

Second Grade

Name this instrument and it’s job.

Name this instrument and it’s job.

Name this instrument and it’s job.

Name this instrument and it’s job.

Weather is: A) what the air is like outsideB) the amount of rain that falls

Which outfit would you wear if it was snowing outside?


A ___ gives us the weather

report daily either on TV or on the


A) teacherB) meteorologists

We can measure how much rain has fallen by using a _____. A) wind vane

B) rain gauge

A ____can tell which direction the wind is blowing.

A) Thermometer

B) Wind vane

A ___ measures wind pressure.

A) Barometer

B) Wind (weather) vane

A ___ tells if the temperature is hot or cold.

A) Thermometer

B) Wind vane

A long time without rain is called a __.

A) thunderstorm

B) drought


Which of the following is NOT a form of precipitation?

This storm has strong winds and looks like a funnel. What

type of storm is it?

• A) thunder storm

• B) tornado

This large storm has strong winds, flooding and heavy rain.

What type of storm is it?

• A) hurricane

• B) blizzard

If too much rain falls, it could result in a __.

• A) flood

• B) drought

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