
Name: ____________________________________AP World HistoryClassical period 600 B.C.E – 600 CE- Map Test Ticket

Standard 4.0 3.5 Not a 3.5 yet

7.10.1 Use maps and other geographical tools to depict historical events and change

42 – 38 points 37.5 – 31 points 30.5 or less points

All maps can be found on Freedmanpedia – Classical Era - - It is also linked on Mr. Wood’s webpage

Map #1 – Cities and EmpiresLabel all of the following cities and empires on the map below – one point each _____/14 points

Cities Major EmpiresPersepolis AssyrianConstantinople BabylonianAthens RomanCarthage Mauryan/Guptan (India)Rome Qin/Han (China)Alexandria Hellenistic (Greek)

Perisan (Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid)Phoenican

Map #2 – Spread of trade and Religion – Label all of the trade routes and spread of religious traditions below- 2 points each ____14 points

Trade Routes Spread of ReligionsEurasian BuddhismSilk Roads ChristianityTrans-SaharanIndian OceanMediterranean Sea

Use the map below to put every match every early civilization with the region of the Map that it belongs- ½ point each _______/8 points

Neolithic River Valley Civilization RegionTigris/Euphrates Mesopotamia

Andes (Chavin)

Indus Valley (Mohejo Dara/Harappa

Yellow River/Huang He

Nile River

Papa New Guinea

Mesoamerica (Olmec)




Mauryan/Guptan (India)

Qin/Han (China)

Hellenistic (Greek)

Perisan (Achaemenid, Parthian and Sassanid


Thinking Deeply About Geography 4.0 questions on your test Look at each of civilizations locations, the trade routes and also the spread of religions:

How do you think that these influenced each other?

Answer with at least 3-4 details ___/3 points


What do you think came first, the spread of trade or the spread of religion and why?

Answer with at least 3-4 details ____/3 points


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