Page 1: Wedding Invitation Designs and Their Impact on Guests

Wedding invitation designs are what which gets most of the focus and a huge time is spent on them when a wedding is planned. After all, a wedding invitation is what would be leaving a big impact on every guest. A wedding invitation is not just an invitation card or a formal document asking a person to attend the wedding; it is much more than that. The message put on the wedding card holds a very deep meaning and it is also a token of love as well as the mark of a new beginning of the couple. This is why you have to make sure that your wedding invitation design is unique and special. There are plenty of websites on the internet where you will be able to get some good ideas regarding the wedding card designs. Otherwise you can always check out related magazines and books. Here are some tips regarding finding some really cool and amazing wedding card designs: 1) You can choose the wedding cards according to the theme of your wedding. It would be good to see the wedding invitation going well with the design theme of the wedding. For example, if the theme of your wedding is two hearts then for the design of the wedding invitations you can pick up the ones which have two hearts in different designs and colors. 2) Instead of looking for wedding invitation designs in the shops try to do some research on the internet first. You will be able to get far more ideas on wedding invitation designs there in comparison to the shops. Also, since the internet is the king of content you will be able to find what’s in the trend and so you could choose a design accordingly.

Page 2: Wedding Invitation Designs and Their Impact on Guests

When a wedding is planned then a budget is set. As the preparations proceed you will find that you are getting out of the budget limit. This is a very common thing to happen and to some extent this is important too. But the thing is that you wouldn’t want to spend too much cash. So, here are some tips with the help of which you will be able to save plenty of money on the wedding invitations at least- 1) Make sure you buy all the invitations from a single shop as you will be able to get a good bargain then. 2) You can also get free invitation designs on the internet. The websites there are full of them and all you need to do is pick up a good design and get it printed on a hard paper. When it is done then you will have a cheap yet good wedding invitation card. Even though you would have to pay for the paper and ink you would still save plenty of cash. 3) Another thing which you can do is make the cards in your hands manually. This would take time but the quality of the cards would be the best. Creativity is something which you really need when you are designing wedding invitation and for that you need some ideas. So here are some really cool wedding invitation designs which you can self make at your home only-

1) Gatefold wedding invitation design

Page 3: Wedding Invitation Designs and Their Impact on Guests

As the name suggests, in this design the appearance of the card opening is like that of a gate and the invitee would have to open the flaps of the card just like a date door. Making this type of wedding invitee is easy and simple. Things you need- A standard thick paper (in rectangular form) for the main body, adhesive, ribbons, sparkle powder, color pens or markers etc. for designing. How to make- Take the card and taking the sides of it slowly stretch them towards the inside to the center. When you have reached the center then press the curved developed on the sides slowly and check if the flaps are equal in size. Now you have the main structure of the gatefold card. You will have to do some decorations now. Ideally, you should write the main message on the inside block which is seen when you pull the flaps. The decorations should be done on the outside of the flaps. You can add ribbons, draw some decorative doodles like that of the heart etc. to make it look impressive.

2) Pocketfold invitation If the theme of your party is classical then you will love this type of design which is a classic pocketfold invitation card. This would look like the pocketfold letters we used in the 70s and 80s. Using this card for your wedding invitations won’t only make them unique but will also leave a good impression on your guests that you are creative.

Page 4: Wedding Invitation Designs and Their Impact on Guests

Things you need- A good quality envelope, normal hard paper for the card, scissors and additional items like adhesive, color pens etc for decorations. How to make: All you need to do is first cut the card paper in a size which would easily fit into the envelope. Once you have cut it then you can write your wedding invitation message on the card and put it into envelope. The best thing about making wedding invitations by yourself is that you can write separate messages for different guests easily and in fact, you must use this privileged. Now that you have the basic design you can now add details on the invitations. At this point you will have to utterly use your creativity. You would want to make your card classic so avoid too much designing and just keep it simple. In fact, if you won’t use designing then also it would do. Instead write the messages in styled fonts and repeat the same for the text on the envelope. This would do the trick and if you are still not satisfied then you can use one of those wax seals to seal the invitation card. This would give a great classic feel to the card.

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