
Application ID: C2.XX

by (name of organisation)

in (country of implementation)


Project title:

Composition of the partnership[footnoteRef:1] [1: According to the Partnership Agreement, which has to be attached to this Full Proposal. A template containing the mandatory content is provided in Annex E.]

A) Partnership Lead

Name of organisation:

Type of organisation:

Location of organisation:

Main contact person





Partnership Lead is part of ☐ demand-side ☐ supply-side (please select!)

B) Demand-side member(s):

Name of organisation

Type of organisation

Location of organisation



Access to target group



C) Supply – side member(s):

Name of organisation

Type of organisation

Location of organisation



Risk taker




Country and region(s) of implementation and gross national income (GNI) per capita of the target country[footnoteRef:2] [2: Calculated according to the Atlas Method by the World Bank.]


GNI/ Income group:


Project duration (in months)

Funding volume

Envisaged ISF funding e.g. 200,000 EUR (44,4 %)


Volume of own contribution[footnoteRef:3] e.g 250,000 EUR (55,6 %) [3: See Cost items that are eligible for grant-based funding and that can be considered as own contribution (Link) ]


Total ISF project costs 450,000 EUR (100%)

Source(s) of your own contribution[footnoteRef:4]: [4: The own contribution may include own resources or co-financing from other donor. Resources received from contributing parties to the ISF (currently the Federal Republic of Germany only) do not qualify as a party’s own contribution.]

Type In-kind or financially

Source (of funding)

Provided in form of


Volume in EUR

Share to total



e.g. Partnership lead – company X

e.g. Staff time

e.g. Awareness raising campaign





e.g. Donor XY

e.g. Cash

e.g. Product design activities






55,6 %

Target group definition and income situation (e.g. households, farmers, SME, etc.)e.g. smallholder farmers with < 2ha

Who will be the insurance policy holder (please select)?

☐ Households/ individuals (e.g. farmer) Direct micro-level approach

☐ Organisations (e.g. collective of farmers) Indirect meso-level approach

☐ Public entity (e.g. national or subsovereign gov. body) Indirect macro-level

How many households (living on less than $ 15 PPP/ day) are expectedto benefit (directly/ indirectly) from the insurance product[footnoteRef:5]?a) Number of households : _______________ till 2020b) Number of households : _______________ by MM/YYYY (project end) - max 24 months [5: For the calculation of the number of beneficiaries please refer to the Project Results Guideline (Link).]

Average household size: ________

Summary incl. background, status quo, objectives, target group, approach (Max. 600 words)

Background, status quo & target group

The overall project objective is….

This requires, amongst others….

(1) …..





Product Characteristics (table to be completed for each type of product!). An example is given below.


Till project end


Product type & status

Weather- index, piloted in two regions

Weather – index, rolled out in 5 regions


Insured asset (directly or indirectly)

Rice (indirectly)

Rice, Maize


Insured climate change related peril(s)




Other insured perils


Pest & Diseases


Number of insured households (directly or indirectly)




Type and Number of aggregators providing access to end-beneficiaries


10 farmers associations


Insurance payout structure

Linear structure (proportional to the drought severity)


Stand-alone or bundled with other services


Stand-alone and bundled with loans


Frequency of payouts & premium levels (RoL in %)

Starting with 10 year events; 6-8%

Starting with 10 year events; 6-8%


Data basis (incl. type, source, granularity, data history, availability)

e.g. satellite, weather stations on 4x4 km grid over last 10 years from national department; publicly available



Indirect, through higher thresholds


Loss assessment method

Based on meteorological data

Based on meteorological data


Average time till the benefit reaches end-beneficiaries

3 months

14 days


Type of basis risk (if applicable)

Applicability of the index itself; Deviation in measurements (on-site conditions insufficiently reflected)


Mandatory or voluntary




Index definition (if applicable)

Certain rainfall amount within the phase of germination

Project Concept (max 25 pages)

Proposals shall be written concisely avoiding repetition. We welcome bullet points and may ask you for a conference call to specify unclear details or open questions.

2.1 Context and problem analysis

Please describe the current situation in the country of implementation / target region(s) as well as why this product is needed, and how it will improve the resilience of the target group/ country / market. Please structure your text by answering the questions below.

· What are the local challenges that you want the project to address? What are the main drivers of these challenges?

· What is the scope of the problem/ risk, and how urgent is it?

i. How vulnerable and exposed is the target country/ region/ group with respect to extreme weather events/ natural catastrophes? What evidence supports this?

ii. To what extent does the target group’s livelihood depend on resources which are affected by extreme weather events/ natural catastrophes?

Describe complementarities / synergies with

iii. other programmes planned/ existing in the field of climate risk insurance

iv. other activities / projects (esp. risk reduction)

v. How will the proposed project relate to them?

vi. If already implemented, what are main lessons learned from these activities/ projects?

2.2 Objectives

Please describe carefully and in detail the objectives of the project. Please explain how the project contributes to the InsuResilience goal and the InsuResilience Pro-Poor Principles (see Link). Please structure your text by answering the questions below.

What are the main objectives and the expected outputs of the project?

How will the project contribute to

i. the development of local insurance markets?

ii. local stakeholders’ ability to adapt to climate change?

iii. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs)?

iv. national / regional climate and disaster risk management plans, activities and policies?

v. reach the most vulnerable people and incorporating the dimension of social vulnerability (e.g. gender, age, disability)?

vi. other measures in the field of climate and disaster risk management (especially risk reduction and mitigation)

vii. other Pro-Poor Principles (see Link)?

Mandatory information:

a) How many households will benefit from the (a) insurance product and (b) other services? Please provide a clear derivation of the figures presented.

b) How many poor and vulnerable households will benefit from the (a) insurance product and (b) other services (by 2020 and beyond)? Please provide a clear derivation of the figures presented (for the definition of poor and vulnerable, please see Link).

2.3 Strategy, Methodology and Work Plan

Please describe carefully and in detail the suggested approach, strategy and activities that define the end-beneficiaries, processes and tools needed to develop the product as well as how you aim to market it. Please structure your text by answering the questions below. Graphs and tables are welcome.

Part A: The Approach

What insurance product(s) do you plan to develop/ enhance/ launch/roll out?

Who will be the policyholder and who pays the premium?

How/ through whom will you reach end-beneficiaries?

i. Which distribution channel(s) will be used?

ii. Please name one or more aggregator(s) that you work with in your partnership and explain your distribution approach.

How are insurance payouts forwarded?

How will end-beneficiaries benefit in case of an insurance event?

How will you raise awareness for your product, educate policyholders, partners and staff?

How will you ensure / verify clients’ understanding regarding the respective insurance product?

Which other services (besides access to insurance) will be provided to the target group / local partners by implementing this project?

Part B: Work Plan

What are the enabling factors that need to be promoted for the project to succeed (e.g. access to data)?

What are the tasks that need to be carried out to deliver the planned results (=outputs)?

Which output/ result is achieved through which component/ set of activities?

Which key milestones have to be achieved to reach planned results?

Please describe briefly the relationship between tasks, desired results, outcomes and the overall objective.

The description should be consistent with the Project Results Matrix, as well as with the following chart and table).

Part C: Background to the approach

Why is the chosen insurance approach the best solution to the problem? What evidence supports this?

i. How does the asserted need and articulated demand of the target group correspond with the proposed solution? What evidence supports this (e.g. demand surveys)?

ii. Why is an insurance solution preferred to other climate change adaptation measures (e.g. distribution of fodder, cash transfers).

Part D: The Structure

Please provide a chart illustrating the flow process and interaction between partners in the value chain.

InsuResilience Solutions FundApplication template (Full Proposal)

Application template (Full Proposal)





Please provide a chart illustrating the relationships between activities, expected outputs, outcomes and the overall objective (this should be consistent with the Project Result Matrix). Please adjust the following example accordingly.

Goal = Overall objective; the broad development impact to which the project contributes – at a national or sectoral level (providing a direct link to InsuResilience goals)

Outcome at the end of the project = Purpose; expected benefits to the target group

Output-level = Desired results; direct services/capacities that the project delivers, and which are largely under project management control

Input = Key activities; tasks that need to be carried out to deliver the planned results

What is the level and extent of preliminary work? What is already in place and what needs to be done during the project? Please fill in the table below. The table may be used as a basis to define key activities and desired results/ outputs.

Status quo

What precisely is in place (e.g. has been assessed) or how is the process right now?

Sources that document the current status (e.g. feasibility study, MOUs)

Status at project end

What will be achieved during the project?

Demand and Needs assessment

e.g. The results of the demand assessment can be found in the attached study

Existing pilots

Partnership agreement(s)

Regulatory framework

(Re-)insurance agreement

Data collection and analysis

Product design

Degree of digitalisation (underwriting, claims assessment, payment systems, pricing, etc.)

Distribution process

Training and awareness raising

Measures to reduce/ overcome basis risks

Linkage to other services, national plans, etc.

Application template (Full Proposal)

2.4 Team composition, responsibilities, coordination and implementation modalities

Please use the questions below to structure your answers.

List the main disciplines of the project. Which entity will be responsible for the implementation of which part?

iii. Describe your team's structure and composition.

iv. What activities will they have to provide?

Which measures will not be implemented by own staff, but by local / international contractor(s)?

How will you manage and coordinate the project?

Please describe partners, other donors, national and regional institutions or others who are involved but not actively implementing the project.

2.5 Local partner structures

To what extent will local institutions, communities be involved in the planning and implementation?

Who are the government partners that will have to cooperate with the partnership / project?

v. What will be their role and responsibilities?

vi. Which activities will they have to provide?

2.6 Risk screening, evaluation and monitoring

Have any adverse effects of the project with respect to social, environmental and health conditions been identified, assessed or considered?

Have legal, institutional and regulatory framework conditions been assessed and considered? What are the results of the assessment?

Please describe how you will monitor and evaluate the project and its progress in order to determine what is going well and what needs improvement.

Application template (Full Proposal)

2.6 Risk screening, evaluation and monitoring

What are the major risks to the project’s success, how likely are these to occur, and what consequences would they have? What measures are foreseen to manage these risks and mitigate their impact where possible? Please provide a table to indicate 3-5 risks to the project, as follows:

Risk category

Political risk (e.g. change in government’s support)

Contextual risk (e.g. legal, institutional or regulatory restrictions)

Operational risk (e.g. technical risk, failed implementation, staff risks)

Budget risk (e.g. budget is not sufficient due to planning mistakes, budget cutbacks)

Business risk (e.g. insufficient demand for the new product)

(Inherent) risk evaluation: low, medium, high

Risk mitigating (control) activities: description, responsibility, frequency

(Residual) risk evaluation: low, medium, high

Risk Category


Risk evaluation

Risk mitigation

Residual risk

Application template (Full Proposal)

2.7 Sustainability & long-term perspective

Are any premium-support measures planned, if so, please explain in what format?

How does the willingness and ability of the target group / insurance policy holders to pay (premiums) correspond with the proposed solution / product? What evidence supports this (e.g. demand survey, study, etc.)?

In case that funding is requested to finance premiums, please provide a convincing phase-out strategy or a credible concept for long-term subsidisation from other sources than the ISF.

How and by whom will the project measures be continued after the end of the project and who will fund them?

How will the sustainable operations of assets created and processes initiated by / under the project be ensured upon completion of the project?

Is there potential for upscaling, e.g. by introducing the product in other regions?

How would you see the product evolve over the longer term (beyond 5 years)?


Describe delineation to and coordination with activities / projectsfinanced from other, external sources.

Please list respective relevant other initiatives and programs (see table below)

Project title

Financing source



Project objectives and activities

Data Protection Declaration

We use your personal data to carry out the application and selection process, the potential conclusion of a grant agreement and the potential implementation of the project with the ISF on the basis of Article 6 (1) of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The provision of the personal data is necessary for the implementation of the application and selection process and the potential conclusion of the grant agreement as well as the potential implementation of the project. In the event of non-delivery of personal data, it is not possible to process the application.

Within this contractual relationship, we will process your data in particular for the performance of the following activities:

Application-related contact, evaluation of the application, contract-related contact, contract management, payment management, project implementation, reporting, monitoring, audit and evaluation.

For more information on data processing purposes, see the Grant Manual and related documents.

In order to fulfil our contractual obligations, your personal data will be disclosed to the partners of IFS, to the members and guests of Technical and Strategic Committee of the ISF and third parties mandated by us within the context of the ISF.

Responsible under Art. 4 (7) EU GDPR is the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management gGmbH, Adickesallee 32-34, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Phone: + 49 (0) 69 154008-0, Email: [email protected]

You have the right to information, correction and deletion, blocking and restricting processing. You have the right to complain to a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of this data violates data protection regulations.


* Please note that a funding proposal will be considered complete only upon receipt of all the applicable supporting documents.

Mandatory supporting documents for funding proposals

☐ Annex A

Work Schedule, staff deployment plan (Excel-sheet)

☐ Annex B

Budget, Costs & Financing (Excel-sheet)

☐ Annex C

Project Results Matrix

☐ Annex D

Information on Partnership members

☐ Annex E

Partnership Agreement

☐ Annex F

Power of Attorney

☐ Annex G

Non-Disclosure Agreement


We, the undersigned are hereby submitting our Full Proposal, including all Annexes in accordance with your invitation.

To the best of our knowledge, the statements made and the information provided in our proposal are complete, true and correct.

We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal you receive.

Place, DateSurname, Name, Organisation, Signature

Place, DateSurname, Name, Organisation, Signature

Place, DateSurname, Name, Organisation, Signature

Overall objective:

Increase the capacity of smallholder farmers in Vietnam to adapt to climate change through the introduction and use of climate risk insurance products

Outcome A: Improved access to climate risk insurance for smallholder farmers in Vietnam

Output 1:


Ouput 2:








Output 3:


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