Download - Web dev#1

  1. 1. What Is Coding Code is language that allows humans to communicate and interact with computers. There are three basic goals of coding 1. Functionality 2. Reusability 3. Good Style
  2. 2. Continuation Essentially, code needs to be useful as well as efficient, and clean.
  3. 3. How Is Code Developed? Code is usually written and tested in an IDE. An IDE (acronym) is an Integrated Development Environment It is where a programmer creates and runs code to test if it works properly. Often, much experimentation is needed to work out the bugs in ones code.
  4. 4. IDE IDEs are extremely important. For this course, we recommend a free multi- platform IDE called NetBeans. Remember to always test your code after an edit so that you can identify problems immediately.
  5. 5. Basics of Web Dev Websites are created with a combination of several programming languages, including: HTML CSS Javascript/JQuery/Angular JS PHP / SQL
  6. 6. Fundamental Web Dev Languages HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet Together, HTML and CSS designs the basic layouts, interfaces, and displays of web pages. Javascript allows for the creation of responsive websites. While HTML and CSS paint and draw a webpage, Javascript animates them. Angular JS is a javascript framework that is ued to create mobile web apps.
  7. 7. More Advanced Languages PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. Often, it works together with SQL (Structured Query Language) to access and communicate with databases. They are useful when creating account systems on websites.
  8. 8. Categorization of Web Languages There exist two types of web languages: client side languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript), and server side languages (PHP). Languages such as C#, C++ and Java are sometimes used as server side languages as well
  9. 9. Explanation The Server is responsible for serving pages. The Client requests pages from the Server, and displays them to the user. In most cases, the client is a web browser. The User uses the Client in order to surf the web, fill in forms, watch videos online, etc.
  10. 10. Course Outline You dont need to learn all those languages in order to create your own website. If you want to create a basic website like a blog, all you need is HTML and CSS

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