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Introduction – Skype.

Skype – Tool Demonstration.

Potential Benefits in Learning

Skype & Contemporary Education

Curriculum and Assessment

Activity Time


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Skype is a software application based on web 2.0 that allows users to make Voice

calls, Text, Video sharing, Screen sharing, File transfers and Conference Calls over

the Internet with the people globally located.

It also offers features such as voicemail and call forwarding.

Skype accounts are estimated to be at 250 million users worldwide and the users

are from diverse fields like academics, research, engineering, businesses and people

generally keeping in touch around the world.

Skype is free for download ( and it is free for use between

people in the world who have Skype on their computer or phone .

While calls to other users within the Skype service are free, calls to both traditional

landline telephones and mobile phones can be made for a nominal fee using a

debit-based user account system (

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The link below shows cases Introduction to Skype.

Skype Home page – What is Skype and Who makes it.

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Inexpensive means for students to communicate with peers and teachers around the world.

It opens doors to a wide range of activities that can improve student engagement and intellectual capacity.

Students can instantly share & send documents, pictures, files or presentations to their teachers or each other.

While communicating on Skype, Students can share their ideas with other people .

It provides additional support to students who need extra attention or are unable to be physically present in the class.

While interacting with people from other states, countries, and continents , students understand their culture and learn about their history.

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Incorporating innovative practice into new learning environments which promote higher order thinking skills, increase motivation and create fantastic collaborations.

With the help of Skype, Learning becomes increasingly authentic and engaging as it expands beyond the walls of the classroom.

At some institutions, Skype complements podcast efforts by allowing students and faculty to easily make digital recordings of phone conversations.

Useful link:

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Teachers can do video conferencing with their international students who are at different locations in the world at the same time.

To collaborate, share resources, plan and track the progress of the project.

Skype has made its way onto the computers of students in education who are in remote locations.

It can be very beneficial for special needs students through online learning.

Instant Feedback.

Useful Links: (Study English)

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Download from:

Setup your Skype Name and Account Information

Add contacts while using Skype user name or email and then start chats, sharing files, massages with your friends and family on Skype.

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Internet access required.

Calls to both traditional landline telephones and mobile phones are paid.

Can be difficult to search friends.

Bandwidth variations (Connection may get disconnected or lost).

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To sum up, Skype is free, accessible and most importantly it works! In my eyes that is a winning combination in the field of education.

Page 11: Web 2 tool (Skype team) (Study English) (Using in Classroom)

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