
I choose Annie Leibovitz because her photos she has taken of Disney princess’s I think are amazing. This photo is contemporary practice. The way she has captured this princess called Cinderella running away from the castle which is what happens in her story is spot on. This has probably been taken in a studio to get everything they needed in one place. This photo looks like it’s been painted than someone actually taken it. It looks so clear and done in such a good angle that you can see every detail. She has used the lighting to make sure that we could see that she has left something behind which is her shoe. The light looks like it’s coming from the castle that is behind Cinderella. Which is great because everything around the shoes is dark so you can defiantly see what she is trying to show you. There are so many dark colours which are blue, red and black. The colour blue can mean that Cinderella is sad because she had to leave so really also showing how pure she is as she doesn’t usually go out; the confidence she has to go do what she has done. The colour red is probably used for love because she is in love with the prince in the castle. The black is probably for the fear she has that she might be caught for being there when she isn’t meant to be. But I could be for the anger that she had to go from the party.

This is another photo she has taken which also looks like a painting again. This princess story is about beauty and the beast. This photo is contemporary practice. This photo looks like they are dancing which is in the movie and taken at the right time as well. This is probably in a studio as well to get the right things they needed. She’s has put a lot more lighting on princess face (Belle) to show how young and vibrant she is. She uses the colour from their story which is dark colours except Belle. There are different range of colours which is yellow, blue, black, grey and green. The yellow can represents Belle as she is so young, joyful, happy and full of hope. However there is the beast which is the older man who is wearing blue. The blue can represent how lonely and depressed he was when Belle wasn’t there; the yellow is on the suit he is wearing to probably repent that he’s happier since Belle has joined his life. The black was probably a presentation of that him old self is gone because black can show death. Also that could show how unhappy he was until she is there and that’s probably why she is in so much colour on her than anywhere else. The green can show that he is proud to have her in his life and that he doesn’t want her to go and trying to show her off to the world. Also it shows the environment around them.

The reason why I choose Kirsty Mitchell is because I think her photographs are really well taken and very detailed. This photo is contemporary practice. The location where this has been taken is in the forest or woods. She has managed to get all the lighting going through the trees to light the photo up around the woman and the boat. Colours that she has used brown, green, orange and yellow; yellow is the colour used the most. The yellow missed must have been thrown and she must of taken a snapshot and had good timing to get the perfect photo or she could of taken many and got the timing right. The mist can be trying to make the photograph more mysterious. The woman has a dress on that goes from white, to yellow and then orange. The white shows purity, peace and protection. Yellow can be used to show hope, carefree but also betrayal. The orange can show security, strength and optimism. The boat is just yellow so this must be linked to the woman. This photo really makes people think about what is actually going on in the photo. Why has it been taken and what I the story behind it if there even is a story. The boat and the woman is the main focus and the colour has made then stand out more and the background doesn’t look as clear as them two. This looks so really realistic so the style she must have picked must have been surrealist.

This photograph really caught my eye because of how strange it looks but it still tells something which is wonderful. This photo is contemporary practice. The location where this photograph is in a field near a forest or inside the forest and there is a wide space for her to get the whole photograph. The lighting is quite dark in this phot which can link into the colour she has choose which is blue, purple and white. They are also dark colours; blue can show depression or sadness. The purple can represent wisdom and independence. White could be for safety and protection. This photograph paints a story already but its how anyone can take it. To me with the colours and everything shows me that the person is surrounded by books could be depressed and that’s why she chose to bb herself and just read. Maybe reading takes her away from what making her depressed. Or maybe she just likes to be by herself as she likes to read than do anything else. She could feel safe when she is reading which can show us that she could be wiser from the books and possible really smart. This looks so really realistic so the style she must have picked must have been surrealist. Her face shows that she isn’t happy as she isn’t smiling. Part of her face and her neck is in purple like her dress and things around her.

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