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Kayla SmithED ET 703, Spring 2012WWW MistakesFebruary 1, 2012

Top Ten Web Design Mistakes

1. The webpage contains image/information overload.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to include various images as well as information. However, an abundance of both images and information may detract from and prevent a person from learning the provided material on the webpage. As a designer develops a webpage, it is key to provide the viewer with accurate information and appropriate images, but an excess of both could cause cognitive overload.URL: webpage contains an overabundance of images and information.

2. The webpage contains poor color and contrast.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to choose appropriate background and font colors in order for anyone to be able to view it and learn from the content. Moreover, the viewer should be able to read the content on the webpage with little to no difficulties. As a designer develops a webpage, it is critical to recognize the needs of learners with varying abilities, such as someone with a visual impairment. In short, the designer should arrange for lighter colors to be accompanied by darker colors. URL: webpage contains terrible color choices!

3. The webpage lacks sufficient navigational features.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to develop ways for the viewer to navigate easily around the site. Each page should be consistent, organized, and provide the viewer with a navigational sequence either on the side or bottom/top. This will ensure that a person can navigate from one page to the other – without difficulty. The viewer should also be able to return to a previous page (without using the back button) when the webpage displays sufficient navigational features.URL: webpage lacks organization and does not provide the viewer with consistent navigational features.

4. The webpage contains defective links.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to provide hyperlinks in order to navigate around the site or to simply take the viewer to another page with more information about the topic. However, faulty or defective links may cause the viewer to look elsewhere for the information. As a designer develops a webpage, it is beneficial for someone to examine the site and ensure that all hyperlinks are functioning properly. URL: webpage contains defective hyperlinks.

5. The webpage contains large graphic files that take an extended time to load.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to resize images in order for the content on the site to load in a timely and efficient manner. Furthermore, large graphic files waste the viewer’s time and internet megabyte usage. As a designer develops a webpage, it is helpful for the viewer if the images are displayed using appropriate file sizes and therefore the images do not take an extended time to load.URL: image on this webpage must be a large graphic file because it takes a long period of time to load.

6. The webpage contains several advertisements.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to manage and control the amount of advertisements that are found on the site. Advertisements distract from the learning process and also take a long time to load. In addition, some advertisements have pop-up windows which create frustration for the

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viewer and may also cause computer viruses when clicked on. To conclude, advertisements are major distractions and detract from the main purpose of the webpage. URL: webpage contains several advertisements that distract young viewers and interrupt the learning process.

7. The webpage contains several spelling and grammar mistakes.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to demonstrate proper spelling and grammar mechanics in the information on the site. Spelling and grammar mistakes appear unprofessional which could cause the site to lose viewers. As a designer develops a webpage, it is crucial to display correct spelling and grammar conventions when educating the public; unfortunately, any person could create a webpage and the designer should guarantee that the information is accurate and spelled/grammatically correct.URL: webpage contains several spelling and grammar mistakes.

8. The webpage uses a small font without headings.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to use a font that the viewer can easily read. Moreover, the designer should organize the information with headings and subheadings in order for the viewer to be able to identify the information of most importance. Headings and subheadings allow the website to be neatly arranged so that the viewer may easily recognize the information that he/she is searching for within a particular assignment or task.URL: webpage uses a small font and the viewer is unable to distinguish between headings, subheadings, and the actual information.

9. The webpage lacks a print view.Description: When designing webpages, it is extremely helpful if the site contains a “print view” option. The “print view” option allows the viewer to print the information that he/she considers most important without wasting color/black ink on advertisements and useless material. This choice also uses all of the available white space on a piece of paper so that the viewer can print more information on a page. To conclude, the “print view” option is very beneficial when attempting to only print the material that is needed. URL: webpage lacks a print view; unfortunately, the viewer would be forced to print all of the information on the site, including the advertisements.

10. The webpage contains several animations or flash graphics.Description: When designing webpages, it is important to limit the number of animations or flash graphics that appear on the site. Several of these graphics on a webpage are distracting and interrupt the learning process. For example, the viewer would be more likely to pay attention to a flash graphic because it is colorful and blinks; therefore, it is crucial for the designer to separate the vital information on the site from both the animations as well as the flash graphics. URL: webpage contains several animations that detract from the learning process.

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