
Foundation Year 4 Summer

Week 12, Monday, Lesson 1, Art

LO: To learn about the artist Pablo Picasso; to recreate art applying Picasso’s

‘collage’ style

Foundation Year 4 Summer

TASK 1: Compare Art

Look at the two pieces of art created by Picasso above and answer the

following questions.

1) What colours are used?

2) What shapes do you see in his art?

3) What is the topic of these two paintings?

4) How are they similar and different?

5) What do you think about the way he has painted the faces?

6) How would you describe his art to someone else?


Picasso co-founded the Cubist movement. Cubism was a new way of painting in

which artists would paint a person or object from different angles using

geometric shapes. The artists create a picture of something by breaking it up

into different blocks. Picasso, and other artists, later began to add other

material, leading to the invention of collage.

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Collage Art, Creative Learning Task 2

Look at the art work produced by children below.

Your task is to create a face with different geometric shapes. You should aim to

use different mediums (newspaper and magazines cuttings, paint, old fabric

maybe). Remember the effect should be an unusual looking face using the

collage effect, overlapping different shapes and mediums.

These creations are inspired by Picasso. You can see the children have enjoyed

using bright colours, have torn up and cut out different shapes, they have used

parts of faces from old magazines. As well as this, some have chosen to add paint

to their designs.

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Tuesday, Lesson 2, Land Art (Stem Activity)

LO: To learn about artists who create land art; to create your own land art

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Foundation Year 4 Summer


TASK 1: Your Creative Learning Task

You are an artist with no access to manmade

materials. You are to explore your surroundings and

find suitable materials and think about how they will

be used. You could find twigs, leaves, pebbles

(anything that is not manmade).

Once you have created your art work/sculpture, take

a photograph.

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Wednesday, Lesson 3, Science

LO: To understand the importance of garden birds; to observe and record

sighting of bird

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Foundation Year 4 Summer

TASK 1: Create an informative booklet to educate people on birds

Create a bird fact file using the information above as well as your own research.

Find out about more about: magpies, doves, sparrows, blackbird, jackdaw and a

bluetit. (plus any other birds you can think of)

Make sure your facts file is neatly presented and uses a title, subheadings,

pictures, bullet points, facts, statistics and keywords. You could also include a

glossary of keywords on the last page. Visit to help

you with your research.

You do not have to write about lots of birds, just as many as you want to.

Foundation Year 4 Summer

TASK 2: Go into your garden/ or look outside when you are out walking. Create

a chart like the ones below. See how many birds you can see. You might decide

to do this over a week.

Foundation Year 4 Summer

TASK 3: Write a summary

What was the most frequent bird that you saw?

What interesting observations did you notice?

What could you do to protect and look after birds?

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Thursday, Lesson 4, Science

LO: Explore the materials that float or sink; to record your findings


Make a prediction for each object. Do you think it will float or sink?

You will need:

A transparent jar


Vegetable Oil

Things to test: lego

piece, coin, rubber,

small piece of bread).

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Task 2:

Copy this chart. Observe the objects. Do they float or sink?

Place a tick or cross in the chart.

Material Float Sink

Lego Coin

Rubber Bread

TASK 3: Write a summary of your observations


To find out more about floating, sinking and buoyancy visit

(BBC Bitesize)

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Friday, Lesson 5, French

LO: To learn the days of the week in French

This is a free interactive tool for learning French. It is easy to use and fun!

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Task 2: Practise singing the days of the week in French

Foundation Year 4 Summer

Copy the chart below and write in

the days in order.

vendredi samedi

mercredi dimanche

jeudi mardi lundi

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