe, UN investigators will conduct a‘desk review’ of existing documents andinformation, including Government and civilsociety reports, collect and document victims’testimonies and the accounts of survivors,witnesses and alleged perpetrators, as well asseeking information from other relevant sourcessuch as satellite images, authenticated video andphotographic material and official documents.“In analysing the information collected, it will seekto corroborate facts and accounts to meet theagreed standard of proof,” the UN said.The UN has invited any state individual ororganisation to submit information in writing to theOISL. The deadline for written submissionsexpires on 30 October 2014.The OHCHR said that the legal framework thatunderlies the investigation will comprise of allobligations assumed by Sri Lanka underinternational human rights treaties and thoseapplicable under customary international law.“Although a non-state actor cannot formallybecome party to human rights treaties, it is nowincreasingly accepted that non-state groupsexercising de facto control over a part of theState’s territory must respect certain human rightsobligations of persons in that territory,” the UN saidin clear reference to abuses committed by theLTTE.“In carrying out its work, the OISL will be guided atall times by the principles of independence,impartiality, objectivity, transparency, integrity and“do no harm”,” the OHCHR said.




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( A mob threatened familiesof missing people who were attending a meetingorganized by a Non-Governmental Organization inMaradana this afternoon.The meeting was organized at the Centre forSociety and Religion (CSR), at Dean’s Road,Maradan to listen to the plight of the families ofthose missing and was attended by some foreigndiplomats as well.Organisers told the Colombo Gazette that one

hour into the meeting, which was by invite only, agroup of monks and some 20 others hadattempted to enter the premises and disrupt themeeting.The mob hurled verbal abuse towards the familiesof the missing who were at the meeting and alsoat the organizers.The police later arrived at the scene but found itdifficult to control the mob. (Colombo Gazette)

( The Supreme Court today ruledthat only the Public Services Commission (PSC)can issue orders to the Provincial Council chiefsecretary and not the Chief Minister.The court gave the above ruling after examiningthe fundamental rights application filed by ChiefSecretary of the Northern Province Mrs.Vijayalakshmi Ramesh alleging administrativeinterference by the Chief Minister of the NorthernProvince C. V. Wigneswaran.The petition was taken up before a judge benchcomprising Chief Justice Mohan Peiris, andJustices K. Sri Pawan and Rohini Marasinghe.The FR petition states that there was an attempt tounlawfully remove Mrs. Ramesh from office and acircular according to which pubic servants of theNorth cannot travel out of the province without theChief Minister’s permission; public servants cannot

communicate with the government withoutpermission from the Chief Minister.In March, the Supreme Court said that theimpugned document by Northern Province ChiefMinister pertaining to standing administrativeorders issued to the Chief secretary of theProvince appeared to encroach on the rights of theappointing authority of the Chief Secretary, thePresident, the National Public Servicescommission and the Provincial Public ServiceCommission.However, MP M.A. Sumanthiran, Attorney-at-Law,appearing on behalf of the CM stated that theSupreme Court today urged both parties tocooperate with one another to ensure an efficientprovincial council.The court also decided to conclude hearing on thepetition today.

CM can’t issue orders to PC secretary - SC Mob threaten families of the missing

( Justice MinisterRauff Hakim conversingwith UNP and OppositionLeader RanilWickremesinghe during abook launch at theLakshman KadirgamarInstitute for InternationalRelations and StrategicStudies (LKIIRSS) inColombo. Pic by SamanAbeysiriwardena

Justice Minister Rauff Hakimconversing with UNP...

SLMC, ACMC, UCMCcoalition for Uva

( The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress(SLMC) said today it would contest theelections to the Uva Provincial Council fromthe Badulla District in a coalition with MinisterRishad Bathiyutheen’s All Ceylon MakkalCongress (ACMC) and the Up Country MuslimCouncil (UCMC) under the two-leaf symbol ofthe Democratic Unity Alliance.SLMC General Secretary M.T. Hasen Ali saidthe Muslims in Badulla had requested theSLMC, the ACMC, and UCMC to contest as acoalition so that the Muslims would be assuredof a seat in the Uva PC.(DS)

Velayuthan to replaceHarin in Parliament

By Akitha Perera( Badulla District UNP MP HarinFernando is scheduled to resign fromParliament today (05) to contest theforthcoming Uva Provincial Council. Thevacancy would be filled by K. Velayuthan ofthe UNP, party source said.MP Fernando is scheduled to make a specialstatement in parliament today with regard to

his resignation and ondecision to give upparliament seat to behis party’s chiefministerial candidate ofthe Uva Province.UNP secured two seatsin the 2010 generalelection from BadullaDistrict with HarinFernando polling49,073 preferentialvotes and LakshmanSeneviratne polling31,560 preferentialvotes. K. Velayuthan ofthe Lanka JathikaEstate Workers Unioncontesting under theUNP ticket came thirdin the list polling 25,056preferential votes.

Guilty verdict in Water's Edge case likely toimpede presidential aspirations

( The Supreme Court judgmentwhich found former President ChandrikaKumaratunga guilty in the famous 'Water's Edge'land deal, could be a legal impediment if shedecides to contest a future presidentialelection, reliable political sourcesdisclosed.They said the former Presidentappeared to have a desire to announceher candidature at the eleventh hour ifand when a proclamation is madecalling a presidential election.This issue was being discussed in legalcircles yesterday and a President'sCounsel pointed out that sinceKumaratunga had been found guilty inthe Water's Edge land deal she may face legalhurdles to contest, had she been fined by Court.The President's Counsel who made thatobservation told his colleagues he was not certainwhether the three million rupees that was paid, asper the judgment, by Kumaratunga, was orderedin the nature of a fine or not. 'If it was a fine, shewould face legal issues,' he told his legalcolleagues.The Supreme Court in that judgment ruled thatKumaratunga, as former President, had abused

her executive powers to facilitate a corrupt landdeal and fined her three million rupees. TheSupreme Court in that case upheld thefundamental rights petition filed by two retiredpublic servants, Sugathapala Medis and RajaSenanayake, and noted former PresidentChandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, wasinstrumental in illegally transferring State land

meant for a 'public purpose' to a privategolf course, now known as Waters Edge.In that landmark judgement, JusticeShiranee Tilakawardane saidKumaratunga had failed to function in amanner consistent with the expectationsof a public officer, much less anExecutive President, and in doing so, hadcompletely betrayed the position of trustbestowed upon her by the Constitutionand by the people of Sri Lanka.The former President was fined Rs 3

million while the fifth respondent in the case andKumaratunga family friend, Ronnie Peiris, who issaid to have made a Rs 57 million profit in thecorrupt deal, was ordered to pay Rs 2 million. TheCourt also ordered that the flood retention area atthe controversial site be restored andrecommended that the Water's Edge complex beutilized to house government offices.The Bench which heard the case comprised thenChief Justice Sarath N. De Silva, JusticesShiranee Tilakawardene and P. A. Ratnayake.


Chandrika legally hampered!

( The US yesterday in a statementexpressed its concern over the incidentinvolving a protest at a civil society gatheringand urged the Government to enforce the rule oflaw.The statement issued by the US Embassy is asfollows.On August 4 a meeting that included U.S.Embassy officials was interrupted by angryprotesters, including a group of monks. Themob forced its way into the meeting on thegrounds of a Colombo Catholic church, wherefamilies of disappeared persons from the civilconflict were sharing their stories with civilsociety groups and members of the diplomaticcommunity.The U.S. Embassy is concerned that the initialreaction of the local police to this disruptionappeared to be in support of the mob efforts toshut down the meeting, though after discussions

with diplomatic officials the police did effectivelycalm the situation.The mob shouted hateful slogans, madeunfounded accusations, and behavedthreateningly towards the families of thedisappeared. These protesters were notexercising their right to peaceful protest, butrather were disrupting a peaceful gathering ofconflict survivors, including children. The strongimpression was that the protesters were seekingto intimidate and silence those in attendance.The United States strongly urges theGovernment of Sri Lanka to enforce the rule oflaw and permit all citizens to exercise their mostbasic human rights, including freedom ofspeech and freedom of assembly. We also callon the Government of Sri Lanka take allpossible steps to ensure the safety of familieswho had traveled from the North to attend thismeeting, both in Colombo and upon their return


US concerned; Calls for enforce rule of law

UN investigators pledge protectionfor witnesses, urges Govt. to do the same

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( Opposition United National Party (UNP)Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe has urged thepublic to support his party at elections next year tomake a change in the country.Speaking at an event in Hangurankethathe UNP Leader said that theGovernment of President MahindaRajapaksa has done very little over thepast nine years to address the issuesfaced by the people.He says the country is facing a dark eraand only a UNP Government can bring achange if it is voted back into power.Presidential elections are expected to take placenext year and Wickremesinghe says if the UNP

wins that election then it will address the cost ofliving issue among other things.“Remove the Rajapaksa regime. Help me form a

UNP Government,” Wickremesinghe toldthe public at the meeting.While speaking one person continued tovoice his opinion against the Governmentand Wickremesinghe then warned himthat he may get picked up by a white van.“Keep your views in your head or you willget white vanned,” he told the gathering.He said the UNP will go from electorateto electorate and seek public support

ahead of the Presidential elections next year.(Colombo Gazette)

Gotabaya says he isready to be a MP

SLFP asks NFF not togo solo in Uva

( Defence SecretaryGotabaya Rajapaksahas said that ifPresident MahindaRajapaksa tells him toenter Parliament, heis ready to do so.The Defence

Secretary has said this in an interview with News1st.

( The Sri Lanka Freedom Party(SLFP) had today requested the National FreedomFront (NFF) not to contest the elections to the UVAprovincial Council, on its own, NFF sources said.However the NFF had not given an immediatereply to the request and sources said the NFFCentral Committee was discussing the issue at themoment.Earlier today the SLFP hierarchy agreed with the12-point action plan submitted by the NFF with theobjective of putting the country back on the correcttrack.

( The producer of thecontroversial documentary videos on Sri Lankaaired by Britain’s Channel 4 television, CallumMacrae, says he is prepared to fully co-operatewith the UN led investigation on the war in SriLanka.Macrae had produced a series of

videos related tothe war, includingthe ‘No-FireZone’ serieswhich allegeswar crimes werecommitted duringthe final stagesof the war in SriLanka.Macrae says that while theproceedings of theinvestigation by the Office ofthe High Commissioner for

Human Rights (OHCHR) on Sri Lanka is entirelyconfidential he will be happy to fully co-operatewith the investigators when appropriate.The OHCHR investigation is to look at allegationsthat war crimes had been committed during thewar in Sri Lanka.

The Government has alreadyrejected most parts of Macrae’svideos which accuse the army ofhuman rights abuses. The TamilDiaspora have already said they arewilling to testify before the OHCHRinvestigation.Meanwhile the Governmentappointed Missing PersonsCommission is also now looking at

allegations of war crimes.Last week former Norwegian peace envoy ErikSolheim had offered to share information related tothe war with the Government Commission.Report by Easwaran Rutnam

Ranil believes UNP can bring change

C4′s Macrae willing to share war info( Province ChiefMinister C V Wigneswarantoday slammed theGovernment accusing it ofviolating the law through itsactions and also failing toallow the smoothadministration of theNorthern Provincial Council.

Speaking at the Vavuniya District CoordinatingCommittee Meeting, Wigneswaran said that theGovernment is forcing the people in the North toaccept what it wants despite the Tamil NationalAlliance (TNA) winning the provincial elections inthe area last year.However he said he will continue to attend DistrictCoordinating Committee Meetings in the north toraise issues faced by the people.

Wigneswaran slams the Government

( The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS)Organisation today said that it would complain tothe Bribery Commission as well as to the CriminalInvestigation Department (CID) about MinisterRajitha Senaratne.BBS General Secretary,Ven. GalagodaatteGnanasara Thera, saidthat they had enoughevidence to prove that theallegations against theminister were true.According to the Thera,Minister Rajitha Senaratnehad recently lashed out atthe BBS and its monksand charged them withigniting the violence inAluthgama and Beruwela.“He had also claimed that Norway and aParliamentarian from the opposition were backingour organisation. All these allegations are

baseless. A minister has to be responsible andcannot make false allegations. We challenge himto prove these allegations,” Gnanasara Thera said.He said that the minister should focus on his

offenses without makingbaseless allegationsagainst others. “We havenot been taught toretaliate against thosewho make allegationsagainst us but we are notready to be subjected tofalse allegations,” he said.He said almost all thepoliticians and ministerswere misusing publicfunds for their personalgain. “It is in our

politicians’ blood to commit crimes and cheat thepublic. This has become a habit today,” the therasaid. (Lahiru Pothmulla)

BBS to go to Bribery Comm. against Rajitha

( President Mahinda Rajapaksasaid the 3-member Advisory Committee wasappointed on the request of the PresidentialCommission Investigating Into ComplaintsRegarding Missing Persons to advise theCommission.Answering a question at the meeting with mediaeditors at Temple Trees yesterday, the Presidentclarified that the 3-member committee is anadvisory body and it has no mandate forinvestigations.He added that the government is consideringthe possibility of expanding the AdvisoryCommittee by adding three more members.External Affairs Minister Prof. G L Peiris saidthat Sri Lanka rejected outright Clause 10 of theUNHRC resolution which called forinvestigations into alleged war crimes.“However, we have agreed to the Clause 2which called for an internal investigation”, hepointed out.The Advisory Committee has been accordinglyappointed to advise the Commission on MissingPersons. Asked about the possibility ofabolishing the Executive Presidency, PresidentRajapaksa said those who brought that changealso could attend to any change. “Whoestablished the Executive Presidency?’ heasked and pointed out that those whointroduced it can revise it if necessary. Pointing

out that the SLFP did not install a presidentialform of government, he said it was wrong to saythe Executive Presidency is the cause for all illstoday.When asked on restrictions on NGOs, Presidentsaid “there had been no change in the policytowards the NGOs.“Whenever NGOs register in Sri Lanka, anagreement is signed specifying their mandate.What the government did was to bring that tothe notice of the NGOs”. The government plansto revise the NGO regulations and it will be doneafter a thorough study.On elections, he said “the elections could beheld at any time the Opposition Leader wants itto be held.Asked if the Vatican requested that the electionsnot be held in January 2015 as Pope Francis isto visit Sri Lanka, President said there was nosuch request”.At the end of the media meeting, PresidentRajapaksa said that a group of senior doctorscame in a delegation and urged him to appeal tothe media not to sensationalize news of childsuicides, especially suicides of school children,as that could result in a suicidal wave due toeasily impressionable child mentality.The President requested the media to givethought about this genuine concern.(PRIU)

Rasika Somarathna( The Forum for National Amity andUnderstanding yesterday launched its declaration‘One Nation One People’, of which the main aim isinculcating cultural and religious values ofcompassion tolerance, love and propagating theimportance of peaceful coexistence in a united SriLanka.The declaration which is in the form of a smallbooklet in all three languages consists religiousteachings from Buddhism and Islam whichpromote inter-religious and inter-communalcoordinations and relations.The Forum will take measures to distribute thisbooklet throughout the country while alsopropagating awareness programs in its endeavourto inculcate the above values among the public.The Forum for National Amity and Understandingwas set up by a band of patriotic Sri Lankan’s who

treat all communities alike in order to create anenvironment conducive to Buddhists, Hindus,Christians and Muslims inhabiting the country tolive in peace, happiness, brotherhood and unity asa strong fortress that will never be breached.The launching ceremony took place at the BMICHwith the participation of Buddhist, Muslim,Christian and Hindu religious dignitaries, politicalrepresentatives, members of the diplomatic corp.civil society members and school children. TheForum was addressed by Co-Chair of the Forumthe Ven. Prof. Kamburugamuwe Vajira Thera, Co-Chair former Speaker M.H.Mohammed,Ven.Banagala Upatissa Thera, Moulavi HisbullahAbdul Cader, Secretary to the President LalithWeeratunge, Faiz Mustapha PC, KalakeerthiEdwin Ariyadasa, National Languages and SocialIntegration Minister Vasudeva Nanayakkara, Co-Secretary M.M.A.Dahlan and co-secretaryN.Kaluthanthri.

The Forum for National Amity and Understanding launches declaration

‘One Nation One People’ inculcates cultural,religious values and propagates

peaceful coexistence

No investigative role for Advisory Panel

( The Dead and Missing Person’sParents Front (DMPPF) today charged that certainNGOs and foreign groups had invited relatives ofdisappeared LTTE cadres to Colombo to giveevidence against Sri Lanka via theinternet on the promise they wouldbe paid Rs.200,000.DMPFF advisor Ven. AngulugalleSiri Jinananda Thera asked theorganisers why the DMPPF wasnot invited to last evening’smeeting held at the Centre forSociety and Religion (CSR) atDeans Road, Maradana andinquired whether the ExternalAffairs Ministry was aware of whatwas happening.“Can any international organisationhold any gatherings or meetings withoutsupervision or participation of governmentauthorities,” he questioned.The monk said Mannar Citizens’ CommitteePresident Britto Fernando, who is also thePresident of the Organisation for the Families ofthe Disappeared had organised the meeting.

“It is learnt that the participants were to giveevidence through the Internet. We decided tostorm the CSR with several Buddhist monks andmembers of our organisation. We found no

diplomatic officials there and thatthe organisers had invited severalforeign representatives close tothem,” the Thera said. “Theorganisers had given a wrongimpression of our organisation andthe foreign representatives whoattended the meeting did not seekany clarification from us.The Thera said the organisers hadpainted a wrong picture to thediplomats and that was why wedisrupted the meeting.“It is obvious that a group of

individuals are prepared to betray the country formoney,” the monk said.He said there was only one Dead and MissingPerson’s Parents Front, representing missingpersons and had a membership of more than 500.(Chaturanga Pradeep)

Move to give online evidence: DMPPF

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Seventh Annual General Meeting ofSociety of Sri Lankan Engineers andScientists was held on 12th July 2014 atRising Sun Hotel.Mr Sepala Ratnyake, Minister, SriLankan High Commission was the ChiefGuest.Dr Keerthi Devendra, President,presented the achievements for the lastyear and thanked everyone for theirsupport. He further said that he servedthe Society as the Secretary as well asthe President.Mr Sepala Ratnayake gave an eloquentspeech, emphasising the importance ofknowledge transfer to Sri Lanka.Mr Leslie Gunaratne, Founder Presidentof Society of Sri Lankan Engineers andScientists, was once again, unanimouslyselected as the New President. Lesliethanked the outgoing President for all theworks, he has done, especially forarranging a number of visits to RollRoyce. Leslie also, gave his sincerethanks to every one for selecting him, as

the New President, and explained hisvision and new ideas for the future.Dr Keerthi Devendra became the VicePatron.The following office bearers wereselected uncontested.Vice Presidents: Mr Kumar de Silva , MrJanath JayewardeneSecretary: Mr Tissa AmarasenaAssistant Secretary/ MembershipSecretary: Mr Chaminda KarunaratneTreasurer: Mr Gamini KulasenaAssistant Treasurer: Mr Ranga WisidamaPublicity Secretary-:Mr Nath CoorayCommittee Members: Mr TissaWellappili, Mr Anura Wickremasinghe, MrGnana Gnanndran, Mr AlbertSenanayake, Mr ADV Dhanaratne, MrAsiri Bamiunuarachchi, Mr Jerald Alwis,Mr Laksman Wehalle, Mr HemanthaFernando, Mr Dharshana Haththotuwaand Mr Asoka Dissanayake.After the meeting, members and theirfamilies got to gether for traditional SriLankan Lunch.

Seventh Annual General Meeting- Society of Engineers and Scientists in the UK

By Manjula FernandoThe chubby little ball of black born on February3, 2006 was named Raju, the King.( Perhaps the authorities atPinnawala Eth Athuru Sevana - the elephant transitcamp, where Raju's parents,Neelagiri and Punchi wereresident pachyderms, had somesort of inkling of what the futureheld for the baby elephant, for itsnot customary to think of a royalname for any newborns there.During his relatively short time atEth Athuru Sevana, Raju becamethe cynosure among all babyelephants, earning the affectionof the staff and the attention oflocal and foreign tourists whocome in their hundreds to theelephant transit camp every day.The baby elephant was a hairyprankster.It was during this time, thecaretakers of the DaladaMaligawa (Temple of Tooth inKandy) discussed the issue of grooming a secondgeneration of tuskers to take part in the annualKandy Esala Perahera and more importantly bearthe most sacred casket carrying Buddha's tooth

relic at the final Randoli Perahera.Following a request to President MahindaRajapaksa, permission was granted to seek twobaby tuskers from the Pinnawala transit camp.Destiny

Diyawadana Nilame Nilanga DelaBandara was entrusted with thetask of selecting them. He had tolook for nobleness and sevenphysical signs that raise them to theclass of a Magul Etha. The tuskerthat will one day bear the casketcarrying the Sacred Tooth Relicadorning the most importantreligious procession of the country,renowned world over for its graceand grandeur.Raju's destiny was alreadyengraved.The three-year-old baby tuskerfulfilled every single characteristic ofa Magul Etha (Saddantha kulaya)and moreover had a uniqueresemblance to the late 'MaligawaRaja'. His

trunk, the four feet, tail andthe male organ reachedthe ground when the littletusker stood upright. Thetrunk in the shape of a

traditional winnow andits back straight. Onlythe height which mustreach at least 12 feetwhen fully grown, hasto be met.Maligawa Raja wasthe sacred casketbearer at the finalRandoli Perahera for37 years. He took partin the Kandy Perahera for 50 years, before itdied at the age of 75 in 1988.Legend"No tusker todate has been able to fill the voidcreated by Raja's passsing away," the officialcaretaker of Maligawa elephants, PradeepNiyanapalawa said.It was one of most celebrated tuskers in Asiaduring its lifetime and was declared a nationaltreasure by the then President J.R.Jayawardene in 1986. His legend still lives on.Raju's playmate at the Pinnawala camp, Sinduwas also chosen and gifted to Asgiri chapter ofthe temple. They were transferred in 2009 andraised at Maligawa by the able mahouts of theTemple. Although it must have been a tearfuldeparture, the parents would have blessedlittle Raju for they knew he was being groomedfor a noble cause.Raju and Sindu wereinitially trained by mahoutAluthge Gunasiri (Sekera). But now they are

looked after and trained by mahoutEkanayake."Within three months of trainingthey took part in the Kataragamaperahera at Aluth Nuwara templein Balangoda," Sekera said."They have been taking part in theKandy Esala Perahera for the pastseveral years and our hope is tofulfill the rituals after the Peraheraand groom them for the sacredcasket duty," he said.The rituals include seeking theblessings of Gods and tying awooden structure called 'wataputuwa' on the elephants back ona previously set auspicious time.The idea is to get themaccustomed to carry the woodenstructure that the golden casket islaid during perahera.Raju and Sindu have to train for 7-8 years, before the noble duty is entrusted uponthem.

Chosen oneSindu has just one tusk,hence Raju would be thechosen one for the specialduty at the Esela Perahera.However, carrying thesacred casket for manydays during the KandyEsala festival is somethingof an elephantine task andway too much for a singletusker. It is a majorresponsibility and a tiringone at that. While the sametusker will perform the dutyof bearing the sacredcasket at the final Randoli

Perahera every year, one or twowill alternatively be summoned tobear it during the processions inthe run up to the grand finalperahera.Niyanapalawa, whose fathers andforefathers for generation aftergeneration had served the Templeof the Tooth said, "The issue ofshortage of tuskers for Peraheraduty is something officials mustlook into without delay."All the elephants exclusivelytrained for perahera duty,numbering about 20 in the entirecountry, are now middle-aged orvery old. Each year, two or moresuch elephants pass away due toold age. This is a sad situation."We don't have young tuskerseven at the Maligawa, the only

tuskers we have are the youngsters, Raju andSindu."Mahout Sekera said they need at least ten years totrain an elephant for such a task. They need tolearn to be calm, graceful, patient and composedin the midst of dozens of distractions. Of the twoelephants presently performing Randoli duty, IndiRaja is about 40 years old and NedungamuweEtha is nearly 70 years old. None of them areowned by the Maligawa.He said they were hopefulPresident Mahinda Rajapaksa would intervene tofind some solution to this issue adding that Indianelephants too fulfill the needs of the perahera well.Except for being noble and handsome Raju isgood at one other thing, to claim undividedattention from its trainer, Ekanayake. The mahouthas dedicated his entire life for this 'little charmer',until he grows up to fit into the boots of thelegendary Maligawa Raja.

Raju has unique resemblance to Maligawa Raja

Marking the end of Kandy Esela Festival 2013, President MahindaRajapaksa flanked by Diyawadana Nilame Nilanga Dela and Central

Province Governor Tikiri Kobbekaduwa feed the chief tusker.

Mahout Ekanayke hardly take time offto visit his family

The tusker does not side step the white carpetwhen the Sacred Casket is on its back.

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Malathi Perera( It was a great priceless and amemorable event for the Princess of WalesCollege to have organized 'SPLENDID 2014' BrassBand Show recently. Chief Guest was Education

Ministry's Western Music Director UshithaSamarakoon, while the Guest of Honour wasPiano Accordionist Sherine Peiris, who graced theoccasion in the absence of the first Western BandCommander from Princess of Wales College, DilJayawardana.This was the first show organized by the college.Whilst filling the air with music in all corners ofMoratuwa, the school bid adieu to their devotedmusic teacher Ramani Fernando. The CollegeWestern Brass Band accompanied thedistinguished guests to the main hall after handingover bouquets of flowers to chief guest, guest ofhonour, Principal Malani Samarakoon and the twoDeputy Principals. The event, though inclined towestern music, did not forget the Sinhala culture.The honoured guests lit the lamp and the schoolanthem was sung.The past pupils, even at the difficult age ofseventies and eighties, stood and sang the anthemproudly. After the principal delivered the welcomespeech, the maroon-colured curtains were drawn

apart to show thebeautiful music playedfirst by the presentSenior School band,which wassubsequently followedby the little ones

playing accurately on melodicas.This was followed by equal performances ofschools such as Vishaka, Moratu Vidyalaya, SriSumangala Balika, Sri Sumangala Boys Schooland Our Lady of Victories; no one could possiblythe judge the best troupe. Naadro Band's musicwas quite novel. It was huge drums echoedrhythmically to a soft music, was never seen onstage before. Five drums beat together, it was onefabulous experience. It was interesting to watch anold pupil, the 1995-2000 commander, comfortablycommanding the troup.

She received a standing ovation, which lasted aminute or two.More illumed was the event when another old girl,Lankika, stepped into the stage to walk and sing‘Kimada Nave Aiey Nave”. She was followed byNilanthi singing ‘Oba Soyana Sudu Kella Mamai’.Ramani Fernando also delivered her talk, statingthe most of her life was spent with Princess ofWales College. A memento was presented to her inappreciation of her valuable service rendered tothe school. Dr Priyanka Fernando climbed up thestairway to thank her beloved teacher.





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The Lord Sheikh, Chair of the Conservative MuslimForum and a key Muslim Adviser to Prime Minister,David Cameron, speaking in the Palace ofWestminster urged Sri Lanka to build bridges withall religious communities at a high level meeting inthe UK Parliament on Wednesday 30th July 2014.Lord Sheikh was addressing a meeting in thePalace of Westminster organised by theConservative Muslim Forum and the ConservativeFriends of Sri Lanka to discuss the relationshipbetween the Muslims and the Buddhists in SriLanka. The meeting in the UKParliament was heavily over-subscribed and attended by100 people. Lord Sheikh said:I have visited Sri Lanka andvisited places of worship ofother religions on the island.Lady Sheikh and I have visitedBuddhist Temples. I sawMuslims and Buddhists livingin harmony. Lady Sheikh and Ialso visited a Masjid. I regardSri Lanka as a country I havegreat respect for I have metPresident Mahinda Rajapakse,Speaker of the Sri LankanParliament ChamalRajapakse, Foreign Minister G.L.Peiris . Muslimshave been in Sri Lanka for over 1300 years todayMuslims are a significant minority controlling atleast half of small businesses on the island andresponsible for many businesses in the textileindustry and gem trades. 'The Conservative peer said that conflict betweenBuddhists and Muslims are not appropriatebecause he feels that the two religiouscommunities have lived in harmony. He regrettedthe action of a tiny minority who have sought tothreaten and intimidate Muslims. Lord Sheikh said:'Unfortunately it is always a tiny minority who hijackthings. There are more similarities between peoplethan there are differences. The 26 year civil war inSri Lanka is over. I believe the country should befocussing on nation building and reconciliation andshould be involved in building bridges betweenreligious communities.'Speaking at the high level meeting, Sri Lanka'srepresentative to the Court of St.James, HisExcellency Dr. Chris Nonis, High Commissioner of

Sri Lanka said: With a history of over 2,500 yearshas led to a mixing of cultures, ethnicities andreligions. We are a country so small, smaller thanDelhi, Bejing and Lagos and yet we have haddivisions. We have suffered from the tragedy ofcolonialism and no one looks at that. ThePortuguese, Dutch and the British all carried out a'divide and rule' policy in Sri Lanka. We havesuffered partly due to the legacy of colonisationand no one looks at that. A passive people havesuffered. It is a pity that it has reinforced divisions.

We are lucky we achieved independence in 1948,considered one of the most progressive colonies.We have had democracy for 2,500 years. In 1931we achieved universal suffrage. We have had theworld's first woman prime minister in Mrs SirimavoBandaranaike. We do understand gender equality.We agreed to join what is known as the modernCommonwealth. We have a robust legal system.The tragedy is that external forces have tried totake advantage extremist elements have giveninto that,' said High Commissioner Dr. Chris Nonis.The High Commissioner went on to talk about thechallenge of the urban-rural divide seen in SriLanka and even in the United Kingdom. He said hewas passionate against racial oppression andshared some of his own experiences of racism inthe UK when he was studying over here. He addedthat while he was in London he campaigned forNelson Mandela because he believed it was theright thing to do. Nelson Mandel'a first pressconference in London was at the RoyalCommonwealth Society. High Commissioner Dr.Chris Nonis said: 'The beauty of Mandela, even

after 27 years in prison was that he still forgave hiscaptors. It is important for all of us to build a bridgebetween communities. It is not a frivolity to suggestthat we need time to develop a depth ofunderstanding of each other. The most dangerouspeople are the opportunists who fan the fame ofhatred.'Desmond Biddulph, President of the Buddhistsociety also addressed the audience in the Palaceof Westminster. Mr. Biddulph noted that at the coreof both religious traditions is a big warm heart. He

quoted the words of the Dalai Lama who had saidthat violence in a Buddhist majority countrytargeting minority religions is 'completelyunacceptable.'Mr. Amin Sivardeen Chairman of the British-SriLanka Association said that he was saddened tolearn about the tensions between Buddhists andMuslims in Sri Lanka. He urged people to considerSri Lanka as a people of a single nation.'Dr. Sunil Kariyakarawana, the Buddhist Chaplainto the British Armed Forces said he has workedclosely with the Imam Chaplain of the BritishArmed Forces for nine years. He said we shouldn'tbe making broad brush conclusions he added thatBuddhists have had differences with extremistelements. Dr. Kariyakarawana said 'The Muslimcontribution to Sri Lankan life is amazing.' Headmired the level of the depth of understanding ofBuddhism by Muslims. He urged people not togeneralist the current tensions to the wholecommunity.Dr. Kariyakarawana said: 'Our job is tocommunicate the message in any relationship we

need wisdom and understanding to take this greatopportunity forward how can we forget thefriendship and brotherhood we have betweenreligious communities?'Amal Abeywardena of the Conservative Friends ofSri Lanka said: 'Sri Lanka is a vibrant democracy.Successive government have been changedthrough the ballot box and not the bullet.' He addedthat the nation should be given the time and spaceto heal.'Questions from the floor covering the present

concerns over the tensionsbetween Buddhists andMuslims, the need for goodpractice to be shared, theexamples of success from thebusiness world in Sri Lanka,were taken by the panel.Speaking at the meeting in thePalace of Westminster, IvanCorea said the crying need ofthe hour was for the voices ofmoderates to be aired onpress, radio and televisionfrom all religious communitiesin Sri Lanka. He urged HighCommissioner Dr. Chris Nonisto organise case studies - from

random acts of kindness - to projects betweenreligious communities to be aired by the SriLankan media even religious media such asBuddhist TV in order to accentuate the positive andemphasis all that is good in Sri Lanka.Most venerable Daranagama KusaladhammaThero, The Director General of the Sri LankaBuddhist TV and Abbot of the Plaistow SriSamboodhi Buddhist meditation Centre,who waspresent said that the President of Sri Lanka , HisExcellency Mahinda Rajapakse was made awareof our meeting and the President was glad andextended his full support for such reconciliatorywork undertaken by Lord Sheikh and ConservativeMuslim Forum and Conservative Friends of SriLanka.Mrs Ajantha Tennakon of the Conservative MuslimForum introduced the panel and welcomed theinvited the guests to this high level meeting and atthe end of the meeting she thanked the panel fortheir valuable contribution. The meeting at thePalace of Westminster ended just before 9 pm.


(LBO) - Sri Lanka's stocks closed 0.26percent higher with index heavy stocksgaining despite net foreign buying, brokerssaid.The Colombo benchmark All Share PriceIndex closed 17.84 points higher at6,833.26, up 0.26 percent. The S&P SL20closed 9.76 points higher at 3,752.79, up0.26 percent.Turnover was 1.40 billion rupees, downfrom 1.57 billion rupees a day earlier with130 stocks closed positive against 62negative.

Commercial Bank closed 90 cents higher at142.40 rupees with an off-markettransaction of 42.60 million rupeeschanging hands at 142.00 rupees per sharecontributing 3 percent of the daily turnover.The aggregate value of all off-the-floordeals represented 5 percent of the turnover.John Keells Holdings closed 1.10 rupeeshigher at 238.00 rupees with markettransactions of 293.79 million rupeescontributing 21 percent of the turnover.JKH’s W0023 warrants closed 6.20 rupeeshigher at 78.00 rupees and its W0022

warrants closed 5.80 rupees higher at71.80 rupees, attracting most number oftrades during the day.Foreign investors bought 371.45 millionrupees worth shares while selling 148.20million rupees worth shares.Union Assurance closed 16.30 rupeeshigher at 174.20 rupees, contributing mostto the index gain.Distilleries closed 2.30 rupees higher at204.00 rupees and Ceylon TobaccoCompany closed 6.60 rupees lower at1,130.60 rupees.

Splendid evening at Princess of Wales College

Sri Lanka stocks close up 0.3-pct

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Becomes the first Sri Lankan to chairAPOT.AsiaColombo July 31, 2014: SriLankan Airlines,Chairman Mr. Nishantha Wickremasinghe hasbeen appointed the Chairman of APOT. Asia (AsiaPacific On-board Travel) from August this year. Hewill be taking over from Ms. Heather Cho, SeniorVice President of Korean Air Lines Co. Ltd.Aimed at collectively inventing and improving newstrategies to attract more tourists to the region,APOT. Asia is a global body with a member-baseranging from airline in-flight products and servicesuppliers, airline caterers, catering productsuppliers, airline managements, hospitalitypartners and media organizations.“I am honoured to be appointed the Chairman ofAPOT Asia, which is an organization that worksextensively towards promoting tourism in theregion. This is not a personal achievement or thatof the Airline alone. This is a collective effort of theentire country that has been once againrecognized at a global forum. As the nationalcarrier, SriLankan Airlines has been workingtirelessly towards making Sri Lanka an aviationhub in Asia as set down in the development goalsof the Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma programme,introduced by the visionary leadership of PresidentManhinda Rajapaksa,” said the Chairman-elect Mr.Wickremasinghe.

APOT. Asia has been raising awareness on theregion's tourism potential through educatingstakeholders on tourist attractions, business andinvestment opportunities. It shares, educates anddiscusses ground-breaking ideas and new tourismtrends that can be utilized to increase the numberof tourist arrivals.At the 2014 June Forum inDanang, Vietnam, Mr.Wickremasinghe was among theinvited speakers. This year, withSriLankan Airlines' Chairman atthe helm, APOT- Asia is planningto hold its next annual forum inSri Lanka in 2015 with over 250delegates in attendance.Commenting on the event, Mr.Wickremasinghe added, “I amconfident that the mileagegained out of this could bediverted to further promote thecountry as an ideal touristdestination that has somethingin store for any type of travellerand SriLankan Airlines, as the perfect way to getthere.”Mr Wickremasinghe was appointed Chairman ofthe SriLankan Airlines' Group which includesSriLankan Catering, in June 2009 on a mandate to

take the airline forward and expand its operationsin conjunction with an ambitious tourismdevelopment plan, envisaged by the presentGovernment of Sri Lanka.SriLankan Airlines, the National Airline of SriLanka, is an award winning carrier with a firm

reputation as a global leader inservice, comfort, safety,reliability, and punctuality.Launched in 1979, SriLankan iscurrently expanding and furtherdiversifying its wide range ofproducts and services in order todrive the country's on-goingboom in tourism and economicdevelopment. The airline's hubsare located at BandaranaikeInternational Airport in Colomboand Mattala RajapaksaInternational Airport,Hambantota providingconvenient connections to itsglobal route network of 89destinations in 44 countries in

Europe, the Middle East, South Asia, SoutheastAsia, the Far East, North America, Australia andAfrica.SriLankan Airlines joined oneworld airline allianceon May 1st, this year as the first carrier from the

Indian Sub-continent. SriLankan now fliesalongside some of the biggest and premier brandsin the airline business airberlin, American Airlines,British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia,Japan Airlines, LAN, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas,Royal Jordanian and S7 airlines. Together with itsoneworld membership, the flagship carrier of SriLanka offers its customers convenient connectionsto a thousand destinations in over 150 countries,opportunities to earn and redeem frequent flyermiles any oneworld carrier and access to over 500lounges for top tier frequent flyers.In the airline world, the Asia Pacific carriersmaintain very high standards in in-flight services, afact which has brought together the industryleaders to further strengthen the relationshipamong the region's business partners andassociates. Through frequent interactions, theorganization facilitates the promotion of theproducts, services and the destinations of itsassociates. The speciality of the APOT. Asia'sforums is that they are held in leisure destinationsin a relaxed atmosphere where the products andservice providers can showcase their products to alarger audience, consisting, travel agents, salesteams and delegates of the aviation and hospitalityindustries.Corporate Communications DepartmentSriLankan Airlines

SriLankan Airlines Chairman to head APOT. AsiaPress Release

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( Indocean Developers (Pvt) Ltd., thepromoter of the iconic Altair twin towercondominium development in Colombo, hasappointed Pradeep Moraes and K. M. Sathian asDirectors.The two appointees are alreadyclosely involved with the megaconstruction project in seniorexecutive capacities, Moraes asPresident Sales & Marketing, andSathian as President Projects.Moraes joined IndoceanDevelopers after 10 years asHead of Sales and Marketing inthe property group of John Keells Holdingsthrough its subsidiaries Asian Hotels & PropertiesPLC, John Keells Residential Properties (Pvt) Ltd.,and British Overseas (Pvt) Ltd, in which capacityhe headed a team that sold over 750 high-endluxury apartments.He subsequently went into Brand Management inthe FMCG sector, and general management and

marketing with CEO responsibility, for severalleading entities.Sathian is a Civil Engineer with over 28 years ofexperience in the fields of Engineering,Procurement and Construction of high-rise

buildings, large residential andcommercial townships, airports,hospitals and sports stadiums. Hehas accumulated more than 16 yearsof experience in the Middle East andNorth Africa (MENA) region.In the seven years preceding hisappointment with Altair, Sathian wasthe Project Head for the ‘Urbana’

township development, at 12 high-rise residentialtowers of 40 to 60 stories each and 51 bungalowswith all amenities spread over 65 Acres of land,the single most significant development in EasternIndia. Altair is intended to be a one-of-its-kinddevelopment in South Asia in terms ofarchitectural design, structural engineering, andliving experience.

Pradeep Moraes, K. M. Sathian appointedDirectors of Altair

( The Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka has honouredformer Parliament Secretary General and formerParliamentary Ombudsman Sam Wijesinha withthe Sepala Gunasena 2013 Award for defendingpress freedom in Sri Lanka. Wijesinha, who retireda few months ago as Chairman of the DisputeResolution Council of the Press ComplaintsCommission of Sri Lanka, was given theprestigious award made in memory of the latepublisher of Independent Newspapers Ltd., for hissteadfast promotion of self regulation within theprint media since 2003 and his consistent support

for media freedom.This presentation was made at Wijesinha’sresidence, ‘Lakmahal’ in Colpetty. Here the EditorsGuild of Sri Lanka President Siri Ranasinghepresenting the Sepala Gunasena Award for 2013to Sam Wijesinha. Others in the picture are (fromleft): The Sunday Island Editor Manik de Silva,Press Complaint Commission of Sri Lanka CEOSukumar Rockwood and Sri Lanka Press InstituteChairman Kumar Nadesan

Editor’s Guild honour Sam Wijesinha

Gowri does rotaryproud

( Sri Lanka’s1st lady Govenor of rotaryand top businesspersonality from kandydistrict Gowri Rajan wasawarded by theProfessional women inManagement - Mostinspiration woman 2014 award by HonMinister Basil Rajapakse the minister foreconomic development at the crystal room TajSamudra amidst a distinctive business sectorgathering.Ms Rajan hailing from the kandy district is aboard director of the family own Marketleadership company Sun & Asoka group ofdiversified category leadership business

organization apartfrom being the 1stlady Govenor to leadRotary - Sri Lanka andMaldives.Some of the otherdistinguishedprofessionals to beawarded forexemplary leadershipincluded film producericon sumithra pieris,mrs prestonjee ofabans fame andsecretary ministry ofplantations msDamitha De Soyza.The key note speakerwas Advertising andcommunicationspecialist from TriadGroup of companiesVaruni Amunugama.

( WorkInSriLanka, a volunteer-led brain gaininitiative that aims to position Sri Lanka as anattractive work destination, for highly skilledindividuals and high calibre businesses, held itsquarterly meet up in Colombo recently.The event was attended by nearly 100 expatriateSri Lankans who have recently returned to SriLanka from countries including Australia, USA,UK, France, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore,New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland andThailand, actively seeking information on settlingdown in Sri Lanka from WorkInSriLankavolunteers.Speaking at the event, Nayana Samaranayakesaid, “We are delighted to see growing interestamong the expat community to move back to SriLanka in search of both career and investmentopportunities. With representatives from adiverse set of industries, the WorkInSriLankacommunity activelyreaches out tothem through theseinteractivesessions as well asour website,mentor programsand annualconference. Weintend to ease theirtransition into thecountry by offeringall necessaryinformation andsupport.”A project ofSL2College,

WorkInSriLanka was launched in May 2013 withthe aim of reversing the brain drain in thecountry. Offering comprehensive information oncareers, living, education, housing andimmigration for the Sri Lankan expat communitythrough its website, WorkInSriLanka activelyengages with them through such quarterlyinformal forums.Its inaugural annual conference held lastDecember brought together recent returnees,expats living in Sri Lanka, investors, and expertsto discuss the opportunities and challenges inmaking Sri Lanka the worlds’ preferred workdestination. The conference saw the participationof officials from the Government and privatesectors strategising to build a stronger brain gainplatform for the country. The event proved to bea great networking opportunity for companiesand prospective candidates.

WorkInSriLanka continues to draw the attentionof expat community

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The distinguished Peer, disability rightscampaigner and former Chair of the RNIBLord Low of Dalston paid handsome tribute tothe efforts of a UK Registered Charity-Deafand Blind Aid Lanka which supports theunderfunded Rural schools in theisland nation of Sri Lanka,Thesummer event attended by onehundred and twenty invited anddistinguished gathering of guests inthe House of Lords in the Palace ofWestminster was held on Monday28th July 2014.The Trustees ofDABAL are AmeeraHussain(Chairperson),FaisalHussain(Vice Chairman),BeulahMendis(Secretary);PriyaWelikala(Treasurer),NadaniWelikala(Membership/EventsSecretary),Lionel Bandara(Webmaster),NimalNavaratne(Publicity/Photographer),Charmaine Jayasuriya,Calista Jayasinghe, ChrisSeelanatha, Drowpathi Pillai.

Lord Colin Low welcoming the gatheringcommended the work of DABAL and said itwas one of his favourite charities and he wasvery proud to be associated with it.Applauding the work of DABAL Sri Lanka's

representative to the Court of St James, HisExcellency High Commissioner Dr ChrisNonis who was the Chief guest and speakerat the occasion commended DABAL'S workas a UK based charity representing the multi

ethnic community of Sri Lanka, workingtogether to help the disabled anddisadvantaged children attending the ruralschools in the island nation. He recountedhow he and his family's personal involvement

in helping the differently abled in Sri Lanka toachieve their full potential.Lord Naseby Co-Chair of the all partyparliamentary group on Sri Lanka and alongstanding friend of the people of Sri Lanka

said he was delighted to hear of DABAL'Sefforts to make an impact on the lives of theDeaf and Blind children in Sri Lanka.The Chairperson Ameera Hussain deliveringthe vote of thanks to all present expressedher sincere thanks to Ivan Corea compere ofthe event for giving an excellent coverage ofthe work done by DABALFrancesca Ashfield(granddaughter of Priyaand Nadani Welikala) presented the Flowersto Lady Low and gave a solo performance inmemory of her late grandmother EileenAshfield, who was an indefatigablecampaigner for the Guide dogs for the BlindUK charity. Beulah Mendis presented thePatron Lord Colin Low the novel "Village inthe Jungle" in Braille by Leonard Woolf, whoserved in the then Ceylon as a Colonial

Administrator. The novel was set in CeylonThe string quartet "Bagatalle" providedentertaining music which added to theambience.

Press Release


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Photography by Praneeth Hettiarachchi, Nalin Maallawa & Asanka Wanniarachige (official FoC 2014 Photography Team).

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COPEfrom P8the period 1 June 2011 to 30 June 2012 due toinefficiencies such as delays in laboratory tests,lack of coherent communication andpreparedness to meet the challenges of a volatilemarket, overpayments, delays in planning ordersfor procurement of petroleum products,uneconomical blending of high and low octanepetrol, etc.The Ceylon Petroleum Corporation had overpaid$ 2,060,842 to a foreign UAE company due tothe inclusion of the premium of $ 54 twice in theagreement entered into with the said company toprocure fuel.Even though Sri Lanka Telecom had purchased75% of shares of the Sky Network Ltd. for Rs.108 million to obtain the frequency required forthe continuation of service related to WiMaxtechnology, the company had been closed downafter a couple of years with no adequatebusiness activities done on the ground and the

technology becoming obsolete. The transactionlooks suspicious as the said company, which hadbeen formed in 2006, had carried out nobusiness activities other than retaining afrequency until it was purchased by SLT in 2008.It was also revealed that Rs. 10,468,000 hadbeen paid as director’s fees during the period inwhich the company did not function and theperson who had been paid as such hadhappened to be a director in Sky Network Ltd.Land belonging to the State PlantationCorporation on Gregory’s Road, which was oncemortgaged to the Bank of Ceylon for Rs. 50million, had later been sold to a private companyby the corporation for Rs. 243 million subject tocertain conditions related to the redemption ofthe mortgage. However, the SPC has receivedonly Rs. 11.9 million in respect of this transaction.Rs. 19,483,222 had been overpaid to acontractor by the Central Environmental Authorityin its Solid Waste Management Projectimplemented in Dompe as the tender had beenoffered to the 6th highest bidder neglecting the

justifications of the lower bidders. Further, a lossof Rs. 30,140,320 had been caused to theauthority as a result of paying Rs. 295 per cubicmetre without charging Rs. 45 from thecontractor for the removal of 88,648 cubic metresof earth.A proper investigation had not been carried outby the Central Environmental Authority whenissuing the environmental certificate to a glovemanufacturing factory in Rathupaswala and thecertificate had been issued by testing only thewater samples provided by the factory owner.Due to the premature vacation of the buildingused as the premises for the head quarters of theSocial Security Board, it had to pay Rs.5,090,906 as rent for the remaining sevenmonths. Later, as permanent premises withadequate space had not been sourced to locatethe offices, the institution had purchased abuilding in Rajagiriya for Rs. 195 million,although a Government Valuer had valued it forRs. 165 million.

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The Sahan Suwa Charitable Trust aims toprovide high quality end-of-life care ("palliativecare") to people with cancer and other terminalillnesses in Sri Lanka.The Sahan Suwa Charitable Trust was formed inthe UK in December 2012 and launched in SriLanka in April 2013.

who after having seen aclose relative and agood friend dyingwithout any support andwitnessing the needs ofher own patients,realised that there was awider need to providespecialist care andsupport (called“Palliative care”) forthose with terminalillness in their ownhomes, where they feelmost isolated andhelpless. Hence the ideato start the Sahan SuwaCharitable Trust.In the UK, she firstbecame involved inpalliative care as a GP, where she had to lookafter her own patients who were terminally ill inthe community. She continued to learn andpractise palliative care in the hospital and thelocal hospice and obtained the post-graduateDiploma in Palliative Medicine. In Sri Lanka sheworked as a volunteer doctor, at Shantha Sevanahospice, Maharagama, from 2009-2011.

1) - To relieve suffering for those with cancer andterminal illness and their families.2) - To provide comfort, dignity and peace todying patients in the community.3) - To provide bereavement counselling and care

for bereaved families.

1) - To provide information leaflets about cancer,side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy,maintenance of good nutrition.2) - To provide transport for patients to attendclinics, for poor families to visit their loved ones inthe hospital / hospice or for patients to go home.3) - To pay for the services of an attendant/carerfor patients in the hospital. Patients who are veryill, blind or in severe pain are not able to lookafter their personal care such as feeding, gettingto the toilet, washing etc.4) - To buy drugs (occasionally) for those unableto afford it5) - To provide psychological and social supportvia a Counselling service7) - To provide a Cancer helpline to advise onany issues facing the patients and their familiesat home.

1) - Bereavement counselling for families (toobtain support from counsellors, as the bereavedfamilies may suffer for long periods following theloss of their loved ones)2) - To provide a complementary therapy service(non drug treatment) e.g. acupuncture,aromatherapy, massage, yoga, meditation,reflexology3) - To train nurses in palliative care to provide acommunity service for patients in their homes.This would include home visits by trained nurseswho would provide pain and symptom relief,psychological support, nursing care, respite forthe carer and provision of much neededequipment e.g. bed side commodes, oxygen,mattresses etc.With the help of other specialists, Dr Weerakkodyconducted a number of educational programmesto raise awareness about palliative care fordoctors and nurses across Sri Lanka.The official Sri Lankan launch took place at theLionel Memorial Auditorium, Sri Lanka MedicalAssociation, Wijerama House, Colombo on 6thApril 2013. This was attended by nearly 80participants from all walks of life, all keen to findout what palliative care is. Topics discussedincluded death and dying, principles of palliativecare, how to achieve a good death and the aimsand plans for the charity. A number of participantshave offered to help with their time and expertise,which has given us a lot of encouragement to goforwards, particularly to start work on the Cancer

helpline and the community service on a smallscale.

1.Sahan Suwa Helpline- This was the keydevelopment and was started in September2013. This would not have been possible withoutthe enthusiastic involvement of Dr RohiniRanwala.

Anybody with cancer or their families could ringthe help line 8am-2 pm, every day includingpoya, and all public holidays. There are 7senior doctors who are taking calls and givingadvice as necessary. They are in regularcontact with Dr Weerakkody or Dr Ranwalawho would advise on difficult problems.So far they have received more than 150 calls,and as a result are actively supporting over 40families at present.2. Suwa Sarana Project - This is a joint projectof Sahan Suwa and Saukyadana Movement(established more than 60 years ago). Suwasarana started in February 2014.The idea is to train volunteers of Saukyadanato be sent to the community to give supportand a listening ear to the cancer victims andtheir families.The training programme for these volunteerswas started in March 2014. It will be a

continuing education in order to provide the bestpossible service to the patients.They have now started visiting families in placesas far as Kandy, Anuradhapura andTissamaharama.The charity would like to thank Prof Chandu deSilva, the Director General of Saukyadanamovement for initiating and helping to developthis project.3. Training programs - In addition to the above,training programs have been conducted for:Volunteers of the SL Cancer Society, Colombo;Volunteers/counsellors of SL Cancer Society,Kandy; Medical Practitioners and WelfareOfficers in the estate sector in central province;Doctors and Nurses in the Lanka Hospitals Ltd.Educational work shop on cancer and preventionto the senior citizens forum, at Lanka HospitalsLtd. It is hoped that the charity could incorporatesome of the participants in delivering care in thecommunity.4. Patient information and advice leaflets -Information on our Trust and the Helpline werepublicised by way of posters and leaflets (in allthree languages);Advice leaflets on chemotherapy andradiotherapy have been printed and distributed.5. Financial Help - We are providing funding fortransport, protein supplements and attendants,as needed.6. Counselling service/psychological and moralsupport - This is provided by trained counsellorsas required. All patients and family membershave access to help and advice over the phonewhenever they need. This facility is frequentlyused and very much appreciated by the families.Those who need face to face advice are seen inconsulting rooms at the Saukyadana Head Office(120, W A D Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo02).In addition, the counsellor would visit homes asrequired. In addition, Dr Weerakkody spends aconsiderable amount of time listening and talkingto patients and families over the telephonewhether in Sri Lanka or in the UK, as she feels

.7. Hospice Care - The charity has been admittingthe very ill patients for symptom control and forterminal care to the Shantha Sevana Hospice,Maharagama with the kind permission of themanager. The patients are treated by DrWeerakkody or by Dr Rohini Ranwala,Consultant anaesthetist and cared for by thenursing staff at the hospice.Once they are stabilised some patients wish togo back home to die; their wishes are respectedand supported.8. Home Visits - Until such time as theCommunity service gets under way, DrWeerakkody, with the help of some doctors andcounsellors have undertaken home visits on aninformal basis.They have been to various parts of the country:Udugampola, Beruwala, Kandy, Kelaniya,Colombo suburbs etc. to advice, support and totreat pain and other symptoms.9. Child Education Project - This was not in mindwhen Sahan Suwa was started, nor is it in theaims of the Trust.However, it was found that when one parent isundergoing cancer treatment or dying, thefamilies fall apart and the children often have toforego the continuation of their education due tolack of funds. There have been several appealsfrom parents who are ill with cancer, to help the

children with the education.As this is not within the declared aims, it was notappropriate to use charity funds to help them. Butsome families were helped through kinddonations by friends, as a response to personalappeals.It is appreciated that this is a need which couldpotentially mushroom requiring a separateproject. This is beyond the scope and resourcesof Sahan Suwa.Any ideas and suggestions would beappreciated.

1. Community Nursing - It is planned to trainnurses in Colombo, Kandy and suburbs anddevelop a network of nurses who could visit andtreat patients at home. They would be in constanttouch with an experienced doctor 'at the base'.2. Volunteer/counselling service - This hasalready started and the demand is growing. Thecharity would like to extend it to an island-widenetwork of volunteers who would visit patients athome. They would assess the family's needs, actas a link between the family and the Trust, andprovide companionship and moral support. Theywould also refer patients or family members tocounsellors or doctors, as required.3. Bereavement Counselling - The possibility ofextending this on a wider and a more organisedscale will be explored.

Rohini is a ConsultantAnaesthetist in theNational Hospital,Colombo, Sri Lanka witha special interest in painmanagement. She hasconducted a pain clinicin the National CancerInstitute for fifteen years.

Upali recently retired afterover 30 years experience inmanagement, mostnotably as the GM of theCooperative WholesaleEstablishment (CWE), SriLanka, as well as anumber of other keyinstitutional positions.

Sunethra recently retired as a GP in London andnow contributes her time tovoluntary work."I decided to join Sahan SuwaCharitable Trust as it has givenme the opportunity to supportpeople affected by terminalillness. I do also feel privileged tobe able to serve my motherland ina very small way. I believe that thegenuine and selfless efforts of the

members will make it a success.”

Keerthi is a hotelier of longstanding, currently MaterialManager, Anilana Hotels andResorts, Sri Lanka.

Chaturi is a prominent andrespected Attorney-at-Law,

Solicitor andNotary Publicin Colombo.

Neela is aformer teacher,now housewifeand isinterested invarious

philanthropic activities.

Chanusha is a youngenthusiastic GP in the WestMidlands, England"Palliative care is an area ofmedicine which is not as wellstructured within an excellentcurative health care system in

Sri Lanka. The services of such a charity istherefore very timely. As a Sri Lankan, I was verykeen to be a member of this charity as it providedme the opportunity of being part of somethingvery special and a chance to contribute to mymotherland".

Many people have already given their time andeffort to help us in our work, which is still verymuch in its infancy. The following are people whohave had an active role so far:Shantha Sevana Hospice (for facilitating patientadmissions from the community). Mrs AjanthaWickremasooriya (Chairperson) & subcommitteemembers.For education & raising awareness locallyamongst doctors and nurses - Dr Nagesh Simha,Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Bangalore, DrKanishka Karunaratne, Director of the NationalCancer Institute, Dr Rohini Ranwala, ConsultantAnaesthetist, Dr Jeyakumaran, ConsultantOncologist, Jaffna, Dr Anoma Perera, ConsultantAnaesthetist, ICU, Lady Ridgeway Hospital, DrUdyanganie Ramadasa Consultant physician,Matron Athauda, National Cancer Hospital. ProfChandu de Silva; Mr Walter Laduwahetti -President, Sri Lanka Cancer Society; Mr MohanSamarakoon - President, Sri Lanka CancerSociety, Kandy Branch. Breast Cancer SupportGroup - Miss Amara Amarasinghe, Mrs. Soma DeSilva. For information leaflets - Mr Ganeshan.Website - Dr Thilani Dias. For manufacturingsyringe-drivers - Mr Dinesh Caldera.

- Funds are needed for thefollowing: Essential drugs for those who areunable to afford them (cost variable, but approx.Rs. 3,000 per week)*Essential disposable items: syringes & injectionneedles (Rs. 100-200)*, urinary catheters (Rs.330)*, pampers for adults (Rs. 595 per pack of5)* , Syringe Drivers - we are producing these inSri Lanka at a fraction of the commerciallyavailable price (approx. cost Rs. 30,000)Essential items: Blood Pressure apparatus, PulseOximeter, Glucometer, air mattressesTravelling costs (for patients/relatives to get tohospital or for nurses to reach patients) - approx.cost Rs. 50-60 per km. *(approx. cost per patientepisode). If you prefer to donate any of the aboveitems, please contact us first [email protected] from all backgrounds are needed..especially nurses and doctors based in SriLanka, who are keen to spare a few hours to helpus progress the Community Palliative CareProgramme (to provide care in the home).

- You can donate in one of several ways:For those in the UK, crediting our UK account isthe easiest and cheapest. Simply send us anemail declaring interest to donate.In Sri Lanka: send a cheque to: Sahan SuwaCharitable Trust, 79C, Mampewatte, Battaramulla(For those in other countries: it would becheapest to arrange someone in Sri Lanka to paylocally (in view of banking costs)

Instruct your bank to set up a standing order infavour of one of the accounts below.While all donations are welcome, a regularpayment would be most helpful. The suggestedamount is £1, LKR 200 or equivalent per month,though any amount would be welcome.Payments could be made monthly/3 monthly/6monthly or yearly.Bank accounts to be credited:In the UK: Sahansuwa charitable trust, Accountno. 73241394, Barclays Bank, sort code 20-60-58In Sri Lanka: Sahansuwa Charitable Trust,Account no. 1145009005 Commercial Bank ofCeylon, Ward Place Branch, Colombo 7.

- If you want to be involved moredirectly, please get in touch. We welcome:- doctors and nurses based in Sri Lanka to help

with the community service: - counsellors- those experienced in fund-raising and

advertising - lawyers - accountants and otherprofessionals - anyone who can spare time.

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'The 31st Annual Battle of the Blues UK, cricketencounter, organised by the ORAUK, between theOld Royalists and the Old Thomians was played on 6July 2014 at Tolworth Court, University of KingstonSports ground, Surrey.A keenly and sportingly contested 40 Over match, forthe Ameresekere trophy was won by a narrowmargin by the trophy holders Old Thomians.This was followed by a Twenty-Twenty over 40veterans game, for the Warden De Alwis trophy,between the two Associations, and was won by the

reigning champions Old Royalists.Man of the match, for the main game, chosen byboth captains Gayan Ranasinghe of Royal andShamil Mendis of S Thomas' was awarded toRandev Pathirana, one of the two current Royalistsbeing sponsored by the Old Royalists' Association inthe UK for a short UK tour. The other being ThiranDhanapala.Over 40 man of the match was Murali Karunanithi.Music for the after party was provided by SunilFernando.'

31st Battle of the Blues UK

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Six hundred and seventeen candidates will becontesting for 32 seats in the Uva provincialcouncil polls, Election Commissioner said today.The nomination for the Uva polls consisting ofBadulla and Monaragala districts closed thisafternoon. The election date also has been fixedfor Sepetember 20.The number of total nominations handed over frompolitical parties and Independent Groups were 33.

Elections Department said ten political partiesparties and four independent groups have handedover their nominations for Badulla district while inMonaragala twelve political parties and sevenindependent groups have handed over nominationpapers.In Badulla 609,966 voters and 332,764 voters fromMonaragala are eligible to vote.

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( The controversy looming over thedecision of slinger Lasith Malinga to represent hisIndian Premier League franchise Mumbai Indiansin the forthcoming Champions League tournamentover the local team he skippered, the SouthernExpress, was cleared by him when he said thatmany stand to benefit from his decision and it wasone he made after great thought.“Sri Lanka Cricket stands to gain US $ 150,000from Mumbai Indians for releasing me, anotherbudding cricketer gets the opportunity to fill myplace and gain immense experience from thisevent and lastly I too do not get penalized by theIndian pay master,” commented the lethal fastbowler.Many an eyebrow was raised questioning hisloyalty when Malinga made this decision asopposed to the same predicament KumarSangakkara was faced with last year. Sangakkaranevertheless chose to represent his local siderather than his IPL team, the Hyderabad Sunrisers,that eventually cost him a colossal amount ofmoney. If Malinga decided to represent his localside this time around he too would have had toforfeit over Rs. 24 million.The champion fast bowler in a frank and exclusiveinterview with the “Daily Mirror” elaborated his sideof the story as to why he chose to represent hisIPL side.“There has been lots of controversy surroundingthe decision I have taken and I think I owe it to the

Sri Lankan cricket loving public to set the recordstraight,” commenced Malinga.“I requested Sri Lanka Cricket in a letter to utilizethese funds that have been generated by myservices since it was not a budgeted income forthem and to build a much needed swimming poolat the R. Premadasa International Cricket Stadium(Khettarama) where national practices are nowheld. The lack of this facility has been hamperingthe national cricketers from completing theirswimming pool training to recover after thestrenuous paces they are put through duringground practices and their gym exercises,” saidMalinga.He went on to say that he still remembers the timehe had his knee injury and the exercises that hewas put through in the pool immensely helped toget him back on the field. Currently there are manynational cricketers with knee injuries and thisfacility is a must.“Previously it was so convenient when nationalcricket practices were at either the SinghaleseSports Club or Nondescripts Sports Clubs groundsas everything was available. Now once we finishour training we have to get into our vehicles anddrive all the way looking for a swimming pool tocomplete our exercises. It is disappointing to notethat this basic necessity has been overlooked for acountry that has been involved in five world cupfinals in the last four years,” said Malinga.This urgent requirement which also lacks ‘ice-

baths’ is a must at this venue and was confirmedby Jerome Jayaratne the Head of Coaching SriLanka Cricket when the “Daily Mirror” spoke to himyesterday.“With the completion of the IPL tournament thisyear, the side I represent, the Mumbai Indians, hadalready qualified for Champions League event. Itwas much later that we played the local “SuperFours” T20 tournament and I happened to captainthe winning side,” continued the fast bowlingdynamo.He went on to say that he addressed a letter to SriLanka Cricket and requested them to release himin order to represent the Mumbai Indians a side hehas been playing with for the last eight years, towhich he received a reply that the decision lay withhim.Malinga went onto lament his request to secure alarger portion of the US $ 500,000 that SLC getsas appearing fees be distributed to the SouthernExpress cricketers. “This appeal appears to havebackfired on me with people commenting that I amafter money. The truth of the matter is that thesport of cricket has blessed me with plenty and Iunderstand the hardships the non-contractedplayers face with the rising costs of cricketing gear.The only contracted players in the SouthernExpress side were Tillakaratne Dilshan, KusalPerera and I, and let me also inform you thatwinners of the locally conducted “Super Fours”tournament are still to receive their prize monies

from SLC,” said Malinga.Informed sources at SLC commented that they arestill to receive the monies from the sponsors andtherefore are unable to distribute the total of fifteenlakhs amongst the winning team.At this juncture the non-contracted players aredeprived of approximately Rs. 80,000 each whichis due to them as part of their prize money.Sri Lanka Cricket’s CEO Ashley De Silva confirmedthat he did receive a letter from Malinga andcommented that it is his right to send in a request.Nevertheless he confirmed that a three-acre plot ofland has been allocated near the Khettaramagrounds and constructing of living quarters arealso in their plans to provide accommodation tocricketers.Shammi Silva a member of the SLC’s Ex- Cocommented that Lasith Malinga should focus onplaying the sport and leave the administrative sideof things for SLC to decide and complete theirplans. “Swimming pools and infrastructure is nothis business. He does not have to forfeit over Rs.24 million by representing his Indian franchise, sothere is no love lost here,” concluded Silva.Malinga when informed of this quite bemusedlycommented, “In the plans, in the plans, that’s allwe hear. For how much longer will it be in theplans?” (Marlon Dale Ferreira)

My absence benefits many- Malinga

( A Sri Lankan 15-member shooting team,representing SL Army, SpecialTask Force and civilians fromseveral National Rifle Associationaffiliated sport shooting clubs,participated at the 11th IMSSUWorld Championship, held in theCzech Republic from July 12-26.Sri Lanka won a total of 17medals in Smallbore and Bigborerifle shooting events at thischampionship.Y.D. de Silva, a 16-year-oldschoolboy from S. Thomas’College, Mount Lavinia, won theOverall Silver Medal against allshooters from 16 countries.

The Sri Lanka team that fared well at the 11th IMSSU WorldChampionship, held in the Czech Republic last month.

SL excel at IMSSU World Rifle Shooting C’shipsSinger Under-17 Cricket Pre-quarter finals

( Quick fire knocks by HasithaBoyagoda and Lahiru Kumara and a four wickethaul by Shanogeeth Shanmuganathan were thehighlights as Trinity beat St. Peter’s by 70 runsin the Singer Inter-School Under-17 Division Ipre-quarter-final match played at De SoysaStadium Moratuwa yesterday.Chasing a target of 177 runs in 26 overs (playedas a 26 overs a side affair) St. Peter’s werebowled out in the 23rd over for 106 runs as left-arm spinner Shanogeeth Shanmuganathanclaimed four wickets in a spell of just 2.1 overs.The match started around 2pm due to wetground conditions.Put to bat, Trinity scored 176 runs thanks largelyto the heroics of their sixth wicket pair of HasithaBoyagoda and Lahiru Kumara, who took Petes’bowlers to the task.Boyagoda scored an unbeaten 59 runs in 58balls with nine fours. Kumara cracked five sixesand a four in a blistering knock of 41 runs. Theleft hander consumed just 14 balls for his knock.The duo added 70 runs for the sixth wicket.Now Trinity will meet Ananda in the quarter-finals.Scores:

Trinity 176 for 7 in 26 overs (Sachira Gaminda22, Dilan Jayalath 20, Hasitha Boyagoda 59 n.o,Lahiru Kumara 41; Dinal Jayakody 3/44)St. Peter’s 106 all out in 22.1 overs (ImeshFernando 20, Hashan Wanasekara 37, TashilaDoganwala 2/22, Shanogeeth Shanmuganathan4/11)Joes in three runs winSt. Joseph’s College registered a three run winover De Mazenod College according toParabola System in the Inter School Under-17Division I pre-quarter final match played atDarley Road yesterday.The match was played as a 27 overs a sideaffair and Joes chasing a target of 125 runs towin were 115 for eight wickets when bad lightstopped play. They were ahead by three runsaccording to Parabola System.Now the Joes will meet the winners of the pre-quarter final match between Royal College,Panadura and Prince of Wales College,Moratuwa.Scores:De Mazenod 124 all out in 26.1 overs (LasithCroosepulle 38, Irosh de Silva 41; MalshanRodrigo 2/09, Sandaruwan Rodrigo 2/10)St. Joseph’s 115 for 8 23.2 overs (VimukthiPeiris 20, Sandaruwan Rodrigo 24; SangeethDeshan 3/29)

by Reemus Fernando

Trinity knock out Petes

Uva polls; 617 candidates for 32 seats

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ADIKARAM - ATHULA (SIERRA). -HeerassagalaAL HAJ M.N.M.S. ASNAVI - 10, RotundaGardens, Colombo 03.AL-HAJ A.W.M. MAKEEN - No. 75, WattalpolaRoad, Henamulla, Panadura.BELING MARCEL ANTHONYCOORAY - EMIL -. No.32/1, JanapriyaMawatha, Koralawella.COORAY ROY - 91, Uyana Road, MoratuwaDAVID - A.M. (GILBERT)DE SILVA - MRS SOMAWATHIE JAYASINGHE -No.450/B, Dutugemunu Road, Talahena North,Battaramulla.DE SILVA IRANGANI- “Siriniwasa” IhalaKobbekaduwa, Yahalathene.DHARMADASA - HETTITHANTHRIGETHOSHAN PADMALAL - “Sandhya”,MulkirigalaDISSANAYAKE - DON CYRIL - 54/2-A, 3rdLane, Hansagiri Road, Gampaha.

ELIATAMBY - BEN -No. 13-06, Park Tower,Havelock City, Havelock Road, Colombo 6.Fernando - Mervyn - 93/A/8, 2nd Lane,Bandaranayakepura, Indigolla, Gampaha.FERNANDO - MICHAELFRANCKE - ANDREW - 5, Mangala Rd,Kurana, Negombo.GUNAWARDANA - RACHEL WINIFRED -142/33, Janson Garden, off Anderson Rd,DehiwalaIHALAMULLA - RANJANJAYASURIYA - MR D. KARUNATILLAKA. - No.160/36, Kirimatiyagara, Kadawatha.KARUNADASA PERERA K.A. - 27, LibraryRoad, MaharagamaMACK - EARDLEY TREVOR BERNARD -No.494, Dematagoda Road, Colombo 09.MAHALINGAM (CHEESE UNCLE). - No. 14,Crocktain Mawatha, Hekitta, Wattala.MANGAYATRARASI - RAJARAM - No. 4,Suthumalai Road.

PERERA - G. PIYADASAPERERA MARIAN nee WARNAKULA - No. 59,Wickramarachchi Mw., Keselwathugoda,Yakkala.RAJARATNAM - LILY AGNES - No. 9, RajaMawatha, Kanuwana, JaelaRAJU DANIEL - No.6, 1st Lane, Nawala Road,NugegodaRATHNAYAKE - PUNCHI BANDA - 7/52, BarnsRathwatte Mw, BalangodaSENANAYAKE - ANTON - No. 6, SamudraMawatha, Mount LaviniaVARATHARAJAH - SERUPANWIJERATNE - HEMA NALINI - No. 05, KassapaRoad, Colombo 05.WIMALASEKERE - BADRE - 40/6, LakeGardens, Lake Drive, RajagiriyaYOUNG NEILIA (Neliya) ROSE - Rookwood,Sydney




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Gemini(the Twins) 21st May - 20th June

Cancer(the Crab) 21st June - 20th July

Leo(the Lion) 21st July - 19th / 22nd Aug

Virgo(the Virgin) 20th / 23rd Aug - 22nd Sept

Libra(the Scale) 23rd Sept - 22nd Oct

Scorpio(the Scorpion) 23rd Oct - 21st Nov

Sagittarius(the Archer) 22nd Nov - 20th Dec

Capricorn(the Goat) 21st Dec - 20th Jan

Aquarius(the Water Carrier) 21st Jan -19th Feb

Pisces(the Fishes) 20th Feb - 20th March

Aries(the Ram) 21st March-20th April

Taurus(the Bull) 21st April - 20th May

Empty promises will cause confusion. You can form newpartnerships, but don't move too quickly; things may notbe as they appear.Lucky day Saturday.

Opportunities to show your worth will enhance yourreputation and bring possible advancement.Opportunities for romance will develop through activitieswith large groups. Lucky day Monday.

The home environment will be unpredictable this week.Don't count on getting any help from those you live with.You should sign up for creative courses. Concentrate onyour work. Find a way to consolidate. Lucky day Monday.

Concentrate on work. Don't expect others to live up totheir promises and you won't be disappointed or findyourself stuck with delays. Your input into their activitieswill help bring you closer together. Lucky day Monday.

Don't be afraid to make additions to your house. Don't letyour mate bully you into thinking that you owe them yourtime and your life. Don't let others know about yourprivate affairs. Lucky day Monday.

Don't jump as quickly as you usually do. Control youremotions and everything will fall into place. You canenjoy doing things that include children.Lucky day Saturday.

You will have excellent ideas and you should be able tohelp your partner get ahead. You can make careermoves that will bring you a much higher income. You'llneed to exercise control. Lucky day Wednesday.

Older family members may try to make demands that areimpossible for you to handle. Do not sign contracts orget involved in any uncertain financial deals.Lucky day Wednesday.

Rest and relaxation will be more favorable than you think.You may cause a fuss if you come on too strongly inpublic. Your determination may make you a littleoverbearing when dealing with others. Lucky day Saturday.

Use your energy wisely. Art investment will pay bigdividends in the long term. You may need to make a fewalterations to your living arrangements.Lucky day Thursday.

Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation.A residential move may be necessary to get a better job.Change will be required to make your life moreharmonious. Lucky day Saturday.

Put your efforts into making constructive improvementsto your environment and to your state of mind. Some ofthat extra energy you have stored up might just be put togood use. Don't argue with family. Lucky day Monday.

By Udara Soysa( The LLB degree awarded by theUniversity of London is one of the alternativeroutes to becoming a law professional formany Sri Lankans. However, many SriLankan students struggle with theseexaminations due to a failure to focus on avery few, key, basic steps. Please read theguidelines below if you are a current LondonLLB student to significantly improve yourscoring ability.

Understanding the basic English common lawprinciples in your relevant subject is the keyto success. Make short notes with relevantlegal principles. Use internet resources suchas Google and Youtube if you do notunderstand the textbooks or subject guide.Subject guide exercises are your keys touncovering complicated legal principles.Interestingly, certain subject guide exercisesare repeated in the examinations as they are!Thus it is vital that you complete all relevantsubject guide questions.Interestingly, you will need to pick your areasto prepare for exams for a particular subjectwith the rare exception of a subject such asTort law. It is very advisable for you to bethorough with a particular area inside asubject rather than spreading yourself thin byfocusing on the whole area of a subject.

Your answers need to have an undergraduatelevel structure. This means that you need towrite a proper answer with an introduction,body and conclusion. Do not jump straightinto conclusions! The meat of your answer isyour analysis, so please focus heavily onyour analysis. Use FLAC - facts, law, analysisand conclusion technique when analyzing agiven legal situation. Please keep youranswer to three to four pages with relevantmaterials directly addressing the issuesraised in the given questions.

Remembering key cases is critical as you willbe graded on your familiarity with the relevantlegal principles. So seek to remember keycases for legal principles rather than statingthe legal principle as your own idea! Pleasenote that it is indeed important for you tostate your own analysis in the answer.However, do stick to legal principles whencreating a basis for your opinions.

The FLAC analysis highlighted above willsupport your structure. Remember to statethe given facts and highlight the law relevantto the issues raised in the question. Combinethe facts and law as your core analysis andrestate your conclusions in a manner that isclear and direct.LanguageUse language that portrays a sense ofanalysis while writing your answers. Certainkey words you can inject into your answerswill be discussed in later articles in TheNation. Use those key words as relevant inyour answers.

The chances for a good score are severelyrestricted if the examiner is unable to readyour handwriting. It isunderstandable that yourhandwriting will be affectedwhile writing four-pageanswers within a time span of45 minutes. Practice writinganswers. This will ensureproper legibility during theexamination.Recent developmentsReading recent developmentmaterials posted on VirtualLearning Environment for theexamination areas of yourselected subject will ensurehigh scores. Read the recentdevelopments andremember a few keycases in the areas offocus for theexaminations.

Please avoidrepeating modelanswers duringLondon LLB exams.It is perfectlyeffective to use“model structures” tostructure youranswer. Readinganswers written byexperts will assistyou to understandthe needed standardfor a particular

answer.However, copying and pasting modelanswers will almost guarantee you a failingmark on the examinations. Students shoulduse question and answer books and short-note books for reference points whilestructuring your own answer plans.

Students will benefit by writing timed answersto past examination papers. Please ensureyou write at least eight timed answers for agiven subject during your examinationpreparation. The key to your success is inyour timing of answers - and that comesthrough sheer practice.Next week- London LLB Book Review - Thebooks that will help you to ace the LondonLLB with minimum effort



Case law



Avoid models

Practice writing TIMED answers

Nine Steps to Ace London LLB Examinations

( The NationalSangha Councildemanded that thescourge of narcotics beeliminated andimmediate action takento a halt an advertisingcampaign scheduled tobe launched shortly topromote a particularbrand of beer.Venerable PaiyangalaAnanda Sagara Thera, Chief Organiser of National SanghaCouncil addressing the media at the All Ceylon BuddhistCongress auditorium, in Colombo 07. (Pic by DharmasenaWelipitiya)

Page 31: WE CARRY THE BROADEST SELECTION OF SL NEWS … · WE CARRY THE BROADEST SELECTION OF SL NEWS ... Sampath Chandrapushpa Vidanapathirana and W. ... Tangalle Resort British tourist murder

By Sajeewa Jayakody( Former Cambrian and SriLanka 'A' player Shehan Jayasooriya hammered acareer best 230 runs to putMoors in a commandingposition on the second day ofthe Under-23 Division I matchplayed at Braybrooke Place.Moors skipper Jayasooriyahad 13 towering sixes and 20power-packed boundaries inhis knock which came in only166 deliveries. His inningshelped Moors to gain avaluable first innings lead of236 runs. The soldiers battinga second time were 80-2wickets, still trailing by 156runs.Army: 167 all out in 49 overs(Ramindu Nikeshala 60,Shehan de Silva 35, ShehanJayasooriya 7-57) and 80-2 in30 overs (Ramindu Nikeshala 31 n.o, LakshithaMadushan 25, Kaushalya Gajasinghe 2-25)Moors: 403-9 in 66.3 overs (Shehan Jayasooriya230, Nipuna Kariyawasam 41, Oshadha Fernando31, Keshara Lakshan 3-95, Adeesha Thilanchana2-38, Shehan de Silva2-77)Tharindu - NCC'sheroTwo fine innings ofPavanWickramasinghe (95)and William Bossisto(78) and a superbspell of bowling by offspinner TharinduKaushal, who had amatch-bag of 11wickets for 127,helped NCC beatCCC by 117 runs intheir match whichended at NCC

yesterday.NCC delcared their second innings at 174 for sixwickets, setting CCC a victory target of 300 runs.But the visitors were bundled out for 182 runs with

Kaushal (4-70) being the mainwrecker.NCC: 279 all out in 82.5 overs(Lahiru Udara 56, TharinduKaushal 55, PavanWickramasinghe 45, WilliamBossisto 35, LahiruMadusanka 26, SaveenNanayakkara 21, LakshanSandaken 5-87, ChathurangaKumara 3-28) and 194-6 decin 29.3 overs (PavanWickramasinghe 95, WilliamBossisto 78, Lakshan Rangika3-76, MadukaLiyanapathiranage 2-19)CCC: 174 all out in 52.5 overs(Janindu Isharaka 29, LakshanRangika 24 n.o, Sachithra

Perera 22, Hashan Dumindu 20, Tharindu Kaushal7-57, Sandun Weerakkody 2-16) and 182 all out in50.2 overs (Hashan Dumindu 42, ChathurangaKumara 40, Lakshan Rangika 30, TharinduKaushal 4-70, Aravinda Akurugoda 2-7)




( See what happened when RedBull Ride My Wave pitted the country's topamateurs against one another:The southern shores of the small island of SriLanka have been awash with creativity andvirtuosity as the country's top surfers battle itout in the waters of Mirissa Beach and Galle.During three days of competition for the firstround of Red Bull Ride My Wave which werehosted earlier this year by the Costa RicanDiego Naranjo, the surfers from the east coasttrumped their counterparts from the south. Theeast's surfers got their noses ahead during theopening day of the southern leg at Mirissa, withthe team unafraid to dig deep.The south coast launched a counter-offensive atKabalana Beach in Galle on the second day,exploiting the ideal surfing conditions on offer, but,at the same venue during the third and final day,the east coast surfers, now more accustomed tothe different breaks and variations in the waves,went on to outclass the home team. The action

shifts now to Arugam Bay, where, from August 5-7,the second leg of Red Bull Ride My Wave willdecide which region of Sri Lanka truly contains thecountry's best surfers.The prize for the victorious team? To be whiskedoff to surf the turquoise waters of the Maldives.Courtesy:

The quest to find Sri Lanka's best surfers

( De Mazenod College, St. Peter’sCollege, Zahira College Colombo and Maris StellaCollege entered the semi finals of the KotmaleChox Under-19 Schools Football tournamentrecently.St. Peter’s College beat Hameed AlHussein College Colombo 3-0 and De MezenodCollege beat Royal College 4-1 in the quarter final

matches played at the City Football ComplexColombo.Maris Stella beat St. Benedict’s College 3-0 andZahira beat Joseph Vaz College 1-0 in the quarter-finals.De Mezenod will meet St. Peter’s whileZahira will take on Maris Stella in the semi finals. -(KN)

De Mazenod, Maris Stella, St. Peter’sand Zahira in football semis

Shehan Jayasooriya

Epic knock by Moors skipperShehan Jayasooriya

Refurbished Royalbasketball court

opened( The unveiling of therefurbished Royal College BasketballCourts took place at the College OutdoorBasketball Courts recently. This projectwhich included resurfacing of thebasketball courts, upgrading to fiberboards and rings as well as replacing thelighting of the courts was completedunder the direction of the Royal CollegeUnion Basketball Advisory andManagement Committee.

Senior Police officer SalindaSamarakoon officially handing overthe refurbished basketball courtsto Royal College Principal Upali

Gunasekara (R).

Prof. E.R. Jansz( I was always intrigued by mybrown skin colour, especially so when at RoyalCollege I had a classmate who was very lightskinned, namely Lester Travis Dennis Jansz,who was called ‘White Jansz’ while I was called“Black Jansz”. At most time I assumed that mycolour was due to the maternal side of thefamily.However around the year 2000, I read anarticle by Jean Arasanayagam which indicatedthat we both had descended from CaptainArthur Johnston (A Northern Irishman) of theBritish Army in Ceylon. At the same time I waspreparing for my father’s testamentary caseand came across the name Susan Johnstonwho had married Adriaen Jansz junior in 1828.This was part of their record prepared on myfather’s father, Oswald Bennet Jansz, to get myfather registered in the Dutch Burgher Union(DBU) and the document was continued furtherby my father. Unfortunately the full documentwas not available as it had been destroyed bythe big flood of 1992.Sinhala aristocrats

I let things lie there until I started preparing myautobiography in 2008, when I assumed thatJean’s account was totally correct and asummary of it included in my autobiographyuntil 2013. However my wife’s extensivereading of many books on the subject andreading a PhD thesis, revealed some errors inJean’s account. So what we had was jig-sawpuzzle which we had to put together. Most ofthe pieces of the puzzle are now there but afew are missing. And this account hasspeculations in order to cover these missingpieces.It is clear that Captain Arthur Johnston was partof the British forces which entered Kandy in1803 and step-up a garrison there. However,most of them fell sick with a mysterious diseaseand the rebel chieftain Pilamathalawe, whoaided them, changed sides and they werecaptured by Sri Wikrama Rajasinha’s army.Here it should be noted that WikramaRajasinha’s was the last of the Malabar dynastyand it is reported that the 1st of the dynastycame from Madurai in South India and he andsubsequent kings took fair skinned queensfrom Malabar (were these the Randoli?).British attack on Kandy in 1815Being Tamil they were not liked by the Sinhalaaristocrats. To come back to the British, theking appeared magnanimous and gave theBritish two choices. One, to go to Trincomaleecrossing the Mahaveli, for which boats wouldbe provided or two, return to Colombo. Most ofthe British chose the former, and weremassacred by the king’s Kaffir Brigade. Whenthe promised boats failed to appear and theMahavali was in spate only two British survivedwere imprisoned and lived to tell the tale. Aminor party chose the route to Colombo. Thisparty, probably lead by Captain Johnston,possibly fought their way to Colombo aided bya Sinhala chieftain and arrived in Colombosometime in 1804. Susan Johnston was born in1808. It is not clear whether Arthur Johnstonhad married the mother. According to Jean, themother was a Dutch Burgher. If so there wouldhave been record of it in the DBU. ColonelArthur Johnston left Ceylon, leaving his threeyear old daughter behind in 1811. Kandy wascaptured by the British in 1815. Therefore,

Arthur Johnston played no major role in thecapture. However, the declaration for honourand promotion to it, Colonel and his portraitwhich still hangs in the Colombo museumindicate that he had some important role toplay.Furthermore, on his return to England he wasmade Professor of military science in the RoyalMilitary Academy, now called Sand. So he musthave been held in great esteem. Furthermore,he married again in England from which therewas no issue. Therefore either he had not beenmarried in Ceylon or she had died (presumingthat he was not committing bigamy.) Whateverit is, he was held in high esteem by the Britishgovernment.The question arises as to why this was; was itnecessarily his successful escape from Kandyin 1803 and arrival in Colombo in 1804 despitebeing ill? Clearly he must have had some helpfrom the local people, and may have needed tobreak journey somewhere along the way. Thenagain, what did he do from 1802 to 1811? It isnot out of the realm of possibility that he wascultivating friendship with the Sinhala

aristocracy and thismay have paved theway for thesuccessful 1815British attack onKandy.Dutch BurghercommunityThis wouldcompletely justifythe honorsbestowed on him.Susan Johnston wasborn in 1808. Hermother is not known.Arthur Johnstonalthough he left herat the tender age atthree in Ceylon toproceed to England,

left her in the hand of gentry for her upbringingand education. It is reported by JeanArasanayagam that she even correspondedwith her father in England. Now the questionarises why did he not take her back toEngland? This would be easily explained if shewas darker skinned than the normal British.Therefore it is not difficult to suspect that hermother was a native of Ceylon. Mygrandfather’s large family were her andAdrian’s grandchildren.They were by no means light skinned, despiteall other marriages into the family being theDutch Burgher community.I feel that this speculation gives rise to the“black” Janszs as opposed to Adriaan Jansz’sbrother’s progeny whose descendants weredistinctly white Janszs. A final question arose-was Susan Arthur, Johnston’s biologicaldaughter? Looking at pictures of his portraitgives a nose just like my father’s. But thatdoesn’t mean a thing!There are so many cases of parallel evolution.What is perhaps more significant is that on ourvisit to Bangkok in 2011, we met an Irish ladywho took one look at my daughter’s eyes andsaid “You have Irish eyes and you have got itfrom your father!” This meant nothing to mydaughter but to me it meant something.Looking at a better picture of Arthur Johnston,we found that no only his eyes but also the lipswere similar to mine. Of course this evidence isslim but enough to convince me that Susanwas married in the Wesleyan church inHulftsdorp in 1928. The archives of this churchare kept at the Methodists Headquarters inKollupitiya. I was hoping to find the marriagecertificate and from there Susan Johnston’sparents’ names.But the documents could not be traced. This isunderstandable, why would the British leaveevidence of one of their most decorated menhaving a family in Ceylon? And there I rest mycase of The Mystery of Arthur and SusanJohnston. Susan Johnston’s gravestone is nottraceable at the Dutch Church in Galle wherethe Janszs lived till her death. Had this gravebeen found, DNA tests would have shown moreinformation on my possible ancestor.

The mystery of Arthur and Susan Johnston

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2 Bed room

Absolutely prime

Academically & Professionally

Brother British Citizen

Carer available

Cricket Coaching

English male

Fully complete

Govi Buddhist

Govi parents

House for sale

Kandy Asgiriya

Land for Sale

Land for sale

Large House

London Accommodation

Mount Lavinia.

Professional and experienced

Professional Govi

Property for sale

Respectable Govi,

S/B Parents

Sinhala, Christian

Sinhalese G/B

Sister & Brother-in-law

Sri Lankan mother

UK/GB family

Wanted -

spacious luxury apartment (810sq ft)swimming pool and gym and 2 bath room for saleat Collingwood place Wellawatte no brokers Directdeal foreign currency preferred. 07807944658

commercial property for sale inColombo 7. Property overlooks Viharamaha DeviPark and borders the main road. Extent is 25perches. No brokers please. Contact [email protected]

qualified partner issought by Sinhalese Catholic parents for their 34,pretty academically qualified widowed daughter.Very well settled in London lives with her 8year olddaughter. Please reply with family details & a copyof horoscope. Ref 866.E-mail:[email protected]

seeking groom for GBsister, 34, slim, pleasant BSc graduate working inGovernment sector in SL, excellent character withmeans. Only daughter, parents retired govtservants, both brothers married and educated. [email protected]

Middle aged lady with experiencein both child and elderly care is looking for a living injob. Will assist in meal preparation. No immigrationrestrictions. Tel 07969 579 733

ECB Level 2 qualified coachoffers one to one or small group cricket coaching forjuniors and seniors in London, Cambridge,Middlesex, Essex, Herts, Kent, Surrey etc. I amcurrently coaching for Under 10 junior squad in oneof the leading cricket clubs in Cambridgeshire.Please contact for further information. Tel:07835322923,Email: [email protected]

age 56 medium build seeks attractiveSri Lankan women with no kids up to 45. I like Ahomely, friendly and independent woman who canmake her own choices in life for a genuinerelationship a. I am not rich just an ordinary guy. Ref873. Weekend after 7pm 07936 527 912

3 bed room house for sale Kottawawith attached Bathroom, servant toilet and Carporch on 10.5 perches of land, boarding 20'roadway. 15 minutes drive to Kottawa junction and45 mts to Colombo. Water on main line, electricity &telephone. Price Rs. 7.4 Million, negotiable. Contact- Rohan - 077 9610374

siblings living in the UK seek anAcademically and professionally qualified partnerfor their sister 33 years 5'2" height, slim, pretty, wellmannered Lawyer currently working in Sri Lankavisiting UK in October for month. Suitable partnerfrom UK preferred. Please reply to Ref 862.E-mail: [email protected]

living in UK seek a professionally andacademically qualified, pretty, slim daughter for theirprofessionally and academically educated sonemployed in UK . He will be 34 years old in August,5'5.5”in height, slim, fair and handsome. Owns aproperty. Please reply with full details to Ref [email protected]

in Asgiriya, Kandy: Threebedrooms, three bathrooms, open plan lounge,dining and modern kitchen. Solar powered waterheating. 27 perches of land. Own drive and amplecar parking space and a garage. Price 40 million SLRupees. Details on request. Inquiries to:[email protected]

House for Sale in Thalawathugoda Road, Pitakotte.18.25 perches land. House with 5 bedrooms, 4bathrooms. Lounge, dining and modern fittedkitchen. Self contained one bedroom apartment withlounge, fitted kitchen and bathroom. Servants' roomand bathroom. Parking for 2 vehicles. Enquiries:[email protected]

flat building block, very close totown and schools in a good residential area. 15.69perchase. No Brokers . Direct deal. Foreigncurrency preferred. PleaseE mail: [email protected]

in Mutwal Colombo 15, 21 perches,only residential land on Madampitiya Road , 4 milesto Fort and City centre. Rs. 1.5 million p.p,negotiable. Clear title Deeds. Contact94774382647(Sri Lanka) + 447958562046 (UK) sitephotos available on [email protected]

Kohuwala, Nugegoda. Walkingdistance to Lycium, Anuka and others schools inNugegoda. 14 perches. Clear deeds. No brokersplease. Tel 07969 579 733.E-mail: [email protected]

for Holiday let in Ratmalana Nicearea with good facilities. This is a comfortablesuburban house with 3 bedrooms and large livingroom and a family bathroom. Large garden andparking. Rent is £150 per week min let two weeks.This is a family house no a/c but comfortable andclean. Contact Las on 07466415241 orE-mail: [email protected]

Solutions. We look afteryour property whilst you're away. Propertymanagement - Rental - Maintenance Security.Police Vetted. We also provide bespoke CCTV &Alarm systems for Sri Lankan properties. Call Las07466415241 [email protected]

For Sale. Semidetached upstairshouse on six perches. Small garden, on a popularRoad. Clear tittle deeds. Five minutes walk to GalleRoad and beach. Walking distance to Hotel, StThomas College and supermarkets. Owner in SriLanka until mid September. Contact 0094789537992 or 0094 775523529

senior officer forthe financial ombudsman service. Daughter 33 yrsassets in Sri Lanka UK. Looking for a partner withsimilar standards. Ref 872.E-mail: [email protected]

Caste parents seek bride fortheir son British Citizen living in UK workingprofessional.38 years handsome 5'11 tall divorcedfrom brief marriage. Reply [email protected]

- Situated in periyamulaNegombo Srilanka with Continental Residencies.Modern well maintained spacious detach house.Complex contains security and communalswimming pool. Four bedrooms (one downstairs)Three balcony, two spacious lounges. Threebathrooms. Solar hot water. Air conditioning.Including furniture. Price: Rupees 20,000,[email protected]

Buddhist parents fromPanadura seek a professionally qualifiedhandsome, tall groom below 42,for their 37+ veryfair, very attractive, young looking daughtereducated at Bishop's College,Colombo.5 ft 7 inchestall, divorced from a short marriage withoutencumbrances. Malefic Horoscope. Ref 863

-We are highly respectable family inKalutara. Seek fair, educated ,good character girlbelow 34 years for their 34 years 5 10'' handsomeson of unblemished character. He is academicallyand professionally qualified. Working as Approvalholder in Aerospace Engineering in leading air linein U A E .Ref 860.E-mail [email protected]

parents seek Christian, caring,professional partner for Christian, kind, talenteddaughter of 32yrs, living and working in the UK. Ref870.Email: [email protected]

parents living in UK seek a caringand kind hearted partner for their youngest son35yrs. 5' 10'' works in IT. Dual citizen, lives in hisown house and will inherit properties etc. in SriLanka; older brothers both married and live in UK.Please reply with details. Ref 867E mail: [email protected]

living in London seeks anacademically/professionally qualified partner fortheir fair, slim, beautiful sister 28 (Nov 1985) 5 feet4 inches height, reading for her PHD in chemistry inthe USA. Please send horoscope & family details.US/UK residents preferred. Neomal [email protected] ,

(UK Resident) seeks partnerfor only daughter, 29 years, 5' 2", currently (abroad)following a Diploma course in BusinessAdministration. Please reply call mobile (UK)[email protected]

seek partner abroad 40s for qualifiedprofessional slim daughter born brought up UKnever married. Left for us to find a partner .Partnershould be qualified professional from UK USAAUS. Please contact with family details. Ref [email protected]

Reliable home help/cook (Sri Lankancooking), 15 hours per week, Kensington area.Good salary, work permit required.Tel: 07886694890 or 0207-795 1664

Newslanka, P. O. Box 27429, London SW9 7WH


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Sri Lanka Football Association was started in 2005,by Mr. Upali Jothiratne a former Sri Lanka Footballplayer, who Captained Zahira College, Colomboplayed in Mercantile Football Association andtoured India and between 1962-64 played forCeylon National Team, Member of Ceylon OlympicFootball Team in 1964. Mr. Jothiratne was NationalCoach of Sri Lanka and was in charge of the tour ofthe Maldives.Sri Lanka Football Association UK donated 200footballs and inflators to schools in the rural areasof Sri Lanka. In October 2009, Mr. Upali Jothiratnealong with Dr. A.K. Thevathasan staged a 7-a-sideSchool Football Tournament in Colombo. In April2011, SLFAUK funded Football equipment fortraining in Polonnaruwa district. Rear AdmiralSarath Weerasekera, President of the FootballAssociation was the Chief Guest. SLFAUK continueto assist rural youth Football Development in SriLanka.This year we intend assisting the Rehabilitation ofchildren in Kilinochchi area. SLFAUK wish to thankHis Excellency Dr. Chris Nonis, Sri Lanka HighCommissioner for Sri Lanka in the U.K. for beingour Patron and Chief Guest at the 7-a-side Football

Tournament and Mr. Tony Matharu, CEO of GrangeHotels Ltd. and Mr. Nazoomi Azhar, GM of GrangeHotels for the donation for raffle prizes.We are happy to inform the public, that thanks toHE Dr. Chris Nonis's recommendations, SLFAUKhave 2 OBA's from Jaffna and 2 OBA's fromBatticalo area participating with the rest of theOBA's from Colombo, Galle and Kandy. This is asignificant achievement for SLFAUK to promotepeace and harmony between all races from SriLanka to work together in order to achieve lastingpeace.The main caterer will be providing excellent SriLankan food to the public and to the hospitalitypavilion (lunch and afternoon tea). Tickets for thehospitality pavilion priced at £10 per person pleasering Mr. Palitha WIjeratne, 0208 450 9052.The official draw for the 7-a-side FootballTournament will be held on Sunday 10th August atLihiniya Restaurant, 66 Cricklewood Broadway,London NW2 3EP at 6 p.m. Registration of OBA'swishing to participate please contact Mr. NimalNavaratne on 07919 541903. Application close onthe 9th August 2014.

SRI LANKA FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION U.K.Presents 9th Annual 7-a-side Football Tournament

on Sunday 17th of August 2014at Wanstead Sports Club (Blakehall Sports Club),


Sri Lanka Football Association - UK, Executive Committee 2014 Front Row L to R Mr Nimal Navaratne, Mr Sisira Perera, Dr AnandaThevathasan, Mr Upali Jothiratne, Mr Mathsiri Wijareyne, Dr Sam Wickramaratna


Back Row L to R, Mr Siano Perera, Mr Chandana Seneviratne, Mr Alan Wahab, Mr Palitha Wijeratne Mr Lincoln Jayasinghe

Dr AnandaThevathasan

Hony Secretary

Mr Upali JothiratneHony President

Mr MathsiriWijareyneTreasurer

Dr. Sam WickramaratnaFootball Tournament


Mr Nimal Navaratne,Media & Football


Mr Sisira PereraVice President

Mr Palitha WijeratneHospitalitySecretary

Mr ChandanaSeneviratneHospitality

Mr Lenie LudwickGround


Mr. Alan WahabPublic Relations


Sponsored by Kevin Saram,

CEO Kevin Refrigeration and Darren Properties

Sri Lanka Football

Association UK

Sunday 17th August-2014




Please contact

Ninth Seven-a-side Football Tournament

Wanstead Sports Club (Blakehall Sports Club)

Grounds, Blakehall Road,

Wanstead, E112QW

Mr. Nimal Navaratne - Football Coordinator

for applications forms and details,

Mob: 07919 541903

Email: [email protected]

Mr. Methsiri Wijeratne 07956 576768

Mr. Upali Jothiratne 020 8450 9052

Sponsored by Kevin Saram,

CEO Kevin Refrigeration and Darren Properties




Please contact

Ninth Seven-a-side Football Tournament

Mr. Nimal Navaratne - Football Coordinator

for applications forms and details,

Mob: 07919 541903

Email: [email protected]

Mr. Methsiri Wijeratne 07956 576768

Mr. Upali Jothiratne 020 8450 9052

Sri Lanka Football

Association UK

Sunday 17th August-2014

Wanstead Sports Club (Blakehall Sports Club)

Grounds, Blakehall Road,

Wanstead, E112QW

Photo by: Nimal Navaratne

SLFAUK 2014Tournament

launchat LihiniyaRestaurant

on the 26th July


BY BUS; 101,145,308,W19




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Every Tuesday7:30pm – 9:00 pm

For any enquiries020 8204 3301

conducted by

Buddhist Chaplain

Dr. Senevi Aturupana


AggamahāpanditaVen. Galayaye Piyadassi, MBE

Chief Sangha Nayake of UK


Monthly Sinhala Sermon Series

You are cordially invited to attend a

special Dhamma


(Resident monk, Buddhangala Forest

Mediation Centre)




Ven. Buddhangala Ananda

the London Buddhist


delivered in Sinhala


Saturday 16th August 2014

at 7.00pm – 8.00pm

All are welcome!

Epic knockfrom P31Moratuwa on topMoratuwa SC took major honours on the secondday of their match against Colts which continued atTyronne Fernando Stadium yesterday.The visitors replying to Moratuwa's total of 230runs, were able to muster only 156 runs with lonewarrior Sadeera Samarawickrama making 57 runs.

Spinner Sahan Nanayakkara turned in a superbspell of bowling to capture seven wickets for 32.The homesters were six for two wickets in theirsecond innings.Moratuwa: 230 all out in 61.3 overs (ShanukaDulaj 89, Krishan Weeraratne 35, Deshan Dias 27,Hasitha Fernando 5-28, Charith Sudaraka 2-40,Akila Dhananjaya 2-107) and 6-2 in 3.4 oversColts: 156 all out in 46.5 overs (SadeeraSamarawickrama 57, Harsha Rajapaksha 30,

Shehan Fernando 20, Sahan Nanayakkara 7-32,Gayan Chamara 2-28) At KatunayakeBloomfield vs Air ForceBloomfield: 197 all out in 63.4 overs (T Ratnayake61, Rukshan Weerasinghe 60, Kasuan Rajitha 3-58, Dushan Vimukthi 3-45, Malith de Silva 2-45)Air Force: 205-3 in 72 overs (Imal Liyanage 72,Vishwa Kanchuka 69, Pasindu Laksanka 23 n.o, TRatnayake 2-45)

(Contd: on P34)

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Epic knockfrom P34Navy stun Tamil UnionNavy Sports Club came up with a stunning displayto bundle out the formidable Tamil Union for 94runs in reply to their total of 282 at Welisara.Sameera Sandamal (4 for 34) and Benedictineskipper Yohan Zoysa (three for 4) wereresponsible for Tamil Union's debacle.

Earlier, the Sailors made a formidable 282 runswith former Anandian Lahiru Jayakody 69 andMadura Madusanka 46 making usefullcontributions.At WelisaraTamil Union vs NavyNavy: 282 all out in 68.5 overs (Lahiru Jayakody69, Madura Madusanka 46, Sameera Sandamal43, Pramod Liyanagama 3-42, Matheesha Perera3-52, Pulina Tharanga 3-97)Tamil Union: 94 all out in 29.4 overs (Ron

Chandraguptha 29,Sameera Sandamal 4-34, Yohan Zoysa 3-4,Lahiru Jayakody 2-16)and 142-5 in 34.3overs (ManojSarathchandra 52, RonChandraguptha 39 n.o,Isuru Buddhika 28,Yohan Zosa 2-29)At KadiranaRagama CC vsNegombo CCRagama CC: 193-6 in74.1 overs (ShamindaMaduranga 73, ErangaRatnayake 30,Dhananjaya de Silva25, Nilochana Perera 2for 6, Kalhan Sineth 2-23).




Abelsons CupAsoka College UK OBA are

delighted to organise this 6 a side

cricket tournament with Abelsons

Estate Agents Limited.

on 24th August 2014The tournament will involve 3 groups of 3 teams

each from 9 Sri Lankan schools old boys teams.

3 group winners plus the best runner up from

the 3 groups will qualify for the semi finals.

Tournament will have a live music band plus Sri

Lankan food stalls.

Please bring your friends and family for a fun

day out.

Winners Price: £350 + Trophy + Medals

Runners up price: £150 + Trophy + Medals

Players of the tournament: £75 + Trophy

If you are an UK OBA or if you require

advise on marketing stalls please call

Dilan on 07704 79 55 33

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By Sa’adi ThawfeeqPakistan plays first Test at Galle on Wednesday( There was a time when Sri Lanka andIndia met each other so often that spectators gotbored watching them. When they qualified to playagain in the 2011 World Cup final there was aresigned sigh of “Oh no, not again”.The twocountries met each other in 10 series’ (three ofthem bilateral) within a four year span (2008-2011)in one-day contests and in three three-match Testseries.It is against Asian foes India and Pakistan that SriLanka has played the most international matches –both ODIs and Tests. Of the 723 ODIs Sri Lankahas played so far, 144 has been against India and139 against Pakistan. Australia come a distantthird with 90 ODIs. In Tests Sri Lanka has played46 against Pakistan and 35 against India out of231 matches.The upcoming Sri Lanka-Pakistan Test and ODIseries is also heading the same way. When thetwo-Test series opens at Galle on Wednesday itwill be the eighth Test series the two countrieshave played in the past ten years and the secondin seven months. The current one is anunscheduled series to satisfy the Pakistan CricketBoard for without it Pakistan would have been leftto face a nine-month drought from internationalcricket. Their last series was against Sri Lanka inthe UAE in January this year.Thus on the current tour to Sri Lanka, Pakistan willbe going straight into the Tests with the only cricketplayed being at the conditioning camp where theyplayed as many practice matches under a newcoaching staff headed by former fast bowler WaqarYounis and comprising another former cricketerGrant Flower of Zimbabwe who is their battingcoach.Since beating England in the UAE in 2012

Pakistan haven’t won a single Test series but willfancy their chances at Galle where they are onlyone of four countries to beat the hosts at theirfavourite hunting ground. However Pakistan’ssolitary win was achieved quite some time ago in2000 when Waqar and Wasim Akram ran riot withthe new ball. Since then Pakistan has lost their lasttwo Tests played at Galle by 50 runs in 2009 andby 209 runs in 2012.Sri Lanka no doubt will be want to improve on theirperformance at Galle after suffering a humiliating153-run defeat at the hands of South Africa afortnight ago. It was their batting that proved to bethe downfall failing to get close to the South Africanfirst innings total and conceding a deficit of 163which eventually proved to be virtually the losingmargin.Since that defeat which was blamed largely on themiddle order batting Sri Lanka has made a fewchanges to their line-up replacing DineshChandimal and Lahiru Thirimanne with NiroshanDickwella and Kithuruwan Vithanage for thesecond Test at the SSC which Sri Lanka camewithin two wickets of winning. Thirimanne hasretained his place in the Test squad for thePakistan series but Chandimal has been relegatedto play for Sri Lanka ‘A’ on their current tour to theUK.Pakistan’s Test squad of 15 players is vastlyexperienced with every member having playedTest cricket. The captain Misbah-ul Haq is theoldest member at 40 years while opening batAhmed Shehzad is the youngest at 22. Theaverage age of the team is 28 years sevenmonths.The last Test series between the two countriesplayed in January ended in a one-all draw withPakistan squaring the series in the third and finalTest at Sharjah with an astonishing run chase

scoring 302 in 57.3 overs to win byfive wickets.Following the annual updatePakistan has moved to third placein the ICC Test rankings behindSouth Africa and Australia with SriLanka lying sixth. In the ODIrankings the roles are reversedwith Sri Lanka occupying third spotand Pakistan sixth.Contestsbetween the two countries havealways provided tight games andthe present one will be noexception.Test squads:Sri Lanka: Angelo Mathews(captain), Upul Tharanga, KaushalSilva, Kumar Sangakkara, MahelaJayawardene, Lahiru Thirimanne,Kithuruwan Vithanage, NiroshanDickwella, Dilruwan Perera,Rangana Herath, ShamindaEranga, Suranga Lakmal, ChanakaWelegedara, Dhammika Prasad,and Nuwan Pradeep.Pakistan: Misbah-ul-Haq (captain),Khurram Manzoor, AhmedShehzad, Asad Shafiq, Azhar Ali,Younis Khan, Sarfraz Ahmed,Umar Akmal, Junaid Khan,Mohammad Talha, Rahat Ali,Saeed Ajmal, Abdur Rehman,Wahab Riaz, Shan Masood.ICC Match Officials:Umpires: Ian Gould (England),Bruce Oxenford (Australia),Richard Illingworth (England).Match Referee: Andy Pycroft(Zimbabwe).

( Vidyaratana University College, Horana,who made the early running, continued theirsuccess story to win the T. B. Jayah MemorialBoxing Tournament which was held for the 45thtime at the Pilimatalawa Central Hall.They overcame the challenge of Royal andSeevali Central, who tied for second place with 20points – four behind the winner. KadugannawaMMW, took third place with eight points.

There was much for the Pilimatalawa supportersto cheer for as G. S. Bandara fighting in the 37-39Kgs weight class was selected the Best Boxer.Seevali Central produced the Best Loser at themeet in H. R. Hushan (48-50 Kgs category).A high standard of boxing was witnessed and thefitness of the boxers was commendable. TKO’swere awarded in only six bouts and in a departurefrom normal practice there were few or no injuries.

Familiar foes meet

By Callistus Davy( Hemal Wimalasekera, one of the finestleft hand batsmen to grace the schools cricketarena of the late 1980s and early 1990s passedaway last week and none of his admirers excepthis team-mates at St. Peter’s College knew hewas given his last rites at a cemetery in downtownColombo.Wimalasekera had more than whattoday’s youth cricketers possess to wear the SriLanka cap, but he chose to pay more attention toan extravagant off-field lifestyle that according tohis former team-mates may have paved the wayfor an eventual kidney infection that caused hisdeath at the age of 41. Wimalasekera becamefamous and feared for his flambouyant cover-drives that devastated bowlers and many whofollowed his exploits at school had no doubts hehad what it takes to hobnob with professionalcricketers.One of Wimalasekera’s team-mates wasthe former Sri Lanka batsman Russel Arnold whoalthough went on to sport the Lion emblem wasnowhere near the class and quality of him atschool. Wimalasekera played in the First X1 teamfrom 1988 to 1991, captaining the side in his finalyear in which he smashed over 900 runs againsttop quality bowlers who hunted in droves at thetime.“He (Wimalasekera) was such a talented andheart-warming person who was very helpful, acomplete team man. In fact he was by far one of

the best left hand batsmen I have ever seen”, saidRoshan Anthony who captained the Peterites in1988 when Wimalasekera made his senior debutas a 15-year old boy.A bubbly and energetic player during his playingdays, Wimalasekera battled medical ordeals in theaftermath of troubled family life and was the fatherof a 20-year old son at the time of his death.Heattempted a comeback to playing an active part incricket by coaching the junior teams of St. Peter’sCollege four seasons ago, but left the set-up aftera short stint unable to come to grips with what hesaw was a different mindset compared to hisCollege days.He later enrolled as the junior coach of DSSenanayake College but was still grappling tocome to grips with his personal tribulations andwas never able to settle into a normal social life.Ata team re-union at the residence of Arnold a fewyears ago, Wimalasekera sat quietly in a cornerand except for his former team-mates, he wasvirtually unrecognizable to outsiders due to loss ofweight. Arnold, Roshan Anthony, Asanga Perera,Indunil Anthony and ex-Sri Lanka opener MalindaWarnapura were some of the former Peteritecricketers who gave Wimalasekera an emotionalfarewell at his funeral.So long, for an ex-schoolboygreat with extraordinary talent who saw the worldat his feet with everything to make the grade, butdied a virtual recluse.

Ex-schoolboy great Hemal Wimalasekerapasses away, unheard, unsung

( Sri Lanka’s RajeendraKalugampitiya held highly rated Swedish

Grandmaster (Rating 2554) Emanuel Berg toa draw in the first round of the Chess

Olympiad currently underway inTromso, Norway. Kalu, playing Board4 countered the Swede’s FrenchDefence and worked out an oppositecolored bishop ending, therebyforcing a draw.Meanwhile Board 1, PrasannaKurukulasuriya lost to GrandmasterGrandelius. The other two games areyet to be completed. In the women’ssection Sri Lanka drew with thestrong Swedish team. The women’steam lost 0.5 to 3.5 to Sweden withYashoda Methmali drawing a toughgame against Jessica Bengtsson.

Chess Olympiad: Kalu holds GM to draw

Vidyaratana hotter than Royal and Seevali

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Upananda Jayasundera Kandy Sports Spl.Corr.( Under the Development Programmeof the government for Urban Development up toNational Development St. Anthony’s Girls’ College,Katugastota got a pavilion worth over Rs. 15million to its playground. This fully equippedpavilion was declared open by the Minister ofSports Mahindananda Aluthgamage on 29th ofJuly 2014.This function was attended by alarge crowd and the ChiefMinister of Central Province,Sarath Ekanayake and memberof Central Provincial Council,Thilina Bandara Tennakoon werealso present. Among the officialswee the Zonal Director ofEducation M.W. Wijeratne,Director In English, C.K.Sandanayake, Deputy Director ofSports, Athula Jayawardene,Himali Senadhera, DeputyPrincipal of Mahamaya on behalfof the principal of MahamayaIndra Withanachchi were alsopresent on the occasion. ThePrincipal of St. Anthony’s Girls’College, Pathma Lekamagereceived the guests. To mark the

occasion an inaugural Hockey match was playedbetween Mahamaya and St. Anthony’s and thematch was won by St. Anthony’s by 3 goals to nil.ResultsSt. Anthony’s Girls’ College led 1-0 in the first half.Nadeesha Wardanahetti centre half of the winningteam scored the first goal and two other goalswere scored by right extreme Nadunka Devagiri.

New Pavilion for playground of St. Anthony’sGirls College

by Revata S. Silva( Sharmal Dissanayake, Sri Lanka’scurrent Under-18 National champion, willrepresent the country in the Youth OlympicGames, to be held in Nanjing, China from August16-28. Dissanayake is a student of Royal College,Colombo. The tenniscompetitions of Nanjing 2014will be held at the TennisAcademy of China from August17-24.A total of five events, namelyMen’s Singles, Women’sSingles, Men’s Doubles,Women’s Doubles and MixedDoubles, will be held for a totalof 64 tennis players, including32 male and 32 female playersin Nanjing. The top threeplayers / teams from eachevent are to be awarded theGold, Silver and BronzeMedals respectively."I’m proud to represent mycountry at this prestigious event. Under-18athletes are taking part in these Games. We wererequired to have a below-250 ITF (InternationalTennis Federation) world junior rank to qualify forthe Youth Olympics. I will take part in both Singlesand Doubles. There will be around 10 athletesaltogether representing Sri Lanka," Sharmal told‘Sunday Island’ before his departure to China.Dissanayake successfully got through his O’LevelsExamination at Royal College last year and wonschool colours for his exceptional sporting

credentials. He represented Sri Lanka in the DavisCup this year and is expected to take part in theAsian Games next month."I hope to start my pro circuit tennis nextNovember in India. I underwent training inFrankfurt, Germany for 10 months. Then I had to

rest a bit due to a back injury. Iwas working with a Thai coachnamed Bastian Suwanpradeepin Germany. There I could playwith top junior players in thecurrent circuit," Dissanayakesaid."My worry is that I will miss theSri Lanka Nationals this year. Icould have tried for my thirdconsecutive Under-18 title thisyear. It would have been agreat achievement but I won’tbe available for the Nationalsdue to the Youth Olympics."Dissanayake has been trainingunder Delhi-based Indianplayer Ashtoush Singh. He

thanked the National Olympic Committee, hisIndian coach whom he said have made him realisea lot of important things in the game, his school,Udith Wickremasinghe of the Sri Lanka TennisAssociation, and his parents, Shiran and Fatima,for helping him excel in tennis.Nanjing 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games willsee 222 events featuring 28 sports. There will be3,808 athletes from 204 nations/regions who willparticipate in this year’s Games.

Sharmal Dissanayake of Royal Collegewill represent Sri Lanka at the 2ndSummer Youth Olympic Games in

Nanjing, China starting on August 16.(Pic by Nishan S. Priyantha)

Chinthana Wasala reporting from Glasgow,Scotland( Sri Lanka’s final hope for amedal at the 20th Commonwealth Games wasshattered when the women’s doubles partnersAchini Rathnasiri and Upuli SamanthikaWeerasinghe lost to India’s Jwala Gutta andAshwini Ponnappa in the women’s doubles quarterfinal match at the Emirates Arena on Friday night.Achini and Upuli had to face tough opposition fromthe Indian duo and failed to create a favourableoutcome for Sri Lanka. They lost the first set 21-10.The Indians wasted no time in moving through tothe semi-finals to taste a medal when they beat theLankan duo 21-9 in the second set which lastedonly eight minutes.Jwala and Ashwhini are ranked 21st in the BWFWorld Doubles rankings whereas the Lankan duo isnot even among the top 500. However they did wellto become the only shuttlers for Sri Lanka to enterthe quarters, beating New Zealanders A Rankin andM Stapleton in the women’s doubles round of 16match earlier on Wednesday. The Lankan lasseswon the first set 22-20 in a toughly contested battlebut they lost the second set to the Kiwis, 18-21.However, the duo was able to win the third set tomarch into the quarter-finals.The Achini-Upuli duo was the last medal hope forSri Lanka, following the exits of Niluka and DinukaKarunaratne, Thilini Hendahewa, BuwanekaDullewa, Madhushika Beruwalage and NadeeshaMurukkuwandura who all failed just before thequarter-finals.Niluka Karunaratne went down to India’s SrikanthKidambi 2-1 during their men’s badminton singlesround of 16 game, Dinuka Karunaratne lost to

Malaysia’s D Liew who is among the top 45shuttlers in the world, Buwaneka Dullewa andMadhushika Beruwalage lost to Malaysians P SChan and L Peijing 21-13, 21-15 and NadeeshaMurukkuwandura and Madushika Beruwalage alsolost to the South African duo 2-1.Men?s 4X400m team fourth in heatsSri Lankan men’s 4x400 metres relay teamcompeted in the heats at the Hampden Park onFriday night amidst a full house of spectators. TheLankan relay team started off with NalinKarunaratne and he handed over the baton toChanaka Jayasekara.By then, the athlete from Trinidad and Tobago wasin the lead while Kenya and Nigeria were in pursuit.Lankans were in the fifth position. Chanaka handedthe baton over to Anjana Gunaratne and the SriLanka national champion Kasun KalharaSeneviratne finished off in the fifth position, clocking3:08.10 seconds. However the Kenyans weredisqualified and it made Sri Lankans the fourth inthe second heat. Trinidad and Tobago and Nigeriamade it to the finals with 3:04.06 and 3:06.66seconds respectively.In a women’s doubles Table Tennis third roundmatch, Ishara Madurangi and ErandiWarusawithana lost to England’s J Drinkhall and KSibley 3-0. The English duo had no difficulty inoutplaying the Lankans and grabbed the threesetter 11-7, 11-3, 11-2.Today is the final day of the 20th edition of theCommonwealth Games and the Lankan cyclists willcompete in the last two events of the Games. Theofficial start list for the men?s and women’s cyclingroad race had not been published at the time ofgoing to press.

Sharmal Dissanayake for Youth Olympic Games

Sri Lanka downsHonduras

( After an encouraging first round wheretwo players drew with Grandmasters in a losingcause (1-3), Sri Lanka defeated Honduras (3-1) inthe second round of the Chess Olympiad,currently underway in Tromso, Norway.Chamika Perera and and RajeendraKalugampitiya won their games while G.C.Anuruddha and Isuru Alahakoon did well to securedraws. This was the first team win for Sri Lanka.Meanwhile the women’s team overcame stiffresistance from Zambia to come off with a 2.5-1.5win. Anuththara Chandrasiri and SupeshalaThilakawardena won their games while YashodaMethmali drew her game.The men’s team will take on Scotland and thewomen’s team Bangladesh respectively in the 3rdround.Most of the favorites in both categories won theirrespective matches with barely a hiccup. However,the host country’s second team stunned secondranked Ukraine 2-2 with top board International

Master Frode Urkedal beating Vassily Ivanchuk .Norway’s first team, led by world championMagnus Carlsen was also held to a draw by lessfancied Finland. Tomi Nyback held Carlsen to adraw.

Lions for four Trinitysportsmen

By Hafiz Marikar( Trinity College rugby player TarindaRatwatte, boxers Ryan Weerakoon and MMSZiyard and cricketer RS Sayer received the Lionmedal at their annual Colours awards.Ratwatteand Weerakoon also received Colours in rugbyalong with Anuradha Karunatilleke, LochanaGirihagama, Isuru Rangala, Sanchana Sheik,Umesh Samarasekera, S Gunatilleke, SDissanayake, JDJ Perera, S Rukshanm SEthulgama and S Perera. Cricketers RonChandraguptha, C Sudaraka, N Weerasinghe, KHiniduma, M Munaweera, AB Jayasinghe and ASrimahan also received Colours.Colours also wentout to boxer DMC Dissanayake.

By Callistus DavyReinvented ground and venue re-commissionedwith a telling message St. Peter’s College fulfilleda long-felt need to rediscover their turf, one of theCity’s most sought after sporting addresses in theschools arena that became a reality on Friday.Refurbished under the guidance of Air Forceengineers, the revamped venue has new cricketpitches, a redone rugby and football playingsurface, space for a 400-metre track and anenclosed basketball court to add to tennis andbadminton courts, a swimming pool andgymnasium.The project was initiallyenvisaged by the school’sformer rector Fr Travis Gabrieland spearheaded by ex-cricketer and rugby captainRonnie Gunaratne, the grounddevelopment committeechairman.But incumbent rector of St.Peter’s College Fr Trevor Martinwarned that all the fanfare andinvestment will count for littlewithout achievements to bragabout as he reminded theschool’s sportsmen that he willsettle for nothing short of thebest.“We have invested heavily(in sports) and go by performance, not byparticipation. You have an obligation to make themost of the facilities available to be champions inall sports”, said Fr Martin, a former junior openingbatsman who played for St. Benedict’sCollege.Among the prominent college sportspersonalities present to herald the re-commissioning of the ground was Sri Lanka youthrugby star and next year’s captain Kevin Dixonwho teamed up with cricketers, football players,martial artists and several other sportsmen at aceremony spiced by Kandyan dancers.A polished trio of senior boy scouts hoisted the SriLanka, Vatican and College flags before theceremony began.The new-look venue will be re-christened with a

ceremonial T20 match between the old andpresent cricketers of the school on August 16.St.Peter’s College indulges in all sports existent inthe country with cricket and rugby being theirflagship sports while tennis has hit an unexpectedall-time high and football on the rise with recentall-island achievements swelling the school’strophy cabinet.Several top shelf cricketers among them Roy Dias,said to be the country’s most elegant batsman,played on the ground as did rugby legendArchibald Pereira and later Sri Lanka exponentsAngelo Wickremaratne, Frank Hubert, the

Patternot brothers Hamish and Rodney, JefferyYu, Jeffery de Jong and Jeyer Rodriguesz amongmany other celebrated products.Six members of the current Sri Lanka rugby team,Sandun Herath, Dhanuskha Ranjan, SharoFernando, Shenal Dias, Soyura Anthony and LeeKeegal graduated at St. Peter’s.The ground, oncea muddy marshland, was initially acquired by thefounder rector of St. Peter’s College, Frenchmissionary Fr. Maurice Lecog in 1930 eight yearsafter the establishment of the school which nowhas a student population of 4000 representing allcultures and classes in the country. St. Peter’sCollege is one of the few schools where studies,sports, martial arts, cadetting and discipline gohand in hand keeping afloat a founding traditionthat is still the envy of many schools in the country.

Peterite flock on greener pastures

Current sporting teams of St. Peter’s College wait to heraldthe re-commissioning of the ground

Lankan medal hopes shattered as Achiniand Upuli are knocked out

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( GALLE: Sri Lanka’s championbatsman Kumar Sangakkara will meet Sri LankaCricket (SLC) secretary Nishantha Ranatunga onMonday in a bid to iron out some of the issues thathave cropped up between the two.Issues surfaced once again when Sangakkaraspeaking on the subject of SLC offering LasithMalinga the option to represent the MumbaiIndians or play for Southern Express.Last year when Sangakkara’s IPL teamHyderabad Sunrisers qualified to play in theChampions Trophy T20 tournament, he had toforego a participation fee of US$40,000 after hechose to play for his local T20 team Kanduratafollowing a statement made by Ranatungaquestioning Sangakkara’s patriotism.Speaking about this issue to a local daily here,

Sangakkara said: “My situation was different. ThePresident and the entire SLC were supportive ofme. It was a case of one individual carrying out hispersonal agenda and vendetta against me.”Since Sangakkara made his famous andunforgettable Sir Colin Cowdrey oration for theMCC a section of the sports administration are nothappy with the conduct of the former Sri Lankacaptain.Even upon the return of the Sri Lankan team aftertheir World Twenty20 triumph in Bangladesh lastApril, some of the statements made bySangakkara and his colleague MahelaJayawardene did not go well with theadministration and they were about to be hauledbefore a SLC committee, but that fell apart.

Sangakkara to meet top SLC official(

The two-Test series between Sri Lanka andPakistan gets underway in Galle onWednesday, with the host aiming toimprove its ranking in the ICC TestTeam Rankings Table, and Pakistanlooking to retain its third position.Pakistan is currently ranked thirdwith 103 ratings points, while SriLanka is eight ratings points behindin sixth position, with 95 ratingspoints.While the final rankings of each teamare heavily dependent on theongoing five-Test series betweenEngland and India, both will beaiming for a series win to avoiddownwards movement.The five-Test series betweenEngland and India will end a dayafter the series between Sri Lanka and Pakistanfinishes. The series between England and India iscurrently locked in a 1-1 deadlock at the end of thefirst three Tests.Meanwhile, Pakistan must win the series tomaintain its hold on third position and therebyclose the gap with South Africa and Australia infirst and second place, respectively, while SriLanka could drop a place to seventh in such a

scenario.On the other hand, if Sri Lanka were to win theseries 1-0, it could move up one place to fifth,while a 2-0 win will hand Angelo Mathews’ side arise of two places to fourth. A series loss by anymargin will mean that Pakistan would drop to sixth.

A 1-1 series deadlock will see bothsides maintaining their pre-seriesrankings.Both teams will start their two-matchTest series with as many as three ofthe top 10 batsmen in the ICC PlayerRankings for Test Batsmen likely tobe seen in action.Sri Lanka’s Kumar Sangakkara, whowas adjudged the ICC Cricketer ofthe Year and Test Cricketer of theYear in 2012 at the ICC Awards inColombo, will lead the charge,alongside skipper Angelo Mathews(sixth) and his Pakistan counter-partMisbah-ul-Haq (seventh) during thetwo-Test series.Amongst the other stars in the top

20, Pakistan’s Younus Khan (11th) and Sri Lanka’sMahela Jayawardena (14th) are also expected toplay.Among the bowlers inside the top 20 of theReliance ICC Player Rankings for Test Bowlerslikely to be seen in action are Saeed Ajmal (fifth),Rangana Herath (eighth), Abdur Rehman (14th)and Junaid Khan (17th).

Prolific batsman Kumar Sangakkarahas scored close to 1200 runs in Test cricketthis year, the most by a batsman and he isranked number two in official ICC Rankings forTest batsman.

( Isipathana College emerged championsof the Milo Division I Under-14 twelve-a-side rugbytournament at the Royal Complex on Saturday.Isipathana beat Science College in the Cup final21-15. Meanwhile, Trinity College beat WesleyCollege in the Plate Final 12-7. S. Thomas’College, Mt. Lavinia beat Vidyartha College,Kandy 20-5 in the Bowl final while Zahira Collegepocketed the Shield title after overcoming NalandaCollege 14-5. The tournament was organized bySri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Union. Pictureshows the champion Isipathana team posing forphotographs. Pic by Kamal Wanniarachchi.

( New Zealand A's batsmencrumbled against the spin of SeekkugePrasanna in Cardiff and fell short of theDuckworth-Lewis target of 136 by 14 runs intheir tour game against Sri Lanka A.New Zealand A made a blazing start to thechase with a flurry of boundaries and were 61for 1 in the seventh over but Prasanna struck ineach of his four overs to reduce the team to 96for 6 after 15 overs. The Sri Lanka A bowlerskept the pressure on the lower order andbowled New Zealand A out for 121 in the 20thover.New Zealand A had chosen to bowl after thematch had been shortened to 40 overs-a-side.

Sri Lanka A had batted for only one over beforeanother spell of rain came and the match wasfurther reduced to 20 overs-a-side.Doug Bracewell struck early and picked up acouple of wickets but a timely half-century fromChaturanga de Silva helped Sri Lanka A post133.The target was readjusted to 136, and the NewZealand A batsmen failed against the spinnerswho shared nine wickets between them.Sri Lanka ‘A': 133-7 in 20 overs (Chathurangade Silva 52, Seekkuge Prasanna 23 n.o,Bhanuka Rajapaksa 21, Dinesh Chandimal 17,Danushka Gunathilaka 15, Hamish Bennett 3-

14, Doug Bracewell2-23, ScottKuggeleijn 1-23,Grant Elliott 1-36)New Zealand ‘A’(target 136 in 20overs): 121 all out in19.4 overs (DeanBrownlie 36, HamishRutherford 35, DarylMitchell 18, AntonDevcich 13,Seekkuge Prasanna4-13, Chathurangade Silva 2-13,Sachith Pathirana 2-13, Lahiru Jayaratne1-22, RamithRambukwella 1-25)(Cricinfo)

Sri Lanka seeks to climb the Test rankings

Isipathana win under-14 rugby title

Prasanna, de Silva star in Lanka ‘A’ winDilwin Mendis Moratuwa Sports Special Corr.During the past Joseph Vaz College,Wennappuwa were famous for Football and haveproduced several players of fame and now theyhave come up in cricket too. They are participatingin all the cricket tournaments conducted by the SriLanka Schools Cricket Association and performswellWarnakulasuriya Weerakuttige Avishka ThulanjanaFernando is the present under 17 division onecricket captain of Joseph Vaz College,Wennappuwa and he has an elderbrother and two sisters and hisparents are Retired MajorWarnakulasuriya Weerakuttige SidneyLal Fernando of Ceylon Light Infantryof Sri Lanka Army and ShiranthiFernando and they live inWennappuwa.He was admitted to Joseph Vaz in2001 and his first class teacher wasMrs Geethani Perera.Since his smaller days he had akeenness for cricket and he wasadmitted to Bens Cricket Club under WilfredFernando. He was selected for the under 13 ‘B’and his coach was Upul Karunaratne and theMaster in Charge was Pradeep Karunaratne andin the following year he was appointed as captainof the under 13 ‘A’ team of division one andbagged 33 wickets.In the next year he was a member of the under 15‘A’ Division one and in his last year he was madecaptain and they came upto pre quarters and lostto St. Sebastians’ College, Moratuwa and he cameunder Upul Karunaratne and TharangaLiyanapathirana.In his first year in the under 17 division one under

the coach Tharanga Pathirana and he claimed 30wickets and this year captaining the same teamcaptured 32 wickets and his best figures were withWickramaseela College with two overs bothmaidens and 5 wickets for no runs with his left armorthodox spin.In the first round out of seven matches Joseph Vazwon six and went down to Sadalankawa CentralCollege and he claimed 20 wickets as 6 for 37against Maris Stella and in the second round they

played three matches and beat ZahiraCollege, Colombo and he bagged 6 for26. They lost to Dharmasoka andAnanda and he took 12 wickets in thesecond round and could not enter intopre quarters and their coach wasTharanga Liyanapathirana.He captained the Puttalam District teamand his District Coach was formerVazian cricketer Vasantha Wijesuriya.Representing in the first eleven team in2013/2014 he captured 28 wickets andhis coach was Mohamed Guruthan.He played in the All Island under 23

division two cricket tournament for WennappuwaSports Club and participating in five matchesclaimed 22 wickets with six wickets againstCustoms Sports Club and a match bag of sevenwickets versus Kandy Sports Club.In addition to cricket he is a member of the schoolEastern Music Group and a Senior Prefect and heis in the Advanced Level Class in the CommerceStream.His present Principal is Fr Priyanjeewa Gunaratnaand class teacher is Niranjan Jansz and Prefect ofGames and Master in Charge are GemunuKumara and Randeer Dinesh Karunarathnerespectively.

Avishka Fernando does Joseph Vaz proud

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