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Weather Jeopardy


Reading a

Weather Map

Water Cycle

Wind& Air


Precipitation & Severe Weather

100 100 100 100 100200 200 200 200 200300 300 300 300 300400 400 400 400 400500 500 500 500 500600 600 600 600 600

Page 2: Weather Jeopardy Fronts Reading a Weather Map Water Cycle Wind & Air Pressure Precipitation & Severe Weather 100 200 300 400 500 600

The boundary between two air masses is called…

Fronts, 100

A front.

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What is this the symbol for?

Fronts, 200

Cold front

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What kind of temperatures might you find behind a

warm front?

Fronts, 300

Warmer temperatures

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Near what part of the front does weather

usually occur?

Fronts, 400

The front of the front

What happened to the cow that was lifted into the air by a tornado??

Udder disaster!

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If all fronts are where air masses meet, how can you tell the

difference between a warm front and a cold front?

Fronts, 500

The front is named for the moving air. (Cold air moving into warm = cold front)

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What direction does a stationary front usually


Fronts, 600

A stationary front is stationary– it doesn’t move.

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Where would you expect to find the coolest temperatures?

Reading a Weather Map, 200

The coolest temperatures are found in the cold

air mass that lies behind

the cold front.

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Where would you expect to find the highest atmospheric pressure?

Reading a Weather Map, 300

The highest atmospheric pressure is found at the center of a

high pressure system, labeled with a capital H on a weather map.

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Where would you would expect to find the lowest atmospheric pressure ?

Reading a Weather Map, 400

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Where would you would expect precipitation to occur?

Reading a Weather Map, 500

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What kind of weather can you expect near the Great Lakes?

Reading a Weather Map, 600


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“The water boogies down bringing stormy weather.”


Water Cycle, 100

Water droplets stick together, become larger and heavier. Eventually, gravity pulls them to Earth.

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In the water cycle, what occurs after evaporation?

Water Cycle, 200


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In the atmosphere, dust particles are

necessary for what to form?

Water Cycle, 300


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What percentage of the Earth’s water is salt

water? Fresh water?

Water Cycle, 400

Oceans make up about 97%

Freshwater makes up about


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Why is the ocean salty?

Water Cycle, 500

As fresh water cycles through the water cycle, fresh water

evaporates and leaves minerals behind. Over time,

the minerals accumulate and becomes more noticable.

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Water reservoirs are used for what?

Water Cycle, 600

Storing water for later use.

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What causes wind?

Wind & Air Pressure, 100

Uneven heating of the Earth

What’s the difference between weather and


You can’t weather a tree, but you can


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Cold air is more dense so it …

Wind & Air Pressure, 200


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As you move further up, atmospheric pressure …

Wind & Air Pressure, 400

Decreases(there is less air pressing down)

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What has a more stable temperature, ocean or

land? Why?

Wind & Air Pressure, 500

The ocean has a more stable temperature

because it takes more sun energy to heat.

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During the day, where is the

air the warmest? Why?What direction is the wind


Wind & Air Pressure, 600

It is warmest over land because land absorbs heat more quickly than water. The breeze will be moving from the cool ocean to

the warmer land.

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Name three types of precipitation.

Precipitation & Severe Weather, 100

Rain, sleet, snow, hail, …

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When water evaporates and becomes water vapor, is it a

solid, liquid, or gas?

Precipitation & Severe Weather, 200


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What happens in the cloud after lightning discharges?

Precipitation & Severe Weather, 300

Thunder. When a lightning bolt travels from the cloud to the ground it opens up a hole in the air, called a channel. Once

the light is gone the air collapses back in and creates a sound wave that we hear as thunder. The reason we see lightning before we hear thunder is because light travels faster than


What happens when it rains cats and dogs??

You have to be careful not to step in

a poodle!

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Collisions of particles in a thundercloud create an electric charge. After a while, the whole cloud fills up with electrical charges and causes ….

Precipitation & Severe Weather, 400


Page 30: Weather Jeopardy Fronts Reading a Weather Map Water Cycle Wind & Air Pressure Precipitation & Severe Weather 100 200 300 400 500 600

This diagram shows the formation of what?

Precipitation & Severe Weather, 500

A hurrican


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In what part of the Unites States are tornadoes most

likely to occur?

Precipitation & Severe Weather, 600

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