
МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 10 г. Кировска» (МБОУ «СОШ № 10»)

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№ 95/1 от 31.08.2018 г.

ФОНД ОЦЕНОЧНЫХ СРЕДСТВпо учебному предмету


для обучающихся 2-4 классов

ФОС разработала:Грот Екатерина Леонидовна,

учитель английского языка

г. Кировск, н.п. Коашва2018 г

2 класс

Тест № 1 Прописные и строчные буквы. Алфавит

Ф. И. ___________________________________ класс _____________

1) Соедини заглавные и соответствующие им строчные буквы.


g b t r d l m nf

2) Вставь пропущенные буквы.

_______b, C _______, D _______ , _______f, G _______, _______ k, L_______,_______m, N ________, P _______, ________r, S ________, T ________, V________. ….

3) Исправь ошибки.Kc, Cs,B d ,Tf ,Lm,Rp, Sc, Nl, Pn.


Тест № 2 Где Чаклз?

1. Напиши недостающие буквы.1) b____ d        2)____ ab ____e         3) r ____d ___o         4)  k___ t___  ___en      5)  g___  ___ d____n

2. Перепиши слова, расставляя их по алфавиту:house, window,  lamp, room, ant, vest, rabbit

3. Добавь нужный цвет:a_____________ tree (зеленое)                     a_______flag (красный)        a______egg (белое)     a ________box (коричневая)

4 .Выбери правильный ответ:1. I’m Larry                                          a) Hello, Lulu.                                                              b) Open your books.                                                              c) Hello, Larry

2. How are you?                                    a)Hello!                                                               b) Fine, thanks.                                                               c) I’m Nanny Shine.


Тест № 3 «Я люблю английский» (мой дом)

1. Запиши буквы английского алфавита (заглавную и строчную)

2. Выпиши из строчки с буквами гласные буквы.

3. Соедини буквы с их звуками.


/b/ /f/ / ei/ /æ/ /dʒ/ /d/ /k/ /p/ /s/ /g/ /t/ /h/

4. Соедини слово с транскрипцией:

Snake [blæk]Table [neim]Hat [sneik]Name [ænd]Black [hæt]And [teibl]

5. Распредели слова по типам чтения:Jane, cat, Kate, ant, cake, fat, name, lamp.I -[ei] II- [æ]

Задание по грамматике:6. Соедини местоимение с его переводом:

He онаIt яI онShe оно


Тест № 4 «Я люблю английский» (еда)

1. Вставьте пропущенные буквы и запишите соответствующее число:se……n __ o…e __n….n… __ f….v…. __e….g…t __ …hre…. __…l…v…n __ t…el….e __…ou… __ …en __si… __ t….o __

2. Образуйте множественное число существительных, там где необходимо:acake- abox-asandwich- anapple –please- a cup-

3. Переведите на английский язык:четыре желтых банана-семь оранжевых апельсинов-три синих стакана-

4. Сопоставь вопрос и ответ (впиши верную букву ответа):

1. How old are you? ________ A. He is in the bedroom.2. What’s this? ________ B. He is my Grandpa.3. Where is Larry? ________ C. I’m nine.4. How many lamps? ________ D. She is ten.5. How old is she? ________ E. It’s a party6. Who is he? ________ F. Twelve lamps.


Тест № 5 «Я люблю английский» (о животных)

1. Образуйте множественное число существительных, там где необходимо:a bird- a fish-a chimp- a clown–sing- a boy-

2. Переведите на английский язык:cемь серых слонов-двенадцать розовых кроликов-три голубые рыбки-

3. Сопоставьте вопрос и ответ (впиши верную букву ответа)

1. Can you dance? ________ A. Two clowns.2. Can your friend sing? _______ B. Yes, it can.3. Where is your Daddy? ________ C. Yes, I can.4. Is she in the hall? _________ D. I’m fine, thanks.5. How many clowns? _______ E. Ice-cream, yummy.6. Can a dolphin jump? ________ F. No, he can’t.7. How are you? ________ G. I’m eight.8. What’s your favorite food? _______ H. She is my grandma.9. Who’s she? _______ I. No, she isn’t.10. How old are you? _______ J. He is in the garden.

4. Замени существительное местоимениями: he, she, it, we, theya horse- grandma-clowns- burgers-my friend and I- a girl -Daddy- Larry -

5. Ответьнавопросы.

1. Can you fly?_______2. Can your Grandma climb?________3. Can your Daddy dance?_________4. Can a horse sing?_________5. Canyourun?_______6. Can a chimpswing?_________


Тест № 6 «Я люблю английский» (игрушки)

1. Ответьте кратко на вопросы.1. Is it a toy box ?Yes,………………….2. Can you swim ?Yes,…………………3. Has it got a big nose? No, …………4. Is he in the garden ?No,……………5. Can she sing ?No,………………….6. Have you got blue eyes ?Yes, ………7. Is she three ?Yes,………………

2. Переведите на английский язык:

У него темные волосы и зеленые глаза.

У меня есть балерина

У моей мамы светлые волосы и большие синие глаза.

У слона большие уши.

3. Напиши, где находятся игрушки 1. Кукла на кровати._______________________________________2. Игрушечный солдатик на полке. _________________________________3. Мяч под кроватью. _________________________________________4. Мишка в коробке для игрушек.___________________________________


Тест № 7 «Я люблю английский» (погода)

1. Переведите на английский язык:Две синих шляпы-пять зеленых юбок-

2. Вставьте артикль a, где необходимо….. skirt …..socks…..jeans ……..hat …..coat

3. Напишитеполныеформы:1. What’s the weather like? ________2. He’s wearing red shorts.________3. She’s got a yellow skirt.________4. I’ve got six flowers._______5. I’m wearing pink shoes.________6. It’s windy._________

4. Напиши, какая погода бывает в разные времена года.1. It’swinter. _________________________________2. It’sspring. _________________________________3. It’ssummer. _________________________________4. It’sautumn.___________________________________


Тест № 8 Итоговый тест

1.  Как по-английски поздравить с днем рождения?1) I’m five.2) Bye!3) Happy Birthday!4) Let’s go.

2.  Ответь на вопрос.How old are you?                      ______________________________________

3. Какое слово лишнее?1) happy2) pizza3) burgers4) biscuit

4. Какой продукт не является фруктом?1) banana2) chocolate3) apple4) orange

5.  Раздели цепочку из букв на отдельные слова.Cakeicecreamparty

6. Запиши число рядом со словом.1) seven ______________2) five ________________3) ten ________________4) two _______________5) eight ______________

7. Соедини начало слова с его окончанием так, чтобы получилось название продукта. Запишиответывтаблицу.1) app                          a) olate2) sand                         b) uit3) choc                         c) les4) ice                            d) wiches5) bisc                          e) cream


3 класс

Тест № 1 Снова в школу

1.  Как по-английски сказать «спасибо»?1) yummy2) please3) look4) thank you

2.  Ответь на вопрос.Howoldareyou?                      ______________________________________

3. Какое слово лишнее?1) sad2) pizza3) icecream4) biscuit

4. Какой продукт не является фруктом?1) banana2) biscuit3) apple4) orange

5.  Раздели цепочку из букв на отдельные слова.Icecreamcandlecake

6. Запиши число рядом со словом.1) one ______________2) four ________________3) nine ________________4) three _______________5) eight ______________

7. Соедини начало слова с его окончанием так, чтобы получилось название продукта. Запишиответывтаблицу.1) sand                       a) uit2) app                         b) olate3) choc                       c) wiches4) bisc                        d) les5)  ice                         e) cream

1 2 3 4 5


Тест № 2 «Школьные дни» (учебные предметы)

1)Translate in Russian.1. schoolbag-2. pen-3. school-4. pencil-5. ruler-6. rubber-7. pencilcase-

2) Look and write. 1. 11- 2. 13-3. 15- 4. 17- 5. 20-

3)1.What’s your name?________________________________________________________2. How old are you?__________________________________________________________3. What’s your favourite subject?_______________________________________________

4) Read and translate in Russian.Hello,My name’s Jack. I’m in Year 5 at school.I like 1) английский ________________, 2) изо ______________,3) математику___________, 4) музыку_______________, 5) историю________________.Whataboutyou?


Тест № 3 «Семья»

1. Переведи на английский язык.Мама2 бабушкиДедушка3 сестры2 братаОтец2 счастливые семьи

2. Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.1. are/ What/ they?2. my/ is/ sister/ big/ This.3. her/ name/ What’s?4. happy/ family/ a/ We/ are.5. is/she/Who?

3. Вставь: is или arе.1. My cat ___ big.2. Lulu and Maya __ friends.3. It __ a pencil case.4. They __ toy soldiers.5. Betsy ___ mylittlesister.

4. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.1) What’s this? ----A) It’s a pencil. B) They are teddies.2) What’s your name? ------A) It’s my sister Ann. В) I’m Alex.3) Who’s this? -----A) It’s Bill. B) It’s a chair.4) Who are they? ----A) They’re my mum and dad. B) It’s my brother.5) What’s his name? -----A) Jack. B) Sally.


Тест № 4 «Все, что я люблю» (еда)

1. Переведитенарусскийязык:Orange juice, pizza, milk, chicken,lemonade, ice cream, rice, sausages, Coke.

2. Посмотри, прочитай и выбери:Burger  b)тортWater c)овощиMeat d)кока-колаPotatoes e)курицаCarrotjuice f)молокоCake g)бургерMilk h)мясоChicken i)водаCoke  j)картофель

3. Прочитайивыбери:Wehaven’tgotsome / anybiscuits.Haveyougot some / any carrots?Can I have some / any milk?She’s got some / any sandwiches.I haven’t got some / any fruit.

4. Распредели продукты:Fruit______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Drinks____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Vegetables_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Food______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Orange juice, pizza, milk, chicken, lemonade, ice cream, rice, sausages, Coke.Banana,Orange, Potatoes, carrots


Тест № 5 «Приходипоиграть»

1. Вставьте   am,   is,     are 1.  Sue…. My sister.2.  It….. a cat.3.  My Dad and I ….. happy.4.  They ….. friends.5.  These cats ….. funny.

  2. Вставьте  some  или  any1.  He has got …… apples.2.  I haven’t  got …… tomatoes.3.  My Mum hasn’t got …. pizza.4.  Have you got …… sandwiches.5.  Can I have  ….. lemonade, please?

 3. Вставить    a   или   an…. book,  ….elephant,  ….. tomato,  …..burger,   …. train,  ….orange,  ….egg.

4. Переведите слова1.  Парта2.  Мяч3.  Чайный сервиз4.  Кукла5.  Кола6.  Поп корн7.  Ручка8.  Карандаш9.  Школа10  Сестра


Тест № 6 «Пушистые друзья»

1. Read and correct.Example. Rabbits have got short ears. - Rabbits have got long ears.1. Cows have got small mouths. ___________________________________________2. Tortoises have got long tails.____________________________________________3. Kangaroos have got thin bodies. _________________________________________4. Mice have got big teeth.________________________________________________5. Horses have got short legs.______________________________________________

2. Write the numbersExample: twenty – three – 23

1. fifteen _____ 2. twenty – eight _____ 3. thirty _____4. fifty _______ 5. forty - five ________ 6. seventy – nine _______

3. Read and fill: can, can’t, has got, hasn’t got.An elephant ______________ four legs.It _______________ big ears and a long nose.It _________________ hair.It _________ run. It ______________ fly.

4. Complete the sentences.Example: My grandfather has got three sheep (sheep).

1. ______________(mouse) likecheese.2. Is that _____________(man) your father.3. I’ve got thirty – two _____________(tooth).4. Look! This __________ (fish) is red!5. Bears have got big _____________(foot).


Тест № 7 «Дом, милый дом»

1. Underline the correct word. (Подчеркните верное слово).Example. There is/are four rooms in/on the house.

1. There is/are a fridge in/on the kitchen.2. There is/are two armchairs under/next to the sofa.3. There is/are nice pictures in/behind the book.4. Is/are you in/under the classroom?5. There is/are some food in front of/on the table.

2. Writetheplurals. (Напишите множественное число).Example. a mirror – mirrors

1. a body2. a fox3. a fridge4. a potato5. a shelf

3. Readandmatch. (Прочитай и соедини).Example. Where's the cat? – Under the table.

1. What's in the fridge? a) In the kitchen.2. How many lamps are there? b) It's Sally's.3. Where's Ron? c) Yes, there are.4. Is there a sofa in your room? d) Two.5. Are there any balls on the box? e) A cake.6. Whose is this mirror? f) No, there isn't.

4. Read and answer the questions. (Прочитай и ответь на вопросы)

My grandparents' house is very big! There's a kitchen, a living room, two bathrooms and three bedrooms. There's a cooker and a big table in the kitchen. The living room is green and there are two armchairs and a sofa in it. There's a nice garden behind the house. You can see a lot of apple trees in the garden.

1. Are therethreebathrooms? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Is there a table in the kitchen?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Is the living room green?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Is there a sofa and two armchairs?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Are there a lot of apple trees in the garden?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Тест № 8 «Хобби»1. Read the text and choose true or false.

So, Helen left for the mountains she loved so much and Kate stayed at home in London. Kate`s mother saw that her daughter was lonely. She bought her a beautiful collection of stamps and coins. The coins were in silver boxes and the stamps were in a large album. But Kate didn`t think much of her collections. Collecting things was not her hobby at all.Then Kate`s mother decided to take her to the theatre. Kate was not a theatregoer but she liked theatre very much. From the seats which were in the stalls she could see the stage very well. She could see the actors on the stage and the scenery which was fantastic. She liked the performance very much and said she would like to take part in it. Whenever Kate`s mother could she always bought tickets for this or that famous play.But usually Kate stayed at home. She read a lot. And yet Kate was very weak and it was difficult for her to walk. Life in the city didn`t do her any good.1. Kate left for the mountains she loved so much.2. Kate`s mother bought her daughter a beautiful collection of stamps and coins.3. Kate cared for her collections of stamps and coins.4. Kate`s mother decided to take her to the theatre.5. But usually Kate stayed at home and watched TV.

2. Choose the right variant1. When ___ youborn?a) do b) did c) were2. Whatdoesthisword ___?a) means b) mean c) meant3. My head is full ___ fantastic ideas.a) at b) of c) with4. My sister likes green apples. I ___ likethem.a) also b) too c) either5. Henever ___ lies.a) say b) tells c) tell6. The TV programme wasn`t very good. There are ___ cartoons in it.a) little b) a little c) few7. Let`s meet ___ a quarter past 9.a) at b) in c) on8. He ___ never ___ on the stage.a) have performed b) has not performed c) has performed

3. ListeningMary stayed at home last evening. Her brother Mike went to see a baseball game. Her parents weren`t at home. They were at the theatre. Nobody stayed at with Mary and she was very frightened. She decided to call her friends and invite them to come. Unfortunately, they weren`t at home. Her friend Lucy was at the library and her friends Tom and Jane were at a concert. Mary was very upset. Even her dog and cat were in the street playing with the neighbors` dogs and cats. PoorMary.


Тест № 9 «День за днем»

1. Make plurals.Cat, toy, woman, fox, foot, tooth, eye, man, sheep

2. Translate the words and put them in the right order.MondayFridayTuesdaySaturdayThursdaySundayWednesday

3. Read the questions and find answers.

1. What’s this?2. Is he having lunch?3. Does she play basketball?4. Do you paint a picture?5. Are you sleeping?

a. Yes, I do.b. It’s a school bag.c. No, I am not.d. No, he isn’t. He is having supper.e. Yes, she does.

4. Read the text and answer the question in written form.

Larry’s favourite day is Sunday. He gets up at ten o’clock. In the morning he has breakfast. He drinks milk. Larry doesn’t go to school. He watches cartoons. At one o’clock he has lunch with his family.In the afternoon, Larry plays soccer or visits his friend. Then, at seven o’clock, it’s time for supper.In the evening he plays games with Chuckles and Lulu. They have a lot of fun!At 10 o’clock he has a shower and goes to bed. Sundays are happy days for Larry!

1. What is Larry’s favourite day of the week?2. What does Larry do in the morning?3. When does he have lunch?4. What does he drink?5. When does he play soccer?


Тест № 10 Итоговый тест

1. Tigers can__________ .a. read b) sing c) run

2. Cats __________ fly.a. can b) can’t c) cans

3. ________ you jump and run well?a. can b) have c) is

4. Look! Tom ____________ football.a. plays b) is playing c) are playing

5. Mysisteroften __________ books.a. reading b) read c) reads

6. ________ he like apples?a. Do b) Does c) Has

7. My mother ______________at school two years ago.a. work b) worked c) is working

8. Children ______________TV now.a) am watching b) is watching c) are watching

9. ____________ you go to the cinema yesterday?a) Do b) Did c) Have

10. There are _________ apples on the table.a. some b) any c) an

11. I can’t see _________cats in the room.a. some b) any c) no

12. Is there _______ milk in the bottle?a. some b) any c) no

13. ___________ is the first day of the week.a. Saturday b) Monday c) Tuesday

14. March is _________ month in the year.a. the first b) the second c) the third

15. Whatisthedate? 22.11a. September, 22nd b) November, 22th c) November, 22nd

16. What’s the time? It’s half past eight.a. 7.15 b) 8.30 c) 8.00

17. What’sthetime? 4.15a. A quarter to four b) a quarter past four c) a quarter past five


18. I ____________ hurtmydog.a) must b) mustn’t c) want

19. I want to go to the camp _________ June.a) at b) in c) on

20. My birthday is ___________ January 6th.a) at b) in c) on

21. _________________ isonDecember 25th.a) St. Valentine’s Day b) New Year c) Christmas Day

22. From a railway station I can go by ________________ .a) plane b) train c) taxi

23. Ben wants some water. He is ________________ .a) thirsty b) hungry c) happy

24. _______________ is the capital of Russia.a) London b) Moscow c) Red Square

25. Olga’sbirthdayison ____________________a) July 6 b) July 6nd c) July 6th



1) c

2) b

3) a

4) b

5) c

6) b

7) b

8) b

9) b

10) a

11) b

12) b

13) b

14) c

15) c

16) b

17) b

18) b

19) b

20) c

21) c

22) b

23) a

24) b

25) c


4 класс

Тест №1 «Снова вместе».

1. Read the questions and find answers.

1. What’s this?2. Is he having lunch?3. Does she play basketball?4. Do you paint a picture?5. Are you sleeping?

a. Yes, I do.b. It’s a school bag.c. No, I am not.d. No, he isn’t. He is having supper.e. Yes, she does.

2. Read the text and answer the question in written form.

Larry’s favourite day is Sunday. He gets up at ten o’clock. In the morning he has breakfast. He drinks milk. Larry doesn’t go to school. He watches cartoons. At one o’clock he has lunch with his family.In the afternoon, Larry plays soccer or visits his friend. Then, at seven o’clock, it’s time for supper.In the evening he plays games with Chuckles and Lulu. They have a lot of fun!At 10 o’clock he has a shower and goes to bed. Sundays are happy days for Larry!

1. What is Larry’s favourite day of the week?2. What does Larry do in the morning?3. When does he have lunch?4. What does he drink?5. When does he play soccer?


Тест № 2 «Рабочий день»

1. Look, read and mach.

1.He’s a baker. ____ 2.He’s waiter. ____ 3.He’s a greengrocer. ____4.He’s nurse. _____ 5.He’s mechanic. _____

2. Read and fill in.( a postman, a vet, a greengrocer, a teacher, a waiter, a doctor)1. _______________helpsickanimals.2. _______________ servesfoodanddrinks.3. _______________ sellsfruitandvegetables.4. _______________ takesletterstopeople.5. _______________ worksatschool.6. _______________ worksat a hospital.

3. Makesentences.1. lessons, have, twice a week, I English.

__________________________________________________________2. Saturday, play, They, on, badminton.

__________________________________________________________3. Your, you, clean, How often, do, room?

__________________________________________________________4. wake up, on, does, not, Sundays, easy, she



4. Look, read and match.1. What time is Jenny’s party? _______2. What time is the soccer match?_____3. What time is the piano lesson?_____4. What time is the volleyball match?_____

a. Atquarterpastone.b. Atquarterpastfive.c. Atquartertotend. Athalfpasteight.


Тест №3 «Лакомства».

1. Помоги Анне составить список покупок на вечеринку для 10 гостей lemonade – 3 bottles of lemonade


2. Поставь исчисляемые существительные во множественное число, а для неисчисляемых подбери меру веса /объёма и запиши буквосочетанияapple – applesolive oil – a bottle of olive oil


3. Заполни таблицу продуктами *исчисляемые существительные, по возможности, поставь во множественное число



Тест № 4. «В зоопарке».

1. Read and complete.Hippos are very big animals. They live in Africa. They are very fat, and can be 3,000-4,500 kilos! Hippos have their babies during the rainy months of October and April. They sleep most of the day and eat at night. They eat grass and live for about 40 __________________; live in:__________________;has babies in: _______________and ________________________;eats: ____________________: lives for: ________________________.

2. Read and complete.1 March, April and ___________ are the spring months.2 September, October and _______________ are the autumn months.3 January comes after ___________________.4 ____________ comes after June.

3. Read and choose.1 Liza always is skating / skates after school.2 Look! Adam is eating / eats ice cream.3 Do you usually have / Are you usually having lunch at 12 o’clock?4 It is half past 10. Are they sleeping / Do they sleep now?5 Where’s Nick? – He dives / is diving.

4. Readandcomplete.1. A horse is _____________ (tall) than a sheep.2. A parrot is _____________( funny) than a hen.3. A dolphin is ______________(clever) than a seal.4. Your hair is ______________( short) than my hair.5. Sue’s bag is ______________(good) than Mike’s bag.


Тест № 5 «Где вы были вчера?»

1. Read and write the numbers.e. g. tenth – 10 ͭʰ1. second - _____ 2. fifth - _____ 3. twelfth - ______4. third - _____ 5. first - _____ 6. thirteenth - _____№22. Read and choose.1. It was my birthday yesterday. I was happy / angry.2. Ron wants to eat. He’s clever / hungry.3. It was dark in the room. I was angry / scared.4. My mother works on Saturdays. She’s tired / kind.

3. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then match the questions to the answers.

1. was / with / you / Who ?___________________________________________________________

2. a week ago / Mary / at school / Was ?___________________________________________________________

3. your mother / in the USA / and / Were / father / last year ?__________________________________________________________

4. last night / Where / Kim / was ?___________________________________________________________

5. was / last Saturday / Who / at the party ?____________________________________________________________

a. Yes, theywere.b. Allmyfriends.c. MyUncleGeorge.d. No, shewasn’t.e. She was at the Sports Centre.

4. Read and fill in was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.1. I _______ at the zoo last Sunday. I was at the cinema.2. Where_________ you three days ago?3. Were you at school last week? – No, we __________4. She ________ at the garage yesterday?


Тест № 6 «Расскажи сказку!»

1.Look, readandanswer.

Last night Kate and her best friend, Jennifer, stayed at home and watched a funny film on TV. The film finished at 10 o’clock. The girls were hungry, so they cooked a pizza for supper. Then, they listened to their favorite CDs. It was a wonderful evening!

1. Who is Kate’s best friend? ______________________________2. What did the girls watch on TV? _________________________3. What time did the film finish? ___________________________4. Whatdidtheycook? ___________________________________5. What did they do after supper? ___________________________

2. Read and complete.e. g. laugh – laughed1. skip - ___________________ 2. pass - _____________________3. try - ____________________ 4. climb - ____________________

3.What did Sally do last week? Read and write.e.g. Sally watched a new film on Monday. She didn’t play tennis on Tuesday.1. watch a new film on Monday +__________________________________________________________________2. play tennis on Tuesday -__________________________________________________________________3. cook lunch on Wednesday +__________________________________________________________________4. visit her grandmother on Thursday -__________________________________________________________________5. play with her sister on Friday +__________________________________________________________________6. paint a picture on Saturday -__________________________________________________________________


4.Ask questions. Then match them to the correct answers.e.g. they / play soccer / yesterday. Did they play soccer yesterday? – a1. you / dance / at the party______________________________________________________________2. he / wash the dishes / after lunch______________________________________________________________3. she / phone her Mum / an hour ago_______________________________________________________________4. the children / clean the room / yesterday______________________________________________________________

a. No, theydidn’t.b. Yes, they did. It’s clean now.c. Yes, I did. I danced all night.d. No, she didn’t She was busy.e. Yes, he did. He always do it.


Тест №7 «Памятные даты».

1.Read and fill in good, pretty, loud, strong, kind.1. The children are very ________________. Why are they shouting?2. Jenny always helps her friends. She’sso ___________________.3. My sister has got blue eyes and long fair hair. She’ a really _____________ girl.4. He can lift 100 kg. He is so _______________!5. Fred is the best student in our class. Hegetsonly ______________ marks.

2.Read andchoose.1. Joe … a jacketyesterday.a. bought b) buys2. Alice … milkeverymorning.a. drank b) drinks3. DidPolly … a sandwich?a. eat b) ate4. You didn’t … a letter last week.a. write b) wrote5. Andy drew a nice picture … .a. lastnight b) now6. It … a really special day!a. were b) was7. I … all night last weekend.a. dance b) danced8. What … Phil do an hour ago?a. was b) did

3.Fill the table. (Comparatives and superlatives)


Тест №8 «Куда пойти».

1. Complete the sentences with am, is, are.

1) There … pears in the basket.2) He … not a teacher. He works in the shop.3) It’s raining in the street. I … all wet.4) There … not any chocolate in the fridge.5) … they Americans? – No, but their mother is American.

 2. Answer the questions.

1) What season is the coldest? –2) What season is it now? –3) What’s your favorite food? –4) Why do people wear light clothes in summer? –5) When do you have dinner with your family? –

 3. Choosethecorrectvariant.

1) Listen! The bird … in the tree.(sings/issinging)2) I usually … books in the evening. (read/am reading)3) David … to work; he is a pupil. (doesn’t go; isn’t working)4) They … in the yard at the moment. (play; are playing)5) … you often … trousers? (Do ... wear; Are … wearing)

 4. Complete the sentences with some, any.

1) There is … milk in the bottle.2) Are there … oranges in the bag?3) There isn’t … porridge in the plate.4) There are … carrots on the table.5) Is there … water at the front door?

5. Fill in the words from the table.


winter icecream ski flowers

spring summer rains swim moveicy colours snowman colder birds

In … school finishes and holidays begin. People go to the beach to … and sunbathe. Children like to eat … in hot weather.

In … snow melts. … start to grow – snowdrops, roses, tulips, violets. They are of different … : white, red, yellow, pink. Some … come back from warmer countries.

In … days get shorter and nights get … .It often … a lot. Leaves fall from the trees and birds … to other countries.


In … lakes and rivers are frozen and roads are … and slippery. Children go outside to make a … with a carrot for a nose. Peopleliketo … inthehillsandmountains.

Тест № 9 Итоговый тест

1. Прочитай диалог и вставь пропущенные слова:eyes, put on, think, present, puppy, nine, want, clothes.

Mother: good morning! Nancy, you are (1) _____________ today! Happy birthday to you, my dear!Nancy: Thank you, Mummy. I’m so happy.Mother: Here is a (2) ______________ for you from me! And here is a present from your father!Nancy: Beautiful flowers! Red roses! What is that in the box, Mummy?Mother: It is a (3) ________________ . Don’t you (4) ____________ to have a puppy?Nancy: I do, I do. But is he OK?Mother: yes, he is fine. He is sleeping! Puppies like to sleep very much.Nancy: Will he open his (5) ______________ when my friends come? Well, Mummy, can you help me?Mother: Yes, my dear.Nancy: I don’t know what to (6) ________________ in the evening. What are the best (7)____________ for a birthday party?Mother: I (8) _____________ they are the most beautiful clothes you have. Let’shave a look!

2. Составьте словосочетания и запишите их.переводить новые слова. - ______________________________________читать тексты. - _______________________________________________делать домашнюю работу. - _____________________________________отвечать на вопросы. - _________________________________________говорить по-английски. - _______________________________________учить наизусть. - ______________________________________________петь песни. - _________________________________________________приходить в школу. - __________________________________________

3. Вставь пропущенные слова.1. Tom ___________________ (встал) early in the morning.2. You ___________________ (нарисовал) a nice picture.3. My father ___________________ (играл на) the piano at 3 o’clock.4. His brother __________________ (убирал) his house in the afternoon.5. My grandfather _________________ (смотрел) TV in the evening.6. I ______________________ (читал) English books at 7 o’clock.7. John _________________ (получил) many presents on his birthday.8. I __________________ (ходил) in the park yesterday.

5. Раскрой скобки, употребив прилагательное в правильной форме.1. My sister is the __________________ (good) pupil in her class.2. It is a very ________________ (funny) English book.3. This baby is the _________________ (smart) baby in the world.


4. Mary is a __________________ (nice) girl. I likeher.5. My bike is __________________ (small) than your bike.6. I think giraffes are the ______________________ (beautiful) animals.7. The dog is a ______________ (clever) pet.8. Tigers are _______________ (big) than dogs.

6. Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски.1. I like to swim in the _____________________________ .2. We like to play hockey in _____________________ when it is cold.3. Bananasare _____________________ .4. I usually wear a ____________________ when it is warm.5. I _________________ to school tomorrow. I am ill.6. __________________ year I will go to the mountains.7. What girl has got _____________ eyes?8. Did they ______________ a wale in the Zoo?


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