Page 1:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NGFederation Chairman: Pauline BowmanFederation Treasurer: Lesley Manser Federation Secretary: Michelle GraceyFederation Editor: Vicky Carr Editor Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01765 606339 Office Email: [email protected] Website: Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 9.30am –12 noon and 1.00pm – 3pmOffice Closed All Day Wednesday and Friday: No phone calls or visitors please NYWFWI Charity Reg. No. 513934

October 2016

North Yorkshire West Federation

DENMAN TASTERSun 7th – Mon 8th May 2017

Cost £185

More information inside

Page 2:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

Chairman’s ReportMy mother's words are ringing in my ears, "I don't know where this year has gone, I am sure time goes quicker the older you get and Christmas comes around faster every year." I now actually agree with her words. All jokes aside, I cannot believe it is already October.

However, what a year this has turned out to be! So many events, so many workshops, the AGM in Brighton and so many trips around the country. The

Board of Trustees welcomed three new members onboard. Three WI ladies who have the WI close to their hearts who have signed up to do their best for all of us. New Committee Chairs were voted into office and have already planned their programmes for 2017 and myself as your new Chair enjoying every minute and determined to do my best for you and make a difference.

My first visit, out and about, was to one of the most stunning locations in the area. The ladies in Marske in Swaledale gave me the best ever welcome and laid on a spread fit for a queen never mind a Federation Chair. I took Michelle, our Federation Secretary, with me for the evening as I am aware some of our members have never met Michelle, have maybe spoken to her on the telephone, but it is so nice to put a face to a name and she is a very important person in our Federation. It was a lovely evening, I met a lady who has been in our organisation for 75 years (what an achievement!), and Michelle and I enjoyed the music quiz, had a lovely natter and now look forward to more visits out and about.

You will see under NFWI (on page 3) that the subscriptions for 2017 will now be £39. In my opinion excellent value for money at £3.25 per month or 75p per week - you can’t even buy a Daily Newspaper or a coffee for that amount! Your annual subscription buys you fun, friendship, education and membership of the most respected women’s organization in the country.

Next year the AGM is at Liverpool and you will find all the information on page 6. I hope to meet many of you there. Before that we may meet at the History Wardrobe event or the ever popular Food and Flowers but if not I am always available to contact at either Alma House or on my email address ([email protected]). I would love to hear from you, tell me what you would like to see on our programme of events, what we can do better and what you are doing in your WI. I look forward to hearing from you.


Can you help?In order to improve our communications with our members we have decided to refresh our website. We are now looking to find someone who has experience working with websites to help our digital champion, Hazel Smyth, to complete this task. I am sure that someone out there can help us with this.

contact me at Alma House or my email address [email protected].

Events and Workshop bookingsPlease note we have now changed the booking forms to include a closing date. This needs to be adhered to in order to ensure all the correct information can be collated in a timely fashion.

Please remember that any provisional bookings made by telephone, letter or email can not be guaranteed until payment has been received. Reservations will be reallocated if payment has not been received within 5 working days of the reservation being placed with the office.

200 CLUB DRAWDrawn at Trustees Committee Meeting,

6th July 2016£30 prize – Ann Dixon£20 prize – Ripley Nidd & Brearton£10 prize - Aspin Park

Transports of DelightWI member Sylvia Foxton’s new book about

her travels includes a 6,000 mile cruise across the Pacific and a visit to Antarctica.  She has set foot on Easter Island and the Falklands

(twice), and has climbed the arch over Sydney Harbour Bridge.   

[email protected].

Page 3:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

AGM 2017The NFWI AGM 2017 will be held at the Echo Arena in Liverpool on Wednesday 7th June.We will travel down on Tuesday 6th June returning after the meeting, and will be staying on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis at the Best Western Richmond, Liverpool (

Delegates' costs are paid for by all WIs, on a sliding scale:

WIs with 15 Members or less .......£10.00WIs with between 16 – 25 members £16.00WIs with between 26 – 35 members £27.00

WIs with between 36 – 45 members£38.00WIs with between 46 – 65 members£50.00WIs with 66 and over members... .£70.00

Check the linking list below. The WI at the top of each group can send a delegate or if you cannot find a delegate from your own institute you must pass on the responsibility by contacting Michelle at Alma House on 01765 606339 as soon as possible no later than the end of November 2016. A number of single en-suite rooms have been booked (for which delegates pay the supplement of £20) and these will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Non-delegates who wish to attend as visitors can obtain a ticket for £20 with further cost for travel and accommodation if required payable on booking. The total cost will be for accommodation, travel and ticket £115 (twin) or £135 (single).

Linking List 2017(Institutes sending Delegates are highlighted in grey)

Ingleborough Knox Settle Hampsthwaite SwaleLow Bentham Bilton Austwick Killinghall RavensworthBurton in Lonsdale Scriven Giggleswick Birstwith ManfieldClapham with Horton

Stray Ladies Barnsoldwick Buttercups Bishop Thornton & Shawmills

MelsonbyLong Preston Dallowgill Spennithorne &

HarmbyKnaresborough Bainbridge

Malham Summerbridge Thornton Watlass Harrogate Roses West WittonAirton Glasshouses East Witton Harrogate Rascals Ure with LeyburnHellifield Pateley Bridge Coverdale Starbeck Afternoon Thoralby &

DistrictSutton in Craven Fearby & Healey Ripley Nidd & Brearton

Newton Le Willows & PB

Forest MoorGlusburn w Crosshills

Masham Arkendale Hackforth GoldsboroughSalterforth Grewelthorpe Ripon Belles Richmond Aspin ParkCowling Kirkby Malzeard Marton cum Grafton Marske in Swaledale RibstonBen Rhydding Skipton

DaleswayGrantley cum Winksley

Embsay w Eastby Spa SweetheartsSkipton Ewes Rylstone & District Upper Nidderdale Broughton w Elslack PannalHappy Bundays Kettlewell Burnestone & Carthorpe Gargrave Spofforth Sharow Threshfield &

LintonRipon Centre Skipton w Stirton &

ThorlbyHarrogate Library

Bradley's Both Darley Debs Bishop Monkton Roecliffe Bedale BellesAddingham Askwith w Weston Aiskew Ald, B'Bridge & Dunsforth Bedale CookiesCononley Farnley Estate Burton Leonard Kirby Hill Colburn TownBolton Abbey Follifoot Starbeck Sirens Skelton on Ure Whythit

NFWI NewsSubscription 2017

The NFWI Board of Trustees has set the membership subscription for 2017 at £39.00. The WI share will increase by £1.00, the federation share by 40p and the NFWI share by 10p.

The distribution of the 2017 subscription will be:

Total subscription 2017 WI share Federation share NFWI share£39.00 £19.00 £8.80 £11.20

Figures are worked out on 2016 MCS numbers

Page 4:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

Dual members will pay £19.00 to their second WI. Payment is due from members in January 2017. Pro-rata subscription for new members in their first yearNew members joining the WI in 2017 for the first time, i.e. who have not previously been a member of any WI in the past 10 years, will pay a pro-rata subscription depending on the quarter in which they join. The rate per quarter and the distribution are shown in the following table.

Date of joining 2017

Total subscription

WI share Federation share

NFWI share1 Jan-31 March £39.00 £19.00 £8.80 £11.20

1 April-30 June £29.25 £14.25 £6.60 £8.401 July-30 Sept £19.50 £9.50 £4.40 £5.601 Oct-31 Dec £9.75 £4.75 £2.20 £2.80

There is no pro-rata rate for dual membership, which will be £19.00 at any time during the year. New WIs starting up in 2017 will keep all of the subscription paid by their members for the rest of that year.

Pooling of Fares 2017

The NFWI Annual Meeting pooling of fares contribution for 2017 will remain at £16 per WI. New WIs formed in 2017, before the NFWI Annual Meeting, will pay the pooling of fares contribution.

Database ProtectionThe NFWI is the data controller of the personal data held on the MCS. In accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998), the NFWI is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). MCS representatives have access to the MCS in order to administer the WI membership and WI activities and should comply with the eight principles of Data Protection. The ICO’s website contains very useful information about Data Protection.

WIs in receipt of additional personal data other than the data available on the MCS are not required to register with the ICO. This is provided that WIs only use the personal data for administering membership and activities for WI members. However, WIs must still follow the eight principles of Data Protection. WIs need to consider the following:

When personal data, such as names, birthdays and email addresses is collected: consent must be given from the member whose data you have collected the personal data must only be used for a specific purpose that is clearly communicated to the

member. the WI member must be informed if the purpose changes and they must be given the

opportunity give their consent again WI members should also be informed that they have the right to view their data held by the WI.

When personal data is held it: must be kept up to date, accurate and not excessive must be kept securely (e.g. in a password protected computer, in a drawer) cannot be shared with those who do not need to view the data. If you do decide to share it, for

example amongst your members in your WI, this must be communicated to them in advance and they must give their consent to the sharing.

should not be kept longer than necessaryThe NFWI will provide further guidance on Data Protection in due course

Reports from Committees

Arts and Leisure by Heather Stoney ([email protected])

It has been another busy month for all our members. Firstly I must pass on my congratulations to our three successful entrants to The Lady Denman Cup, it was a very difficult task to select three from all our entries because the standard was very high but the decision was made and

Page 5:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

the successful entrants whose work was forwarded to national are: Jacqueline Green (Hampsthwaite WI), Christine Littler (Glusburn & Crosshills WI) and Carolyn Scarr (Cononley WI). My commiserations go to the unsuccessful entrants and please do not be deterred from entering another year.

A big thank you to all who took part in Sports Week and I do hope that you enjoyed your chosen event. I must express my thanks to all those who helped organise the week it was certainly a challenge. I was very disappointed that we had to cancel a number of events due to lack of support and I would welcome feedback as to where we went wrong! Was it location of venues, timings or the wrong type of event? Any information would help and then we can try harder next time to please you.

At present the winners of the heats of the quiz will be increasing their knowledge in readiness for the Federation Quiz Final at Cracoe on Friday 14th October. Good luck to you all. Everyone enjoyed the heats on Friday 16th September and thanks must be given to the host groups.Finally, the year rolls on and I look forward to meeting with you at the Autumn Extravaganza and the History Wardrobe events.Craft and Home Economics by Gloria Cooke ([email protected])

Workshops in 2017: Our committee is working hard on the workshops programme for 2017 and you will soon see the fruits of our labour. For now, a couple of workshops early in the year have been announced. We're delighted to be welcoming Anne Starkey back once again for another patchwork day – this time it's UFOs! And before that, Kathryn Guy is giving a jewellery-making workshop after we were pleased to meet her at the Great Yorkshire Show. Both promise to be very popular, so book early to avoid disappointment! Booking forms are with your secretary.

Public Affairs by Carol Ambler ([email protected])

Your savings and Information from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA): The FCA urges caution as it reveals an increasing risk of retirees being scammed via investment fraud. Over-65s with savings in excess of £10,000 are three and a half times more likely to fall victim to investment fraud. Investment fraud is often sophisticated and very difficult to spot, with experienced investors often targeted. Scammers may do one or more of the following:

1. Make contact unexpectedly about an investment opportunity. This can be a cold call, email, or follow-up call after you receive a promotional brochure out of the blue

2. Apply pressure on you to invest in a time-limited offer. 3. Downplay the risks to your money. 4. Promise tempting returns. 5. Call you repeatedly and stay on the phone a long time. 6. Say that they are only making the offer available to you.

Do your own checks before investing; check the FCA Warning List and the FCA Register to see if those who are asking for your money are genuine. Be a ScamSmart investor, visit

Denman by Lesley Manser ([email protected])

Denman Taster - Sun 7th – Mon 8th May 2017 Cost £185*Itinerary: Travel to Denman with Bibbys Coaches (Usual Pick Up Points) Lunch and stop at Charlecote Park National Trust Property (additional charge if not National

Trust Member payable on the day) Arrival at Denman approx. 4pm for Tea Evening Entertainment: “The Magic of the Musicals” with James Martin Monday after breakfast: Cookery Demonstration After lunch 2 hr taster workshop. Choose 1 of the following:

Introduction to Family Tree Bollywood Dance Wildlife in your Garden Magic Silk Scarves (additional charge for materials)

Return home after afternoon tea at 4pm

Page 6:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

* Deposit required with booking form £85 (£30 Non Refundable) Interim Payment £50 by 30th January 2017 & £50 by 31st March 2017

Denman FundraisingA small but select number of WI members visited Wendy Jakeman's garden, which was open to raise money for Denman. They helped to raise just over £160 which was sent from Skelton on Ure and Helperby WIs to the Denman appeal. It was a particular success thanks to volunteers who helped with the catering. Wendy's gardens are open as part of the National Garden Scheme and she is always willing to show groups of ladies round, evening or daytime, if they are in search of an outing. Email [email protected].

Jan Bell of Ure with Leyburn - Opened her gardens and raised over £180 for Denman.

Hackforth WI enjoyed an open garden complete with model railway thanks to one of their members and her husband. Combined with tea and cake, the event raised £140 for Denman.Spa Sweethearts WI took over the Wesley Chapel in central Harrogate for a coffee morning, serving drinks and cakes to hungry Saturday shoppers. They had also had the foresight to offer hot pulled pork rolls with home-made coleslaw and, the weather outside being cold and wet, they soon sold out! Combined with a tombola, funds raised on the day were in the region of £500.

Thank you to all for your support. If you or your WI have raised or are raising any money for Denman please let the office know how much so we can keep a running total.

Looking AheadWhat’s on offer in the next three months

Workshops are held at Alma House (HG4 1NG) unless stated otherwise. Please bring a packed lunch for full-day activities. Non-members will be able to sign up for workshops after members have had the chance. Booking forms with your secretary unless stated otherwise. Doors open 30 mins before


Ideas for a Dinner Party – Monday 10th October, 2pm Bolton Abbey Village Hall. Members £10. Join Julie Clarke and Anne Harrison for a cookery demonstration.

ACWW 'Time for Tea’ - Thursday 13th October, 2pm- 4pm. Cost £9 to include Tea and cakes. Support ACWW and find out about our new Project (Disabled Women Skills and Empowerment Project)

Mosaic Workshop – Saturday 15th October, 10am to 4pm. Members £30 plus approx £5 for materials. Learn a new skill with tutor Julie Hand.

Patchwork – Tuesday 25th October, 10am to 4pm Members £20, non-members £25. The last of our classes with Anne Starkey in 2016, this time creating a Log Cabin.

History Wardrobe – Wednesday 26th October, 12noon for 12.30m Kettlesing Village Hall. Members £25.

Dabble Day; Countdown to Christmas – Thursday 10th November, 10.30am to 3.30pm Members £25 including lunch. Prepare for Christmas with this full day of activities – choose two of the four sessions on offer.

Food and Flowers – Thursday 24th November, 10am for 10.30am, Skipton Town Hall. Members £28. Resolution Selection Meeting - Wednesday 30th November, 7pm Tickets £2.50 including tea and biscuits.Calling on all members to come and discuss the 2017 Resolutions, which will be going to the AGM in Liverpool.

Christmas Floral Workshop – Friday 16th December, 10am to 4pm. Members £20 plus approx £10 for materials. Val Guest helps you to create one of three designs for Christmas.

Knitting: Moving on from the Basics – Wednesday 25th January, 10am to 3.30pm Members £20. Lesley Fidler teaches this workshop on ways to up-skill your knitting.

Page 7:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

Jewellery Making – Tuesday 21st February, 10am to 4pm, Members £30 plus cost of materials. Following her success as the Great Yorkshire Show, Kathryn Guy is coming to share the secrets of great jewellery making.

Patchwork UFO – Tuesday 28th February, 10am to 4pm. Members £20. Anne Starkey returns for another in her series of very popular workshops.

Out and AboutPétanque by Kate Jeeps, Burton Leonard WI

Well what fun 24 of us had playing this game on the most beautiful summer evening! This large group of very excited and perhaps rather jittery ladies was gathered together by Heather, our ‘responsible adult’. Our instructor, Nigel, began by giving us a brief but very interesting background to the game of pétanque (French boules), explaining that it is very similar to our own bowls. He then went on to demonstrate the correct throwing action, using the arm like a pendulum to bowl underarm, toss at any height or even roll. The usual method, he told us, was to hold the quite heavy metal boule with the palm facing down, releasing it with backspin from the fingers for greater control. The first player in a team draws a 50cm circle near the end of the piste, being sure to stand inside it to throw. In fact the word ‘pétanque’ itself means ‘feet firmly planted’, either together or astride. Nigel next showed us, along with his friend Charles, how a complete game was played out and how points were scored.

Our moment had then arrived – it was our turn to give it a go! In teams of three, mixing up the different WIs as much as we were able, we played against another team by throwing two boules each. The first player stood in the circle and threw the coche (jack) 6 to 10 metres down the piste and about 50cm from the edge. The same player then threw their first boule as close as possible to the coche. The first player from the other team then tried to throw their first boule nearer to the coche. From this point, the team that was further away from the coche continued to play until they were nearer the coche or had used all their boules. When both teams had thrown all their boules, the team closest to the coche scored points for the number of their boules closer to the coche than the nearest of their opponents'. The games continued until one of the teams had gained 13 points. Fortunately we were very ably assisted in the scoring by Nigel’s team of three chaps who also kept the peace on occasion by judging which boule was closest to the coche, using a tape measure as required!

As our throwing accuracy improved, some extremely competitive spirits certainly came to the fore! I was lucky enough to be a member of ‘Team Tina’ (a Stray Lady) with my friend Pat and, having all got the hang of it quite well, we proudly became champions of our group of four teams! I will definitely play Petanque in the future with family and friends – indeed, the facility is open to the public and suitable for all ages and abilities. My advice is to hire yourself some boules from Oxfam which is just across the way from the pistes and have a really fun time!

Gaping Gill – We Did It!! by Margaret Creek , Askwith with Weston WI

We had an early start on Thursday and by 8.30 we were starting the walk from the pretty village of Clapham up to Gaping Gill. The weather forecast looked somewhat wet all day, but as usual they got it wrong, it was a bit damp to start with but it didn’t rain for the rest of the day! With family and friends there were seven of us in our party.

It’s a pleasant walk up though the Ingleborough estate and past the tarn and caves. We kept up a steady pace as we knew the tickets could sell out fast for the descent. Trow Gill was a bit of a challenge but we managed. We reached Gaping Ghyll after about 50 minutes and registered immediately for the descent. We had about 1.5 hours to wait so it was coffee and sandwiches time!

We donned our waterproofs and hard hats ready for the descent, it takes about 2 minutes each way. We were secured in the bosuns chair and then lowered into the main chamber. The winch is driven by diesel and lowers you steadily down. The stream that usually goes down Gaping Gill is diverted for the winch so there is lots of spray but you’re not going down a waterfall!! For the first 50′ or so we were fairly close to the wall as it descends through the opening, it’s probably about 20′ across…then it suddenly opens up into a HUGE cavern!

Page 8:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

It is huge down there, I can well believe it is the size of York Minster. There was a caver there to welcome us and to give us a guided tour, showing us various tunnels, fault lines (a thick white band going all round the cave) stalactites, he told us the stories of the early explorers. They had spotlights around the cave, the waterfall looked amazing, after the tour we were free to wander round as much as we wanted but we pretty much all came back up once the tour had finished.

It was an amazing experience, we were lucky with the weather as I think the forecast put a lot of people off so there weren’t big queues, but it wasn’t bad enough to close it – there was 30′ of water down there on Monday!! If you have the opportunity to go down, go for it!

Dates For Your DiaryDate Event/Competition Time Venue Booking

fromOct 1st Autumn Extravaganza 10am for

10.30amBedale Hall SOLD OUT

13th ACWW Tea Party 2pm – 4pm Alma House NOW14th Quiz Final 6.30pm for 7pm Cracoe Village Hall15th Mosaics workshop 10.00am -

4.00pmAlma House SOLD OUT

25th Patchwork 10am - 4pm Alma House NOW26th History Wardrobe 12noon for

12.30pmKettlesing SOLD OUT

Nov10th Dabble Day 10am – 4pm Alma House24th Food & Flowers 10am for

10.30amSkipton Town Hall SOLD OUT

30th Resolution Selection Meeting

7pm Alma House NOWDec16th Christmas Floral

workshop10am – 4pm Alma House

Jan 201725th Knitting: Moving On 10am – 3.30pm Alma HouseFeb 201721st Jewellery Making 10am - 4pm Alma House28th Patchwork UFO 10am – 4pm Alma House

Page 9:  · Web viewNorth Yorkshire West Federation October 2016 Federation Office: Alma House, Low St Agnesgate, Ripon HG4 1NG Federation Chairman: Pauline Bowman Federation Treasurer:Lesley

Out and About

Happy Birthday Bedale Belles WI

Spa Sweethearts WI Denman Fundraiser

Gaping Gill – We Did It!!

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