Download - WebERP Customer


WEBERPCompany Login Screen

Fig(1) After Login we get screen like this

Fig (2)

Click Customers Button on right top Customer Page

Fig (3) Now we need to create new customer, Click on New Customer

Creat New Customer Page

Fig (4)

After Submit the Customer create form then it goes to Create New Branch Form

Fig (5)

Successfully create New Branch message for same Customer

Fig (6)

When we click Delete Branch. It shows alert message

Fig (7)

After clicking Edit Branch Details, we will get edit form to edit details

Fig (8)

Click Customer Menu on top right : To search with Partial Name or Branch Name or Branch Code

Fig (9)

Now we will get Branch with Customer Inquiry, Customer Transaction and Customer Maintenance

Fig (10)

Under Customer Maintenance Menu we have, Add New Customer, Modify Customer Details, Add/Modify/Delete Customer Branches, Special Customer Prizes, Customer EDI Configuration and Customer Login Configuration.

Modify Customer Details,

Fig (11)

Under Customer Detail we have to Add Contact Detail

Fig (12)

Back to Customer Maintenance Customer Modify Page

Fig (13)

Now if u click Delete we get the alert message box

Fig (14)

After clicking update we get updated page below shown

Fig (15)

Now click Customer Menu on top right

Fig (16)

Now click in Customer Maintenance Special Customer Price We will get search for Inventory item form to search

Fig (17)

In Stock Category select any one category and click search button

Fig (18)

Click on the button on code column it will goto Item menu (which means that is another module).

Fig (19)

Now again search on Stock Category

Fig (20)

Now click view button on right column to see the details of iteams

Fig (21) Below there is no history of sales of particular item to that Customer. Below that you can see the Show Moments, Show Usage, Search Outstanding Sales Order, Search Complete Sales Order and Search Outstanding Purchase Order.

Come to Customer Menu and click Customer EDI Configuration

Fig (22)

Customer EDI Configuration Click update EDI Configuration to update the details.

Fig (23)

Come to Customer Menu and click Customer Login Configuration

Fig (24)

Customer Login Configuration

Fig (25)

Come to Customer Menu and click Create a Counter Sale for this Customer in Customer Transaction

Fig (26)

Create a Counter Sale for the Customer

Fig (27)

Below click search parts it go to next page to search parts,

Fig (28)

Select any category from category field or type stock code to get the details, below

Fig (29) When u click query entry in top search form it goes to previous page. In above form u have to type quantity you need and click Add to Sale

Fig (30)

Here we have Re-Calculate menu and Process the sale with link (goto iteam details Fig(21)) on iteam code and delete iteam When I Click Process the Site it goes to next page

Fig (31) I am getting error because there is no credit in customer account. (Demo Version)

Goto Customers Menu

Fig (32) Allocates Receipts or Credit Notes - No outstanding receipts or credits to be allocated for this customer.

Fig (33)

Goto Customers Menu

Fig (34)

Modify Outstanding Sales Order

Fig (35)

Select Category and click search parts now, you will get below page

Fig (36) Now click on Add Sales Order Add Sales Order Search Customer Branch Namr or Customer Branch Code or Branch Ph No.

Fig (37) Search by giving Branch Code or Branch Name

Fig (38)

Now click on Branch Column you will get Search Order Item Page Select any one Category and click Use Quick Entry (Before we used search now button)

Fig (39) Fill this and click Quick Entry

Fig (40)

Order Details Form to Entire Delivery Details and Confirm Order

Fig (41)

When I Click Entire Delivery Details and Confirm Order, it goes to next page

Fig (42) In above form there are 3 menus (Modify Orer Lines, Place Order and Create Recuring Order). Click Modify Order List its goes to

Fig (43) After Modifying the form and click Entire Delivery Detail and Confirm Order Now Click Create Recurring Order

Fig (44)

Creating Recuring Order Page

Fig (45)

After click Create Recurring Order

Fig (46) Click Enter New Sales Order For New Sales Order Page you need to search

Fig (47)

Or if you click Select A Recurring Sales Order Template

Fig (48)

After you click Search Recurring Order

Fig (49) After clicking any No. on Modify column :

Fig (50) After Updating Recurring Sales Order

Fig (51)

From Fig(44)

Fig (52)

When you click Place Order

Fig (53)

Click Confirm Dispatch and Produce Invoice

Fig (54)

After clicking Process Invoice

Fig (55) If you click Print Packing Slip (Pre-printed Stationary)

Fig (56)

Print Packing Slip (Pre-printed Stationary) Screen

Fig (57)

Now go to Custermer Menu Click Customer Transaction Inquires from Customer Inqueries Column

Fig (58)

Customers Transaction Inquires (Ther e are no transactions to display)

Fig (59)

Now come to Customer Page

Fig (60)

Click on View Customer Details

Fig (61)

Now go to Customer Page and click Print Customer Statement its display print screen. Now click Order Inquires

Fig (62)

Order Inquiry Search Order by giving order No. or date

Fig (63)

After Search Order Page

Fig (64)

Click any number in Order column to Reviewing Sales order No.

Fig (65)

Otherwise if you search with given category it will display

Fig (66)

After Click on the code button

Fig (67)

Now come to Customer Page

Fig (68)

From below search form u can search for customers by giving the value for Partial Name or partial Code or Phone No. or Address or Type or Area.

Fig (69)

After selecting any customer from the result of search we will get customer page with select one.

Fig (70)

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