
Cesar Bazoco 05/08/2015English 100BProfessor Simmons Advertisement analysis

Verbal abuse is still abuse

Advertisements are in lives no matter what, they are just there where

ever we go with a message! Companies and Organizations promote varies types

of products, campaigns, and messages through advertisement, since it is the

most effective way to attract attention. In this essay I will be analyzing an ad

based on Child abuse. I chose this ad because it was able to attract my attention

right away and because it can be a very serious topic to discuss with people and

it can be emotional to some audience members. This ad is from an organization

called Juvenile Protective Association based in Chicago mostly. This non-profit

organization helps children who need to have their voice heard when hey are to

afraid to talk to authority when they are beaten at home. Children are being hurt

not physically, but verbal anywhere in the world; words hurt too just like a


These Advertisements were shown to attract mostly older people who

tend to use explicit language around younger kids or even direction the explicit

language at the young ones. The ad is trying to say words hurt just as much as a

hand being put on a child. For example looking at the campaign picture you can

see multiple words being shaped into a hand, the hand is either choking a child

with tears of pain coming down its eyes or the hand is either pulling on the little

girl's blonde hair who is also giving tears of pain. This non-profit was able to

form hands using multiple of verbal abuse language that are hurtful to children.

It formed the hands so that audience can see that "verbal abuse is still abuse".

Verbal abuse brings tears to anyone especially children. Using strong language

will impact the little kid's future by shaping him up to use explicit language at

school or even to their own children one day, it is just a no no. The most littlest

phrases even 2 words, such as " You're stupid" or even " You're Worthless", can

change that little kids life in a matter of seconds. Perhaps when the kid is in high

school he might commit Suicide because he/she just could not take any more

explicit language from the people around them.

Suicide can happen in a matter of seconds! In Palo Alto, where I am from,

teenagers who cross the Cal-Train train tracks are sometime emotional or under

pressured a lot because they cannot be held up to their parents standards, so the

parents talk to them by verbally abusing them. This leads the teens to just stop

on the train tracks and just let the train come and run them over in a matter of

milliseconds! There has been over 3 suicides in 2014 of teenagers just jumping

in front of the Cal-Train train tracks due to stress. Verbal abuse can lead to stress

because sometimes someone is trying to bring you down either at school or at

home and you want to prove them wrong and improve on anything but one just

gives up. This ad could even make up a rope, a knife, or even a train with explicit

language just to get the message out that verbal abuse can lead to many different

things in that kid's life. Choices that can be undone! Choices that can just be to

late to take back! It's to late to tell your kids sorry for all the explicit language

you have told them!

This advertisement uses pathos to show emotion to the audience.

Audience is basically anyone who is old enough to watch television, mostly older

people. The emotion this advertisement gives off is basically hurtful or even

regrets. For example for myself it made me feel sorrow and regretful for all of the

hurtful language I talk to my friends. Hurtful language we use all the time just to

talk with each other and still laugh at each other in a playful way. It made me feel

sorrow because I know now there is children being verbally abuse by maybe the

same language I use every day with my friends. Language we always laugh at

while there might be kids who cry themselves to sleep once they hear that type

of explicit words being said to them. Pathos is being shown because it makes the

audience actually feel regret for just about anything negative they have said to

anyone they know especially children who are screed to have their voices heard.

This ad is made by a nonprofit organization against children who are abused at


This advertisement should matter because many kids are being hurt at

home or at school by being verbally assaulted. Just imagine if you're a

kindergarten teacher and you are teaching a whole bunch of low self esteem kids

who are just always looking down at their desk not being kids at all just dolls

with no movement. Verbal abuse can lead to having low self-esteem through out

their education such as just not wanting to do anything because at home they are

always being called names. This ad shows the actual reality of child abuse,

meaning its not all just physical. Verbal abuse is and still has the same impact of

if it was being physically abuse. It still leaves the child with no hope of being

alive sometimes. Verbal abuse is and always will be dangerous, and it is still

consider to be abuse!

If you actually think about it verbal abuse can lead to bullying. Mostly

little kids who often grow up in a verbal abuse environment tend to go to school

and then become bully. Becoming Bullies lead them to verbally abuse other kids

around them to which can lead to low self esteem and/or suicidal thoughts

because they are being pressured every day by the negative comments being

said. The other message this ad is saying is to not good to abuse children with

words that will just hurt them. Instead why doesn't everyone just fill up kids

with nice motivational messages that will fill up the children with positive

influence in their lives.

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