Page 1: Webliography: J.Cope


Jacquelynn J. Cope

December 7, 2009


Page 2: Webliography: J.Cope


Menu Slide 1- Title

Slide 2- Menu

Slide 3/4- Article 1 Summary

Slide 5- Article 1 Reflection

Slide 6/7-Article 2 Summary

Slide 8- Article 2 Reflection

Slide 9/10- Article 3 Summary

Slide 11- Article 3 Reflection

Slide 12- Conclusion/ Bibliography LEARN!>>>

Page 3: Webliography: J.Cope

+Technology and The Classroomby Lloydene F. Hill Lloydene Hill discusses how technology

affects the classroom. Technology is rapidly growing every day. It is integrated in our lives, especially in the classroom. No matter the grade level, technology seems to be a huge part of education. Teachers use technology to help engage their students in the lesson as a more creative approach to teaching. Educators also want their students to have access to the internet for research and communication. Not only are students using technology, but the teachers as well. Computers help keep teachers organized so they are on track with attendance, grades, and assignments. There are so many positive ways we can use technology in the classroom today. CONTINUE

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+Technology and The Classroomby Lloydene F. Hill

While technology is very helpful and convenient, Hill is afraid that technology may take over the teacher. Hill believes that technology is a positive tool for educators, but she does not want these educators to get lazy and rely on technology to do the teaching for them. On the same note, she does not want the students to get lazy either. It is disappointing to her to see adults who cannot solve basic math without a calculator or spell correctly without the help of word processor. Hill believes that America today has become to reliant on technology to educate us. She says that technology is not an educator is is simply an aid to help facilitate the teaching and learning process. KEEP


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+Reflection I agree with a lot of things that Hill had to say. Technology is

a great tool for educators and students to use, but no one should become dependent on technology to teach them or to teach for them. This class was very helpful because it gave us a chance to learn on our own; since we are college students we need to learn to be independent and resourceful. Even though we were not in a classroom and everything was done through computers and internet, we had our classmates and teacher whenever we needed to discuss the assignment or if we had any questions. This leads me to online school. Online school is very convenient, but it does not give the hands on experience that may be needed or wanted by employers or by the students. In our class, we had a chance to meet and communicate with the students and teacher. Hill said, “Educators are those who inspire others to learn, and continuously seek knowledge, which is something that technology can, and will, never do.” I really like this quote because it shows that the an educator has, or should have, the passion to teach. Technology does not have that care and compassion for a student that an educator will have.


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+Learning With The Internetby Muthu Kumar

Kumar discussed the advantages of the internet in an educational setting. He believes that in order for students to truly benefit from the internet they need to be taught proper internet literacy. When students know proper techniques for search engines, have evaluation skills, and know what to search for they will be able to identify reliable information from unreliable information. Kumar believes the biggest issue with internet and education is that many students can not tell the difference between truthful information and unauthentic information. He believes that it is up to educators, school boards, and policy makers to ensure that students know the proper techniques for searching the internet.

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+Learning With The Internetby Muthu Kumar

Kumar believes in three basic tools for the educational field when involving the internet. He believes in tools for inquiry, tools for communication, and tools for construction. Tools for inquiry is the understanding of information resources and relating them to the appropriate assignment in a productive way. Tools for communication allow students to communicate and organize thoughts with their peers and interact with educators and students in distant places or in other cultures. Communication also allows teachers to stay in touch with other teachers. Tools for construction is the promotion of Internet sources for student activities such as creating web pages. This also allows students to explore and develop critical thinking skills. Students have the ability to search at their own pace and have more significant connections with the information they have found.

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The three tools Kumar talks about seem like they would be very effective if teachers would only take the time to explain and teach it to their students. I agree that many students cannot tell the difference between authentic information and false content. In high school, I struggled to make sure my sources were valid, and even now I always double check. Students need to be taught to use the internet effectively. They should learn proper searching techniques, what not to look at, and how to use the information they find productively. I have experienced finding great information, but struggling to relate it to my assignment. It takes a lot of critical thinking to take the information found and connecting it with the task or assignment at hand.


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+Class Action: Laptops not AllowedBy: Kathy McManus David Cole, a professor at Georgetown University, finds

himself repeating his questions over and over again. Distracted students with laptops are constantly asking, “What was the question again?” Kath McManus says laptops in the classroom are coming “unplugged”. Too often students are distracted in class by using their laptops for other reasons than taking notes or researching. Many students get distracted by Youtube, IM-ing, social networks, and playing games. McManus says many teachers are planning or have already banned laptops in their classes. Don Herzog, a law professor from the University of Michigan banned laptops for a whole day and was shocked at how many more students paid attention in class. He plans to make the ban permanent.

No laptops? Continue to find out more!

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+Class Action: Laptops not AllowedBy: Kathy McManus

Students are striking back. They are saying that if the classes were not so boring they would not have to entertain themselves with the internet. Educators want to regulate what their students are doing on their computers in class. Either by banning laptops all together or securing the wifi in the class to prohibit internet use.Other teaches think it is ridiculous to try and control what the students are doing to distract themselves. Ann Althouse, a law professor from the University of Wisconsin believes in individual choices and responsibility. She thinks that students should be allowed to make their own choicesand be responisible for what they are learning, or not learning in the classroom.

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Laptops are a huge distraction in the classroom, but when did parents stop teaching manners. If a teacher is giving a lecture or talking to you it is awfully rude to be staring at your computer screen. I hardly ever us my laptop in class unless I am taking notes. Even then I glance up at the teacher to fully engage in what he or she is saying. I do not think teachers have the right to ban laptops or secure the wifi. If the student does not want to pay attention in class then he or she will pay the consequences. In college, and even high school, students are old enough to know they should pay attention in class, and if they do not they are old enough to handle the consequences that come with it. Students will eventually learn their lesson when they find themselves repeating a course.


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Hill, L.F. (2001). Technology and the classroom. Author's Den, Retrieved from

Kumar, M. (2004). Learning with the internet. New Horizons for Learning, Retrieved from

McManus, K. (2008). Class action: laptops not allowed. The Responsibility Project, Retrieved from

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